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Global declines in large old trees from selective logging have degraded old‐forest ecosystems, which could lead to delayed declines or losses of old‐forest‐associated wildlife populations (i.e., extinction debt). We applied the declining population paradigm and explored potential evidence for extinction debt in an old‐forest dependent species across landscapes with different histories of large tree logging.


Montane forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA.


We tested hypotheses about the influence of forest structure on territory extinction dynamics of the spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) using detection/non‐detection data from 1993 to 2011 across two land tenures: national forests, which experienced extensive large tree logging over the past century, and national parks, which did not.


Large tree/high canopy cover forest was the best predictor of extinction rates and explained 26%–77% of model deviance. Owl territories with more large tree/high canopy cover forest had lower extinction rates, and this forest type was ~4 times more prevalent within owl territories in national parks ( = 19% of territory) than national forests ( = 4% of territory). As such, predicted extinction probability for an average owl territory was ~2.5 times greater in national forests than national parks, where occupancy was declining () and stable (), respectively. Large tree/high canopy cover forest remained consistently low, but did not decline, during the study period on national forests while owl declines were ongoing—an observation consistent with an extinction debt.

Main conclusions

In identifying a linkage between large trees and spotted owl dynamics at a regional scale, we provide evidence suggesting past logging of large old trees may have contributed to contemporary declines in an old‐forest species. Strengthening protections for remaining large old trees and promoting their recruitment in the future will be critical for biodiversity conservation in the world's forests.



We assessed patterns of avian species loss and the role of morpho‐ecological traits in explaining species vulnerability to forest fragmentation in an anthropogenic island system. We also contrasted observed and detectability‐corrected estimates of island occupancy, which are often used to infer species vulnerability.


Tucuruí Hydroelectric Reservoir, eastern Brazilian Amazonia.


We surveyed forest birds within 36 islands (3.4–2,551.5 ha) after 22 years of post‐isolation history. We applied species–area relationships to assess differential patterns of species loss among three data sets: all species, forest specialists and habitat generalists. After controlling for phylogenetic non‐independence, we used observed and detectability‐corrected estimates of island occupancy separately to build competing models as a function of species traits. The magnitude of the difference between these estimates of island occupancy was contrasted against species detectability.


The rate of species loss as a function of island area reduction was higher for forest specialists than for habitat generalists. Accounting for the area effect, forest fragmentation did not affect the overall number of species regardless of the data set. Only the interactive model including natural abundance, habitat breadth and geographic range size was strongly supported for both estimates of island occupancy. For 30 species with detection probabilities below 30%, detectability‐corrected estimates were at least tenfold higher than those observed. Conversely, differences between estimates were negligible or non‐existent for all 31 species with detection probabilities exceeding 45.5%.

Main conclusions

Predicted decay of avian species richness induced by forest loss is affected by the degree of habitat specialisation of the species under consideration, and may be unrelated to forest fragmentation per se. Natural abundance was the main predictor of species island occupancy, although habitat breadth and geographic range size also played a role. We caution against using occupancy models for low‐detectability species, because overestimates of island occupancy reduce the power of species‐level predictions of vulnerability.



Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) are a diverse and essential biota of forests that are vulnerable to species loss through reductions in late‐seral habitat. We examined how the spatial ecology of this biota, particularly distance–decay and species–area relationships, could better inform habitat thresholds for EMF conservation planning.


Southeast Vancouver Island near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.


Using a stratified sampling design, 11 plots (0.15 ha in size) were established at 0.05–17.5 km apart across 2,800 ha of mesic old‐growth Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla forests. EMF communities were compiled through molecular analysis of root tips and sporocarps.


The EMF community was comprised of many Cortinarius, Piloderma, Russula and Tricholoma species typical of mesotrophic habitat. A total of 238 EMF species were observed, of which 86 species were detected only once. The ratio of average species richness per plot (84 taxa) to total richness was low at 0.35, and inherent stochasticity of the EMF community was estimated to be 31% community dissimilarity for species incidence. Distance decay of EMF communities was nonlinear, with an estimated slope break at 2.6 km, followed by a largely unchanging trend in β‐diversity. Accumulated species–area curves were fitted best by the cumulative Weibull sigmoid model, and the asymptote (367 species) at approx. 50 ha was consistent with nonparametric estimates of γ‐diversity (342–362 spp.).

