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Background and Aims

Silene dioica and S. latifolia experience only limited introgression despite overlapping flowering phenologies, geographical distributions, and some pollinator sharing. Conspecific pollen precedence and other reproductive barriers operating between pollination and seed germination may limit hybridization. This study investigates whether barriers at this stage contribute to reproductive isolation between these species and, if so, which mechanisms are responsible.


Pollen-tube lengths for pollen of both species in styles of both species were compared. Additionally, both species were pollinated with majority S. latifolia and majority S. dioica pollen mixes; then seed set, seed germination rates and hybridity of the resulting seedlings were determined using species-specific molecular markers.

Key Results

The longest pollen tubes were significantly longer for conspecific than heterospecific pollen in both species, indicating conspecific pollen precedence. Seed set but not seed germination was lower for flowers pollinated with pure heterospecific versus pure conspecific pollen. Mixed-species pollinations resulted in disproportionately high representation of nonhybrid offspring for pollinations of S. latifolia but not S. dioica flowers.


The finding of conspecific pollen precedence for pollen-tube growth but not seed siring in S. dioica flowers may be explained by variation in pollen-tube growth rates, either at different locations in the style or between leading and trailing pollen tubes. Additionally, this study finds a barrier to hybridization operating between pollination and seed germination against S. dioica but not S. latifolia pollen. The results are consistent with the underlying cause of this barrier being attrition of S. dioica pollen tubes or reduced success of heterospecifically fertilized ovules, rather than time-variant mechanisms. Post-pollination, pre-germination barriers to hybridization thus play a partial role in limiting introgression between these species.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was studied in Swedish populations of Silene vulgaris (a widespread weed), S. uniflora ssp. uniflora (restricted to coastal habitats) and S. uniflora ssp. petraea (endemic to Sweden and confined to open limestone habitats). The taxa are diploid, gynodioecious, perennial herbs and showed high levels of within-taxon and within-population gene diversity at four polymorphic loci. Within-taxon diversity was highest (Htax=0.52) in S. vulgaris and lowest (Htax=0.36) in S. uniflora ssp. uniflora. The weedy S. vulgaris has more alleles than either of the other two taxa and 5 out of a total of 27 alleles are unique to S. vulgaris. Most of the gene diversity within each of the taxa is accounted for by within-population diversity. The between-population component of diversity is 10% in S. vulgaris , and 24% and 5%, respectively, in S. uniflora ssp. uniflora and ssp. petraea. Hybrids may occur between S. vulgaris and S. uniflora , but introgression is limited by the species' ecology. Neither allozyme nor distributional data support the suggestion that ssp. petraea is a recent hybrid between S. vulgaris and S. uniflora ssp. uniflora , although an older hybrid origin for ssp. petraea is possible. Patterns of allele frequency variation suggest that there has been some historical gene flow between taxa, outside their present areas of sympatry. It is likely that the two subspecies of S. uniflora , which occur in naturally open habitats, were able to colonize Sweden during the Late Glacial or early post-glacial, whereas S. vulgaris followed the spread of agriculture into Sweden.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that selection should be less effective in the nonrecombining genes of Y-chromosomes, relative to the situation for genes on the other chromosomes, and this should lead to the accumulation of deleterious nonsynonymous substitutions. In addition, synonymous substitution rates may differ between X- and Y-linked genes because of the male-driven evolution effect and also because of actual differences in per-replication mutation rates between the sex chromosomes. Here, we report the first study of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates on plant sex chromosomes. We sequenced two pairs of sex-linked genes, SlX1-SlY1 and SlX4-SlY4, from dioecious Silene latifolia and S. dioica, and their non-sex-linked homologues from nondioecious S. vulgaris and Lychnis flos-jovis, respectively. The rate of nonsynonymous substitutions in the SlY4 gene is significantly higher than that in the SlX4 gene. Silent substitution rates are also significantly higher in both Y-linked genes, compared with their X-linked homologues. The higher nonsynonymous substitution rate in the SlY4 gene is therefore likely to be caused by a mutation rate difference between the sex chromosomes. The difference in silent substitution rates between the SlX4 and SlY4 genes is too great to be explained solely by a higher per-generation mutation rate in males than females. It is thus probably caused by a difference in per-replication mutation rates between the sex chromosomes. This suggests that the local mutation rate can change in a relatively short evolutionary time.  相似文献   

