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We have established a shoot regeneration system and genetic transformation of cockscomb (Celosia cristata and Celosia plumosus). The best results in terms of frequency of shoot regeneration and number of shoot buds per explant are observed on media supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 6-BA (for explants of apical meristems of C. cristata) or 2.0 mg l−1 6-BA, 0.5  mg l−1 NAA and 0.5  mg l−1 IAA (for hypocotyls explants of C. plumosus). We use apical meristems of C. cristata and hypocotyls of C. plumosus as the starting material for transformation. A novel KNOTTED1-like homeobox1 (KNOX), PttKN1 (Populus tremula × P. tremuoides knotted1) isolated from the vascular cambial region of hybrid aspen, is introduced into cockscomb by Agrobacterium. A series of novel phenotypes are obtained from the transgenic cockscomb plants, including lobed or rumpled leaves, partite leaves and two or three leaves developed on the same petiole, on the basis of their leaf phenotypes. Transformants are selected by different concentrations of kanamycin. Transformants are confirmed by PCR of the NptII gene and PCR or RT-PCR of PttKN1 gene. Furthermore, RT-PCR shows that 35S:: PttKN1 RNA levels do not correlate with phenotypic severity. It is discussed that our results bring elements on possible function of PttKN1 gene. To our knowledge, genetic transformation of cockscomb is first reported.  相似文献   

PCR detection, quantitative real-time PCR (q-RTPCR), outdoor insect resistance, and disease resistance identification were carried out for the detection of genetic stability and disease resistance through generations (T2, T3, and T4) in transgenic maize germplasms (S3002 and 349) containing the bivalent genes (insect resistance gene Cry1Ab13-1 and disease resistance gene NPR1) and their corresponding wild type. Results indicated that the target genes Cry1Ab13-1 and NPR1 were successfully transferred into both germplasms through tested generations; q-PCR confirmed the expression of Cry1Ab13-1 and NPR1 genes in roots, stems, and leaves of tested maize plants. In addition, S3002 and 349 bivalent gene-transformed lines exhibited resistance to large leaf spots and corn borer in the field evaluation compared to the wild type. Our study confirmed that Cry1Ab13-1 and NPR1 bivalent genes enhanced the resistance against maize borer and large leaf spot disease and can stably inherit. These findings could be exploited for improving other cultivated maize varieties.  相似文献   

Yulu Chen  Fen Zhang  Ju Cai  Yichen Zhao  Jiaxue Cui  Yan Li 《Phyton》2022,91(5):999-1013
Gibberellic acid controlled the key developmental processes of the life cycle of landing plants, and regulated the growth and development of plants. In this study, a novel gibberellin receptor gene EuGID1 was obtained from Eucommia ulmoides Oliver. The cDNA of EuGID1 was 1556 bp, and the open reading frame was 1029 bp, which encoded 343 amino acids. EuGID1 had the homology sequence with the hormone-sensitive lipase family. Amino acid sequence alignment confirmed EuGID1 protein had the highest homology with the GID1 protein of Manihot esculenta. EuGID1 was located in the nucleus and cell membrane and had expression in four plant organs. Overexpression of EuGID1 in transgenic Arabidopsis plants promoted plant elongation and increased siliques yield.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that ZFN‐mediated induction of double‐strand breaks (DSBs) at the intended recombination site enhanced the frequency of gene targeting (GT) at an artificial target locus using Agrobacterium‐mediated floral dip transformation. Here, we designed zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) for induction of DSBs in the natural protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) gene, which can be conveniently utilized for GT experiments. Wild‐type Arabidopsis plants and plants expressing the ZFNs were transformed via floral dip transformation with a repair T‐DNA with an incomplete PPO gene, missing the 5′ coding region but containing two mutations rendering the enzyme insensitive to the herbicide butafenacil as well as an extra KpnI site for molecular analysis of GT events. Selection on butafenacil yielded 2 GT events for the wild type with a frequency of 0.8 × 10?3 per transformation event and 8 GT events for the ZFNs expressing plant line with a frequency of 3.1 × 10?3 per transformation event. Molecular analysis using PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that 9 of the GT events were so‐called true GT events, repaired via homologous recombination (HR) at the 5′ and the 3′ end of the gene. One plant line contained a PPO gene repaired only at the 5′ end via HR. Most plant lines contained extra randomly integrated T‐DNA copies. Two plant lines did not contain extra T‐DNAs, and the repaired PPO genes in these lines were transmitted to the next generation in a Mendelian fashion.  相似文献   

