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The macrofungal flora (species producing fruitbodies) of oak forest in Scania and N.E. Småland, south Sweden, is compared on the basis of soil chemical and stand structural properties and general differences in the deposition of acid and acidifying pollutants between these two regions. Deposition in Scania is, on average, twice as high and the mean base saturation of the oak forest humus only half of that in Småland. Species characteristic of soils with high base saturation/pH values (e.g. Cortinarius nemorensis, Entoloma nidorosum, Camarophyllus spp., Marasmius epiphyllus ) were usually more common in Småland, whereas the opposite was true for most species characteristic of highly acidic soils (e.g. Entoloma cetratum, Lactarius camphoratus, L. theiogalus, Mycena sanguinolenta ). Known changes of soil acidity and base saturation in south Sweden during recent decades and information from this and related studies suggest that the species composition of the macrofungal flora in deciduous forest of south Sweden is gradually changing as a result of changing soil chemistry.  相似文献   

The degraded state, scattered distribution and substrate type of Quercus pyrenaica forests in eastern Spain make them a subject of particular interest, as well as a priority for conservation efforts. An extension of Dufrêne and Legendre's indicator value (IndVal) analysis was applied to one hundred relevés. This extension of the IndVal method allowed us, by considering the preference of species for combinations of relevé groups, to obtain those species that represent local, but also regional, characteristics (as a new practical use). Our objective was to identify the species that best indicate the main ecological features of these broad-leaved oak forests. The usefulness of our analysis was evidenced at two levels: local indicator species, showing the characteristic species of individual sites and including the presence of endemics in the area; and indicator species of combinations of two or more sites, reflecting the affinities or relationships between these scattered forests.Most singular forests showed a higher number of local indicator species. The indicator species of each site combination represent the main ecological traits shared by these groups – such as proximity to the coast, land uses or postglacial migration pathways – thereby defining their relationships. Indicator value analysis with site group combinations (Multipatt function) proved to be a useful tool for the identification of different species that could serve both to determine the local forest conservation status and aid in its preservation, as well as contributing to an understanding of the life history of larger territories.  相似文献   

We examined post-fire recovery of two components of acorn production (percentage of bearing ramets [stems] and number of acorns per bearing ramet) for four species of oaks in southern ridge sandhill vegetation in south-central peninsular Florida. Annual counts of acorns on two white oaks (Quercus chapmanii and Q. geminata) and two red oaks (Q. laevis and Q. myrtifolia) were conducted annually (except in 1991) on two 2.7-ha grids from 1969 to 1998. A prescribed burn was conducted on one of the grids in May 1993. Newly sprouted ramets of both white oaks produced acorns during the first year following the fire, whereas red oaks required 3 yr (Q. myrtifolia) or 4 yr (Q. laevis) to produce acorns. The difference in the timing of post-fire acorn production between the white and red oak species reflected the difference in the number of years from flower bud initiation to mature acorns in the two groups, with the additional year-long lag in Q. laevis probably attributable to the fact that it is typically a tree rather than a shrub species. The data suggested that percentage of bearing ramets in the smallest size class of the two white oak species was markedly lower in the burned than unburned grid in the first year of post-fire acorn production and higher in the fifth year, but these trends were not evident for the red oaks. Among all four species, differences between mean number of acorns in burned and unburned grids were significant in only two cases (the largest size class of both white oak species in the fifth year). There was no evidence of recruitment from acorns on the burned grid, possibly due to the rapid redevelopment of the shrub layer because of low mortality of the extensive clonal root systems. Rapid post-fire recovery of acorn production in xeric fire-prone habitats is presumably the result of selection to increase the probability of recovery and persistence following sufficiently intense fires that result in high oak mortality. The timing and magnitude of post-fire acorn production in sandhill and other xeric Florida associations has a potential impact on a wide variety of insects, birds, and mammals that feed on acorns, as well as on the species with which they interact.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether ectomycorrhizal mats (ECM) are more likely to be present in soils at the base of common understory trees than in soils distant from trees and to determine whether occurrence of ECM is related to tree size. Three understory trees were studied: Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.)Sarg), and vine maple (Acer circinatum Pursh). The 12 sites studied represent a range of climatic conditions and management histories. More than 2,900 plots were surveyed over 18 months. The incidence of ECM was higher at the base of all three species than in control plots. Incidence of mats was also positively correlated with tree size. Saplings consistently had a lower incidence of ECM than did larger trees.Paper 3028 of the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Corvallis  相似文献   

