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Within the last fifteen years Spain and Portugal have begun to experience a phenomenon that occurred in northern Europe three or four decades earlier. Rising prosperity, an ageing population, and growing labour shortages have triggered a demand for foreign labour in the Iberian economies. This survey article identifies the changing trends and developments of recent immigration to two southern European countries, and the problems of labour market integration. It compares and contrasts the insertion process in Spain and Portugal and highlights the policy dilemma that, like most of the rest of the EU, the Iberian economies require immigrant workers, but have yet to develop effective mechanisms for integrating them. It argues that the labour market is not only the principal mechanism by which immigrants are integrated, but is beginning to transform attitudes towards immigration. Employer organizations have played a lead role in pressing for a shift from restriction and control to the management of immigrant integration. However, the needs of employers, who require a supply of cheap, flexible labour clashes with the government's exclusion policy, as the case study based on Lorca, Spain demonstrates.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of education for shaping individuals’ life chances, little research has examined trends and differences in educational attainment for detailed demographic subpopulations in the United States. We use labour market segmentation and cohort replacement theories, linear regression methods, and data from the National Health Interview Survey to understand educational attainment by race/ethnicity, nativity, birth cohort, and sex between 1989 and 2005 in the United States. There have been significant changes in educational attainment over time. In support of the cohort replacement theory, we find that across cohorts, females have enjoyed greater gains in education than men, and for some race/ethnic groups, recent cohorts of women average more years of education than comparable men. And in support of labour market segmentation theories, foreign-born Mexican Americans continue to possess relatively low levels of educational attainment. Our results can aid policymakers in identifying vulnerable populations, and form the base from which to better understand changing disparities in education.  相似文献   

Students of Israeli politics have stressed cultural factors in explaining the success of right‐wing parties among Oriental Jewish voters. My argument is that closer attention must be paid to labour market relations in trying to explain both the anti‐Arab sentiments of Oriental Jews and their proclivity for right‐wing politics.

Oriental Jews compete with both citizen and non‐citizen Palestinians for jobs at the lowest end of the occupational ladder. This competition, I argue, can explain a great deal of their political attitudes. The data to support the argument are derived from an attitude survey conducted in 1988 in eight ‘development towns’ ‐ small working‐class communities populated mainly with Orientals and characterized by high unemployment rates and pervasive social and economic ills. These towns, and the sociologically similar slum neighbourhoods of major cities, provided Rabbi Meir Kahane, Israel's most vociferously racist politician, with the bulk of his electoral support when he was elected to the Knesset in 1984. In 1988 I found support for Kahane in development towns was almost three times as high as it was in 1984. (Kahane was barred from running for the Knesset in 1988 for being a racist.) Analysis of the data showed that this support was disproportionately concentrated among respondents who suffered most from the effects of labour market friction with Palestinian workers.  相似文献   

Following large-scale labour migration from Poland to the Norwegian construction sector since 2004, new ethnic divisions of labour have been established between the usually native core workforces of construction firms, and Polish migrant workers hired through temporary subcontracting and staffing agencies. Survey data suggest that there is very little mobility between these segments of the labour market. The establishment and reproduction of this ethnic division of labour is analysed through qualitative interviews with Norwegian employers and Polish migrant workers. Polish migrants and their particular ‘work culture’ are perceived by Norwegian employers as well-suited for work in the firms’ temporary external workforces but unfit for permanent positions unless they assimilate to a ‘Norwegian work culture’. These stereotyped employment practices are reinforced by the migrants’ own tactical use of the cultural capital available to them when negotiating the conflicting expectations in different job segments.  相似文献   