The relatively recent origin of sex chromosomes in the plant genus Silene provides an opportunity to study the early stages of sex chromosome evolution and, potentially, to test between the different population genetic processes likely to operate in nonrecombining chromosomes such as Y chromosomes. We previously reported much lower nucleotide polymorphism in a Y-linked gene (SlY1) of the plant Silene latifolia than in the homologous X-linked gene (SlX1). Here, we report a more extensive study of nucleotide diversity in these sex-linked genes, including a larger S. latifolia sample and a sample from the closely related species Silene dioica, and we also study the diversity of an autosomal gene, CCLS37.1. We demonstrate that nucleotide diversity in the Y-linked genes of both S. latifolia and S. dioica is very low compared with that of the X-linked gene. However, the autosomal gene also has low DNA polymorphism, which may be due to a selective sweep. We use a single individual of the related hermaphrodite species Silene conica, as an outgroup to show that the low SlY1 diversity is not due to a lower mutation rate than that for the X-linked gene. We also investigate several other possibilities for the low SlY1 diversity, including differential gene flow between the two species for Y-linked, X-linked, and autosomal genes. The frequency spectrum of nucleotide polymorphism on the Y chromosome deviates significantly from that expected under a selective-sweep model. However, we detect population subdivision in both S. latifolia and S. dioica, so it is not simple to test for selective sweeps. We also discuss the possibility that Y-linked diversity is reduced due to highly variable male reproductive success, and we conclude that this explanation is unlikely.  相似文献   

Natural hybrid zones provide a valuable tool to study introgressive hybridization, because they can contain a wide variety of genotypes that result from many generations of recombination. Here we used molecular markers and morphological variation to describe the structure of two natural hybrid zones between Silene latifolia and Silene dioica in the Swiss Alps. Populations in both hybrid zones consisted of few intermediate hybrids and were dominated by backcross hybrids. The latter were also found in the parental populations at the margins of the hybrid zones. Out of 209 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers scored in 390 individuals, only 7 (3.3%) were species specific. These results indicate that introgression between S. dioica and S. latifolia is extensive, and that hybrid zones act as bridges to gene flow between these two species. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium identified few populations in which hybridization is ongoing, whereas in most populations linkage disequilibrium has eroded. Where hybridization is ongoing, strong changes in species-specific marker frequencies and morphological traits were observed. Plastid introgression into the hybrid zone was found to be bidirectional, but only the S. latifolia plastid haplotype was found in a nuclear S. dioica background. This unidirectional plastid introgression from S. latifolia into S. dioica is most likely due to pollen-flow from S. dioica onto S. latifolia, and results in plastid capture. Comparisons between the molecular and the morphological hybrid indices revealed that morphology in this study system is useful for identifying hybrids, but not for detailed analysis of hybrid zone structure.  相似文献   

The closely related dioecious herbs Silene latifolia and Silene dioica are widespread and predominantly sympatric in Europe. The species are interfertile, but morphologically and ecologically distinct. A study of large‐scale patterns of plastid DNA (polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism) haplotypes in a sample of 198 populations from most of the European ranges of both species revealed extensive interspecific haplotype sharing. Four of the 28 detected haplotypes were frequent (found in > 40 populations) and widespread. Three of these frequent haplotypes occurred in both species and the geographic distribution of each haplotype was broadly congruent in both species. Each of these three, shared and widespread haplotypes is likely to have colonized central and/or northern Europe after the last glaciation from one or more of refugial areas in southern Europe. Interspecific hybridization and plastid introgression within refugial regions and/or during the early stages of postglacial expansion is the most plausible explanation for the broadly similar distribution patterns of the shared, frequent chloroplast haplotypes in the two species. The fourth frequent, widespread haplotype was absent from S. latifolia and almost entirely restricted to Nordic S. dioica. It is most likely that this haplotype spread into the Nordic countries from a central or northern European source or from a refugial area in Russia. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 153–170.  相似文献   

Two polymerase chain reaction-based assays have been developed that work in combination with an efficient DNA extraction protocol to rapidly and reliably determine sex in the dioecious plant species Silene latifolia and S. dioica. In addition, one of the assays allows assessing paternity in the F(1) generation of intra- and interspecific matings involving the two species.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic diversity in West European populations of the fungal pathogen Microbotryum violaceum in sympatric, parapatric and allopatric populations of the host species Silene latifolia and S. dioica, using four polymorphic microsatellite loci. In allopatric host populations, the fungus was highly differentiated by host species, exhibiting high values of F(ST) and R(ST), and revealed clear and distinct host races. In sympatric and parapatric populations we found significant population differentiation as well, except for one sympatric population in which the two host species grew truly intermingled. The mean number of alleles per locus for isolates from each of the host species was significantly higher in sympatric/parapatric than in allopatric populations. This suggests that either gene flow between host races in sympatry, or in case of less neutral loci, selection in a more heterogeneous host environment can increase the level of genetic variation in each of the demes. The observed pattern of host-related genetic differentiation among these geographically spread populations suggest a long-term divergence between these host races. In sympatric host populations, both host races presumably come in secondary contact, and host-specific alleles are exchanged depending on the amount of fungal gene flow.  相似文献   

