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秸秆降解菌的筛选及对秸秆的降解效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物秸秆作处置不当可能严重影响农村生态环境。目前东北地区的秸秆处置方式主要为直接打碎还田,但秸秆在自然环境中不易腐化,影响春耕。从添加外源微生物促进秸秆原位腐化角度开发新型可培养秸秆降解菌,具有重要意义。本实验通过菌种富集培养、刚果红培养基初筛和滤纸条崩解试验复筛的方法,从腐烂的秸秆和牛肠道中分离筛选潜在的高效纤维素降解菌,测定其最适生长温度和pH,在液态发酵培养条件下考察菌株实际降解能力,共获得具有较高玉米秸秆降解能力的降解菌5株。5种菌株的生长峰值均出现在温度20~30℃,pH值7.5~8.5范围内。液态发酵培养15天后,秸秆失重率为菌株NX9(53.88%)>NF6(51.36%)>JF3(46.97%)>JZ8(45.2%)>JX4(35.79%)>CK(23.88%)。其中,菌株NX9(温度30℃、pH 7.5)对秸秆半纤维素和木质素的降解能力最强,15天降解率分别为48%和37.7%;筛选出的NF6和JF3属于耐冷微生物,特别是菌株NF6在4℃条件下也能生长繁殖,为北方开展"外源微生物促进秸秆原位腐化"技术提供了基础。  相似文献   

The ubiquity and high productivity associated with blooms of colonial Phaeocystis makes it an important contributor to the global carbon cycle. During blooms organic matter that is rich in carbohydrates is produced. We distinguish five different pools of carbohydrates produced by Phaeocystis. Like all plants and algal cells, both solitary and colonial cells produce (1) structural carbohydrates, (hetero) polysaccharides that are mainly part of the cell wall, (2) mono- and oligosaccharides, which are present as intermediates in the synthesis and catabolism of cell components, and (3) intracellular storage glucan. Colonial cells of Phaeocystis excrete (4) mucopolysaccharides, heteropolysaccharides that are the main constituent of the mucous colony matrix and (5) dissolved organic matter (DOM) rich in carbohydrates, which is mainly excreted by colonial cells. In this review the characteristics of these pools are discussed and quantitative data are summarized. During the exponential growth phase, the ratio of carbohydrate-carbon (C) to particulate organic carbon (POC) is approximately 0.1. When nutrients are limited, Phaeocystis blooms reach a stationary growth phase, during which excess energy is stored as carbohydrates. This so-called overflow metabolism increases the ratio of carbohydrate-C to POC to 0.4–0.6 during the stationary phase, leading to an increase in the C/N and C/P ratios of Phaeocystis organic matter. Overflow metabolism can be channeled towards both glucan and mucopolysaccharides. Summarizing the available data reveals that during the stationary phase of a bloom glucan contributes 0–51% to POC, whereas mucopolysaccharides contribute 5–60%. At the end of a bloom, lysis of Phaeocystis cells and deterioration of colonies leads to a massive release of DOM rich in glucan and mucopolysaccharides. Laboratory studies have revealed that this organic matter is potentially readily degradable by heterotrophic bacteria. However, observations in the field of accumulation of DOM and foam indicate that microbial degradation is hampered. The high C/N and C/P ratios of Phaeocystis organic matter may lead to nutrient limitation of microbial degradation, thereby prolonging degradation times. Over time polysaccharides tend to self-assemble into hydrogels. This may have a profound effect on carbon cycling, since hydrogels provide a vehicle to move DOM up the size spectrum to sizes subject to sedimentation. In addition, it changes the physical nature and microscale structure of the organic matter encountered by bacteria which may affect the degradation potential of the Phaeocystis organic matter.  相似文献   

Pesticide and herbicide interaction with microbial ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The transformation of 2-aminobenzothiazole (ABT) was studied under various conditions: (i) a photodegradation process at a lambda of >300 nm in the presence of an Fe(III)-nitrilotriacetic acid complex (FeNTA), (ii) a biodegradation process using Rhodococcus rhodochrous OBT18 cells, and (iii) the combined processes (FeNTA plus Rhodococcus rhodochrous in the presence or absence of light). The transformation of ABT in the combined system, with or without light, was much more efficient (99% degradation after 25 h) than in the separated systems (37% photodegradation and 26% biodegradation after 125 h). No direct photolysis of ABT was observed. The main result seen is the strong positive impact of FeNTA on the photodegradation, as expected, and on the biotransformation efficiency of ABT, which was more surprising. This positive impact of FeNTA on the microbial metabolism was dependent on the FeNTA concentration. The use of UV high-performance liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and in situ (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance provided evidence of the intermediary products and thus established transformation pathways of ABT in the different processes. These pathways were identical whether the degradation process was photo- or biotransformation. A new photoproduct was identified (4OH-ABT), corresponding to a hydroxylation reaction on position 4 of the aromatic ring of ABT.  相似文献   

