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Unilateral pollen-pistil incompatibility within the Brassicaceae has been re-examined in a series of interspecific and intergeneric crosses using 13 self-compatible (SC, Sc) species and 12 self-incompatible (SI) species from ten tribes. SC x SC crosses were usually compatible, SI x SC crosses showed unilateral incompatibility, while SI x SI crosses were often incompatible or unilaterally incompatible. Unilateral incompatibility (UI) is shown to be overcome by bud pollination or treating stigmas with cycloheximide — features in common with self-incompatibility. Treating stigmas with pronase prevents pollen tubes from penetrating the stigma in normally compatible intra-and interspecific pollinations. The results presented show that the presence of an incompatibility system is important in predicting the outcome of interspecific and intergeneric crosses and, combined with the physiological similarities between UI and SI, would suggest an involvement of the S-locus in UI.  相似文献   

芸薹属自交不亲和基因的分子生物学及进化模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
芸薹属的自交不亲和性是受单基因座、复等位基因控制的孢子体控制型。自交不亲和基因座位(S-locus)是由多个基因组成的复杂区域,称之为S多基因家族,其大多数成员分布于芸薹属的整个染色体组。目前已鉴定出100多个S等位基因,它们的起源分化始于一千万年前。S-座位上存在的多基因有3种:SRK,SLG和SCR/SPII;SRK和SLG在柱头中表达,SCR/SPII在雄蕊中表达。SRK蛋白在识别同类花粉的过程中起主要作用,而SLG蛋白增强了这种自交不亲和反应。SLG与SRK基因中编码S-结构域的核苷酸序列相似性程度高达85%~98%。基因转换可能是SLG和SRK的高度同源性能够得以保持的原因。SRK,SLG和SCR基因紧密相连,并表现出高水平的序列多样性。SRK与SLG基因间的距离很近,在20~25kb之间。在柱头和花粉中,自交不亲和等位基因之间的共显性关系要比显性和隐性关系更加普遍,这是芸薹属自交不亲和性的一大特点。自交不亲和基因的进化模式存在两种假说:双基因进化模式和中性变异体进化模式;可能存在几种不同的进化方式,它们共同在自然群体中新的S等位基因进化过程中起作用。  相似文献   

Two self-incompatibility genes in Brassica, SLG and SRK (SLG encodes a glycoprotein; SRK encodes a receptor-like kinase), are included in the S multigene family. Products of members of the S multigene family have an SLG-like domain (S domain) in common, which may function as a receptor. In this study, three clustered members of the S multigene family, BcRK1, BcRL1 and BcSL1, were characterized. BcRK1 is a putative functional receptor kinase gene expressed in leaves, flower buds and stigmas, while BcRL1 and BcSL1 are considered to be pseudogenes because deletions causing frameshifts were identified in these sequences. Sequence and expression pattern of BcRK1 were most similar to those of the Arabidopsis receptor-like kinase gene ARK1, indicating that BcRK1 might have a function similar to that of ARK1, in processes such as cell expansion or plant growth. Interestingly, the region containing BcRK1, BcRL1 and BcSL1 is genetically linked to the S locus and the physical distance between SLG, SRK and the three S-related genes was estimated to be less than 610 kb. Thus the genes associated with self-incompatibility exist within a cluster of S-like genes in the genome of Brassica. Received: 15 April 1997 / Accepted: 13 June 1997  相似文献   

