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Micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis of 16 published species from Schizostachy um Nees and its allies ( including Melocanna Trin. , Pseudostachyum Munro, Leptocanna Chia et H. L. Fung and Cephalostachyum Munro) were examined by both light and scanning electron microscopies. The results indicated that the papillae forms and distributional patterns on the abaxial surface were taxonomically informative at the generic level. The characters of papillae did not support Schiz ostachyum sensu lato; meanwhile, it was supported that Melocanna, Pseudostachyum and Cep halostachyum were better to be treated as separate genera respectively. Furthermore, it seemed to be more appropriate to place Leptocanna chinensis and Schizostachyum sanguineum in Cep halostachyum; and to place Cephalostachyum pergr acile and C1 virgatum in Schizostachy um .  相似文献   

用扫描电镜和光学显微镜对[竹思]簩竹属(Schizostachyum Nees)7个种,及其近缘的梨竹属(Melocanna Trin.)、泡竹属(Pseudostachyum Munro)、薄竹属(Lepzocanna Chia et H.L.Fung)各1个种以及空竹属(Cephalostachyum Munro)6个种的叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察。结果表明竹叶下表皮乳突的形状和在气孔器上及周围的排列式样在这5个属中各有不同,具有重要的分类学和系统学价值。同时我们的结果不支持广义的笃竹属;而梨竹属、空竹属和泡竹属则被支持独立成属。另外,薄竹(Leptocanna chinensis)和红毛[竹思]簩竹(Schizostachyum sanguineum)的叶表皮微形态特征非常接近空竹属;香糯竹(Cephalostachyum pergracile)和金毛空竹(C.virgatum)的叶表皮微形态特征则十分接近[竹思]簩竹属。  相似文献   

中国云南巨竹属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了中国巨竹属一新种——小巨竹Gigantochloa callosa NH. Xia, Y. Zeng & RS. Lin并绘制了图版。该种与Gigantochloa parvifolia (Brandis ex Gamble) TQ. Nguyen相似,区别在于此种各部分较Gparvifolia较小;箨鞘背面贴生深褐色与银灰色短硬毛,箨舌高2~3mm,全缘;叶舌高2~3mm,全缘;叶鞘背面与叶柄连接处一侧有一高2~3mm的半圆形薄鳞片状突起。  相似文献   

A new species of Gigantochloa Kurz ex Munro, Gigantochloa callosa NH. Xia, Y. Zeng & RS. Lin was described and illustrated. It is differed from Gparvifolia (Brandis ex Gamble) TQ. Nguyen by its smaller size; culm sheath proper covered with both dark brown and silvery appressed hairs abaxially; ligules 2-3mm tall, entire; leaf ligules 2-3mm tall, entire; one side of the apex of leaf sheath developed into a 2-3mm long, thin, scale like callus.  相似文献   

基于最近的分子系统学研究、近期发表的新类群以及国际植物命名法规的相关条款,对《中国植物志》 (英文版)竹亚科的两个属进行了修订。中国是否有青篱竹属 (Arundinaria)的分布一直是个争论不休的问题。分子系统学不支持广义青篱竹属,因此原置于青篱竹属下的4个种应恢复到巴山木竹属 (Bashania) 中。包括近期发表的新类群在内,巴山木竹属在中国共有10种。西藏新小竹 (Neomicrocalamus microphyllus)是一个没有合格发表的裸名,其正确名称应为新小竹 (N.prainii),而云南新小竹(N.yunnanensis)则可能是梨籐竹属的成员。  相似文献   

广东竹亚科新组合及新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了广东竹亚科13新组合,1新名称和3新异名,其中筋竹属3新组合1新名称,牡竹属4新组合,青篱竹属5组合1新异名,箬竹属2新异名及方竹属1新组合.  相似文献   

Here we describe and illustrate a new species, Melocalamus grandiauritus N.H. Xia, Q.M. Qin & J. B. Ni sp. nov., from the lowland forest in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Molecular phylogeny based on the GBSSI indicates that this species is a member of Melocalamus. Morphologically, M. grandiauritus is different from all congeneric species in Vietnam. It is somewhat similar to M. pacoensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran, but is easily distinguished by having much wider suborbicular culm leaf auricles, very high and ventricose auricles of foliage leaves, entire ligules of both culm leaves and foliage leaves, and large leaf blades.  相似文献   

A clambering bamboo endemic to northern Vietnam is shown to represent a new species, M. trangdinhensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran (Gramineae: Bambusoideae‐Bambusinae), which is described and illustrated. It is similar to M. tonkinensis in general appearance, but differs by being covered with appressed white hairs, and by auricles lacking or forming a low rim only, smaller leaf blade 20–24 × 2.3–2.5 cm, and smaller glumes 6–7 × 4.0–4.5 mm. A key to all species of the genus is included.  相似文献   