Plant architecture is a vital agronomic trait to control yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). A dwarf and small seed 1 (dss1) mutant were obtained from the ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenized progeny of a Guizhou glutinous landrace cultivar, Lipingzabianhe. The dss1 mutant displayed phenotypes similar to those of brassinosteroid (BR) deficient mutants, such as dwarfing, dark green and rugose erect leaves, small seeds, and loner neck internode panicles with primary branching. In our previous study, the underlying DSS1 gene was isolated, a novel allele of OsDWARF (OsBR6ox) that encodes a cytochrome P450 protein involved in the BR biosynthetic pathway by MutMap technology. In this work, we confirmed that a Thr335Ile amino acid substitution residing in DSS1/OsDWARF was responsible for the dwarf, panicle architecture, and small seed phenotypes in the dss1 mutants by genetic transformation experiments. The overexpression of OsDWARF in the dss1 mutant background could not only recover dss1 to the normal plant height and panicle architecture but also rescued normal leaf angles, seed size, and leaf color. Thus, the specific mutation in DSS1/OsDWARF influenced plant architecture, seed size, and chlorophyll biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The lignocellulosic crop Miscanthus spp. has been identified as a good candidate for biomass production. The responses of Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. to salinity were studied to satisfy the needs for high yields in marginal areas and to avoid competition with food production. The results indicated that the relative advantages of the tolerant accession over the sensitive one under saline conditions were associated with restricted Na+ accumulation in shoots. Seedlings of two accessions (salt-tolerant ‘JM0119’ and salt-sensitive ‘JM0099’) were subjected to 0 (control), 100, 200, and 300 mM NaCl stress to better understand the salt-induced biochemical responses of genes involved in Na+ accumulation in M. sinensis. The adaptation responses of genes encoding for Na+ /H+ antiporters, NHX1 and SOS1 to NaCl stress were examined in JM0119 and JM0099.The cDNA sequences of genes examined were highly conserved among the relatives of M. sinensis based on the sequencing on approximate 600 bp-long cDNA fragments obtained from degenerate PCR. These salt-induced variations of gene expression investigated by quantitative real-time PCR provided evidences for insights of the molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance in M. sinensis. The expression of NHX1 was up-regulated by salt stress in JM0119 shoot and root tissues. However, it was hardly affected in JM0099 shoot tissue except for a significant increase at the 100 mM salt treatment, and it was salt-suppressed in the JM0099 root tissue. In the root tissue, the expression of SOS1 was induced by the high salt treatment in JM0119 but repressed by all salt treatments in JM0099. Thus, the remarkably higher expression of NHX1 and SOS1 were associated with the resistance to Na+ toxicity by regulation of the Na+ influx, efflux, and sequestration under different salt conditions.  相似文献   

