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A salt storage facility has been located adjacent to Fonda Lake since 1953. In February 1981 a core was taken from the profundal sediments of the lake and analyzed to determine the effects of salt perturbation on the diatom community over a 32-year period. Diatom assemblages from different levels were compared using multivariate techniques including cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Shifts in diatom composition related to salinification were revealed most clearly by subdominant taxa. Five distinct groups of diatom taxa were found to correspond with 5 depth intervals. The diatom component of the lake up to 1960 included two groups of taxa which were alkaliphilous and chloride indifferent. A reduction in species diversity beginning in 1960 may indicate a salt effect. By 1968, when diversity reached a minimum, a variety of halophilic taxa (including Diatoma tenue, Navicula gregaria and Synedra fasciculata) attained their highest relative abundances. At the top of the core, diversity increased slightly and some halophilic taxa decreased in relative abundance, which suggests a possible decrease in salt loading to the lake.  相似文献   

On Île de la Possession (Crozet Archipelago, sub-Antarctica), the testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) fauna in soils around abandoned and occupied nests of the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) was investigated. A comparison with control samples, a cluster analysis and several ordination techniques indicated that the presence of the breeding albatrosses induced modifications in physico-chemical soil characteristics and in the soil inhabiting testacean fauna. Only 11 testate species occurred frequently in the soils in the albatross’ zone. Soils around occupied nests had significantly higher moisture values, less acid pH values, an increased specific conductance and elevated phosphate and ammonium concentrations. Highly influenced testacean communities were characterised by high abundances of Difflugiella oviformis and extremely high abundances of Trinema lineare, resulting in a very low diversity and evenness within these communities. The intermediary situation of one abandoned nest indicated that soils around abandoned nests evolve gradually back to undisturbed soils. Although an overall negative influence on the testacean diversity, a limited albatross’ influence may increase the living fraction within the testacean soil communities.  相似文献   

1. Ants modify soil properties via nest construction and by doing this modulate soil resources for other organisms. In this sense ants are recognised as ecosystem engineers. 2. In this framework, two less well‐studied issues are focused on: (i) the permanence of the effects of ant nests on plant communities after colonies have died, and (ii) the scaling up from patch to landscape‐scale effects. 3. The aim of the present study was to address these issues in the open dry forests of Uruguay, inhabited by the ant Atta vollenweideri Forel. The active and abandoned nests of this ant represent different and conspicuous patches (30–60 m2) in the landscape. 4. The soil concentration of sodium, a key element in the system, was substantially higher among active nests, and remains high during the early stages of abandoned nests. Woody species abundance, richness, and composition were affected at the patch scale, and simulation models suggested an increase in species richness at the landscape scale. 5. The present study highlights the importance of abandoned nests for plant‐species richness in the ecosystem engineer framework and the need to advance in an integrative approach to study both local and landscape effects of ant's nests.  相似文献   