The broad-spectrum mildew resistance genes RPW8.1 and RPW8.2 define a unique type of plant disease resistance (R) gene, and so far homologous sequences have been found in Arabidopsis thaliana only, which suggests a recent origin. In addition to RPW8.1 and RPW8.2, the RPW8 locus contains three homologs of RPW8, HR1, HR2, and HR3, which do not contribute to powdery mildew resistance. To investigate whether RPW8 has originated recently, and if so the processes involved, we have isolated and analyzed the syntenic RPW8 loci from Arabidopsis lyrata, and from Brassica rapa and B. oleracea. The A. lyrata locus contains four genes orthologous to HR1, HR2, HR3, and RPW8.2, respectively. Two syntenic loci have been characterized in Brassica; one locus contains three genes and is present in both B. oleracea and B. rapa, and the other locus contains a single gene and is detected in B. rapa only. The Brassica homologs have highest similarity to HR3. Sequence analyses suggested that the RPW8 gene family in Brassicaceae originated from an HR3-like ancestor gene through a series of duplications and that RPW8.1 and RPW8.2 evolved from functional diversification through positive selection several MYA. Examination of the sequence polymorphism of 32 A. thaliana accessions at the RPW8 locus and their disease reaction phenotypes revealed that the polymorphic RPW8 locus defines a major source of resistance to powdery mildew diseases. A possible evolutionary mechanism by which functional polymorphism at the AtRPW8 locus has been maintained in contemporary populations of A. thaliana is discussed.  相似文献   

控制植物器官大小的分子机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物器官大小是植物形态的一个重要特征并受严格的遗传调控。器官大小与两个不同的过程有关:细胞扩张和细胞分裂。分子遗传分析已经鉴定了许多基因,这些基因通过作用于其中一个或两个过程来影响器官的最终大小。某种植物个体间器官大小的差异是由控制该器官特征的基因表达水平变化引起的,通过拟南芥的遗传分析显示这些基因是如何受控制或被修饰的。以上这些资料阐明了植物如何确定继续或停止生长,同时也提供了改变植物积累生物量的方法。  相似文献   

Molecular evolution in the gnd locus of Salmonella enterica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The gnd gene, the structural gene for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, was sequenced and analyzed in 34 isolates from different serovars of the seven subspecies of Salmonella enterica to provide comparative information on the evolution in this gene, which has been studied extensively in Escherichia coli. The gene tree obtained by the neighbor- joining method in general gave separate branches for each subspecies, with the few exceptions readily explained by recombination. There is evidence of recombination involving transfer of long (more than 400 bp) and short (30-150 bp) segments of DNA. Four of the six long-segment transfers detected are at the 5' end of the gene, and in all four cases a variant of the chi sequence is located close to the recombination junction and appears to have mediated the recombination events. We suggest that in these four cases and in a fifth case with intersubspecies transfer of the whole gnd gene, the adjacent rfb (O antigen) locus may have been transferred in the same event. The estimates of the number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site, KS, and the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site, KA, within the E. coli and S. enterica gnd genes, and also between the two species show an interesting distribution, with KS being lower toward the ends of the gene and KA in particular being lower in the first than in the second domain. In S. enterica, synonymous sites also seem to be subjected to negative selection. The ratio of KA to KS was higher within S. enterica and E. coli than between them, which may indicate that intraspecies variation is essentially between clones and that mildly deleterious mutations can be fixed within clones, which would thus raise KA within species.   相似文献   

Pollen coatings have long been assumed to play a pivotal role in pollen-stigma interactions, but until now little clear evidence supporting such a function has been available. Recently, however, the use of isolated coatings of Brassica sp. in experiments in vivo has unequivocally demonstrated that the pollen coat layer is responsible for activation of the stigmatic surface, and that it contains the male determinant of the self-incompatibility system. Surprisingly, molecular analysis of the Brassica pollen coat reveals this layer to include both sporophytic and gametophytic components, the latter including a family of small highly-charged proteins which interact with stigmatic molecules known to be encoded by the S(incompatibility)-locus. Most recently, work on Brassica and Arabidopsis suggests that the adhesive function of the coating is more complex than suspected and involves both stigmatic factors and the exine surface itself. Despite this new insight into the genetics and function of pollen coatings, the mechanisms by which components of these layers are formed in the tapetum and translocated to the pollen grain surface remain far from clear. Received: 29 November 1999 / Revision accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to clone two S-alleles (S13 and S14) from Solanum chacoense. The two alleles do not cross-hybridize on genomic Southern blots or on northern blots using stylar RNA. Although the S14 message was not detected in a stylar cDNA library prepared from mature flowers, a full-length copy of the S13 coding sequence was isolated by screening with the PCR fragment. We have analysed the sequences of the S13 cDNA and the S14 PCR fragment (60% of the mature protein coding sequence) in the context of S-RNase evolution, and propose that random point mutations may be sufficient to generate new S-alleles. Based on a phylogenetic tree composed of RNase sequences containing the conserved RNase motifs HGLWP and KHGXC, we suggest that gametophytic self-incompatibility genes are RNase genes that have acquired a new function in the gametophytic self-incompatibility system early in the evolution of flowering plants.  相似文献   

