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三疣梭子蟹精子顶体反应过程中的形态和结构变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朱冬发  王春琳  余红卫  周帅 《动物学报》2004,50(5):800-807,i001,i002
用离子载体A2 3187和卵水人工诱导三疣梭子蟹精子的顶体反应 ,分别获得 75 33%和 84 83%的顶体反应率。应用光镜和电镜技术观察了顶体反应前后精子形态和结构的变化。未处理精子呈陀螺形 ,由顶体、核杯和 5 - 10条核辐射臂组成。顶体包括顶体囊和顶体管。顶体囊的伞形头帽拥有约 70条辐射肋。连续发生的精子顶体反应过程被人为地分为四个阶段 :(1)头帽鼓起 ;(2 )顶体囊外翻 ;(3)穿孔器前伸 ,顶体囊膜翻转 ;(4 )顶体囊膜脱落 ,顶体丝形成。直到第四阶段才观察到钉状精子的辐射臂开始收缩。探讨了辐射臂和穿孔器前冲在精子入卵中的功能  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹精子的发生及超微结构研究   总被引:28,自引:9,他引:28  
李太武 《动物学报》1995,41(1):41-47
用透射电镜观察三疣梭子蟹的精子发生过程及精子的超微结构。发现精原细胞较大,卵圆形。核大而圆,染色质分散,附着于核膜之内侧。胞质少,内含线粒体和粗面内质网等结构。初级精母细胞比精原细胞略小,卵圆形,核内染色质凝聚成团块,散布于核质中,除线粒体外,胞质中尚含有很多内质网小泡和游离核糖体。次级精母细胞多边形,核卵圆形,染色质致密,线粒体等含量均下降。早期精细胞质中由内质网产生许多颗粒,这些颗粒合并成为大  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹胚胎发育过程中卵内幼体形态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛俊增  堵南山  赖伟 《动物学报》2001,47(4):447-452
三疣梭子蟹胚台发育过程中,卵内幼体共经历2期卵内无节幼体和3期卵内tao状幼体,各幼体期的主要特征表现为:第1期卵内无节幼体具小触角,大触角和大颚3对附肢,第2期卵内无节幼体除草1期的3对附肢外,2对小颚开始出现,腹部前端分节,第1期卵内tao状幼体阶段复眼先为棒状,继而变成月牙状,附肢5对,腹部分为6节,第2期卵内tao状幼体阶段2对颚足出现,复眼发育完全,卵黄蝶状,心脏开始跳动,到此阶段末期,附肢分节和分叉,第3期卵内tao状幼体阶段,各器官进一步发育,肌肉明显。  相似文献   

东海三疣梭子蟹纳精囊形态结构与内含物的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005~2006年通过定期采样,对东海三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)纳精囊的形态、组织结构、内含物及相应卵巢的发育状况进行了较为深入的研究.交配前期,4~6月份,纳精囊囊壁较薄,背腹囊腔分离;随后囊壁皱缩(7~9月份),背部囊壁上皮出现分泌层;最后囊壁增厚,单层多核柱状细胞消失,腔内只含琥珀色胶状物质.交配期(10~11月份),囊腔膨大,囊壁变薄.背部近交接处出现"凸"或"丁"字型突起;相应地,腹囊腔内亦出现含角质层褶皱.精子塞是三疣梭子蟹成功交配的特征,是雌雄梭子蟹共同作用的产物,由雄性基质、雌性分泌物、精子塞不定部分和精子塞半透明部分4种物质组成;精荚仅存于雄性基质中.三疣梭子蟹的精子塞在不到2个月的时间内消失殆尽,并不能保护和滋养精子.背部突起对调控纳精囊容积起主要作用,其形成与消退与精荚运输关系密切.交配后期(12月至翌年3月),纳精囊皱缩完全;裂解完全的精荚在背腹囊腔交接处集中,最后贮藏在腹囊腔内,为后续受精做好准备.纳精囊与卵巢关系紧密,进化上可能有重要意义.纳精囊与卵巢发育相联系,可以更好地反映三疣梭子蟹的资源动态.  相似文献   

