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Chloroplasts containing Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) were isolatedfrom TMV inoculated tobacco leaves, and TMV was extracted fromthem. The preparations from isolated chloroplasts of infectedleaves showed 30% increase in the optical density at 260 mµover those from healthy leaves. Most of infectivity was observedin chloroplast fraction 40 hr after inoculation. Thereafter,infectivity in the chloroplast fraction decreased and that ofcytoplasm increased with time. (Received April 6, 1964; )  相似文献   

Tepfer , Sanford S. (U. Oregon, Eugene.), and Meyer Chessin . Effects of tobacco mosaic virus on early leaf development in tobacco. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(7): 496–509. Illus. 1959.—At certain stages of infection, tobacco mosaic virus causes the formation of highly abnormal tobacco leaves classified here as narrow-bladed leaves and “shoestring” leaves. The development and anatomy of these types are described. The “shoestring” leaf in its extreme form is entirely radial in symmetry, with no vestige of a lamina. This suppression of dorsiventrality is expressed to a lesser degree in narrow-bladed leaves and in transitional forms. The lack of or reduction of dorsiventrality results directly from the absence of or reduced activity of the marginal meristems of the leaf primordium. There is a general reduction in meristematic activity in the primordium that causes reduced length as well as reduced laminal development.  相似文献   

从辽宁南部及沈阳地区采集番茄花叶病样本111个(1985-1987),经鉴定得知主要毒原为番茄的烟草花叶病毒(TMV)占总调查的59.46%。黄爪花叶病毒(CMV)亦有发生仅占总调查的9.00%。还有一些系混合侵染(TMV和CMV)占21.62%。尚未认清毒原种的约占2.70%,接种无症的占7.20%。通过试验认为我省番茄上主要毒原为烟草花叶病毒,并进行了常规鉴定、提纯、电镜观察、光谱测定和血清测定等。对番茄上烟草花叶病毒16个分离物做了株系分化研究,按照Pelbam(1970,1972)〔14、15、16、17〕的抗性分类法应用番茄GCR一套品种接种观察,得知辽南及沈阳地区分布很广的番茄TMV分离物,均属TMV-O株系。故在番茄抗TMV育种中尚应考虑到抗1及2株系的能力。  相似文献   

表达黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA的转基因烟草耐烟草花叶病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表达黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)的卫星RNA的转基因烟草可以抗CMV的侵染.为了决定这些植物对其它病毒,如烟草花叶病毒(CMV)的安全性,我们对这些植物接种CMV.结果发现 卫星RNA可减弱TMV引起的症状,井降低病情指数,然而却对TMV在植物中的积累没有明显影响.这一发现有助于对卫星RNA抗病机制的理解,有助于含卫星RNA的生防制剂及表达病毒卫星RNA的转基因植物的应用.本文在国际上首次报道卫星RNA可减弱非相关病毒引起的症状.1 材料和方法1.1 病毒及植物烟草花叶病毒(TMV),烟草G140种子及枯班三生烟种子均为中国科学院微生物研究所病毒室保存;含黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA-R1基因的烟草G140(烟Sat-G140)为中国科学院微生物研究所病毒室培育,所用材料为第三代种子.  相似文献   

Strips of epidermal tissue bearing hair cells were removed fromtomato stems. The lower surface exposed by the stripping wasinoculated with tobacco mosaic virus and the progress of infectionof the hair cells was followed microscopically and by extractionof infectivity. Shortly before infectivity could be extractedfrom the hair cells, the nuclei were observed to have migratedtowards the tran sverse wall of the basal hair cell nearestthe epidermis, apparently the site at which infection of thecell commences. After infection was apparent, the staining characteristicsof the nuclei, before and after RNase and DNase treatment, suggestedan accumulation of RNA. A granular body, different from X-bodiesmaintained a close association with the nucleus of TMV infectedhair cells, and was found to be rich in RNA, suggesting thatviral RNA of the nucleus may have been entering the cytoplasmvia the granular body. A possible mechanism of X-body formationarising from the granular body is suggested. 1 Supported in part by a grant E-536 (C9) from the U. S. PublicHealth Service. 2 Present address: Plant Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture,Nagoya University, Anjo, Aichi (Japan). (Received March 4, 1963; )  相似文献   

Although cultures of normal and conditioned tobacco callus tissue occasionally became infected when dilute solutions of tobacco mosaic virus was poured over them, injuries were usually required, and the number of infections depended on the type and number of injuries. Tissues infected by superficial injuries usually became virus-free after subculturing, whereas those infected by needle-prick remained infected permanently. Although no plasmodesmata were found joining cells in the tissue cultures, tobacco mosaic virus moved between them at a rate of about 1 mm. per week, approximately the same rate as it moves through cells of the leaf parenchyma.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum plants infected with tomato aspermy virus (TAV) produce severely distorted and discoloured flowers but show only slight leaf mottle.
TAV infected twenty-five of forty-five species (belonging to seventeen genera) tested and was transmitted by the aphid species Aulacorthum solarti, Macrosiphoniella sanborni and Myzus persicae .
Sap from infected tobacco leaves lost infectivity when diluted more than 1 in 10,000, when heated for 10 min. at above 65°C. and when stored for more than 42 hr. at 16–18°C.
Partial protection was obtained between TAV and two strains of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus.  相似文献   

检测烟草中烟草花叶病毒的RNA斑点杂交法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用普通烟草花叶病毒OM株3′-端约2kb的cDNA为探针,探索了用RNA斑点杂交法对烟草组织中烟草花叶病毒RNA进行检测的条件。这些条件包括用分子杂交法观察云南烟区和上海烟草上分到的烟草花叶病毒与OM株的同源性,从烟草组织中提取烟草花叶病毒的几种方法的比较,使RNA有效地固定在硝酸纤维素滤膜上的方法,烟草组织中是否有干扰RNA固定和杂交的物质,斑点杂交方法检测烟草花叶病毒的特异性、灵敏度等。  相似文献   

Normal and tobacco mosaic-diseased Turkish tobacco plants were grown in sand for a period of several weeks, during which they were fed daily a complete nutrient solution to which had been added disodium phosphate containing radioactive phosphorus. Determinations were made of the distribution of radioactive phosphorus in different fractions such as the wash from the sand and roots, the press cake obtained on pressing the juice from the plants, the protein and protein-free portions of the supernatant liquids obtained on ultracentrifugation of the juices, and the purified tobacco mosaic virus isolated from the diseased plants. Chemical analyses as well as radiographs of the normal and diseased leaves indicated that they contained the same amount of phosphorus. Approximately 30 per cent of the radioactive phosphorus absorbed by the diseased plants was found to be combined with the purified tobacco mosaic virus that was isolated from these plants. Following the inoculation of purified tobacco mosaic virus possessing high radioactivity to normal Turkish tobacco plants, most of the radioactivity was found to be associated with non-virus components of which about 40 per cent was in the inoculated and 60 per cent in the uninoculated portions of the plants. Although a small amount of radioactive virus was isolated from the uninoculated portions of the plants, it was impossible, because of a number of complicating factors which have been discussed, to draw from the results any reliable conclusions regarding the mode of reproduction of tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

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