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Several recent studies have reported a decline in virus retention during virus challenge filtration experiments, although the mechanism(s) governing this phenomenon for different filters remains uncertain. Experiments were performed to evaluate the retention of PP7 and PR772 bacteriophage through Ultipor VF Grade DV20 virus filters during constant pressure filtration. While the larger PR772 phage was fully retained under all conditions, a 2‐log decline in retention of the small PP7 phage was observed at high throughputs, even under conditions where there was no decline in filtrate flux. In addition, prefouling the membrane with an immunoglobulin G solution had no effect on phage retention. An internal polarization model was developed to describe the decline in phage retention arising from the accumulation of phage in the upper (reservoir) layer within the filter which increases the challenge to the lower (rejection) layer. Independent support for this internal polarization phenomenon was provided by confocal microscopy of fluorescently labeled phage within the membrane. The model was in good agreement with phage retention data over a wide range of phage titers, confirming that virus retention is throughput dependent and supporting current recommendations for virus retention validation studies. These results provide important insights into the factors governing virus retention by membrane filters and their dependence on the underlying structure of the virus filter membrane. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:856–863, 2014  相似文献   

Virus removal by filter membranes is regarded as a robust and efficient unit operation, which is frequently applied in the downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals. The retention of viruses by virus filtration membranes is predominantly based on size exclusion. However, recent results using model membranes and bacteriophage PP7 point to the fact that virus retention can also significantly be influenced by adsorptive interactions between virus, product molecules, and membranes. Furthermore, the impact of flow rate and flow interruptions on virus retention have been studied and responsible mechanisms discussed. The aim of this investigation was to gain a holistic understanding of the underlying mechanisms for virus retention in size exclusion membranes as a function of membrane structure and membrane surface properties, as well as flow and solution conditions. The results of this study contribute to the differentiation between size exclusion and adsorptive effects during virus filtration and broaden the current understanding of mechanisms related to virus breakthroughs after temporary flow interruptions. Within the frame of a Design of Experiments approach it was found that the level of retention of virus filtration membranes was mostly influenced by the membrane structure during typical process-related flow conditions. The retention performance after a flow interruption was also significantly influenced by membrane surface properties and solution conditions. While size exclusion was confirmed as main retention mechanism, the analysis of all results suggests that especially after a flow interruption virus retention can be influenced by adsorptive effects between the virus and the membrane surface. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2747, 2019.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of antibody solution conditions (ionic strength, pH, IgG concentration, buffer composition, and aggregate level (dimer content)) on filter performance for a virus removal filtration process using the Planova? 20N, a virus removal filter. Ionic strength and pH affected the filter flux. A consistent high flux was maintained at an ionic strength greater than 10 mM and at pH 4–8 under a typical buffer composition (sodium chloride, citrate, acetate, and phosphate). Optimum IgG concentration was 10–20 mg/mL allowing for high throughput (kg/m2 of IgG). Dimer content negligibly affected the flux level. Under high throughput conditions, virus spiking did not affect flux whereas a parvovirus logarithmic reduction value greater than 5 was maintained. From the results of zeta potential analyses for IgG and the membrane, we considered that electrostatic interactions between antibodies and the membrane affect filter performance (flux level and throughput). These results indicate that the Planova? 20N filter is applicable for a wide range of solution conditions typically used in antibody processing. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

In virus clearance study (VCS) design, the amount of virus loaded onto the virus filters (VF) must be carefully controlled. A large amount of virus is required to demonstrate sufficient virus removal capability; however, too high a viral load causes virus breakthrough and reduces log reduction values. We have seen marked variation in the virus removal performance for VFs even with identical VCS design. Understanding how identical virus infectivity, materials and operating conditions can yield such different results is key to optimizing VCS design. The present study developed a particle number-based method for VCS and investigated the effects on VF performance of discrepancies between apparent virus amount and total particle number of minute virus of mice. Co-spiking of empty and genome-containing particles resulted in a decrease in the virus removal performance proportional to the co-spike ratio. This suggests that empty particles are captured in the same way as genome-containing particles, competing for retention capacity. In addition, between virus titration methods with about 2.0 Log10 difference in particle-to-infectivity ratios, there was a 20-fold decrease in virus retention capacity limiting the throughput that maintains the required LRV (e.g., 4.0), calculated using infectivity titers. These findings suggest that ignoring virus particle number in VCS design can cause virus overloading and accelerate filter breakthrough. This article asserts the importance of focusing on virus particle number and discusses optimization of VCS design that is unaffected by virological characteristics of evaluation systems and adequately reflect the VF retention capacity.  相似文献   