The recruitment of black and Asian migrant workers in the 1950s and 1960s to the least desirable sectors of the British labour market arguably ‐ for some commentators ‐ set in motion a cycle of cumulative disadvantage, with the disadvantage experienced by migrant workers inhibiting the opportunities of their sons and daughters. While some of the more recent commentators have concentrated on the persistence of disadvantage, others have begun to indicate the progress made by the minority ethnic groups relative to whites. This article evaluates the character of that progress for the period 1966–1991, through a secondary analysis of published data from the decennial census and the Labour Force Survey. Despite the disadvantaged start for the black and Asian minority ethnic groups, and despite the persistence of discrimination, they have made considerable progress over this time‐span relative to whites in terms of their membership of the Registrar General's socio‐economic groups. The decline in differentials has occurred in the context of upward collective social mobility for each of the three main minority ethnic groups during the period. However, substantial gender differences continue to characterize the labour market distribution of each of the groups and, on the whole, they are more substantial than ethnic group differences.  相似文献   

This research examines disparities in access to pension and health insurance plans between white, blacks, Latino and Asian workers in the American labour force. Using data from the 2006 March Supplement of the Current Population Survey, the analysis reveals that Latino workers are the most disadvantaged and white workers are the most advantaged. The entire gap in likelihood of receiving benefits between whites and Asians, and a substantial portion of the gap between whites and blacks, can be accounted for by socio-demographic and employment-related variables, but only a small portion of the gap between whites and Latinos can be attributed to such variables. The findings suggest that reliance on earnings for estimation of inequality underestimates the economic gap between racial groups. Explanations for disparities in access to employment benefits are offered and the relevance of the findings to other societies is discussed.  相似文献   

Using the 1980 US Population Census data, this article documents the diverse strategies of economic adaptation adopted by a group of working‐age immigrant women: Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Indian and Vietnamese. A comparable sample of non‐Hispanic white women serves as the reference group. Striking heterogeneity in the individual and collective resources of these groups, together with differences in labour market opportunities and historical context of immigration, have led to a variety of patterns of labour force participation and methods of income attainment. In order to move beyond the oversimplified image of Asian‐Americans as a model minority in their economic success, the article applies four different theories to the census data ‐ assimilation, dual economy, ethnic‐enclave economy and middleman minority. The article closes with a discussion of theoretical implications and methodological suggestions for future studies concerning labour force position and economic adaptation of minority and immigrant women.  相似文献   

As interest in ethnics and their entrepreneurial activities has grown in recent years, sociologists have come to emphasize the importance of ethnic social structures as the source of actions propelling business growth. In a sign of convergence with the ‘new economic sociology’, recent literature suggests that embeddedness in ethnic networks and communities leads to cooperative, if not conformist, behaviour among ethnic economic actors. This article looks at the ‘other side’ of embeddedness, through a case‐study of African‐American, Caribbean, Korean and white construction contractors in New York City. I argue that, in construction, the embeddedness of economic behaviour in ongoing social relations among a myriad of social actors impedes access to outsiders. Embeddedness contributes to the liabilities of newness that all neophytes encounter, breeding a preference for established players with track records. However, the convergence of economic and ethnic ties has a further baneful effect, since outsiders also fall outside those networks that define the industrial community. While African‐American, Caribbean and Korean outsiders all experience these barriers in similar ways, they differ in the adaptive strategies that they have pursued. African Americans appear to be most disadvantaged, in part because they have been the most exposed to the social closure that results from the mobilization of white ethnics’ social capital. By contrast, Caribbeans and Koreans entered the labour market in societies where racial domination played little or no role in labour market outcomes ‐ a considerable asset since construction skills are transferable from one society to another. The Koreans appear to be the most embedded in ethnic networks, through which they secure jobs and skilled labour, though class factors play a role here as well and even the Koreans must reach out beyond the ethnic community for a clientele. By contrast, ethnic solidarity operates less powerfully among the black contractors, who are tied to a community where intra‐ethnic diversity and internal competition have grown as a result of immigration. In the absence of an ethnic market, black'entrepreneurs turn to the state, whose requirements and dependence on union labour expose black builders to risks from which their Korean counterparts are sheltered.  相似文献   

