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Recruitment is widely acknowledged as one of the most important processes in the maintenance of coral reef systems, particularly in their recovery and replenishment following disturbances. In this study variation in coral recruitment was monitored for 3 years at Sodwana Bay, South Africa, located in the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park (GSLWP), a world heritage site. Due to the latitude (27–28°S) and physical conditions, this area is considered marginal for coral reef growth. Recruitment of corals to ceramic tiles peaked between March and May each year, with broadcast spawners dominating plates in March and brooders more abundant in May. Pocilloporid corals were the most abundant during all periods except March 2001, when acroporids comprised 72% of the total number of spat. Total recruitment was the highest during this period, with a mean of 13.2 ± 15.73 (mean ± SD) corals tile−1. Recruitment rates varied widely between and within different reefs monitored. Patterns of variation were inconsistent between seasons, but some reefs had persistently low rates of settlement.  相似文献   

The lower Mkuze River floodplain is located east of the Lebombo Mountains on the Maputaland Coastal Plain in northern KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. The vegetation ecology of the floodplain was examined using the hierarchical framework described by landscape ecology theory. The smallest spatial scale to which the vegetation of the floodplain was described was the relatively homogeneous units of plant communities. From a landscape ecology perspective this level of analysis is referred to as the grain. Six plant communities were identified using two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) classification. The distribution of these plant communities were correlated to an underlying inundation‐sedimentation gradient using the ordination technique, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). This correlation provided a useful foundation for the examination of ecological processes and phenomena at the next higher, spatially coarser level within the landscape hierarchy, namely the reference level. This reference level was described by three functional types delimited by differing flooding and sedimentation regimes. The use of landscape ecology theory guided the interpretation of results by explicitly recognizing the importance of spatial heterogeneity, hierarchical organization and dynamics, and proved invaluable in developing process‐based understanding of the vegetation ecology of the lower Mkuze River floodplain.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the environmental prevalence of members of the Cryptococcus neoformans/Cryptococcus gattii species complex is important, since cryptococcal infection is acquired from the environment. We determined whether trees located in two South African recreational areas harboured pathogenic cryptococci and compared the isolates to clinical isolates obtained from Western Cape hospitals with molecular typing techniques. The majority of isolates originating from trees in a public park in Cape Town (PPCT) were C. gattii sensu stricto, followed by C. neoformans sensu stricto genotype AFLP1/VNI. The PPCT trees might be a source of infection, since all genotype AFLP1/VNI isolates from these trees and one clinical isolate belonged to the same sequence type (ST), i.e. ST23. Recombination and basidiospore production might be occurring in PPCT trees that contained C. gattii s.s. isolates belonging to both mating types. The presence of C. gattii s.s. in PPCT trees might therefore pose a risk to human health.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide the ecosystem services of enhancing water quality, attenuating floods, sequestrating carbon and supporting biodiversity. In southern Africa, the pattern and intensity of land use is influenced by whether land tenure is public (state), private (individual ownership), or communal (shared agricultural and grazing resources). The influence of land tenure and its associated use on service provision was compared for communal tenure (grazing, maize production), wildlife conservation, and commercial agriculture (grazing, planted pastures) in the southern Drakensberg. Ordination analyses revealed that oxbow marshes, hill slope seepages and hygrophilous grasslands, the main hydro-geomorphic units, supported distinct plant communities that differed in their response to land use because of wetness or slope. Oxbows, uncultivated because of wetness, were inherently species poor with few exotics. Composition of hill slope seepages, uncultivated because of saturated slopes, varied among tenure types most likely in relation to grazing pressure. Seepages were threatened by the exotic invasive Rubus cuneifolius. Eighty-five percent of hygrophilous grassland had been cultivated by 1953, most of which was subsequently abandoned to secondary grassland. Primary hygrophilous grassland and hill slope seepages were the main repository for indigenous plant diversity, while communal maize fields supported a diverse mixture of mainly exotic species. Soil carbon concentrations decreased from oxbows to pastures, seepages, primary hygrophilous grassland, secondary grassland, and maize on former grassland (7.0, 4.1, 4.0, 3.5, 2.4, and 1.7%, respectively). The pattern for total soil nitrogen and sulphur were the same. Cultivation of hygrophilous grassland was estimated to have reduced soil carbon stocks to 69% of pre-settlement levels by 1953 (∼150 years BP). Stocks then increased by 8% to 2001 following crop abandonment. Cultivation has impaired water quality enhancement and flood attenuation because of greater amounts of bare ground and shorter vegetation. Further improvement of ecosystem services will depend on the influence of socio-economic factors on communal cropping.  相似文献   

