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Glucose‐regulated protein 94 (grp94) is a major component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen of eukaryotic cells. We showed that grp94 is released from baby hamster kidney (BHK‐21) cells into a serum‐free medium. The exit of grp94 into the medium was not related to the protein discharge due to cell death and was independent of de novo protein synthesis. The treatment of cells with brefeldin A and monensin, the inhibitors of the classical pathway of protein secretion, did not decrease the extracellular level of grp94, indicating that the discharge of grp94 from cells does not occur through the ER/Golgi–dependent pathway. Exosomes, membrane vesicles secreted by several cell types, were not involved in the release of grp94 from cells. Methyl‐β‐cyclodextrin, a substance that disrupts the lipid raft organization, considerably reduced the extracellular level of grp94, indicating that lipid rafts are involved in the liberation of grp94 from BHK‐21 cells. The results suggest that BHK‐21 cells release grp94 into the serum‐free medium via the nonclassical secretory pathway in which lipid rafts play an important role. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The plant lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) has previously been used to select more than ten different glycosylation-defective phenotypes in a variety of mammalian somatic cells. Three WGA-resistant phenotypes have now been obtained spontaneously from baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells. These mutant BHK cells exhibit a pattern of cross resistance and sensitivity to multiple plant lectins, suggesting that the cell surface carbohydrates of these cells are altered. Two WGA-resistant BHK phenotypes appear similar to WGA-resistant CHO cells that lack terminal sialic acid and galactose residues on their cell surface carbohydrates. The third WGA-resistant BHK cell phenotype has not previously been seen in WGA-resistant mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Protein sulfation in baby hamster kidney cells (BHK) and their polyoma virus transformants (PY-BHK) was studied comparatively. On in vivo labeling, [35S]-sulfate was incorporated into the 50K protein and proteins in the 100-180K range, represented by the 155K protein. The incorporation into both the 50K and 155K protein was elevated 2-3 fold in PY-BHK cells compared to in BHK cells. Tyrosine-O-sulfate was the only identifiable sulfated amino acid in both proteins. On in vitro labeling with [35S]3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS), at least 6 radioactive protein bands were discernible on gel electrophoresis. Of these, sulfation of the 57K and 60K proteins was elevated in PY-BHK cells compared to in BHK cells, whereas sulfation of the 39K protein was depressed in PY-BHK cells. Tyrosine-O-sulfate was the only identifiable sulfated amino acid in these proteins.  相似文献   

Mutator genes of baby hamster kidney cells.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Two mutator genes of mammalian cells were demonstrated. One was associated with the ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase, and the other was associated with an extreme adenosine sensitivity.  相似文献   

Variants resistant to low and high levels of the methionine analogue norleucine were isolated in baby hamster kidney cells and in two clonal sublines, B1 and TG2. Clones resistant to high levels of norleucine were observed only after chemical mutagenesis, whereas clones capable of growing in low concentrations of norleucine occurred with equal frequency spontaneously and after mutagenesis. The variants were characterized with respect to uptake of 14C-norleucine and 14C-methionine. Five clones were found to be deficient in 14C-norleucine uptake, and of these, four showed reduced 14C-methionine uptake. The variants were tested also for increased activity of N5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate: homocysteine methyltransferase, the enzyme which catalyses the terminal reaction in methionine biosynthesis. In four clones, higher levels of the methyltransferase were present than in the wild-type cells, suggesting overproduction or stabilization of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Upon deprivation of nutrients, Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 cells arrest proliferation and initiate a metamorphosed developmental program including induction of altered gene expressions which are necessary for differentiation. In Ax-2 cells, we found out a member of Hsp90 family usually contained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Dd-GRP94 (Dictyostelium discoideum glucose-regulated protein 94). In general, GRP94 are induced either by glucose-depletion or by depletion of Ca(2+) in intracellular Ca(2+) stores. Unexpectedly, however, the expression of Dd-grp94 was greatly reduced within 60 min of starvation. Dd-grp94-overexpressing cells (GRP94(OE) cells) collected without forming distinct aggregation streams, and never formed normal fruiting bodies. Also, prespore differentiation as well as maturation into spores and stalk cells were particularly impaired in the GRP94(OE) cells. Thus Dd-GRP94 seems to be crucial in late differentiation as well as in starvation response.  相似文献   

