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The hypothesis that sequence-selective DNA-binding antibiotics locate their preferred binding sites by a process involving migration from nonspecific sites has been tested by footprinting with DNAase I. Footprinting patterns on the tyrT DNA fragment produced by nogalamycin and actinomycin change with time after mixing the antibiotic with the DNA. Sites of protection as well as enhanced cleavage are seen to develop in a fashion which is both temperature and concentration-dependent. At certain sites cutting is transiently enhanced, then blocked. Limited evidence for slow reaction with echinomycin and mithramycin is presented, but the kinetics of footprinting with daunomycin and distamycin appear instantaneous. The feasibility of adducing direct evidence for shuffling by footprinting seems to be governed by slow dissociation of the antibiotic-DNA complex. It may also be dependent upon the mode of binding, be it intercalative or non-intercalative in character.  相似文献   

The DNA interaction of the Escherichia coli cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) represents a typical example of a dual recognition mechanism exhibiting both direct and indirect readout. We have dissected the direct and indirect components of DNA recognition by CRP employing in vitro selection of a random library of DNA-binding sites containing inosine (I) and 2,6-diaminopurine (D) instead of guanine and adenine, respectively. Accordingly, the DNA helix minor groove is structurally altered due to the ‘transfer’ of the 2-amino group of guanine (now I) to adenine (now D), whereas the major groove is functionally intact. The majority of the selected sites contain the natural consensus sequence TGTGAN6TCACA (i.e. TITIDN6TCDCD). Thus, direct readout of the consensus sequence is independent of minor groove conformation. Consequently, the indirect readout known to occur in the TG/CA base pair step (primary kink site) in the consensus sequence is not affected by I–D substitutions. In contrast, the flanking regions are selected as I/C rich sequences (mostly I-tracts) instead of A/T rich sequences which are known to strongly increase CRP binding, thereby demonstrating almost exclusive indirect readout of helix structure/flexibility in this region through (anisotropic) flexibility of I-tracts.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a diaminopurine PNA monomer, N-[N6-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-2,6-diaminopurine-9-yl] acetyl-N-(2-t-butyloxycarbonylaminoethyl)glycine, and the incorporation of this monomer into PNA oligomers are described. Substitution of adenine by diaminopurine in PNA oligomers increased the T m of duplexes formed with complementary DNA, RNA or PNA by 2.5-6.5 degrees C per diaminopurine. Furthermore, discrimination against mismatches facing the diaminopurine in the hybridizing oligomer is improved. Finally, a homopurine decamer PNA containing six diaminopurines is shown to form a (gel shift) stable strand displacement complex with a target in a 246 bp double-stranded DNA fragment.  相似文献   

LNA guanine and 2,6-diaminopurine (D) phosphoramidites have been synthesized as building blocks for antisense oligonucleotides (ON). The effects of incorporating LNA D into ON were investigated. As expected, LNA D containing ON showed increased affinity towards complementary DNA (Delta Tm +1.6 to +3.0 degrees C) and RNA (Delta Tm +2.6 to +4.6 degrees C) ON. To evaluate if LNA D containing ON have an enhanced mismatch sensitivity compared to their complementary LNA A containing ON thermal denaturation experiments towards singly mismatched DNA and RNA ON were undertaken. Replacing one LNA A residue with LNA D, in fully LNA modified ON, resulted in higher mismatch sensitivity towards DNA ON (Delta Delta Tm -4 to >-17 degrees C). The same trend was observed towards singly mismatched RNA ON (Delta Delta Tm D-a = -8.7 degrees C and D-g = -4.5 degrees C) however, the effect was less clearcut and LNA A showed a better mismatch sensitivity than LNA D towards cytosine (Delta Tm +5.5 degrees C).  相似文献   