Prolamin is the dominant class of seed storage protein in grasses (Poaceae). Information on the 10 kDa multigene family coding for prolamins characteristic of the bambusoid-oryzoid grasses is limited. Two genes encoding 10 kDa prolamin were cloned and sequenced in the bambusoid species Phyllostachys aurea to assess the sequence diversity of this gene family in the oryzoid-bambusoid grasses. The genes, ~417 bp in length, were 96% similar at the DNA sequence level, differing in 12 base substitutions dispersed throughout the sequence. Eight of these mutations were nonsynonymous, leading to amino acid substitutions in the coding region, and one was nonsense, producing an amber stop codon. One gene had an open reading frame (ORF) of 139 amino acids, while the other gene had a shorter ORF (106 amino acids) due to the presence of a stop codon in the coding region and, thus, represents a pseudogene. Deduced proteins showed amino acid composition similar to that of rice. The study underscores the overall conserved nature of this multigene family and reflects considerable sequence divergence at the DNA and amino acid levels between the Oryza and the Phyllostachys genes. The systematic implication of the data is discussed in light of the inconsistent placement of Oryza in the Bambusoideae or Oryzoideae.  相似文献   

Aulonemia yanachagensis is described from cloud forests at 2600–3000 m elevation in the Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén Prov. Oxapampa, Dept. Pasco, Peru. It differs from all other congeners in its combination of prominent sheath auricles, with abundant radiate fimbriae, small foliage leaf blades, and awnless spikelets.  相似文献   

The bamboo is usually classified as a subfamily Bambusoideae of Poaceae, and includes approximately 20 genera and 300 species. To estimate phylogenetic relationships among these genera, we examined restriction site mutations of cpDNA for 16 Asian genera. In the cladogram obtained, the Bambosoideae was divided into two major lineages, one includingPleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Semiarundinaria, Shibataea, Phyllostachys, Sasa, Sinobambusa, Chimonobambusa, Arthrostylidium, andYushania, and the other consisting ofBambusa, Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus, Thyrostachys, Melocanna, andSchizostachyum. Monophylly of each clade was supported by 83% and 98% bootstrap probability, respectively. The present result supports monophylly of Arundinarieae of Potztal's (1964) classical system, but does not support his treatment to recognize Dendrocalameae.  相似文献   

箣竹属和牡竹属(竹亚科)叶表皮微形态特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对箣竹属21个种(包括箣竹亚属5个种、孝顺竹亚属2种、单竹亚属4种、绿竹亚属9种和亚属未定1种)以及牡竹属5种叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察和研究。所得结果表明气孔保卫细胞上乳突的数目和分布存在一定的规律,并具有一定的分类价值。绿竹亚属的叶表皮微形态特征界于箣竹属和牡竹属之间,但更接近于箣竹属。因此认为在分类处理上,将绿竹亚属置于箣竹属比单独成立绿竹属更为合理。  相似文献   

马来甜龙竹和小叶龙竹花序和果实的补充描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据在云南采集到的标本,对竹亚科牡竹属马来甜龙竹的花序特征做了较为详细的中文以及拉丁文补充描述,对马来甜龙竹和小叶龙竹的果实特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

【目的】摸清贵州竹类资源本底,以补充和丰富贵州现有竹类资料,为后续竹产业的规划发展提供一定的依据。【方法】以“面”“点”结合的方式进行野外调查,标本的采集和鉴定,以及相关资料的查阅,整理出此前从未有分布记录的属和种。【结果】发现了贵州省竹类植物新纪录的1个属和6个种,即[/思]簩竹属(Schizostachyum)、[/思]簩竹(S. pseudolima McClure)、鸡窦簕竹(Bambusa funghomii McClure)、龙山玉山竹(Yushania longshanensis D. Z. Li & X. Y. Ye)、滑竹(Y. polytricha Hsueh et Yi)、少枝玉山竹(Y. pauciramificans Yi)和抱鸡竹(Y. punctulata Yi),现予以报道。【结论】这些新纪录属和种在贵州的发现扩展了其分布范围,同时丰富了贵州竹类植物的多样性。  相似文献   

云南南部和西南部是中国竹类资源最为丰富的地区 ,与其邻近地区一起构成了世界木本竹类的多样性中心。德宏正处于这个中心位置 ,竹子种类丰富 ,有 16属 5 6种及变种 ,其中中国特有种 2 1种 (云南特有 15种 ) ,占其竹亚科全部区系成分 (45种 )的 4 6 6 7%。热带亚洲分布类型占绝对优势 ,本地区的竹亚科区系与热带亚洲特别是缅甸 (有 18种共有种 )及云南南部和东南部有非常密切的联系  相似文献   

云南竹亚科一些属种的增订   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了云南竹亚科新名称1个,新组合1个,新异名1个,发现1个不合格名称,1个属在云南分布的新记录和1个种在我国分布的新记录。同时讨论了单枝竹属和空竹属的地理分布。  相似文献   

Two new species of Yushania (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Arundinarieae) are described and illustrated from Hunan, China. Yushania longshanensis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye is distinguished from related species (Y. confusa, Y. angustifolia and Y. pachyclada) by having a thinner culm (0.2–0.3 cm in diameter), glabrous sheath scar, no oral setae, a large glabrous leaf blade (10–20 × 0.9–1.3 cm) and 3–4 pairs of secondary veins. Yushania stoloniforma D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye has a distinctive scrambling habit, which differs from its putative close allies. Both of these two new species have a solitary branch at the basal nodes and can be assigned to Yushania sect. Yushania based on morphological features. Additionally, we treated Yushania gigantea T.P. Yi & L. Yang as a new synonym of Y. elevata T.P. Yi and renamed Y. microphylla T.P. Yi & L. Yang as Y. weiningensis D.Z. Li & X.Y. Ye.  相似文献   

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