By comparing geographical patterns of old and new species with historical and ecological processes, interpretations can be made about time patterns of diversification. Such interpretations can form a basis for developing rationales for ranking biodiversity conservation priorities. The results of the comprehensive study of avian DNA were used to compare geographical distributions in Africa and South America of species of strong Plio-Pleistocene radiations and species representing older monophyletic branches. Striking patterns, some of them overlooked so far, were found. Most old species are widespread across a physiognomic and climatic domain, such as lowland rainforests, and therefore, are not specific conservation targets. In contrast, new species have evolved in well defined places with a special local environment, in particular in ecologically equable places inside geologically complex ecotonal regions. High species richness and taxonomic diversity, where maintained over wide areas by steady habitat alteration through patch dynamics, may be easiest to protect by general reforms that integrate regional development and protection of ecosystem services, rather than by strictly site-oriented projects. Areas of active speciation, although small, may have important regulatory functions and a critical role for maintaining evolutionary fronts'. The Tropical Andes Region includes a dozen such places. There is a congruence between the occurrence of old species which have relictual distributions and aggregates of limited-range component species of recent vicariance patterns, indicating that vicariance events take place mainly by isolation in extremely ecologically stable areas. Although these places do not necessarily have the highest taxic diversity, they should be top priorities for rapid and concentrated conservation action.  相似文献   

A study on the economically important plant communities was carried out during summer 2008 in various parts of Malam Jabba valley, Swat. The principal aim of the study was phytosociological evaluation with special reference to the occurrence of commercially important medicinal plant species in coniferous forest of the study area. Secondly to prepare ethnobotanical inventory of the plant resources of the area, as well as to evaluate the conservation status of important medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) through rapid vulnerable assessment (RVA) procedure. The study documented 90 species of ethnobotanical importance, out of these 71 spp used as medicinal plant, 20 spp fodder plant, 10 spp vegetables, 14 spp wild fruit, 18 spp fuel wood, 9 spp furniture and agricultural tools, 9 spp thatching, fencing and hedges, 4 spp honey bee, 2 spp evil eyes, 2 spp religious and 3 spp as poison. Phytosociologically six plant communities were found, comprising five herbs-shrubs-trees communities and one meadow community. Further study is, therefore, required to quantify the availability of species and to suggest suitable method for their production and conservation. Recommendations are also given in the spheres of training in identification, sustainable collection, value addition, trade monitoring and cooperative system of marketing.  相似文献   

Investment in children is examined using a nationally representative sample of 11,211 black (African) households in South Africa. I randomly selected one child from each household in the sample and calculated the average genetic relatedness of the other household members to the focal child. Using multivariate statistical analysis to control for background variables such as age and sex of child, household size, and socioeconomic status, I examine whether the coefficient of relatedness predicts greater household expenditures on food, on health care, and on children’s clothing. I also test whether relatedness is associated with health and schooling outcomes. The results are consistent with an inclusive fitness model: Households invest more in children who are more closely related. Two exceptions were found: in rural areas, genetic relatedness was negatively associated with money spent on food and on health care. Explanations for these results are discussed. Preliminary versions of this paper were presented at the 2003 Human Behavior and Evolution Society annual meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska, and at the 2003 Human Behavioral Ecology Workshop in Bangor, Maine. Kermyt G. Anderson is Assistant Professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma. He received his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in 1999 and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan for three years. His research focuses on biosocial models of fertility, parental investment, paternity confidence, marriage/divorce, and children’s outcomes. He is currently involved in a long-term longitudinal survey of young adults in Cape Town, South Africa, and in several projects examining the effects of HIV/AIDS in the U.S.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper compares the occurrence of plant traits in five edaphically matched sites at the Barrens, southwestern Australia and the Agulhas Plain, southwestern South Africa. The two regions are very closely matched in terms of their Mediterranean-type climates, landforms, soil types and disturbance regimes. On both continents, matched sites on all substrata (siliceous sand, quartzite, laterite, limestone and calcareous sand) support sclerophyllous shrublands with a similar mix of growth forms. Soils from all substrata in both Australia and South Africa are extremely nutrient-poor except for the calcareous sands where high levels of phosphorus were recorded. Contrary to expectations, Australian soils are not generally less fertile than their South African counterparts. The frequency of species in different leaf consistence categories was similar on the two continents, as was the leaf specific mass of overstorey shrubs from all substrata. Woody plants with leaf spines are significantly more frequent on Australian nutrient-poor substrata. Among woody plants, species with canopy-stored seed are significantly more frequent on Australian nutrient-poor sites, whereas species with bird-dispersed fruits and inter-fire germination are significantly more frequent on South African limestone and calcareous sand. There was good evidence for convergence between the two continents in the frequency of other seed biological traits. The study indicates strong convergence between Australian and South African shrublands in the frequency of a wide range of traits relating to plant form and function. Examples of non-convergence are probably due to regional and historical processes rather than differences in the contemporary physical environments of the two study areas.  相似文献   

