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中国口腔医师资源结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国口腔医师数量在近半个世纪里有了明显的增长,但是相对于中国口腔卫生市场需要相差甚远。通过口腔医师的内部结构与区域分布结构的研究,找出口腔医师的结构优势和劣势,提出口腔医师数量的稀缺还可以通过合理的结构分布而得到弥补。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To ascertain whether the membership examination for the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) discriminates against doctors of Indian subcontinent ethnic origin ("Asian doctors"). DESIGN--Retrospective analysis of data from five administrations of the MRCGP examination (December 1988-December 1990). SETTING--United Kingdom national examination body. SUBJECTS--3686 doctors taking the examination for the first time, 244 of whom were classified as Asian, the remainder as non-Asian. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Comparison of performance in each of the written and oral components of the examination between Asian doctors, identified by their names and classified into subgroups by countries of birth and primary medical training from data provided at registration, and non-Asian doctors. RESULTS--On written components of the examination (multiple choice paper mean score Asians versus non-Asians 42.3 v 48.6, modified essay paper 40.9 v 48.9, practice topic/critical reading paper 41.5 v 48.7, all p less than 0.001 by t testing). But analysis by countries of birth and primary training showed that these differences were due largely to poor performance by certain groups of Asian doctors, especially those born and trained in the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere outside the United Kingdom. Asian doctors born and trained in the United Kingdom and those born in Africa or the West Indies and trained in the United Kingdom performed similarly to the non-Asian doctors. CONCLUSIONS--The examination does not systematically discriminate against Asian doctors, but the poor performance of the two subgroups of Asians is cause for serious concern and requires investigation.  相似文献   

Information was received from 61 women doctors who were having difficulty continuing with medical careers. Two main problems were disclosed. Firstly, despite the special arrangements made for women doctors, it is difficult to obtain postgraduate training. The provision of supernumerary posts does not seem to offer a satisfactory solution. Secondly, doctors who have completed postgraduate training but cannot yet return to full-time work are unable to obtain posts at an appropriate level. Both of these problems stem primarily from the need for part-time work by the mothers of young children. Most of the doctors wish to return to full-time or nearly full-time work when family responsibilities are fewer. In view of the increasing proportion of women doctors it seems important that large numbers are not unnecessarily lost from professional work. Some possible approaches to solving the problems are suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcome of out of hours care given by general practitioners from patients'' own practices and by commercial deputising services. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Four urban areas in Manchester, Salford, Stockport, and Leicester. SUBJECTS: 2152 patients who requested out of hours care, and 49 practice doctors and 183 deputising doctors (61% local principals in general practice) who responded to the requests. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Health status outcome, patient satisfaction, and subsequent health service use. RESULTS: Patients seen by deputising doctors were less satisfied with the care they received. The mean overall satisfaction score for practice doctors was 70.7 (95% confidence interval 68.1 to 73.2) and for deputising doctors 61.8 (59.9 to 63.7). The greatest difference in satisfaction was with the delay in visiting. There were no differences in the change in health or overall health status measured 24 to 120 hours after the out of hours call or subsequent use of the health service in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Patients are more satisfied with the out of hours care provided by practice doctors than that provided by deputising doctors. Organisation of doctors into large groups may produce lower levels of patient satisfaction, especially when associated with increased delays in the time taken to visit. There seem to be no appreciable differences in health outcome between the two types of service.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey, by mailed questionnaire, of the attitudes, values and practices of doctors in Singapore with respect to the doctor-patient relationship. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 475 doctors (261 general practitioners and 214 medical specialists), out of which 249 (52.4%) valid responses were completed and returned. The survey is the first of its kind in Singapore. Questions were framed around issues of medical paternalism, consent and patient autonomy. As the doctors were exposed to Western ethical concepts in their training, we were not surprised to find that they would mostly allow patients some say in decision-making and keep patients reasonably informed. In respecting patient autonomy, they would usually seek to influence patient choice by persuasion. However, the residual 'Asian-ness' of doctors in Singapore gives rise to some inconsistencies between values and practices. Many doctors still believe that a number of their patients are incapable of rational choice. There is some lack of openness in telling patients the whole truth. When patients choose to refuse treatment, many doctors are prepared to involve family members in making a consensus decision.
Doctors were also asked how they made ethical judgements in the face of dilemmas, and how they would like disputes with patients to be resolved. By and large, the doctors prefer to make their own judgements rather than to rely on rules. They also wish to keep the law courts out of disputes with patients, preferring less public ways of settling disputes.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption and drinking habits among Finnish doctors were studied as part of a survey of stress and burnout. A questionnaire containing 99 questions or groups of questions was sent to all 3496 practising doctors aged under 66 randomly selected from the registry of the Finnish Medical Association. Altogether 2671 doctors (76%) responded; this sample was representative of the Finnish medical profession. The average weekly consumption of alcohol during the past year and various aspects of drinking behaviour were assessed, and the presence or absence of symptoms and diseases often encountered among heavy drinkers and addicts was determined. The data were analysed separately for men and women, for those aged less than or equal to 40 and greater than 40, and for the men with high and low alcohol consumption and with high and low scores on the index of drinking habits. Selected variables related to work, stress, and coping were correlated with alcohol consumption and drinking behaviour. The median consumption of alcohol among male doctors was 4876 g (6.2 litres) and among female doctors 2226 g (2.8 litres) of absolute alcohol per person per year and was higher in those aged over 40. Beer was most commonly drunk by men and wine by women. Increased alcohol consumption was associated with older age, disappointment with career, heavy smoking, use of benzodiazepines, stress and burnout symptoms, suicidal thoughts, general dissatisfaction, and diseases related to alcohol. Drinking habits were heavier among doctors working in community health centres, those taking long sick leaves, younger doctors disappointed with their careers or the atmosphere at work, and older doctors immersed in their work. Alcohol consumption among doctors seems to be higher than that of the general population in Finland, and heavy drinking seems to be associated with stress and burnout.  相似文献   