Two key physiological parameters of plant leaves, photosynthesis and transpiration, can be continuously monitored by, respectively, chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging and thermography. These non-contact techniques immediately visualize any local stress or treatment affecting either photosynthetic efficiency or water status. Photosystem II-inhibiting herbicides, including the phenylurea derivatives diuron and linuron, cause a marked increase in chlorophyll a fluorescence several days before appearance of chlorosis. Here, bioprotection through microbial degradation of linuron in the feeding solution of common bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was monitored by the absence of an increase in chlorophyll a fluorescence in primary leaves. The different treatments and repeats were imaged sequentially at 2 h intervals using a robotized system with thermal, fluorescence and video cameras. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging visualized the effect of linuron transported by the transpiration stream earlier than thermography. In addition, local effects and transport after topical application of diuron were recorded presymptomatically in tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Thermal imaging clearly monitored localized stomatal closure, coinciding with the first increase in chlorophyll fluorescence, at the sites of diuron treatment. In conclusion, the robotized chlorophyll a fluorescence set-up permits fully reliable, early high-contrast visualization for bioremediation purposes.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of azo dyes: minireview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The removal of dyes in wastewater treatment plants still involves physical or chemical processes. Yet numerous studies currently exist on degradation based on the use of microbes—which is a well-studied field. However progress in the use of biological methods to deal with this environmentally noxious waste is currently lacking. This review focuses on the largest dye class, that is azo dyes and their biodegradation. We summarize the bacteria identified thus far which have been implicated in dye decolorization and discuss the enzymes involved and mechanisms by which these colorants are broken down.  相似文献   

The key to taking the measure of biodiversity lies in a downward adjustment of scale. . .Most of the Earth’s largest species—mammals, birds, and trees—have been seen and documented. But microwildernesses exist in a handful of soil or aqueous silt collected almost anywhere in the world. . .Bacteria, protistans, nematodes, mites and other minute creatures swarm all around us, an animate matrix that binds the Earth’s surface. Edward O Wilson (1994. Naturalist. Island Press, Washington, DC) Received 11 March 1996/ Accepted in revised form 04 September 1996  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been an important environmental parameter during the evolution of life on Earth, both in its role as a mutagen and as a selective agent. This was probably especially true during the time from 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago, when atmospheric ozone levels were less than 1% of present levels. Early Mars may not have had an "ozone shield" either, and it never developed a significant one. Even though Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth, a substantial surficial UV flux is present on Mars today. But organisms respond to dose rate, and on Mars, like on Earth, organisms would be exposed to diurnal variations in UV flux. Here we present data on the effect of diurnal patterns of UV flux on microbial ecosystems in nature, with an emphasis on photosynthesis and DNA synthesis effects. These results indicate that diurnal patterns of metabolism occur in nature with a dip in photosynthesis and DNA synthesis in the afternoon, in part regulated by UV flux. Thus, diurnal patterns must be studied in order to understand the effect of UV radiation in nature. The results of this work are significant to the success of human missions to Mars for several reasons. For example, human missions must include photosynthetic organisms for food production and likely oxygen production. An evolutionary approach suggests which organisms might be best suited for high UV fluxes. The diurnal aspect of these studies is critical. Terraforming is a potential goal of Mars exploration, and it will require studies of the effect of Martian UV fluxes, including their diurnal changes, on terrestrial organisms. Such studies may suggest that diurnal changes in UV only require mitigation at some times of day or year.  相似文献   

Soil microbial degradation of aldrin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The microbial degradation of benzothiazoles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biodegradation of benzothiazoles by pure and mixed microbial cultures derived from activated sludge has been studied. The degradation of 2-aminobenzothiazole (ABT) by both pure and mixed bacterial cultures has been demonstrated for the first time. ABT is degraded to give high yields of ammonia and sulphate (87 and 100 %, respectively of the theoretical yield). We also report for the first time the isolation of a pure bacterial culture PA, thought to be a strain of Rhodococcus , capable of growing on benzothiazole (BTH) itself as a sole carbon, nitrogen and energy source. Evidence is presented to suggest that this organism degrades BTH via the meta-cleavage pathway. The Rhodococcus PA degrades BTH but only releases a small proportion (5%) of the sulphur as sulphate. Mixed cultures containing this organism released ca 100% of the sulphur as sulphate, suggesting that other members of the consortium catalyse conversion of a sulphur-containing intermediate to sulphate. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) could not act as a growth substrate for any of the cultures studied but some could cause biotransformation of MBT to some extent. Attempts to obtain cultures degrading ABT and BTH from polluted river water were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of morpholine   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Morpholine can be completely degraded microbiologically, and two organisms have been isolated, each capable of growth in a simple mineral salts medium with morpholine as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy. Excess nitrogen is liberated as ammonia. The enzymes responsible for the oxidation of morpholine are inducible and, in organism Mor G, will also oxidize piperidine, piperazine and pyrrolidine, which are not growth substrates. Ethanolamine is a likely intermediate, though the metabolic steps in morpholine degradation do not give rise solely to acetyl-CoA. After a period of acclimation, a laboratory scale activated sludge plant effectively removed morpholine over the long period it was operated; the sludge was also capable of nitrification. The possible effects of other chemicals in trade wastes containing morpholine on nitrification and morpholine oxidation are described.  相似文献   