北京山区栎林的群落结构与物种组成   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在北京东灵山、喇叭沟门和大海陀山地区的辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林以及白龙潭地区的槲树(Q.dentata)-麻栎(Q.acutissima)混交林中共调查了43个样方,利用这些样方资料,对群落进行TWINSPAN聚类和CCA排序,以研究北京地区栎林的群落结构、物种组成以及各群落之间的关系。结果表明:本地区栎林群落结构简单,不同栎林群落的结构差异很大。利用TWINSPAN对乔木层物种进行了分类,按不同指示种划分为7类。CCA排序结果显示第一轴与海拔关系显著,主要反映了温度因子的作用;第二轴与坡向关系显著,反映了水分因子的作用。排序结果与分类结果吻合,显示了不同生境条件对群落结构和物种分布的影响。结果还显示,本地区物种丰富度低,这可能与本地区植被受人为干扰强烈有一定关系。  相似文献   

The highly pathogenic Phytophthora ramorum, causal organism of sudden oak death (SOD), is established in forests of the Pacific Northwest (USA) and is threatening invasion of other regions. Given the breadth of its host range, with dozens of asymptomatic ornamental hosts and with oaks, Quercus spp., in the red oak (Erythrobalanus) subgenus particularly susceptible, we investigated the consequences of its invasion and establishment in oak-dominated deciduous forests of the eastern USA. We evaluated the nature and extent of pathogen invasion using vegetation assessments coupled with growth simulations. The woody plant community was assessed in three strata (upper, mid- and lower) and was used to characterize forest composition and structure. Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), we then projected woody vegetation growth 50 years into the future with and without the effects of SOD. In forest simulations lacking pathogen invasion, little change in composition or structure is forecasted. Both red oaks and white oaks (subgenus Leucobalanus) increase slightly but significantly over the length of the simulation. In contrast, in SOD-affected forests our projections predict a significant loss of red oaks within 10 years of pathogen invasion. Basal area of white oaks and non-oaks is expected to increase more so in the absence of red oaks. The loss of red oaks to pathogen infection will result in greater increases in red maple, Acer rubrum, and yellow poplar, Liriodendron tulipifera, than in forests free of SOD. Loss of red oak represents a significant loss of hard mast, with potentially devastating consequences for wildlife. Red oak loss will also affect decomposition rates, nutrient cycling, forest structure, and timber values, with consequences for forest health and sustainability.  相似文献   

Diversity of ectotrophic mycobionts on outplanted seedlings of two oak species (Quercus rubra and Quercus prinus) was estimated at two sites in mature mixed forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains by sequencing nuclear 5.8S rRNA genes and the flanking internal transcribed spacer regions I and II (ITS). The seedlings captured a high diversity of mycorrhizal ITS-types and late-stage fungi were well represented. Total richness was 75 types, with 42 types having a frequency of only one. The first and second order jackknife estimates were 116 and 143 types, respectively. Among Basidiomycetes, tomentelloid/thelephoroid, russuloid, and cortinarioid groups were the richest. The ascomycete Cenococcum geophilum was ubiquitously present. Dominant fungi included a putative Tuber sp. (Ascomycetes), and Basidiomycetes including a putative Craterellus sp., and Laccaria cf. laccata. Diversity was lower at a drier high elevation oak forest site compared to a low elevation mesic cove--hardwood forest site. Fungal specificity for red oak vs. white oak seedlings was unresolved. The high degree of rarity in this system imposes limitations on the power of community analyses at finer scales. The high mycobiont diversity highlights the potential for seedlings to acquire carbon from mycelial networks and confirms the utility of using outplanted seedlings to estimate ectomycorrhizal diversity.  相似文献   

昆虫与栎树的相互关系及其对栎林更新的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概述了昆虫和栎树的相互关系以及栎林种群更新研究的进展,从叶片和栎实两个方面分别分析昆虫对栎树的危害、栎树对昆虫的防御以及栎林种群更新中的问题等。(1)危害栎树的昆虫种类丰富,它们以取食叶片和栎实为主,昆虫的寄生几乎使栎实完全失去活力。(2)栎树的防御效应能影响昆虫啃食叶片的程度,被昆早寄生的栎实提前下落以及栎实产量周期性的大小年变化,能降低昆虫寄生和取食栎实所带来的损失。(3)昆虫啃食叶片降低栎树的能量利用和营养物质贮存,昆虫对栎实的寄生和取食给栎树的种子库及苗库带来压力,直接影响到栎林的种群更新,此外,昆虫对栎实的寄生也会影响脊椎动物搬运栎实时的选择取向,间接控制栎实扩散,进而影响栎树的种群更新。  相似文献   