Questionnaires given to 25 dentists and eight doctors attending a course on dental general anaesthesia showed that only four of the eight doctors had a diploma in anaesthetics. One of the doctors and eight of the dentists had had no postgraduate instruction in anaesthesia. More short courses of postgraduate instruction should be provided and some of these should be designed for the team of dental operator, anaesthetist, and dental surgery assistant.  相似文献   

In Denmark the provision of out of hours care by general practitioners came under increasing pressure in the 1980s because of growing demand for services by the public and increasing complaints from rural doctors about their heavy workload and disproportionately low remuneration in comparison with urban doctors. As a result, the out of hours service was reformed at the start of 1992: locally negotiated rota systems were replaced with county based services. Each county now has a coordination centre, where all patients'' calls are received by a team of doctors. The doctors may give a telephone consultation, advise the patient to attend one of the emergency clinics strategically placed about the county, or arrange for a home visit. Doctors on home visiting duty are located at bases throughout the county and keep in touch with the coordination centre with mobile telephones. Graded fees mean that doctors are encouraged to give telephone consultations rather than arrange for clinic consultations or home visits. The reforms have reduced doctors'' out of hours workload and the number of home visits made and have proved acceptable to patients, doctors, and administrators.  相似文献   

从合作与参与的内涵着眼,就事前准备、信息共享、遵医参与、医患互动四个维度对医患的合作参与进行详尽分析,尝试将患者成熟度和领导生命周期理论运用到医患互动中。并根据四种类型的患者在不同阶段有着不同的特质和行为表现,医生选择相应的职业行为和领导方式。在对医患互动中权力运作的五种形式的核心概念进行厘清,强调了医生要多运用权威力量征服患者,并对如何管控医患双方的权力提出了深度思考。  相似文献   