Nesting seabirds import marine-derived nutrients into terrestrial food webs, affecting invertebrate abundance and community composition directly, through provision of decaying animal matter as a food source, and indirectly through effects on vegetation and prey abundance. Invertebrates have shown strong responses to seabird presence in some, but not all, ecosystems previously studied. In contrast to mainland range contractions, New Zealand’s subantarctic islands retain abundant seabird populations. We sampled ground invertebrates on mammal-free Adams Island, using pitfall traps. We surveyed sites in two vegetation types (tussock and forest) with either no nesting seabirds or nesting colonies of Gibson’s wandering albatross, sooty shearwaters or white-headed petrels. We collected 11 invertebrate orders and identified 20 Coleoptera species or higher taxa. The carrion beetle, Paracatops antipoda comprised over 50 % of Coleoptera individuals collected. P. antipoda was more abundant in forest than tussock and was positively associated with sooty shearwaters and negatively associated with white-headed petrels when compared with bird-free sites using a Poisson generalized linear model. Sooty shearwaters were also associated with elevated abundance of several herbivorous and invertebrate decomposer taxa. Nesting seabirds do appear to influence invertebrate community composition on Adams Island, but the direction of this effect appears to be taxa-specific. Further sampling with spatial replication of colonies is required to determine the extent to which these apparent taxa-specific responses are consistent across colonies and habitats.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the main parameters of the nest structure and composition in Euodynerus quadrifasciatus, Eu. dantici, Eu. disconotatus, and Eu. velutinus in the Crimea is given. Nests of all the studied species were obtained from trap-nests made of reed stems; the nests of Eu. dantici and Eu. disconotatus were additionally obtained from the abandoned cells of the nests of Sceliphron destillatorium. The nest of Eu. quadrifasciatus consists of a consecutive row of cells, each cell having its own bottom and lid with empty space between them; the nests of three other species consist of an uninterrupted row of cells without spaces, so that the cell bottoms act as partitions. The data on the diameter and length of nest cavities occupied by the studied species, the number of cells in nests, the sex ratio and the length of the cells with prospective females and males are reported. The correlations between the length of the cells and the diameter of the occupied cavities and between the length of the rear empty nest space and vestibule and the length of the occupied nest cavity are analyzed. The structure of cocoons and final nest plugs are described. The difference in the evolution of nest building instincts in members of the subgenera Pareuodynerus and Euodynerus s. str. and the role of adaptation to nest tenantry in the evolution of nest building instincts of Eu. dantici and Eu. disconotatus are discussed.  相似文献   

Nests of social insects are usually inhabited by various mite species that feed on pollen, other micro-arthropods or are parasitic. Well-known negative effects of worldwide economic importance are caused by mites parasitizing honeybee colonies. Lately, attention has focused on the endoparasitic mite Locustacarus buchneri that has been found in commercial bumblebees. However, little is known of other mites associated with commercial bumblebee nests. Transportation of commercial bumblebee colonies with unwanted residents may introduce foreign mite species to new localities. In this study, we assessed the prevalence and species composition of mites associated with commercial bumblebee nests and determined if the mites are foreign species for Poland and for Europe. The study was conducted on 37 commercial bumblebee nests from two companies (Dutch and Israeli), originating from two greenhouses in southern Poland, and on 20 commercial bumblebee colonies obtained directly from suppliers. The species composition and abundance of mites inhabiting commercial bumblebee nests were determined. Seven mite species from three families were found in nests after greenhouse exploitation. The predominant mite species was Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acaridae) that was a 100-fold more numerous than representatives of the family Laelapidae (Hypoaspis marginepilosa, H. hyatti, H. bombicolens). Representatives of Parasitidae (Parasitellus fucorum, P. crinitus, P. ignotus) were least numerous. All identified mite species are common throughout Europe, foreign species were not found. Mites were not detected in nests obtained directly from suppliers. We conclude that probably bumblebee nests are invaded by local mite species during greenhouse exploitation.  相似文献   

Periphytic diatoms are a key primary producer in floodplain systems. In this study, we assessed the species and functional traits in the periphytic diatom community in three lentic environments directly connected to the Paraná River shortly after damming and a decade later. Samples were collected in 2001–2002 and 2010–2011 during high waters phase. Periphytic samples were obtained from Eichhornia azurea Kunth, found in the shore zone of these environments. We recorded a total of 90 diatom species. 47 taxa were exclusive during the period shortly after damming and 18 taxa were only found in 2010–2011. The analysis of the similarity, diversity, beta diversity and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) suggested that there were differences in the species and functional traits of the periphytic diatom community between the two study periods. Variations in water transparency and nutrient (including nitrogen and phosphorus forms) were the most important variables shaping diatom communities diatoms during the study periods. High and motile profiles were characteristic shortly after damming and taxa of high and low profiles predominated a decade later. High transparency, high water and nitrogen levels favored the development of high and low profile, such as Gomphonema augur var. augur, Synedra goulardii and Amphora sp., whereas taxa belonging to high-profile and motile algae (e.g., Eunotia indica, Nitzschia amphibia) were found in the opposite conditions. Species turnover was an important diversity component that was greatly influenced by limnologic differences over time, represented by environmental and temporal dissimilarities between the years. These changes reinforce the modifications that have occurred in the environmental component of the Upper Paraná River floodplain downstream of the dam from the start of its operation.  相似文献   