Although a number of previous studies have demonstrated that solution pH can have a dramatic effect on protein transport through ultrafiltration membranes, the exact origin of this behavior has been unclear. Experimental data were obtained for the transport of a broad range of proteins with different surface charge and molecular weight. The effective hydrodynamic size of the proteins was evaluated using size‐exclusion chromatography. The membrane charge, both before and after exposure to a given protein, was evaluated using streaming potential measurements. In most cases, the electrostatic interactions were dominated by the distortion of the electrical double layer surrounding the protein, leading to a distinct maximum in protein transmission at the protein isoelectric point. Attractive electrostatic interactions did occur when the protein and membrane had a large opposite charge, causing a second maximum in transmission at a pH between the isoelectric points of the protein and membrane. The sieving data were in good agreement with theoretical calculations based on available models for the partitioning of charged solutes in cylindrical pores. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 27–37, 1999.  相似文献   

Although protein fractionation by selective membrane filtration has numerous potential applications in both the downstream processing of fermentation broths and the purification of plasma proteins, the selectivity for proteins with only moderately different molecular weights has generally been quite poor. We have obtained experimental data for the transport of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and immunoglobulins (IgG) through 100,000 and 300,000 molecular weight cutoff polyethersulfone membranes in a stirred ultrafiltration device at different solution pH and ionic strength. The selectivity was a complex function of the flux due to the simultaneous convective and diffusive solute transport through the membrane and the bulk mass transfer limitations in the stirred cell. Under phsioligical conditions (pH 7.0 and 0.15 M NaCI) the maximum selectivity for the BSA-IgG separation was only about 2.0 due primarily to the effects of protein adsorption. In contrast, BSA-IgG selectivities as high as 50 were obtained with the same membranes when the protein solution was at pH 4.8 and 0.0015 M NaCl. This enhanced selectivity was a direct result of the electrosatatic contributions to both bulk and membrane transport. The membrane selectivity could actually be reversed, with higher passage of the larger IgG molecules, by using a 300,000 molecular weight cutoff membrane at pH 7.4 and an ionic strength of 0.0015 M NaCl. These results clearly demonstrate that the effectiveness of selective protein filtration can be dramatically altered by appropriately controlling electrostatic interactions through changes in pH and/or ionic strength. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents an application of artificial neural network (ANN) modelling towards prediction of depth filter loading capacity for clarification of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) product during commercial manufacturing. The effect of operating parameters on filter loading capacity was evaluated based on the analysis of change in the differential pressure (DP) as a function of time. The proposed ANN model uses inlet stream properties (feed turbidity, feed cell count, feed cell viability), flux, and time to predict the corresponding DP. The ANN contained a single output layer with ten neurons in hidden layer and employed a sigmoidal activation function. This network was trained with 174 training points, 37 validation points, and 37 test points. Further, a pressure cut‐off of 1.1 bar was used for sizing the filter area required under each operating condition. The modelling results showed that there was excellent agreement between the predicted and experimental data with a regression coefficient (R2) of 0.98. The developed ANN model was used for performing variable depth filter sizing for different clarification lots. Monte‐Carlo simulation was performed to estimate the cost savings by using different filter areas for different clarification lots rather than using the same filter area. A 10% saving in cost of goods was obtained for this operation. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1436–1443, 2016  相似文献   

