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Aqueous humor is secreted by the bilayered ciliary epithelium. Solutes and water enter the pigmented ciliary epithelial (PE) cell layer, cross gap junctions into the nonpigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cell layer, and are released into the aqueous humor. Electrical measurements suggest that heptanol reduces transepithelial ion movement by interrupting PE-NPE communication and that gap junctions may be a regulatory site of aqueous humor formation. Several lines of evidence also suggest that net ciliary epithelial transport is strongly region dependent. Divided rabbit iris-ciliary bodies were incubated in chambers under control and experimental conditions, quick-frozen, cryosectioned, and freeze-dried. Elemental intracellular contents of NPE and PE cells were determined by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. With or without heptanol, ouabain produced concentration- and time-dependent changes more markedly in anterior than in posterior epithelium. Without heptanol, there were considerable cell-to-cell variations in Na gain and K loss. However, contiguous NPE and PE cells displayed similar changes, even when nearby cell pairs were little changed by ouabain in aqueous, stromal, or both reservoirs. In contrast, with heptanol present, ouabain added to aqueous or both reservoirs produced much larger changes in NPE than in PE cells. The results indicate that 1) heptanol indeed interrupts PE-NPE junctions, providing an opportunity for electron microprobe analysis of the sidedness of modification of ciliary epithelial secretion; 2) Na and K undergo faster turnover in anterior than in posterior epithelium; and 3) PE-NPE gap junctions differ from PE-PE and NPE-NPE junctions in permitting ionic equilibration between adjoining ouabain-stressed cells. pigmented ciliary epithelial cells; nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells; gap junctions; aqueous humor; Na+/K+ exchange pump; rabbit iris-ciliary body  相似文献   

It has been shown that the vitreous contains several intrinsic glycoproteins whose origin remains to be clarified. Isolated ciliary epithelium (CE) was assayed to verify its role in the synthesis and secretion of transferrin for the vitreous body. It was cultured in the presence of [35S]methionine and the incubation medium was processed for immunoprecipitation. Total RNA from CE was processed for RT-PCR and the amplification products were sequenced. Also, whole preparations of isolated CE were processed for immunolocalization of transferrin. From the incubation assays, a labeled peptide of about 80 kDa was immunopurified that is the expected size of transferrin. The RT-PCR and sequencing experiments detected the presence of transferrin mRNA. Both layers of the CE exhibited transferrin reactivity, following immunohistochemical processing. Taken altogether, these results indicate the CE as one of the possible sources of vitreous intrinsic transferrin.  相似文献   

Summary For elucidation of the functional organization of frog skin epithelium with regard to transepithelial Na transport, electrolyte concentrations in individual epithelial cells were determined by electron microprobe analysis. The measurements were performed on 1-m thick freeze-dried cryosections by an energy-dispersive X-ray detecting system. Quantification of the electrolyte concentrations was achieved by comparing the X-ray intensities obtained in the cells with those of an internal albumin standard.The granular, spiny, and germinal cells, which constitute the various layers of the epithelium, showed an identical behavior of their Na and K concentrations under all experimental conditions. In the control, both sides of the skin bathed in frog Ringer's solution, the mean cellular concentrations (in mmole/kg wet wt) were 9 for Na and 118 for K. Almost no change in the cellular Na occurred when the inside bathing solution was replaced by a Na-free isotonic Ringer's solution, whereas replacing the outside solution by distilled water resulted in a decrease of Na to almost zero in all layers. Inhibition of the transepithelial Na transport by ouabain (10–4 m) produced an increase in Na to 109 and a decrease in K to 16. The effect of ouabain on the cellular Na and K concentrations was completely cancelled when the Na influx from the outside was prevented, either by removing Na or adding amiloride (10–4 m). When, after the action of ouabain, Na was removed from the outside bathing solution, the Na and K concentration in all layers returned to control values. The latter effect could be abolished by amiloride.The other cell types of the epithelium showed under some experimental conditions a different behavior. In the cornified cells and the light cells, which occurred occasionally in the stratum granulosum, the electrolyte concentrations approximated those of the outer bathing meium under all experimental conditions. In the mitochondria-rich cells, the Na influx after ouabain could not be, prevented by adding amiloride. In the gland cells, only a small change in the Na and K concentrations could be detected after ouabain.The results of the present study are consistent with a two-barrier concept of transepithelial Na transport. The Na transport compartment comprises all living epithelial layers. Therefore, with the exception of some epithelial cell types, the frog skin epithelium can be regarded as a functional syncytium for Na.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy was used to examine internalized gap junctions (IGJ) in rabbit and rat ciliary epithelial cells. A prominent feature of all the specimens studied was the presence of different images of IGJ membrane that entrapped a portion of an adjoining cell. We documented and analyzed more than 500 gap junction (GJ) vacuoles and invaginations, the latter comprising less than 20% of all the structures examined. With ten exceptions found in non-pigmented cells, all the IGJ were unidirectionally internalized within the cytoplasm of pigmented epithelial cells. Morphological signs of autophagic degradation of GJ vacuoles were observed. An essential finding was that once a GJ membrane started to invaginate, a lucidation of a part of the protruding cytoplasm occurred; no planar GJ membranes exhibited such an alteration. The present findings suggest that IGJ derived from the epithelium of ciliary processes arise through an invagination-endocytosis mechanism and are degraded autophagically. This phenomenon may be relevant to aqueous humor production.  相似文献   

