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Proline transport and metabolism in Rickettsia prowazekii   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Purified Rickettsia prowazekii cells were able to transport L-proline. The influx of this amino acid had a Kt of 14 microM and a Vmax of about 64 pmol/min per mg of protein. Proline could not be transported by heat-killed or metabolically poisoned rickettsiae or at 0 degrees C. The uptake of proline was linear for almost 2 h. More than 90% of the accumulated intracellular radioactivity was proline. This intracellular pool could not be chased out of the cell by excess non-radioactive proline and did not exit into a proline-free medium. These results indicate that intracellular proline was bound or that the cell had a very limited efflux component for proline transport. The influx of proline was specific: among various analogs tested, only 3,4-dehydro-D,L-proline was effective in inhibiting proline uptake. R. prowazekii cells were unable to utilize proline as an energy source to drive hemolysis, and no measurable evolution from the rickettsiae of CO2 derived from proline occurred. The activities of the enzymes pyrroline-5-carboxylate-reductase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase were not detectable. These enzymes are important in anabolism and catabolism of proline, respectively, and, if present in R. prowazekii have activities less than 1% of those in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Transitions to obligate intracellular parasitism have occurred at numerous times in the evolutionary past. The genome sequences of two obligate intracellular parasites, Rickettsia prowazekii and Chlamydia trachomatis, were published last year. A comparative analysis of these two genomes has revealed examples of reductive convergent evolution, such as a massive loss of genes involved in biosynthetic functions. In addition, both genomes were found to encode transport systems for ATP and ADP, not otherwise found in bacteria. Here, we discuss adaptations to intracellular habitats by comparing the information obtained from the recently published genome sequences of R. prowazekii and C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

The concentrations of stable RNA and ribosomes in Rickettsia prowazekii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The obligate Intracellular parasite, Rickettsia prowazekii, is a slow-growing bacterium with a doubling time of about 10h. In the present study, DNA and RNA were obtained from the rickettsiae by two independent methods, i.e. simultaneous isolation of DNA and RNA from the same sample by phenol:chloroform extraction and CsCI gradient centrifugation. In addition, ribosomal RNA was obtained by sedimentation of partially purified ribosomes from the rickettsiae. The results demonstrated that, after correction for the cell volumes, the concentrations of stable RNA and ribosomes in R prowazekii, a slow-growing organism, were about 62fg μm−3 and 17000 per μm3, respectively, which were very simitar (66fg μm−3 and 21 000 per μm3) to those in Escherichia coli with a generation time of 40min. However, on a per cell basis, R. prowazekii had 5.6 fg of RNA and 1500 ribosomes per cell, which was only about 8% of the amount of both stable RNA (71.2 fg) and ribosomes (24000) per cell as was found in E. coli. These results indicated that R. prowazekii possesses a ribosome concentration greater than might have been predicted from its slow growth rate. This high concentration of ribosomes could be due to a large population of non-functioning ribosomes, a low efficiency of amino acid production, or a high rate of protein turnover. However, this study also demonstrated that the rickettsiae have very limited protein turnover. Knowledge of the kinetics and control mechanisms for protein synthesis in R. prowazekii remains to be established to determine the logic of the extra rickettsial ribosomes.  相似文献   

Host-symbiont cospeciation and reductive genome evolution have been identified in obligate endocellular insect symbionts, but no such example has been identified from extracellular ones. Here we first report such a case in stinkbugs of the family Plataspidae, wherein a specific gut bacterium is vertically transmitted via “symbiont capsule.” In all of the plataspid species, females produced symbiont capsules upon oviposition and their gut exhibited specialized traits for capsule production. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the plataspid symbionts constituted a distinct group in the γ-Proteobacteria, whose sister group was the aphid obligate endocellular symbionts Buchnera. Removal of the symbionts resulted in retarded growth, mortality, and sterility of the insects. The host phylogeny perfectly agreed with the symbiont phylogeny, indicating strict host-symbiont cospeciation despite the extracellular association. The symbionts exhibited AT-biased nucleotide composition, accelerated molecular evolution, and reduced genome size, as has been observed in obligate endocellular insect symbionts. These findings suggest that not the endocellular conditions themselves but the population genetic attributes of the vertically transmitted symbionts are probably responsible for the peculiar genetic traits of these insect symbionts. We proposed the designation “Candidatus Ishikawaella capsulata” for the plataspid symbionts. The plataspid stinkbugs, wherein the host-symbiont associations can be easily manipulated, provide a novel system that enables experimental approaches to previously untouched aspects of the insect-microbe mutualism. Furthermore, comparative analyses of the sister groups, the endocellular Buchnera and the extracellular Ishikawaella, would lead to insights into how the different symbiotic lifestyles have affected their genomic evolution.  相似文献   