Virus filters are widely used in bioprocessing to reduce the risk of virus contamination in therapeutics. The small pores required to retain viruses are sensitive to plugging by trace contaminants and frequently require inline adsorptive prefiltration. Virus spiking studies are required to demonstrate virus removal capabilities of the virus filter using scale down filters. If prefiltration removes viruses and interferes with the measurement of virus filter LRV, the standard approach is to batch prefilter the protein solution, spike with virus, and then virus filter. For a number of proteins, batch prefiltration leads to increased plugging and significantly lower throughputs than inline prefiltration. A novel inline spiking method was developed to overcome this problem. This method allows the use of inline prefiltration with direct measurement of virus filter removal capabilities. The equipment and its operation are described. The method was tested with three different protein feeds, two different parvovirus filters, two virus injection rates; a salt spike, a bacteriophage spike, and two mammalian virus spikes: MMV and xMuLV. The novel inline method can reliably measure LRV at throughputs representative of the manufacturing process. It is recommended for applications where prefiltration is needed to improve throughput, prefiltration significantly reduces virus titer, and virus filter throughput is significantly reduced using batch vs. inline prefiltration. It can even help for the case where the virus preparation causes premature plugging.  相似文献   

Although virus filtration is now an integral part of the overall viral clearance strategy for the purification of many commercial therapeutic proteins, there is currently little understanding of the factors controlling the performance of the virus filters. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of solution pH on protein transmission and capacity during virus filtration. Data were obtained using bovine serum albumin as a model protein with Viresolve 180 membranes oriented with both the skin-side up and skin-side down. Membranes were also characterized using dextran sieving measurements both before and after protein filtration. Membrane capacity and protein yield were minimal at the protein isoelectric point, which was due to the greater degree of concentration polarization associated with the smaller protein diffusion coefficient at this pH. In contrast, the actual protein sieving coefficient was maximum at the protein isoelectric point due to the absence of any strong electrostatic exclusion under these conditions. The yield and capacity were both significantly greater when the membrane was oriented with the skin-side down. These results provide important insights into the effects of solution conditions on the performance of virus filtration membranes for protein purification.  相似文献   

Virus clearance by depth filtration has not been well‐understood mechanistically due to lack of quantitative data on filter charge characteristics and absence of systematic studies. It is generally believed that both electrostatic interactions and sized based mechanical entrapment contribute to virus clearance by depth filtration. In order to establish whether the effectiveness of virus clearance correlates with the charge characteristics of a given depth filter, a counter‐ion displacement technique was employed to determine the ionic capacity for several depth filters. Two depth filters (Millipore B1HC and X0HC) with significant differences in ionic capacities were selected and evaluated for their ability to eliminate viruses. The high ionic capacity X0HC filter showed complete porcine parvovirus (PPV) clearance (eliminating the spiked viruses to below the limit of detection) under low conductivity conditions (≤2.5 mS/cm), achieving a log10 reduction factor (LRF) of > 4.8. On the other hand, the low ionic capacity B1HC filter achieved only ~2.1–3.0 LRF of PPV clearance under the same conditions. These results indicate that parvovirus clearance by these two depth filters are mainly achieved via electrostatic interactions between the filters and PPV. When much larger xenotropic murine leukemia virus (XMuLV) was used as the model virus, complete retrovirus clearance was obtained under all conditions evaluated for both depth filters, suggesting the involvement of mechanisms other than just electrostatic interactions in XMuLV clearance. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:431–437, 2015  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus protein in phosphate buffer pH 6.5–7.0 (I=0.1 M) shows endothermic polymerization accompanied by water release of the capsomers. At protein concentrations c 2 mg/ml the transition temperature is T *=20 ± 1 C. As indicated by the increase of the partial specific folume (V 2=0.0049 ± 0.0003 cm3/g) in going from A-protein to helical rods at pH 6.50, the assembly reaction is expected to be inhibited by high pressure; the corresponding isobars of the endothermic polymerization should be shifted to higher T * values.Turbidity measurements at pressures 1<p<1,500 bar are in agreement with the given hypothesis: both, double discs and helical rods are found to be dissociated at elevated pressure, the latter showing somewhat higher stability. At 700 bar the transition temperature of helix formation is shifted by 14 C to higher temperatures.Complete reversibility of the pressure dependent dissociation-association without hysteresis proves the process to represent a true equilibrium. At low temperatures and high pressures the association equilibrium is shifted to a molecular weight distribution with M w< M (A-protein). Increased co operativity in the transition A-protein helical rods, as well as an apparent inversion of the sign of the reaction volume at high temperatures and pressures are caused by pressure induced pH shifts. Adjusting the pH at high pressure to the value at ambient pressure allows to eliminate both effects.The product of association at high pressure differs in its conformation from the end product obtained from the endothermic polymerization at 1 bar and subsequent pressure application.  相似文献   