Main conclusions

Old‐growth forests host an impressive amount of EMF diversity, and many of the Ramaria, Inocybe and Russula species are likely to be endemic to the Pacific Northwest. Both niche‐ and neutral‐based processes influenced EMF community composition, resulting in a minimum threshold of 50 ha (1.8% of the sample area) for capturing γ‐diversity. These spatial patterns will help design and evaluate conservation efforts, such as retention forestry, to sustain fully diverse EMF communities over managed landscapes.



The practical value of the single‐species approach to conserve biodiversity could be minimal or negligible when sympatric species are limited by factors that are not relevant to the proposed umbrella species. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated as follows: (1) habitat suitability and potential movement corridors of a single umbrella species, giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca); (2) habitat suitability of sympatric mammals; and (3) the potential effectiveness of the single‐species corridor planning to preserve suitable habitat and its connectivity of other focal species.


Qinling Mountains, central part of China (15,000 km2).


We collected species distribution, environmental and anthropogenic data and conducted species occupancy modelling for giant panda and six other sympatric species (i.e., takin Budorcas taxicolor, tufted deer Elaphodus cephalophus, Chinese goral Naemorhedus griseus, Reeve's muntjac Muntiacus reevesi, leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis and yellow‐throated marten Martes flavigula). We then conducted circuit models to identify potential corridors for each species and evaluated the effectiveness of giant panda corridors to restore the habitat connectivity for these sympatric mammals.


Occupancy modelling revealed that each species had a unique set of environmental variables associated with its distribution in the Qinling Mountains. We found that giant panda and all other focal species had some degree of fragmentation to their suitable habitat that required restoring habitat connectivity. Among the eight potential giant panda corridors, conservation efforts to reduce anthropogenic impacts would significantly improve the effectiveness of six corridors, while the other two corridors would require altering the vegetation. Five proposed giant panda corridors had remarkable overlap with corridors proposed for other species. We suggest two giant panda corridors as a priority due to their potential to maximize the benefits to both giant panda and a broader suite of mammals.

Main conclusions

Corridor planning in this region of China will likely continue using the single‐species policy, but our results highlight that not all potential giant panda corridors have equal effectiveness for other wildlife species. When offered multiple alternative actions, conservation planners can prioritize corridor development based on a multispecies perspective without loss of connectivity for the priority species. This approach has strong implications to the conservation of wildlife communities in China, and elsewhere, where conservation plans developed for a single‐species garner most available funding and institutional support.



Information about the importance of propagule pressure and habitat invasibility in invasion success of dispersal‐limited species is scarce. We aimed to assess invasiveness of Quercus rubra within stands of 14 tree species, and the effects of distance from propagule source on invasion success, to highlight limiting factors for further application in nature conservation.


Siemianice Experimental Forest—a common garden forest experiment with 14 tree species, western Poland.


We investigated aboveground biomass, leaf area index and density of Q. rubra natural regeneration within 53 experimental plots, as well as distance from the seed source. We also analysed light availability changes between 2005 and 2015 on plots of each tree species. We used multiple linear regression and variable importance to quantify the effect of each factor.


All factors tested influenced ecological success of Q. rubra. Invasion success decreased with increasing distance from the seed source and decreasing light availability and was higher within stands of pioneer tree species. Leaf area index depended mostly on tree stand species, density depended on distance from the propagule source and biomass depended on both. Light availability explained 7.2%–30.2% of the variance; tree species—from 36.1% to 57.4%; and distance from the propagule source—from 12.4% to 56.7%.

Main conclusions

Tree stand species, light availability and distance from the propagule source influence ecological success of invasive Q. rubra, displaying their importance for spread of this species. These factors are controllable in forest/conservation management and may be used to prevent Q. rubra invasion. Planting late‐successional tree species that cast dense shade, maintaining canopy closure and removing fruiting trees from surrounding more invasible stands may prevent Q. rubra invasion.



Studies of species' range shifts have become increasingly relevant for understanding ecology and biogeography in the face of accelerated global change. The combination of limited mobility and imperilled status places some species at a potentially greater risk of range loss, extirpation or extinction due to climate change. To assess the ability of organisms with limited movement and dispersal capabilities to track shifts associated with climate change, we evaluated reproductive and dispersal traits of freshwater mussels (Unionida), sessile invertebrates that require species‐specific fish for larval dispersal.