医德是医疗卫生领域精神文明建设的重要部分,也是调整医务人员与病人、医务人员之间以及与社会之间关系的行为准则。医德范畴是指人们对现代医务人员职业道德和医患关系的总结,它不仅概括了医生所应履行的职责义务,而且反映着一段时间内医患关系的本质。本文通过对医德范畴内,医生的权利和义务、责任和良心、功力和荣誉、审慎和保密四类问题的阐述,探讨当下医生在工作中应该保持何种心态,如何与患者进行沟通,以期更好地提供医疗服务。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To identify the attitudes of general practitioners towards the use of thermometers in general practice. DESIGN--Postal questionnaire survey. SETTING--All general practitioners in the catchment area of Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey. SUBJECTS--145 general practitioners. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Answers to questions covering a variety of aspects concerning the use of thermometers in general practice. RESULTS--116 (80%) doctors replied. Seven doctors did not have any method of taking a patient''s temperature; up to 12 more doctors did not use their thermometers and 56 doctors used them infrequently, less than once a fortnight. Mercury glass thermometers were most commonly used (80 doctors; 69%), but only 8% of doctors used them correctly. Six doctors failed to clean their thermometers between patients. The study failed to identify the roles of axillary and rectal temperature readings. CONCLUSION--There is a wide variation in attitudes towards the use of thermometers in general practice.  相似文献   

Part-time training of doctors with domestic commitments has taken place successfully in the Oxford region since 1966; 249 doctors have now passed through such training schemes and a further 120 are currently training part-time. Two training schemes are now offered for doctors at senior house officer and registrar level: one of six to eight sessions a week for those undertaking recognised training aiming for consultant or principal in general practice posts, the other of one to two sessions a week providing ad hoc training for those unable for personal reasons to follow a recognised training programme. For doctors at senior registrar level, part-time training entails five to eight sessions a week. Of the 115 doctors who have left the schemes and are now in career posts in the United Kingdom, 19% are now consultants, 30% in other hospital posts, 27% in general practice, and 18% are clinical medical officers; overall, 71% of those in career posts are working part-time. This experience shows that part-time training can be successful and that there is a continuing need for part-time career posts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine general practitioners'' attitudes to medical audit and to establish what initiatives are already being undertaken; to define future ideas for audit and perceived difficulties in implementing audit in primary care. DESIGN--Analysis of responses to a self administered postal questionnaire. SETTING--Urban conurbation with a population of about 750,000. PARTICIPANTS--386 general practitioners on the general medical list of Leeds Family Practitioner Committee. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Extent of recording of practice activity data and outcome measures and clinical data, use of data, and audit performed; ideas for audit and perceived difficulties. RESULTS--317 doctors responded to the questionnaire (individual response rate 82%) from 121 practices (practice response rate 88%). In all, 206 doctors thought that audit could improve the quality of care; 292 collected practice activity data, though 143 of them did not use it. A total of 111 doctors recorded some outcome measures, though half of them did not use them. Varying proportions of doctors had registers, for various diseases (136 had at least one register), disease management policies (60 doctors), and prescribing policies. In all, 184 doctors met monthly with other members of the primary health care team. CONCLUSIONS--Much poorly focused data collection is taking place. Some doctors have experience in setting up basic information systems and practice policies, and some audit is being performed. The family health services authorities need to take seriously the perceived difficulties of time, organisation, and resources concerned with audit.  相似文献   

为了探讨医务人员职业暴露危险因素及防护对策,对长江大学附属一医院2008年1月1日—2009年12月31日上报的职业暴露依据科室分布、感染途径及暴露原因进行了分析。结果显示,该医院共发生医务人员职业暴露94例,其中,护士62例,医生25例,其它人员7例,护士高于医生;35岁以下年轻护士及医生占88例,35岁以上者6例;大学本科以下学历60例,中级职称以下人员75例。因此需对医务人员加强培训,提高自我保护意识,规范操作,加强管理,注重预防。  相似文献   

While doctors generally enjoy considerable status, some believe that this is increasingly threatened by consumerism, managerialism, and competition from other health professions. Research into doctors’ perceptions of the changes occurring in medicine has provided some insights into how they perceive and respond to these changes but has generally failed to distinguish clearly between concerns about “status,” related to the entitlements associated with one’s position in a social hierarchy, and concerns about “respect,” related to being held in high regard for one’s moral qualities. In this article we explore doctors’ perceptions of the degree to which they are respected and their explanations for, and responses to, instances of perceived lack of respect. We conclude that doctors’ concerns about loss of respect need to be clearly distinguished from concerns about loss of status and that medical students need to be prepared for a changing social field in which others’ respect cannot be taken for granted.  相似文献   