Characterization and purification of the 94-kDa glucose-regulated protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increased synthesis of so-called glucose-regulated proteins (grp) of 78 and 94 kDa occurs in mammalian cells exposed to a variety of agents, including 2-mercaptoethanol, tunicamycin, agents which perturb calcium homeostasis, and amino acid analogs. Herein we describe a number of properties of 94-kDa grp (grp 94) and present a method for its purification to homogeneity. The protein, within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), is modified by the addition of high mannose-containing oligosaccharides. The predicted amino acid sequence of grp 94, as determined by others, has revealed the protein to contain a putative transmembrane domain near its amino terminus, but in addition, a potential endoplasmic reticulum retention sequence (KDEL) at its COOH terminus. Consequently, the question of whether grp 94 exists as a transmembrane or luminal protein of the ER remains controversial. Results using isolated microsomes subjected to either limited proteolysis or lactoperoxidase-mediated iodination were consistent with the idea that the grp is a transmembrane protein. On the other hand, using the method of sodium carbonate extraction, grp 94 exhibited properties of both a luminal and integral membrane protein. These results raise the question of whether there exist two different forms of grp 94 within the ER.  相似文献   

An established line of baby hamster kidney cells, BHK 21/C13 grows in media containing high concentrations of Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase at the same initial exponential rate as control cells grown in the absence of the enzyme. Glycoprotein fractions removed from the surface of cells grown with neuraminidase contain less than 4% of the sialic acid present in similar fractions removed from control cells. The significance of these results are discussed in relation to the role suggested for sial glycoproteins in growth control. A small but significant increase was observed in the density of confluent cells in media containing neuraminidase compared with control cultures.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1515-1523
The binding and phagocytosis of fibronectin (pFN)-coated latex beads by baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells was studied as a function of fibronectin concentration and bead diameter. Cells were incubated with radioactive pFN-coated beads, and total bead binding (cell surface or ingested) was measured as total radioactivity associated with the cells. Of the bound beads, those that also were phagocytosed were distinguished by their insensitivity to release from the cells by trypsin treatment. In continuous incubations, binding of pFN-coated beads to cells occurred at 4 degrees C or 37 degrees C, but phagocytosis was observed only at 37 degrees C. In addition, degradation of 3H-pFN from ingested beads occurred at 37 degrees C, as shown by the release of trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity into the incubation medium. When the fibronectin density on the beads was varied, binding at 4 degrees C and ingestion at 37 degrees C were found to have the same dose-response dependencies, which indicated that pFN densities that permitted bead binding were sufficient for phagocytosis to occur. The fibronectin density for maximal binding of ingestion was approximately 250 ng pFN/cm2. When various sized beads (0.085-1.091 micron), coated with similar densities of pFN, were incubated with cells at 4 degrees C, no variation in binding as a function of bead size was observed. Under these conditions, the absolute amount of pFN ranged from less than 100 molecules on the 0.085-micron beads to greater than 15,000 molecules on the 1.091-micron beads. Based upon these results it can be concluded that the critical parameter controlling fibronectin-mediated binding of latex beads by BHK cells is the spacing of the pFN molecules on the beads. Correspondingly, it can be suggested that the spacing between pFN receptors on the cell surface that is optimal for multivalent interactions to occur is approximately 18 nM. When phagocytosis of various sized beads was compared, it was found that the largest beads were phagocytosed slightly better (two fold) than the smallest beads. This occurred both in continuous incubations of cells with beads and when the beads were prebound to the cells. Finally, the kinetic constants for the binding of 0.085 microM pFN-coated beads to the cells were analyzed. There appeared to be approximately 62,000 binding sites and the KD was 4.03 X 10(-9) M. Assuming a bivalent interaction, it was calculated that BHK cells have approximately 120,000 pFN receptors/cell and the binding affinity between pFN and its receptor is approximately 6 X 10(-5) M.  相似文献   