While the evolution of cooperative breeding systems (where non-breeding helpers participate in rearing young produced by dominant females) has been restricted to lineages with socially monogamous mating systems where coefficients of relatedness between group members are usually high, not all monogamous lineages have produced species with cooperative breeding systems, suggesting that other factors constrain the evolution of cooperative breeding. Previous studies have suggested that life-history parameters, including longevity, may constrain the evolution of cooperative breeding. Here, we show that transitions to cooperative breeding across the mammalian phylogeny have been restricted to lineages where females produce multiple offspring per birth. We find no support for effects of longevity or of other life-history parameters. We suggest that the evolution of cooperative breeding has been restricted to monogamous lineages where helpers have the potential to increase the reproductive output of breeders.  相似文献   

The evolution of alternative mating strategies in variable environments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary We assessed the influence of phenotypic plasticity in age at maturity on the maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar. We calculated the fitness,r, associated with the parr and the anadromous strategies, using age-specific survival data from the field and strategy-specific fertilization data from the laboratory. The fitness of each strategy depended largely on mate competition (numbers of parr per female, i.e. parr frequency) and on age at maturity. Fitness declined with increasing numbers of parr per female with equilibrium frequencies (at which the fitnesses of each strategy are equal) being within the range observed in the wild. Equilibrium parr frequencies declined with decreasing growth rate and increasing age at maturity. Within populations, the existence of multiple age-specific sets of fitness functions suggests that the fitnesses of alternative strategies are best represented as multidimensional surfaces. The points of intersection of these surfaces, whose boundaries encompass natural variation in age at maturity and mate competition, define an evolutionarily stable continuum (ESC) of strategy frequencies along which the fitnesses associated with each strategy are equal. We propose a simple model that incorporates polygenic thresholds of a largely environmentally-controlled trait (age at maturity) to provide a mechanism by which an ESC can be maintained within a population. An indirect test provides support for the prediction that growth-rate thresholds for parr maturation exist and are maintained by stabilizing selection. Evolutionarily stable continua, maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection on threshold traits, provide a theoretical basis for understanding how alternative life histories can evolve in variable environments.  相似文献   

How much should a female be willing to risk in any one reproductive event? Highly iteroparous females will be risk averse and very conservative in their behaviour. Such females will be expected to avoid mortality risks and seek assurance that any current reproductive activity is safe. By way of minimizing risk, these same females will not engage in mate assessment or mate searching to the same degree as less iteroparous species, if these activities involve increased risk of mortality. Using a field experiment in a highly iteroparous species (the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum ), it is shown that females in this species are indeed relatively risk averse. More importantly, the experiment also shows that individuals vary in their risk aversion depending on local population size, in a manner predicted from life-history theory. Then it is reviewed how several important aspects of the mating system in this species are best interpreted as results of conservative, risk-averse female behaviour. Finally, these ideas are generalized to suggest how basic aspects of the mating system might differ between species with many reproductive events over the lifetime (e.g. many tropical reef fishes) v. species with few reproductive opportunities (e.g. many temperate freshwater and marine fishes).  相似文献   

