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A study was made of the fast, or period of non-feeding, following ecdysis into the fifth instar of Locusta migratoria nymphs. Time-lapse photography of individual insects was used to investigate the variability of the fast. Factors which may have been involved in regulating the length of this fast were studied: air in the digestive tract, receptor sensitivity and blood-borne factors were found to be of little importance compared with the general level of arousal of the insect. This could be raised in various ways, all of which resulted in shorter fasts.
Le jeüne post-ecdysial du cinquième stade larvaire de Locusta Migratoria
Résumé Filmé à deux images par minute, le jeûne post-ecdysial est très variable sous conditions constantes, la première prise de nourriture ayant lieu entre 2 et 16 h après l'ecdysis.L'absence de réceptivité sensorielle et la présence d'air dans le tube digestif peuvent avoir initialement induit le jeûne, mais un faible niveau d'activité générale est apparu comme étant le principal facteur, particulièrement au dernier stade. L'alimentation débutait plus tôt lorsque les insectes étaient stimulés artificiellement de différentes façons. D'autre part, il n'y a aucune preuve de l'intervention de facteurs contenus dans le sang.

At the beginning of the last nymphal instar or of adult life of Locusta there is a small production of invertase in the tissues of the midgut and caeca, which appears to be under hormonal control. This ceases after a few days if food is withheld. From then on the production of enzyme is probably dependent on the gut being continuously filled with food.
Zusammenfassung Der Invertase-Gehalt der Gewebe des Mitteldarms und der Blinddärme von Locusta migratoria wurde in Beziehung zu Fraß- und Fastenperioden untersucht, so wie sie im natürlichen Verlauf der Entwicklung oder künstlich hervorgerufen eintreten. Sowohl im fünften Larvenstadium wie zu Beginn des Imaginalstadiums weisen die Heuschrecken einen zu vernachlässigenden Enzymgehalt auf. Innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden tritt eine endogene Enzymsekretion ein, die nach 48 Stunden ein Maximum erreicht, aber keine weitere Verstärkung erfährt, wenn keine Nahrung gereicht wird. In diesem Faktor liegt demnach eine Begrenzungsmöglichkeit. Es bestehen einige Anzeichen, daß diese Phase der Enzymproduktion unter der Kontrolle eines Hormons steht, das in der Kopfregion ausgeschieden wird. Nahrungsaufnahme verursacht eine gesteigerte Rate der Enzymsynthese, die in der Imago dauernd bestehen bleibt, in der Larve aber mit Einsetzen des Fastens vor der Häutung beendet wird.Wenn Larven oder Erwachsene drei Tage lang kein Futter erhalten haben, genügt eine kurze, halbstündige Mahlzeit nicht, um die Enzymsekretion in Gang zu setzen. Doch führt die Wiederaufnahme normaler Fraßtätigkeit zu erneuter Enzymbildung, wobei Invertase viel rascher als Proteinase auftritt. In dieser Phase scheint beständige Anwesenheit von Nahrung im Darm die Voraussetzung für die Enzymproduktion zu sein.

It has been suggested that Locusta migratoria amplifies its ribosomal RNA genes in the growing oocytes (Kunz (1967) Chromosoma20, 332–370). Cloned ribosomal DNA of L. migratoria was used to analyze rDNA structure and number. The rDNA is localized on three chromosome pairs in six nucleolus organizers. It was found that all structural variants of the rRNA genes which have been described previously are represented in the same relative amounts in DNA from isolated oocytes as in somatic cells. Furthermore, the rRNA gene number is not increased in oocyte DNA, i.e., amplification does not occur. Therefore, the large number of multiple nucleoli seen in the growing oocytes has to be interpreted as the fully extended and fully active set of chromosomal rRNA genes. The total rRNA gene number was determined by dot blot hybridization to be about 3300 genes/haploid genome.  相似文献   