Climate warming is predicted to increase the frequency of invasions by pathogens and to cause the large-scale redistribution of native host species, with dramatic consequences on the health of domesticated and wild populations of plants and animals. The study of historic range shifts in response to climate change, such as during interglacial cycles, can help in the prediction of the routes and dynamics of infectious diseases during the impending ecosystem changes. Here we studied the population structure in Europe of two Microbotryum species causing anther smut disease on the plants Silene latifolia and Silene dioica. Clustering analyses revealed the existence of genetically distinct groups for the pathogen on S. latifolia, providing a clear-cut example of European phylogeography reflecting recolonization from southern refugia after glaciation. The pathogen genetic structure was congruent with the genetic structure of its host species S. latifolia, suggesting dependence of the migration pathway of the anther smut fungus on its host. The fungus, however, appeared to have persisted in more numerous and smaller refugia than its host and to have experienced fewer events of large-scale dispersal. The anther smut pathogen on S. dioica also showed a strong phylogeographic structure that might be related to more northern glacial refugia. Differences in host ecology probably played a role in these differences in the pathogen population structure. Very high selfing rates were inferred in both fungal species, explaining the low levels of admixture between the genetic clusters. The systems studied here indicate that migration patterns caused by climate change can be expected to include pathogen invasions that follow the redistribution of their host species at continental scales, but also that the recolonization by pathogens is not simply a mirror of their hosts, even for obligate biotrophs, and that the ecology of hosts and pathogen mating systems likely affects recolonization patterns.  相似文献   

New species arise through the evolution of reproductive barriers between formerly interbreeding lineages. Yet, comprehensive assessments of potential reproductive barriers, which are needed to make inferences on processes driving speciation, are only available for a limited number of systems. In this study, we estimated individual and cumulative strengths of seven prezygotic and six postzygotic reproductive barriers between the recently diverged taxa Silene dioica (L.) Clairv. and S. latifolia Poiret using both published and new data. A combination of multiple partial reproductive barriers resulted in near‐complete reproductive isolation between S. dioica and S. latifolia, consistent with earlier estimates of gene flow between the taxa. Extrinsic barriers associated with adaptive ecological divergence were most important, while intrinsic postzygotic barriers had moderate individual strength but contributed only little to total reproductive isolation. These findings are in line with ecological divergence as driver of speciation. We further found extensive variation in extrinsic reproductive isolation, ranging from sites with very strong selection against migrants and hybrids to intermediate sites where substantial hybridization is possible. This situation may allow for, or even promote, heterogeneous genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied intraspecific competition and assortative mating between strains of the anther smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum from two of its host species, Silene latifolia and S. dioica . Specifically, we investigated whether strains from allopatric host populations have higher competitive ability on their native host species and show positive assortative mating. In general, strains isolated from S. latifolia outcompeted strains isolated from S. dioica on both host species, but in female hosts, heterotypic dikaryons (i.e., dikaryons composed of a haploid strain originating from S. latifolia and a haploid strain originating from S. dioica ) were most successful in competition. Furthermore, the latency period was significantly shorter for heterokaryons that contained at least one strain originating from S. latifolia , compared to heterokaryons that only contained strains originating from S. dioica . The frequencies of conjugations between strains originating from S. latifolia were much higher than conjugation frequencies between strains originating from S. dioica . A significant positive correlation was detected between the relative success of strains in competition and in conjugation, suggesting that success of a strain in competition might be partly determined by its swiftness of mating. In addition, reciprocal differences within heterotypic crosses revealed a significant effect of fungal mating type, with mating type a1 being the main determinant of mating pace. The observed differences in infection success, conjugation rate, and latency period in favor of strains from S. latifolia relative to strains from S. dioica on both host species are discussed in an evolutionary context of opportunities for the maintenance of differentiation between different formae speciales upon secondary contact.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic population structure of the sexually transmitted plant pathogen, the fungus Microbotryum violaceum, on the two closely related host species Silene latifolia and S. dioica using microsatellite markers. We found strong deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, with significant heterozygote deficiency in almost all populations. Fungal strains from the two host species were differentiated, and these host races differed in amount of variation within populations and differentiation among populations. Anther smut from S. latifolia harboured significantly less microsatellite diversity and were more genetically differentiated from each other than those from S. dioica. Small effective population sizes, rapid population turnover, and less gene flow among populations could lead to this higher population differentiation and lower within population genetic diversity for anther smut populations on S. latifolia than on S. dioica. These results are in concordance with host ecology because S. latifolia grows in more disturbed habitats than S. dioica and may provide a shorter-lived host environment.  相似文献   