To develop cold-tolerant maize germplasms and identify the activation of INDUCER OF CRT/DRE-BINDING FACTOR EXPRESSION (ICE1) expression in response to cold stress, RT-PCR was used to amplify the complete open reading frame sequence of the ICE1 gene and construct the plant expression vector pCAMBIA3301-ICE1-Bar. Immature maize embryos and calli were transformed with the recombinant vector using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformations. From the regenerated plantlets, three T1 lines were screened and identified by PCR. A Southern blot analysis showed that a single copy of the ICE1 gene was integrated into the maize (Zea mays L.) genomes of the three T1 generations. Under low temperature-stress conditions (4°C), the relative conductivity levels decreased by 27.51%–31.44%, the proline concentrations increased by 12.50%–17.50%, the malondialdehyde concentrations decreased by 16.78%–18.37%, and the peroxidase activities increased by 19.60%–22.89% in the T1 lines compared with those of the control. A real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that the ICE1 gene was ectopically expressed in the roots, stems, and leaves of the T1 lines. ICE1 positively regulates the expression of the CBF genes in response to cold stress. Thus, this study showed the successful transformation of maize with the ICE1 gene, resulting in the generation of a new maize germplasm that had increased tolerance to cold stress.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Taxus chinensis var. mairei were used as experimental materials to study the adaptation of Piriformospora indica to this plant under water stress. The materials were divided into two groups, namely, with or without inoculation with P. indica. Each group was subjected to four different levels of water stress. Vitality and physiological and biochemical indexes of the roots of T. chinensis var. mairei were regularly measured. Under water stress, T. chinensis var. mairei had significantly decreased root vitality; root vitality was higher in inoculated roots than in uninoculated roots. Under intense water stress, the inoculated roots had a higher soluble sugar content than the uninoculated roots. Under water stress, T. chinensis var. mairei experienced decreased activity of aerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes. The activity of anaerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes and alcohol dehydrogenase initially increased and then decreased, whereas that of lactate dehydrogenase increased. The inoculated roots had a higher activity of respiratory metabolic enzymes than the uninoculated roots. As water stress was further intensified, the roots had significantly decreased activity of aerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes and significantly increased activity of anaerobic respiratory metabolic enzymes. The activity of respiratory metabolic enzymes decreased faster in the uninoculated roots than in the inoculated roots. This study demonstrated that Piriformospora indica plays a positive role in enhancing the antihypoxic ability of T. chinensis var. mairei, thereby alleviating plant damage due to water stress.  相似文献   

In agricultural production, a single insect-resistant and disease-resistant variety can no longer meet the demand. In this study, the expression vector pCAMBIA-3301-PR1 containing the disease-resistant gene PR1 was constructed by means of genetic engineering, and the PR1 gene was genetically transformed to contain the PR1 gene through the pollen tube method. In CryAb-8Like transgenic high-generation T7 receptor soybean, a new material that is resistant to insects and diseases is obtained. For T2 transformed plants, routine PCR detection, Southern Blot hybridization, fluorescence quantitative PCR detection, indoor and outdoor pest resistance identification and indoor disease resistance identification were performed. The results showed that there were 9 positive plants in the routine PCR test of T2 generation. In Southern Blot hybridization, both PR1 and CryAb-8Like genes are integrated in soybeans in the form of single copies. Fluorescence quantitative PCR showed that the expression levels of PR1 and CryAb-8Like genes are different in different tissues. The average expression levels of PR1 gene in plant roots, stems, and leaves are 2.88, 1.54, and 5.26, respectively. CryAb-8Like genes are found in roots, stems, and leaves. The average expression levels were 1.36, 1.39, and 4.25, respectively. The insectivorous rate of the CryAb-8Like gene in outdoor plants with positive insect resistance identification was 3.78%. The disc partition method was used indoors for pest resistance identification, and the bud length of transformed plants increased significantly. The average mortality rate of untransformed plants in indoor disease resistance identification was as high as 56.66%, and the average mortality rate of plants transformed with PR1 gene was 10.00%, and disease resistance was significantly improved. Therefore, a new material with resistance to diseases and insects is obtained.  相似文献   

Endosperm mutants are critical to the studies on both starch synthesis and metabolism and genetic improvement of starch quality in maize. In the present study, a novel maize endosperm mutant A0178 of natural variation was used as the experimental material and identified and then characterized. Through phenotypic identification, genetic analysis, main ingredients measurement and embryo rescue, development of genetic mapping population from A0178, the endosperm mutant gene was located. The results showed that the mutant exhibited extremely low germination ability as attributed to the inhibited embryo development, and amounts of sugars were accumulated in the mutant seeds and more sugars content was detected at 23 days after pollination (DAP) in A0178 than B73. Employing genetic linkage analysis, the mutant trait was mapped in the bin 5.04 on chromosome 5. Sequence analysis showed that two sites of base transversion and insertion presented in the protein coding region and non-coding region of the mutant brittle-1 (bt1), the adenylate translocator encoding gene involved in the starch synthesis. The single base insertion in the coding region cause frameshift mutation, early termination and lose of function of Brittle-1 (BT1). All results suggested that bt1 is a novel allelic gene and the causal gene of this endosperm mutant, providing insights on the mechanism of endosperm formation in maize.  相似文献   

