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Northern peatlands form a major soil carbon (C) stock. With climate change, peatland C mineralization is expected to increase, which in turn would accelerate climate change. A particularity of peatlands is the importance of soil aeration, which regulates peatland functioning and likely modulates the responses to warming climate. Our aim is to assess the impacts of warming on a southern boreal and a sub‐arctic sedge fen carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange under two plausible water table regimes: wet and moderately dry. We focused this study on minerotrophic treeless sedge fens, as they are common peatland types at boreal and (sub)arctic areas, which are expected to face the highest rates of climate warming. In addition, fens are expected to respond to environmental changes faster than the nutrient poor bogs. Our study confirmed that CO2 exchange is more strongly affected by drying than warming. Experimental water level draw‐down (WLD) significantly increased gross photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration. Warming alone had insignificant impacts on the CO2 exchange components, but when combined with WLD it further increased ecosystem respiration. In the southern fen, CO2 uptake decreased due to WLD, which was amplified by warming, while at northern fen it remained stable. As a conclusion, our results suggest that a very small difference in the WLD may be decisive, whether the C sink of a fen decreases, or whether the system is able to adapt within its regime and maintain its functions. Moreover, the water table has a role in determining how much the increased temperature impacts the CO2 exchange.  相似文献   

Morison  J. I. L. 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):193-209
The influence of inefeased atmospheric CO2 on the interaction between plant growth and water use is proving to be one of the most profound impacts of the anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect. This paper illustrates the interaction between CO2 and water in plant growth at a range of scales. Most published work has concentrated on water use efficiency, especially at shorter time scales, and has shown large increases of leaf water use efficiency with increased CO2. However, the magnitude of the effect is variable, and does not consistently agree with predictions from simple leaf gas exchange considerations. The longer the time scales considered, the less the information and the more the uncertainty in the response to CO2, because of the additional factors that have to be considered, such as changes in leaf area, respiration of non-photosynthetic tissues and soil evaporation. The need for more detailed studies of the interactions between plant evaporation, water supply, water status and growth is stressed, as increased CO2 can affect all of these either directly, or indirectly through feedbacks with leaf gas exchange, carbon partitioning, leaf growth, canopy development and root growth.  相似文献   

No significant differences were found between four mathematical equations describing the response of CO2 exchange rate to photosynthetic photon flux density in seven poplar clones under laboratory conditions. Choice of an optimal equation for poplar may be based on the contemplated aims. High significant differences (at p<0.001) were found among the clones.Research was supported by the Instituut tot Aanmoediging van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Nijverheid en Landbouw (I.W.O.N.L.), Brussels.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated temperature (35 and 45 degrees C) on photosynthesis, respiration, and both the qualitative and quantitative compositions of volatile emissions (VE) of wheat (Triticum aestuvum L. cultivar 232) cenoses at light intensities of 70, 150, or 240 W/m2 of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) were studied. At a PAR of 240 W/m2, the thermal stabilities of photosynthesis and respiration increased at 35 degrees C and decreased at 45 degrees C. Elevated temperatures nonuniformly changed the rates and direction of VE syntheses. In this process, the highest increase in VE evolution was observed at 70 W/m2; the lowest, at 240 W/m2 and 35 degrees C. In addition, the concentrations and composition of VE during the repair period differed from the initial values.  相似文献   

An inexpensive technique is described, whereby the nutritive value of low quality roughages, such as cereal straw and native pastures, can be upgraded under field conditions. Caustic soda solution is sprayed into the chute of a forage harvester during the harvesting operation. For untreated or treated straw, digestible organic matter in dry matter, measured in vitro, was 38 and 53%, respectively, for wheat straw and 47 and 58%, respectively, for oat straw. When the baled wheat straw was given to heifers grazing residual stubble, live-weight change was ?312 and +23 g/day for untreated and treated straw, respectively. When the chaffed oat straw was given to heifers in pens, intake was 4.2 and 5.4 kg/day for untreated and treated straw, respectively, and liveweight gain was 143 and 564 g/day on the respective treatments.  相似文献   

