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Malarial gametocytes, which are taken up by mosquitoes during a blood meal, develop in the gut of the mosquito into gametes. Gametes and gametocytes contain the target antigens of transmission-blocking immunity. Here, we show that the peripheral blood of nonexposed donors contains Plasmodium falciparum gamete-reactive T cells at frequencies ranging from 1/300 to 1/4000. Studies on long-term clones demonstrated that these cells often recognized antigens shared between gametes and asexual stage parasites or even between heterologous gametes, although it has been possible to derive a P. falciparum gamete-specific T clone. The T clones examined were T3+, T4+, T8-, and either HLA-DR- or HLA-DQ-restricted. They responded to gametes by both proliferation and the secretion of gamma-interferon. The gamete-specific clone and other asexual cross-reactive clones examined could be stimulated in vitro by a preparation of mature gametocytes within RBC, but not by RBC alone, suggesting that gametocytes are immunogenic or can become immunogenic for T cells in vivo. The significance of these observations to mosquito transmission of malaria and development and application of a gamete vaccine are discussed.  相似文献   

The 180- and 190-kDa isoforms of CD45 are preferentially expressed on the helper inducer (memory) subset of CD4 cells. In order to generate monoclonal antibodies against the extracellular domains of these isoforms and determine whether they could regulate the function and activation of these cells, we developed a mAb, anti-4H2D, by immunizing Balb/c mice with an isogenic mouse pre-B cell line expressing the human 190-kDa CD45 isoform. Anti-4H2D reacts with approximately 60% of T cells, 70% of CD4 cells, and 60% of CD8 cells. The CD4 cell population defined by this mAb corresponds functionally and phenotypically to that defined by the CD45RO+CD29+ subset. Western blotting demonstrated that anti-4H2D reacts primarily with the 190-kDa isoform of CD45 and to a minor extent, the 205- and 180-kDa CD45 isoforms. Interestingly, this mAb reacted with only a subpopulation of mature thymocytes and peripheral T cells, despite the fact that the 190-kDa CD45 isoform, as well as CD45RO and CD29, is more widely distributed on cells of hematopoietic origin. The 4H2D epitope was neuraminidase sensitive, indicating that anti-4H2D reacts with a carbohydrate epitope which is present on only a subset of the T cells containing the 190-kDa CD45 isoform epitopes. Functional studies showed that soluble anti-4H2D augmented T cell proliferation induced by the CD2 and CD3 pathways, and treatment of T cells with this mAb up-regulated [Ca2+]i flux induced by both anti-CD2 and anti-CD3 mAbs. These results suggest that the 190-kDa CD45 isoform on human CD4 cells is heterogeneous and that the 190-kDa isoform recognized by anti-4H2D regulates the function and activation of CD4 helper T cells.  相似文献   

We now report two healthy individuals whose T lymphocytes were over 95% positive for CD45RA antigen expression. However, these donors normally expressed both the CD29 high (CD29+) and CD45RO high (CD45RO+) antigens on approximately 40 and 50% of their CD4 cells, respectively. Despite the strong CD45RA expression on the surface of almost all CD4 cells, the CD29 marker allowed T cells from these donors to be divided phenotypically into subsets having distinct in vitro function. CD4+CD29+ cells from these donors responded maximally to recall antigens such as TT and provided strong helper function for B cell Ig synthesis. In contrast, CD4+CD29- cells responded poorly to recall antigens and had poor helper function for B cell Ig synthesis, but had strong suppressor activity. Thus, CD29 antigen expression was still predictive of the in vitro functional activity as previously described for normal donors. Furthermore, biochemical analysis of the distribution of individual CD45 isoforms on the surface of these subsets of CD4 cells revealed distinct differences. The CD4+CD29 high (CD4+CD29+) subset of cells primarily expressed the 180-, 190-, and 205-kDa CD45 isoforms, while the CD4+CD29 low (CD4+CD29-) cells primarily expressed the 190-, 205-, and 220-kDa CD45 isoforms. These results suggest that despite the superficial phenotypic similarity of CD4 cells in these donors, distinctions in the distribution of both CD29 and the 180- and 220-kDa CD45 isoforms exist and might play a role in the different functions of freshly isolated CD4 lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The expression of lymphokine mRNA by human CD4+CD45R+ and CD4+CD45R- Th cells was assessed after mitogen stimulation. These Ag have previously been shown to relate closely to virgin and primed T cells, respectively. CD4+CD45R+ (virgin) and CD4+CD45R- (primed) cell fractions were isolated by sorting double-labeled cells with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. CD4+CD45R+ cells produced high levels of IL-2 mRNA when stimulated with either PMA together with calcium ionophore, or with PHA, but they expressed only trace quantities of mRNA for IL-4 or IFN-gamma. In contrast, CD4+CD45R- cells produced high levels of mRNA for IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. After 14 days of continuous culture, CD4+CD45R+ Th cells lost expression of the CD45R Ag, but gained high level expression of CDw29, such that they were indistinguishable from the cell population which originally expressed this Ag. At the same time, they acquired the ability to synthesize IL-4 mRNA. It seemed likely that the broad lymphokine profile of primed Th cells might mask clonal heterogeneity. Analysis of 122 CD4+ T cell clones showed that all of them synthesized IL-2 mRNA. One clone failed to express IL-4 mRNA, but did produce those for IL-2 and IFN-gamma. A total of 34 of the clones was investigated to determine expression of IFN-gamma mRNA; two of these clones were negative for IFN-gamma mRNA, and both expressed IL-2 and IL-4 message. These data suggest that while fresh virgin and primed peripheral blood T cells show a clear resolution of lymphokine production, a simple subdivision of human CD4+ T cell clones on the basis of their lymphokine production (such as that reported for mouse Th cell clones) is not possible.  相似文献   

