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河道生态系统特征及其自净化能力研究现状与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨丽蓉  陈利顶  孙然好 《生态学报》2009,29(9):5066-5075
河道生态系统包括河道水体和河岸带两大部分,具有净化水体、降低污染物浓度的功能.研究河道生态系统的自净化能力对河道生态系统的健康评价及水环境管理具有重要的意义.目前该领域的研究主要侧重于两个方面:一方面是运用水质模型的方法模拟评价河道水体的自净化能力,另一方面则是研究河岸植被缓冲带对净化水体的作用.系统总结了目前研究的特点与不足,指出了今后应该重视的研究领域,主要包括:(1)应加强研究陆地生态系统空间异质性对河道自净化能力的影响研究;(2)需要系统解剖河道剖面形态结构与空间布局对河道水质自净化能力的影响;(3)重视面向外部复杂环境的参数获取方法的研究;(4)综合河岸生态系统与河道水体生态系统,系统研究非点源污染在陆-水迁移和水体运移中河道生态系统自净化能力的时空变化特征,从而为开展河道生态系统健康评价,河道生态系统管理提供科学的依据.  相似文献   

1. A survey of c. 350 remote high altitude and high latitude lakes from 12 different mountain regions across Europe was undertaken to explore ecosystem variability, climate forcing, environmental conditions and pollution threats at a scale not previously attempted.
2. Lakes were sampled for a range of contemporary and sub-fossil organisms including planktonic crustaceans, rotifers, littoral invertebrates, chironomids, diatoms and cladocerans. Survey and cartographic data were used to determine environmental characteristics at each site. Organic pollutants and trace metal concentrations were measured in the lake sediment.
3. A number of separate studies were undertaken which examined the environmental characteristics of the surveyed lakes (climate forcing and chemical composition), distribution of biota relative to local, regional and biogeographical factors and pollution threats (acidification, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants) to these sensitive ecosystems.
4. There is a strong regional element to the way that environmental factors combine (including climate and pollution threats) and the biota responds in mountain lakes across Europe. From a management perspective it is clear that lake classification and the development of useful typologies and assessments of reference conditions should be undertaken at regional rather than pan-European scales.
5. There are some common features across lake districts related to the timing of industrialisation, but the studies carried out on metals, organic pollutants and nitrate deposition indicate that each lake district has distinct pollution threats. Climate warming already affects most of the lake districts and there are considerable uncertainties as to how this will modify conditions in remote European mountain systems.
6. The lake district concept goes beyond a geographical construct and merits further theoretical and experimental development as an ecological concept.  相似文献   

Protein-ligand docking: current status and future challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the ruling principles whereby protein receptors recognize, interact, and associate with molecular substrates and inhibitors is of paramount importance in drug discovery efforts. Protein-ligand docking aims to predict and rank the structure(s) arising from the association between a given ligand and a target protein of known 3D structure. Despite the breathtaking advances in the field over the last decades and the widespread application of docking methods, several downsides still exist. In particular, protein flexibility-a critical aspect for a thorough understanding of the principles that guide ligand binding in proteins-is a major hurdle in current protein-ligand docking efforts that needs to be more efficiently accounted for. In this review the key concepts of protein-ligand docking methods are outlined, with major emphasis being given to the general strengths and weaknesses that presently characterize this methodology. Despite the size of the field, the principal types of search algorithms and scoring functions are reviewed and the most popular docking tools are briefly depicted. Recent advances that aim to address some of the traditional limitations associated with molecular docking are also described. A selection of hand-picked examples is used to illustrate these features.  相似文献   

Visual electrophysiology allows non-invasive monitoring of the function of most processing stages along the visual pathway. Here, we consider which of the available methods provides the most information concerning glaucomatous optic nerve disease. The multifocal electroretinogram (ERG), although often employed, is less affected in glaucoma than two direct measurements of retinal ganglion cell function, namely the pattern ERG (PERG) and the photopic negative response (PhNR) of the ERG. For the PERG, longitudinal studies have been reported, suggesting that this method can be used for the early detection of glaucoma; for the PhNR, no longitudinal study is available as yet. The multifocal PERG can spatially resolve ganglion cell function but its glaucomatous reduction is typically panretinal, even with only local field changes and so, its topographic resolution is of no advantage in glaucoma. The multifocal visual evoked potential promises objective perimetry and shows sensitivity and specificity comparable with standard automated perimetry but has not been established as a routine tool to date.  相似文献   