The uptake, catabolism, and release of H-labeled 1-aminooxy-3-aminopropane, a new putrescine analog shown to be a potent polyamine antimetabolite, into and from baby hamster kidney cells (BHK21/C13) were studied. The results show that [3H]-1-aminooxy-3-aminopropane (APA) is not concentrated in the cell, does not compete with polyamines for transport and reveals no difference in uptake between polyamine-depleted and control cells. After a 12-h culture, 60% of APA was recovered intact in the culture media. At this time point, only 30% of the intracellular radioactivity was intact APA, showing that the drug is catabolized in the cells. This intracellular ratio persisted throughout the 4-day culture period. The metabolites of APA were not characterized further. The results indicate that the drug is not recognized as a polyamine by the cells and does not replace or interfere with the polyamines in cellular functions. Thus, its potent affinity to ornithine decarboxylase and spermidine synthase is likely to be due to close structural similarity with the intermediates formed in these reactions. This has implications for the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):2703-2720
A morphological analysis of the compartments of the endocytic pathway in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells has been made using the fluid-phase marker horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The endocytic structures labeled after increasing times of endocytosis have been identified and their volume and surface densities measured. In the first 2 min of HRP uptake the volume density of the labeled structures increased rapidly and thereafter remained constant for the next 13-18 min. This plateau represents the volume density of endosome organelles and accounts for 0.65% of the cytoplasmic volume (or 6.8 microns 3 per cell). The labeled structures consist of tubular-cisternal elements which are frequently observed in continuity with 300-400 nm vesicles. After 15-20 min of internalization the volume density of HRP-labeled structures again increased rapidly and reached a second plateau between 30 and 60 min of labeling. This second increase corresponded to detectable levels of HRP reaching later, acid phosphatase (AcPase)-reactive compartments. These structures, comprising the prelysosomes and lysosomes, were mostly vesicular and collectively accounted for 3.5% of the cytoplasmic volume (or 37 microns 3 per cell). The absolute peripheral surface areas of the two classes of organelles (endosomes and prelysosomes/lysosomes) were estimated to be 430 and 370 microns 2 per cell, respectively. The volume of fluid internalized in the first 2 min of uptake was five- to sevenfold less than the volume of the compartment labeled in this time. To account for these results we propose that, after uptake from the cell surface, HRP is delivered to, and diluted in, endosomes that are preexisting organelles initially devoid of the marker. With increasing times of endocytosis the concentration of HRP in the early endosomes increases, as more of the marker enters this compartment. An elevation in HRP concentration in endosomes during the early time points was shown directly using anti- HRP antibodies and colloidal gold on cryosections. The stereological values given in the present study, in combination with earlier studies, provide a minimum estimate for both the total surface area of membranes and the rate of membrane synthesis in a BHK cell.  相似文献   

