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Transnationalism is central to our understanding of the impact and experiences of global migration. The paper by Levitt and de la Dehesa (2003) explores the policies and strategies of the sending state in relation to their emigrants and investigates the reasons for policy convergences and divergences. While the issues examined in the paper continue to be relevant there are other areas and methodological approaches that need to be developed and/or included in contemporary studies of sending state led transnationalism explored in this piece. These include the need for research to take a multi-level approach to include the different actors involved and their interactions; longitudinal analysis that examines the heterogeneous and complex nature of contemporary migration flows, the changing situations in sending and destination countries and among migrants and the need to incorporate the second and subsequent generations into research.  相似文献   

Based on 324 in-depth interviews with Indian, Moroccan, Ukrainian, Bosnian and Filipino migrants based in four EU countries (Austria, Italy, Spain and the UK), our paper explores the relationship between social remittances and transnational mobility. We develop a new typology of social remittances as based on the principle of mobility. We argue that the degree to which transnational mobility is present in social remittances depends on the agency of the sender and on the nature of the receiving community. We further elaborate on such mobility-related concepts as “transnational re-scaling” (in reference to directionality of social remittances) and “translocal celebrity” (in reference to sender’s role in cultural production). Based on a large qualitative dataset, this study also contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between the local and the global.  相似文献   

When settling, people often use cultural schema from their original homeland to build familiarity in unfamiliar surrounds. This paper draws on ethnographic fieldwork conducted by the first author in Brisbane, with the Karen community from Burma, during which participant observation and interview methods were used. We present an ethnographic account of the Brisbane Karen wrist‐tying ceremony. The ceremony acts as an insight into the challenges for Karen whilst settling into Australia. It reflects multiple accounts of history and tradition, but simultaneously speaks to emerging, contemporary Karen contexts. This research contributes to richer understandings of settlement: it frames transnational cultural practice as a flexible mode of integration, rather than an exclusionary mode of othering. We propose that the integrative discourse of the ceremony creates familiarity and social connection in local and diasporic spaces. This acts as a counter to the challenges of Karen settlement including the negotiations of local/global identity politics.  相似文献   

In this article I use the US H2A guest worker programme as a lens through which to analyse the gender subjectivities of Mexican transnational fathers. My qualitative findings highlight the ways in which the prioritization of productive over reproductive labour within the H2A programme exploits gender-based expectations within Mexican families, reproducing rigid gender divisions of family labour. Additionally, the subjectivities of guest worker fathers are influenced by cultural expectations as well as by the rurality and cyclicality of their lives. As fathers shift between the USA and Mexico, so do their gender subjectivities, symbolizing gender's fluidity. Findings complicate the oft-cited conclusion that emotional labour and sacrifice are the exclusive domain of transnational mothers.  相似文献   

Diasporas have played important roles in democratization in their homelands. But how does diaspora mobilization occur when the country of settlement has a small and isolated ethnic community, the host and homeland governments have weak relations, and the conflict is invisible in the geographies of power? Using case study research, I analyse how solidarity groups in the Netherlands facilitated the emergence and growth of diaspora mobilization for democracy in the Philippines during the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos. My findings show that in cases where exiles and migrants lack pre-existing economic, political and social ties in the host society, solidarity groups can affect the political opportunity structure in the host country, permitting the promotion of certain claims and demands in the public sphere. Furthermore, diaspora mobilization can develop within the formal organizations or associational networks of solidarity groups.  相似文献   

This paper defends the concept of racialization against its critics. As the concept has become increasingly popular, questions about its meaning and value have been raised, and a backlash against its use has occurred. I argue that when “racialization” is properly understood, criticisms of the concept are unsuccessful. I defend a definition of racialization and identify its companion concept, “racialized group.” Racialization is often used as a synonym for “racial formation.” I argue that this is a mistake. Racial formation theory is committed to racial ontology, but racialization is best understood as the process through which racialized – rather than racial – groups are formed. “Racialization” plays a unique role in the conceptual landscape, and it is a key concept for race eliminativists and anti-realists about race.  相似文献   

Ella Butler 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):229-251
In contemporary American public culture, interest groups increasingly mobilise social constructionist arguments in order to discredit strains of scientific knowledge. According to Latour [2004. Why Has Critique Run out of Steam? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern. Critical Inquiry, 30:225–48], the field of science studies has contributed to this trend by exposing the ways that scientific facts are socially mediated. In this article, I examine how a narrative of social construction is articulated in the Creation Museum, a young earth creationist museum in Northern Kentucky, USA. I compare the epistemology of science in the Creation Museum with that of conspiracy theory and of social constructionist science studies. I examine how, in the Creation Museum, social constructionist critique is combined with a framing of the Bible as a source of factual data. It is argued that science studies, conspiracy theory and creationism overlap in their critiques of the transparency and objectivity of science. However, they diverge in terms of the degree of recursivity they allow.  相似文献   