封传红  张梅  马利  白马吞珠  黄冲  沈丽  李庆  郭聪 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7534-7542
西藏飞蝗Locusta migratoria tibetnsis Chen暴发成灾的重要原因之一是蝗蝻具有群集迁移危害习性。为阐明西藏飞蝗灾变的行为机制,为西藏飞蝗的监测预警和防治提供科学依据,利用视频跟踪技术测定了自然环境中西藏飞蝗蝗蝻群集迁移的运动速度、方向,建立自推进粒子模型模拟蝗蝻群集迁移行为,分析群集迁移效应。结果表明,①不同自然环境中的西藏飞蝗蝗蝻在群集迁移过程中,群体内个体的运动表现出定向集体运动,群集迁移速度为0.1256 m/s,0.2 m以内的个体蝗蝻方向趋向一致。沙滩、翻耕农田和草地蝗蝻群运动一致性参数均较高,分别为0.8502、0.7870和0.6987。②西藏飞蝗蝗蝻群由分散运动转变为群集迁移存在临界密度,密度较低时群体内个体分散运动,当蝗蝻密度达到12-15头/m2时,蝗蝻群体由分散运动转变为高度一致的群集迁移运动。③蝗蝻群通过群集迁移可以显著增加迁移距离,随机运动蝗蝻1 d扩展只有70-80 m,而群集迁移1 d最大距离可达2.5 km。蝗蝻群集迁移可以提高发现特别是远距离食物等资源的概率,使群体中更多的个体受益。④尽管未发现室外蝗蝻群存在先验个体,但模拟发现在群集迁移群体中,只需要少数先验个体(3%-5%)即可引导整个蝗蝻群运动。  相似文献   

The search for myotropic peptide molecules in the brain, corpora cardiaca, corpora allata suboesophageal ganglion complex of Locusta migratoria using a heterologous bioassay (the isolated hindgut of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae) has been very rewarding. It has lead to the discovery of 21 novel biologically active neuropeptides. Six of the identified Locusta peptides show sequence homologies to vertebrate neuropeptides, such as gastrin/cholecystokinin and tachykinins. Some peptides, especially the ones belonging to the FXPRL amide family display pleiotropic effects. Many more myotropic peptides remain to be isolated and sequenced. Locusta migratoria has G-protein coupled receptors, which show homology to known mammalian receptors for amine and peptide neurotransmitters and/or hormones. Myotropic peptides are a diverse and widely distributed group of regulatory molecules in the animal kingdom. They are found in neuroendocrine systems of all animal groups investigated and can be recognized as important neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the animal nervous system. Insects seem to make use of a large variety of peptides as neurotransmitters/neuromodulators in the central nervous system, in addition to the aminergic neurotransmitters. Furthermore quite a few of the myotropic peptides seem to have a function in peripheral neuromuscular synapses. the era in which insects were considered to be “lower animals” with a simple neuroendocrine system is definitely over. Neural tissues of insects contain a large number of biologically active peptides and these peptides may provide the specificity and complexity of intercellular communications in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Proteinase activity in various parts of the digestive tract of Locusta migratoria L. was studied in fed and starved insects. Proteinase activity occurred mainly in the gut lumen. In starved locusts the proteinase activity disappeared and was only restored after continuous feeding. There are apparently two stages in the production of the digestive fluid. Enzymes are elaborated in the cells of the digestive tract and are simultaneously and continuously discharged into the lumen.
Zusammenfassung Die Proteinase-Aktivität in verschiedenen Teilen des Verdauungskanals von Locusta migratoria wurde unter den Bedingungen normaler Nahrungsaufnahme sowie bei Hunger untersucht.Zu Beginn des Imaginallebens zeigt Locusta Proteinase-Aktivität hauptsächlich, wenn auch nicht ausschließlich, im Lumen der Blinddärme. Sie wird schon vom letzten Larvenstadium an in Gang gesetzt. Gewebeextrakte von Blinddärmen und Mitteldarm zeigen aber bei der Häutung noch keine meßbare Aktivität, jedoch entsteht eine geringe Aktivität am ersten und zweiten Tage des Adultstadiums. Bei Hunger fällt die Gewebeaktivität wieder ab. Wenn die Insekten gefüttert werden, ist die Abnahme weniger deutlich und im Falle der Blinddärme von einem zweiten Anstieg gefolgt. Jedoch ist der Enzymspiegel im Gewebe immer sehr niedrig und stellt nur einen Bruchteil des im Darmlumen vorhandenen dar. Es wird daraus geschlossen, daß die beiden Phasen der Bildung von Verdauungsflüssigkeit, die Bildung der Fermente in den Zellen und ihre Freisetzung aus ihnen, gleichzeitige und kontinuierliche Prozesse darstellen.Nach einer dreitägigen Hungerperiode ergibt eine einzelne Mahlzeit von halbstündiger Dauer innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden noch keine Anregung der Proteinase-Aktivität. Um Aktivität zu erreichen, ist fortgesetzte Nahrungsaufnahme und danach eine Latenzperiode von 48 Stunden erforderlich. Unter diesen Umständen enthält das Insekt einen gefüllten Darm und es scheint, daß dies die notwendige Voraussetzung für die Proteinase-Aktivierung darstellt. Jedoch muß der Darm mit Nahrung gefüllt sein, da Wasser keine Reaktion ergibt.