High‐quality calibration data sets are required when diatom assemblages are used for monitoring ecological change or reconstructing palaeo‐environments. The quality of such data sets can be validated, in addition to other criteria, by the percentage of significant unimodal species responses as a measure of the length of an environmental gradient. This study presents diatom‐environment relationships analyzed from a robust data set of diatom communities living on submerged stones along a 2,000 km long coastline in the Baltic Sea area, including 524 samples taken at 135 sites and covering a salinity gradient from 0.4 to 11.4. Altogether, 487 diatom taxa belonging to 102 genera were recorded. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis showed that salinity was the overriding environmental factor regulating diatom community composition, while exposure to wave action and nutrient concentrations were of secondary importance. Modeling the abundances of the 58 most common diatom taxa yielded significant relationships with salinity for 57 taxa. Twenty‐three taxa showing monotonic responses were species with optimum distributions in freshwater or marine waters. Thirty‐four taxa showing unimodal responses were brackish‐water species with maximum distributions at different salinities. Separate analyses for small (cell biovolume <1,000 μm3) and large (≥1,000 μm3) taxa yielded similar results. In previous studies along shorter salinity gradients, large and small epilithic diatom taxa responded differently. From our large data, we conclude that counts of large diatom taxa alone seem sufficient for indicating salinity changes in coastal environments with high precision.  相似文献   

Many freshwater phytoplankton species have the potential to form transient nuisance blooms that affect water quality and other aquatic biota. Heterotrophic bacteria can influence such blooms via nutrient regeneration but also via antagonism and other biotic interactions. We studied the composition of bacterial communities associated with three bloom-forming freshwater phytoplankton species, the diatom Aulacoseira granulata and the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. Experimental cultures incubated with and without lake bacteria were sampled in three different growth phases and bacterial community composition was assessed by 454-Pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. Betaproteobacteria were dominant in all cultures inoculated with lake bacteria, but decreased during the experiment. In contrast, Alphaproteobacteria, which made up the second most abundant class of bacteria, increased overall during the course of the experiment. Other bacterial classes responded in contrasting ways to the experimental incubations causing significantly different bacterial communities to develop in response to host phytoplankton species, growth phase and between attached and free-living fractions. Differences in bacterial community composition between cyanobacteria and diatom cultures were greater than between the two cyanobacteria. Despite the significance, major differences between phytoplankton cultures were in the proportion of the OTUs rather than in the absence or presence of specific taxa. Different phytoplankton species favoring different bacterial communities may have important consequences for the fate of organic matter in systems where these bloom forming species occur. The dynamics and development of transient blooms may also be affected as bacterial communities seem to influence phytoplankton species growth in contrasting ways.  相似文献   

