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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, pre-mRNA 3'-end processing requires six factors: cleavage factor IA (CF IA), cleavage factor IB (CF IB), cleavage factor II (CF II), polyadenylation factor I (PF I), poly(A) polymerase (Pap1p) and poly(A)-binding protein I (Pab1p). We report the characterization of Pfs2p, a WD-repeat protein previously identified in a multiprotein complex carrying PF I-Pap1p activity. The 3'-end-processing defects of pfs2 mutant strains and the results of immunodepletion and immunoinactivation experiments indicate an essential function for Pfs2p in cleavage and polyadenylation. With a one-step affinity purification method that exploits protein A-tagged Pfs2p, we showed that this protein is part of a CF II-PF I complex. Pull-down experiments with GST fusion proteins revealed direct interactions of Pfs2p with subunits of CF II-PF I and CF IA. These results show that Pfs2p plays an essential role in 3'-end formation by bridging different processing factors and thereby promoting the assembly of the processing complex.  相似文献   

A functionally active protein import complex from   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isolated outer chloroplast envelope membranes were solubilized by digitonin and separated on linear sucrose density gradients. A membrane complex was recovered from the gradients and exhibited characteristics of a protein import apparatus, i.e. the interaction of the complex with the precursor polypeptides depends on the presence of a transit sequence, ATP and protease-sensitive components. Furthermore, trans-location intermediates detected in the organellar system are also found after interaction of the precursor polypeptide with the isolated import complex.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that the redox-sensitive glycolytic enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), is involved in neuronal cell death that is triggered by oxidative stress. GAPDH is locally deposited in disulfide-bonded aggregates at lesion sites in certain neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism that underlies oxidative stress-induced aggregation of GAPDH and the relationship between structural abnormalities in GAPDH and cell death. Under nonreducing in vitro conditions, oxidants induced oligomerization and insoluble aggregation of GAPDH via the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. Because GAPDH has four cysteine residues, including the active site Cys(149), we prepared the cysteine-substituted mutants C149S, C153S, C244A, C281S, and C149S/C281S to identify which is responsible for disulfide-bonded aggregation. Whereas the aggregation levels of C281S were reduced compared with the wild-type enzyme, neither C149S nor C149S/C281S aggregated, suggesting that the active site cysteine plays an essential role. Oxidants also caused conformational changes in GAPDH concomitant with an increase in beta-sheet content; these abnormal conformations specifically led to amyloid-like fibril formation via disulfide bonds, including Cys(149). Additionally, continuous exposure of GAPDH-overexpressing HeLa cells to oxidants produced disulfide bonds in GAPDH leading to both detergent-insoluble and thioflavin-S-positive aggregates, which were associated with oxidative stress-induced cell death. Thus, oxidative stresses induce amyloid-like aggregation of GAPDH via aberrant disulfide bonds of the active site cysteine, and the formation of such abnormal aggregates promotes cell death.  相似文献   

The acyl-transferase and acyl-lyase activities of Klebsiella aerogenes citrate lyase complex are inactivated by the arginine specific reagents phenylglyoxal and 2,3-butanedione, the former reagent being the more potent inhibitor. Citrate and (3S)-citryl-CoA protect the transferase activity, while acetyl-CoA markedly enhances the rate of the inactivation. (3S)-Citryl-CoA protects the lyase subunit in the complex from inactivation. The kinetics of inactivation suggest the involvement of a single arginine residue at each of the active sites of the transferase and of the lyase subunits.  相似文献   

Protein arginine methyltransferase 3 (PRMT3) comprises a region not required for catalytic activity in its amino-terminus and the core domain catalyzing protein arginine methylation. PRMT3 has been shown to interact with the 40S ribosomal protein S2 (rpS2) and methylate arginine residues in the arginine-glycine (RG) repeat region in the amino-terminus of rpS2. We investigated the biological implications of this interaction by delineating the domains that mediate binding between PRMT3 and rpS2. The rpS2 (100-293 amino acids) domain, but not the amino-terminus of rpS2 that includes the RG repeat region was essential for binding to PRMT3 and was susceptible to degradation. The amino-terminus of PRMT3, but not its catalytic core was required for binding to and the stability of rpS2. Overexpressed rpS2 was ubiquitinated in cells, but expression of PRMT3 reduced this ubiquitination and stabilized the rpS2 protein. Recombinant PRMT3 formed an active enzyme complex with endogenous rpS2 in vitro. Recombinant rpS2 in molar excess modestly increased the enzymatic activity of PRMT3 in vitro. Our results suggest that in addition to its catalytic function, PRMT3 may control the level of rpS2 protein in cells by inhibiting ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of rpS2, while rpS2 may regulate the enzymatic activity of PRMT3 as a likely non-catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