North American Atlantic Slope rivers.


To understand how unionid mussels may cope with and adapt to current and future warming trends, we identified mechanisms that facilitated their colonization of the northern Atlantic Slope river basins in North America after the Last Glacial Maximum. We compiled species occurrence and life history trait information for each of 55 species, and then selected life history traits for which ample data were available (larval brooding duration, host fish specificity, host infection strategy, and body size) and analysed whether the trait state for each was related to mussel distribution in Atlantic Slope rivers.


Brooding duration (p < .01) and host fish specificity (p = .02) were significantly related to mussel species distribution. Long‐term brooders were more likely than short‐term brooders to colonize formerly glaciated rivers, as were host generalists compared to specialists. Body size and host infection strategy were not predictive of movement into formerly glaciated rivers (p > .10).

Main conclusions

Our results are potentially applicable to many species for which life history traits have not been well‐documented, because reproductive and dispersal traits in unionid mussels typically follow phylogenetic relationships. These findings may help resource managers prioritize species according to climate change vulnerability and predict which species might become further imperilled with climate warming. Finally, we suggest that similar trait‐based decision support frameworks may be applicable for other movement limited taxa.



Small geographic ranges make species especially prone to extinction from anthropogenic disturbances or natural stochastic events. We assemble and analyse a comprehensive dataset of all the world's lizard species and identify the species with the smallest ranges—those known only from their type localities. We compare them to wide‐ranging species to infer whether specific geographic regions or biological traits predispose species to have small ranges.




We extensively surveyed museum collections, the primary literature and our own field records to identify all the species of lizards with a maximum linear geographic extent of <10 km. We compared their biogeography, key biological traits and threat status to those of all other lizards.


One in seven lizards (927 of the 6,568 currently recognized species) are known only from their type localities. These include 213 species known only from a single specimen. Compared to more wide‐ranging taxa, they mostly inhabit relatively inaccessible regions at lower, mostly tropical, latitudes. Surprisingly, we found that burrowing lifestyle is a relatively unimportant driver of small range size. Geckos are especially prone to having tiny ranges, and skinks dominate lists of such species not seen for over 50 years, as well as of species known only from their holotype. Two‐thirds of these species have no IUCN assessments, and at least 20 are extinct.

Main conclusions

Fourteen per cent of lizard diversity is restricted to a single location, often in inaccessible regions. These species are elusive, usually poorly known and little studied. Many face severe extinction risk, but current knowledge is inadequate to properly assess this for all of them. We recommend that such species become the focus of taxonomic, ecological and survey efforts.



Abandoned lands are expanding globally due to depopulation in rural areas; biodiversity is declining due to the cessation of traditional management practices. However, the awareness of abandonment as a serious threat is still limited. Knowledge of the influence of the responsible factors on the assessment of regional extinction risk of species due to abandonment is sparse although it is indispensable for conservation decision‐making. This study aimed to clarify the influence of the heterogeneity in abandonment risk and interspecies differences in sensitivity to abandonment on regional species extinction risk and to identify the attributes of the species whose extinction risk is prone to be assessed inaccurately by ignoring the abandonment risk.


Awaji Island, Hyogo, Western Japan.


We assessed the extinction risk of 64 species of macrophytes under four scenarios: 2 × 2 combinations whether to incorporate interspecies differences in sensitivity to abandonment and the abandonment risk, respectively.


Ignoring the abandonment risk overestimated the extinction risk of most species by 10%, whereas ignoring interspecies differences in sensitivity did not significantly affect the extinction risk. Ignoring the abandonment risk overestimated the extinction risk of emergent plants by 12%, whereas it underestimated that of free‐floating plants or threatened plants by 5%. Spatial bias in abandonment risk markedly reduced the correlation between the extinction risk and the frequency of species occurrence.

Main conclusions

The abandonment risk was more effective in accurately assessing the extinction risk due to abandonment than interspecies differences in sensitivity. Extinction risk of emergent, free‐floating or threatened species were assessed inaccurately by ignoring the abandonment risk. Focusing only on the area of occurrence or the extent of occurrence of a species as a surrogate for its extinction risk is likely to produce inaccurate assessments, and thus should be avoided.