Although a role for CD8+ T cells in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been suggested, the precise nature of their involvement is not fully understood. In the present study we examined the central and effector memory phenotypes of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the peripheral blood of patients with RA and systemic lupus erythematosus. Terminally differentiated effector memory CD45RA+CD62L-CD8+ T cells were significantly decreased in RA patients, whereas the central memory CD45RA-CD62L+ CD8+ T-cell population was increased as compared with levels in healthy control individuals. Na?ve and preterminally differentiated effector memory CD45RA-CD62L- CD8+ T cells did not differ between RA patients and control individuals. The CD45RA-CD62L+ central memory CD4+ T-cell subpopulation was increased in RA patients, whereas the na?ve and effector memory phenotype of CD4+ T cells did not differ between RA patients and control individuals. In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus the distribution of na?ve/memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells did not differ from that in age- and sex-matched control individuals. These findings show that peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from RA patients exhibit a skewed maturation phenotype that suggests a perturbation in the homeostasis of these cells. The central memory CD45RA-CD62L+ CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell numbers were increased in RA, suggesting an accelerated maturation of na?ve T cells. The decreased numbers of terminally differentiated CD45RA+CD62L- effector memory CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood of RA patients may reflect increased apoptosis of these cells or enhanced migration of these cells to sites of inflammation, which may play a role in the pathogenesis of RA.  相似文献   

Third-color CD45 gating is a useful procedure in various clinical applications (Borowitz et al.: Am J Clin Pathol 100:534-540, 1993; Steltzer et al.: Ann NY Acad Sci 677:267-280, 1993) allowing for the selective immunophenotyping of abnormal cell populations. In laboratories where dual-color protocols are in place, the need for CD45 gating may not become evident until after cells have been exposed to fixatives. This brief study demonstrates that third-color CD45 staining and gating is possible with paraformaldehyde fixed lymphocytes, eliminating the need to restain fresh cells with the entire antibody panel, and with a significant saving of time and money. Gates must be modified from those obtained by fresh cell staining in order to include both bright and dim CD45 populations. In a standard protocol, third-color CD45 staining intensity was decreased 10-fold post-fixation with paraformaldehyde except, unexpectedly, for CD8+ cells. The latter phenomenon could be explained if the spatial arrangement of CD45 and CD8 is such that the CD45 epitope is protected from cross-linking by paraformaldehyde fixation in CD8+ cells, but not others.  相似文献   

