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Taoze Sun  Wei Tan  Yujie Yang  Hongna Mu 《Phyton》2021,90(1):171-178
Pinus elliottii is an exotic afforestation pine extensively distributed in southern parts of China. In order to understand whether endophytic fungi can affect seedling growth of P. elliottii, Piriformospora indica (Pi), Funnelifcrmis mosseae (Fm), and Diversispora tortuosa (Dt) were inoculated respectively, and the non-inoculated group was set as control. The growth indexes, the contents of soluble sugar and soluble protein, and plant endogenous hormone levels in the leaves of P. elliottii, were analyzed. The results showed that Fm, Dt and Pi colonized the P. elliottii roots to form mycorrhizal structure and chlamydospores arranged in beads respectively. Three fungal inoculants exhibited the stimulated growth responses, whilst Dt illustrated the most positive effect on plant height, single fresh weight, trunk diameter and root system structure, compared with the control. On the other hand, the soluble sugar and soluble protein contents were increased distinctively in mycorrhizal plants. The endogenous IAA, GA3, ZR contents were increased, while the ABA contents were reduced in mycorrhizal plants versus non-mycorrhizal plants. The fungi-induced endogenous hormone changes triggered plant growth improvement of P. elliottii seedlings. This research unraveled the positive effect of AM fungi and P. indica on growth of pine seedlings, while, more application of endophytic fungi to fields needs to be explored.  相似文献   

Fourteen native strains of Trichoderma spp. from wildand agricultural pathosystems in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, with growth-promoting ability of Capsicum chinense Jacq. seedlings were evaluated and antagonistic effect of their filtrate against second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita. The strains Th05-02 and Th27-08 showed the best significant effects on plant hight variable increments 55.57 and 47.62%, theTh07-04 with 29.48% more root length, theTh02-01 and Th07-04 isolates increased from 48.71 to 84.61% in volume radical and 53.40% of total dry biomass. Statistical analysis (p≤0.001) of Th43 and Th43-13-14 filtrates caused 100% mortality at 24 and 48h. In the test of reversibility to 24 h after replacing the filtrates Th43-13, Th43-14, TH09-06 and TH20-07 by sterile distilled water, the J2 did not recover their viability, so they were considered as the best potential strains of Trichoderma spp. with antagonistic capacity in J2 of M.incognita.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Taxus chinensis var. mairei were used as experimental materials to study the adaptation of Piriformospora indica to this plant under water stress. The materials were divided into two groups, namely, with or without inoculation with P. indica. Each group was subjected to four different levels of water stress. Vitality and physiological and biochemical indexes of the roots of T. chinensis var. mairei were regularly measured. Under water stress, T. chinensis var. mairei had significantly decreased root vitality; root vitality was higher in inoculated roots than in uninoculated roots. Under intense water stress, the inoculated roots had a higher soluble sugar content than the uninoculated roots. Under water stress, T. chinensis var. mairei experienced decreased activity of aerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes. The activity of anaerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes and alcohol dehydrogenase initially increased and then decreased, whereas that of lactate dehydrogenase increased. The inoculated roots had a higher activity of respiratory metabolic enzymes than the uninoculated roots. As water stress was further intensified, the roots had significantly decreased activity of aerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes and significantly increased activity of anaerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes. The activity of respiratory metabolic enzymes decreased faster in the uninoculated roots than in the inoculated roots. This study demonstrated that Piriformospora indica plays a positive role in enhancing the antihypoxic ability of T. chinensis var. mairei, thereby alleviating plant damage due to water stress.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were evaluated for growth and cone characteristics (tree height, diameter at breast height, volume, cone number, thousand seeds weight and single cone seeds weight) on 86 half-sib families of Pinus koraiensis aged 31 years. Analyses of variance revealed significant differences (p < 0.001) in all growth and cone traits among families while no significant differences were detected among blocks and the interaction between blocks and families. The average family values for growth traits were 17.22 m, 8.67 cm and 0.43 m3 for tree height, diameter at breast height and volume, respectively. The average cone number, thousand seeds weight and single cone seeds weight were 17.57, 748.91 g and 77.25 g, respectively. Genotypic additive variance and phenotypic variances ranged from 0.00009 to 3.820 and from 0.0005 to 23.066, while genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation ranged from 2.693% to 37.196% and 4.963% to 60.595%, respectively. Heritability at the individual and family level ranged from 0.152 to 0.215 and 0.611 to 0.862, respectively. Growth traits were significantly positively correlated with each other, but cone traits showed a weak correlation with growth traits. Based on 10% selection rate, nine families each were selected as elite materials in terms of high performance in volume and cone numbers, with 22.16% and 43.82% genetic gain in volume and cone number, respectively. These results provide beneficial information to select excellent families and establish orchards of P. koraiensis from improved seeds.  相似文献   