The duplication of autosomal genes onto the Y chromosome may be an important element in the evolution of sexual dimorphism.A previous cytological study reported on a putative example of such a duplication event in a dioecious tribe of Silene (Caryophyllaceae): it was inferred that the Y-linked MADS-box gene AP3Y originated from a duplication of the reportedly autosomal orthologAP3A. However, a recent study, also using cytological methods, indicated that AP3A is X-linked in Silenelatifolia.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we hybridized S. latifolia and S. dioicato investigate whether the pattern of X linkage is consistent among distinct populations, occurs in both species, and is robust to genetic methods. We found inheritance patterns indicative of X linkage of AP3A in widely distributed populations of both species.


X linkage ofAP3A and Y linkage of AP3Yin both species indicates that the genes'' ancestral progenitor resided on the autosomes that gave rise to the sex chromosomesand that neither gene has moved between chromosomes since species divergence.Consequently, our results do not support the contention that inter-chromosomal gene transfer occurred in the evolution of SlAP3Y from SlAP3A.  相似文献   

Despite the recent renaissance in studies of ecological speciation, the connection between ecological selection and the evolution of reproductive isolation remains tenuous. We tested whether habitat adaptation of cytoplasmic genomes contributes to the maintenance of reproductive barriers in hybridizing sunflower species, Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris. We transplanted genotypes of the parental species, reciprocal F1 hybrids and all eight possible backcross combinations of nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes into the contrasting xeric and mesic habitats of the parental species. Analysis of survivorship across two growing seasons revealed that the parental species' cytoplasms were strongly locally adapted and that cytonuclear interactions (CNIs) significantly affected the fitness and architecture of hybrid plants. A significant fraction of the CNIs have transgenerational effects, perhaps due to divergence in imprinting patterns. Our results suggest a common means by which ecological selection may contribute to speciation and have significant implications for the persistence of hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Diploid hybrid speciation in plants is often accompanied by rapid ecological divergence between incipient neospecies and their parental taxa. One plausible means by which novel adaptation in hybrid lineages may arise is transgressive segregation, that is, the generation of extreme phenotypes that exceed those of the parental lines. Early generation (BC2) hybrids between two wild, annual sunflowers, Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris, were used to study directional selection on transgressive characters associated with the origin of Helianthus paradoxus, a diploid hybrid species adapted to extremely saline marshes. The BC2 plants descended from a single F1 hybrid backcrossed toward H. petiolaris. The strength of selection on candidate adaptive traits in the interspecific BC2 was measured in natural H. paradoxus salt marsh habitat. Positive directional selection was detected for leaf succulence and Ca uptake, two traits that are known to be important in salt stress response in plants. Strong negative directional selection operated on uptake of Na and correlated elements. A significant decrease in trait correlations over time was observed in the BC2 population for Na and Ca content, suggesting an adaptive role for increased Ca uptake coupled with increased net exclusion of Na from leaves. Patterns of directional selection in BC2 hybrids were concordant with character expression in the natural hybrid species, H. paradoxus, transplanted into the wild. Moreover, the necessary variation for generating the H. paradoxus phenotype existed only in the BC2 population, but not in samples of the two parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that transgressive segregation of elemental uptake and leaf succulence contributed to the origin of salt adaptation in the diploid hybrid species H. paradoxus.  相似文献   