Cyanide is an important industrial chemical produced on a grand scale each year. Although extremely toxic to mammalian life, cyanide is a natural product generated by fungi and bacteria, and as a result microbial systems have evolved for the degradation of cyanide to less toxic compounds. The enzymes which utilize cyanide as a substrate can be categorized into the following reaction types: substitution/addition, hydrolysis, oxidation, and reduction. Each of these categories is reviewed with respect to the known biochemistry and feasibility for use in treatment of cyanide containing wastes.  相似文献   

A few bacterial species, mostly gram-negatives, were found to attach themselves and grow on silk buried in soil. On the contrary, no fungi were isolated in such experiments. Growth was more abundant on raw silk (composed of sericin and fibroin) than on degummed silk (fibroin only) indicating that the majority of these bacteria use sericin rather than fibroin for growth. Electron microscopy demonstrated that bacteria formed a biofilm on the fabric and caused extensive damage to the fibers resulting in considerable reduction in the mechanical properties. Of the three main bacterial species isolated from silk exposed to soil or by enrichment cultures of silk cocoons, only Pseudomonas (Burkholderia) cepacia appeared to be able to use fibroin as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen for growth. Indeed, in laboratory experiments, pure cultures of P. cepacia were found to form a well-developed biofilm on fibroin, to hydrolyze fibroin, and to produce an extracellular enzyme attacking this protein. The reported data indicate that bacteria but not fungi may attack and degrade silk proteins and thus cause irreversible damage to silk artifacts of artistic or historical interest.  相似文献   

This paper intends to focus the attention to characteristic features of microbial lignin degradation from the phenomenological point of view. Six fundamental principles are discussed under special consideration of white-rot fungi. The necessity of mycelial growth and the formation, secretion, and extracellular action of peroxidases are main requirements for a successful microbial attack on polymeric lignin.  相似文献   

Biochemistry of microbial polyvinyl alcohol degradation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effect of minor chemical structures such as 1,2-diol content, ethylene content, tacticity, a degree of polymerization, and a degree of saponification of the main chain on biodegradability of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is summarized. Most PVA-degraders are Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the Pseudomonads and Sphingomonads, but Gram-positive bacteria also have PVA-degrading abilities. Several examples show symbiotic degradation of PVA by different mechanisms. Penicillium sp. is the only reported eukaryotic degrader. A vinyl alcohol oligomer-utilizing fungus, Geotrichum fermentans WF9101, has also been reported. Lignolytic fungi have displayed non-specific degradation of PVA. Extensive published studies have established a two-step process for the biodegradation of PVA. Some bacteria excrete extracellular PVA oxidase to yield oxidized PVA, which is partly under spontaneous depolymerization and is further metabolized by the second step enzyme (hydrolase). On the other hand, PVA (whole and depolymerized to some extent) must be taken up into the periplasmic space of some Gram-negative bacteria, where PVA is oxidized by PVA dehydrogenase, coupled to a respiratory chain. The complete pva operon was identified in Sphingopyxis sp. 113P3. Anaerobic biodegradability of PVA has also been suggested.  相似文献   

微生物降解磺胺甲恶唑的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫雷  梁斌  王爱杰  刘双江  刘志培 《微生物学报》2020,60(12):2747-2762
抗生素是一类难降解、低浓度就有高生态毒性效应的化合物,近年来被归为新型环境污染物,其环境残留与去除备受关注。作为广泛使用的抗生素之一,磺胺甲恶唑在水土环境中的残留量不断增加,检出率也越来越高。研究表明,磺胺甲恶唑是少数几种可被微生物降解的抗生素之一,微生物降解法是最具潜力的残留磺胺甲恶唑去除手段。本文总结了磺胺甲恶唑在土壤、沉积物、活性污泥、混合菌群、酶等条件下的降解及已分离的具有降解能力的单菌株对磺胺甲恶唑的降解情况,包括其降解效率、降解条件等,归纳了目前磺胺甲恶唑微生物降解的主要分类,并讨论了影响磺胺甲恶唑降解的两个特有因素。指出从分子生物学及生物信息学角度研究其降解途径,降解菌、降解菌群的人工构建及其在含磺胺甲恶唑污水处理中的应用与效果评价等应为今后磺胺甲恶唑生物降解与应用研究的重点。  相似文献   

环境雌激素的微生物代谢   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
环境雌激素作为一类重要的新型环境污染物,可通过干扰生物体的内分泌系统危害生物体健康。微生物降解是去除环境雌激素与进行环境修复的主要手段。本文归纳整理了目前研究较深入的雌激素降解微生物,类比阐述了其预测的降解通路与降解机制,并对后续环境雌激素降解研究的主要内容与方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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