To assess cause- and occupation-specific risks of work related fatal injuries among U.S. construction workers, the National Traumatic Occupational Fatalities (NTOF) surveillance system and Current Population Survey were used to obtain injury and employment data for the years 1990 through 1994. Risks were assessed by both rate and working lifetime risk. The occupation found to have the highest fatal-injury rate in construction was electrical-power installers and repairers (96.6 deaths/100,000 workers), followed by structural-metal workers (86.4) and operating engineers (41.0). The occupation found to have the largest numbers of fatalities was construction laborers (1133 deaths), followed by carpenters (408), and construction supervisors (392). The leading causes of death varied by occupation. Construction in general has experienced a decline in fatal-injury rates over the years; however, this decline did not occur equally across occupations and causes of death. The presentation of working lifetime injury risks provides a measure of risk for occupational injuries that can be compared with occupational illness risk assessments. This study is the first to provide a comprehensive national profile of work-related fatal-injury risks among United States construction workers by occupation and cause of death. The results will be useful in focusing research and prevention efforts on specific hazards in high-risk construction occupations.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of education for shaping individuals' life chances, little research has examined trends and differences in educational attainment for detailed demographic subpopulations in the United States. We use labor market segmentation and cohort replacement theories, linear regression methods, and data from the National Health Interview Survey to understand educational attainment by race/ethnicity, nativity, birth cohort, and sex between 1989 and 2005 in the United States. There have been significant changes in educational attainment over time. In support of the cohort replacement theory, we find that across cohorts, females have enjoyed greater gains in education than men, and for some race/ethnic groups, recent cohorts of women average more years of education than comparable men. And in support of labor market segmentation theories, foreign-born Mexican Americans continue to possess relatively low levels of educational attainment. Our results can aid policymakers in identifying vulnerable populations, and form the base from which to better understand changing disparities in education.  相似文献   

For more than a century Italian emigration contributed to rebalancing the labour market in Italy, through the absorption of significant numbers of the Italian workforce abroad and by alleviating unemployment levels, and also represented a source of national economic wealth. In the last two decades the Italian migratory trend has been reversed: there has, in fact, been an intensification of migratory flows towards Italy owing to the return of our compatriots, whose economic goals have been realised, and to the arrival of citizens either from poorer countries whose growth rate is zero or negative, or from developing countries. It is certainly necessary to bear in mind that the foreigners are not all workers: there are spouses, children, family members and other persons present for reasons other than work or family, and there are the children of immigrants born in Italy. The data regarding the wealth produced by the work of the immigrants could be significant, also and above all, in view of demographic shrinkage and the ageing of the Italian population forecast for the next fifty years. In view of this, immigration could become a real source of wealth both in economic terms and in terms of human capital. If we evaluate separately and comparatively the immigrations that take place for the demand for manpower and those due to flight from situations of economic and political hardship, we can see that Apulia, starting from 1990s, has become not only a land of passage towards the rest of Europe, but also an objective for settlement.  相似文献   

Although a negative association between obesity and labour market outcomes is commonly reported in many studies, the causal nature of this relationship remains unclear. Using nationally representative longitudinal data from the last six confidential master files (2000/2001–2010/2011) of the National Population Health Survey, we examine the association between obesity and employment participation and earnings among working-age adults in Canada. After controlling for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle factors and time-invariant individual heterogeneity, our results show that obesity is not significantly associated with employment participation but is associated with reduced hourly wage rate and annual income among women by about 4% and 4.5%, respectively. The corresponding results for men show that obesity is associated with about 2% reduction in wage rate and income, but significant at 10% level. However, after controlling for the potential reverse causality bias using the lagged measure of obesity, the effect of obesity on wage rate and income became positive or statistically non-significant. Our findings suggest that obesity is not causally associated with negative labour market outcomes among working-age men in Canada. For working-age women, we find limited evidence of negative labour market outcomes.  相似文献   