Growing concerns over effects of climate warming and other stressors on shallow Arctic lakes and ponds stimulate the need to develop and implement effective protocols to track changes in ecological integrity. This study assesses seasonal and spatial variability of periphytic diatom communities in a shallow Arctic lake in northern Yukon Territory to establish biomonitoring protocols. Artificial substrate samplers, which mimic macrophytes, allow direct measurement of biotic responses to shifting environmental conditions and control for possible confounding factors (e.g., accrual time and microhabitat type). Artificial substrate samplers were deployed at three locations and retrieved at three times (early, mid, and late) during the ice-free season. Analyses identified that diatom abundance increased exponentially and community composition changed significantly over the ice-free season, despite little variability in water chemistry, but did not differ among the three sampling locations within the lake. Patterns of seasonal succession in diatom community composition were characterized by first arrival of well-dispersed taxa, which included several planktonic taxa, followed by a transitional phase composed of planktonic and periphytic taxa, and culminated with dominance by periphytic species, mainly Achnanthes minutissima (Kützing). Results highlight the role of seasonal succession on artificial substrate colonization and the need to deploy artificial substrate samplers for the duration of the ice-free season to capture peak periphytic algal abundance. Low spatial variability of shallow Arctic lakes allows for samplers to be deployed at one single location to characterize diatom community composition.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to forecast consequences of climatic changes for littoral algae in coastal ecosystems, the effects of temperature increase on spring bloom dynamics of epilithic diatom communities were studied in two ways: (1) Communities were compared from sites receiving different amounts of cooling water discharge from a nuclear power plant. (2) Communities from the exceptionally warm spring of 1989 were compared with those from the same sites in the preceding normal years. The studies were carried out in and around the Forsmark Biotest Basin, an artificial waterbody that receives brackish cooling water from the Forsmark nuclear power plant on the Swedish east coast. Species composition and biomass data from 200 epilithic diatom samples taken in the period January-May from 1983 to 1989 were analysed. Multiple regression analysis was used to show the responses of diatom cover, community diversity and abundances of individual taxa to water temperature and other environmental factors. Constrained ordination (CCA) was used to display the relationship of overall community composition to environment. Increased water temperature resulted in higher biomass through a chain of ecological effects. Strong reduction of ice cover was crucial in this chain, resulting in reduced loss of diatom cells by reduced abrading and higher primary production by higher availability of light, nutrients and substrate. The conclusion is that large blooms of fast-growing epilithic diatoms in large colonies can occupy the niche that emerges when the ice-free season is prolonged in the northern Baltic Sea and areas similar in salinity and climatic conditions. Dramatic species shifts may only be expected if the winter ice cover is totally absent.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms in two freshwater maritime Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 An ecological study of two small maritime Antarctic lakes on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, was undertaken from January 1986 to March 1987. Analysis of diatom counts from the lakes provided examples of oligotrophic and mesotrophic ecosystems.
  • 2 A diverse community of 104 epiphytic taxa was identified. Twenty-eight taxa had a percentage abundance greater than 1% in both lakes. Distinctive dominant taxa were identified from each lake.
  • 3 A variety of ordination techniques was performed on the abundance data and a principal components analysis demonstrated differences in the diatom assemblages between the two lakes. Clear separations of sites and species were evident between the lakes, and accounted for the greatest percentage variance.
  • 4 Species composition varied with depth within each lake and was also important in influencing changes in assemblage composition between sites.
  • 5 A redundancy analysis indicated that species composition was correlated to concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus but the total variance accounted for by the four physical and chemical factors measured was low (24%).

Benthic diatom communities were collected seasonally from silty and rocky substrates to survey the water quality of the Sandusky River. Even though species composition was highly variable along the river, recurrent changes in relative abundance of specific diatom taxa and changes in overall community composition delineated areas where discharge of treated sewage affected water quality of the river. Changes in species diversity (Shannon formula), not decreases in diversity, marked the site where greatest pollution had occurred. Problems with using species diversity indices to indicate pollution tend to be related to predicting decreases in diversity in response to decreases in water quality. Evidence in the Sandusky River and the theories of diatom community dynamics suggest that species diversity can be greater in polluted areas than less polluted areas.  相似文献   