A novel technique designed for component monitoring of CO2 exchange in plants is described. The system is based on application of self-clamping leaf chambers connected to an open gas-exchange measuring system and on automatic recording of CO2 concentration. This technique was implemented in a commercially available instrument, PTM-48A Photosynthesis Monitor, which provides for long-term measurements of gas exchange and for discrimination of its separate components. Furthermore, many other plant functions can be monitored during plant growth and development under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in photosynthesis and stomatal conductance have been widely observed, but their possible adaptive significance is unknown. To determine whether such rhythms have a significant effect on the daily courses of carbon gain and/or water loss under field conditions, we obtained laboratory data on circadian rhythms in gas exchange of Saururus cernuus L., a wetland perennial. Using these data we modified a widely used mathematical model of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by introducing the observed circadian‐rhythmic variation into the maximum rates of electron transport and carboxylation. We measured photosynthesis and stomatal conductance hourly on the same species growing naturally in the field and compared measured daily courses of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance with daily courses calculated using the model as originally formulated and also as modified to include circadian rhythms. The model fit the field data only slightly better when rhythms were included: the rhythms accounted for only about 1% of the observed daily carbon gain. Thus, these rhythms probably do not affect photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the field.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is the key factor limiting photosynthetic processes and crop yield. Little is known about the response of leaf gas exchange of spring triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.) to N supply. The effect of N fertilizers on different gas exchange variables, i.e., photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (g s), instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE) and maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) (F v/F m), chlorophyll index (SPAD, soil–plant analysis development), and the relationship of these variables with yield were studied in spring triticale grown under field conditions. Six treatments of N—0, 90, 180, 90 + 30, 90 + 30 + 30 kg ha?1 (applied as ammonium nitrate, AN) and one treatment of N 90 + 30 + 30 kg ha?1 (applied as urea ammonium nitrate solution, UAN) were compared. The analysis of variance showed that throughout the triticale growing season, N fertilization had significant effects on A, WUE, g s and SPAD. On average, N fertilizer application increased A values by 14–70%. E and F v/F m values were not influenced by N fertilization levels. The effect of growth stage and year on gas exchange variables and F v/F m and SPAD was found to be significant. At different growth stages, A values varied and maximum ones were reached at BBCH 31–33 (decimal code system of growth stages) and BBCH 59. With aging, values of A decreased independently of N fertilization level. The gas exchange variables were equally affected by both fertilizer forms. The interplay among grain yield, leaf gas exchange variables, F v/F m and SPAD of spring triticale was estimated. The statistical analysis showed that grain yield positively and significantly correlated with A and SPAD values throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

The principles and limitations of leaf gas exchange measurementsin portable gas exchange systems are described. Attention isgiven to the design and developments in infrared gas analysersused in portable systems, and the basic structure of singleand dual beam instruments is presented. The significance offlow measurement in these systems and the principles of thermalmass flow measurement are illustrated. Considerations of leafarea measurement, chamber design and choice of materials areoutlined. Two specific developments in field gas exchange systemsare described and their significance in field measurements isillustrated with examples. (1) An integrating sphere leaf chamberfor the determination of the quantum yield of photosynthesis,on the basis of absorbed light, is explained and equations forits use are developed. The significance of this approach isillustrated by a comparison of data for contrasting leaves plottedon an absorbed and incident light basis. This measurement oflight-limited photosynthesis is also critical in understandingthe contribution of shaded leaves to canopy photosynthesis.(2) A system for the measurement of canopy photosynthesis fromarable crops and low stature natural vegetation is described.Results from a season-long study of wheat CO2 exchange are shownto illustrate its application. Key words: Leaf gas exchange, photosynthetic quantum efficiency, infrared gas analysis, canopy photosynthesis, integrating sphere  相似文献   