Synopsis A layer of collagenous connective tissue develops around the ejaculatory duct of the male locust,Locusta migratoria, during the fourth and fifth instars and the first ten days of the adult stage. The mucosubstances associated with this tissue have been characterized by using a series of histochemical reactions, including Alcian Blue staining at different pH levels and salt concentrations the periodic acid-Schiff test and recent modifications of it, the high iron diamine test and enzymatic digestions. The results indicate that sulphated glycosaminoglycans accumulate during the developmental period, so that in the mature adult, the connective tissue probably contains chondroitin and dermatan sulphates, and possibly some keratan sulphate. Neutral glycoproteins also occur in the tissue.  相似文献   

Implantation of corpora allata early in the fifth instar of female larvae of Locusta migratoria results in a faster development both during the last instar and the adult somatic growth period. The adult locusts attain a significantly higher maximum wet weight. The increase in dry weight, however, is smaller than in control insects. So the high titer of corpus allatum hormone results in a considerably higher water content.In CA-implanted locusts the growth of the indirect dorsal longitudinal flight muscles is inhibited and the protein content is lower as compared with control specimens. Especially the differentiation of these muscles is strongly inhibited. A hypothesis for a regulation of the indirect flight muscle development by the changing titer of the corpus allatum hormone is proposed.During the second part of the adult period investigated the high titer of the corpus allatum hormone strongly diminishes the growth of the fat body, but the protein content is not altered in comparison with the normal developing fat body. The data reveal that the influence of an induced high titer of corpus allatum hormone on protein metabolism in the flight muscles is different from that in the fat body.
Die wirkung von corpora allata-implantation auf die entwicklung der flugmuskeln und des fettkörpers bei Locusta migratoria
Zusammenfassung Nach Corpora allata-Implantation am Anfang des L5 von weiblichen Larven von Locusta migratoria folgt eine schnellere Entwicklung sowohl im letzten Larvenstadium als auch in der adulten somatischen Wachstumsperiode. Die adulten Heuschrecken erreichen ein signifikant höheres Frischgewicht-Maximum. Die Zunahme des Trockengewichts ist jedoch geringer als bei Kontrollen. Der hohe Titer an Corpus allatum-Hormon resultiert also in einem beträchtlich höheren Wassergehalt.Der Zuwachs der indirekten dorsalen Flugmuskeln ist in mit Corpora allata implantierten Heuschrecken gehemmt und der Eiweißgehalt ist niedriger als bei Kontrollen. Besonders die Differenzierungsphase der Muskeln ist stark gehemmt. Es wird eine Hypothese über die Regulation der Entwicklung indirekter Flugmuskeln durch den sich ändernden Titer des Corpus allatum-Hormons aufgestellt.Während des zweiten Teils der untersuchten adulten Periode nimmt das Wachstum des Fettkörpers unter dem Einfluss des hohen Hormontiters ab, aber der Proteingehalt dieses Gewebes ändert sich im Vergleich zu dem sich normal entwickelnden Fettkörper nicht.Diese Daten zeigen, daß der Einfluss eines induzierten hohen Titers an Corpus allatum-Hormon beim Proteinstoffwechsel in den Flugmuskeln anders ist als im Fettkörper.

