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Nuclear factor I is a cellular site-specific DNA-binding protein required for the efficient in vitro replication of adenovirus DNA. We have characterized human DNA sequences to which nuclear factor I binds. Three nuclear factor I binding sites (FIB sites), isolated from HeLa cell DNA, each contain the sequence TGG(N)6-7GCCAA. Comparison with other known and putative FIB sites suggests that this sequence is important for the binding of nuclear factor I. Nuclear factor I protects a 25- to 30-base-pair region surrounding this sequence from digestion by DNase I. Methylation protection studies suggest that nuclear factor I interacts with guanine residues within the TGG(N)6-7GCCAA consensus sequence. One binding site (FIB-2) contained a restriction endonuclease HaeIII cleavage site (GGCC) at the 5' end of the GCCAA motif. Digestion of FIB-2 with HaeIII abolished the binding of nuclear factor I. Southern blot analyses indicate that the cellular FIB sites described here are present within single-copy DNA in the HeLa cell genome.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity is important in maintaining the virus-host equilibrium in persistent human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. The HCMV 72-kDa major immediate early 1 protein (IE1) is a target for CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in humans, as is the equivalent 89-kDa protein in mouse. Less is known about responses against this protein by CD4+ T cells, which may be important as direct effector cells or helper cells for antibody and CD8+ responses. Proliferative-T-cell responses to HCMV IE1 were studied in normal seropositive subjects. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 85% of seropositive subjects proliferated in response to HCMV from infected fibroblasts, and of these, 73% responded to recombinant baculovirus IE1. Responding cells were predominantly CD3+ CD4+. IE1 antigen preparations, including baculovirus recombinant protein, transfected rat cell nuclei, and synthetic peptides, induced IE1-specific T-cell lines which cross-reacted between the preparations. The fine specificity of these IE1-specific T-cell lines was studied by using overlapping synthetic peptides encompassing the entire sequence of the IE1 protein. The regions of the IE1 molecule recognized were identified and these varied between individuals, possibly reflecting differences in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II haplotype. In one subject, the peptide specificities of proliferative and MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic determinants on IE1 were spatially distinct. Thus, no single immunodominant T-cell determinant within HCMV IE1 was identified, suggesting that multiple peptides or a region of the 72-kDa IE1 protein would be required to induce specific T-cell responses in humans.  相似文献   

