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Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy experiments on RNA molecules brought to light the highly complex dynamics of key biological processes, including RNA folding, catalysis of ribozymes, ligand sensing of riboswitches and aptamers, and protein synthesis in the ribosome. By using highly advanced biophysical spectroscopy techniques in combination with sophisticated biochemical synthesis approaches, molecular dynamics of individual RNA molecules can be observed in real time and under physiological conditions in unprecedented detail that cannot be achieved with bulk experiments. Here, we review recent advances in RNA folding and functional studies of RNA and RNA-protein complexes addressed by using single-molecule Förster (fluorescence) resonance energy transfer (smFRET) technique.  相似文献   

We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the quantification of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) by direct and systematic saturation of the excited state of acceptor molecules. This version of acceptor depletion methods for FRET estimation, denoted as “satFRET” is reversible and suitable for time-resolved measurements. The technique was investigated theoretically using the steady-state solution of the differential equation system of donor and acceptor molecular states. The influence of acceptor photobleaching during measurement was included in the model. Experimental verification was achieved with the FRET-pair Alexa 546- Alexa 633 loaded on particles in different stoichiometries and measured in a confocal microscope. Estimates of energy transfer efficiency by excited state saturation were compared to those obtained by measurements of sensitised emission and acceptor photobleaching. The results lead to a protocol that allows time-resolved FRET measurements of fixed and living cells on a conventional confocal microscope. This procedure was applied to fixed Chinese hamster ovary cells containing a cyan fluorescent protein and yellow fluorescent protein pair. The time resolution of the technique was demonstrated in a live T cell activation assay comparing the FRET efficiencies measured using a genetically encoded green and red fluorescent protein biosensor for GTP/GDP turnover to those measured by acceptor photobleaching of fixed cells.  相似文献   

The folding reaction of a β-barrel membrane protein, outer membrane protein A (OmpA), is probed with F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments. Four mutants of OmpA were generated in which the donor fluorophore, tryptophan, and acceptor molecule, a naphthalene derivative, are placed in various locations on the protein to report the evolution of distances across the bilayer and across the protein pore during a folding event. Analysis of the FRET efficiencies reveals three timescales for tertiary structure changes associated with insertion and folding into a synthetic bilayer. A narrow pore forms during the initial stage of insertion, followed by bilayer traversal. Finally, a long-time component is attributed to equilibration and relaxation, and may involve global changes such as pore expansion and strand extension. These results augment the existing models that describe concerted insertion and folding events, and highlight the ability of FRET to provide insight into the complex mechanisms of membrane protein folding. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Using the cell-permeable, radioiodinated, irreversible inhibitor BIL-DMK, we probed active cysteine cathepsins in blood. Incubation of the probe in human whole blood followed by separation of white blood cells by dextran sedimentation led to the labeling of one major band at 24 kDa. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the band resolved in a single protein spot and corresponded to cathepsin S based on its molecular mass, isoelectric point, and Western blot analysis using anti-human cathepsin S antibodies. Cathepsin S activity in human whole blood was dependent on the time of blood collection, suggesting that cathepsin S activity is subject to circadian variations. Separation of white blood cell populations using a magnetic cell sorter and further characterization by FACS (fluorescent-activated cell sorting) analysis demonstrated that the majority of active cathepsin S resided in the monocyte and neutrophil populations, whereas on a cell basis cathepsin S activity in granulocytes is 10-fold lower than that in monocytes. A whole blood cathepsin S assay was developed and used to measure cathepsin S inhibition in both in vitro and ex vivo conditions. To determine the correlation between the in vitro and ex vivo assays, a reversible cathepsin S inhibitor was dosed intravenously to a rhesus monkey. The inhibitor concentration required to inhibit 50% of the cathepsin S activity ex vivo correlated well with the concentration required to inhibit the enzyme in rhesus monkey whole blood in vitro. The results reported here demonstrate the utility of the activity-based probe BIL-DMK for the ex vivo assessment of cathepsin S inhibition.  相似文献   

Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) technology has been widely used in biological and biomedical research, and it is a very powerful tool for elucidating protein interactions in either dynamic or steady state. SUMOylation (the process of SUMO [small ubiquitin-like modifier] conjugation to substrates) is an important posttranslational protein modification with critical roles in multiple biological processes. Conjugating SUMO to substrates requires an enzymatic cascade. Sentrin/SUMO-specific proteases (SENPs) act as an endopeptidase to process the pre-SUMO or as an isopeptidase to deconjugate SUMO from its substrate. To fully understand the roles of SENPs in the SUMOylation cycle, it is critical to understand their kinetics. Here, we report a novel development of a quantitative FRET-based protease assay for SENP1 kinetic parameter determination. The assay is based on the quantitative analysis of the FRET signal from the total fluorescent signal at acceptor emission wavelength, which consists of three components: donor (CyPet–SUMO1) emission, acceptor (YPet) emission, and FRET signal during the digestion process. Subsequently, we developed novel theoretical and experimental procedures to determine the kinetic parameters, kcat, KM, and catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM) of catalytic domain SENP1 toward pre-SUMO1. Importantly, the general principles of this quantitative FRET-based protease kinetic determination can be applied to other proteases.  相似文献   