Invasive species occurrence is often related to the anthropogenic context of a given area. Quantifying the effects of roads is of particular interest as roads are a major vector for invasion. Our objective was to further quantify the effects of roads on forest plant invasion through a macroscale, high‐resolution investigation to assist effective invasion control and mitigation.


Eastern United States.


Using invasive plant data from 23,039 forest inventory plots in 13 ecological provinces, we employed logistic regression to relate the odds of invasion to distance from a road, with adjustments for broadscale differences attributable to ecological provinces, and local scale differences in productivity, forest fragmentation and land use.


The overall proportion (P) of invaded plots was 0.58 (0.65 for plots within 50 m of a road), and the highest odds (P/1 ? P) of invasion were found in relatively more productive, fragmented forest in landscapes with more than 10% agriculture or developed land cover. Wald chi‐square statistics indicated the best predictor of the odds of invasion was ecological province, followed by land use, productivity, forest fragmentation and distance from a road. Depending on the province, the adjusted odds of invasion decreased by up to 23% (typically 4%–10%) per 100 m distance from a road. The adjusted probability of invasion approached zero in only three provinces, for the least productive, least fragmented forest that was at least 2,000 m from a road in landscapes with less than 10% agricultural or developed land cover.

Main conclusions

In the eastern United States, the existence of a nearby road is less important than the landscape context associated with the road. A purely road‐mediated effect has little practical meaning because anthropogenic activities and roads are pervasive and confounded.



Range expansions facilitated by humans or in response to local biotic or abiotic stressors provide the opportunity for species to occupy novel environments. Classifying the status of newly expanded populations can be difficult, particularly when the timing and nature of the range expansion are unclear. Should native species in new habitats be considered invasive pests or actively conserved? Here, we present an analytical framework applied to an Australian marsupial, the sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps), a species that preys upon on an endangered parrot in Tasmania, and whose provenance was uncertain.


Tasmania, Australia.


We conducted an extensive search of historical records for sugar glider occurrences in Tasmania. Source material included museum collection data, early European expedition logs, community observation records, and peer‐reviewed and grey literature. To determine the provenance of the Tasmanian population, we sequenced two mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene in Tasmanian animals (n = 27) and in individuals across the species' native range. We then estimated divergence times between Tasmania and southern Australian populations using phylogenetic and Bayesian analyses.


We found no historical evidence of sugar gliders occurring in Tasmania prior to 1835. All Tasmanian individuals (n = 27) were genetically identical at the three genes surveyed here with those individuals being 0.125% divergent from individuals from a population in Victoria. Bayesian analysis of divergence between Tasmanian individuals and southern Australian individuals suggested a recent introduction of sugar gliders into Tasmania from southern Australia.

Main conclusions

Molecular and historical data demonstrate that Tasmanian sugar gliders are a recent, post‐European, anthropogenic introduction from mainland Victoria. This result has implications for the management of the species in relation to their impact on an endangered parrot. The analytical framework outlined here can assist environmental managers with the complex task of assessing the status of recently expanded or introduced native species.



Across the tropics, large‐bodied mammal species are threatened by rapid and widespread forest habitat conversion by either commercial logging or agricultural expansion. How such species use these habitats is an important area of research for guiding their future management. The tropical forest‐dwelling sun bear, Helarctos malayanus, is the least known of the eight bear species. Consequently, the IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group ranks research on this species as a top priority. This study aims to investigate landscape variables that influence sun bear habitat use in forests under varying levels of degradation and protection.


A 20,998 km2 Sumatra forest landscape covering Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), Batang Hari Protection Forest (BHPF) and neighbouring logging and agricultural concessions.


An occupancy‐based sampling technique using detection/non‐detection data with 10 landscape covariates was applied in six study areas that operated a total of 125 camera traps. The potential differences between habitat use (ψ) of sun bears were first modelled with broad‐scale covariates of study area, land‐use types and forest type. Sun bear habitat use was then investigated with the finer‐scale landscape features associated within these areas.


From 10,935 trap nights, sun bears were recorded at altitudes ranging from 365 to 1791 m. At a broad‐scale, habitat use increased with protection status, being highest in KSNP (0.688 ± 0.092, ± SE) and BHPF (0.621 ± 0.110) compared to production (0.418 ± 0.121) and convertible (0.286 ± 0.122) forests. Within these areas, sun bears showed a preference for forest that was further from public roads and villages and at a lower elevation.