The major immediate-early (MIE) gene locus of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the master switch that determines the outcomes of both lytic and latent infections. Here, we provide evidence that alteration in the splicing of HCMV (Towne strain) MIE genes affects infectious-virus replication, movement through the cell cycle, and cyclin-dependent kinase activity. Mutation of a conserved 24-nucleotide region in MIE exon 4 increased the abundance of IE1-p38 mRNA and decreased the abundance of IE1-p72 and IE2-p86 mRNAs. An increase in IE1-p38 protein was accompanied by a slight decrease in IE1-p72 protein and a significant decrease in IE2-p86 protein. The mutant virus had growth defects, which could not be complemented by wild-type IE1-p72 protein in trans. The phenotype of the mutant virus could not be explained by an increase in IE1-p38 protein, but prevention of the alternate splice returned the recombinant virus to the wild-type phenotype. The lower levels of IE1-p72 and IE2-p86 proteins correlated with a delay in early and late viral gene expression and movement into the S phase of the cell cycle. Mutant virus-infected cells had significantly higher levels of cdk-1 expression and enzymatic activity than cells infected with wild-type virus. The mutant virus induced a round-cell phenotype that accumulated in the G(2)/M compartment of the cell cycle with condensation and fragmentation of the chromatin. An inhibitor of viral DNA synthesis increased the round-cell phenotype. The round cells were characteristic of an abortive viral infection.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early (IE) proteins share an 85-amino-acid N-terminal domain specified by exons 2 and 3 of the major IE region, UL122-123. We have constructed IE Delta30-77, a recombinant virus that lacks the majority of IE exon 3 and consequently expresses smaller forms of both IE1 72- and IE2 86-kDa proteins. The mutant virus is viable but growth impaired at both high and low multiplicities of infection and exhibits a kinetic defect that is not rescued by growth in fibroblasts expressing IE1 72-kDa protein. The kinetics of mutant IE2 protein accumulation in IE Delta30-77 virus-infected cells are approximately normal compared to wild-type virus-infected cells, but the IE Delta30-77 virus is delayed in expression of early viral genes, including UL112-113 and UL44, and does not sustain expression of mutant IE1 protein as the infection progresses. Additionally, cells infected with IE Delta30-77 exhibit altered expression of cellular proteins compared to wild-type HCMV-infected cells. PML is not dispersed but is retained at ND10 sites following infection with IE Delta30-77 mutant virus. While the deletion mutant retains the ability to mediate the stabilization of cyclin B1, cdc6, and geminin in infected cells, its capacity to upregulate the expression of cyclin E has been reduced. These data indicate that the activity of one or both of the HCMV major IE proteins is required in vivo for the modulation of cell cycle proteins observed in cells infected with wild-type HCMV.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primates are naturally infected with a B-lymphotropic herpesvirus closely related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). These simian EBV share considerable genetic, biologic, and epidemiologic features with human EBV, including virus-induced tumorigenesis. However, latent, transformation-associated viral genes demonstrate marked sequence divergence among species despite the conserved functions. We have cloned the latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) homologs from the simian EBV naturally infecting baboons (cercopithicine herpesvirus 12, herpesvirus papio) and rhesus monkeys (cercopithicine herpesvirus 15) for a comparative study with the human EBV oncogene. The transmembrane domains are well conserved, but there is striking sequence divergence of the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain essential for B-cell immortalization and interaction with the tumor necrosis factor receptor signaling pathway. Nevertheless, the simian EBV LMP1s retain most functions in common with EBV LMP1, including the ability to induce NF-(kappa)B activity in human cells, to bind the tumor necrosis factor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3) in vitro, and to induce expression of tumor necrosis factor-responsive genes, such as ICAM1, in human B lymphocytes. Multiple TRAF3 binding sites containing a PXQXT/S core sequence can be identified in the simian EBV LMP1s by an in vitro binding assay. A PXQXT/S-containing sequence is also present in the cytoplasmic domain of the Hodgkin's disease marker, CD30, and binds TRAF3 in vitro. The last 13 amino acids containing a PXQXT/S sequence are highly conserved in human and simian EBV LMP1 but do not bind TRAF3, suggesting a distinct role for this conserved region of LMP1. The conserved TRAF3 binding sites in LMP1 and the CD30 Hodgkin's disease marker provides further evidence that a TRAF3-mediated signal transduction pathway may be important in malignant transformation.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early (MIE) genes, encoding IE1 p72 and IE2 p86, are activated by a complex enhancer region (base positions -65 to -550) that operates in a cell type- and differentiation-dependent manner. The expression of MIE genes is required for HCMV replication. Previous studies analyzing functions of MIE promoter-enhancer segments suggest that the distal enhancer region variably modifies MIE promoter activity, depending on cell type, stimuli, or state of differentiation. To further understand the mechanism by which the MIE promoter is regulated, we constructed and analyzed several different recombinant HCMVs that lack the distal enhancer region (-300 to -582, -640, or -1108). In human fibroblasts, the HCMVs without the distal enhancer replicate normally at high multiplicity of infection (MOI) but replicate poorly at low MOI in comparison to wild-type virus (WT) or HCMVs that lack the neighboring upstream unique region and modulator (-582 or -640 to -1108). The growth aberrancy was normalized after restoring the distal enhancer in a virus lacking this region. For HCMVs without a distal enhancer, the impairment in replication at low MOI corresponds to a deficiency in production of MIE RNAs compared to WT or virus lacking the unique region and modulator. An underproduction of viral US3 RNA was also evident at low MOI. Whether lower production of IE1 p72 and IE2 p86 causes a reduction in expression of the immediate-early (IE) class US3 gene remains to be determined. We conclude that the MIE distal enhancer region possesses a mechanism for augmenting viral IE gene expression and genome replication at low MOI, but this regulatory function is unnecessary at high MOI.  相似文献   