In order to assess the role of different classes of K(+) channels in recirculation of K(+) across the basolateral membrane of rabbit distal colon epithelium, the effects of various K(+) channel inhibitors were tested on the activity of single K(+) channels from the basolateral membrane, on macroscopic basolateral K(+) conductance, and on the rate of Na(+) absorption and Cl(-) secretion. In single-channel measurements using the lipid bilayer reconstitution system, high-conductance (236 pS), Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channels were most frequently detected; the second most abundant channel was a low-conductance K(+) channel (31 pS) that exhibited channel rundown. In addition to Ba(2+) and charybdotoxin (ChTX), the BK(Ca) channels were inhibited by quinidine, verapamil and tetraethylammonium (TEA), the latter only when present on the side of the channel from which K(+) flow originates. Macroscopic basolateral K(+) conductance, determined in amphotericin-permeabilised epithelia, was also markedly reduced by quinidine and verapamil, TEA inhibited only from the lumen side, and serosal ChTX was without effect. The chromanol 293B and the sulphonylurea tolbutamide did not affect BK(Ca) channels and had no or only a small inhibitory effect on macroscopic basolateral K(+) conductance. Transepithelial Na(+) absorption was partly inhibited by Ba(2+), quinidine and verapamil, suggesting that BK(Ca) channels are involved in basolateral recirculation of K(+) during Na(+) absorption in rabbit colon. The BK(Ca) channel inhibitors TEA and ChTX did not reduce Na(+) absorption, probably because TEA does not enter intact cells and ChTX is 'knocked off' its extracellular binding site by K(+) outflow from the cell interior. Transepithelial Cl(-) secretion was inhibited completely by Ba(2+) and 293B, partly by quinidine but not by the other K(+) channel blockers, indicating that the small (<3 pS) K(V)LQT1 channels are responsible for basolateral K(+) exit during Cl(-) secretion. Hence different types of K(+) channels mediate basolateral K(+) exit during transepithelial Na(+) and Cl(-) transport.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) on airway ciliary activity, we measured ciliary beat frequency (CBF) by a photoelectric method in response to these peptides in cultured rabbit tracheal explants. When cumulatively added, both CRF and ACTH increased CBF in a dose-dependent fashion. Treatment of tissues with Ca2+-free medium or nifedipine abolished the effect of CRF but not of ACTH. The CRF- and ACTH-induced ciliostimulations were not affected by indomethacin or autonomic antagonists, but were attenuated by nordihydroguaiaretic acid and by their receptor antagonists, alpha-helical CRF (9-41) and ACTH (7-38). Intracellular cyclic AMP levels were significantly increased by CRF and ACTH. These results suggest that CRF and ACTH stimulate airway ciliary motility through the activation of adenylate cyclase and lipoxygenase by binding to their specific receptors, where the effect of CRF may be triggered by Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