蒋爱芹  陆玲  张超英  袁生 《菌物学报》2003,22(1):128-134
本文研究了酿酒酵母细胞增殖对Ca2+需求的证据。结果表明:SD-Ca培养基中外加1mmol/L的Ca2+明显促进酿酒酵母细胞增殖,外源Ca2+浓度在0~20mmol/L范围内变动时,随Ca2+浓度增加,细胞生长到达稳定期的终浓度也越大;5、10mmol/L的EGTA可明显延缓细胞生长的延滞期,但是最终不能抑制细胞增殖;酿酒酵母在SD-Ca培养基中继代培养4次,随增殖代数增加,细胞总钙含量没有明显变化,说明酵母能够在低钙介质中生长可能是因为具有捕捉和富集钙的功能;以Fluo-3作为胞质Ca2+指示剂,通过激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察,发现随胞外Ca2+浓度增加,胞质中游离Ca2+浓度也相应增加。这些证据都揭示了Ca2+在酿酒酵母细胞增殖过程中是必需的。  相似文献   

本文报告建立用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜 (CLSM)观察约氏疟原虫卵囊、子孢子胞内游离Ca2 的分布和实验检测方法。以荧光染料Fluo 3作胞内Ca2 指示剂 ,结果显示 3μ、 4μmol/LFluo 3/Am同时加入 1μl/ml 2 5 %PluronicF 12 7在 37℃恒温下 ,分别孵育分离的约氏疟原虫子孢子、卵囊 6 0min即可达到最佳的负载效果。Fluo 3/Am浓度的提高和孵育时间延长只能增加背景染色 ,若降低孵育浓度和缩短孵育时间则难于达到最佳的负载效果。子孢子胞内游离Ca2 分布均匀 ;而卵囊内游离Ca2 分布不均匀 ,成块状分布 ,囊壁无荧光。研究表明应用Fluo 3/AM和PluronicF 12 7结合CLSM技术是研究疟原虫卵囊、子孢子胞浆内游离Ca2 的准确、灵敏的方法之一  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹胚胎期中枢神经系统的发生和发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛俊增 《动物学研究》2005,26(2):184-189
应用组织学方法研究三疣梭子蟹胚胎期中枢神经系统的发生和发育,光学显微镜下镜检切片,在第二期卵内无节幼体阶段开始观察到脑;第二期卵内状幼体阶段,前脑由视神经层、侧原脑和中央原脑组成,与位于食道两侧的中脑和后脑形成完整的脑。三疣梭子蟹胚胎期腹神经链由1对大颚、2对小颚和2对颚足所对应的神经节以及腹部神经链组成。光镜下大颚神经节可于第二期卵内无节幼体阶段观察到,2对小颚和2对颚足神经节则在第二期卵内状幼体阶段观察到;腹部神经链则在第三期卵内状幼体阶段观察到。三疣梭子蟹胚胎期中枢神经系统由脑和腹神经链组成,脑由前脑、中脑和后脑组成,脑位于背部,通过2条围食道神经与腹神经链相连。中枢神经系统的不同部分的形成在胚胎发育过程中具有阶段性差异。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹不同组织同工酶的分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
采用垂直板状聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,分析了三疣梭子蟹 (Portunustriuberbuculatus)雌性成体心脏、鳃、肌肉、眼睛、肝胰腺和卵巢 6种组织中的 1 0种同工酶 (ADH、MDH、ME、LDH、α AMY、GDH、SOD、SDH、EST和GOT)的分化表达模式 ,并对各种酶的同工酶位点表达及酶谱表型进行了分析。结果显示 ,三疣梭子蟹的同工酶系统具有明显的组织特异性。  相似文献   

磷脂酶A2是精子重要的脂解酶类,包括多种不同亚型。在精子顶体反应期间磷脂酶A2受天然激动剂卵透明带、孕酮和γ-氨基丁酸激活,引起胞外Ca2 内流,使磷脂水解为花生四烯酸和溶血磷脂酰胆碱,从而促进膜的融合即顶体反应。天然激动剂引起PLA2激活受Gi蛋白、甘油二酯、蛋白激酶A、蛋白激酶C、促分裂原蛋白激酶和活性氧等多条信号通路的调节,此外,磷脂酶A2与特异性磷酯酶C之间可以发生信号串话。研究PLA2的信号通路为了解受精机制、男性不育之病因和开发男性避孕药提供依据。  相似文献   