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which was discovered by G.H.A. Hansen in 1873. M. leprae is an exceptional bacterium because of its long generation time and no growth in artificial media. Entire sequencing of the bacterial genome revealed numerous pseudogenes (inactive reading frames with functional counterparts in M. tuberculosis) which might be responsible for the very limited metabolic activity of M. leprae. The clinical demonstration of the disease is determined by the quality of host immune response. Th1-type immune response helps to kill the bacteria, but hosts are encroached upon when Th2-type response is predominant. The bacteria have affinity to the peripheral nerves and are likely to cause neuropathy. M. leprae/laminin-alpha2 complexes bind to alpha/beta dystroglycan complexes expressed on the Schwann cell surface. WHO recommends a chemotherapy protocol [multidrug therapy (MDT)] which effectively controls the disease and contributes to the global elimination program. Leprosy has been stigmatized throughout history, and recent topics regarding the disease in Japan are also discussed.  相似文献   



Host-symbiont co-speciation and reductive genome evolution have been commonly observed among obligate endocellular insect symbionts, while such examples have rarely been identified among extracellular ones, the only case reported being from gut symbiotic bacteria of stinkbugs of the family Plataspidae. Considering that gut symbiotic communities are vulnerable to invasion of foreign microbes, gut symbiotic associations have been thought to be evolutionarily not stable. Stinkbugs of the family Acanthosomatidae harbor a bacterial symbiont in the midgut crypts, the lumen of which is completely sealed off from the midgut main tract, thereby retaining the symbiont in the isolated cryptic cavities. We investigated histological, ecological, phylogenetic, and genomic aspects of the unique gut symbiosis of the acanthosomatid stinkbugs.  相似文献   

The transmembrane electrical potential (delta psi) generated by Rickettsia prowazekii metabolizing glutamic acid or ATP was determined by flow dialysis with the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium and with lysine. At pH 7.0, the rickettsiae generated a delta psi as measured by tetraphenylphosphonium distribution of 90 mV. Under similar conditions, cells of R.prowazekii concentrated lysine to a gradient indicating a delta psi of 90 mV. Energy-starved cells of R. prowazekii were able to utilize exogenously supplied ATP as well as glutamic acid to generate a delta psi of 110 mV at pH 8.0. Lysine transport was markedly affected by environmental pH, the optimum pH ranging from 8.0 to 8.5. delta psi as measured with tetraphenyl-phosphonium was similarly affected in this system, with values ranging from 70 mV at pH 6.0 to 100 mV at pH 8.0. Respiration rates were also affected by the external pH, with a maximum rate of 28 nmol of O2 consumed per min per mg of rickettsial protein occurring at pH 8.0. The pH effects were readily reversible and with a rapid onset.  相似文献   

We wanted to test whether Mollitrichosiphum, an aphid genus with life cycles on subtropical woody host plants, and Buchnera, the primary endosymbiont of aphids, evolve in parallel. We used three aphid genes (mitochondrial COI, cytochrome oxidase subunit I and Cytb, cytochrome b; nuclear EF1α, translation elongation factor 1 alpha) and two Buchnera genes (16S rDNA; gnd, gluconate‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase) to reconstruct phylogenies. The congruence between the phylogenetic trees of aphids and Buchnera was then measured. The results present phylogenetic evidence for the parallel evolution of Mollitrichosiphum and Buchnera at the intraspecific as well as the interspecific levels. Our results support the possibility of using endosymbiont genes to study host evolutionary history and biogeographical patterns. We also investigated the usability of the Buchnera gnd gene as a barcoding marker for aphid identification.  相似文献   

Автор описывает нов ые виды flavobacterium, Flavobacterium Змеи n. экз., который был изо лирован от различных видов мух. Дифференц иальной диагностики между видами и Flavobacterium devorans обсуждается.  相似文献   

Free-living adult Amblyomma incisum ticks were collected in an Atlantic rainforest area at Intervales State Park, State of São Paulo, Brazil. From an A. incisum specimen, rickettsiae were successfully isolated in Vero cell culture by the shell vial technique. Rickettsial isolation was confirmed by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and PCRs targeting portions of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 on infected cells. Fragments of 1,089, 457, 1,362, and 443 nucleotides of the gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 genes, respectively, were sequenced. By BLAST analysis, the partial sequence of rrs of the A. incisum rickettsial isolate was closest to the corresponding sequence of Rickettsia bellii (99.1% similarity). The gltA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequences of “Candidatus Rickettsia tarasevichiae” (96.1% similarity) and Rickettsia canadensis (95.8% similarity). The htrA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (89.8% similarity). The sca1 partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (95.2% similarity). Since our rickettsial isolate was genetically distinct from other Rickettsia species, we propose a new species designated Rickettsia monteiroi sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that R. monteiroi belongs to the canadensis group within the genus Rickettsia, together with the species R. canadensis and “Candidatus R. tarasevichiae”. Little or no antibody cross-reaction was observed between sera of R. monteiroi-inoculated guinea pigs and R. bellii-, Rickettsia rickettsii-, or R. canadensis-inoculated guinea pigs.  相似文献   