Modified nucleotides are useful tools to study the structures, biological functions and chemical and thermodynamic stabilities of nucleic acids. Derivatives of 2,6-diaminopurine riboside (D) are one type of modified nucleotide. The presence of an additional amino group at position 2 relative to adenine results in formation of a third hydrogen bond when interacting with uridine. New method for chemical synthesis of protected 3′-O-phosphoramidite of LNA-2,6-diaminopurine riboside is described. The derivatives of 2′-O-methyl-2,6-diaminopurine and LNA-2,6-diaminopurine ribosides were used to prepare complete 2′-O-methyl RNA and LNA-2′-O-methyl RNA chimeric oligonucleotides to pair with RNA oligonucleotides. Thermodynamic stabilities of these duplexes demonstrated that replacement of a single internal 2′-O-methyladenosine with 2′-O-methyl-2,6-diaminopurine riboside (DM) or LNA-2,6-diaminopurine riboside (DL) increases the thermodynamic stability (ΔΔG°37) on average by 0.9 and 2.3 kcal/mol, respectively. Moreover, the results fit a nearest neighbor model for predicting duplex stability at 37°C. D-A and D-G but not D-C mismatches formed by DM or DL generally destabilize 2′-O-methyl RNA/RNA and LNA-2′-O-methyl RNA/RNA duplexes relative to the same type of mismatches formed by 2′-O-methyladenosine and LNA-adenosine, respectively. The enhanced thermodynamic stability of fully complementary duplexes and decreased thermodynamic stability of some mismatched duplexes are useful for many RNA studies, including those involving microarrays.  相似文献   

The conformation of the DNA helix is supposed to be a critical element in site-specific recognition by ligands both large and small. Groove width is one important measure of the conformation which varies with the local nucleotide composition, perhaps because of the presence of a purine 2-amino group on G.C base pairs. We have probed DNA with G-->inosine (I) and/or A-->diaminopurine (DAP) substitutions to see whether the location of the purine 2-amino group can indeed affect the minor groove width. At acid pH, the reactivity towards uranyl nitrate is modulated in substituted DNA quite differently from natural DNA, consistent with a marked narrowing of the minor groove at sites of G-->I substitution and widening at sites of A-->DAP replacement. The latter exerts the dominant effect. The expected changes in conformation are equally evident in the patterns of susceptibility to DNase I cleavage, but not to hydroxyl radical attack. Nuclease cleavage is maximal in normal and substituted DNA at regions of inferred moderate groove width which are generally little affected by the nucleotide substitutions. Consistent with models of sequence-dependent cutting by DNase I we find that the presence of a purine 2-amino group on the base pair three places upstream of the cutting site has a profound influence on the rate of reaction.  相似文献   

Computer modeling of actinomycin D interactions with double-helical DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have performed molecular mechanical calculations on intercalation complexes of actinomycin D with a series of base-paired hexanucleoside pentaphosphates; d(GCGCGC)2, d(GCCGGC)2, d(GCATGC)2, d(GCTAGC)2 and d(ATGCAT)2. Our results are in good agreement with previous experimental work on sequence selectivity. The results provide a rationalization for the strong preference of actinomycin D to intercalate on the 3' side of guanine residues, consistent with previously proposed models. Finally, the computed structures for d(ATGCAT)2-actinomycin D complexes have been compared with two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear Overhauser effect experimental results. To our knowledge, this is the first extensive comparison of molecular mechanical model structures for a drug-DNA complex with experimental solution phase data. We find generally good agreement between our computational models and the experimental solution phase structures.  相似文献   

The exact sites at which a number of drugs inhibit the nick translation of DNA by E.coli DNA polymerase-I have been pinpointed. In order to do this, a method has been developed for sequencing double-stranded plasmid DNA from the site of a specifically induced nick. The initial experiments have concentrated on analysis of drug inhibition of nick translation in a 200 nucleotide region near the Eco Rl origin of pBR313. Many drugs were found to inhibit nick translation in a highly sequence specific manner. For actinomycin D, significant inhibition occurred at just four sites in the nucleotide sequence under test and only one sequence (pGpCpGpCpGpGp) gave really strong inhibition. Distamycin A gave a different pattern of inhibition with particularly strong stops in just two of the many A-T rich regions in the DNA. Experiments with caffeine suggest that factors in addition to primary sequence are important in determining where major inhibition occurs.  相似文献   