Abbreviations CA corpus allatum - CAH corpus allatum hormone - LFM indirect dorsal longitudinal flight muscle - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Dietary selection was investigated during the first 15 days of adult life in male and femaleLocusta migratoria L. Insects were provided with two artificial diets, one containing 10, 20 or 28% protein but no digestible carbohydrate, the other 10, 20 or 28% digestible carbohydrate but no protein. Amounts eaten, detailed feeding patterns and somatic and reproductive growth were measured. Unfortunately the artificial diets did not support female reproductive development. Nevertheless, there was convincing evidence that insects regulated both protein and carbohydrate intake during the somatic growth phase by dietary selection and altered consumption.
La sélection des aliments parLocusta migratoria adulte
Résumé La sélection des aliments a été suivie pendant les 15 premiers jours de vie imaginale des mâles et des femelles deLocusta migratoria L. Les insectes recevaient 2 régimes alimentaires, l'un contentant 10, 20 ou 28% de protéines, mais pas de carbohydrates assimilables, l'autre 10, 20 ou 28% de carbohydrates assimilables, mais pas de protéines. Les quantités consommées, le détail de la prise de nourriture, et les croissances somatique et reproductive ont été mesurés. Malheureusement, ces régimes artificiels n'ont pas permis le développement ovarien des femelles. Cependant, il y a des preuves convaincantes que les insectes ont contrôlé leur apport en protéines et en carbohydrates pendant la phase de croissance somatique par une sélection alimentaire et une modification de la consommation.

Doppler radar actographs have been used to measure the fall in locomotor activity following feeding in mid-fifth instar nymphs of Locusta migratoria. Filling the crops of the insects with agar via a cannula, reduced activity in a similar manner. Haemolymph from recently-fed donors injected into insects which had been deprived of food, likewise reduced locomotor activity compared with haemolymph from deprived donors. Injections of nutrients were ineffective, but homogenates of the storage lobes of the copora cardiaca from food-deprived donors proved effective compared with similar homogenates from newly-fed donors. It is suggested that neurosecretion released from the corpora cardiaca, known to occur following crop-filling, leads to a reduction in locomotor activity.  相似文献   

The effect of Cl, HCO3, Br, acetazolamide, thiocyanate and amiloride on urine formation in Locusta migratoria Malpighian tubules have been determined. The rate of fluid secretion depends markedly on the concentration of Cl in the bathing solution with concentrations less than 90 mM resulting in reduced fluid secretion. Substitution of Br for Cl had no significant effect on the rate of the fluid secretion. Replacement of NaHCO3 with NaCl in Hepes buffered Ringer solution reduced the rate of urine production by 23%. Fluid secretions were reduced in the presence of 10−4–10−2 M acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. The combined effect of acetazolamide in the absence of HCO3 appears to be additive. A 1 mM concentration of thiocyanate, an ionic inhibitor, reduced fluid secretion by 35%. Amiloride interferes with the electrogenic entry of Na+ into the cell and a 1 mM solution reduced fluid secretion by 94% with secretion completely inhibited in 80% of the tubules tested.  相似文献   