This article explores in what ways first-generation Cambodian French and Cambodian American returnees create and employ the social capital available in their transnational social networks upon their return to Cambodia. The triangular interdependence between the returnees, their overseas immigrant communities and homeland society is taken as a starting point. The central argument is that Cambodian French and Cambodian American returnees build different relationships to Cambodia due to: (1) the influence of their immigrant communities in the countries of resettlement; and (2) the contexts of their exit from Cambodia. Findings in this multi-sited case study bring forward that ideas of return held by the three parties involved, may force re-migrants into transnationalism in both host and home countries. Findings also demonstrate that social capital may be seen as a resource or a restraint in the lives of returnees.  相似文献   

Modern social research, as we know it now, emerged as a part of rise of modern social sciences in the context of transition to modernity. As an enterprise of modernity social research reflected some of the foundational assumptions of modernity. For example, the project of sociology was closely tied to the project of nation-state, embodying in its epistemology methodological nationalism. Social research also proceeded within the bounded logic of disciplines. But all these assumptions of modernity as well as their social manifestations have been subjected to fundamental criticisms and interrogations in the last decades. Both anti-systematic socio-cultural movements and critical discursive movements and new movements of ideas have challenged the modernist paradigms of pathology and normality as well as distinction between ontology and epistemology. In the background of critiques of modernity, social movements and processes of transformations the present essay submits some proposals for a creative and critical social research. It explores ways of moving beyond mere denunciations and critiques and embodying transformational theories and methods which would facilitate creative and critical research. The essay also calls for a new vocation of social research by pleading for a simultaneous engagement in activism and creative understanding, fieldwork and philosophical reflections, ontological self-cultivation and epistemic labour of learning. Ananta Kumar Giri originally from Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India is currently a Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Institute of Sociology, Albert Ludwig Univesitat, Freiburg, Germany. The present essay builds upon author’s introduction to his recently edited volume, Creative Social Research: Rethinking Theories and Methods (Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books, 2004 & New Delhi. Sage, 2004. This has benefited from presentations in many different places, most recently at the Ernest Gellenr seminar series in Prague and Institute of Sociology, Freiburg, and my grateful to thanks are due to participants in all these places of dialogues, particularly to Professors Chitta Ranjan Das , Peter Skalnik and Hermann Shwengel.  相似文献   

《Ethnic and racial studies》2012,35(10):1707-1724

Building on the transnational approach to migration, this introduction outlines some elements of the programme of an emergent methodological transnationalism. This effort aims to de-naturalize the concept of the national within migration studies. First, the analysis identifies methodological challenges of migration studies, such as contextualization, the ethnic lens and the essentializing view on ethnicity. Second, it indicates the relevant conceptual elements which deal with these methodological challenges, such as the critique of methodological nationalism, cosmopolitanism and the relational concept of space. Third, it addresses the relevant methods, such as multi-sited ethnography, the mobile methods approach, as well as researchers' positionality and strategies of de-ethnicization, all of which correspond to the new epistemology of migration studies. Finally, it highlights the common characteristics of the contributions to this special issue, which go beyond the normative view of cross-border migration.  相似文献   

Intra-ethnic discrimination, in the form of stereotyping of recent migrants by settled ethnic minorities, has been interpreted as internalized racism, displacing stigma and negotiation of local hierarchies of belonging. Stereotypes of ‘Fresh off the Boat’ migrants construct cultural boundaries and assertions of belonging, offering clues to processes of identity-making where ethnicity is complicated by ongoing migration. In British Pakistani portrayals of ‘freshies’, this assertion of difference coexists with familial ties and a high incidence of transnational marriage. Analysis of the figure of the ‘freshie’ in internet comedy videos, combined with qualitative research material, provides insight into dynamics of cultural and social capital, immigration and sexuality through manifestations of difference, similarity and disgust. Together these not only reveal the weakness of recent migrants’ positions in structures of socio-economic and symbolic power, but the blurring of social categories, and the continuing importance of transnational kinship in negotiations of identity amongst British Pakistanis.  相似文献   