We have engineered a monomeric blue non-fluorescent chromoprotein called Ultramarine (fluorescence quantum yield, 0.001; ε 585 nm, 64,000 M−1. cm−1) for use as a Förster resonance energy transfer acceptor for a number of different donor fluorescent proteins. We show its use for monitoring activation of caspase 3 in live cells using fluorescence lifetime imaging. Ultramarine has the potential to increase the number of cellular parameters that can be imaged simultaneously.  相似文献   

Following the development of targeted therapies against EGFR and HER2, two members of the human epidermal receptor (HER) family of receptor tyrosine kinases, much interest has been focused on their expression in tumors. However, knowing the expression levels of individual receptors may not be sufficient to predict drug response. Here, we describe the development of antibody-based time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assays for the comprehensive analysis not only of EGFR and HER2 expression in tumor cryosections, but also of their activation through quantification of HER homo- or heterodimers. First, EGFR and HER2 expression levels were quantified in 18 breast tumors and the results were compared with those obtained by using reference methods. The EGFR number per cell determined by TR-FRET was significantly correlated with EGFR mRNA copy number (P<0.0001). Moreover, our method detected HER2 overexpression with 100% specificity and sensibility, as confirmed by the standard IHC, FISH and qPCR analyses. EGFR and HER2 dimerization was then assessed, using as controls xenograft tumors from cell lines with known dimer expression profiles. Our results show that quantification of HER dimerization provides information about receptor activation that cannot be obtained by quantification of single receptors. Quantifying HER expression and dimerization by TR-FRET assays might help identifying novel clinical markers for optimizing patients’ treatment in oncology.  相似文献   

Pippi (phosphatidyl inositol phosphate indicator) is a biosensor based on the principle of FRET (F?rster resonance energy transfer), which consists of a pair of fluorescent proteins, CFP (cyan fluorescent protein) and YFP (yellow fluorescent protein), the PH domain sandwiched between them, and K-Ras C-terminal sequence for plasma membrane localization. Due to marked cross-excitation of YFP with the conditions used to excite CFP, initial FRET images obtained by TPE (two-photon excitation) microscopy suffered from low signal-to-noise ratio, hampering the observation of lipids in three-dimensional structures. To solve this problem, YFP and CFP in the original Pippi-PI(3,4)P(2) was replaced by sREACh (super resonance energy accepting chromoprotein) and mTFP1 (monomeric teal fluorescent protein), respectively. The biosensor was also fused with an internal control protein, mKeima, where Keima/mTFP1 indicates the FRET efficiency, and indeed epidermal growth factor stimulation increased Keima/mTFP1 in HeLa cells. This biosensor successfully showed PI(3,4)P(2) accumulation to the lateral membrane in the MDCK cyst cultured in a three-dimensional environment. Furthermore, other FRET-based biosensors for PIP(3) distribution and for tyrosine kinase activity were developed based on this method, suggesting its broad application for visualizing signal transduction events with TPE microscopy.  相似文献   

We have used F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) to study specific conformational changes in the Escherichia coli 30 S ribosomal subunit that occur upon association with the 50 S subunit. By measuring energy transfer between 13 different pairs of fluorescent probes attached to specific positions on 30 S subunit proteins, we have monitored changes in distance between different locations within the 30 S subunit in its free and 50 S-bound states. The measured distance changes provide restraints for modeling the movement that occurs within the 30 S subunit upon formation of the 70 S ribosome in solution. Treating the head, body, and platform domains of the 30 S subunit as simple rigid bodies, the lowest-energy solution converges on a model that satisfies each of the individual FRET restraints. In this model, the 30 S subunit head tilts towards the 50 S subunit, similar to the movement found in comparing 30 S subunits and 70 S ribosomes from X-ray and cryo-electron microscope structures, and the platform is predicted to undergo a clock-wise rotation upon association.  相似文献   