Main conclusions

The habitat suitability model identified several high‐quality habitat patches outside of the priority conservation areas for immediate protection. Consequently, conservation management strategies should emphasize the importance of high conservation value forests and prohibit further conversion of threatened lowland forests.



Species inhabiting fresh waters are severely affected by climate change and other anthropogenic stressors. Effective management and conservation plans require advances in the accuracy and reliability of species distribution forecasts. Here, we forecast distribution shifts of Salmo trutta based on environmental predictors and examine the effect of using different statistical techniques and varying geographical extents on the performance and extrapolation of the models obtained.


Watercourses of Ebro, Elbe and Danube river basins (c. 1,041,000 km2; Mediterranean and temperate climates, Europe).


The occurrence of S. trutta and variables of climate, land cover and stream topography were assigned to stream reaches. Data obtained were used to build correlative species distribution models (SDMs) and forecasts for future decades (2020s, 2050s and 2080s) under the A1b emissions scenario, using four statistical techniques (generalised linear models, generalised additive models, random forest, and multivariate adaptive regression).


The SDMs showed an excellent performance. Climate was a better predictor than stream topography, while land cover characteristics were not necessary to improve performance. Forecasts predict the distribution of S. trutta to become increasingly restricted over time. The geographical extent of data had a weak impact on model performance and gain/loss values, but better species response curves were generated using data from all three basins collectively. By 2080, 64% of the stream reaches sampled will be unsuitable habitats for S. trutta, with Elbe basin being the most affected, and virtually no new habitats will be gained in any basin.

Main conclusions

More reliable predictions are obtained when the geographical data used for modelling approximate the environmental range where the species is present. Future research incorporating both correlative and mechanistic approaches may increase robustness and accuracy of predictions.



Landscape attributes can determine plant–animal interactions via effects on the identity and abundance of the involved species. As most studies have been conducted in a context of habitat loss and fragmentation, we know very little about interaction assembly in new habitats from a landscape approach. This study aimed to test the effect of forest age and connectivity on acorn predation by a guild of predator insects differing in dispersal ability and resilience mechanisms: two weevils (Curculio elephas and C. glandium) and one moth (Cydia fagiglandana) in expanding Quercus ilex forests.


Barcelona, Spain.


We assessed the proportion of infested acorns and identified the predator at the species level in five patches of connected old forests, connected new forests and isolated new forests. Effects of habitat age and connectivity at three scales (tree, patch and landscape) were analysed using generalized linear mixed‐effects models.


Predation by weevils was positively associated with old connected forests, while moths, with better dispersal ability, were able to predate upon all patches equally. Moreover, C. elephas, the weevil with lower dispersal ability, exhibited colonization credits in the new isolated patches. In spite of these changes in the guild of seed predators, the proportion of infested acorns was non‐significantly different among forests.

Main conclusions

The guild of seed predators may vary depending on forest age and connectivity. However, because those with higher dispersal ability may replace less mobile species, this resulted in zero‐sum effects of landscape attributes on acorn predation (i.e., similar predation rates in well‐connected old forests vs. isolated new forests).



Concurrently, assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas and evaluating the degree of risk from humans to key species provide valuable information that can be integrated into conservation management planning. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are a wide‐ranging ecologically important species subject to various threats. The aim of this study was to identify “hotspots” of tiger shark habitat use in relation to protected areas and potential risks from fishing.


Southwest Indian Ocean, east coast of South Africa and Mozambique.


Satellite tags were fitted to 26 tiger sharks. A subset of 19 sharks with an average period at liberty of 197 (SD = 110) days were analysed using hotspot analysis to identify areas of core habitat use. The spatial and temporal overlap of significant hotspots with current and planned marine protected areas as well as risks from fishing and culling was then calculated.


There was a 5.97% spatial overlap between tiger shark hotspots and marine protected areas, which would increase significantly (p < .05) to 24.36% with the expansion of planned protected areas in South Africa and could be as high as 41.43% if Mozambique similarly expanded neighbouring protected area boundaries. Tiger sharks remained largely coastal, but only showed a spatial overlap of 5.12% with shark culling nets in South Africa. Only three sharks undertook open ocean migrations during which they were more likely to interact with longline fisheries in the region.