Survey data on people’s reported attitudes towards ethnic minorities are sometimes used as a proxy for ethnic discrimination. However, there is weak empirical evidence of a link between reported attitudes and discrimination. In this article, we use survey data on people’s attitudes towards ethnic minorities combined with a direct measure of ethnic discrimination from a field experiment in the Swedish housing market to re-examine this policy-relevant issue. We find clear evidence of a link between reported attitudes towards ethnic minorities and the extent of ethnic discrimination: in regions where attitudes are more negative, there is more discrimination, and vice versa. Thus, in contrast to most prior studies, our results suggest that reported attitudes may be a useful predictor of ethnic discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper examines the patterns of the US and Australian immigration geography and the process of regional population diversification and the emergence of new immigrant concentrations at the regional level. It presents a new approach in the context of human migration studies, focusing on spatial relatedness between individual foreign-born groups as revealed from the analysis of their joint spatial concentrations. The approach employs a simple assumption that the more frequently the members of two population groups concentrate in the same locations the higher is the probability that these two groups can be related. Based on detailed data on the spatial distribution of foreign-born groups in US counties (2000–2010) and Australian postal areas (2006–2011) we firstly quantify the spatial relatedness between all pairs of foreign-born groups and model the aggregate patterns of US and Australian immigration systems conceptualized as the undirected networks of foreign-born groups linked by their spatial relatedness. Secondly, adopting a more dynamic perspective, we assume that immigrant groups with higher spatial relatedness to those groups already concentrated in a region are also more likely to settle in this region in future. As the ultimate goal of the paper, we examine the power of spatial relatedness measures in projecting the emergence of new immigrant concentrations in the US and Australian regions. The results corroborate that the spatial relatedness measures can serve as useful instruments in the analysis of the patterns of population structure and prediction of regional population change. More generally, this paper demonstrates that information contained in spatial patterns (relatedness in space) of population composition has yet to be fully utilized in population forecasting.  相似文献   

The present article focuses on determinants of attitudes towards granting social rights to overseas labour migrants in Israeli society. The analysis is based on a national representative sample of the adult population in Israel. The findings reveal that a substantial number of respondents (both Jews and Arabs) oppose granting equal social rights (i.e. education, welfare, health, housing) to foreign workers. These attitudes can partially be explained as resulting from perceived threat to social and economic well-being of individuals as well as threat to national identity and Jewish character of the state. Part of the exclusionary attitudes that cannot be attributed to threats, are explained by individuals’ socio-economic characteristics, ethnicity and political orientation. The findings are discussed within the context of Israel as an ethno-national state.  相似文献   

While the number of reported tuberculosis (TB) cases in the United States has declined over the past two decades, TB morbidity among foreign-born persons has remained persistently elevated. A recent unexpected decline in reported TB cases among foreign-born persons beginning in 2007 provided an opportunity to examine contributing factors and inform future TB control strategies. We investigated the relative influence of three factors on the decline: 1) changes in the size of the foreign-born population through immigration and emigration, 2) changes in distribution of country of origin among foreign-born persons, and 3) changes in the TB case rates among foreign-born subpopulations. Using data from the U.S. National Tuberculosis Surveillance System and the American Community Survey, we examined TB case counts, TB case rates, and population estimates, stratified by years since U.S. entry and country of origin. Regression modeling was used to assess statistically significant changes in trend. Among foreign-born recent entrants (<3 years since U.S. entry), we found a 39.5% decline (-1,013 cases) beginning in 2007 (P<0.05 compared to 2000–2007) and ending in 2011 (P<0.05 compared to 2011–2014). Among recent entrants from Mexico, 80.7% of the decline was attributable to a decrease in population, while the declines among recent entrants from the Philippines, India, Vietnam, and China were almost exclusively (95.5%–100%) the result of decreases in TB case rates. Among foreign-born non-recent entrants (≥3 years since U.S. entry), we found an 8.9% decline (-443 cases) that resulted entirely (100%) from a decrease in the TB case rate. Both recent and non-recent entrants contributed to the decline in TB cases; factors contributing to the decline among recent entrants varied by country of origin. Strategies that impact both recent and non-recent entrants (e.g., investment in overseas TB control) as well as those that focus on non-recent entrants (e.g., expanded targeted testing of high-risk subgroups among non-recent entrants) will be necessary to achieve further declines in TB morbidity among foreign-born persons.  相似文献   

