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Spatio-temporal variations of lifetime reproductive succes (LRS) of both male and female individuals of a coreid bugColpula lativentris were measured and analyzed using the multiple regression method of Arnold and Wade (1984a, b). The standardized variance of LRS was larger in males than that in females as males often to secure mates for a long period whereas females could easily find mates and oviposit simply dependent on ovarial maturation. LRS was partitioned into 4 consecutive fitness components: (1) reproductive lifespan, (2) copulating efficiency, (3) guarding efficiency (for males) or oviposition efficiency (for females), and (4) number of eggs per clutch. In males copulating efficiency was the largest determining factor of LRS, whereas in females reproductive lifespan was the most important factor. Such tendencies were stable on both a yearly and local basis. Patterns of relative contribution of natural selection (reproductive lifespan and number of eggs per clutch) and sexual selection (copulating efficiency and guarding or oviposition efficiency) to LRS were clearly different between males and females. This sexual difference is, at least to some extent, thought to be brought about by sexual selection among males for mating opportunity, though no physical fight was observed among males. Directional selection on body length was found only in relation to the clutch size of females because large females tended to lay larger clutches. No significant directional selection was found in other fitness components.  相似文献   

The occurrence of polygyny requires specific environmental conditions such as female aggregation or patchy resource distribution. However, it is difficult to determine the factors responsible for polygyny in species in which the territories of both sexes overlap. To overcome this, we performed female removal experiments in the polygynous triggerfish Sufflamen chrysopterum (Balistidae) in the Okinawa coral reef. Both sexes defended their territories exclusively against consexuals of the same species, and female aggregation was absent. Each male territory included 1–3 female territories, and nonterritorial males were significantly smaller than territorial males. Further, the body size of territorial males was positively correlated with that of the largest female in their territories, and larger males tended to mate with more females. The results of the female removal experiments (n = 10 females) indicated that females competed for better territories rather than larger mates. In contrast, males abandoned the territories once the females emigrated. These results strongly suggest that males defend females rather than sites and compete for larger and a greater numbers of females. Thus, in S. chrysopterum, female defense polygyny occurs in the absence of female aggregation.  相似文献   

Spatial relationships of mate acquisition probability for individuals of both sexes of a gregariously-mating coreid bug, Colpula lativentris, were studied in relation to aggregation size. Operational sex ratio was always strongly male biased. Mate acquisition probability of females was rather constant and independent of aggregation size, as predicted by an ideal free distribution. Moreover laboratory experiments showed that both multiple mating and rearing density little affected female fecundity, suggesting ideal free distribution of females in terms of reproductive success. On the other hand, mate acquisition probability of males was higher in larger aggregations, where more receptive females were available. This male discrepancy from an ideal free distribution was similar to the patterns predicted by an ideal free distribution under perceptual constraints (Abrahams, 1986), but not by that under unequal competitive ability.  相似文献   

Mating activity was observed during four breeding seasons in two groups of black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) living in lowland rain forest on Nosy Mangabe island, Madagascar. The onset of the May-July breeding season was signalled by behavioral changes in adult males. Males made forays outside their usual home ranges, were more aggressive to other males, and performed appetitive and other sex-specific behaviors more frequently. Females showed receptive and proceptive behaviors during a 1-2 day behavioral estrus. Ruffed lemurs mated monogamously, polyandrously, and polygynously. These observations do not support previous assertions that they live only in monogamous families. Limited evidence suggests females exercised mate choice and may have preferred familiar males. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mating system of the winter cherry bug, Acanthocoris sordidus, was analyzed precisely. As a result, it was found that male adults of this species establish a small territory for mating on the stem of host plant which harbors females. These males abandoned their territories soon after the disappearance of monopolized females. Thus it was confirned that the cue for the territorial establishment of males is the presence of females per se on the host plant. Moreover, most aggregations of adults observed on the host plant contained only a single male. This one-male unit in the mating was named a harem. Harem holding males were usually big in body-size and had a high chance of copulations. The defence behaviors of harem holding males, the mating disparity among males, and the oviposition habit of females in relation to the mating system, were observed. The results obtained were discussed in relation to the sexual selection theories.  相似文献   