实验利用焦锑酸钾法对豚鼠精子在发生及顶体反应过程中的Ca~(2+)定位作了较详细的研究。在精母细胞及精子细胞上都有Ca~(2+)分布,但睾丸中的精子上则无Ca~(2+)。成熟精子中Ca~(2+)主要定位于顶体帽的整个腹面及背面的两个特定区域。发生顶体反应的精子上Ca~(2+)则位于顶体外膜上或囊泡内,已发生顶体反应的精子中Ca~(2+)则位于顶体内膜上。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to control the waterenvironment for culturing larvae of the swimmingcrab, Portunus trituberculatus, using microorganisms.The bacterial strain PM-4 (Thalassobacter utilis)improved the survival rate of crab larvae andrepressed the growth of Vibrio anguillarum (bacterium)and Haliphthoros sp.(fungus) in seawater. PM-4 wascultured and added daily to seawater during the firstto third zoean growth stage of the crab with diatomsand rotifers. Numbers of PM-4 decreased in culturewater during the first 3 days, because of feeding bythe first zoean stage of larvae. The finalconcentration of PM-4 was 105 to 106 cellsml–1according to the plate count method in larval rearingwater.During 1989 to 1993, we tried seed productions of aswimming crab in 200 m3 containers at TamanoStation, Japan Sea-Farming Association. In 33trials of the biocontrol methods, average survivalrate of crab larvae was 28.3% when the bacterialstrain PM-4 was added. In 42 trials in which the strainPM-4 was not added, average survival rate of crab larvae was15.6%. We conclude that thebacterial strain PM-4 is effective as a biocontrolagent.  相似文献   

于2012年6-12月,在宁波市象山县东盛水产养殖有限公司对主养三疣梭子蟹池塘两种混养模式(模式Ⅰ:三疣梭子蟹与日本对虾、黑鲷、菲律宾蛤仔混养;模式Ⅱ:三疣梭子蟹与日本对虾、黑鲷混养)浮游动物进行了调查与比较。结果显示:共检出浮游动物13属19种,其中,原生动物3属3种;轮虫2属5种;枝角类2属3种;桡足类6属8种。浮游动物平均密度模式Ⅰ(370 ind./L)〉模式Ⅱ(209 ind./L);平均生物量模式Ⅰ(17.974 mg/L)〈模式Ⅱ(18.102 mg/L)。Margalef指数为0.22~0.81;Shannon-Wiener指数为1.28~3.03;Pielou均匀度指数为0.54~0.96,均值都是模式Ⅰ〉模式Ⅱ。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹卵附着机制及相关形态学特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
薛俊增  吴惠仙 《动物学报》2004,50(5):873-877
Using histological methods and scanning electron microscopy, the structure of cement gland and formation of outer egg-membrane and egg-stalk of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus were studied to explain the mechanism of egg-attachment and function of the cement gland. Eggs adhered to the setae of pleopodal basipodite and endopodite for hatching followed by spawning but no egg attached on the setae of exopodite. The setae of pleopodal basipodite and endopodite were smooth for egg attachment while the setae of exopodite were branched and suitable for collecting and protecting eggs. Cement gland distributed along longitudinal axis of the pleopodal basipodite and endopodite under epithelia cells. Cells of the cement gland were elliptical and its size was about 50 times of the epithelium. Some glue secreted to the surface of the pleopod along the seta, while the other glue secreted to the surface of the pleopod by the channel which across the integument of the pleopod. The first spawned egg was transferred to the setae that were far from the pore, not attached to the setae of the pleopodal basipodite and endopodite near the genital pore. And the egg attachment became nearer and nearer to the pore with further spawning. Since the eggs to glide rather than roll, there was almost no glue on the contrary surface of the egg at first: and with further secretion, the whole surface was surrounded by glue. The thick part of glue formed one short bud during the glide of the egg and gradually developed into a full egg-stalk. On the other hand, the else glue developed into an outer egg-membrane, which was “trichromatic egg membrane” originally. Each egg attached to the setae of pleopodal basipodite and endopodite with its own egg-stalk. The egg-stalk was a plane strap at the formation stage and later it rolled into a rope shape, but it could be reverted to the former by outside force. Four types of egg attachment : an egg to a seta, an egg to several setae, several eggs to a seta and several eggs to several setae were discovered. In summary, the cement gland existed in the pleopod of the swimming crab and formed outer egg membrane and egg-stalk during the egg attachment [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (5) : 873 - 879, 2004].  相似文献   