Under benign environmental conditions, plant growth is generally stimulated by elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. When environmental conditions become sub- or supra-optimal for growth, changes in the biomass enhancement ratio (BER; total plant biomass at elevated CO2 divided by plant biomass at the current CO2 level) may occur. We analysed literature sources that studied CO22environment interactions on the growth of herbaceous species and tree seedlings during the vegetative phase. For each experiment we calculated the difference in BER for plants that were grown under 'optimal' and 'non-optimal' conditions. Assuming that interactions would be most apparent if the environmental stress strongly diminished growth, we scaled the difference in the BER values by the growth reduction due to the stress factor. In our compilation we found a large variability in CO22environment interactions between experiments. To test the impact of experimental design, we simulated a range of analyses with a plant-to-plant variation in size common in experimental plant populations, in combination with a number of replicates generally used in CO22environment studies. A similar variation in results was found as in the compilation of real experiments, showing the strong impact of stochasticity. We therefore caution against strong inferences derived from single experiments and suggest rather a reliance on average interactions across a range of experiments. Averaged over the literature data available, low soil nutrient supply or sub-optimal temperatures were found to reduce the proportional growth stimulation of elevated CO2. In contrast, BER increased when plants were grown at low water supply, albeit relatively modestly. Reduced irradiance or high salinity caused BER to increase in some cases and decrease in others, resulting in an average interaction with elevated CO2 that was not significant. Under high ozone concentrations, the relative growth enhancement by elevated CO2 was strongly increased, to the extent that high CO2 even compensated in an absolute way for the harmful effect of ozone on growth. No systematic difference in response was found between herbaceous and woody species for any of the environmental variables considered.  相似文献   

Matthias W. Diemer 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):429-435
Ecosystem net CO2 uptake, evapotranspiration (ET) and night-time CO2 efflux were measured in an alpine grassland dominated by Carex curvula, treated with doubled ambient partial pressure of CO2 via open-top chambers. One quarter of the plots were treated with mineral nutrients to simulate the effect of lowland nitrogen deposition rates. Depending upon fertilizer supply, ecosystem net CO2 uptake per ground area in full sunlight (NCEmax) was 41–81% higher in open-top chambers supplied with doubled ambient partial pressure (p a) of CO2 than in plots receiving ambient CO2. Short-term reversals of the CO2 level suggest that the extent of downward adjustment of canopy photosynthesis under elevated CO2 was 30–40%. ET tended to decline, while water use efficiency (WUE), expressed as the NCEmax:ET ratio, increased more than twofold under elevated CO2. Night-time ecosystem CO2 efflux did not respond to changes in CO2 p a. NCEmax and night-time CO2 efflux were more responsive to mineral fertilizer than the doubling of CO2. This suggests that in these alpine plant communities, atmospheric nutrient input may induce equal or greater effects on gas exchange than increased CO2.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory and field gas exchange measurements were made on C3 (Scirpus olneyi Gray) and C4 (Spartina patens (Ait.) Mahl., Distichlis spicata (L.) Green) species from an irregularly flooded tidal marsh on the Chesapeake Bay. Laboratory measurements were made on plants grown from root stocks that were transplanted to a greenhouse and grown under high light and high nutrient conditions. The two C4 species were similar in their laboratory gas exchange characteristics: both had higher net carbon exchange rates, higher mesophyll conductances, higher photosynthetic temperature optima and lower leaf conductances than the C3 species. The laboratory photosynthetic water use efficiency of the C4 species was approximately three times that of the C3 species.Field gas exchange responses of the above species were measured in situ a Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh. Despite differences in biological potential measured in the laboratory, all three species had similar in situ carbon exchange rates on a leaf area basis. On a dry weight basis, leaves of the two C4 species had about 1.4 times higher light saturated CO2 assimilation rates than the C3 species. Light saturation of CO2 exchange occurred at photosynthetic photon flux densities of 80 n Einstein cm-2s-1, compared with 160 n Einstein cm -2s-1 in the laboratory grown plants. Spartina patens and Scirpus olneyi had similar daily CO2 assimilation rates, but the daily transpiration rate of the C3 species was almost twice that of the C4 species. Spartina patens showed greater seasonal decrease in photosynthesis than Distichlis spicata and Scirpus olneyi. The two C4 grass species maintained higher mesophyll conductances and photosynthetic water use efficiencies than the C4 sedge.  相似文献   

