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The caridean shrimp Lysmata vittata (Stimpson, 1860) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hippolytidae), which is found in the Pos??et Bay of the Sea of Japan is reported as new to the fauna of Russia. Sexually mature specimens of different ages were found at a depth of 2?C3 m among large boulders on a sandy bottom. The presence of a stable population of L. vittata in the investigated region substantially extends the distribution area of this species in the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

A compendium of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) predators was assembled, thereby consolidating decades of research that described trophic interactions among relevant marine species in the North Atlantic. The importance of shrimp as prey and the impacts of predation on shrimp populations were gleaned, where possible, from the literature. The review identified 26 species that prey on shrimp within North Atlantic ecosystems. The results clarified the role of shrimp as prey within these ecosystems, confirming that they provide an abundant source of food for marine fish, mammals and invertebrates throughout the North Atlantic. The evidence supported the likelihood of predation mortality as one of the key factors regulating shrimp population dynamics. However, lacking representative estimates of shrimp consumption by predators, the net effect on predation mortality within populations was unquantifiable.  相似文献   

We determined the absolute (AIF) and relative (RIF) individual fecundity in a commercially important object, the grass shrimp, Pandalus kessleri (Decapoda: Pandalidae) near the Southern Kuril Islands. In the shrimps from Izmeny Bay (Kunashir Island) and the coastal area of the Southern Kuril Islands, the AIF equaled 192–918 (averaging 505) and 162–784 (459), respectively. In larger females, the AIF increases, reaches the maximum value, and then decreases again in the largest females. In June the AIF is smaller than in September, and in larger prawns, this difference is more pronounced. The mean large (D) and small (d) diameters of eggs equaled 1972 (1665–2400) and 1538 (1347–1900) m, respectively; the D/d ratio equaled 1.28. The mean wet weight of an egg (w) was 3.43 mg (1.986–4.9) mg. From September 1 to November 30 D and d increased from 1894 to 2088 m and from 1490 to 1567 m, respectively. The factors affecting the fecundity of grass shrimp in Izmeny Bay are discussed.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, is a large shrimp extensively used in aquaculture whose grooming behaviors were analyzed in this study. Macrobrachium rosenbergii exhibits three unique male morphotypes that differ in their behavior, morphology and physiology: small-clawed males (SM), orange-clawed males (OC) and blue-clawed males (BC). The largest and most dominant males, BC males, are predicted to have significantly different grooming behaviors compared to females and the other two male morphotypes. These BC males may be too large and bulky to efficiently groom and may dedicate more time to mating and agonistic interactions than grooming behaviors. Observations were conducted to look at the prevalence of grooming behaviors in the absence and presence of conspecifics and to determine if any differences in grooming behavior exist among the sexes and male morphotypes. Significant differences in the grooming behaviors of all individuals (females and male morphotypes) were found. BC males tended to have the highest grooming time budget (percent of time spent grooming) while SM males had a relatively low grooming time budget. The grooming behaviors of the male morphotypes differed, indicating while these males play distinct, separate roles in the social hierarchy, they also have different grooming priorities. The conditions in which Macrobrachium rosenbergii are cultured may result in increased body fouling, which may vary, depending on the grooming efficiencies and priorities of these male morphotypes. Overall, grooming behaviors were found to be a secondary behavior which only occurred when primary behaviors such as mating, feeding or fighting were not present.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, Pb, and Ni were determined in the hepatopancreas, muscle tissue, and carapace of the grass shrimp Pandalus kessleri from the coastal waters of the Lesser Kurilskaya Ridge. Sex reversal of the grass shrimp, which is a proterandrous hermaphrodite, had a marked influence on the concentrations of such metals as Fe, Cu, Cd, and Mn. The levels of Cd in the hepatopancreas of grass shrimp exceeded maximum permissible concentrations for seafood at all the stations studied. The main factors determining the metal levels in P. kessleri from the investigated locations are discussed.  相似文献   