植物根际过程与调控机理研究已成为当前土壤学最活跃、最敏感的研究领域, 而根系分泌物作为根系-土壤-微生物界面物质能量交换和信息传递的重要媒介物质, 是构成根际微生态系统活力与功能特征的内在驱动因素, 是根际概念与根际过程存在的重要前提和基础。然而, 由于传统的根际过程研究更强调以实际生产问题为导向, 加之农作物生长周期较短、操作便利等诸多因素, 以往对植物根系分泌物研究主要聚焦在农业生态系统, 而有关根系分泌物在森林生态系统中的重要作用与调控机理研究甚少, 认识相对零散和片段化。基于此, 该文结合作者实际研究工作中的主要成果和该领域国际前沿动态, 综述了森林根系分泌物的生态重要性, 重点论述了目前森林根系分泌物生态学研究中存在的主要问题与不足, 在此基础上展望了未来森林根系分泌物生态学研究中值得关注的重点方向和研究内容。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of soil-dwelling springtails in a spruce forest (Piceetum oxalidosum) and a dry meadow with young planted spruce trees was analyzed based on an eight-year sampling in Moscow Region. Fluctuations of population densities of the most species are less than 10 fold. The seasonal dynamics (the number and position of peaks) is more constant in surface-dwelling species than in hemi-and euedaphic ones. The occurrence of the density peaks in specific seasons is merely a tendency. Two types of the size structure of populations are revealed: the “left-sided” type with prevalence of small immature individuals and the “symmetrical” one with prevalence of medium-sized individuals. Synchronization of reproduction in the species studied is possible only under the effect of external climatic factors. The seasonal density dynamics of most abundant species is related to the temperature and, to a lesser extent, precipitation. The mean density of some species in the following year can be predicted based on the mean temperature and/or sum of precipitation in the current year. In the forest, the density-dependent regulation of springtail abundance is probable. The springtail populations do not respond to overgrowing of the meadow with spruce trees at least at the beginning of this process.  相似文献   

The prokaryotes are by far the most abundant organisms inhabiting planet Earth. They are also by far the most diverse, both metabolically and phylogenetically; they encompass the Bacteria and the Archaea, two out of the three major divisions of living organisms. The current prokaryote species classification is based on a combination of genomic and phenotypic properties. The recommended cut-off value of 70% DNA-DNA similarity to delineate species signifies an extremely broad species definition for the prokaryotes compared with the higher eukaryotes. The number of validly named species of prokaryotes is currently slightly more than 6200. However, on the basis of small-subunit rDNA characterization of whole communities and other approaches, the more exact number of species present can be inferred to be at least two orders of magnitude larger. Classic culturing methods based on colony formation on agar are generally unsatisfactory for the recovery of bacteria from the environment. Many of the most abundant prokaryotes in nature have not yet been brought into culture. Some of these may thrive by means of as yet unknown modes of energy generation. Several novel methods have recently enabled the isolation of some interesting organisms of environmental significance. A better coverage of the prokaryote diversity on Earth depends on such innovative approaches, combined with appropriate funding.  相似文献   

Distinct subsets of cells, including cells with stem cell-like properties, have been proposed to exist in normal human breast epithelium and breast carcinomas. The cellular origins of epithelial cells contributing to gland development, tissue homeostasis and cancer are, however, still poorly understood. The mouse is a widely used model of mammary gland development, both directly by studying the mouse mammary epithelial cells themselves and indirectly, by studying development, morphogenesis, differentiation and carcinogenesis of xenotransplanted human breast epithelium in vivo. While in early studies, human or mouse epithelium was implanted as fragments into the mouse gland, more recent technical progress has allowed the self-renewal capacity and differentiation potential of distinct cell populations or even individual cells to be interrogated. Here, we review and discuss similarities and differences between mouse and human gland development with particular emphasis on the identity and localization of stem cells, and the influence of the surrounding microenvironment. It is concluded that while recent advances in the field have contributed immense insight into how the normal mammary gland develops and is maintained, significant discrepancies exist between the mouse and human gland which should be taken into consideration in current and future models of mammary stem cell biology.  相似文献   