The immediate-early (IE) infected cell proteins induced by the murine cytomegalovirus (Smith strain) were studied. These polypeptides were identified as IE proteins by their synthesis in the presence of actinomycin D after removal from a protein synthesis block mediated by cycloheximide. By using a murine antiserum against murine cytomegalovirus, three abundant polypeptides of 89, 84, and 76 kilodaltons (kd) were immunoprecipitated. The three major proteins are phosphorylated but not glycosylated and share antigenic determinants recognized by monoclonal antibodies. The 84 and 76-kd polypeptides represent post-translational modification products of the 89-kd protein. Accordingly, in vitro translation of IE infected cell RNA revealed only the 89-kd polypeptide. The viral origin of the RNA species directing the synthesis of the major 89-kd IE polypeptide was verified by hybrid selection of IE RNA with DNA fragments representing the region from 0.769 to 0.815 map units of the murine cytomegalovirus genome. IE polypeptides were found to be located in the nuclei and the cytoplasm of infected cells. Studies on the kinetics of IE polypeptide synthesis revealed negative regulatory effects on IE gene expression correlated with the synthesis of early proteins.  相似文献   

Lee JM  Kang HJ  Lee HR  Choi CY  Jang WJ  Ahn JH 《FEBS letters》2003,555(2):322-328
The protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (PIAS1), known to be a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) E3 ligase, was found to interact with the human cytomegalovirus IE2 protein. We found that the sumoylation of IE2 was markedly enhanced by wild-type PIAS1 but not by a mutant containing a Cys to Ser substitution at position 351 (C351S) within the RING finger-like domain. In target reporter gene assays, wild-type PIAS1, but not the C351S mutant, enhanced the IE2-mediated transactivations of viral polymerase promoter and cellular cyclin E promoter and this augmentation required the intact sumoylation sites of IE2. Our results suggest that PIAS1 acts as a SUMO E3 ligase toward IE2 and that it may regulate the transactivation function of IE2. To our knowledge, IE2 is the first viral target found to be regulated by a SUMO E3 ligase.  相似文献   

The immediate-early two (IE2) gene products of human cytomegalovirus negatively regulate gene expression from the major immediate-early promoter in permissive human fibroblasts. A mutational analysis of the IE2 proteins indicated that the carboxyl-terminal region is required for negative regulation. The IE2 proteins that lack amino acid residues 365 to 519, or the carboxyl-terminal amino acids failed to negatively regulate. Most of the amino-terminal portion of the IE2 protein was not required for negative regulation. A possible explanation of the negative effect on downstream expression by the IE2 proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

The major immediate-early (IE) gene region of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes several proteins as a result of differential RNA splicing events. By expression vector cloning of HCMV IE mRNA, we isolated and characterized a cDNA for a novel splice variant from the major IE gene region. The RNA product is a derivative of the IE55 mRNA and contains an additional splice from nucleotides 170,635 to 170,307 in the IE2 gene region (UL122), resulting in a 1.4-kb mRNA. The predicted open reading frame codes for a 164-amino-acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 18 kDa (IE18). Mung bean nuclease analysis and PCR were used to characterize expression of IE18 mRNA in HCMV-infected cells. While the 1.4-kb mRNA was detected in infected human fibroblasts in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor, it was not detectable during a normal infection. However, the 1.4-kb mRNA was readily detected in infected human monocyte-derived macrophages at IE times. These results suggest that the novel IE18 mRNA exhibits cell type-specific expression indicating differential regulation of the major IE gene region in different permissive cell types.  相似文献   

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