Xiaolei Ding  Ruiwen Zhao  Sixi Lin  Jianren Ye 《Phyton》2022,91(12):2813-2825
In Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, China, top dieback symptoms were found on many pine trees (Pinus thunbergii Parl). The tips of old needles first turned grayish-green and then developed into brown bands in the field. Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated ITS and EF1-α indicated the pathogen of this dieback disease as Diplodia neojuniperi. Additionally, effects of temperature, pH and medium on the mycelial growth were also characterized. The most favorable temperature and pH level for mycelial growth are 25°C and 8, respectively. The optimal medium for mycelial growth is PDA medium. To our knowledge, this is the first report of D. neojuniperi causes Diplodia top dieback on Pinus thunbergii. Our results provide fundamental information for monitoring and preventing such disease in the future.  相似文献   

Chili pepper is one of the main crops of economic importance in Mexico, and Fusarium wilting is a disease that limits its production. In addition, the inappropriate use of agrochemicals in farming activities generate environmental and health problems. Therefore, in this study the effectiveness of Streptomyces sp PRIO41 was evaluated as a (1) biocontrol agent of Fusarium spp and (2) plant growth promoter bacteria. Assays of pathogenicity and virulence of Fusarium spp. in jalapeño pepper seeds, and interactions of these pathogens with Streptomyces PRIO41 were evaluated under two nutritional conditions. In the greenhouse, the effectiveness of Streptomyces sp. PRIO41 was determined as a (1) biocontrol of Fusarium, and (2) plant growth promoter of wilt of pepper plants. The results showed that all fungal isolates caused symptoms in pepper seeds and seedlings with different degrees of virulence. Interactions in vitro showed that Streptomyces showed the most effective range of virulence against Fusarium isolates in the poor medium (37.6%-100%), with fungicidal effects in some cases. In the greenhouse, Streptomyces PRIO41 reduced Fusarium wilting up to a 40%, and positively affected all vegetative growth parameters, particularly plant height, leaf area, root length, and leaf and root dry biomasses. This study showed the potential of Streptomyces PRIO41 as a biocontrol agent of Fusarium spp., and as a biofertilizer of pepper plants.  相似文献   

In the Ecuadorian coast one of the most destructive diseases of the pachaco is vascular wilt or stem rot caused by Ceratocystis complex, so the aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect the efficiency of the reaction of bark pachaco to this disease. This research was conducted under laboratory conditions, using trees pachaco S38, S41, S98, AE-1, AE-2 and AE-3, and pathogenic species Ceratocystis paradoxa and C. moniliformis. The method utilized was tissue stem bark,with bark sections with 4.5 cm2, and a suspension of 3x104 units infection and remained in a humid chamber for 96 hours at 25 ± 5 °C. Were determined grades of resistance/ susceptibility using a scale from 0 to 4, depending on the amount of mycelia and peritecio in each plant sample. Three factors were used: four colonies obtained by several transfers from each fungal specie, four ages of colonies of each fungal specie and four volumes of inoculum applied (units of infection), using for each experiment separately Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications factorial arrangement. For comparison between treatment means was used Tukey test at 5% probability of error. For future trials using this technique, you could use 30-day colonies for C. paradoxa and 40 days for C. moniliformis, and an application volume of 100 μL/cm2, it would improve the level of response for the formation of perithecium and mycelia in samples cortex.  相似文献   