Reproductive output parameters (fecundity and egg volume) of Lysmata vittata were examined in a population in northeastern Brazil. Effect of maturation diets on the reproductive output of these shrimp under laboratory conditions was evaluated. Reproductive output was estimated for 25 shrimp collected in the wild. Another 45 pairs of shrimp were used for diet experiments, 15 pairs per treatment (T1: industrialized food, T2: fresh food, T3: mixed diets). For wild population, mean fecundity and egg volume were differed between developmental stages of the eggs. Fecundity was significantly lower in the specimens subjected to T1 diet (267 ± 141 eggs) compared with shrimp from the wild population (393 ± 183 eggs). Egg volume was significantly lower in shrimp subjected to three diets tested compared with those from wild population. Egg loss during embryonic development in L. vittata may be caused by several factors (e.g. aborted development and maternal cannibalism). Fresh food proved to be important for improving reproductive output in L. vittata reared in culture. We emphasize the significance of improving nutritional value and palatability of diets to improve cultivation efficiency. Lysmata vittata can be used as a model organism for future studies aiming to improve the cultivation techniques for shrimp of the genus.

Abbreviations PSH: protandric simultaneous hermaphroditism; ARS: artificial refuge structures; CL: carapace length; EV: egg volume; L: largest diameter of the egg; S: smallest diameter of the egg; T1: industrialized pellets; T2: fresh ingredients; T3: mixed diets; ANCOVA: analysis of covariancr; SD: standard deviation.  相似文献   

An examination of population trends for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and its key predators off eastern Newfoundland and Labrador provided the basis for investigating predator-prey relationships within an ecosystem that experienced major changes in species composition during the 1980s and 1990s. Populations of several demersal fish species, known to feed on northern shrimp, declined to historically low levels by the early 1990s and remained depressed thereafter. Some declines were precipitous from the late 1980s to early 1990s, coincident with an increase in shrimp. Populations of other important predator species increased throughout the 1990s along with shrimp. Lacking representative estimates of shrimp consumption, the net effect on predation mortality was unquantifiable and it was not possible to demonstrate with certainty that the major increase in shrimp biomass that occurred throughout the 1990s resulted from a concomitant reduction in predation mortality. Factors (and their interactions) relevant to the dynamics of shrimp populations include the effects of ocean climate, predation, competition, as well as commercial harvesting.  相似文献   

The feeding dynamics and oxygen uptake of the bottom-dwelling caridean shrimp Nauticaris marionis were studied during the April/May 1984, 1996 and 1997 cruises to Marion Island (Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean). N. marionis is thought to have an opportunistic feeding mode. Prey composition varied considerably between the years and sites investigated. Overall, benthic (mainly hydrozoans and bottom-dwelling polychaetes) and, at times, pelagic (largely euphausiids and copepods) prey items dominated in the stomachs of N. marionis both by occurrence and by volume. Generally, pelagic prey contributed more to the diets of smaller shrimps, while benthic prey was a more important component in the guts of larger specimens. Wet, dry and ash-free dry weight were determined for specimens used in respiration experiments. The respiration rates of N. marionis females with carapace length 6.6–11.1 mm ranged from 80 to 250 μl O2 individual−1 · h−1, or from 0.588 to 2.756 μl O2 · mg−1 dry weight h−1. Regression analyses showed highly significant correlations between oxygen consumption and carapace length for N. marionis. Daily ingestion rates estimated using an in situ gut content analysis technique (4.4% of body dry weight) and an energy budget approach (average 4.7% of body dry weight, range 2.0–7.5%) showed good agreement with each other. Accepted: 29 July 1998  相似文献   

Ontogeny of the gut in Penaeus setiferus was investigated by reconstruction of serial sections examined by light microscopy. Development of the gut into the adult form is protracted over several weeks beyond metamorphosis in steps that may be directly related to the unique postlarval life history of Penaeus. The gastric mill is lacking in larval stages of P. setiferus. In protozoeal stages Z1-Z3, the pyloric ampullae are blind sacs that do not communicate with the midgut. The gland filter first appears in mysis stage M2. The gastric mill in early postlarval (PL) stages consists of poorly chitinized lobes with flexible setae. By PL21 the ossicles of the gastric mill are rigid and setae are replaced by spine-like denticles, but even by PL35 the gastric mill is neither as massive nor heavily chitinized as in adults. During the mysis stages and early PL stages, the hepatopancreas communicates freely with both the foregut and the midgut trunk. By PL35 the hepatopancreatic ducts are essentially isolated from the remainder of the midgut by foregut ossicles. The midgut in Z1 consists of two pairs of simple caeca and the midgut trunk. During larval growth, each of the lateral midgut caeca develops into a number of lobes. After metamorphosis these lobes begin to ramify into small-diameter tubules, and by PL35 have completely ramified into the hepatopancreas of adults. From M1 to PL4, the anterior midgut caeca decrease in absolute size and become a single anterior diverticulum. The posterior midgut diverticulum first appears in PL21 as a simple sac and thereafter increases in size and complexity.  相似文献   