Native intermediate filament (IF) preparations from the baby hamster kidney fibroblastic cell line (BHK-21) contain a number of minor polypeptides in addition to the IF structural subunit proteins desmin, a 54,000-mol-wt protein, and vimentin, a 55,000-mol-wt protein. A monoclonal antibody was produced that reached exclusively with a high molecular weight (300,000) protein representative of these minor proteins. Immunological methods and comparative peptide mapping techniques demonstrated that the 300,000-mol-wt species was biochemically distinct from the 54,000- and 55,000-mol-wt proteins. Double-label immunofluorescence observations on spread BHK cells using this monoclonal antibody and a rabbit polyclonal antibody directed against the 54,000- and 55,000-mol-wt proteins showed that the 300,000-mol-wt species co-distributed with IF in a fibrous pattern. In cells treated with colchicine or those in the early stages of spreading, double-labeling with these antibodies revealed the co-existence of the respective antigens in the juxtanuclear cap of IF that is characteristic of cells in these physiological states. After colchicine removal, or in the late stages of cell spreading, the 300,00-mol-wt species and the IF subunits redistributed to their normal, highly coincident cytoplasmic patterns. Ultrastructural localization by the immunogold technique using the monoclonal antibody supported the light microscopic findings in that the 300,000-mol-wt species was associated with IF in the several physiological and morphological cell states investigated. The gold particle pattern was less intimately associated with IF than that defined by anti-54/55 and was one of non-uniform distribution along IF, being clustered primarily at points of proximity between IF, where an amorphous, proteinaceous material was often the labeled element. Occasionally, "bridges" of label were seen extending outward from such clusters on IF. Gold particles were infrequently bound to microtubules, microfilaments, or other cellular organelles, and when so, IF were usually contiguous. During multiple cycles of in vitro disassembly/assembly of the IF from native preparations, the 300,000-mol-wt protein remained in the fraction containing the 54,000- and 55,000-mol-wt structural subunits, whether the latter were in the soluble state or pelleted as formed filaments. In keeping with the nomenclature developed for the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), the acronym IFAP-300K (intermediate filament associated protein) is proposed for this molecule.  相似文献   

Glucose-regulated protein94 (Grp94) is the most represented endoplasmic reticulum-resident HSP with the unique property to modulate the immune response. This has opened the way to the use of Grp94 as effective therapeutic agent in both depressed and exaggerated activity of the immune system. We investigated the effect of native Grp94 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from blood of two subjects with a different history of bronchial allergic asthma. Whereas in subject 1 an elevated basal level of Ig and altered morphological aspects of PBMCs suggested an intense antigen-driven stimulation of the immune system, subject 2 had an apparently normal basal humoral response. However, Grp94 reduced in a concentration-dependent manner the Ig secretion from PBMCs of both subjects, inhibition being maximal at 100 ng/ml Grp94 after 15 days. The effect was apparently related to inhibition of intra-cellular content of both IgG and IgE, and in subject 1 was still observed a year after the first examination. Dot-blot experiments revealed the presence of anti-Grp94 antibodies in Ig secreted from PBMCs and in plasma of both subjects, confirming the role of Grp94 as antigen responsible for activation of the immune system, even in the absence of clinical signs of asthma. Anti-Grp94 antibodies significantly decreased after PBMC treatment with Grp94 at 100 ng/ml. Results demonstrate that inhibition of the humoral response by Grp94 crucially depends on being Grp94, the antigen challenging the immune system in these allergic subjects, thus supporting the role of Grp94 as immuno-modulatory agent in pathologies with exaggerated immune response.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine synthase is found predominantly in the microsomal fraction, and phosphatidylserine decarboxylase is found predominantly in the mitochondrial fraction of baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cells. This segregation of enzymes of phosphatidylserine metabolism allows serine metabolism to phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine to be used as an indicator of the intracellular movement of phosphatidylserine. After BHK-21 cells were pulse-labeled with [3H]serine, phosphatidylserine was efficiently labeled, and subsequently 40-50% of this radiolabeled lipid turned over to form phosphatidylethanolamine during a 7.5-h chase. Treatment of cells with NaN3 plus NaF or cycloheximide at the end of the pulse labeling period markedly inhibited the rate and extent of phosphatidylserine turnover during the chase period. The inhibition of phosphatidylserine turnover could not be attributed to inhibition of either phosphatidylserine decarboxylase or phosphatidylserine exchange protein activity. Subcellular fractionation of the BHK-21 cells demonstrated that cells poisoned with NaN3 plus NaF accumulated phosphatidylserine in the microsomal fraction relative to unpoisoned cells. The results indicate that metabolic energy is required for the transport of phosphatidylserine to the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Grp94 is the main endoplasmic reticulum-resident heat shock protein (HSP) that besides chaperoning native proteins, displays important modulatory effects on both the innate and adaptive immune response. Since the knowledge of a direct influence of Grp94 on the humoral response is lacking, in this work we tested the effect of Grp94 on Ig secretion from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of five normal volunteers. The concentration of Ig secreted in the medium after incubation of 15 days was found increased in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of Grp94, used at the final concentrations of 10 and 100 ng/ml. However, by measuring the Ig secretion at different incubation times, it was apparent that maximal percent stimulation by Grp94 occurred at 7 days, decreasing thereafter. In addition, the pattern of Ig secretion in time significantly differed in the presence of Grp94 with respect to that of control PBMCs. Grp94 also stimulated in a dose-dependent manner the PBMC proliferation, an effect that preceded the Ig secretion and was accompanied by morphological changes of cells similar to those induced by the pokeweed mitogen. Effects of Grp94 on PBMCs were mediated by an intense activation of the MEK-ERK1/2 pathway and by an increased expression of HSP90. Results indicate that Grp94 can activate the humoral response by a cytokine-like, cell-mediated mechanism that leads to an accelerated process of B cell maturation and differentiation.  相似文献   