DXG and its prodrug DAPD have been demonstrated to be effective inhibitors of HIV-1 in various cells. The EC50s for DXG were 0.032 microM in CBMCs and 0.05 microM in MT-4 cells, which were generally equipotent as 3TC. 3TC-resistant, but not AZT-resistant, HIV-1 had minimum diminished sensitivity to the compounds. Both DXG and DAPD were non-toxic to cells up to 500 microM.  相似文献   

The DNA-Actinomycin D interaction has been studied by resonance Raman effect using DNA as chromophore. First, the resonance Raman spectra of DNA obtained with a U.V. excitation at wavelengths of 300 nm and 280 nm are presented. The main Raman hands are assigned to the convenient nucleic bases by comparison with the spectra of mononucleotides obtained under the same experimental conditions. In particular, with a 300 nm excitation, the 1582 cm-1 line is provided by adenine, while the 1492 cm-1 one is almost exclusively due to guanine. Then, the DNA-Actinomycin D complex has been studied: the line enhancements and the specificity of the resonance permits the displaying of the DNA spectrum free of any contribution of Actinomycin. The interaction provides a large intensity decrease of the 1492 cm-1 guanine line: this is a direct consequence of the orbital overlapping of the guanine 2-aminogroup with the ring nitrogen of Actinomycin in the DNA-Actinomycin pi complex.  相似文献   

The interaction of actinomycin D and three new 7-substituted analogs with calf thymus DNA has been studied by a number of physical techniques. The methods utilized in this investigation include visible absorption spectrometry and ultrafiltration methodology for the determination of equilibrium binding constants; viscometry; and circular dichroism. The studies show that the 7-substituted actinomycin D analogs retain the G . C base pair specific DNA binding demonstrated by actinomycin D. The mode of binding to native DNA, despite substitution at position 7, is practically unaltered. The retention of this binding specificity by these analogs seems to be unaffected by changes in the electon properties of the chromophore.  相似文献   

We report site-specific binding constants for the intercalating anticancer drug actinomycin D (Act-D), binding to a 139-base-pair restriction fragment from pBR 322 DNA. The binding constants are derived from analysis of footprinting experiments, in which the radiolabeled 139-mer is cleaved using DNase I, the cleavage products undergo gel electrophoresis, and, from the gel autoradiogram, spot intensities, proportional to amounts of cleaved fragments, are measured. A bound drug prevents DNase I from cleaving at approximately 7 bonds, leading to decreased amounts of corresponding fragments. With the radiolabel on the 3' end of the noncoding strand (A-label), we measured relative amounts of 54 cleavage products at 25 Act-D concentrations. For cleavage of the 139-mer with the label on the 3' end of the coding strand (G-label), relative amounts of 43 cleavage products at 11 Act-D concentrations were measured. These measurements give information about approximately 120 base pairs of the restriction fragment (approximately 12 turns of the DNA helix); in this region, 14 strong and weak Act-D binding sites were identified. The model used to interpret the footprinting plots is derived in detail. Binding constants for 14 sites on the fragment are obtained simultaneously. It is important to take into account the effect of drug binding at its various sites on the local concentration of probe elsewhere. It is also necessary to include in the model weak as well as strong Act-D sites on the carrier DNA which is present, since the carrier DNA controls the free-drug concentration. As expected, the strongest sites are those with the sequence (all sequences are 5'----3') GC, with TGCT having the highest binding constant, 6.4 x 10(6) M-1. Sites having the sequence GC preceded by G are weak binding sites, having binding constants approximately 1 order of magnitude lower than those of the strong sites. Also, the non-GC-containing sequences CCG and CCC bind Act-D with a binding constant comparable to those of the weak GGC sites. The analysis may reveal drug-induced structural changes on the DNA, which are discussed in terms of the mechanism of Act-D binding.  相似文献   

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