Cork oak forests invaded by the Argentine ant Linepithema humile have a lower abundance and biomass of arthropod prey for birds than uninvaded forests. We studied whether the biomass of breeding insectivorous birds was also lower in invaded areas. We explored this and other possible effects of the ant invasion on the bird community by censusing birds in transects located in four invaded and four uninvaded forest sites in Catalonia (NE Spain) for 3 years. Redundancy analysis showed only slight differences in the community composition between forests. Two insectivorous species, Luscinia megarhynchos and Fringilla coelebs, tended to be less abundant in invaded areas although two others, Phylloscopus bonelli and Sylvia melanocephala, showed the opposite trend. Overall, the differences in prey biomass between invaded and uninvaded areas did not entail a biomass shift in the guild of insectivorous birds, regardless of whether they were shrub or canopy foragers. The main role of the habitat structure in determining bird densities and food resources being non-limiting in the studied forests are two possible non-exclusive explanations for this inconsistency. At today’s levels, the Argentine ant invasion does not appear to have greatly determined the insectivorous bird assemblage of the forests evaluated.  相似文献   

?Premise of the Study: Negative density-dependent processes have been thought to be the primary cause of shifting spatial patterns of tree populations through time. The existence of adult tree clusters might challenge this classical prediction. Here, we document the prevalence of merged stems (clustering of mature trees leading to stem fusion) in second-growth forests of Nothofagus pumilio and hypothesize that it is nonrandom but predictable in space. ?Methods: We stem-mapped nine sites in second-growth edge and interior forests of fire origin and in mature forests of N. pumilio (>3500 trees) in central Patagonia, Chile. The spatial structure of stand-level and individual-level features was estimated with spatial analyses (pair-correlation function and nearest-neighbor distances). ?Key Results: Multistemmed trees were merged clusters of separate individuals. Merged trees were predominantly found at the edge of the second-growth forests. We found strong clustering (≤5 m) at forest edge sites and none at interior sites. Nearest-neighbor distance distributions were unimodal for unmerged trees and monotonically decreasing for merged trees; interstem distances were much smaller at the edge sites than at the interior sites. ?Conclusions: The occurrence of merged trees at the forest edge, and the resulting high spatial aggregation of stems, is consistent with the hypothesis that establishment was probably aggregated. The spatial pattern found at the forest edge changes the standard spatial pattern sequence through time in temperate forests, altering traditional forest-stand-dynamics models.  相似文献   

Under a coalescent model for within-species evolution, gene trees may differ from species trees to such an extent that the gene tree topology most likely to evolve along the branches of a species tree can disagree with the species tree topology. Gene tree topologies that are more likely to be produced than the topology that matches that of the species tree are termed anomalous, and the region of branch-length space that gives rise to anomalous gene trees (AGTs) is the anomaly zone. We examine the occurrence of anomalous gene trees for the case of five taxa, the smallest number of taxa for which every species tree topology has a nonempty anomaly zone. Considering all sets of branch lengths that give rise to anomalous gene trees, the largest value possible for the smallest branch length in the species tree is greater in the five-taxon case (0.1934 coalescent time units) than in the previously studied case of four taxa (0.1568). The five-taxon case demonstrates the existence of three phenomena that do not occur in the four-taxon case. First, anomalous gene trees can have the same unlabeled topology as the species tree. Second, the anomaly zone does not necessarily enclose a ball centered at the origin in branch-length space, in which all branches are short. Third, as a branch length increases, it is possible for the number of AGTs to increase rather than decrease or remain constant. These results, which help to describe how the properties of anomalous gene trees increase in complexity as the number of taxa increases, will be useful in formulating strategies for evading the problem of anomalous gene trees during species tree inference from multilocus data.  相似文献   

All known species of Prototheca and one new species were isolated from slime flux of woody stems. Fortyfive trees (11 species) harbored Prototheca spp. Monthly quantitative studies of slime flux from 10 trees of Ulmus amencana revealed that 6 harbored a new species, P. ulmea, often in large numbers (1×105 colony forming units ml–1 slime flux). In total, P. ulmea was isolated from 17 elms and one oak from three states in the U.S.A. In spite of this extensive association, no causal relationship has been established. Prototheca ulmea is a small, oval, capsulated species similar to P. stagnora, but differentiated by its morphology and inability to use fructose and galactose. Utilization of other carbohydrates is restricted and its only known habitat is slime flux.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted, during 2012/2013, to identify the causal agents of citrus gummosis in Tunisia. The obtained isolates were identified by molecular and pathological criteria. Three species of Pythium (P. aphanidermatum, P. ultimum and P. dissotocum) and two species of Phytopythium (P. vexans and P. mercuriale) were recovered. Pathogenic tests, using twigs inoculation method for five citrus varieties under laboratory conditions, showed necrotic lesions similar to those observed in natural infected citrus trees by gummosis. In greenhouse experiments, the pathogenicity of the species to citrus was demonstrated by soil and trunk inoculations. Results showed necrotic lesions in the trunk of the variety “Clementine”. P. ultimum is the most virulent, while P. mercuriale was the least virulent in trunk inoculation. Symptom of necrotic roots has been also observed. This is the first report of Pythium and Phytopythium species within the citrus area in Tunisia.  相似文献   