The importance of studying coral communities at different spatial scales is acknowledged in a growing volume of scientific literature, and principles of landscape ecology were thus used to elucidate the patterns in coral community structure on the high-latitude reefs in South Africa. These reefs are at the southernmost distribution of this fauna in Africa, are surprisingly species rich, and represent a biodiversity peak in this fauna south of the equator, regardless of the marginal nature of the environment. Coral community patterns were identified on and between the reefs at Sodwana Bay, justifying the grouping of reef areas in distinct zones. A number of landscape components were identified, ranging from the entire reef complex (10 km scale), individual reefs (1 km scales) and reef zones, to components that were separated using multivariate statistical analysis of transect data. These components transcended spatial similarities, e.g. the fore-reef on Five-mile Reef was not similar to the fore-reef on Seven-mile Reef, but was rather grouped with the reef flat on Two-mile Reef. This information was “translated” into an index of management intervention, based on risk assessment, and was generated using parameters that measure susceptibility to crown-of-thorns feeding, bleaching, diver-related damage and swell-induced breakage. We also assessed was the time elapsed since the last major disturbance and the proximity to the only boat launch site, a proxy measure of continuous disturbance. The risk assessment suggested that conservation management is most needed in the stable and “climax” coral communities that are usually characterised by a near-equal mix of hard and soft corals at maximal coral species diversity.  相似文献   

The anti-apartheid struggle was characterized by tensions between the opposing ideologies of non-racialism (exemplified by the Freedom Charter) and racialism (exemplified by Black Consciousness). These tensions have remained prevalent in public policies and discourse, and in the writings of social scientists, in the post-apartheid period. In this paper I examine some ways in which issues of whether, when, and how race matters become visible in everyday interactions in South Africa, and what insights this may offer with respect to these ongoing tensions. Specifically, I employ an ethnomethodological, conversation analytic approach to examine some ways in which racial categories are treated as resources for action or constraints on action. I conclude by arguing that these findings point to the contingent and situational operation of a practical non-racialism (as well as practical racialism), and thus to the achievement of these ideologies in the moment-by-moment unfolding of interactions.  相似文献   

A content analysis was undertaken of stories written by adolescents in urban townships in South Africa and in an urban setting in Swaziland. The findings concerning the nature of the actors and the relationships between actors in the stories suggest that though South Africans in their early years encounter more elements of modernity than do the Swazis, in their present situation they view the world as having less rational elements, fewer psychological satisfactions, and more threats to their physical welfare than do the Swazis.  相似文献   

The majority of estuaries along the coastline of southern Africa are termed temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs) and are closed off from the sea for varying periods by a sandbar which forms at the mouth. It is therefore important to understand the processes occurring within TOCEs and their importance to fishes in order to make sound management recommendations. Estuaries along the coast of South Africa and their associated fish assemblages are biogeographically distinct and occur in either a subtropical, warm-temperate or cool-temperate zone. There are 125 TOCEs found within the cool-temperate and warm-temperate zones. Most fish species found in TOCEs are the juveniles of marine taxa that breed at sea. Permanently open estuaries generally have a higher diversity of species than TOCEs, but TOCEs still provide important nursery areas for many marine species and numerically often have a higher proportion of estuarine resident species. Important taxa in terms of abundance and biomass in warm-temperate TOCEs include the sparids Rhabdosargus holubi and Lithognathus lithognathus, several mugilid species, estuarine residents (particularly Gilchristella aestuaria and Atherina breviceps) and the freshwater cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus. The diversity of fishes in cool-temperate TOCEs is low when compared with warm-temperate systems and Liza richardsonii tends to dominate catches by number and mass in most systems. Several species recorded in TOCEs show clear longitudinal distribution trends. For example Atherina breviceps is generally more abundant in the lower reaches of estuaries. Mouth state, particularly the frequency, timing and duration of mouth opening plays a key role in determining species richness, composition, diversity and abundance in TOCEs. Mouth state is directly linked to freshwater input. Reduced river inflow leads to prolonged mouth closure and shorter open phases, which inhibits immigration and emigration of marine fish species between estuaries and the sea. Understanding of the effects of various processes occurring within these systems, particularly variation in freshwater input, on the biota of these important systems facilitates the development of informed management recommendations.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Income Dynamics Study, we document differentials in both underweight and obesity across race and gender in post-Apartheid South Africa. Using a nonlinear decomposition method, we decompose these differences across gender within race and then across race within gender. Less than one third of the differences in obesity and underweight across gender are explained by differences in covariates. In contrast, at least 70% of the obesity differences across race are explained by differences in covariates. Behavioral variables such as smoking and exercise explain the largest part of the bodyweight differentials across gender. For bodyweight differentials across race within gender, however, socioeconomic status and background variables have the largest explanatory power for obesity differentials, while background variables play the key role in explaining the underweight differentials. These results indicate that eradicating obesity and underweight differentials will require targeting policies to specific groups.  相似文献   