Evolution and current status of ecological phytochemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macías FA  Galindo JL  Galindo JC 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(22-24):2917-2936
Phytochemical studies have experienced a great deal of change during the last century, not only regarding the number of compounds described, but also in the concept of phytochemistry itself. This change has mainly been related to two key points: the methodologies used in phytochemical studies and the questions regarding 'why secondary metabolites appeared in plants and in other living organisms?' and 'what is their role?'. This transformation in the field has led to new questions concerning such different subjects as evolution, paleobotany, biochemistry, plant physiology and ethnography. However, the main issue is to clarify the role that secondary metabolites play in the plant (and other organisms) and whether the resources invested in their production (C and N allocation, genes encoding their biogenetic pathways, specific enzymes, energy-rich molecules such as ATP and NADPH) have or lack a reasonable reward in terms of advantages for survival. Consequently, in this review the main emphasis will be placed on two subjects related to the evolution of phytochemical studies. The first aim is to describe briefly the influence that the development of the methodologies needed for compound isolation and structure elucidation have had on the field of phytochemistry. The second area to be covered concerns the new theories addressing the role of secondary metabolites from an ecological point of view: co-evolution of plants and their potential enemies (phytophagous insects, microbes, herbivores and other plants), chemical plant defence, adaptative strategies of phytophagues to plant toxins (among them sequestration will be briefly mentioned), and models and theories for carbon and nitrogen allocation. Some final remarks are made to summarize our opinion about the immediate future of phytochemical ecology and phytochemical studies.  相似文献   

杨玉盛 《生态学报》2017,37(1):1-11
随着全球环境变化和人类活动对生态系统影响的日益加深,生态系统结构和功能发生强烈变化,生态系统提供各类资源和服务的能力在显著下降。在这种背景下,全面认识生态系统的结构功能与全球环境变化的关系已成为当前生态学研究的热点之一。本文综述了全球环境变化对典型生态系统(包括森林生态系统、河口湿地生态系统、城市生态系统)影响以及全球环境变化适应的研究现状,分析研究面临的困难及挑战。在此基础上,提出对未来研究发展趋势的展望。在森林生态系统与全球环境变化研究上,未来应重视能更好模拟现实情景的、多因子、长期的全球环境变化控制试验,并注重不同生物地球化学循环之间的耦合作用。在湿地生态系统与全球环境变化研究上,未来应加强氮沉降、硫沉降及盐水入侵对湿地生态系统碳氮循环的影响,明晰滨海湿地的蓝碳功能,加强极端气候和人类干扰影响下湿地生态系统结构和功能变化及恢复力的研究。在城市生态系统与全球环境变化研究上,未来应深化城市生物地球化学循环机制研究,实现城市生态系统的人本需求侧重与转向,并开展典型地区长期、多要素综合响应研究。在全球环境变化适应研究上,未来应构架定量化、跨尺度的适应性评价体系,加强典型区域/部门的适应性研究以及适应策略实施的可行性研究,注重适应与减缓对策的关联研究及实施的风险评估。期望本综述为我国生态系统与全球环境变化研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Several groups of Archaea, all Euryarchaeota, develop in hypersaline environments (from >10 % salt up to saturation). The cultured diversity of halophilic Archaea includes the family Halobacteriaceae of aerobic or facultative anaerobic, generally red-pigmented species (47 genera and 165 species as of February 2014) and seven representatives of four genera of methanogens, most of which obtain energy from methylated amines under anaerobic conditions. Metagenomic studies have identified an additional deep lineage of Archaea in salt lakes and ponds with brines approaching NaCl saturation. Genomic information is now available for representatives of these ‘Nanohaloarchaea’, but no members of this lineage have yet been cultured. Multilocus sequence analysis is becoming increasingly popular in taxonomic studies of the Halobacteriaceae, and such studies have demonstrated that recombination of genetic traits occurs at an extremely high frequency at least in some genera. Metagenomic studies in an Antarctic lake showed that large identical regions of up to 35 kb in length can be shared by members of different genera living together in the same environment. Such observations have important implications not only for the taxonomy of the Halobacteriaceae, but also for species concepts and questions on taxonomy and classification for prokaryotic microorganisms in general.  相似文献   