Main conclusions

This study demonstrates how spatial information can be used to assess the overlap between marine protected areas and the core habitats of top marine predators and highlights how congruent transnational conservation management can improve the effectiveness of protected areas. Core habitat use of marine apex predators may also be indicative of productive habitats, and therefore, predators such as tiger sharks could act as surrogate species for identifying key habitats to prioritize for conservation planning.



To assess whether observed thermal bounds in species’ latitudinal ranges (i.e., realized thermal niches) can be used to predict patterns of occurrence and abundance changes observed during a marine heatwave, relative to other important life history and functional traits.


Rottnest Island, Western Australia.


A time series of standardized quantitative surveys of reef fishes spanning 8 years of pronounced ocean temperature change is used to test whether accurate predictions on shifts in species occupancy and abundance are possible using species traits.


Species‐level responses in occurrence and abundance were closely related to the mid‐point of their realized thermal niche, more so than body size, range size or trophic level. Most of the species that disappeared from survey counts during the heatwave were characterized by geographic ranges that did not extend to latitudes with temperatures equivalent to the ocean temperature peak during the heatwave. We thus find support for the hypothesis that current distribution limits are set directly or indirectly by temperature and are highly responsive to ocean temperature variability.

Main conclusions

Our study shows that reef fish community structure can change very quickly when exposed to extreme thermal anomalies, in directions predicted from the realized thermal niche of the species present. Such predictions can thus identify species that will be most responsive to changing ocean climate. Continued warming, coupled with periodic extreme heat events, may lead to the loss of ecosystem services and ecological functions, as mobile species relocate to more hospitable climes, while less mobile species may head towards extinction.



To investigate phylogeographic patterns among and within co‐occurring sea snake species from Australia's endemic viviparous Aipysurus lineage, which includes critically endangered species, and evaluate the conservation implications of geographically structured patterns of genetic divergence and diversity.


Australia's tropical shallow water marine environments spanning four regions: Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Gulf of Carpentaria (GoC), Timor Sea (TS) and coastal WA (WAC).


Samples from >550 snakes representing all nine nominal Aipysurus group species were obtained from throughout their known Australian ranges. Coalescent phylogenetic analyses and Bayesian molecular dating of mitochondrial DNA, combined with Bayesian and traditional population genetic analyses of 11 microsatellite loci, were used to evaluate genetic divergence and diversity.


Mitochondrial DNA revealed highly congruent phylogeographic breaks among co‐occurring species, largely supported by nuclear microsatellites. For each species, each region was characterized by a unique suite of haplotypes (phylogroups). Divergences between the TS, GoC and/or GBR were invariably shallow and dated as occurring 50,000–130,000 years ago, coinciding with the cyclic Pleistocene emergence of the Torres Strait land bridge. By contrast, sea snakes from coastal WA were consistently highly divergent from other regions and dated as diverging 178,000–526,000 years ago, which was not associated with any known vicariant events.

Main Conclusions

Previously unappreciated highly divergent sea snake lineages in coastal WA potentially represent cryptic species, highlighting this region as a high‐priority area for conservation. The cyclic emergence of the Torres Strait land bridge is consisted with observed divergences between the TS, GoC and/or GBR; however, processes involved in the earlier divergences involving the WAC remain to be determined. The observed strong population genetic structures (as surrogates for dispersal) indicate that sea snakes have limited potential to reverse population declines via replenishment from other sources over time frames relevant to conservation.



To identify traits related to the severity and type of environmental impacts generated by alien bird species, in order to improve our ability to predict which species may have the most damaging impacts.




Information on traits hypothesized to influence the severity and type of alien bird impacts was collated for 113 bird species. These data were analysed using mixed effects models accounting for phylogenetic non‐independence of species.


The severity and type of impacts generated by alien bird species are not randomly distributed with respect to their traits. Alien range size and habitat breadth were strongly associated with impact severity. Predation impacts were strongly associated with dietary preference, but also with alien range size, relative brain size and residence time. Impacts mediated by interactions with other alien species were related to alien range size and diet breadth.

Main conclusions

Widely distributed generalist alien birds have the most severe environmental impacts. This may be because these species have greater opportunity to cause environmental impacts through their sheer number and ubiquity, but this could also be because they are more likely to be identified and studied. Our study found little evidence for an effect of per capita impact on impact severity.