With the aid of electron microprobe analysis on ciliate spreads, we detected zinc in ciliates and its accumulation in the endoplasm. A correlation was found between the amount of zinc accumulation and its concentration in the medium. By the same microprobe analysis of of ultrathin sections, we determined semiquantitatively the zinc accumulation in the intracytoplasmic granules and its presence in macronuclei and in intra- and extracellular bacteria.  相似文献   

Gap junctions are present between nonpigmented and pigmented epithelial cells layers, as well as between the adjacent pigmented cells, but not between the nonpigmented epithelial cells which face the posterior chamber. The unusual feature of these gap junctions is a dark banding which regularly appears every three rows of subunits. This dark band is the equivalent width of two rows of facets.  相似文献   

Elemental distributions have been determined for femur cross sections of eight individuals from the Gibson and Ledders Woodland sites. The analyses were obtained by x-ray fluorescence with a scanning electron microscope. Movement of an element from soil to bone should give rise to inhomogeneous distributions within the bone. We found that the distributions of zinc, strontium, and lead are homogeneous throughout the femur. In contrast, iron, aluminum, potassium, and manganese show clear buildup along the outer surface of the femur and sometimes along the inner (endosteal) surface, as the result of postmortem enrichment. The buildup penetrates 10-400 micron into the femur. The major elements calcium and sodium show homogeneous distributions, but considerable material could be lost by leaching (10-15%) without causing a palpable effect on the electron maps. Magnesium shows buildup on the outer edge of some samples. These results suggest that diagenetic contamination may exclude Fe, Al, K, Mn, and probably Mg from use as indicators of ancient data. The homogeneous distributions of Zn, Sr, and Pb suggest that these elements are not altered appreciably and may serve as useful dietary indicators.  相似文献   

Electron-dense inclusion bodies were found in most Plesiomonas shigelloides cells, regardless of the incubation time. At the 4-hr incubation period, the size of inclusion bodies was distributed in the range of 50 to 150 nm in diameter, and at the logarithmic phase of growth it increased up to a size visible by light microscope. By an electron microprobe X-ray analysis, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium were detected in the inclusion bodies which confirms the assumption of Pastian and Bromel (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47: 216 (1984] that the inclusion bodies have a very similar elemental composition to the polyphosphate granules of C. diphtheriae.  相似文献   

Summary Hen coprodeum absorbs sodium electrogenically and, when stimulated by theophylline, secretes chloride. In this study the vibrating microprobe technique was used to localize the transport of these ions to intestinal villi/folds and crypts. With the isolated, stretched epithelium, controlled by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, in open circuit, currents were inward, 40±7 A/cm2, 50 m vertically above villi, and outward, 36±7 A/cm2 above crypts. The currents decayed exponentially to near zero at 300 m with the same length constant. A physical model simulating the observed loci of current sources and sinks predicts potential profiles consistent with our data. Extrapolation of the currents gives a surface potential of 45 V, negative on villi and positive above crypts. Short circuiting increased villus current to 86±27 A/cm2 at 50 m, and amiloride treatment reduced it to –8 A/cm2; in both cases crypt currents were abolished. The inward currents are compatible with sodium absorption. Induction of chloride secretion after amiloride treatment, resulted in current circuits similar to those induced by sodium absorption, with villus currents of 23±7 A/cm2. This is in accord with chloride secretion at the villi. Quantitative estimates of crypt number (860/cm2) and opening diameter (15 m), in conjunction with isotopic measurements of active and electrical potential-driven ion fluxes demonstrate, however, that only 4% of the potential-driven co-ion transport occurs through the crypts. This indicates that nearly all chloride secretion comes from the sodium-absorbing villar area. Were the chloride secretion to occur solely from the crypts, the current should have been in the opposite direction and 10,000-fold larger.  相似文献   