CO2 and water vapour exchange rates of four alpine herbs namely: Rheum emodi, R. moorcroftianum, Megacarpaea polyandra and Rumex nepalensis were studied under field conditions at 3600 m (natural habitat) and 550 m altitudes. The effect of light and temperature on CO2 and water vapour exchange was studied in the plants grown at lower altitude. In R. moorcroftianum and R. nepalensis, the average photosynthesis rates were found to be about three times higher at 550 m as compared to that under their natural habitat. However, in M. polyandra, the CO2 exchange rates were two times higher at 3600 m than at 550 m but in R. emodi, there were virtually no differences at the two altitudes. These results indicate the variations in the CO2 exchange rates are species specific. The change in growth altitude does not affect this process uniformly.The transpiration rates in R. emodi and M. polyandra were found to be very high at 3600 m compared to 550 m and are attributed to overall higher stomatal conductance in plants of these species, grown at higher altitude. The mid-day closure of stomata and therefore, restriction of transpirational losses of water were observed in all the species at 550 m altitude. In addition to the effect of temperature and relative humidity, the data also indicate some endogenous rhythmic control of stomatal conductance.The temperature optima for photosynthesis was close to 30°C in M. polyandra and around 20°C in the rest of the three species. High temperature and high light intensity, as well as low temperature and high light intensity, adversely affect the net rate of photosynthesis in these species.Both light compensation point and dark respiration rate increased with increasing temperature.The effect of light was more prominent on photosynthesis than the effect of temperature, however, on transpiration the effect of temperature was more prominent than the effect of light intensity.No definite trends were found in stomatal conductance with respect to light and temperature. Generally, the stomatal conductance was highest at 20°C.The study reveals that all these species can easily be cultivated at relatively lower altitudes. However, proper agronomical methodology will need to be developed for better yields.  相似文献   

Wegener J  Abrams D  Willenbrink W  Galla HJ  Janshoff A 《BioTechniques》2004,37(4):590, 592-4, 596-7
Measurement of transendothelial or transepithelial electrical resistances (TERs) is a straightforward in situ experimental approach to monitor the expression or modulation of barrier-forming cell-to-cell contacts (tight junctions) in cultured cells grown on porous filters. Although widely accepted, there is currently no device available to automatically measure the time course of TERs under ordinary cell culture conditions (37 degrees C, 5% or 10% CO2). This paper describes a development from our laboratory that is capable of following in parallel the TERs of several filter-grown cell layers with time and in an entirely computer-controlled fashion. The cell cultures can be followed even in long-term experiments without any manual assistance or opening of the incubator Besides reading TER values, this approach also returns the electrical capacitance of the cell layers, which is indicative of the expression of microvilli and other membrane extrusions. The device is based on reading the frequencydependent impedance of the cell layer, followed by equivalent circuit modeling to extract the cell-related parameters. It is compatible with several multi-well formats (up to 96 wells) and controlled by custom-designed software that reads, analyzes, and presents the data.  相似文献   

Summary Many stinglees bess seem to be restricted to the jungle, where they are difficult to collect by the usual methods. For this reason a very simple collecting technique was devised: Commercial (Apis) honey and water were mixed in proportions of 1∶1 and sprayed on leaves by means of a household hand sprayer. The technique was very successful, although the first time that the bait is used in an area, the bees may not arrive for an hour or more.
Zusammenfassung Viele stachellose Bienen scheinen nur im Dschungel vorzukommen, wo sie mit gew?hnlichen Methoden nur sehr schwer gesammelt werden k?nnen. Um dieser Schwierigkeit zu entgegnen wurde eine sehr einfache Anlocktechnik entwickelt. Im Handel erh?ltlicher(Apis-) Honig und Wasser wurden 1∶1 gemischt und mit einem gew?hnlichen Haushalt-Sprühger?t auf Bl?tter verteilt. Diese Methode erwies sich als sehr wirksam, obwohl sich die Bienen bei einer lokal erstmaligen Anwendung der Sprühtechnik nicht notwendigerweise vor Ablauf einer Stunde an der besprühten Stelle einfinden.