Understanding the relative roles of local and regional processes in determining local species diversity is now of strong relevance in basic ecology. To address this question, we have tested the influence of immigration on species diversity dynamics in a three-year experiment using herbaceous plant communities. We manipulated the intensity of seed rain (i.e., immigration) and the relative contribution of each species to the seed rain. For each of three levels of intensity of immigration (seed rain), we considered three cases, in which immigration was either negatively correlated, positively correlated, or uncorrelated with local competitive ability. Our experiment illustrates how both immigration and local competition contribute to explaining species diversity in herbaceous plant communities. Communities were more diverse when they received more seeds and when immigration was inversely correlated or uncorrelated with local competitive ability. Only species of intermediate or low competitive ability responded positively to the seed-addition treatment. Community-level functional properties were not strongly modified by immigration: immigration treatments did not differ in total above-ground biomass and plant cover, soil surface occupation was higher at high immigration intensities. A comparison of our results with theoretical models of plant community structure suggests that the mechanisms underlying the species dynamics in our communities were probably a mixture of colonization-extinction and competitive weighted lottery.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bumble bee workers (Bombus bifarius, Hymenoptera: Apidae) exhibit aggression toward one another after the colony begins producing female reproductive offspring (the competition phase). Workers in competition phase colonies must continue to perform in‐nest tasks, such as nest thermoregulation, and to forage for food, to rear the reproductives to maturity. Therefore, competition phase workers are faced with potentially conflicting pressures to work for their colonies, or to compete for direct reproduction. The effects of reproductive competition on worker task performance were quantified by measuring relationships of worker body size, reproductive physiology, and aggression with their rates of task performance. If worker division of labour was strongly affected by competition, it was predicted that fecund workers would avoid performing nest maintenance and foraging tasks, focusing instead on reproductive behaviour. Furthermore, it was predicted that fecund workers would dominate their nest mates, and that subordinate workers would perform nonreproductive tasks at higher rates. Worker aggression was associated closely with direct reproductive competition. Both aggression and brood interaction rates were related positively with ooctye development. Furthermore, foraging was associated negatively with ovarian development. However, in‐nest and foraging task performance rates were not associated with social aggression. The results support a partial role for reproductive competition in worker polyethism. Although worker aggression did not directly affect polyethism, reproductively competent workers avoided foraging tasks that would remove them from egg‐laying opportunities. Reproductively competent workers did perform in‐nest tasks, suggesting that these tasks entail little cost in terms of reproductive competition.  相似文献   

Research on the role of co-ethnic ties in immigrants’ labour market outcomes has reached mixed conclusions. Some argue they are a valuable resource, increasing immigrants’ labour force participation and wages; others find negative effects such as trapping workers in low-quality employment. Thus far very few quantitative studies have investigated systematically the circumstances under which migrant networks work. Taking advantage of unique data on Senegalese men in France, Italy and Spain, this paper shows that the receiving context shapes the role of pre-migration ties. In France, where the Senegalese community is well-established and socio-economically diverse, networks lead to better economic prospects. In contrast, pre-migration ties in Italy and Spain mostly lead to the perpetuation of ethnic niches developed by the Senegalese in small and precarious trade activities. The article emphasizes the benefits of adopting a comparative and diachronic approach and calls for future work on the factors shaping the role of networks.  相似文献   

Two hearts beat in every liberal breast. One is the heart of non-discrimination – the commitment to propounding equal chances for all. Such a principle, built around individuals and their free choices, ought to be applicable everywhere and to everyone. This perspective currently dominates human-rights discourse and is associated with the ‘global left’ and with the politics of ‘recognition’. The second liberal heart is communitarian social justice. Redistribution, effected primarily through the state, is owed the poor and exploited, and it can be accomplished best in one's own society, for one's own countrymen. This vision has lost a great deal of ground, especially among elites and critical intellectuals. This view is associated with the ‘sovereignty left’ and with the politics of ‘redistributive justice’. This paper examines the manifestations of these tensions in recent US immigration debates, particularly over issues of labour market competition between immigrants and the domestic poor.  相似文献   

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