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Evolution of the angiosperms: calibrating the family tree.   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Growing evidence of morphological diversity in angiosperm flowers, seeds and pollen from the mid Cretaceous and the presence of derived lineages from increasingly older geological deposits both imply that the timing of early angiosperm cladogenesis is older than fossil-based estimates have indicated. An alternative to fossils for calibrating the phylogeny comes from divergence in DNA sequence data. Here, angiosperm divergence times are estimated using non-parametric rate smoothing and a three-gene dataset covering ca. 75% of all angiosperm families recognized in recent classifications. The results provide an initial hypothesis of angiosperm diversification times. Using an internal calibration point, an independent evaluation of angiosperm and eudicot origins is performed. The origin of the crown group of extant angiosperms is indicated to be Early to Middle Jurassic (179-158 Myr), and the origin of eudicots is resolved as Late Jurassic to mid Cretaceous (147-131 Myr). Both estimates, despite a conservative calibration point, are older than current fossil-based estimates.  相似文献   

Molecular estimates of the age of angiosperms have varied widely, and many greatly predate the Early Cretaceous appearance of angiosperms in the fossil record, but there have been few attempts to assess confidence limits on ages. Experiments with rbcL and 18S data using maximum likelihood suggest that previous angiosperm age estimates were too old because they assumed equal rates across sites-use of a gamma distribution of rates to correct for site-to-site variation gives 10-30 my (million years) younger ages-and relied on herbaceous angiosperm taxa with high rates of molecular evolution. Ages based on first and second codon positions of rbcL are markedly older than those based on third positions, which conflict with the fossil record in being too young, but all examined data partitions of rbcL and 18S depart substantially from a molecular clock. Age estimates are surprisingly insensitive to different views on seed-plant relationships. Randomization schemes were used to quantify confidence intervals due to phylogenetic uncertainty, substitutional noise, and lineage effects (deviations from a molecular clock). Estimates of the age of crown-group angiosperms range from 68 to 281 mya (million years ago), depending on data, tree, and assumptions, with most ~140-190 mya (Early Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous). Approximate 95% confidence intervals on ages are wider for rbcL than 18S, ranging up to 160 my for phylogenetic uncertainty, 90 my for substitutional noise, and 70 my for lineage effects. These intervals overlap the oldest occurrences of angiosperms in the fossil record, as well as some estimates from previous molecular studies.  相似文献   

The age of the angiosperms: a molecular timescale without a clock   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The age of the angiosperms has long been of interest to botanists and evolutionary biologists. Many early efforts to date the age of the angiosperms and evolutionary divergences within the angiosperm clade using a molecular clock have yielded age estimates that are grossly inconsistent with the fossil record. We investigated the age of angiosperms using Bayesian relaxed clock (BRC) and penalized likelihood (PL) approaches. Both of these methods allow the incorporation of multiple fossil constraints into the optimization procedure. The BRC method allows a range of values for among-lineage rate of substitution, from a nearly clocklike behavior to a condition in which each branch is allowed an optimal substitution rate, and also accounts for variation in molecular evolution across multiple genes. A topology derived from an analysis of genes from all three plant genomes for 71 taxa was used as a backbone. The effects on age estimates of different genes, single-gene versus concatenated datasets, and the inclusion and assumptions of fossils as age constraints were examined. In addition, the influence of prior distributions on estimates of divergence times was also explored. These results indicate that widely divergent age estimates can result from the different methods (198-139 million years ago), different sources of data (275-122 million years ago), and the inclusion of temporal constraints to topologies. Most dates, however, are between 180-140 million years ago, suggesting a Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous origin of flowering plants, predating the oldest unequivocal fossil angiosperms by about 45-5 million years. Nonetheless, these dates are consistent with other recent studies that have used methods that relax the assumption of a strict molecular clock and also agree with the hypothesis that the angiosperms may be somewhat older than the fossil record indicates.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: It has been 8 years since the last comprehensive analysis of divergence times across the angiosperms. Given recent methodological improvements in estimating divergence times, refined understanding of relationships among major angiosperm lineages, and the immense interest in using large angiosperm phylogenies to investigate questions in ecology and comparative biology, new estimates of the ages of the major clades are badly needed. Improved estimations of divergence times will concomitantly improve our understanding of both the evolutionary history of the angiosperms and the patterns and processes that have led to this highly diverse clade. ? Methods: We simultaneously estimated the age of the angiosperms and the divergence times of key angiosperm lineages, using 36 calibration points for 567 taxa and a "relaxed clock" methodology that does not assume any correlation between rates, thus allowing for lineage-specific rate heterogeneity. ? Key results: Based on the analysis for which we set fossils to fit lognormal priors, we obtained an estimated age of the angiosperms of 167-199 Ma and the following age estimates for major angiosperm clades: Mesangiospermae (139-156 Ma); Gunneridae (109-139 Ma); Rosidae (108-121 Ma); Asteridae (101-119 Ma). ? Conclusions: With the exception of the age of the angiosperms themselves, these age estimates are generally younger than other recent molecular estimates and very close to dates inferred from the fossil record. We also provide dates for all major angiosperm clades (including 45 orders and 335 families [208 stem group age only, 127 both stem and crown group ages], sensu APG III). Our analyses provide a new comprehensive source of reference dates for major angiosperm clades that we hope will be of broad utility.  相似文献   