All gibbons are monogamous and territorial with the exception ofHylobates concolor. This paper reports the coexistence of monogamy and polygyny in black-crested gibbons. Based on the fact of two adult females and two offspring of the same age category in one group and other reasons, we suppose that the two adult females have bred in a single group, i.e. a polygynous one. The other main reasons are: (1) a large home range makes it possible for more individuals to live in one group; (2) mutual tolerance among two females; and (3) selection pressure favouring polygyny.  相似文献   

The duration of copulation in the gregarious shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis Scott (Hemiptera: Cydnidae), is of two types, the far more prevalent short-term copulation (average, 15 s) and the long-term coupulation (average, 23 min). Both types were thought to be equally effective in inseminating females. Recent evidence has suggested that there is, in fact, a discrepancy in insemination success between the two duration types of copulations. We carried out manipulated field studies to clarify the difference in insemination success between the two duration types and to determine whether there is some physical or physiological variability in females or males that might affect female receptivity to a long-term copulation. The findings indicated that, although a small percentage of short-term copulations resulted in some sperm transfer, long-term copulations were a far more effective way for males to inseminate females. Further, females experiencing long-term copulations were found to be at a slightly more advanced stage of ovarian development than those experiencing only short-term copulations, and may be deciding whether a long-term copulation occurs. Male size does not appear to affect copulation duration. It is concluded that the long-term type of copulation is the actual effective copulation duration in this species and the objective of all females. Possible factors that might contribute to the prevalence of these two copulation durations are discussed. Received: June 21, 1999 / Accepted: September 6, 1999  相似文献   

The road tarantula Eupalaestrus weijenberghi shows a strongly female-biased sex ratio since adult females live several years while adult males live only for 2 months. In this scenario selective males could be expected. However, several factors such as the rates of reproduction of each sex, degree of sexual selectivity and synchronicity of female receptiveness determine the operational sexual ratio and mating system of the species. Our objective was to determine the mating rates and mating tactics for females and males of E. weijenberghi and their variation throughout the reproductive period. Four hundred sexual encounters among 20 females and 20 males in all possible pair-wise combinations were carried out during 29 days, a brief but intense experimental period, as it also occurs in the field. Mating success differed strongly between sexes. Females mated once: five females mated at the first attempt, eight initially rejected males and copulated in subsequent attempts. Half of the males did not copulate and the others copulated 1-3 times. Mated females actively rejected males. Results indicate a mating system with monogamous females and polygamous males. Not all the females were receptive in every reproductive season. We suggest that female monogamy drastically affects the operational sex ratio, since several females were unreceptive after a single copulation, directly diminishing the male potential reproductive rate. This is the first experimental approach to estimate tarantula mating systems, their determinants and the consequences of the strategies shown by each sex.  相似文献   

V. Sommer 《Human Evolution》1988,3(4):261-278
During a 15 month study on free ranging langurs (Presbytis entellus) at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, 5 adult male replacements were observed as a result of nontroop male invasions into the home ranges of 3 neighbouring one-male troops comprising 16–28 members each. Jodhpur langurs have no breeding season. Periods of instability during resident male changes lasted 11–119 days. Linear dominance hierarchies could be detected within the 3 main rival male bands of 2, 5, and 28–35 members. The respective alphas drove their allies away after their bands succeeded cooperatively at occupying a troop. During gradual replacements interim residencies alternated with multi-male stages. A large band's alpha may have had better chances to win the competition, since adult and nonadult allies functioned as “buffers” in agonistic encounters. The role of kin selection in structuring the composition of male bands and male coalitional behaviour cannot yet be quantified. Tactical “deceit” of powerful males to cause unrealistic expectations and in this way agonistic engagement of less strong males can be ruled out. “Sneaking copulations” is a proximate advantage for subordinate supporters, since they participated in 61.9% of all sexual interactions. Female promiscuity might reflect a strategy to induce male-male competition and thus select for a strong resident.  相似文献   