Angiotensin (ANG) II receptors have been reported in the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium (NPE) of the eye. In cultured NPE, we found ANG II caused a dose-dependent rise of cytoplasmic sodium. The sodium increase was inhibited by the AT(1)-AT(2) receptor antagonist saralasin (IC(50) = 3.7 nM) and the AT(1) antagonist losartan (IC(50) = 0.6 nM) but not by the AT(2) antagonist PD-123319. ANG II also caused a dose-dependent increase in the rate of ouabain-sensitive (86)Rb uptake. The ANG II-induced cell sodium increase and (86)Rb uptake increase were reduced by dimethylamiloride (DMA; 10 microM). On the basis of this finding, we propose that Na(+)/H(+) exchange is stimulated by ANG II. Simultaneously, ANG II appears to inhibit H(+)-ATPase-mediated proton export. Thus Ang II (10 nM) did not alter the baseline cytoplasmic pH (pH(i)) but reduced pH(i) in cells that were also exposed to 10 microM DMA. Consistent with the notion of H(+)-ATPase inhibition in ANG II-treated NPE, bafilomycin A(1) (100 nM) (BAF) and ANG II were both observed to suppress the pH(i) increase that occurs upon exposure to a mixture of epinephrine (1 microM) and acetylcholine (10 microM) and the pH(i) increase elicited by depolarization. In ATP hydrolysis measurements, H(+)-ATPase activity (bafilomycin A(1)-sensitive ATP hydrolysis) was reduced significantly in cells that had been pretreated 10 min with 10 nM ANG II. In summary, these studies suggest that ANG II causes H(+)-ATPase inhibition and an increase of cell sodium due to activation of Na(+)/H(+) exchange.  相似文献   

Ionized forms of vanadium are known to exert diverse biological activities. Of particular interest in the inhibitory action of the vanadium ion on (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. This report describes another action of the vanadium ion on the rabbit colonic epithelium. Micromolar quantities of vanadate, applied to the serosal side of the isolated rabbit colonic epithelium, result in a stimulation of electrogenic chloride secretion by this epithelium. Sodium transport is unaffected by the vanadium ion in the concentrations used in this study. It is proposed that the vanadyl ion activates adenylate cyclase and thereby initiates subsequent secretory events.  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs have been taken of unfixed, freeze dried, unstained epiphyseal cartilage. In the mineralized long septa round to elliptic clusters (up to 0.6 m in diameter) consisting mainly of dots and needles could be observed. The clusters were surrounded by microareas with a low contrast consisting mainly of ribbon plate-like crystallites. With the aid of scanning mode (STEM) of a transmission electron microscope, equipped with a Si(Li)detector system, both regions were analyzed for calcium and phosphorus by electronprobe X-ray microanalysis. In ten series of 106 measurements in each region, it could be determined by registration of the CaK and PKX-ray counts that the mineral content in the clusters was in the range of 30–100 % higher than in the light regions. The question of the sequence of the epiphyseal plate mineralization is discussed and whether the dense clusters represent the mineralized matrix vesicles.The authors thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial supportDedicated to Professor Dr. G. Pfefferkorn on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Aqueous humorsecretion is in part linked to transport by nonpigmented ciliary epithelium (NPE) cells. During thisprocess, the cells must maintain stable cytoplasmic pH(pHi). Because a recent reportsuggests that NPE cells have a plasma membrane-localized vacuolarH+-ATPase, the present study wasconducted to examine whether vacuolar H+-ATPase contributes topHi regulation in a rabbit NPEcell line. Western blot confirmed vacuolarH+-ATPase expression as judged byH+-ATPase 31-kDa immunoreactivepolypeptide in both cultured NPE and native ciliary epithelium.pHi was measured using2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF).Exposing cultured NPE to K+-richsolution caused a pHi increase weinterpret as depolarization-induced alkalinization. Alkalinization wasalso caused by ouabain or BaCl2. Bafilomycin A1 (0.1 µM; aninhibitor of vacuolar H+-ATPase)inhibited the pHi increase causedby high K+. ThepHi increase was also inhibited byangiotensin II and the metabolic uncoupler carbonyl cyanidem-chlorophenylhydazone but not by ZnCl2,4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid(SITS), 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), omeprazole, low-Clmedium, -free medium, orNa+-free medium. BafilomycinA1 slowed thepHi increase after an NH4Cl (10 mM) prepulse. However,no detectable pHi change was observed in cells exposed to bafilomycinA1 under control conditions. Thesestudies suggest that vacuolarH+-ATPase is activated bycytoplasmic acidification and by reduction of the protonelectrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane. We speculate thatthe mechanism might contribute to maintenance of acid-base balance inNPE.