A seminar of physiotherapists studied the psychological aspects of their work. Difficulty with doctors rather than patients was unexpectedly prominent. The following factors were identified as contributing to their dissatisfaction: doctors misused physiotherapy as a placebo in cases of incurable and untreatable disease and mental problems; because they faced questions about diagnosis and prognosis that doctors escaped they learnt to avoid knowing the facts about their patients; using quasiscientific apparatus had tended to replace physical contact; they saw their psychological skill as illicit and unprofessional; and they were uncertain about their role as social workers. Nevertheless, they tended to idealise doctors, which sharpened gratification in collaborative work and helped to alleviate anxiety about death and disease, but tended to reinforce sexual stereotyping and the image of physiotherapy as "unscientific," empirical, and intuititive ("feminine").  相似文献   

The demand for doctors has increased despite improved community health, because the prevalence of chronic disease has increased, and because affluence, better education, and the growth of specialization have all stimulated demand.Most authorities have recommended an increase in the supply of doctors to meet the increasing demand. Nevertheless, a supply which preserves the present ratio of doctors to population might be adequate if medical productivity were raised. Moreover, an increase of the supply stimulates further demand; perhaps demand would fall if the supply were reduced, and community health might not deteriorate as a result of this.Other social institutions besides medicine have a claim on the available pool of talent from which doctors are recruited. It is possible that medicine already receives its fair share.  相似文献   



The increase in non-communicable disease (NCD) is becoming a global health problem and there is an increasing need for primary care doctors to look after these patients although whether family doctors are adequately trained and prepared is unknown.


This study aimed to determine if doctors with family medicine (FM) training are associated with enhanced empathy in consultation and enablement for patients with chronic illness as compared to doctors with internal medicine training or without any postgraduate training in different clinic settings.


This was a cross-sectional questionnaire survey using the validated Chinese version of the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure as well as Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) for evaluation of quality and outcome of care. 14 doctors from hospital specialist clinics (7 with family medicine training, and 7 with internal medicine training) and 13 doctors from primary care clinics (7 with family medicine training, and 6 without specialist training) were recruited. In total, they consulted 823 patients with chronic illness. The CARE Measure and PEI scores were compared amongst doctors in these clinics with different training background: family medicine training, internal medicine training and those without specialist training. Generalized estimation equation (GEE) was used to account for cluster effects of patients nested with doctors.


Within similar clinic settings, FM trained doctors had higher CARE score than doctors with no FM training. In hospital clinics, the difference of the mean CARE score for doctors who had family medicine training (39.2, SD = 7.04) and internal medicine training (35.5, SD = 8.92) was statistically significant after adjusting for consultation time and gender of the patient. In the community care clinics, the mean CARE score for doctors with family medicine training and those without specialist training were 32.1 (SD = 7.95) and 29.2 (SD = 7.43) respectively, but the difference was not found to be significant. For PEI, patients receiving care from doctors in the hospital clinics scored significantly higher than those in the community clinics, but there was no significant difference in PEI between patients receiving care from doctors with different training backgrounds within similar clinic setting.


Family medicine training was associated with higher patient perceived empathy for chronic illness patients in the hospital clinics. Patient enablement appeared to be associated with clinic settings but not doctors’ training background. Training in family medicine and a clinic environment that enables more patient doctor time might help in enhancing doctors’ empathy and enablement for chronic illness patients.  相似文献   

A large study from a representative sample of general practitioners in Manchester showed that women doctors saw more women patients than men doctors, especially in the childbearing age group. They saw a similar range of diagnoses as men doctors, though they saw more women patients for cervical smears, contraception, and breast disorders. Preventive health care may not be adequately provided for these in practices without a woman partner.  相似文献   

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