The results of the study of plaques formed by R. conorii (strain M 1) and R. prowazeki (strain E and erythromycin-resistant strain E) in chick fibroblast cell culture are presented. In this study the tissue monolayer was inoculated with rickettsiae suspended in various media, and media of different composition were used in the nutrient cover and for cell cultivation. The maximum plaque formation was observed under the following conditions: the monolayer of chick fibroblasts (seeding density was not less than 375,000 cells per 1 sq. cm) was grown in medium 199 with 5-10% of fresh fetal or calf serum and inoculated with rickettsiae suspended in heart-brain infusion; the nutrient cover was prepared on the basis of Seakem agarose (USA) and contained medium 199 (without antibiotics) and 10% of fresh fetal or calf serum. In these conditions R. conorii formed plaques 2 mm in diameter, the first plaques being observed on day 6, and most of them on days 7-9; the both strains of R. prowazeki formed plaques 1 mm in diameter, the first plaques being observed on days 8-9, and most of them on days 10-13.  相似文献   

Sera of patients with Brill's disease and of healthy persons with spotted fever in their past history were examined in the complement fixation reaction (CFR) to determine antigenic relations between R. prowazekii and R. canada. R. canada was found to have common antigenic determinants with R. prowazekii and R. mooseri. However, the antigenic determinants of R. canada differed from those of the mentioned rickettsiae. The titres of complement-fixing antibodies in the sera of patients with Brill's disease with the antigen of R. mooseri were lower than the titres with the homologous antigen within the range of 1-2 twofold dilutions of the serum. However, the oscillations of the titres with the antigen of R. canada in the study of the same sera were expressed in 1-5 twofold dilutions. In serological identification of canada rickettsiosis, antigens of rickettsiae of the spotted fever group should invariably be included in the investigation of the sera.  相似文献   

In the peptidoglycan of Mycobacterium leprae, L-alanine of the side chain is replaced by glycine. When expressed in Escherichia coli, MurC (UDP-N-acetyl-muramate:L-alanine ligase) of M. leprae showed K(m) and V(max) for L-alanine and glycine similar to those of Mycobacterium tuberculosis MurC, suggesting that another explanation should be sought for the presence of glycine.  相似文献   


Two novel Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterial strains BT702T and BT704T were isolated from soil collected in Jeongseon (37° 22′ 45″ N, 128° 39′ 53″ E), Gangwon province, South Korea. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strains BT702T and BT704T belong to distinct lineage within the genus Spirosoma (family Cytophagaceae, order Cytophagales, class Cytophagia and phylum Bacteroidetes). The strain BT702T was closely related to Spirosoma flavus 15J11-2T (96.7% 16S rRNA gene similarity) and Spirosoma metallilatum TX0405T (93.3%). The strain BT704T was closely related to Spirosoma koreense 15J8-5T (94.6%), Spirosoma endophyticum DSM 26130T (93.8%) and Spirosoma humi S7-4-1T (93.8%). The genome sizes of type strains BT702T and BT704T are 8,731,341 bp and 8,221,062 bp, respectively. The major cellular fatty acids of strains BT702T and BT704T were C16:1 ω5c and summed feature 3 (C16:1 ω6c/C16:1 ω7c). The strains were found to have the same quinone system, with MK-7 as the major respiratory quinone. The major polar lipids of strain BT702T was identified to be phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), aminophospholipid (APL) and aminolipid (AL), while that of strain BT704T consisted of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and aminophospholipid (APL). Based on the polyphasic analysis (phylogenetic, chemotaxonomic and biochemical), strains BT702T and BT704T can be suggested as two new bacterial species within the genus Spirosoma and the proposed names are Spirosoma profusum and Spirosoma validum, respectively. The type strain of Spirosoma profusum is BT702T (=?KACC 22028T?=?NBRC 114859T) and type strain of Spirosoma validum is BT704T (=?KACC 22030T?=?NBRC 114966T).


The genes for dihydropteroate synthase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae were isolated by hybridization with probes amplified from the genomic DNA libraries. DNA sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 840 bp encoding a protein of 280 amino acids for M. tuberculosis dihydropteroate synthase and an open reading frame of 852 bp encoding a protein of 284 amino acids for M. leprae dihydropteroate synthase. The dihydropteroate synthases were expressed under control of the T5 promoter in a dihydropteroate synthase-deficient strain of Escherichia coli. Using three chromatography steps, we purified both M. tuberculosis and M. leprae dihydropteroate synthases to >98% homogeneity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed molecular masses of 29 kDa for M. tuberculosis dihydropteroate synthase and 30 kDa for M. leprae dihydropteroate synthase. Gel filtration of both enzymes showed a molecular mass of ca. 60 kDa, indicating that the native enzymes exist as dimers of two identical subunits. Steady-state kinetic parameters for dihydropteroate synthases from both M. tuberculosis and M. leprae were determined. Representative sulfonamides and dapsone were potent inhibitors of the mycobacterial dihydropteroate synthases, but the antimycobacterial agent p-aminosalicylate, a putative dihydropteroate synthase inhibitor, was a poor inhibitor of the enzymes.  相似文献   

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