Stabilizing mechanism in population of Malacosoma neustria testacea was investigated in a central part of Japan based on eight year survey. Population fluctuation in each developmental stage in the experimental field was rather small, i.e., 5.9 times in egg and 85.0 times in female adult. Pupal weight negatively correlated with the densities of 5th instar larvae and prepupae (cocoons) and correlation coefficient was highly significant in females. Population density was stabilized by density-dependent dispersal of female moths in preovipositional period. Comparison between fecundity of emerged moths and that of actually oviposited ones in the experimental field suggested that density-dependent dispersal took place as the result of density-dependent size variation, i.e., small-sized female months have higher flying ability. This hypothesis was supported by the experiment in which flying ability of newly emerged female moth was measured. Similar stabilizing mechanism is expected to occur in semelparous or pro-ovigenic insects.  相似文献   

Summary Stabilizing mechanism in population ofMalacosoma neustria testacea was investigated in a central part of Japan based on eight year survey. Population fluctuation in each developmental stage in the experimental field was rather small, i.e., 5.9 times in egg and 85.0 times in female adult. Pupal weight negatively correlated with the densities of 5th instar larvae and prepupae (cocoons) and correlation coefficient was highly significant in females. Population density was stabilized by density-dependent dispersal of female moths in preovipositional period. Comparison between fecundity of emerged moths and that of actually oviposited ones in the experimental field suggested that density-dependent dispersal took place as the result of density-dependent size variation, i. e., small-sized female moths have higher flying ability. This hypothesis was supported by the experiment in which flying ability of newly emerged female moth was measured. Similar stabilizing mechanism is expected to occur in semelparous or pro-ovigenic insects. Contribution Ser. A, No. 64 from Fruit Tree Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Japan  相似文献   

Organisms are exposed to various stresses caused by environmental fluctuations. One of the most common stresses is the shortage of food. Individuals of many species must survive periods of starvation. There appears to be a trade‐off between reproduction and survival. When residual reproductive value declines for an individual, life‐history theory predicts an increase in current reproductive investment. Current reproductive investment differs between virgin and mated individuals. It is likely that mating experience influences starvation tolerance. However, few studies have investigated sex differences in the effect of mating experience on starvation tolerance or clarified the causes of reductions in starvation tolerance in both sexes. In the present study, these questions are investigated using the seed bug Togo hemipterus (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae).The results of the present study demonstrate that mating is costly for both sexes. Mated males show very short survival times and a daily reduction in weight, and daily energy expenditures are significantly greater in mated males than in virgin males. It is possible that starvation increases the mating effort of males, such as behavioural activities and the amount of time spent searching for females. A trade‐off between survival duration and lifetime fecundity is found in virgin females. However, there is no trade‐off in mated females, which have very short survival times. Whether male seminal substances contribute to the short survival times of mated females is considered. This is the first report demonstrating the influence of sex and mating experience on starvation tolerance. Sex‐specific causes for reductions in starvation tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

Captive breeding is an integral part of many species recovery plans. Knowledge of the genetic mating system is essential for effective management of captive stocks and release groups, and can help to predict patterns of genetic diversity in reintroduced populations. Here we investigate the poorly understood mating system of a threatened, ancient reptile (tuatara) on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand and discuss its impact on the genetic diversity. This biologically significant population was thought to be extinct, due to introduced predators, until 8 adults (4 males, 4 females) were rediscovered in 1991/92. We genotyped these adults and their 121 captively-bred offspring, hatched between 1994 to 2005, at five microsatellite loci. Multiple paternity was found in 18.8% of clutches. Male variance in reproductive success was high with one male dominating mating (77.5% of offspring sired) and one male completely restricted from mating. Little Barrier Island tuatara, although clearly having undergone a demographic bottleneck, are retaining relatively high levels of remnant genetic diversity which may be complemented by the presence of multiple paternity. High variance in reproductive success has decreased the effective size of this population to approximately 4 individuals. Manipulation to equalize founder representation was not successful, and the mating system has thus had a large impact on the genetic diversity of this recovering population. Although population growth has been successful, in the absence of migrants this population is likely at risk of future inbreeding and genetic bottleneck.  相似文献   