Garay MM  NM Amiotti  P Zalba 《Phyton》2015,84(2):280-287
Afforestation is a recommended practice to mitigate global warming. However, their implementation may generate undesirable impacts, mostly if exotic species are used. Plantations of Pinus radiata D Don in Ventania (Bs. As., Argentina) soils showed notorious increments of extractable P (Pe), which could affect the dynamic of this element as well as the degree of phosphorus saturation (GSPBray). The objectives of this study were: i) to quantify the GSPBray in Mollisols afforested with P. radiata comparing the results with those coming from adjacent, natural grassland areas (base line); ii) to evaluate the potential environmental risk induced by afforestation through the identification of a change point (PC) in the GSPBray indicative of a phosphate leaching increment. Treatments included mature stands of P. radiata (TB) and adjacent areas with natural grassland vegetation (TP). Samples were taken at 0-15; 15-30 and 30-45 cm soil depth, and texture, pH, total organic carbon (COT), Pe, soluble reactive phosphorus (PSR), phosphorus sorption index (ISP) and GSPBray were determined. The results showed a significant acidification in TB and an increase in the COT stock, indicating an additional atmospheric CO2 sequestration by the trees. The Pe and PSR values were notoriously higher in TB, and they were reflected in a significant increment in the GSPBray with respect to TP. The detection of a significant PC in the GSPBray-PSR regression indicates higher chances of phosphate leaching in the forest stands, which could reach water courses, lakes and artificial reservoirs promoting their eutrophication. Because of the potential environmental pollution risk of biologic origin derived from the afforestation with P. radiata in Mollisols areas, their inclusion in clean development practices must be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Gibberellin 2-oxidases (GA2ox) are important enzymes that maintain the balance of bioactive GAs in plants. GA2ox genes have been identified and characterized in many plants, but these genes were not investigated in Brassica napus. Here, we identified 31 GA2ox genes in B. napus and 15 of these BnaGA2ox genes were distributed in the A and C subgenomes. Subcellular localization predictions suggested that all BnaGA2ox proteins were localized in the cytoplasm, and gene structure analysis showed that the BnaGA2ox genes contained 2–4 exons. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that BnGA2ox family proteins in monocotyledons and dicotyledons can be divided into four groups, including two C19-GA2ox and two C20-GA2ox clades. Group 4 is a C20-GA2ox Class discovered recently. Most BnaGA2ox genes had a syntenic relationship with AtGA2ox genes. BnaGA2ox genes in the C subgenome had experienced stronger selection pressure than genes in the A subgenome. BnaGA2ox genes were highly expressed in specific tissues such as those involved in growth and development, and most of them were mainly involved in abiotic responses, regulation of phytohormones and growth and development. Our study provided a valuable evolutionary analysis of GA2ox genes in monocotyledons and dicotyledons, as well as an insight into the biological functions of GA2ox family genes in B. napus.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of Beauveria bassiana (Bb 1205) on controlling Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol 17108) in tomato plants in greenhouse conditions. Inoculation of Bb 1205 was the most promising among the agronomic variables and expression of the activity of the enzymes β-1,3-glucanases and chitinases. Inoculation of Bb 1205 occurred at a concentration of 1 × 108 conidia·mL−1, which was administered onto the leaves, directly into the soil and via injection. Infection with Fol 17108 occurred with 1 × 106 spores·mL−1, which were added directly to the soil. Spectrophotometry was used for measuring agronomic parameters, namely activity of chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases in foliage and roots. When Bb 1205 was added to the soil, the chlorophyll index and aerial part length showed significant differences. In addition, it was determined that root length, fresh weight of foliage, flower, and fruit count increased 82 days after inoculation (dai). Chitinase activity induced by Bb 1205 in leaves and roots of tomato plants infected with Fol 17108 was observed when injected into the stem at 32 dai (41.8 and 11.6-fold, respectively). Inoculation on the foliage showed a 10-fold increase of β-1,3-glucanases in the roots after 82 dpi. As for leaves, a 3.8-fold increase was found when the stem was inoculated. In the different in vivo applications, Bb 1205 activated its defenses by expressing the chitinase enzymes and β-1,3-glucanase, thus reducing the damage caused by Fol 17108, demonstrating increase plant growth thereafter.  相似文献   

Cancer is the second biggest cause of death globally, and the use of therapeutic peptides to specifically target and destroy cancer cells has gotten much interest. Cancer peptides or vaccinations are utilized to treat cancer nowadays, apart from chemotherapy, which has significant discomfort, side effects and costly. It is time demanding to identify and predict potential anticancer peptides using computational biology approaches. Thus, 3-D molecular modeling is being used to find possible ACP candidates. In this research, Curcuma longa has predicted peptide sequences were docked on breast cancer receptors and used a molecular docking technique to assess the anticipated peptides’ binding affinities to MHC molecules. A similar approach was utilized to simulate the interactions of the chosen peptide with the TCR. Additionally, the Pep10 LIRQHVASNIGIAKSKIREPIV was examined, and our findings indicated interaction with MHC classes I and II. However, the maximum binding energy was obtained with TCR at 695.61, giving strength through eight hydrogen bonds. Similarly, the Pep20, GAIIGNRKIKLQPHIIIRID, the projected, has the most significant overall binding energy with MHC classes I and II but a lower global E total value with TCR, namely −600.97 kj/Mol, and also four hydrogen bonds. This research could lead to the development of novel anticancer drugs based on the anticancer activity of the Curcuma longa medicinal plant.  相似文献   