Dipsacales is an asterid angiosperm clade of ca. 1100 species, with most of its lineages occupying temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. A recent phylogenetic analysis based on 7593 nucleotides of chloroplast DNA recovered a well-resolved and strongly supported phylogenetic hypothesis, which we use here to estimate divergence times within the group. A molecular clock is strongly rejected, regardless of data partition. We used recently proposed methods that relax the assumption of rate constancy among lineages (local clocks, nonparametric rate smoothing, penalized likelihood, and Bayesian relaxed clock) to estimate the ages of major lineages. Age estimates for Dipsacales varied widely among markers and codon positions, and depended on the fossils used for calibration and method of analysis. Some methods yielded dates for the Dipsacales diversification that appear to be too old (prior to the presumed 125 my [million years] age of eudicots), and others suggested ages that are too young based on well-documented Dipsacales fossils. Concordant penalized likelihood and Bayesian studies imply that Dipsacales originated in the Cretaceous, as did its two major lineages, Adoxaceae and Caprifoliaceae. However, diversification of crown Adoxaceae and Caprifoliaceae mainly occurred in the Tertiary, with the origin of major lineages within these clades mainly occurring during the Eocene. Another round of diversification appears to have occurred in the Miocene. Several radiations, such as Valerianaceae in South America and Dipsacaceae around the Mediterranean, are even more recent. This study demonstrates the wide range of divergence times that can be obtained using different methods and data sets, and cautions against reliance on age estimates based on only a single gene or methodology. Despite this variance, significant conclusions can be made about the timing of Dipsacales evolution.  相似文献   

Recent palaeobotanical studies have greatly increased the quantity and quality of information available about the structure and relationships of Cretaceous angiosperms. Discoveries of extremely well preserved Cretaceous flowers have been especially informative and, combined with results from phylogenetic analyses of extant angiosperms (based mainly on molecular sequence data), have greatly clarified important aspects of early angiosperm diversification. Nevertheless, many questions still persist. The phylogenetic origin of the group itself remains as enigmatic as ever and, in some cases, newly introduced techniques from molecular biology have given confusing results. In particular, relationships between the five groups of extant seed plants remain uncertain, and it has sometimes proved difficult to reconcile estimates of the time of divergence between extant lineages made using a 'molecular clock' with the fossil record. One result, however, is becoming increasingly clear: a great deal of angiosperm diversity is extinct. Some groups of angiosperms were evidently more diverse in the past than they are today. In other cases, fossils defy assignment to extant groups at the family level or below. This raises the possibility that evolutionary conclusions based solely upon extant taxa that are merely relics of groups that were once much more diverse might be misled by the effects of extinction. It also introduces the possibility that some early enigmatic fossils might represent lineages that diverged from the main line of angiosperm evolution below the most recent common ancestor of all extant taxa. These, and other questions, are among those that need to be addressed by future palaeobotanical research.  相似文献   

A molecular dating of the phylogenetically basal eudicots (Ranunculales, Proteales, Sabiales, Buxales and Trochodendrales sensu Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II) has been performed using several fossils as minimum age constraints. All rbcL sequences available in GenBank were sampled for the taxa in focus. Dating was performed using penalized likelihood, and results were compared with nonparametric rate smoothing. Fourteen eudicot fossils, all with a Cretaceous record, were included in this study for age constraints. Nine of these are assigned to basal eudicots and the remaining five taxa represent core eudicots. Our study shows that the choice of methods and fossil constraints has a great impact on the age estimates, and that removing one single fossil change the results in the magnitude of tens of million years. The use of several fossil constraints increase the probability of approaching the true ages. Our results suggest a rapid diversification during the late Early Cretaceous, with all the lineages of basal eudicots emerging during the latest part of the Early Cretaceous. The age of Ranunculales was estimated to 120 my, Proteales to 119 my, Sabiales to 118 my, Buxales to 117 my, and Trochodendrales to 116 my.  相似文献   