Two types of the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (M.) occur in some pear orchards in the intermediate latitudal areas in Japan during a certain period of the year (Takafuji andMorimoto , 1983): one is a diapausing type ( DP ) and the other a non-diapausing type ( C ). These two types are incompatible: no adult females are produced from the crosses between them (Takafuji andFujimoto , 1985). In the present study, females of each type were doubly crossed, first with a male of the other type, and then with a male of the same type, to examine the effectiveness of the second mating. In the females of the DP type, the second mating with a male of the same type was almost totally ineffective. In contrast, for the females of the C type the effectiveness of the second mating depended on the durations of the first and second matings: the famles produced female offspring only when the duration of the first copulation with a male of the DP type was brief and the second copulation with a male of the C type lasted relatively long. The results suggested that if the two types coexist, the intercrossing between them will favour the C type over the DP type.  相似文献   

Field observations on the behaviour of Uca (Thalassuca) vocans vocans were made in the estuary of the Okukubi river, Okinawa Island. The formation of the feeding aggregation of wandering individuals or drove was found in warm seasons above an average monthly air temperature 20°C from April to early November, while the aggregation was little observed in cold seasons below the temperature from the middle of November to March. The members of the aggregation tended to move down from the upper levels of burrow area, rather than lower levels. This may be related to the richness of organic matters in the substratum of the lower levels as compared with the upper levels. The feeding aggregation was mostly composed of males, but in June females were numerously seen and its peak occurred in June. It suggested that the peak in June is related to both feeding and copulation. Behaviour different from warm seasons was observed in cold seasons. When feeding on surface soil or Enteromorpha the crabs carried a mass of surface soil or the alga into their burrow. It was though that this behaviour was related to the storage of food. It seems likely that the crabs maintain the population by the formation of the aggregation of wandering feeders in warm seasons when there are no algae and by feeding abundant algae as well as surface soil or by storing up food in good weather for bad one in cold seasons.  相似文献   

The behavior of females of the damselflyMnais pruinosa was observed in the breeding season. Males consisted of both territorial (esakii) and non-territorial (strigata) types in the study area. Females sometimes arrived at a stream for mating and oviposition. The staying time of females in the stream was 1–3 hours, while that of males was 5–8 hours. The proportion of the males that copulated with the females did not differ between the two male forms present in the stream. In the Calopterygidae, of which the females usually perform multiple copulation, oviposition without subsequent recopulation is considered to be advantageous for a mated male in order to avoid the risk of sperm displacement. From such a viewpoint, the time spent for oviposition was measured for females that arrived at the stream after copulation with different male forms. The ratio was 69.1: 11.5–30.9 betweenesakii andstrigata males. Assuming that the oviposition time is proportional to the number of fertilized eggs laid, this ratio would represent the relative reproductive success of the two male forms. In fact, the relative abundance of the two male forms was also biased in favor ofesakii males (61.7:38.3) in this population. The mechanism of coexistence of the two male forms is discussed in relation to their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Martin JK  Martin AA 《Oecologia》2007,154(1):227-236
Mammalian mating systems are thought to be shaped by the spatial distribution and abundance of key resources, which in turn influence the spacing behaviour of individuals. In particular, female home range size is predicted to reflect the availability of key resources. We documented the availability and distribution of food and shelter resources for two neighbouring populations of bobucks, or mountain brushtail possums, Trichosurus cunninghami, that were characterised by different mating systems: our “forest population” was socially monogamous, whereas the “roadside population” was polygynous. Both silver wattle, Acacia dealbata, the main food resource for bobucks, and den-trees, which provided shelter, occurred at significantly higher density at the roadside site. The pattern of distribution of these two resources also differed between the sites. Both food and den-trees were scattered evenly throughout the roadside habitat. In contrast, den-trees were located predominantly at one end of the forest site, while silver wattle trees were located at the other. There was no significant difference in the amount of silver wattle, or in the number of den-trees, located within the home ranges of individual females at the two sites. However, forest females had home ranges, on average, almost three times the size of those of roadside females. At the roadside site, the size of female home ranges varied inversely with the density of silver wattle, indicating that these females ranged over as large an area as necessary to gain access to sufficient silver wattle trees. There was no such relationship among forest females. These populations provide a clear example of resource distribution determining female home range size. This influenced the number of female home ranges a male’s home range overlapped with, which in turn determined the mating system. Such clear links between resource availability and mating system have not previously been established in a marsupial.  相似文献   

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