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A redefinition of the cyanobacterial lineage has been proposed based on phylogenomic analysis of distantly related nonphototrophic lineages. We define Cyanobacteria here as “Organisms in the domain bacteria able to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis with water as an electron donor and to reduce carbon dioxide as a source of carbon, or those secondarily evolved from such organisms.”  相似文献   

We studied the effect of heat shock and wood-fueled smoke on the emergence of native and exotic plant species in soil samples obtained in an evergreen shrubland of central Chile, located on the eastern foothills of the Coastal Range of Lampa. Immediately after collection samples were dried and stored under laboratory condition. For each two transect, 10 samples were randomly chosen, and one of the following treatments was applied: 1) Heat-shock treatment. 2) Plant-produced smoke treatment. 3) Combined heat-and-smoke treatment. 4) Control, corresponding to samples not subjected to treatment. Twenty-three species, representing 12 families, emerged from the soil samples. The best-represented families were Poaceae and Asteraceae. All of the emerged species were herbs, 21 were annuals, and 14 were exotic to Chile. Fire-related triggers used in this study did not increase the emergence and/or abundance of exotic species with respect to natives in soil samples. Interestingly, this study provides evidence that heat-shock can increase the emergence of native herbs.  相似文献   

For centuries the alkaloids of coca leaves have sustained the natives of the Andes in their onerous existence, but only recently have the effects of this drug been clinically studied.  相似文献   

A controversy of relevance to the study of biological form involves the concept of adaptation. This controversy is illustrated by the structure and function of the human hand. A review of the principal definitions of adaptation points to two main problems: (1) they are qualitative and make reference to the whole structure (or substructural feature) and (2) they are based on the idea of natural selection as a moulding factor. The first problem would be solved by a definition that encompasses quantitative measures of the effects of selection, drawing on new advances in the comparative method. The second problem is deeper and presents greater conceptual difficulties. I will argue that the idea of natural selection as a moulding factor depends on the notion of a genetic program for development. But regarding the hand, experimental evidence on limb development challenges the idea of a genetic program for skeletal pattern formation, undermining a simple application of standard adaptationist concepts. These considerations lead to a revised definition of adaptation and interpretation of the evolutionary determinants of the hand’s form.  相似文献   


We analysed the patterns of genetic variability of eastern Mediterranean populations of the scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa, from the Aegean and Levantine seas, using 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci, 11 of which were newly characterized. The observed genetic pattern reflects a scenario of isolation by environment: FST comparisons showed a higher degree of genetic differentiation between the two Cypriot populations that are separated by only 11 km than between these two Levantine populations and the Aegean population in Greece, which are separated by 1300 km. We hypothesize that local-scale oceanographic factors influenced the dispersal of planulae between the geographically close populations, playing a crucial role in the genetic structure of this coastal coral. Yet, despite being characterized as a species with limited dispersal and high self-recruitment, large-scale migration does eventually occur as first-generation migrants were identified between the most distant populations. In line with previous findings of reproductive plasticity in C. caespitosa, we also found localized differences in reproduction mode (sexual vs. asexual) within a geographically limited context. Several individuals were identified as clones, indicating the predominance of asexual reproduction in one of the Cypriot populations. We interpret this predominance either as a direct response to or as an indirect consequence of perturbations suffered by this C. caespitosa population. These perturbations are caused by unfavourable environmental conditions that threatened local survival, in particular water temperature changes and windstorm swells. Asexual reproduction may be a mechanism used by C. caespitosa to counteract mortality events and recolonize devastated areas, and likely accounts for the occasional high levels of clonality and low levels of genetic diversity. Local adaptations such as these should therefore be considered in conservation and management strategies to maintain and preserve the gene pool of this endangered species.


The mobilization of the countryside has direct consequences for political discourse about national values and in times of social crisis, the ‘conservatism’ of the countryside has the potential to assume an aggressive, offensive posture. When rural mobilization is accompanied by religious revival, group loyalty and so‐called ‘traditional’ values are sacralized. When rural mobilization, ethnic mobilization, and religious revival occur simultaneously, it signifies that the society is undergoing profound destabilization. Examining the case of Serbia, this article argues that while Serbia is, in cultural and social terms, predominantly rural in character, Titoist Communism imposed the values of the city on that culture, while the 1987 coup by Slobodan Milosevic represented, among other things, the triumph of the countryside over the city in Serbia.