T cells with specificity for self-Ags are normally present in the peripheral blood, and, upon activation, may target tissue Ags and become involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune processes. In multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating disease of the CNS, it is postulated that inflammatory damage is initiated by CD4+ T cells reactive to myelin Ags. To investigate the potential naive vs memory origin of circulating myelin-reactive cells, we have generated myelin basic protein (MBP)- and tetanus toxoid-specific T cell clones from CD45RA+/RO- and CD45RO+/RA- CD4+ T cell subsets from the peripheral blood of multiple sclerosis patients and controls. Our results show that 1) the response to MBP, different from that to TT, predominantly emerges from the CD45RA+ subset; 2) the reactivity to immunodominant MBP epitopes mostly resides in the CD45RA+ subset; 3) in each individual, the recognition of single MBP epitopes is skewed to either subset, with no overlap in the Ag fine specificity; and 4) in spite of a lower expression of costimulatory and adhesion molecules, CD45RA+ subset-derived clones recognize epitopes with higher functional Ag avidity. These findings point to a central role of the naive CD45RA+ T cell subset as the source for immunodominant, potentially pathogenic effector CD4+ T cell responses in humans.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cell (Treg) is a subset of CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing CD25 with immunosuppressive activity. However the function of Tregs onto osteoclastogenesis remains unknown. We investigated the effect and regulatory mechanism of Treg focusing on osteoclastogenesis from PBMCs. Tregs were isolated from PBMCs by magnetic cell sorting-column and analyzed by flow cytometry. RT-PCR was performed to identify Foxp3 mRNA. Using PBMCs and Tregs coculture system, we could find that Tregs inhibited osteoclasts differentiation from PBMCs and reduced the resorbed areas on pit assay (p <0.01). This suppression of osteoclast differentiation was cytokine-dependent, not cell-to-cell direct contact proved by Transwell system. Tregs-induced osteoclast differentiation was blocked by anti-TGF-beta or anti-IL-4 antibody treatment. These results suggest that Tregs inhibit osteoclast differentiation from PBMCs in a cytokine-dependent manner, not by cell-to-cell contact manner and that TGF-beta and IL-4 may be the key cytokines for this suppressive function of Tregs.  相似文献   

The mAb 1B11 has been characterized as recognizing the activation-associated glycoform of murine CD43, a heavily O-glycosylated protein implicated in leukocyte homing. When hemopoietic cells from CD43-/- mice were stained with 1B11, CD43-independent binding of 1B11 was observed on peripheral CD8 T cells and at low levels on thymocytes, while no binding was detected on CD4 T cells, B cells, or bone marrow cells. Levels of 1B11 staining were comparable in lymph node CD8+ T cells from both CD43-/- mice and CD43+/+ mice. We sought to identify the CD43-independent target of 1B11 expressed on CD8 T cells. Previous work had demonstrated that neuraminidase treatment of lymph node cells (LNC) enhanced 1B11 binding on CD43+/+ LNC; this enhancement was also observed in CD43-/- LNC. We show that neuraminidase-enhanced 1B11 binding in CD43-/- LNC and EL4 thymoma cells is CD43 independent and that 1B11 detects a novel target of apparent mass of approximately 200 kDa identified as a hyposialylated form of CD45RB preferentially expressed on peripheral CD8, but not CD4, T cells. Our data also show that the recognition of CD43 and CD45RB by 1B11 is differentially affected by O-linked glycosylation and sialic acid. Whereas 1B11 recognition of CD43 on activated T cells required both core 2 O-glycan branching and sialic acid, 1B11 recognition of CD45 only occurred in the absence of both core 2 glycosylation and sialic acid.  相似文献   

Murine CD4+ T cells can be separated into two distinct populations on the basis of their levels of expression of the CD45RB antigen (CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo). Murine CD45Rlo cells arise from CD45Rhi cells after antigenic exposure and provide antigen-specific help to B cells in a secondary immune response. In the present study, the ability of CD45Rhi and CD45Rlo cells to proliferate in response to either soluble antigen or allogeneic cells was examined by limiting dilution analysis. CD45Rhi cells were the major responding cells in unprimed animals; priming caused a large increase in the frequencies of responding CD45Rlo cells and this increase was evident 11 months later. These results further support the notion that CD4+ CD45Rlo cells are long-term memory cells.  相似文献   

It has been generally believed that human CD8+ memory cells are principally found within the CD45ROhigh population. There are high frequencies of CD8+ memory CTL specific for the human CMV tegument phosphoprotein pp65 in PBMC of long-term virus carriers; the large population of memory CTL specific for a given pp65 peptide contains individual CTL clones that have greatly expanded. In this study, we found high frequencies of pp65 peptide-specific memory CTL precursors in the CD45ROhighCD45RA- population, but also appreciable frequencies in the CD45RAhigh subpopulation. Because the majority of CD8+ T cells in PBMC are CD45RAhigh, more of the total pp65-specific memory CTL pool is within the CD45RAhigh than in the CD45ROhigh compartment. Using clonotypic oligonucleotide probes to quantify the size of individual pp65-specific CTL clones in vivo, we found the CD45RAhigh population contributed 6- to 10-fold more than the CD45ROhigh population to the total virus-specific clone size in CD8+ cells. During primary CMV infection, an individual virus-specific CTL clone was initially CD45ROhigh, but after resolution of infection this clone was detected in both the CD45ROhigh and the CD45RAhigh populations. We conclude that CD45RA+ human CD8+ T cells do not solely comprise naive cells, but contain a very significant proportion of memory cells, which can revert from the CD45ROhigh to CD45RAhigh phenotype in vivo.  相似文献   

Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells express either CD45RA or CD45R0 isoform of CD45R in an exclusive way. Recent reports have shown that CD45RA+ T cells lose CD45RA and gain CD45R0 upon activation. This switching has been suggested to be irreversible although more recently, examples of reversal of CD45R isotype switching in CD4+ T cells have been reported. We report here that freshly isolated unprimed CD8+ T cells, when activated with PHA, temporarily lose CD45RA but reexpress an intermediate level of CD45RA 2-3 weeks after activation with PHA. This reversal seems to take place much more slowly in unprimed CD4+ T cells: the majority of CD4+ T cells that had lost CD45RA and gained CD45R0 remained CD45RA-CD45R0+ in 3 weeks after the stimulation. Also, long-term CD8+ CD45RA+ T cell lines stimulated with PHA or OKT3 showed even more rapid recovery of CD45RA while PPD-specific CD4+ T cell clones retained the original CD45R0 phenotype 3 weeks after stimulation with PPD or PHA.  相似文献   

Neonatal T cells are phenotypically similar to "naive" T cells from adult donors in the CD45 isoform expression. Despite the phenotypic similarity, large differences were found between neonatal and adult T cells when T cells were activated. After activation with PHA, adult CD45RA+ T cells began to express CD45RO and no loss of CD45RA expression had yet occurred at Day 3 post-stimulation. Three days after activation, CD45RA+ neonatal T cells also coexpressed CD45RO; however, in contrast to adult T cells, a marked loss of CD45RA was observed. We analyzed the rapid loss of CD45RA found in neonatal T cells. The de novo synthesis of CD45 isoforms in neonatal T cells was essentially the same as that in the adult T cells. Turnover of the CD45RA was very rapid in both resting adult and neonatal T cells. After activation with PHA, the turnover of CD45RA on adult T cells was decreased significantly, while the turnover of CD45RA on neonatal T cells was not changed after activation. Therefore, the regulation of CD45 isoform expression not only involves switches in alternative splicing, but also involves different regulation of turnover of these isoforms from the cell membrane.  相似文献   

D Brohée  N Higuet 《Cytobios》1992,71(285):105-111
Following phytohaemagglutinin A stimulation, CD45RA positive monocytes increased from 12.2 +/- 8.9% to 63.5 +/- 8.8% (p < 0.001), without a significant change in cell surface antigen density. In contrast, HLA-DQ antigen, also expressed in 76.8 +/- 10.5% of the monocytes after PHA stimulation for 48 h, revealed a marked enhancement in fluorescence intensity (p < 0.001). This up-regulation is already evident in unstimulated cultures. The percentages of CD45RA and HLA-DQ positive monocytes were correlated (r = 0.80, p < 0.001), substantiating a previous clinical observation. CD45RA expression may probe activated mono/macrophages.  相似文献   

The frequency of cytokine-producing CD4-/CD8- mononuclear cells was assessed in patients of different age groups (29 infants, aged 1-5 years; 30 schoolchildren, aged 6-14 years, 26 adults, aged > 15 years) with acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria, from Gabon. Fifteen patients were followed up before antimalarial treatment (day 0), during parasite clearance (day 3) and after resolution of parasitemia (day 10). By using flow cytometry for intracellular detection of cytokines, a striking expansion of CD4-/CD8- cells producing the type 1 cytokines interleukin (IL)-2-/interferon (IFN)-gamma+, IL-2+/IFN-gamma+ and IL-2+/IFN-gamma- was observed in adults as compared with children. Type 2 cytokine expression (IL-4+/IFN-gamma-, IL-13+/IFN-gamma-) and type 0 cells (IL-4+/IFN-gamma+, IL-13+/IFN-gamma+) were not significantly different between the three age groups. Patients with severe malaria had a significantly increased frequency of type 2 cytokine-producing CD4-/CD8- cells. Drug-induced clearance of parasitemia was characterized by a decrease of IL-2+/IFN-gamma- and type 2 cytokine expressing CD4-/CD8- cells and by a gradual increase of IL-10+/IFN-gamma- expression. The type 1/type 2 dichotomy observed within the CD4-/CD8- cell population is likely to be of significance in the host response against P. falciparum malaria.  相似文献   

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