Diatoms are important components of the marine food web and one of the most species-rich groups of phytoplankton. The diversity and composition of diatoms in eutrophic nearshore habitats have been well documented due to the outsized influence of diatoms on coastal ecosystem functioning. In contrast, patterns of both diatom diversity and community composition in offshore oligotrophic regions where diatom biomass is low have been poorly resolved. To compare the diatom diversity and community composition in oligotrophic and eutrophic waters, diatom communities were sampled along a 1,250 km transect from the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea to the coastal waters of the northeast US shelf. Diatom community composition was determined by amplifying and sequencing the 18S rDNA V4 region. Of the 301 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) identified along the transect, the majority (70%) were sampled exclusively from oligotrophic waters of the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea and included the genera Bacteriastrum, Haslea, Hemiaulus, Pseudo-nitzschia, and Nitzschia. Diatom ASV richness did not vary along the transect, indicating that the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream are occupied by a diverse diatom community. Although ASV richness was similar between oligotrophic and coastal waters, diatom community composition in these regions differed significantly and was correlated with temperature and phosphate, two environmental variables known to influence diatom metabolism and geographic distribution. In sum, oligotrophic waters of the western North Atlantic harbor diverse diatom assemblages that are distinct from coastal regions, and these open ocean diatoms warrant additional study, as they may play critical roles in oligotrophic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although the sea turtles have long been familiar and even iconic to marine biologists, many aspects of their ecology remain unaddressed. The present study is the first of the epizoic diatom community covering the olive ridley turtle’s (Lepidochelys olivacea) carapace and the first describing diatoms living on sea turtles in general, with the primary objective of providing detailed information on turtle epibiotic associations. Samples of turtle carapace including the associated diatom biofilm and epizoic macro-fauna were collected from Ostional beach (9° 59´ 23.7´´ N 85° 41´ 52.6´´ W), Costa Rica, during the arribada event in October 2013. A complex diatom community was present in every sample. In total, 11 macro-faunal and 21 diatom taxa were recorded. Amongst diatoms, the most numerous were erect (Achnanthes spp., Tripterion spp.) and motile (Haslea sp., Navicula spp., Nitzschia spp., Proschkinia sp.) forms, followed by adnate Amphora spp., while the most common macro-faunal species was Stomatolepas elegans (Cirripedia). Diatom densities ranged from 8179 ± 750 to 27685 ± 4885 cells mm-2. Epizoic microalgae were either partly immersed or entirely encapsulated within an exopolymeric coat. The relatively low diatom species number, stable species composition and low inter-sample dissimilarities (14.4% on average) may indicate a mutualistic relationship between the epibiont and the basibiont. Dispersal of sea turtle diatoms is probably highly restricted and similar studies will help to understand both diatom diversity, evolution and biogeography, and sea turtle ecology and foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton blooms are fundamental features of coastal ecosystems, but the processes that select for blooms of certain species are not well understood. The aim of this work was to investigate experimentally the interaction of light and nutrients (nitrate) in structuring phytoplankton community composition in Pelorus Sound, New Zealand. Microcosm experiments were conducted in situ nine times throughout the year, providing controls and treatments for increased nutrients and decreased light. Nitrate availability was found to be limiting to phytoplankton growth during spring and summer. Small- to medium-sized, chain-forming diatom taxa such as Chaetoceros sp., Skeletonema sp., Pseudonitzschia sp. and Thalassiosira sp. responded most rapidly to nitrate enrichment, increasing their biovolume up to 32-fold during the 5-day experiments. A long-term phytoplankton monitoring database showed that these taxa have historically dominated the phytoplankton assemblage, suggesting that intense competition for nitrate is a key component in structuring the phytoplankton community. Many of the taxa that were able to withstand light reduction in the shaded treatments were rare historically in Pelorus Sound, suggesting that light is secondary to nitrate availability in structuring the phytoplankton community composition in this coastal embayment.  相似文献   

Long-term field studies of the composition and spatial structure of settlements of ants of the Formica rufa group were carried out in two regions of Russia (Moscow and Arkhangelsk provinces). Fragmentation of damaged nests followed by reintegration of the fragments is the main way of formation of mixed colonies of ants from different nests (including different species). The principal factor of nest fragmentation is their damage by wild boars, bears, and in some localities, by poachers. The formation of mixed nests and nest complexes with participation of different Formica species was observed. They are formed by joining the ants from several damaged nests or by a colony from a destroyed nest immigrating into an intact one. Regular damage of many nests leads to the formation of broad zones of mixed colonies. The mixed colonies including 2–3 species of wood ants have recently become common. The phenomenon of mixed colonies raises a question as to the relative importance of two basic principles (sociality and specific identity) in the life of ant societies and demonstrates the priority of the social principle.  相似文献   