This article begins by characterizing the countryside in cultural terms, provides documentation of the importance of rural traditions in Serbian society, documents the rural character of the Serbian national movement, connecting its ideology and behaviour with populist appeals, and examines the contribution made by the Serbian Orthodox Church to the mobilization of the Serbian countryside.  相似文献   

Native fishes worldwide have declined as a consequence of habitat loss and degradation and introduction of non-native species. In response to these declines, river restoration projects have been initiated to enhance habitat and remove introduced fishes; however, non-native fish removal is not always logistically feasible or socially acceptable. Consequently, managers often seek to enhance degraded habitat in such a way that native fishes can coexist with introduced species. We quantified dynamics of fish communities to three newly constructed side channels in the Provo River, Utah, USA, to determine if and how they promoted coexistence between native fishes (nine species) and non-native brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Native and introduced fishes responded differently in each side channel as a function of the unique characteristics and histories of side channels. Beaver activity in two of the three side channels caused habitat differentiation or channel isolation that facilitated the establishment of native species. The third side channel had greater connectivity to and similar habitat as the main channel of the Provo River, resulting in a similar fish community to main channel habitats (i.e. dominated by brown trout with only a few native fish species). These results demonstrate the importance of understanding habitat preferences for each species in a community to guide habitat enhancement projects and the need to create refuge habitats for native fishes.  相似文献   

1. The lack of consistent differences between the traits of native and non‐native plant species makes it difficult to make general predictions about the ecological impact of invasive plants; however, the increasing number of non‐native plants in many habitats makes the assessment of the impact of each individual species impracticable. General knowledge about how specific plant traits are linked to their effects on communities or ecosystems may be more useful for predicting the effect of plant invasions. Specifically, we hypothesised that higher carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio (C:N) and percent lignin in plant detritus would reduce the rate of development and total mass at metamorphosis of tadpoles, resulting in lower metamorph production (total fresh biomass) and amphibian species richness. 2. To test these hypotheses, we raised five species of tadpoles in mesocosms containing senescent leaves of three common native and three common non‐native wetland plants that varied in C:N ratio and % lignin. 3. Leaf mass loss, total metamorph production and the number of species that metamorphosed declined as a function of increasing C:N ratio of plant leaves. Plant lignin content was not related to the production of metamorphs or the number of species that metamorphosed. The percentage of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) and American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) tadpoles reaching metamorphosis declined as a function of increasing plant C:N ratio. Mean time to metamorphosis increased and mean mass at metamorphosis declined as a function of increasing plant C:N ratio. Tadpole performance and metamorph diversity and production (biomass) were similar between native and non‐native plant species with similar C:N ratio in leaves. Percent lignin was not a significant predictor of tadpole performance. 4. Our results show that the impact of a plant invasion on tadpole performance could depend on differences between the quality of the detritus produced by the invading species and that of the native species it replaces. We suggest that plant community changes that lead to dominance by more recalcitrant plant species (those with higher leaf C:N ratio) may negatively affect amphibian populations.  相似文献   

Martin Korňan 《Biologia》2009,64(1):165-179
The structure of a breeding bird assemblage of a primeval alder swamp in the Šúr National Nature Reserve (the Danube Basin) was studied in the period 1992–1995. A 16 ha forest interior study plot was established for bird censusing. Population abundances were estimated by a combined version of the mapping method from the end of March to the beginning of July. Altogether, 42 breeders were recorded and the mean total density of species total across years was 125.15 ± 12.73 pairs/10 ha (CV = 10.17%). Two species were eudominant (≥ 10%): Sturnus vulgaris and Anas platyrhynchos, and six species were dominant (5% ≤ 10% <): Ficedula albicollis, Fringilla coelebs, Phylloscopus collybita, Parus major, Sylvia atricapilla, Erithacus rubecula. The Shannon diversity index (H′) varied between 3.98–4.10 bites. The evenness index (J′) reached values between 0.79–0.81. Expected species diversity in a random sample of 100 pairs calculated by rarefaction [E (S 100 pairs)] was 21.35 ± 0.92 species derived as a mean value from the years 1992–1995. The mean rarefaction estimate on the area [E (S 10 ha)] was 22.75 ± 1.58 species. Bird species richness and diversity were significantly higher in the study plot in comparison to the mean value of European wet alder forests. These results are comparable with the values of structural assemblage parameters of the primeval stands dominated by alder within the Białowieża National Park, Poland.  相似文献   