In this work, the photophysical properties of two oxazine dyes (ATTO 610 and ATTO 680) covalently attached via a C6-amino linker to the 5'-end of short single-stranded as well as double-stranded DNA (ssDNA and dsDNA, respectively) of different lengths were investigated. The two oxazine dyes were chosen because of the excellent spectral overlap, the high extinction coefficients, and the high fluorescence quantum yield of ATTO 610, making them an attractive F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) pair for bioanalytical applications in the far-red spectral range. To identify possible molecular dye-DNA interactions that cause photophysical alterations, we performed a detailed spectroscopic study, including time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements. As an effect of the DNA conjugation, the absorption and fluorescence maxima of both dyes were bathochromically shifted and the fluorescence decay times were increased. Moreover, the absorption of conjugated ATTO 610 was spectrally broadened, and a dual fluorescence emission was observed. Steric interactions with ssDNA as well as dsDNA were found for both dyes. The dye-DNA interactions were strengthened from ssDNA to dsDNA conjugates, pointing toward interactions with specific dsDNA domains (such as the top of the double helix). Although these interactions partially blocked the dye-linker rotation, a free (unhindered) rotational mobility of at least one dye facilitated the appropriate alignment of the transition dipole moments in doubly labeled ATTO 610/ATTO 680-dsDNA conjugates for the performance of successful FRET. Considering the high linker flexibility for the determination of the donor-acceptor distances, good accordance between theoretical and experimental FRET parameters was obtained. The considerably large F?rster distance of ~7 nm recommends the application of this FRET pair not only for the detection of binding reactions between nucleic acids in living cells but also for monitoring interactions of larger biomolecules such as proteins.  相似文献   

Numerous unimolecular, genetically-encoded F?rster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) probes for monitoring biochemical activities in live cells have been developed over the past decade. As these probes allow for collection of high frequency, spatially resolved data on signaling events in live cells and tissues, they are an attractive technology for obtaining data to develop quantitative, mathematical models of spatiotemporal signaling dynamics. However, to be useful for such purposes the observed FRET from such probes should be related to a biological quantity of interest through a defined mathematical relationship, which is straightforward when this relationship is linear, and can be difficult otherwise. First, we show that only in rare circumstances is the observed FRET linearly proportional to a biochemical activity. Therefore in most cases FRET measurements should only be compared either to explicitly modeled probes or to concentrations of products of the biochemical activity, but not to activities themselves. Importantly, we find that FRET measured by standard intensity-based, ratiometric methods is inherently non-linear with respect to the fraction of probes undergoing FRET. Alternatively, we find that quantifying FRET either via (1) fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) or (2) ratiometric methods where the donor emission intensity is divided by the directly-excited acceptor emission intensity (denoted R(alt)) is linear with respect to the fraction of probes undergoing FRET. This linearity property allows one to calculate the fraction of active probes based on the FRET measurement. Thus, our results suggest that either FLIM or ratiometric methods based on R(alt) are the preferred techniques for obtaining quantitative data from FRET probe experiments for mathematical modeling purposes.  相似文献   

Genetically encoded calcium indicators have become instrumental in imaging signaling in complex tissues and neuronal circuits in vivo. Despite their importance, structure-function relationships of these sensors often remain largely uncharacterized due to their artificial and multimodular composition. Here, we describe a combination of protein engineering and kinetic, spectroscopic, and biophysical analysis of the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based calcium biosensor TN-XXL. Using fluorescence spectroscopy of engineered tyrosines, we show that two of the four calcium binding EF-hands dominate the FRET output of TN-XXL and that local conformational changes of these hands match the kinetics of FRET change. Using small-angle x-ray scattering and NMR spectroscopy, we show that TN-XXL changes from a flexible elongated to a rigid globular shape upon binding calcium, thus resulting in FRET signal output. Furthermore, we compare calcium titrations using fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy with the ratiometric approach and investigate potential non-FRET effects that may affect the fluorophores. Thus, our data characterize the biophysics of TN-XXL in detail and may form a basis for further rational engineering of FRET-based biosensors.  相似文献   