Although temporal calibration is widely recognized as critical for obtaining accurate divergence-time estimates using molecular dating methods, few studies have evaluated the variation resulting from different calibration strategies. Depending on the information available, researchers have often used primary calibrations from the fossil record or secondary calibrations from previous molecular dating studies. In analyses of flowering plants, primary calibration data can be obtained from macro- and mesofossils (e.g., leaves, flowers, and fruits) or microfossils (e.g., pollen). Fossil data can vary substantially in accuracy and precision, presenting a difficult choice when selecting appropriate calibrations. Here, we test the impact of eight plausible calibration scenarios for Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae, Fagales), a plant genus with a particularly rich and well-studied fossil record. To do so, we reviewed the phylogenetic placement and geochronology of 38 fossil taxa of Nothofagus and other Fagales, and we identified minimum age constraints for up to 18 nodes of the phylogeny of Fagales. Molecular dating analyses were conducted for each scenario using maximum likelihood (RAxML + r8s) and Bayesian (BEAST) approaches on sequence data from six regions of the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. Using either ingroup or outgroup constraints, or both, led to similar age estimates, except near strongly influential calibration nodes. Using "early but risky" fossil constraints in addition to "safe but late" constraints, or using assumptions of vicariance instead of fossil constraints, led to older age estimates. In contrast, using secondary calibration points yielded drastically younger age estimates. This empirical study highlights the critical influence of calibration on molecular dating analyses. Even in a best-case situation, with many thoroughly vetted fossils available, substantial uncertainties can remain in the estimates of divergence times. For example, our estimates for the crown group age of Nothofagus varied from 13 to 113 Ma across our full range of calibration scenarios. We suggest that increased background research should be made at all stages of the calibration process to reduce errors wherever possible, from verifying the geochronological data on the fossils to critical reassessment of their phylogenetic position.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluate the impact of fossil assignments and different models of calibration on divergence time estimates carried out as Bayesian analyses. Estimated ages from preceding studies and liverwort inclusions from Baltic amber are used as constraints on a molecular phylogeny of Cephaloziineae (Jungermanniopsida) obtained from sequences of two chloroplast coding regions: rbcL and psbA. In total, the comparison of 12 different analyses demonstrates that an increased reliability of the chronograms is linked to the number of fossils assigned and to the accuracy of their assignments. Inclusion of fossil constraints leads to older ages of most crown groups, but has no influence on lineage through time plots suggesting a nearly constant accumulation of diversity since the origin of Cephaloziineae in the early to Middle Jurassic. Our results provide a note of caution regarding the interpretation of chronograms derived from DNA sequence variation of extant species based on a single calibration point and/or low accuracy of the assignment of fossils to nodes in the phylogeny.  相似文献   

The insect order Diptera, the true flies, contains one of the four largest Mesozoic insect radiations within its suborder Brachycera. Estimates of phylogenetic relationships and divergence dates among the major brachyceran lineages have been problematic or vague because of a lack of consistent evidence and the rarity of well-preserved fossils. Here, we combine new evidence from nucleotide sequence data, morphological reinterpretations, and fossils to improve estimates of brachyceran evolutionary relationships and ages. The 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene was sequenced for a broad diversity of taxa, and the data were combined with recently published morphological scorings for a parsimony-based phylogenetic analysis. The phylogenetic topology inferred from the combined 28S rDNA and morphology data set supports brachyceran monophyly and the monophyly of the four major brachyceran infraorders and suggests relationships largely consistent with previous classifications. Weak support was found for a basal brachyceran clade comprising the infraorders Stratiomyomorpha (soldier flies and relatives), Xylophagomorpha (xylophagid flies), and Tabanomorpha (horse flies, snipe flies, and relatives). This topology and similar alternative arrangements were used to obtain Bayesian estimates of divergence times, both with and without the assumption of a constant evolutionary rate. The estimated times were relatively robust to the choice of prior distributions. Divergence times based on the 28S rDNA and several fossil constraints indicate that the Brachycera originated in the late Triassic or earliest Mesozoic and that all major lower brachyceran fly lineages had near contemporaneous origins in the mid-Jurassic prior to the origin of flowering plants (angiosperms). This study provides increased resolution of brachyceran phylogeny, and our revised estimates of fly ages should improve the temporal context of evolutionary inferences and genomic comparisons between fly model organisms.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates on the ages of the major bee clades are needed to further understand the evolutionary history of bees and their close association with flowering plants. Divergence times have been estimated for a few groups of bees, but no study has yet provided estimates for all major bee lineages. To date the origin of bees and their major clades, we first perform a phylogenetic analysis of bees including representatives from every extant family, subfamily and almost all tribes, using sequence data from seven genes. We then use this phylogeny to place 14 time calibration points based on information from the fossil record for an uncorrelated relaxed clock divergence time analysis taking into account uncertainties in phylogenetic relationships and the fossil record. We explore the effect of placing a hard upper age bound near the root of the tree and the effect of different topologies on our divergence time estimates. We estimate that crown bees originated approximately 123 Ma (million years ago) (113–132 Ma), concurrently with the origin or diversification of the eudicots, a group comprising 75 per cent of angiosperm species. All of the major bee clades are estimated to have originated during the Middle to Late Cretaceous, which is when angiosperms became the dominant group of land plants.  相似文献   