Leaf color mutants are ideal materials for studying many plant physiological and metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, photomorphogenesis, hormone physiology and disease resistance. In this study, the genetically stable yellow-green leaf mutant ygl16 was identified from mutated “Xinong 1B”. Compared with the wild type, the pigment concentration and photosynthetic capacity of the ygl16 decreased significantly. The ultrastructural observation showed that the distribution of thylakoid lamellae was irregular in ygl16 chloroplasts, and the grana and matrix lamellae were blurred and loose in varied degrees, and the chloroplast structure was disordered, while the osmiophilic corpuscles increased. The results of the genetic analysis and mapping showed that the phenotype of ygl16 was controlled by a pair of recessive nuclear gene. The gene located in the 56Kb interval between RM25654 and R3 on the long arm of chromosome 10. The sequencing results showed that the 121st base of the first intron of the candidate gene OsPORB/FGL changed from A to T in the interval. qRT-PCR results showed that the expression of chlorophyll synthase-related genes in the mutant decreased.  相似文献   

In the Ecuadorian coast one of the most destructive diseases of the pachaco is vascular wilt or stem rot caused by Ceratocystis complex, so the aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect the efficiency of the reaction of bark pachaco to this disease. This research was conducted under laboratory conditions, using trees pachaco S38, S41, S98, AE-1, AE-2 and AE-3, and pathogenic species Ceratocystis paradoxa and C. moniliformis. The method utilized was tissue stem bark,with bark sections with 4.5 cm2, and a suspension of 3x104 units infection and remained in a humid chamber for 96 hours at 25 ± 5 °C. Were determined grades of resistance/ susceptibility using a scale from 0 to 4, depending on the amount of mycelia and peritecio in each plant sample. Three factors were used: four colonies obtained by several transfers from each fungal specie, four ages of colonies of each fungal specie and four volumes of inoculum applied (units of infection), using for each experiment separately Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications factorial arrangement. For comparison between treatment means was used Tukey test at 5% probability of error. For future trials using this technique, you could use 30-day colonies for C. paradoxa and 40 days for C. moniliformis, and an application volume of 100 μL/cm2, it would improve the level of response for the formation of perithecium and mycelia in samples cortex.  相似文献   

Pinus devoniana is one of the most widely distributed species of Pinus in Mexico, and has a relevant economic and ecological importance. In this work, the effect of inoculating juvenile P. devoniana plants with the rhizobacteria Arthrobacter agilis UMCV2, and its dimethylhexadecylamine compound was studied under greenhouse conditions. Our results showed that A. agilis UMCV2 promoted growth of P. devoniana as a result of increases on height and stem diameter, fresh weight and chlorophyll concentrations. Under our experimental conditions, the bacterial dimethylhexadecylamine compound produced an increase in the concentration of chlorophyll. These data show the feasibility of using A. agilis UMCV to significantly enhance the growth rate of P. devoniana at a greenhouse scale.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is a key fiber crop of great commercial importance. Numerous phytopathogens decimate crop production by causing various diseases. During July-August 2018, leaf spot symptoms were recurrently observed on cotton leaves in Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan and adjacent areas. Infected leaf samples were collected and plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) media. Causal agent of cotton leaf spot was isolated, characterized and identified as Aspergillus tubingensis based on morphological and microscopic observations. Conclusive identification of pathogen was done on the comparative molecular analysis of CaM and β-tubulin gene sequences. BLAST analysis of both sequenced genes showed 99% similarity with A. tubingensis. Koch’s postulates were followed to confirm the pathogenicity of the isolated fungus. Healthy plants were inoculated with fungus and similar disease symptoms were observed. Fungus was re-isolated and identified to be identical to the inoculated fungus. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the involvement of A. tubingensis in causing leaf spot disease of cotton in Pakistan and around the world.  相似文献   

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