The study of the changes in UV absorbance of DNA solutions in water/dioxane and water/ethylene glycol mixture at different concentrations shows that the thermal denaturation of DNA is sensitive to the electrical permittivity of the media and the water content. At relative low concentrations of co-solvent the dominant feature is the electrical permittivity. When water content is lower than a critical value, the electrical permittivity is no longer the determinant of the denaturation temperature but the partial volume fraction of water. The critical water content is about 0.69 partial volume fraction of water.  相似文献   

Virus filtration provides robust removal of potential viral contaminants and is a critical step during the manufacture of biotherapeutic products. However, recent studies have shown that small virus removal can be impacted by low operating pressure and depressurization. To better understand the impact of these conditions and to define robust virus filtration design spaces, we conducted multivariate analyses to evaluate parvovirus removal over wide ranges of operating pressure, solution pH, and conductivity for three mAb products on Planova? BioEX and 20N filters. Pressure ranges from 0.69 to 3.43 bar (10.0–49.7 psi) for Planova BioEX filters and from 0.50 to 1.10 bar (7.3 to 16.0 psi) for Planova 20N filters were identified as ranges over which effective removal of parvovirus is achieved for different products over wide ranges of pH and conductivity. Viral clearance at operating pressure below the robust pressure range suggests that effective parvovirus removal can be achieved at low pressure but that Minute virus of mice (MVM) logarithmic reduction value (LRV) results may be impacted by product and solution conditions. These results establish robust design spaces for Planova BioEX and 20N filters where high parvovirus clearance can be expected for most antibody products and provide further understanding of viral clearance mechanisms. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1294–1302, 2017  相似文献   

Potato aucuba mosaic virus (PAMV) is transmissible by aphids in a non-persistent manner but only in the presence of a Potyvirus helper component (HC) such as that of Potato virus Y (PVY) that must be acquired beforehand or simultaneously. To compare the acquisition and persistence of PAMV and PVY-HC, the PVY-HC was acquired first and then PAMV. The acquisition access and post-acquisition fasting periods were varied. The results show that PAMV and PVY particles, and also PVY-HC could be acquired in 10 s. Some PVY-HC activity could be detected in fasting aphids at least 6 h after acquisition whereas PAMV infectivity was retained for only 2 h. These findings are compatible with the non-persistent transmission concept being controlled by enzymatic release of PAMV particles bound to aphid mouthparts by PVY-HC.  相似文献   

Virus‐removal filtration technology is commonly used in the manufacturing process for biologics to remove potential viral contaminants. Virus‐removal filters designed for retaining parvovirus, one of the smallest mammalian viruses, are considered an industry standard as they can effectively remove broad ranges of viruses. It has long been observed that the performance of virus filters can be influenced by virus preparations used in the laboratory scale studies (PDA, 2010 ). However, it remains unclear exactly what quality attributes of virus preparations are critical or indicative of virus filter performance as measured by effectiveness of virus removal and filter capacity consistency. In an attempt to better understand the relationship between virus preparation and virus filter performance, we have systematically prepared and analyzed different grades of parvovirus with different purity levels and compared their performance profiles on Viresolve® Pro parvovirus filters using four different molecules. Virus preparations used in the studies were characterized using various methods to measure DNA and protein content as well as the hydrodynamic diameter of virus particles. Our results indicate that the performance of Viresolve® Pro filters can be significantly impacted depending on the purity of the virus preparations used in the spike and recovery studies. More importantly, we have demonstrated that the purity of virus preparations is directly correlated to the measurable biochemical and biophysical properties of the virus preparations such as DNA and protein content and monodispersal status, thus making it possible to significantly improve the consistency and predictability of the virus filter performance during process step validations. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 229–239. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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