A range of metal ions and the oxoanion WO42-were toxic to zoospores of Phytophthora nicotianae parasitica in the order: Ag+ > Cu++ > WO42-> Ni+ > Co++ > Zn+. The LD50 for Ag+, 0.11 μM (11.4 ppb), compared with 1.84 μm (117 ppb) for Cu++. Silver was similarly toxic to a range of pathogens including Pythium aphanidermatum, Thielaviopsis basicola and Fusarium oxy-sporum f.spp. Most zoospores of Phytophthora spp. were killed by Ag+ in the range 46–460 nM (5–50 ppb), bursting at the higher concentrations. A small sub-population of most propagules exhibited greater tolerance to silver than the whole. In 0.93 μM (100 ppb) Ag+ 1.4% of P. nicotianae parasitica zoospores survived but were all killed at 500 ppb. A population of P. cryptogea (1.9%) surviving 0.47 μm (50 ppb) were killed at 0.93 μM (100 ppb). Zoospore cysts and germlings showed the same sensitivity to silver. Oospores were mostly killed over the range 0.23–0.93 μm (25–100 ppb) Ag+, some surviving up to the lethal concentration of 9.26 μM (1000 ppb). Mycelium of P. cryptogea was generally less sensitive, with some growth occurring at 9.26 μm (100 ppb). Zoosporangiogenesis was unaffected over the range 0.47–4.65 μm (50–500 ppb). Toxicity increased with increased pH over the range 5.0–6.5. Ionic silver was lost from solution during a microscope slide bioassay by binding to the glass surface. In the presence of chloride ions, colloidal AgCl formed which was equally toxic to P. cryptogea. Silver and AgCl were further lost from solution by colloidal agglomeration - Ostwald ripening - and by AgCl adsorption to glass. Silver, < 90 nM (10 ppb) Ag+ as AgNO3 and particles of silver chloride were both strongly attractive to zoospores of P. cryptogea. Spores burst or failed to germinate on entering lethal concentrations. The results are discussed in the context of the use of silver salts to control Phytophthora root-rot pathogens and the importance of ion availability in in vitro toxicity assays.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We determined mortality and distributional patterns of leaf miners on three oak host species (Quercus falcata, Q.nigra and Q.hemisphaerica) in northern Florida, U.S.A.
2. Patterns of intra- and interspecific occurrence within leaves, and mortality of five most abundant leaf miner species were analysed as a test of competition.
3. Miners co-occurred on leaves more often that expected by chance (P<0.05) in six of ten possible species combinations and log-linear model analysis showed no negative higher-order interactions.
4. All five miner species had highly clumped distributions between leaves (P<0.01).
5. Leaf miner survival was less than expected for four of five species when co-occurring on leaves with conspecifics than when mining with heterospecifics or alone (P<0.05).
6. We conclude that interspecific competition is unapparent within this leaf miner guild and that intraspecific competition occurs in four of the five major leaf miner species. We discuss leaf miner selection of common leaves, perhaps based on chemical/physical leaf characters, as a cause of intra- and interspecific aggregation.  相似文献   

低密度种指在热带森林中存在的成年个体密度很低的物种 ,是热带森林中树种的主要存在形式。对低密度种的认识和保护是热带森林生物多样性保育的关键之一。与稀有种相比 ,低密度种的含义更为广阔 ,它还包括那些密度低、分布范围广和绝对个体数量大的物种。低密度种形成的主要原因是母树附近的幼苗和种子的存活率较低 ,密度制约和有限更新也是低密度种形成的重要原因。维持低密度种最重要的外部原因是昆虫较强的飞行能力和传粉能力 ,而其最重要的内部原因是低密度种的生殖特性。  相似文献   

热带森林的低密度种及其形成与维持机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低密度种指在热带森林中存在的成年个体密度很低的物种,是热带森林中树种的主要存在形式。对低密度种的认识和保护是热带森林生物多样性保育的关键之一。与稀有种相比,低密度种的含义更为广阔,它还包括那些密度低、分布范围广和绝对个体数量大的物种。低密度种形成的主要原因是母树附近的幼苗和种子的存活率较低,密度制约和有限更新也是低密度种形成的重要原因。维持低密度种最重要的外部原因是昆虫较强的飞行能力和传粉能力,而其最重要的内部原因是低密度种的生殖特性。  相似文献   

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