Aceto S  Montieri S  Sica M  Gaudio L 《Gene》2007,392(1-2):299-305
The evolutionary analysis of OrcPI, the orchid homologue to the PISTILLATA/GLOBOSA gene, was conducted on some Mediterranean orchid species, measuring mean pairwise Ka/Ks ratios and nucleotide variability. Evidence for positive selection was tested using a maximum likelihood approach implemented in PAML, and neutrality tests were conducted to assess deviation from neutral evolution. Data were also examined partitioning the coding region into four regions, corresponding to different functional domains of the protein. The results show that OrcPI is subjected to different evolutionary forces: diffuse purifying selection, localized positive selection or selective sweep, and different partitions of selective constraints.  相似文献   

Pavement cells have an interlocking jigsaw puzzle-shaped leaf surface pattern. Twenty-three genes involved in the pavement cell morphogenesis were discovered until now. The mutations of these genes through various means lead to pavement cell shape defects, such as loss or lack of interdigitation, the reduction of lobing, gaps between lobe and neck regions in pavement cells, and distorted trichomes. These phenotypes are affected by the organization of microtubules and microfilaments. Microtubule bands are considered corresponding with the neck regions of the cell, while lobe formation depends on patches of microfilaments. The pathway of Rho of plant (ROP) GTPase signaling cascades regulates overall activity of the cytoskeleton in pavement cells. Some other proteins, in addition to the ROPs, SCAR/WAVE, and ARP2/3 complexes, are also involved in the pavement cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The mating type locus (MAT1) of Magnaporthe oryzae has similar structural organization to MAT in other ascomycetes and encodes the mating type genes MAT1-1-1 with an alpha-box motif and MAT1-2-1 with an HMG-box motif in the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs, respectively. Sequence and expression analyses of the MAT1 locus indicated a second open reading frame (ORF), MAT1-1-2, in the MAT1-1 idiomorph, and novel mating-type dependent ORFs (MAT1-1-3 and MAT1-2-2) at the locus. The MAT1-1-3 ORF initiated within the MAT1-1 idiomorph while the MAT1-2-2 ORF initiated at the border of the MAT1-2 idiomorph with both ORFs sharing most of their reading frames in the MAT1 flanking region. This suggests that the encoded proteins (MAT1-1-3 and MAT1-2-2) should be similar in their primary structures but can be distinguished by distinct N-termini with amino acids of 1 and 32, respectively, in each mating type. A CT dinucleotide repeat, (CT)n, present in the upstream region of MAT1-1-3, was polymorphic among the isolates.  相似文献   

Mating type genes are central to sexual reproduction and compatibility in Ascomycete fungi. However the MAT loci experience unique evolutionary pressures that can result in rapid divergence and enhanced inter-specific gene-flow (lateral gene transfer). In this study, molecular evolution of MAT loci was considered using the genus Fusarium (Teleomorph: Gibberella) as a model. Both MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs from eleven species of the Gibberellafujikuroi species complex were sequenced. Molecular evolution of the MAT loci from these heterothallic (self-sterile) species was compared with that of the MAT loci from nine homothallic (self-fertile) species in the Fusariumgraminearum species complex. Although Fusarium has previously been thought to have the same complement of four MAT genes that are found in Neurospora, we found evidence of a novel gene, MAT1-2-3, that may be specific to the Hypocreales. All MAT genes share a similar set of cis-regulatory motifs, although homothallic species might have recruited novel regulatory elements, which could potentially facilitate alternate expression of MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1. FusariumMAT loci displayed evidence consistent with historical lateral gene-flow. Most notably, the MAT1-1 idiomorph of Fusariumsacchari appears to be unrelated to those of other species in the G.fujikuroi complex. In general, FusariumMAT genes are highly divergent. Both positive selection and relaxed selective constraint could account for this phenomenon. However, the extent of both recombination and inter-specific gene-flow in the MAT locus also appears to affect the rate of divergence.  相似文献   

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