The carpo-propodal brush on the first pereiopod (P1-CP) is a unique specialisation of natant decapods used to groom the antennal flagellum. Previous studies have documented its occurrence in several families of Caridea, Procarididea, Dendrobranchiata and Stenopodidea. These studies have been updated to include material from 33 out of the 35 currently recognised caridean families. The results demonstrate the majority of families have a P1-CP: species from only 12 of 33 families surveyed lacked the brush. Considerable variation is noted in the structure of the brush and its constituent setae which are principally serrulate. In general, two different patterns of brush structure can be recognised, with extensive minor variation within a pattern; although several families deviate widely from this pattern. As the structure appears conservative within families, it is evident that the P1-CP brush could be a phylogenetically informative character, which should be included in future cladistic analysis at generic level and above.  相似文献   

In crustaceans, successful reproductive processes, such as the transition from juvenile to adult, exhibit important morphological changes that can be detected by analyzing relative growth. This study describes the relative growth of body structures in Nematopalaemon schmitti and its secondary sexual characteristics, and also estimates the morphological sexual maturity of this species in a region influenced by upwelling. The carapace length (CL), second pleuron length (PlL), cheliped carpus length (CaL), cheliped propodus length (PrL) and the length of appendix masculina (AML) of the shrimp were measured. The relationships that best demonstrated the changes in allometric coefficient between demographic categories were AML vs. CL for males, and PlL vs. CL for females. The estimated CL for morphological sexual maturity in males was 8.51 mm and 9.30 in females. Our results showed the appendix masculine and the second pleuron were secondary sexual characteristics that play roles in reaching the morphological sexual maturity necessary for reproductive success and to assure the life cycle of this species.  相似文献   

Summary 108 successful ground and Agassiz trawl catches were taken between 155 and 2031 m depth in the eastern Weddell Sea on board RV Polarstern in spring and summer (October–February) 1985–1989. In addition, 7 hauls were taken with a semipelagic trawl. Only 19 hauls (16.5%) contained no shrimps. The others yielded large numbers of Notocrangon antarcticus, Chorismus antarcticus, and Nematocarcinus lanceopes as well as 20 Lebbeus antarcticus and 11 specimens of an Eualus species new to science. 8 Pasiphaea scotiae were caught in a pelagic krill trawl. No reptant decapod crustaceans were detected in the study area. Shrimp densities determined from trawl catches were lower than estimates derived from underwater photography but in the same order of magnitude. Although yields of the three common shrimp species in some cases exceeded 20 kg per 0.5 h haul, shrimp stocks in the area cannot be considered to be of commercial significance. A wider geographical distribution and greater frequency of shrimps in high Antarctic waters was found than described hitherto. There was considerable variation in numbers, sex composition, occurrence at different depths, and size-frequency distributions. C. antarcticus and N. antarcticus grow to a larger size compared with individuals from the Antarctic Peninsula area. Within the area of investigation, length frequency distributions are skewed towards larger sizes at higher latitudes. In the eastern Weddell Sea larger specimens of the three common species live at greater depths than smaller individuals. Potential reasons for these differences are discussed.AWI Publication No. 124  相似文献   