Summary Flight performance in locusts is a function of age, with its peak value at 18 days after emergence. While allatectomy retards the normal development of flight capability, it also has the effect of slowing down the decline in flight performance characteristic of operated control locusts as they age. Periodic topical application of synthetic juvenile hormone remedies the initial effect of allatectomy but its effectiveness wears off with age. The period of optimum flight performance is prolonged in locusts allatectomised when mature.A characteristic features of the flight pattern of immature-allatectomised and matureallatectomised locusts when flown about one week after the operation is a rapid decline in flight speed during the first 20 minutes of flight. Eventually, as the allatectomised locusts age, they assume the flight pattern of normal locusts and subsequent differences in flight performance between operated and normal locusts are confined to differences in flight intensity.Allatectomy has no marked effect on the preflight haemolymph total lipid and carbohydrate levels, the mobilisation of lipid and the amount of carbohydrate depleted. The quantity of lipid mobilised is, however, related to flight performance in both allatectomised and operated control locusts. Locusts which fly faster mobilise more lipid. The lipids mobilised by the adipokinetic hormone are 1618; 1818 and 1616 diglycerides in order of abundance. Allatectomy has no effect on the nature of these diglycerides released during flight.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴于肠道微生物在昆虫环境适应过程中发挥重要作用,探索中国不同地区分布的东亚飞蝗肠道微生物多样性情况。【方法】本文利用Illumina NovaSeq测序平台对中国4个代表性蝗区的东亚飞蝗(Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen)肠道微生物进行16S rRNA基因测序和分析,探究其多样性。【结果】分布区域、发育时期和性别对东亚飞蝗肠道微生物结构均影响明显,其中分布区域的影响最为显著,其次为性别和发育时期。多样性分析发现,采自广东省清远市和河北省沧州市的东亚飞蝗肠道微生物多样性差异性较大,所选取的8个环境因子中平均气温和降水量可影响东亚飞蝗的肠道菌群多样性。【结论】研究结果从共生微生物和环境因素角度解析了东亚飞蝗的环境适应性,为研制地理溯源技术和开发微生物制剂提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

1.  The activity of tympanal high- and low-frequency receptors in the migratory locustLocusta migratoria was recorded with glass capillary microelectrodes, and Lucifer Yellow was then injected through the microelectrode to reveal the cells' metathoracic projections.
2.  A photodetector device was used to monitor the abdominal respiratory movements, which caused clearly visible deflections of the tympanal membrane.
3.  The auditory receptors respond not only to sound stimuli but also to the respiratory movements; these phasic (Figs. 1–3) or tonic (Fig. 4) responses are especially pronounced during the inspiration and expiration movements, and less so during the constriction phases.
4.  The magnitude of the response to sound depends on the phase of the stimulus with respect to the respiratory movements. At certain phases sound elicits no response at all (Fig. 5).

Summary The dendritic outer segment of the cell which is most likely the cold unit in the poreless coeloconic sensilla onLocusta migratoria antennae, has finger-like projections up to 1.5 m long and 0.13 m thick (Fig. 1). This unit responds to constant temperature, to slowly changing temperature and to step changes. Under stationary conditions impulse frequency attained 35 imp/s. Between 14 °C and 41 °C the higher frequencies were associated with the higher temperatures (Fig. 5). In this range the differential sensitivity is positive but not large: + 0.8 (imp/s)/°C. Its resolving power for steady temperature is 4.7 °C.Downward step changes produced by shifting between airstreams at different temperatures yield far higher frequencies (Figs. 2, 3). Step amplitudes were between –0.1 °C and –12 °C; the conditioning temperature from which the steps were initiated, was between 16 °C and 33 °C. Frequency peaked during the first 50 ms after stimulus onset (Fig. 2) and reached its highest values (310–340 imp/s) at initial temperatures above 30 °C and steps larger than –10 °C (Fig. 4). The mean differential sensitivity from 23 curves was –19 (imp/s)/°C and the resolving power 0.6 °C.During slowly changing temperature the impulse frequency was governed by two parameters simultaneously: ambient temperature and its rate of change. Rates were between 0.001 °C/s or less, and 0.03 °C/s in either direction. Frequency was higher during slow cooling at a given temperature than during slow warming (Fig. 6). The average differential sensitivity to the rate of change was –210 (imp/s)/(°C/s). Further, the larger responses to cooling developed at lower ambient temperatures (differential sensitivity: –1.0 (imp/s)/°C). It is to be noted that this sign is negative, in contrast to the sign for differential sensitivity to constant temperature and also for the influence of initial temperature on the response to downward step changes.Abbreviations b Slope of characteristic curve, differential sensitivity - F impulse frequency in imp/s - imp/s impulses/s - P w partial pressure of water vapor in torr - r correlation coefficient - T temperature in °C - T T-step - x resolving power in °C  相似文献   