The number and complexity of molecular dating studies has increased over the past decade. Along with a broadening acceptance of their utility has come significant controversy over the methods and models that are appropriate, as well as the accuracy of the estimates yielded by molecular clock analyses. Radically different age estimates have been published for the same divergences from analyses of different datasets with different fossil constraints obtained with different methods, and the underlying explanation for these differences is often unclear. Here we utilize two previously published datasets to examine the effect of fossil calibrations and taxon sampling on the age estimates for two deep eukaryote divergences in an attempt to discern the relative impact of these factors. Penalized likelihood, non-parametric rate smoothing, and Bayesian methods were utilized to generate age estimates for the origin of the Metazoa from a 7-gene dataset and for the divergence of Eukaryotes from a 129-gene dataset. From these analyses, it is clear that the fossil calibrations chosen and the method for applying constraints to these nodes have a large impact on age estimates, while the degree of taxon sampling within a dataset is less important in terms of the resulting age estimates. Concerns and recommendations for addressing these two factors when initiating a dating analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Silent mutation rate estimates for Pinus vary 50-fold, ranging from angiosperm-like to among the slowest reported for plants. These differences either reflect extraordinary genomic processes or inconsistent fossil calibration, and they have important consequences for population and biogeographical inferences. Here we estimate mutation rates from 4 Pinus species that represent the major lineages using 11 nuclear and 4 chloroplast loci. Calibration was tested at the divergence of Pinus subgenera with the oldest leaf fossil from subg. Strobus (Eocene; 45 MYA) or a recently published subg. Strobus wood fossil (Cretaceous; 85 MYA). These calibrations place the origin of Pinus 190-102 MYA and give absolute silent rate estimates of 0.70-1.31x10(-9) and 0.22-0.42x10(-9).site-1.year-1 for the nuclear and chloroplast genomes, respectively. These rates are approximately 4- to 20-fold slower than angiosperms, but unlike many previous estimates, they are more consistent with the high per-generation deleterious mutation rates observed in pines. Chronograms from nuclear and chloroplast genomes show that the divergence of subgenera accounts for about half of the time since Pinus diverged from Picea, with subsequent radiations occurring more recently. By extending the sampling to encompass the phylogenetic diversity of Pinus, we predict that most extant subsections diverged during the Miocene. Moreover, subsect. Australes, Ponderosae, and Contortae, containing over 50 extant species, radiated within a 5 Myr time span starting as recently as 18 MYA. An Eocene divergence of pine subgenera (using leaf fossils) does not conflict with fossil-based estimates of the Pinus-Picea split, but a Cretaceous divergence using wood fossils accommodates Oligocene fossils that may represent modern subsections. Because homoplasy and polarity of character states have not been tested for fossil pine assignments, the choice of fossil and calibration node represents a significant source of uncertainty. Based on several lines of evidence (including agreement with ages inferred using calibrations outside of Pinus), we conclude that the 85 MYA calibration at the divergence of pine subgenera provides a reasonable lower bound and that further refinements in age and mutation rate estimates will require a synthetic examination of pine fossil history.  相似文献   