IntroductionCancer mortality rates are expected to increase in developing countries. Cancer mortality rates by province remain largely unreported in South Africa. This study described the 2014 age standardised cancer mortality rates by province in South Africa, to provide insight for strategic interventions and advocacy.Methods2014 deaths data were retrieved from Statistics South Africa. Deaths from cancer were extracted using 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for cancer (C00-C97). Adjusted 2013 mid-year population estimates were used as a standard population. All rates were calculated per 100 000 individuals.ResultsNearly 38 000 (8%) of the total deaths in South Africa in 2014 were attributed to cancer. Western Cape Province had the highest age standardised cancer mortality rate in South Africa (118, 95% CI: 115–121 deaths per 100 000 individuals), followed by the Northern Cape (113, 95% CI: 107–119 per 100 000 individuals), with the lowest rate in Limpopo Province (47, 95% CI: 45–49 per 100 000). The age standardised cancer mortality rate for men (71, 95% CI: 70–72 per 100 000 individuals) was similar to women (69, 95% CI: 68–70 per 100 000). Lung cancer was a major driver of cancer death in men (13, 95% CI: 12.6–13.4 per 100 000). In women, cervical cancer was the leading cause of cancer death (13, 95% CI: 12.6–13.4 per 100 000 individuals).ConclusionThere is a need to further investigate the factors related to the differences in cancer mortality by province in South Africa. Raising awareness of risk factors and screening for cancer in the population along with improved access and quality of health care are also important.  相似文献   

I study the relation between orphanhood and fertility patterns in young adults using a longitudinal survey from the city of Cape Town, South Africa. The data set combines two survey waves with a year-by-year life history calendar that records key outcomes (e.g., schooling, work, fertility). It also provides information on so-called ‘parental investments’ (time and material support), family background, and literacy and numeracy test scores. I find that orphans exhibit significantly higher rates of teenage pregnancy. In particular, teenage motherhood is 19% points more likely among (female) orphans. These results suggest that orphanhood may leave a long-lasting ‘imprint’ in terms of premature fertility, especially in teenage females.  相似文献   

Cadet  Patrice  Spaull  Vaughan W.  McArthur  Don G. 《Plant and Soil》2002,246(2):259-271
A feature of many sugarcane fields is the patchy growth. This is often thought to be due to physical or chemical differences in the soil. In this paper we investigate the causes of growth heterogeneity of sugarcane on a sandy soil in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. To identify the factors that were associated with the good and poor areas, soil texture, pH, organic matter content and a number of soil chemical elements and nematode community data were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA). The numbers of each of the nematode species (Meloidogyne sp., Pratylenchus zeae, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Xiphinema elongatum and Paratrichodorus sp.) were first converted to relative proportions of ectoparasites and endoparasites. The data were collected from the 2nd ratoon crop of a nematicide trial, where half of the plots had been treated with aldicarb in the preceding two crops. Yields of control plots varied from 34.7 to 126.8 t cane ha–1 and from 85.4 to 138.7 for the treated plots. The yield data were centred and normalised separately for the treated and control plots and the values projected on the trial map to study spatial distribution. Plots with above-average yields, whether treated or untreated, occurred in the lower part of the trial site. The PCA factorial values were also projected onto the map of the trial. According to the first factor of the analysis of the abiotic soil characteristics in the 0–20 cm surface layer, the trial site could be divided into two areas, one on the left and one on the right. PCA of the soil data from the 0–20 and 20–40 cm layers showed that there was little or no difference between the two that might explain the two growth areas. However, analysis of the nematode community distinguished two main areas that largely corresponded to the distribution of the plots of low and high yielding cane. Correlation analysis confirmed the relationship between nematodes and yield. H. dihystera was positively correlated with yield of cane whereas the reverse was true for the Meloidogyne species.  相似文献   

Craig T Symes 《Ostrich》2014,85(3):235-244
Parrots (families Psittacidae and Cacatuidae) are one of the most threatened taxa of birds, with a combination of threats to wild populations, including capture for the cage bird market, habitat modification and destruction, persecution, disease, and threats from introduced species. As a result of the group's popularity as a cage bird, and the transport of vast numbers of individuals across the globe (both legally and illegally), the establishment of populations beyond their natural ranges has likely been enhanced. This review reports on c. 30 parrot species that have been observed outside of their natural ranges in South Africa, most likely derived, and supplemented, from both intentional and unintentional releases. Of these, the Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri and at least one Agapornis species have become established as breeding wild populations. Like other invasive species they may pose threats to local biodiversity; however, all are strongly associated with major urban centres where significant changes to natural biota have already occurred.  相似文献   

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