基于MaxEnt的西藏飞蝗在中国的适生区预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王茹琳  李庆  封传红  石朝鹏 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8556-8566
西藏飞蝗是青藏高原本地特有物种,为青稞和牧草的重要害虫,近年来危害范围有扩大蔓延趋势。研究并明确西藏飞蝗在中国的适生区域,对制定该虫的早期监测、预警及控制措施意义重大。近年来最大熵理论在物种适生研究领域得到广泛应用,基于西藏飞蝗的分布信息和环境变量,采用MaxEnt生态位模型和ArcGIS对其在中国的潜在分布区进行预测,用ROC曲线检测模型精度、刀切法(jackknife test)筛选主导环境变量及其适宜值。两次模拟的AUC值分别为0.996和0.993,预测结果与实际拟合度很高。西藏飞蝗在中国的高适生区主要位于四川的甘孜州,西藏的昌都地区、林芝地区、山南地区及拉萨市,中适生区则以高适生区为中心向外扩散,集中在青藏高原东部地区。海拔、8月份平均雨量、1月份平均雨量、等温性、12-2月份的平均温度是影响西藏飞蝗潜在分布的主要环境变量。  相似文献   

Summary Among about 50 compounds synthesized to inhibit enzymes involved in the biosynthesis pathway of ecdysone we selected seven molecules which showed a strong effect on ecdysone production byLocusta migratoria prothoracic glands incubatedin vitro. These molecules mostly possess a specific activity on ecdysone biosynthesis which is irreversible. The compounds were administered in one or several injections of aqueous or oily solutions at different times in the course of the two last larval instars. Three inhibitors led in a 10% ratio to a prolongation (sometimes more than 3 times the standard length) of the instar, pointing out a decrease in the ecdysone biosynthesis. Two other inhibitors induced some morphogenetic modifications in the adults, as size reduction or wing alterations, and metamorphosis difficulties. Thein vivo low activity compared with the strong onein vitro could be due to difficulties for the compounds to reach the prothoracic glands without degradation. The variation of inhibitory activity which appearsin vivo between the seven compounds studied is not linked either with the chemical structures of the molecules (which are very near one another) or with theirin vitro activity.

The total protein, chitin and soluble protein content of the abdominal cuticle of male adult locusts was analysed. After an initial period of increase, cuticular protein and chitin content levelled off with the onset of sexual maturation. After ecdysis, the amount of soluble cuticular protein increased unitil maturation. Specific cuticular protein electrophoretic bands decreased in staining intensity with development and were presumed to become bound within the cuticle. Incorporation of 3H-leucine into cuticular proteins was highest into pharate adult cuticle, then decreased after ecdysis to a constant level after maturation. Following sexual maturation when the total cuticular protein and soluble protein content remained constant incroporation of 3H-leucine continued indicating the dynamic nature of the cuticle.  相似文献   

采用ISSR分子标记技术对在3个不同地区引起蝉若虫地方病的蝉棒束孢种群遗传结构进行研究.结果表明: 3个地方病种群均表现出较高的遗传多样性,其中敬亭山种群的遗传多样性最高,石台种群最小.UPGMA聚类分析表明,不同地方病种群无优势性,均为多系的异质种群,遗传谱系与地理来源无关.敬亭山不同采集时间的菌株表现出明显的时间异质性.种群(亚种群)间的遗传分化系数Gst为0.2153,而基因流Nm为0.9110(Nm<1), 暗示低水平的基因交流是种群内遗传变异的主要原因之一.因此,蝉棒束孢种群水平的高异质性和低优势性是维持蝉若虫地方病的遗传结构特征.  相似文献   

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