Regional differences in the localization of Na+/K+-ATPase in the ciliary epithelium of albino rabbits were studied histochemically using the method of Chayen et al. and ultra-histochemically using a cerium-based method. In addition, the incubation time necessary to achieve first signs of staining was investigated as an indication of Na+/K+-ATPase activity. In the entire pars plicata: prelenticular, postlenticular, as well as tips and valleys, staining was seen in the lateral infoldings of the non pigmented epithelium (NPE) after short incubation periods. Somewhat later, the apical cell membranes also stained. The ultrastructure of these cells, together with the staining pattern, point towards a functional significance of the NPE in active fluid secretion. The pigmented epithelium (PE) did not stain. In the iridial processes and in the area of the ciliary ridges staining first appeared in the apical cell membranes of the NPE, which form the typical ciliary channels. The basolateral infoldings of the NPE also stained, whilst the PE remained unstained. The difference in morphology and staining between pars plicata and iridial processes could indicate a difference in function, e.g. reabsorption of freshly secreted aqueous humour. In the pars plana, only the basolateral infoldings of the PE stained. A functional significance of this area in connection with the blood retina barrier is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Regional differences in the localization of Na+/K+-ATPase in the ciliary epithelium of albino rabbits were studied histochemically using the method of Chayen et al. and ultra-histochemically using a cerium-based method. In addition, the incubation time necessary to achieve first signs of staining was investigated as an indication of Na+/K+-ATPase activity. In the entire pars plicata: prelenticular, postlenticular, as well as tips and valleys, staining was seen in the lateral infoldings of the non pigmented epithelium (NPE) after short incubation periods. Somewhat later, the apical cell membranes also stained. The ultrastructure of these cells, together with the staining pattern, point towards a functional significance of the NPE in active fluid secretion. The pigmented epithelium (PE) did not stain. In the iridial processes and in the area of the ciliary ridges staining first appeared in the apical cell membranes of the NPE, which form the typical ciliary channels. The basolateral infoldings of the NPE also stained, whilst the PE remained unstained. The difference in morphology and staining between pars plicata and iridial processes could indicate a difference in function, e.g. reabsorption of freshly secreted aqueous humour. In the pars plana, only the basolateral infoldings of the PE stained. A functional significance of this area in connection with the blood retina barrier is discussed.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The electrolyte composition of toad urinary bladder epithelial cells has been measured using the technique of electron microprobe analysis. Portions of hemi-bladders, which had been mounted in chambers and bathed with a variety of media, were layered with albumin solution on their mucosal surfaces and immediately shock-frozen in liquid propane at –180°C. From the frozen material 1–2m thick cryosections were cut and promptly freeze-dried for 12 hr at –80°C and 10–6 Torr. Electron microprobe analysis using a scanning electron microscope, an energy dispersive X-ray detector, and a computer programme, to distinguish between characteristic and uncharacteristic radiations, allowed quantification of cellular ionic concentrations per kg tissue wet wt by comparison of the intensities of the emitted radiations from the cells and from the albumin layer. Granular, mitochondrial-rich, and basal cells, and the basal portions of goblet cells, showed a similar composition, being high in K (about 110mm/kg wet wt) and low in Na (about 13mm/kg wet wt). The apical portions of goblet cells were higher in Ca and S and lower in P and K, presumably reflecting the composition of the mucus within them. With Na-Ringer's as the mucosal medium, cells gained Na and lost K, when their serosal surfaces were exposed to ouabain, 10–2 m. Replacement of mucosal Na by choline virtually prevented these ouabain-induced changes. Cellular ion contents were unchanged when Na in the serosal medium was replaced by choline. No differences in Na and K concentrations were detected between nuclei and cytoplasm. These results provide independent support for the hypothesis that the cellular Na transport pool in toad bladder epithelial cells derives exclusively from the mucosal medium and that no important recycling of Na occurs from the serosal medium to the cells.  相似文献   

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