1 Males and females of dioecious plant species often differ in a variety of secondary characteristics, such as size, flower number and flowering time, suggesting that dioecious species have sex-specific selection histories. However, a potential source of these dimorphic traits is age differences between males and females. By sowing 3000 seeds of the dioecious perennial, Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae), on a single day, we were able to assess the contribution of sex differences in emergence time to the development of sexually dimorphic adult traits.
2 Females emerged before males in our experimental field population, but on average males flowered first. Age differences between males and females did not therefore cause the earlier flowering of males.
3 The consequence of the detected differences in emergence and phenology between males and females was explored by path analysis. Emergence time had a strong direct effect on flower production as well as an indirect effect through flowering time. The regression coefficient of flowering time on emergence time was significantly larger for male plants.
4 A phenotypic selection analysis revealed that seedlings emerging early suffered greater mortality than those emerging later. Seedlings emerging early, however, developed into plants with more flowers, indicating that there was a trade-off between survivorship and reproductive performance. Seeds with intermediate emergence times had the highest total fitness, indicating the presence of stabilizing selection. Despite the strong mortality selection against early emergers, we detected no shift in the sex ratio compared with the sex ratio of seeds matured under low-mortality greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

With regards to pollination there exist several mutualistic relationships between Hadena -species and Caryophyllaceae. As mutualists have both negative and positive effects on their partners, mutualism is often betoken as reciprocative exploitation which may shift to parasitism if the exploitation of one partner becomes prevalent.
Several Silene - and Saponaria -species are considered to be larval host plants of Hadena bicruris . Although Silene latifolia ssp. alba and S. dioica are frequently cited as hosts of the seed eating larvae, field and laboratory observations at Ulm were suggestive for only S. latifolia ssp. alba being a suitable host. Records of the oviposition behavior of H. bicruris made it evident that in fact a considerable number of eggs could be found in planted stands of both species. On the other hand, phenological data of the flowering periods and of the oviposition behavior of H. bicruris showed that S. latifolia ssp. alba is clearly preferred for oviposition if host selection is possible due to contemporaneous flowering of individuals of both plant species growing at close range. In addition, the flowering periods of S. latifolia ssp. alba and the periods of moth activity overlap to a large extent. This is not the case in S. dioica . Feeding experiences first indicated that the caterpillars may not prefer one of the species to the other, but comparison of the pupal weight of the animals reared on fruits of exclusively one of the species showed that the seeds of S. latifolia ssp. alba were more profitable for nutrition than those of S. dioica ; the pupal weight of animals reared on seeds of the former species significantly exceeded that of animals reared on seeds of the latter one. The question arises if the symbiosis of H. bicruris and its hosts constitutes a stable situation or if an evolutionary shift to mutualism or parasitism will take place.  相似文献   



The interfertile species Anacyclus clavatus, A. homogamos, and A. valentinus represent a plant complex coexisting in large anthropic areas of the western Mediterranean Basin with phenotypically mixed populations exhibiting a great floral variation. The goal of this study was to estimate the genetic identity of each species, to infer the role of hybridization in the observed phenotypic diversity, and to explore the effect of climate on the geographic distribution of species and genetic clusters.


We used eight nuclear microsatellites to genotype 585 individuals from 31 populations of three Anacyclus species for population genetic analyses by using clustering algorithms based on Bayesian models and ordination methods. In addition, we used ecological niche models and niche overlap analyses for both the species and genetic clusters. We used an expanded data set, including 721 individuals from 129 populations for ecological niche models of the genetic clusters.


We found a clear correspondence between species and genetic clusters, except for A. clavatus that included up to three genetic clusters. We detected individuals with admixed genetic ancestry in A. clavatus and in mixed populations. Ecological niche models predicted similar distributions for species and genetic clusters. For the two specific genetic clusters of A. clavatus, ecological niche models predicted remarkably different areas.


Gene flow between Anacyclus species likely explains phenotypic diversity in contact areas. In addition, we suggest that introgression could be involved in the origin of one of the two A. clavatus genetic clusters, which also showed ecological differentiation.  相似文献   

Infraspecific variation among European populations of Silene alba and S. dioica was analysed by non-metric multidimensional scaling, which was applied to K-dissimilarity matrices based either on 16 seed characters or on 34 seed, flower and capsule characters. The material used for analysis consisted of 167 collections of wild seed, largely obtained from European botanic gardens, and 97 sets of mature greenhouse-grown progeny. S. alba was found to show topoclinal variation, primarily along an axis from the Iberian peninsula through central Europe to Romania. This pattern is not reflected in current taxonomic treatments. N. and N.W. European S. alba is morphologically heterogeneous and has probably been introduced from various southern sources. S. dioica shows less total variation between populations than S. alba , and consists of local ecogeographic races that intergrade at their margins. The two species are completely discriminated by seed, flower and capsule characters when used in combination, but S. alba populations from the eastern end of the cline closely approach S. dioica in seed morphology. This convergence is unlikely to be an effect of recent introgression.  相似文献   

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