Yeast genetics has identified more than 40 genes involved in the biogenesis and maintenance of the yeast lysosome-like vacuole. Recent data on two of these genes, VPS15 and VPS34, are beginning to provide some fundamental insights into the mechanisms governing protein sorting within the eukaryotic secretory pathway. VPS15 and VPS34 encode a novel protein kinase and a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, respectively, that function together as components of a membrane-associated signal transduction complex. These studies of the VPS15-VPS34 complex indicate that intracellular protein trafficking decisions may be regulated by protein phosphorylation and phosphatidylinositol signalling events.  相似文献   

The photoreceptor ribbon synapse is a highly specialized glutamatergic synapse designed for the continuous flow of synaptic vesicles to the neurotransmitter release site. The molecular mechanisms underlying ribbon synapse formation are poorly understood. We have investigated the role of the presynaptic cytomatrix protein Bassoon, a major component of the photoreceptor ribbon, in a mouse retina deficient of functional Bassoon protein. Photoreceptor ribbons lacking Bassoon are not anchored to the presynaptic active zones. This results in an impaired photoreceptor synaptic transmission, an abnormal dendritic branching of neurons postsynaptic to photoreceptors, and the formation of ectopic synapses. These findings suggest a critical role of Bassoon in the formation and the function of photoreceptor ribbon synapses of the mammalian retina.  相似文献   

RLI1 is an essential yeast protein closely related in sequence to two soluble members of the ATP-binding cassette family of proteins that interact with ribosomes and function in translation elongation (YEF3) or translational control (GCN20). We show that affinity-tagged RLI1 co-purifies with eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3), eIF5, and eIF2, but not with other translation initiation factors or with translation elongation or termination factors. RLI1 is associated with 40 S ribosomal subunits in vivo, but it can interact with eIF3 and -5 independently of ribosomes. Depletion of RLI1 in vivo leads to cessation of growth, a lower polysome content, and decreased average polysome size. There was also a marked reduction in 40 S-bound eIF2 and eIF1, consistent with an important role for RLI1 in assembly of 43 S preinitiation complexes in vivo. Mutations of conserved residues in RLI1 expected to function in ATP hydrolysis were lethal. A mutation in the second ATP-binding cassette domain of RLI1 had a dominant negative phenotype, decreasing the rate of translation initiation in vivo, and the mutant protein inhibited translation of a luciferase mRNA reporter in wild-type cell extracts. These findings are consistent with a direct role for the ATP-binding cassettes of RLI1 in translation initiation. RLI1-depleted cells exhibit a deficit in free 60 S ribosomal subunits, and RLI1-green fluorescent protein was found in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of living cells. Thus, RLI1 may have dual functions in translation initiation and ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q is a redox active lipid essential for aerobic respiration. The Coq4 polypeptide is required for Q biosynthesis and growth on non-fermentable carbon sources, however its exact function in this pathway is not known. Here we probe the functional roles of Coq4p in a yeast Q biosynthetic polypeptide complex. A yeast coq4-1 mutant harboring an E226K substitution is unable to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. The coq4-1 yeast mutant retains significant Coq3p O-methyltransferase activity, and mitochondria isolated from coq4-1 and coq4-2 (E121K) yeast point mutants contain normal steady state levels of Coq polypeptides, unlike the decreased levels of Coq polypeptides generally found in strains harboring coq gene deletions. Digitonin-solubilized mitochondrial extracts prepared from yeast coq4 point mutants show that Coq3p and Coq4 polypeptides no longer co-migrate as high molecular mass complexes by one- and two-dimensional Blue Native-PAGE. Similarly, gel filtration chromatography confirms that O-methyltransferase activity, Coq3p, Coq4p, and Coq7p migration are disorganized in the coq4-1 mutant mitochondria. The data suggest that Coq4p plays an essential role in organizing a Coq enzyme complex required for Q biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus proteins are produced by proteolytic processing of the viral precursor polyprotein that is encoded in the largest open reading frame of the viral genome. Processing of the nonstructural viral polyprotein requires the viral serine-type proteinase present in nonstructural protein 3 (NS3). The cleavage of the junction between NS4B and NS5A is mediated by NS3 only when NS4A is present. NS4A is thought to be a cofactor that enhances the cleavage efficiency of NS3 in hepatitis C virus protein-producing cells. Stable NS3-NS4A complex formation required the N-terminal 22 amino acid residues of NS3. This interaction contributed to stabilization of the NS3 product as well as increased the efficiency of cleavage at the NS4B/5A site. The N-terminal 22 amino acid residues fused to Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase also formed a stable complex with NS4A. NS3 derivatives which lacked the N-terminal 22 amino acid residues showed drastically reduced cleavage activity at the NS4B/5A site even in the presence of NS4A. These data suggested that the interaction with NS4A through the 22 amino acid residues of NS3 is primarily important for the NS4A-dependent processing of the NS4B/5A site by NS3.  相似文献   