With the exception of South Africa there are no systematic, long‐term, large‐scale bird monitoring programmes in Africa, and for much of the continent the most comprehensive available data for most species are incidental occurrence records. Can such data be used to assess range‐wide conservation status of widespread low‐density species? We examine this using Kori Bustard Ardeotis kori, a large, easily identifiable species with an extensive African range.


Southern and East Africa, 14 countries.


A comprehensive and systematic review of published and unpublished sources provided 1948 unique locality records spanning the years 1863–2009; these included 410 non‐atlas records and 97 historical (pre‐1970) records. Range‐size changes were examined by comparing minimum convex polygons to quantify Extent of Occurrence pre‐ and post‐1970, and by testing whether more historical records fell outside the recent (post‐1970) 95% probability kernel than expected by chance. Additionally, qualitative evidence of changes in abundance was obtained from historical published accounts and contemporary assessments by in‐country experts.


Since the late 19th century, range‐size (measured as Extent of Occurrence) has contracted, by 21% in East Africa and 8% in southern Africa. There is strong qualitative evidence of considerable pre‐ and post‐1970 population declines in all range states, except Zambia (slight increase) and Angola (trend unclear). In some countries, declines occurred from the early 1900s. Thus, while relatively modest change in range‐size has occurred in over 100 years, numbers have greatly reduced throughout the species’ range.

Main conclusions

Our methodology allowed objective appraisal of continent‐wide Kori status. Despite lacking quantitative population estimates and trends, and poor understanding of the species’ autecology, common issues for many African species, incidental occurrence records can be used to assess range‐wide changes in status. We recommend that this or similar approaches be applied to other widespread low‐density species that probably also have rapidly declining populations despite apparently stable range extents.



Understanding how climate affects species distributions remains a major challenge, with the relative importance of direct physiological effects versus biotic interactions still poorly understood. We focus on three species of resource specialists (crossbill Loxia finches) to assess the role of climate in determining the seasonal availability of their food, the importance of climate and the occurrence of their food plants for explaining their current distributions, and to predict changes in their distributions under future climate change scenarios.




We used datasets on the timing of seed fall in European Scots pine Pinus sylvestris forests (where different crossbill species occur) to estimate seed fall phenology and climate data to determine its influence on spatial and temporal variation in the timing of seed fall to provide a link between climate and seed scarcity for crossbills. We used large‐scale datasets on crossbill distribution, cover of the conifers relied on by the three crossbill species and climate variables associated with timing of seed fall, to assess their relative importance for predicting crossbill distributions. We used species distribution modelling to predict changes in their distributions under climate change projections for 2070.


We found that seed fall occurred 1.5–2 months earlier in southern Europe than in Sweden and Scotland and was associated with variation in spring maximum temperatures and precipitation. These climate variables and area covered with conifers relied on by the crossbills explained much of their observed distributions. Projections under global change scenarios revealed reductions in potential crossbill distributions, especially for parrot crossbills.

Main conclusions

Ranges of resource specialists are directly influenced by the presence of their food plants, with climate conditions further affecting resource availability and the window of food scarcity indirectly. Future distributions will be determined by tree responses to changing climatic conditions and the impact of climate on seed fall phenology.



We sought to identify direct and indirect effects of factors contributing to establishment and spread of 272 stream fish species.


Two hundred and ninety‐seven watersheds in the eastern United States.


We modelled two variables: (1) whether a species had become established outside its native range (establishment) and (2) the number of watersheds in which species established outside their native range (spread). We estimated these variables by comparing historical distributions to a rich data set of contemporary sampling. We calculated metrics of human use (indexing propagule pressure), and gathered species trait data from an open‐access database. We then used piecewise path analysis to estimate direct and indirect effects of human use, native range size and species traits on the two metrics of species introductions.


We identified a hierarchical causal structure in which native range size and fishing pressure were important direct determinants of introductions. Species traits had some direct effects, but played a more indirect role. Native range size was significantly affected by thermal tolerance and diet breadth. Likewise, fishing pressure was significantly affected by life history strategy: larger‐bodied, longer‐living and more fecund species were positively associated with fishing pressure.

Main conclusions

Functional traits can confer an advantage to some species during the establishment phase, but human use is important for subsequent dispersal throughout the non‐native range. However, human use is non‐random, and is largely a function of species traits. Considering both direct and indirect effects of traits across stages of the invasion process can help to elucidate the full role of traits in species invasions.

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