Abstract Soil moisture was augmented experimentally during two successive dry seasons and the intervening wet season in a humid tropical savanna in Darwin, northern Australia. Leaf phenology was monitored in four common tree species Termmalia ferdinandiana and Planchonia careya (both deciduous species), and Eucalyptus miniata and Eucalyptus tetrodonta (both evergreen species). Irrigation produced consistently significant effects in only T. ferdinandiana. In this species leaf-flush was significantly earlier, canopy decline and leaf-fall were significantly later and the attainment of full canopy was earlier in irrigated compared with non-irrigated trees. Litterfall, and the seasonal patterns of contraction and expansion of stems (a measure of stem water status or storage) were not significantly affected by irrigation in any species. Leaf longevity in the deciduous species was 6–8 months; some eucalypt leaves lived for approximately 1 year, but none lived longer than 18 months. Irrigation had relatively little effect on leaf longevity. While variation in soil moisture is a potentially important cue to both leaf-fall and leaf-flush, stem water status and climatic factors such as vapour pressure deficit may also be important climatic cues to phenological behaviour.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that parasitism represents an unpredictable dimension of the ecological impacts of biological invasions. In addition to the risk of exotic pathogen transmission, other mechanisms such as parasite-release, could contribute to shaping the relationship between introduced species and native communities. In this study, we used the Eurasian round goby (Neogobius menalostomus) in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River ecosystem to further explore these ideas. As predicted by the parasite-release hypothesis, recently established populations of round goby were parasitized by a depauperate community of generalist helminths (8 taxa), all commonly found in the St. Lawrence River. In comparison, two native species, the logperch (Percina caprodes) and spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius), were the hosts of 25 and 24 taxa respectively. Round gobies from each of 3 sampled localities were also less heavily infected than both indigenous species. This is in contrast to what is observed in round goby’s native range where the species is often the most parasitized among gobid competitors. This relative difference in parasite pressure could enhance its competitiveness in the introduced range. However, our study of an older population of round goby in Lake St. Clair suggests that this advantage over native species could be of short duration. Within 15 years, the parasite abundance and richness in the round goby has more than doubled whereas the number of parasite species per fish has increased to levels of those typical of fish indigenous to the St. Lawrence-Great Lakes watershed.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(3):147-158
Sample sites of `brousse tigrée' and related vegetation types are described for Mali and Niger. Species composition and physical structure of the herbaceous layer as well as woody plant population were recorded at all sites together with data on soils and natural resource management. Herbage yield was measured whereas foliage yield and wood mass were calculated using allometry equation calibrated for each species. `Brousse tigrée' is characterized by the regularly alternating bare-soil stripes with dense linear thickets arranged perpendicularly to the slope. There was no clear superiority in total plant production of `brousse tigrée' when compared to neighbouring site with diffuse vegetation. However, the pattern of `brousse tigrée' tended to favour woody plant yield to the detriment of herbage yield. The number of herbaceous species recorded per site (22–26) was slightly above Sahelian vegetation average despite low number of species per 1-m2 quadrat (6–9), bare soil excluded. This species richness reflects the diversity in edaphic niches resulting from the redistribution and local concentration of water resources and shade. The high spatial heterogeneity and species richness of the herbaceous layer in `brousse tigrée' did not attenuate the interannual variation in herbage yield despite low yields. Except for the herb layer, little evidence was found of grazing influence on the vegetation structure and yield a few hundred metres away from livestock concentration points. On the other hand, the clearing of thickets for cropping led to severe soil erosion which threaten the resilience of `brousse tigrée'. These observations and the well-defined climatic, soiland topographic situations under which the `brousse tigrée' occurs invalidate the hypothesis of an anthropic origin of that vegetationpattern.  相似文献   

Habermann B 《EMBO reports》2004,5(3):250-255
BAR-domains recently took centre stage in science through a report on the crystal structure of this domain in Drosophila Amphiphysin. Though only weakly conserved at the sequence level, the structure of the BAR domain shows striking similarity to the GTPase-binding domain of Arfaptin 2, an effector of Rho- and Arf- GTPases. On the basis of this sequence and structural similarity, these two proteins have been classified as belonging to the same family, the BAR-domain family, and they probably also have similar functional characteristics. Presented here are the results of a database search for the sequence of the BAR domain of Amphiphysin and Arfaptin 2. This search identified a variety of related proteins, most of which are involved in intracellular transport and especially in endocytosis. For example, the BAR-domain family includes Endophilins, GTPase-activating proteins of the Centaurinbeta family and Oligophrenins, the adaptor proteins APPL1 and APPL2 that were recently shown to interact with the small GTPase Rab5, as well as members of the Sorting nexin family. On the basis of the structures of Amphiphysin and Arfaptin 2 and the cellular role of Amphiphysins in the early steps of endocytosis, the functions of the BAR domain have been defined as a dimerization motif and as sensing and inducing membrane curvature. However, data on Arfaptin 2 and now also on the Adaptor proteins APPL1 and 2 suggest that another function of the BAR domain is to bind to small GTPases.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Insufficient data on the origins of the first introduced propagule and the initial stages of invasion complicate the reconstruction of a species’ invasion history....  相似文献   

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