The structural dynamics of the flexible neuropeptide galanin in solution were studied by Förster resonance energy transfer measurements at different temperatures by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to determine its conformational heterogeneity. Endogenous tryptophan at position 2 acted as the fluorescent donor and the non fluorescent acceptor dinitrophenyl or the fluorescent acceptor dansyl were selectively attached to lysine 25 in porcine galanin. The coexistence of different structures of the neuropeptide galanin in trifluoroethanol solution was revealed by the model independent analysis of the distribution of relaxation times from the time-resolved resonance energy transfer data. Multiple conformational states are reflected by distinct end-to-end distance populations. The conformations differ in mean donor-acceptor distance by about 15 Å, and are consistent with the extended and folded backbone conformations of two α-helical regions separated by a flexible hinge. The effect that the labelling of galanin has on binding to the receptor was also evaluated. DNP-galanin showed the same high affinity to galanin receptors as unlabelled galanin, whereas DNS-galanin had significantly reduced affinity.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) is an important tool for monitoring macromolecular interactions and is useful as a transduction technique for biosensor development. Förster distance (R0), the intermolecular separation characterized by 50% of the maximum possible energy transfer, is a critical BRET parameter. R0 provides a means of linking measured changes in BRET ratio to a physical dimension scale and allows estimation of the range of distances that can be measured by any donor–acceptor pair. The sensitivity of BRET assays has recently been improved by introduction of new BRET components, RLuc2, RLuc8 and Venus with improved quantum yields, stability and brightness. We determined R0 for BRET1 systems incorporating novel RLuc variants RLuc2 or RLuc8, in combination with Venus, as 5.68 or 5.55 nm respectively. These values were approximately 25% higher than the R0 of the original BRET1 system. R0 for BRET2 systems combining green fluorescent proteins (GFP2) with RLuc2 or RLuc8 variants was 7.67 or 8.15 nm, i.e. only 2–9% greater than the original BRET2 system despite being ~30-fold brighter.  相似文献   

Described in the article is a new approach for the sequence-specific detection of nucleic acids in real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes. The method is based on the production of PCR amplicons, which fold into dumbbell-like secondary structures carrying a specially designed ‘probe-luring’ sequence at their 5′ ends. Hybridization of this sequence to a complementary ‘anchoring’ tail introduced at the 3′ end of a fluorescent probe enables the probe to bind to its target during PCR, and the subsequent probe cleavage results in the florescence signal. As it has been shown in the study, this amplicon-endorsed and guided formation of the probe-target duplex allows the use of extremely short oligonucleotide probes, up to tetranucleotides in length. In particular, the short length of the fluorescent probes makes possible the development of a ‘universal’ probe inventory that is relatively small in size but represents all possible sequence variations. The unparalleled cost-effectiveness of the inventory approach is discussed. Despite the short length of the probes, this new method, named Angler real-time PCR, remains highly sequence specific, and the results of the study indicate that it can be effectively used for quantitative PCR and the detection of polymorphic variations.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I mutants were constructed for FRET studies to distinguish between two possible lipid-free conformers, a globular helix bundle and an elongated helical hairpin. Mutants containing a single Trp at position 50 were prepared by replacing Trps at positions 8, 72, and 108 with Phe (W@50). Two mutants were constructed from W@50 by incorporating Cys at Arg83 (W@50R83C) or Arg173 (W@50R173C) for attachment of the fluorescent probe AEDANS. Secondary structure of the mutants is very similar to wild type (wt) apo A-I, and fluorescence emission indicates that W50 is protected from solvent. Thermal stabilities of the AEDANS-labeled mutants are also similar to wt. These results indicate that no discernible changes occur in structure or stability as a result of mutations or labeling. The FRET data from W@50 to AEDANS are well-represented by a single distance distribution function with a distance of approximately 22 A for W@50R83C and approximately 19 A for W@50R173C. These distances are consistent with theoretical values calculated from a helical bundle model but not from a helical hairpin. A probability distance distribution function yields significantly small half-width values of 5.6 and 3.7 A, respectively, suggesting low conformational dynamics in both mutants. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed on wt and a C-terminal deletion mutant, Delta(187-243), to obtain information on domain architecture. Contrary to expectations, both proteins unfold cooperatively. The results are consistent with the presence of a single folded domain within residues 1-186. These results support the presence of a discrete globular bundle conformation for lipid-free apo A-I.  相似文献   

Upon Ca2+ activation of cardiac muscle, several structural changes occur in the troponin subunits. These changes include the opening of the cardiac troponin C (cTnC) N-domain, the change of secondary structure of the inhibitory region of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), and the change in the separation between these two proteins in the cTnC-cTnI interface. We have used F?rster resonance energy transfer in Ca2+ titration and stopped-flow experiments to delineate these transitions using a reconstituted cardiac troponin. Energy transfer results were quantified to yield time-dependent profiles of changes in intersite distances during Ca2+ dissociation. The closing of the cTnC N-domain induced by release of regulatory Ca2+ from cTnC occurs in one step (t1/2 approximately 5 ms), and this transition is not affected by Ca2+ release from the C-domain. The other two transitions triggered by Ca2+ dissociation are biphasic with the fast phase (t1/2 approximately 5 ms) correlated with Ca2+ release from the cTnC N-domain. These transitions are slower than the release of bound regulatory Ca2+ (t1/2 3.6 ms) and are coupled to one another in a cooperative manner in restoring their conformations in the deactivated state. The kinetic results define the magnitudes of structural changes relevant in Ca2+ switching between activation and deactivation of cardiac muscle contraction.  相似文献   

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