Xinru He  Qiong Ding  Bing Sun  Yongjun Fei  Die Hu 《Phyton》2021,90(6):1673-1684
Four different ratios of river sand, ceramic pellets, vermiculite and perlite (1:1), and field soil were selected as the substrates in this experiment, and four gradient levels of root waterlogging, half waterlogging, full waterlogging and normal were set to investigate the effects of different gradients of waterlogging stress on the root morphology of Taxus chinensis var. mairei seedlings under different substrates. In this study, the root anatomical structure of Taxus chinensis var. mairei under different waterlogging stress was observed by the paraffin section method. The roots of T. chinensis var. mairei were diarch, with no pith and resin canals. There was a large number of tannins in the pericycle of the aerial adventitious roots of seedlings adapted to waterlogging. Also, the endodermis has obvious casparian strip thickening, and there were 4-5 layers of large parenchymatous cells in the close to the inner side of the pericycle in the vascular cylinder, which could increase the storage capacity, and transport capacity of the root. Under the treatment of root waterlogging stress, the development of plant roots in the mixed substrate of vermiculite and, perlite was the earliest. Under half waterlogging stress, T. chinensis var. mairei seedlings treated with various substrates all could better adapt to the environment of waterlogging stress. Under the stress of fully waterlogging, the roots of seedlings planted in river sand substrate developed secondary growth.  相似文献   

Yulu Chen  Fen Zhang  Ju Cai  Yichen Zhao  Jiaxue Cui  Yan Li 《Phyton》2022,91(5):999-1013
Gibberellic acid controlled the key developmental processes of the life cycle of landing plants, and regulated the growth and development of plants. In this study, a novel gibberellin receptor gene EuGID1 was obtained from Eucommia ulmoides Oliver. The cDNA of EuGID1 was 1556 bp, and the open reading frame was 1029 bp, which encoded 343 amino acids. EuGID1 had the homology sequence with the hormone-sensitive lipase family. Amino acid sequence alignment confirmed EuGID1 protein had the highest homology with the GID1 protein of Manihot esculenta. EuGID1 was located in the nucleus and cell membrane and had expression in four plant organs. Overexpression of EuGID1 in transgenic Arabidopsis plants promoted plant elongation and increased siliques yield.  相似文献   

Longlong Bai  Yong Zhang  Min Wang  Ying He  Tao Ye  Keli Zhao 《Phyton》2022,91(10):2221-2233
Chinese Torreya grandis (Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii) is a unique economic tree species in China. Intensive management related to application of chemical fertilizer and herbicides caused serious soil quality degradation of Chinese Torreya grandis plantations. Totally, 120 soil samples were collected from the main disbtributed areas of Chinese Torreya grandis in Southeastern China. In this area, soil pH values varied from 3.68 to 6.78, with a median value of 4.91, implying a trend of acidification. The average concentrations of organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium were 27.52 g kg−1, 135.77 mg kg−1, 15.12 mg kg−1, and 153.43 mg kg−1, respectively. The results of spatial analysis revealed that target variables had clear spatial patterns. The soil fertility was relevantly high in most of the study area, with soil nutrient imbalances existing. The stand age had a large effect on soil properties, which were also mainly influenced by human activities. Therefore, it is necessary to change the fertilization method for a sustainable management of Torreya grandis plantation.  相似文献   

Ananas comosus var. bracteatus is an important ornamental plant because of its green/white chimeric leaves. The accumulation of anthocyanin makes the leaf turn to red especially in the marginal part. However, the red fades away in summer and winter. Light intensity is one of the most important factors affecting leaf color along the seasons. In order to understand the effects of light intensity on the growth and coloration of the chimeric leaves, Ananas comosus var. bracteatus was grown under full sunlight, 50% shade and 75% shade for 75 days to evaluate the concentration of pigments, the color parameters (values L*, a*, b*) and the morpho-anatomical variations of chimeric leaves. The results showed that a high irradiance was beneficial to keep the chimeric leaves red. However, prolonged exposure to high irradiance caused a damage, some of the leaves wrinkled and even burned. Shading instead decreased the concentration of anthocyanin and increased the concentration of chlorophyll, especially in the white marginal part of the leaves. Numerous chloroplasts were observed in the mesophyll cells of the white marginal part of the chimeric leaves under shading for 75 days. The increase in chlorophyll concentration resulted in a better growth of plants. In order to balance the growth and coloration of the leaves, approximately 50% shade is suggested to be the optimum light irradiance condition for Ananas comosus var. bracteatus in summer.  相似文献   

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