Most implementations of molecular clocks require resolved topologies. However, one of the Bayesian relaxed clock approaches accepts input topologies that include polytomies. We explored the effects of resolved and polytomous input topologies in a rate-heterogeneous sequence data set for Gnetum, a member of the seed plant lineage Gnetales. Gnetum has 10 species in South America, 1 in tropical West Africa, and 20 to 25 in tropical Asia, and explanations for the ages of these disjunctions involve long-distance dispersal and/or the breakup of Gondwana. To resolve relationships within Gnetum, we sequenced most of its species for six loci from the chloroplast (rbcL, matK, and the trnT-trnF region), the nucleus (rITS/5.8S and the LEAFY gene second intron), and the mitochondrion (nad1 gene second intron). Because Gnetum has no fossil record, we relied on fossils from other Gnetales and from the seed plant lineages conifers, Ginkgo, cycads, and angiosperms to constrain a molecular clock and obtain absolute times for within-Gnetum divergence events. Relationships among Gnetales and the other seed plant lineages are still unresolved, and we therefore used differently resolved topologies, including one that contained a basal polytomy among gymnosperms. For a small set of Gnetales exemplars (n = 13) in which rbcL and matK satisfied the clock assumption, we also obtained time estimates from a strict clock, calibrated with one outgroup fossil. The changing hierarchical relationships among seed plants (and accordingly changing placements of distant fossils) resulted in small changes of within-Gnetum estimates because topologically closest constraints overrode more distant constraints. Regardless of the seed plant topology assumed, relaxed clock estimates suggest that the extant clades of Gnetum began diverging from each other during the Upper Oligocene. Strict clock estimates imply a mid-Miocene divergence. These estimates, together with the phylogeny for Gnetum from the six combined data sets, imply that the single African species of Gnetum is not a remnant of a once Gondwanan distribution. Miocene and Pliocene range expansions are inferred for the Asian subclades of Gnetum, which stem from an ancestor that arrived from Africa. These findings fit with seed dispersal by water in several species of Gnetum, morphological similarities among apparently young species, and incomplete concerted evolution in the nuclear ITS region.  相似文献   

Crisp MD  Cook LG 《The New phytologist》2011,192(4):997-1009
We test the widely held notion that living gymnosperms are 'ancient' and 'living fossils' by comparing them with their sister group, the angiosperms. This perception derives partly from the lack of gross morphological differences between some Mesozoic gymnosperm fossils and their living relatives (e.g. Ginkgo, cycads and dawn redwood), suggesting that the rate of evolution of gymnosperms has been slow. We estimated the ages and diversification rates of gymnosperm lineages using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock dating calibrated with 21 fossils, based on the phylogenetic analysis of alignments of matK chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and 26S nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) sequences, and compared these with published estimates for angiosperms. Gymnosperm crown groups of Cenozoic age are significantly younger than their angiosperm counterparts (median age: 32 Ma vs 50 Ma) and have long unbranched stems, indicating major extinctions in the Cenozoic, in contrast with angiosperms. Surviving gymnosperm genera have diversified more slowly than angiosperms during the Neogene as a result of their higher extinction rate. Compared with angiosperms, living gymnosperm groups are not ancient. The fossil record also indicates that gymnosperms suffered major extinctions when climate changed in the Oligocene and Miocene. Extant gymnosperm groups occupy diverse habitats and some probably survived after making adaptive shifts.  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation (the Lower Cretaceous) of China is world famous for its fossils of early angiosperms. Despite their great diversity, few of these fossils are preserved as whole plants, making our understanding of early angiosperms incomplete. Here, we report a fossil angiosperm, Sinoherba ningchengensis n. gen. n. sp. (Sinoherbaceae n. fam.), from the Yixian Formation of China. The fossil is of a whole plant, including physically connected root with fibrous rootlets, a stem with branches and nodes, leaves with parallel-reticulate veins, and a panicle of female flowers with an ovary surrounded by perianth. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses reveal that Sinoherba is an herbaceous monocot. This fossil underscores the great diversity of angiosperms in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation and an earlier, pre-Cretaceous origin of angiosperms.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that integrating fossils into data sets of extant taxa is imperative for proper placement of fossils, resolution of relationships, and a better understanding of character evolution. The importance of this process has been further magnified because of the crucial role of fossils in dating divergence times. Outstanding issues remain, including appropriate methods to place fossils in phylogenetic trees, the importance of molecules versus morphology in these analyses, as well as the impact of potentially large amounts of missing data for fossil taxa. In this study we used the angiosperm clade Juglandaceae as a model for investigating methods of integrating fossils into a phylogenetic framework of extant taxa. The clade has a rich fossil record relative to low extant diversity, as well as a robust molecular phylogeny and morphological database for extant taxa. After combining fossil organ genera into composite and terminal taxa, our objectives were to (1) compare multiple methods for the integration of the fossils and extant taxa (including total evidence, molecular scaffolds, and molecular matrix representation with parsimony [MRP]); (2) explore the impact of missing data (incomplete taxa and characters) and the evidence for placing fossils on the topology; (3) simulate the phylogenetic effect of missing data by creating "artificial fossils"; and (4) place fossils and compare the impact of single and multiple fossil constraints in estimating the age of clades. Despite large and variable amounts of missing data, each of the methods provided reasonable placement of both fossils and simulated "artificial fossils" in the phylogeny previously inferred only from extant taxa. Our results clearly show that the amount of missing data in any given taxon is not by itself an operational guideline for excluding fossils from analysis. Three fossil taxa (Cruciptera simsonii, Paleoplatycarya wingii, and Platycarya americana) were placed within crown clades containing living taxa for which relationships previously had been suggested based on morphology, whereas Polyptera manningii, a mosaic taxon with equivocal affinities, was placed firmly as sister to two modern crown clades. The position of Paleooreomunnea stoneana was ambiguous with total evidence but conclusive with DNA scaffolds and MRP. There was less disturbance of relationships among extant taxa using a total evidence approach, and the DNA scaffold approach did not provide improved resolution or internal support for clades compared to total evidence, whereas weighted MRP retained comparable levels of support but lost crown clade resolution. Multiple internal minimum age constraints generally provided reasonable age estimates, but the use of single constraints provided by extinct genera tended to underestimate clade ages.  相似文献   