Weber  L. I.  Levy  J. A. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,426(1):203-210
The population genetic structure of the swimming crab Callinectes danae (Crustacea, Portunidae) was studied by allozyme electrophoresis along the southern coast of Brazil (Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul States). The biology of C. danae is poorly known, but some studies suggest that this species depends on estuaries for reproduction and for completing its life cycle, using them as recruitment sites and nursery grounds. If estuarine retention is an important process acting in favour of the recruitment of local populations, we should expect restriction of gene flow among populations inhabiting different estuaries. Therefore, our aim was to establish whether gene flow between populations of C. danaefrom different estuaries was restricted. Samples were collected in four estuaries: São Francisco do Sul, Laguna (Santa Catarina), Patos Lagoon and Chuí Stream (Rio Grande do Sul). Eleven loci were resolved. Contingency table tests (2 and G) showed significant differences (P0.05) between pair-wise subpopulation comparisons. The estimated F ST was =0.065±0.019, suggesting a moderate structuring of C. danae populations. No relationship was found for the number of migrants between pairs of subpopulations and the geographic distance separating them (P= 0.292; r 2= 0.269). Nevertheless, UPGMA analysis clustered together those estuaries separated by less than 250 km. Low adult migration, the requirement of estuaries as reproductive areas, recruitment sites and nursery grounds for juveniles, together with larval and post-larval retention processes, are discussed in the context of their importance in preventing panmixia among subpopulations inhabiting different estuaries.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies of the behavior of first stage zoea larvae of the sand crab Emerita analoga Stimpson have shown that while newly-hatched larvae are strongly photopositive, this response lasts only about four hours, as the larvae rapidly become photonegative. After becoming photonegative, a large proportion of the larvae remain so throughout the first four days of life if they are fed Artemia nauplii; if starved, the larvae become significantly more photopositive than when fed. Both the photopositive response of newly-hatched larvae and the reversal to photopositive behavior in response to starvation are only apparent under horizontal test conditions. Increases in hydrostatic pressure stimulate swimming activity among the larvae; responsiveness to pressure being greatest at hatching and decreasing thereafter. The pressure response is strongly oriented to light; pressure-stimulated larvae will swim towards a light source regardless of whether this involves upward, downward, or horizontal motion. Experiments suggest that the pressure response provides the primary mechanism for depth regulation among young larvae; gravity and light may augment the pressure ‘sense’ by serving as primary orientational cues. The nutritional status of an individual larva may alter its depth-regulatory capabilities, but this effect is not yet clear.  相似文献   

Callinectes danae is a common species captured with crab traps in nearby areas of coastal lagoons in Margarita Island. Although its considerable economic importance as a fishery resource, few studies have been done on population dynamics and its fishery potential in local coastal environments to support decision making in fishery administration. We present growth pattern details of Callinectes danae to better estimate its population size and exploitation feasibility. For this, we analyzed a total of 3 623 specimens that were monthly captured in crab pots by artisanal fishermen in Las Marites lagoon, from October 2007 to September 2008. The length-weight ratio was determined, and growth parameters estimated from both length and weight curves of the von Bertalanffy model. The general sex ratio showed no significant difference between males and females (chi2 = 0.04, p > 0.05). However, values of slopes b between males and females were significantly different (t(s) = 2.75, p < 0.05), as well as intercepts a (t(s) = 2.44, p < 0.05). Thus, the length-weight ratio was determined separately: W = 7.48e(-5)*L(2.98) for males and W = 1.21e(-4)*L(2.87) for females, indicating a negative allometric growth in both sexes. Growth parameters were established as: L(infinity) =134.80mm, W(infinity) = 166.04g and k = 0.86/yr for males; L(infinity) = 122.35mm, W(infinity) = 118.45g and k = 0.63/yr for females. Lifespan was estimated at 3.05 years for males and 4.24 years for females. We concluded that Callinectes danae is a species with short lifespan and moderately rapid growth. The coefficient of variation values (CV), of the phi-prime growth performance index (?'), showed a different growth pattern compared to those obtained in other regions. We propose that a management strategy will be the periodical review of the minimum capture size for fishing area, after the great variability found in growth parameters.  相似文献   