1. Termitophily in some rove beetles is commonly attributed to the striking termite worker resemblance that is provided by the beetles' hypertrophic (‘physogastric’) abdomen. However, a termite nest may offer to a termitophile additional benefits, such as a continuously repaired shelter. 2. This could apply to Corotoca melantho (Aleocharinae: Corotocini), a viviparous obligatory termitophile staphylinid beetle species. While conferring morphological congruence to its host worker termites, its physogastry may impair mobility, leading to vulnerability and the need for a secure environment. It seems plausible to hypothesise that physogastry in C. melantho would imply in interactions between this termitophile and its host termites as well as its host termitarium. 3. This study provides evidence to build such a hypothesis by inspecting the morpho‐anatomical reproductive traits of this termitophile. It was found that a gradient of growth stages of embryos and larvae in the oviduct explains physogastry in females while pointing to iteroparity. The asynchronous development of oocytes in females, combined with a full developing sequence of sperm cells indicative of continuous spermatogenesis in males, suggests frequent matings. 4. While improving guest–host similarity, physogastry and flightlessness should confer vulnerability to pregnant females, forcing C. melantho to seek close and sheltered environments. These could facilitate the frequent male–female contacts demanded by iteroparity. It is possible, therefore, that physogastry in C. melantho is not only associated with the termites themselves but also with the physical structure of the termitarium. Thus, C. melantho can be hypothesised to be a termitariophile in addition to being a termitophile.  相似文献   


The lives of transnational groups and individuals are marked by a spatial and imaginary split: a phenomenon wherein identity, belonging and representation have become increasingly elusive concepts, and the realm of the ‘cultural’ vastly important. And, the theoretical compasses of cosmopolitanism and transnationalism are particularly relevant and illuminating in considering social space, mediated communication and belonging in relation to urban diasporic communities and gendered subjectivities. The aim of this paper is to address expressions of identity and belonging at the intersection of online communicative practice and offline spatial formations, with a focus on the specificities of gendered constructions of sociality and subjectivity in the diaspora.  相似文献   

With assiduous logic and political acumen, Charles Mills challenges the whiteness of race knowledge, with particular reference to philosophy and sociology. In different ways and against their professed intentions, generations of philosophers and sociologists have practised an “epistemology of ignorance” that obscures and elides white supremacy or actually confers it with legitimacy. Mills challenges scholars to cast off these obsolete and discredited epistemologies. Furthermore, he advances a conception of “black radical liberalism” that combines progressive strands of the Western thought into a powerful amalgam that could provide a promising emancipatory framework for political thought and action.  相似文献   

The preceding set of articles is reviewed with a focus on the forces affecting the rise and character of grass-roots transnationalism and its effects in countries of origin and destination. The increasing visibility of the phenomenon has led to recent attacks based on its alleged disintegrative consequences for the host society and culture. From a review of the evidence in this volume and the recent literature on immigrant adaptation, I conclude that the opposite is the case. Implications of findings presented in this collection for official policies towards transnationalism and the latter's effect on sending countries are examined.  相似文献   

Flightless insects give a clearer view of former distribution of montane habitat in Africa compared with highly mobile animals as birds and butterflies because passive long distance transport and long distance dispersal can be discounted. Only a few species in the twenty-one genera under study are shared between neighbouring mountains which can be explained in all cases by a Pleistocene lowering of the montane habitat by 850 m. Therefore a montane forest cover connecting the mountains at colder times as suggested by the pluvial theory can be refuted which is in correspondence with palynological findings suggesting a dry corridor between the mountains. No montane refuge for flightless insects can be identified, because the most species-rich mountain of a genus differs among the genera under study. Instead, each mountain served as a species refuge with a stable habitat. The requirement of a smaller habitat compared to vertebrates is indicated by endemic species on each single mountain suggesting pre-Pleistocene speciation which results even in endemic genera to one mountain. Different small patches of suitable habitat on one mountain could also explain the radiations found in some genera of flightless insects. In some genera species are lacking on Mt Kenya which indicates—with the findings of no endemic passerine bird on the mountain—a probably very dry condition during colder times. On Mt Cameroon no species of the flightless insect genera occurring on the Eastern mountains are found. This contrasts with the existing patterns of birds, grasses and butterflies.  相似文献   

This Special Issue of Evolutionary Anthropology grew out of a symposium at the 2012 Society for American Archaeology (SAA) meeting in Memphis, Tennessee (April 18–22). The goal of the symposium was to explore what we will argue is one of the most important and promising opportunities in the global archeological enterprise. In late prehistoric North America, the initial rise of cultures of strikingly enhanced complexity and the local introduction of a novel weapon technology, the bow, apparently correlate intimately in a diverse set of independent cases across the continent, as originally pointed out by Blitz. 1 If this empirical relationship ultimately proves robust, it gives us an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate hypotheses for the causal processes producing social complexity and, by extension, to assess the possibility of a universal theory of history. The rise of comparably complex cultures was much more recent in North America than it was elsewhere and the resulting fresher archeological record is relatively well explored. These and other features make prehistoric North America a unique empirical environment. Together, the symposium and this issue have brought together outstanding investigators with both empirical and theoretical expertise. The strong cross‐feeding and extended interactions between these investigators have given us all the opportunity to advance the promising exploration of what we call the North American Neolithic transitions. Our goal in this paper is to contextualize this issue.  相似文献   

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