Resumen Ciertas abejas Melipónidas de las selvas tropicales son muy dificiles de colectar por los métodos corrientes. Este hecho indujo al autor a usar la siguiente técnica: una mezcla de miel de abeja comercial y agua, en la proporción de 1∶1, se rocía por medio de un atomizador sobre el follaje. Esto sirve como un atrayente, dando magníficos resultados, aunque la primera vez que se usa en una area, las abejas pueden tardar una hora o mas en llegar.


Gas exchange temperature dependence in Quercus ilex shrubs growing in the Mediterranean maquis was analysed. The gas exchange trend was monitored during the year: photosynthetic activity (A net) reached the highest average rates in early spring and autumn (12.5 µmol m-2s-1 was the absolute maximum A net measured) and the lowest rates were monitored in the middle of June. There was a good correlation (r = 0.72) between A net and g s (A net = 4.1246 ln g s + 4316; P < 0.01), indicating that stomatal control of CO2 diffusion plays an important role in controlling photosynthetic activity. Leaf temperature allowing the highest photosynthetic and stomatal conductance rates of Quercus ilex were in the range 17.5 – 29°C. A net and gs dropped below half its maximum value when leaf temperatures were below 11.5°C and above 35.7°C. Transpiration rates (E) were strongly related to leaf temperature; E increased as leaf temperature increased and the highest E rates were monitored in June, despite a 46% decrease in g s. Leaf water loss from transpiration, during the drought period, could result in leaf water stress which would exacerbate heat effects on photosynthesis. During summer, the increase in leaf temperatures decreased g s which in turn decreased A net. Consequently, stomatal control in Quercus ilex may be considered as an adaptive strategy during drought.  相似文献   

The CO2 dynamics were measured in an organic soil in eastern Finland during the growing season and wintertime, and the annual CO2 balance was calculated for plots where barley or grass was grown. During the summer, the CO2 dynamics were measured by transparent and opaque chambers using a portable infrared gas analyser for the CO2 analyses. During the winter, the CO2 release was measured by opaque chambers analysing the samples in the laboratory with a gas chromatograph. Statistical response functions for CO2 dynamics were constructed to evaluate the annual CO2 exchange from the climatic data. The net CO2 exchange was calculated for every hour in the snow‐free season. The carbon balance varied extensively depending on the weather conditions, and type and phenology of vegetation. During the growing season, the grassland was a net source while the barley field was a net sink for CO2. However, both soils were net sources for CO2 when autumn, winter and spring were included also. The annual CO2 emissions from the grassland and barley soil were 750 g CO2‐C m?2 and 400 g CO2‐C m?2, respectively. The carbon accumulated in root and shoot biomass during the growing season was 330 g m?2 for grass and 520 g m?2 for barley. The C in the aboveground plant biomass ranged from 43 to 47% of the carbon fixed in photosynthesis (PG) and the proportion of C in the root biomass was 10% of the carbon fixed in photosynthesis. The bare soils had 10–60% higher net CO2 emission than the vegetated soils. These results indicate that the carbon balance of organic soils is affected by the characteristics of the prevailing plant cover. The dry summer of 1997 may have limited the growth of grass in the late summer thus reducing photosynthesis, which could be one reason for the high CO2 release from this grass field.  相似文献   