The transthyretin-retinol-binding protein complex   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Active DNA demethylation is critical for altering DNA methylation patterns and regulating gene expression. The 5‐methylcytosine DNA glycosylase/lyase ROS1 initiates a base‐excision repair pathway for active DNA demethylation and is required for the prevention of DNA hypermethylation at 1 000s of genomic regions in Arabidopsis. How ROS1 is regulated and targeted to specific genomic regions is not well understood. Here, we report the discovery of an Arabidopsis protein complex that contains ROS1, regulates ROS1 gene expression, and likely targets the ROS1 protein to specific genomic regions. ROS1 physically interacts with a WD40 domain protein (RWD40), which in turn interacts with a methyl‐DNA binding protein (RMB1) as well as with a zinc finger and homeobox domain protein (RHD1). RMB1 binds to DNA that is methylated in any sequence context, and this binding is necessary for its function in vivo. Loss‐of‐function mutations in RWD40, RMB1, or RHD1 cause DNA hypermethylation at several tested genomic regions independently of the known ROS1 regulator IDM1. Because the hypermethylated genomic regions include the DNA methylation monitoring sequence in the ROS1 promoter, plants mutated in RWD40, RMB1, or RHD1 show increased ROS1 expression. Importantly, ROS1 binding to the ROS1 promoter requires RWD40, RMB1, and RHD1, suggesting that this complex dictates ROS1 targeting to this locus. Our results demonstrate that ROS1 forms a protein complex with RWD40, RMB1, and RHD1, and that this novel complex regulates active DNA demethylation at several endogenous loci in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

To probe the active site structure of protein kinase C stereochemical studies were carried out by using ATP beta S. The enzyme utilizes either one of the diastereomers (SP and RP) of ATP beta S almost equally well as a substrate. This result contrasts with that for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, suggesting that the topography of the nucleotide-binding site is significantly different between the two kinases.  相似文献   

Shim J  Lee J 《Molecules and cells》2005,19(3):452-457
The adaptor protein (AP) complexes are involved in membrane transport of many proteins. There are 3 AP complexes in C. elegans unlike mammals that have four. To study the biological functions of the AP-3 complexes of C. elegans, we sought homologues of the mouse and human genes that encode subunits of the AP-3 complexes by screening C. elegans genomic and EST sequences. We identified single copies of homologues of the m3, s3, b3 and d genes. The medium chain of AP-3 is encoded by a single gene in C. elegans but two different genes in mammals. Since there are no known mutations in these genes in C. elegans, we performed RNAi to assess their functions in development. RNAi of each of the genes caused embryonic and larval lethal phenotypes. APM-3 is expressed in most cells, particularly strongly in spermatheca and vulva. We conclude that the products of the C. elegans m3, s3, b3 and d genes are essential for embryogenesis and larval development.  相似文献   

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