The ability of human follicular fluid (hFF), retrieved from women undergoing IVF to induce the acrosome reaction (AR) in human sperm has been documented by several laboratories. However, the nature of the active factors in the hFF and the physiological meaning of the AR induction are highly controversial. We performed a three step purification scheme for hFF and all the fractions were screened for the AR-inducing activity. AR activity was associated with a protein fraction of Mr > 180 kD that on further analysis under PAGE was found to be composed by subunits of apparent Mr 50,000 and 29,000. The N-terminal sequences of these bands showed a 100% homology with the heavy and light chains of human lgG. A polyclonal antibody raised against the purified protein and anti-human lgG were both able to suppress the acrosome reactioninducing activity of crude hFF. However, neither normal human serum nor a purified preparation of human lgG were able to mimic the AR-inducing activity of hFF. We concluded that the AR-inducing activity of hFF is, at least in part, due to the presence of antisperm antibodies. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

外源Ca^2+对离体菠菜叶片衰老的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以叶绿素、蛋白质含量为衰老指标,研究了Ca~(2+)在离体菠菜叶片衰老过程的效应。同时,采用同位素示踪技术研究了光照对离体菠菜叶片吸收,累积Ca~(2+)的影响;实验结果表明,0—10mmol/L Ca~(2+)能使菠菜叶片维持较高含量的叶绿素及各种蛋白质组分。在光、暗条件下,叶片均能吸收外源Ca~(2+),而光照能促进叶片对Ca~(2+)的吸收,暗处理3天的叶片,尚能在分离的叶绿体组分中发现~(45)Ca~(2+),占叶片总放射强度的0.5%。  相似文献   

The results obtained by biochemical measurement demonstrated for the first time that significant decrease of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity occurred during capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig sperm. Ethaorynic acid, one kind of Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, inhibited the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity, but calmodulin (50μg/mL) and trifluoperazine (200- 500μmol/L) did not, suggesting that calmodulin is not involved in ATP-driven Ca2+ efflux from sperm. However, calmodulin is involved in the control of Ca2+ influx. TFP, one kind of calmodulin antagonists, accelerated the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake into sperm cells significantly. Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, quercetin, sodium orthovandate, furosemide and ethacrynic acid promoted the acrosome reaction, but inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which cannot be explained by their inhibitory effects on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity. It is speculated that this phenomenon might be caused by simultaneous inhibitions of the activities of C  相似文献   

大麦根细胞质膜Ca~(2+)-ATP酶和Ca~(2+)转运系统的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用大麦质膜微囊研究细胞质膜 Ca~(2+)转运过程,发现质膜 Ca~(2+)—ATP酶在反应系统中不存在Mg~(2+)时可正常表现活性。跨膜Ca~(2+)转运按其对Mg~(2+)的需求可分为两个过程,一个是不需Mg~(2+)的、具高Ca~(2+)亲和力和较低的转运能力;另一个则是需Mg~(2+)的、具低Ca~(2+)亲和力和较高的转运能力。前者的动力学特征与Ca~(2+)—ATP酶相近,而后者则相差很大。据此推测,大麦根细胞质膜上除Ca~(2+)—ATP酶外,还存在另一个不同的Ca~(2+)转运系统。由两者分别承担的Ca~(2+)转运过程在细胞钙信使系统中可能起着不同的作用。  相似文献   

Sperm must undergo the acrosome reaction (AR) in order to fertilize the egg. In sea urchins, this reaction is triggered by the egg jelly (EJ) which, upon binding to its sperm receptor, induces increases in the ion permeability of the plasma membrane and changes in protein phosphorylation. Here, we demonstrated that the sperm expresses ROCK (∼135 kDa), which is a serine/threonine protein kinase. ROCK localized, as RhoGTPase (Rho), in the acrosomal region, midpiece and flagellum. H-1152, a ROCK antagonist, inhibited the two cellular processes defining the AR: the acrosomal exocytosis and the actin polymerization. The ionophores nigericin and A23187 reversed the AR inhibition induced by H-1152, suggesting that ROCK functions at the level of the EJ-induced ion fluxes. Accordingly, H-1152 blocked 70% the intracellular alkalinization induced by EJ. These results indicate that EJ activates a Na+-H+ exchanger (NHE) in the sperm through a Rho/ROCK-dependent signaling pathway that culminates in the AR.  相似文献   

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