1. RNA has been prepared from baby hamster kidney cells by extraction with a phenol–EDTA mixture and further purified by passing through a column of Sephadex G-25 that had been equilibrated with water. 2. Aging of the total RNA extracts at 4° or heating at 95° followed by rapid cooling caused a conversion of 28s RNA into material sedimenting in sucrose gradients at approx. 18s. 3. When heated RNA was re-extracted with phenol the sedimentation profile was not returned to that of the unheated RNA. 4. The 28s and 18s RNA fractions were collected separately from sucrose gradients by precipitation with 2vol. of ethanol and passed through a Sephadex G-25 column equilibrated with water. 5. Heat treatment of purified 28s RNA at 95° caused the sedimentation coefficient to increase to approx. 40s, whereas similar treatment of 18s RNA caused no significant increase. If the RNA was heated before the Sephadex G-25 treatment the sedimentation coefficient of the 28s and 18s RNA decreased to approx. 12s and 8s. 6. Heating mixtures of purified 28s and 18s RNA at 95° caused some aggregation of 18s material with the 28s fraction.  相似文献   

Because the stress protein GRP94 can augment presentation of peptides to T cells, it is important to define how it, as well as all other HSP90 family members, binds peptides. Having previously shown that the N-terminal half of GRP94 can account for the peptide binding activity of the full-length protein, we now locate this binding site by testing predictions of a molecular docking model. The best predicted site was on the opposite face of the beta sheet from the pan-HSP90 radicicol-binding pocket, in close proximity to a deep hydrophobic pocket. The peptide and radicicol-binding sites are distinct, as shown by the ability of a radicicol-refractive mutant to bind peptide. When the fluorophore acrylodan is attached to Cys117 within the hydrophobic pocket, its fluorescence is reduced upon peptide binding, consistent with proximity of the two ligands. Substitution of His125, which contacts the bound peptide, compromises peptide-binding activity. We conclude that peptide binds to the concave face of the beta sheet of the N-terminal domain, where binding is regulated during the action cycle of the chaperone.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S6 was extensively phosphorylated in pre-confluent but not in post-confluent baby hamster kidney fibroblasts. This appears to be the first example of increased phosphorylation of S6 under physiological conditions where the cellular concentration of cyclic AMP is not elevated. The extent of the phosphorylation of S6 was also independent of alterations in the protein synthetic activity of the cells, suggesting that the biological role of this phosphorylation may be unrelated to the functional ability of the ribosomes.  相似文献   

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