Resolving an ancient, rapid radiation in Saxifragales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the prior use of approximately 9000 bp, deep-level relationships within the angiosperm clade, Saxifragales remain enigmatic, due to an ancient, rapid radiation (89.5 to 110 Ma based on the fossil record). To resolve these deep relationships, we constructed several new data sets: (1) 16 genes representing the three genomic compartments within plant cells (2 nuclear, 10 plastid, 4 mitochondrial; aligned, analyzed length = 21,460 bp) for 28 taxa; (2) the entire plastid inverted repeat (IR; 26,625 bp) for 17 taxa; (3) "total evidence" (50,845 bp) for both 17 and 28 taxa (the latter missing the IR). Bayesian and ML methods yielded identical topologies across partitions with most clades receiving high posterior probability (pp = 1.0) and bootstrap (95% to 100%) values, suggesting that with sufficient data, rapid radiations can be resolved. In contrast, parsimony analyses of different partitions yielded conflicting topologies, particularly with respect to the placement of Paeoniaceae, a clade characterized by a long branch. In agreement with published simulations, the addition of characters increased bootstrap support for the putatively erroneous placement of Paeoniaceae. Although having far fewer parsimony-informative sites, slowly evolving plastid genes provided higher resolution and support for deep-level relationships than rapidly evolving plastid genes, yielding a topology close to the Bayesian and ML total evidence tree. The plastid IR region may be an ideal source of slowly evolving genes for resolution of deep-level angiosperm divergences that date to 90 My or more. Rapidly evolving genes provided support for tip relationships not recovered with slowly evolving genes, indicating some complementarity. Age estimates using penalized likelihood with and without age constraints for the 28-taxon, total evidence data set are comparable to fossil dates, whereas estimates based on the 17-taxon data are much older than implied by the fossil record. Hence, sufficient taxon density, and not simply numerous base pairs, is important in reliably estimating ages. Age estimates indicate that the early diversification of Saxifragales occurred rapidly, over a time span as short as 6 million years. Between 25,000 and 50,000 bp were needed to resolve this radiation with high support values. Extrapolating from Saxifragales, a similar number of base pairs may be needed to resolve the many other deep-level radiations of comparable age in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Diversification in insects has often been linked to the evolution of angiosperms. The majority of studies reporting this link, however, have been done on herbivorous insects. It remains unclear if the diversification of angiosperms was also influential in the diversification of species-rich, carnivorous insect groups. Here we investigate the timing of the origin and diversification in the stinging wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). We employ a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo relaxed clock approach to estimate divergence times for 13 wasp families and eight superfamilies. Divergence times are calibrated with 12 fossils representing groups in various lineages. Our results indicate that many of the modern aculeate families originated during the Cretaceous and in concert with the diversification of angiosperms. This similarity between diversification ages in wasps and in angiosperms may be due to an increased habitat complexity and prey diversity that early angiosperm forests provided.  相似文献   

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