In many environments recruitment of dispersive propagules (e.g. seeds, spores and larvae) can vary from situations when particular taxa recruit in relative isolation to times when they recruit simultaneously with other, functionally quite different taxa. Differences in the identity and density of recruiting taxa can have important consequences on community structure, but it is still not clear how the effects of individual taxa on communities are modified when they recruit together with other species. Using an experimental approach we compared early development of a temperate marine sessile community after the recruitment of mixtures of botryllid ascidians and barnacles to that when barnacles or botryllid ascidians recruited alone. Communities exposed to recruitment of botryllid ascidians in isolation differed from those that received barnacles, a mixture of botryllids and barnacles or no recruitment in 2-week-old communities. These early differences were driven by higher abundances of the species that were present as initial recruits in experimental treatments. After 2 months communities also differed between barnacle and mixed recruitment treatments but not mixed and botryllid or botryllid and barnacle treatments. These differences were not directly due to differences in the abundances of our manipulated taxa but occurred because of two abundant arborescent bryozoans, Bugula dentata, which occupied more space in communities that initially received mixed recruitment than in those that received barnacle or no recruitment, and Zoobotryon verticillatum, which occupied more space in communities that initially received only barnacle recruitment than those that initially received botryllid or mixed recruitment. These effects did not persist, and communities did not differ after 6 months. These results suggest that, more generally, species may influence community dynamics differently when they recruit alongside other species than when they recruit in relative isolation.  相似文献   

Social insects have evolved highly developed communication systems, enabling them to coordinate complex interactions in their colonies. Pheromones play a major role in the coordination of many tasks. In Trigona corvina, a stingless bee that occurs in Central America, foragers use pheromones produced in their labial glands to scent mark solid substrates between a food source and their nest. Newly recruited bees subsequently follow these scent marks until they reach the food source. A recent study has revealed nest-specific differences in the composition of these trail pheromones in colonies of T.?corvina, suggesting that pheromone specificity may serve to avoid competition between foragers from different nests. However, the nests used in this study came from different populations and their foragers certainly never met in the field (Jarau et al., 2010). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether differences in the trail pheromones of foragers from different nests can also be found between neighbouring colonies within populations. We analysed the composition of trail pheromones from labial gland secretions extracted from workers from nine colonies collected at three different populations in Costa Rica. The differences in pheromone composition were even more distinct between neighbouring nests within a population than between nests of different populations. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that nest specificity of trail pheromones serves to communicate the location of a food source exclusively to nestmates, thereby avoiding intraspecific competition at resources. Resource partitioning by avoiding conspecific non-nestmates is particularly adaptive for aggressive bee species, such as T. corvina.  相似文献   

In spite of their potential use as indicators of both present and past environmental conditions, little is known about the diatom communities in the many small water bodies at high altitudes in New Zealand. We sampled benthic diatoms at 20 sites in a typical subalpine mire pool/tarn complex near Arthur’s Pass in South Island, New Zealand in the austral spring 2001. The aims were to characterise the diatom communities, including identification of a possible endemic component, and to investigate relationships with environmental variables. The community at genus level was consistent with the peat-bog diatom flora reported from elsewhere except for the common occurrence of the Tasmania/New Zealand endemic genus Eunophora. At the species level, 27 of the 52 most common taxa appear to correspond to known species from the Northern Hemisphere and are therefore presumed to be cosmopolitan in their distribution. Just two taxa are known from the Southern Hemisphere only, however identification of the remaining common species proved problematic. Analysis using the BIO-ENV procedure of the PRIMER computer program confirmed an expected strong association between diatom community composition and pH, with water conductivity and gilvin also important. Weighted averaging regression and cross-validation using C2 software enabled selection of four diatom species as potentially sensitive indicators of certain pH levels. Neither species of Eunophora showed a strong preference for pH or for any of the other environmental variables measured, indicating that other factors are determining their distributions. The strength of the species–environment relationships found in this small survey suggests good potential for monitoring current conditions and for palaeoecological applications. Extension of the dataset with information from other alpine/subalpine areas is desirable, as is the compilation of a regional diatom identification guide for these habitats.  相似文献   

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