This review is devoted to the different aspects of biology of burrowing shrimp of the infraorders Gebiidea and Axiidea (Crustacea: Decapoda). Information on their taxonomy, morphology and physiology, distribution, burrow architecture, and trophic mode is reviewed. The peculiarities of breeding and development, life history, and the role in the ecosystem of these infaunal species are analyzed. Special attention is given to the species that inhabit Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Valerio Zupo 《Hydrobiologia》2001,449(1-3):131-140
The gut contents of the shrimp Hippolyte inermis were investigated for 1 year along a depth transect through a seagrass bed. Besides size, sex and weight of all individuals were recorded. The diets of immature and adult individuals were compared to detect any influence of food on sex development, since previous investigations indicated a correlation of the life cycle of this protandric species with the abundance of algal food in the environment, and laboratory experiments demonstrated the effect of diatoms of the genus Cocconeis on the direct development of females. Results indicated that the shrimp is an opportunistic herbivore, able to feed on both plant and animal items, with a preference for macroalgae and diatoms present on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica. Small females, deriving from direct differentiation, had a diet significantly different from that of males. The difference was due to a larger abundance of microalgae in the guts of young females. The influence of microalgal food on the sex reversal mechanism of this species, previously detected through laboratory experiments, was demonstrated to control the life cycle of H. inermis in the field.  相似文献   

Sperm of the prawn Sicyonia ingentis were studied cytochemically and ultrastructurally. Striking cytological differences were noted between these natantian sperm and previously studied reptantian sperm. In general, the S. ingentis sperm are composed of a spherical main body that is partially encompassed by a morphologically diverse cap region, from which extends a single appendage or spike. The main body houses an uncondensed, Feulgen-positive nuclear region that is partially surrounded by a cytoplasmic band. A single layer of small, 600 Å, vesicles lines the periphery of the cytoplasmic band. Large membranous vesicles extend from the inner surface of the cytoplasmic band into the nuclear region. The nucleus is separated from the cap or acrosomal complex by a dense plate and a highly organized crystalline lattice, which is composed of geometric squares that are approximately 350 Å in dimension. The cap region also contains convoluted membrane pouches; a central granular core; spherical bodies; an electron-dense, saucer-shaped plate; and a large anterior granule. The convoluted membrane pouches and anterior granule are periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive. The anterior granule also demonstrates RNAase-stable red fluorescence with acridine orange staining. A spiralled spike, approximately 6 μm long, extends from the anterior end of the cap. The cap and spike are bound by a double membrane, which results from the fusion of the plasma membrane and the convoluted pouch membrane. The sperm's acrosome is thought to be composed of the two PAS-positive cap components and the spike.  相似文献   

Braga, A.L., Nakayama, C.L., Suita de Castro, L.A. and Wasielesky, W. 2011. Spermatozoa ultrastructure of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–6. The spermatozoa ultrastructure of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis was investigated in this morphological study. Spermatophores and spermatozoa were analyzed by electron microscopy. The pink shrimp spermatophore is divided into two regions: the appendage and the spermatophore main body, where spermatozoa are grouped in a spermatic mass. Pink shrimp spermatozoa are unistellate and are composed of main body and single spike. The spermatozoa body comprises a perinuclear cytoplasmic band, nucleus, acrosomal cap, and subacrosomal region. The spermatozoa cell mean total length was 10.71 μm, the mean body diameter was 5.56 μm, and the mean spike length and diameter were 5.15 μm and 0.85 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

In June 2012, some features of the population biology of the ghost shrimp Nihonotrypaea petalura were studied first for the Russian waters in sublittoral populations of the Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). It was found that N. petalura formed aggregations of an average density of 9–19 ind./m2 at the depth of 0.2–3 m on rocky and mixed bottoms. The biomass of the aggregations was 15–27 g/m2 or 1–33% of the average total biomass of macrozoobenthos, which included animals of 48 taxa. The maximum depth of the shrimp burrows was 52 cm. The populations consisted of animals with body lengths of 17–63 mm. In the size-frequency distribution, two peaks in the number, attributed to the shrimps of 24–29 and 39–48 mm size groups, were observed. The ratio of males to females almost did not vary with size and remained in general close to 1: 0.9 for the surveyed shrimp populations. The local differences in the studied parameters of N. petalura from the Vostok Bay, as well as from other areas of the range, are discussed in relation to features of the habitation of these animals that living in different biotopes.  相似文献   

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