Since their discovery at the end of the previous millennium, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been the object of thousands of papers describing their applications in fields ranging from physics to electronics, photonics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. The development of chemical approaches to modify their graphitic sidewalls enabled the generation of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-modified CNTs and their exploration in multiple biomedical applications. Studies at the cellular and organism level revealed that PEG-modified CNTs have favorable pharmacokinetic and toxicology profiles. Recently, PEG-modified CNTs have been successfully tested in preclinical studies in the fields of oncology, neurology, vaccination, and imaging, suggesting that they are well suited for the generation of novel multifunctional nanodrugs. Here we will review published data about the application of PEG-modified CNTs as in vitro and in vivo therapeutic and imaging tools and describe what is known about the interaction between PEG-modified CNTs and biological systems. Although several pieces of the puzzle are still missing, we will also attempt to formulate a preliminary structure-function model for PEG-modified CNT cellular trafficking, disposition, and side effects.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation has emerged as a powerful tool for genetic improvement of fruit trees hindered by their reproductive biology and their high levels of heterozygosity. For years, genetic engineering of fruit trees has focussed principally on enhancing disease resistance (against viruses, fungi, and bacteria), although there are few examples of field cultivation and commercial application of these transgenic plants. In addition, over the years much work has been performed to enhance abiotic stress tolerance, to induce modifications of plant growth and habit, to produce marker-free transgenic plants and to improve fruit quality by modification of genes that are crucially important in the production of specific plant components. Recently, with the release of several genome sequences, studies of functional genomics are becoming increasingly important: by modification (overexpression or silencing) of genes involved in the production of specific plant components is possible to uncover regulatory mechanisms associated with the biosynthesis and catabolism of metabolites in plants. This review focuses on the main advances, in recent years, in genetic transformation of the most important species of fruit trees, devoting particular attention to functional genomics approaches and possible future challenges of genetic engineering for these species in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

The Cape Peninsula is an area of outstanding natural beauty and exceptional biodiversity, worthy of proclamation as a World Heritage Site. The area is dominated by fynbos vegetation, usually managed by means of prescribed burning, together with various programmes aimed at the control of invasive alien plant species. Effective management of the Peninsula is bedevilled by the fact that the area is controlled by no less than 14 different public bodies, resulting in fragmentation of effort and the lack of a standardized approach to management. Historically, many official and unofficial investigations have called for this problem to be resolved, without success. The lack of coherent, focused, and well funded fire and alien weed control management plans for the entire Peninsula is a serious deficiency. Despite this, considerable progress has been made towards the establishment of a database for the Peninsula, and the development of decision support systems that can utilize this database for rational management. Adoption of such a system would provide a powerful uniting tramework that would standardize and influence the management approaches adopted by the various controlling authorities.  相似文献   

Plant proteomics has made tremendous contributions in understanding the complex processes of plant biology. Here, its current status in India and Nepal is discussed. Gel-based proteomics is predominantly utilized on crops and non-crops to analyze majorly abiotic (49 %) and biotic (18 %) stress, development (11 %) and post-translational modifications (7 %). Rice is the most explored system (36 %) with major focus on abiotic mainly dehydration (36 %) stress. In spite of expensive proteomics setup and scarcity of trained workforce, output in form of publications is encouraging. To boost plant proteomics in India and Nepal, researchers have discussed ground level issues among themselves and with the International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO) to act in priority on concerns like food security. Active collaboration may help in translating this knowledge to fruitful applications.  相似文献   

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