Acclimation of rice photosynthesis to irradiance under field conditions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Acclimation to irradiance was measured in terms of light-saturated photosynthetic carbon assimilation rates (P(max)), Rubisco, and pigment content in mature field-grown rice (Oryza sativa) plants in tropical conditions. Measurements were made at different positions within the canopy alongside irradiance and daylight spectra. These data were compared with a second experiment in which acclimation to irradiance was assessed in uppermost leaves within whole-plant shading regimes (10% low light [LL], 40% medium light [ML], and 100% high light [HL] of full natural sunlight). Two varieties, japonica (tropical; new plant type [NPT]) and indica (IR72) were compared. Values for Rubisco amount, chlorophyll a/b, and P(max) all declined from the top to the base of the canopy. In the artificial shading experiment, acclimation of P(max) (measured at 350 microL L(-1) CO(2)) occurred between LL and ML for IR72 with no difference observed between ML and HL. The Rubisco amount increased between ML and HL in IR72. A different pattern was seen for NPT with higher P(max) (measured at 350 microL L(-1) CO(2)) at LL than IR72 and some acclimation of this parameter between ML and HL. Rubisco levels were higher in NPT than IR72 contrasting with P(max). Comparison of data from both experiments suggests a leaf aging effect between the uppermost two leaf positions, which was not a result of irradiance acclimation. Results are discussed in terms of: (a) acclimation of photosynthesis and radiation use efficiency at high irradiance in rice, and (b) factors controlling photosynthetic rates of leaves within the canopy.  相似文献   

Relative importance of short-term environmental interaction and preconditioning to CO2 exchange response was examined in Fragaria ananasa (strawberry, cv. Quinault). Tests included an orthogonal comparison of 15 to 60-min and 6 to 7-h exposures to different levels of temperature (16 to 32°C), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 200 to 800 E m2 s-1), and CO2 (300 to 600 l/l) on successive days of study. Plants were otherwise maintained at 21°C, 300 E m2 s-1 PAR and 300–360 l/l CO2 as standard conditions. Treatment was restricted to the mean interval of 14 h daily illumination and the first 3–4 days of each test week over a 12-week cultivation period. CO2 exchange rates were followed with each step-change in environmental level including ascending/descending temperature/PAR within a test period, initial response at standard conditions on successive days of testing, and measurement at reduced O2. Response generally supported prior concepts of leaf biochemical modeling in identifying CO2 fixation as the major site of environmental influence, while overall patterns of whole plant CO2 exchange suggested additional effects for combined environmental factors and preconditioning. These included a positive interaction between temperature and CO2 concentration on photosynthesis at high irradiance and a greater contribution by dark respiration at lower PAR than previously indicated. The further importance of estimating whole plant CO2 exchange from repetitive tests and measurements was evidenced by a high correlation of response to prior treatment both during the daily test period and on consecutive days of testing.Abbreviations C3 plant a plant in which the product of CO2 fixation is a 3-carbon acid (3-phosphoglyceric acid) - IRGA intra-red gas analyzer - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - RH relative humidity - RuBisCO ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase Reference to a company and/or product named by the Department is only for purposes of information and does not imply approval or recommendation of the product to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Callus formation occurs in the presence of secondary bone healing and has relevance to the fracture's mechanical environment. An objective image processing algorithm was developed to standardize the quantitative measurement of periosteal callus area in plain radiographs of long bone fractures. Algorithm accuracy and sensitivity were evaluated using surrogate models. For algorithm validation, callus formation on clinical radiographs was measured manually by orthopaedic surgeons and compared to non-clinicians using the algorithm. The algorithm measured the projected area of surrogate calluses with less than 5% error. However, error will increase when analyzing very small areas of callus and when using radiographs with low image resolution (i.e. 100 pixels per inch). The callus size extracted by the algorithm correlated well to the callus size outlined by the surgeons (R2=0.94, p<0.001). Furthermore, compared to clinician results, the algorithm yielded results with five times less inter-observer variance. This computational technique provides a reliable and efficient method to quantify secondary bone healing response.  相似文献   

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