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Thirty-five yeast strains of the genus Williopsis, analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction with the universal primer N21, were found to belong to two sibling species, W. saturnus and W. suaveolens. Such affiliation of the strains studied agrees well with the results of genetic and physiological investigations.  相似文献   

Applicability of the polymerase chain reaction method for identification of pathogenic bacteria was examined with the primers synthesized from the ribosomal RNA gene sequence containing both homologous and species-specific regions of bacterial species from Mycoplasma to Mycobacteria. Two out of the nine sets of promoters prepared, each covering about 650 nucleotides spanning from 16S RNA to 23S RNA regions, produced the corresponding DNA fragments from all the strains tested, and another set did so from all species but Mycoplasma. This method enabled one to detect and identify E. coli in a sample containing 2 x 10(2) CFU. The restriction enzyme patterns of the PCR products obtained with Hae-III, Hha-I, Mbo-I, Msp-I, Rsa-I and Taq-I were so characteristic as to differentiate one species from another. Ten strains of E. coli showed identical restriction patterns and 10 of S. aureus also showed identical patterns indicating that the restriction pattern is species-specific. The method may be applicable to detection and identification of a certain species bacteria which are suspected to be consealed in water or food samples, or clinical specimens, especially when the consealed bacterial genus or species can not be predicted.  相似文献   

Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the amplification of multiple targets in a single reaction, presents a new set of challenges that further complicate more traditional PCR setups. These complications include a greater probability for nonspecific amplicon formation and for imbalanced amplification of different targets, each of which can compromise quantification and detection of multiple targets. Despite these difficulties, multiplex PCR is frequently used in applications such as pathogen detection, RNA quantification, mutation analysis, and (recently) next generation DNA sequencing. Here we investigated the utility of primers with one or two thermolabile 4-oxo-1-pentyl phosphotriester modifications in improving multiplex PCR performance. Initial endpoint and real-time analyses revealed a decrease in off-target amplification and a subsequent increase in amplicon yield. Furthermore, the use of modified primers in multiplex setups revealed a greater limit of detection and more uniform amplification of each target as compared with unmodified primers. Overall, the thermolabile modified primers present a novel and exciting avenue for improving multiplex PCR performance.  相似文献   

After reevaluation of the taxonomic position of 27 yeast collection strains of different origin by UP-PCR followed by dot-hybridization, only 22 strains were assigned to the biological species Zygowilliopsis californica (Lodder) Kudriavzev. Four strains were identified as Williopsis suaveolens (Kl?cker) Naumov et al. Universal primers L45 and N21 are recommended for identification of the Z. californica yeasts.  相似文献   

Universal primer ability of generating conservative and variable UP-PCR (universally primed polymerase chain reaction) species-specific patterns was analysed on bacteria to serve as an example. Also, two important properties of the UP-PCR patterns (species/primer DNA hybridization specificity) are characterized.  相似文献   

Aung  Ma Thandar  Lee  Pin-Rou  Yu  Bin  Liu  Shao-Quan 《Annals of microbiology》2015,65(2):921-928
Williopsis saturnus var. subsufficiens NCYC 2728, W. saturnus var. saturnus NCYC 22 and W. saturnus var. mrakii NCYC 500 were used to carry out cider fermentation to assess their impact on the volatile composition of cider. The changes of yeast cell population, °Brix and pH were similar among the three yeasts. Strain NCYC 500 grew best, with the highest cell population of 1.14 × 108 CFU ml−1, followed by strains NCYC 2728 and NCYC 22 (8 × 107 CFU ml−1 and 3.19 × 107 CFU ml−1 respectively). Esters were the most abundant volatiles produced, followed by alcohols. Among the esters, ethyl acetate, 2-phenylethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, cis-3-hexenyl acetate and hexyl acetate were the major volatiles. The major alcohols were ethanol, isoamyl alcohol, 2-phenylethyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol. The three Williopsis yeasts transformed volatile compounds during cider fermentation with significant variations in terms of volatile production and degradation. This study implied that fermentation with Williopsis yeasts could result in cider with a more complex yet fruity aroma.  相似文献   

Altukhov IuP  Abramova AB 《Genetika》2000,36(12):1674-1681
Intra- and interspecific variability of total DNA isolated from haploid megagametophytes of coniferous species was examined using polymerase chain reaction with random primers. Based on this technique, one can with certainty detect heterozygosity at gene loci carrying null alleles and thus reveal cryptic intraspecific genetic variation. Large population samples were used. Along with random amplified polymorphic DNA, i.e., widely known fragments (amplicons) polymorphic within a species, we found invariant loci lacking individual or geographic variability but differentiating species within genera and other taxa. This DNA was termed RAMD (random amplified monomorphic DNA) to distinguish it from polymorphic DNA. Our findings suggest that genetic monomorphism of species and the dual structure of the eukaryotic genome can be detected at the DNA level as was previously shown for protein gene markers.  相似文献   

We have developed and optimized a consistent polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based strategy to quickly obtain specific sequence information on novel plant glutamine synthetase (GS, EC cDNAs. Two sets of degenerate primer pairs were designed to discriminate regions conserved in either any kind of GS messenger or exclusively in those for the chloroplastic GS. Novel GS cDNA sequences were successfully amplified from total RNA obtained from 14 different monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. The procedure, coupled with a further restriction analysis, allowed us to uncover the presence of GS cDNA polymorphism, which most likely stems from the different GS gene family members within a single species. Contrary to previously reported strategies in other systems, GS cDNA oligonucleotide primers were designed keeping the degeneracy level to a minimum, together with a high melting temperature. This approach proved to be particularly effective, generating high yields of the expected products without requiring extra nested amplification steps or time-consuming optimization steps for each species GS cDNA amplification. Different clones containing sequence information from either the coding or the 3'-untranslated regions were further sequenced and characterized, confirming the high sequence identity and size uniformity the of GS cDNAs across higher plant species. Therefore, this approach is proposed as a stand-alone procedure to quickly determine the sequence of unknown GS cDNAs, as well as to speed up and complement classical molecular cloning methodologies.  相似文献   

Using the method PCR amplification with random primers, DNA samples from human embryonic organs and tissues were examined. Among 27 oligonucleotide primers tested, 10 primers, producing stable, well-reproducible profiles of amplification products, were chosen for further analysis. With the help of two primers (447 and R45), the differences in RAPD PCR profiles obtained from the tissues of one embryo, were revealed. These differences were associated with the change of mobility, or with the fragment gain/loss in the RAPD profile, and could be caused either by genomic rearrangements, or mutations involving the regions of the DNA-primer pairing. Different epigenetic factors, like methylation, can also play the role in this process.  相似文献   

An improved form of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) assay has been developed for the analysis of bovine major histocompatibility complex class II alleles. The method uses asymmetric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification from each of two end-labeled primers to generate individual single-stranded products that are analyzed by electrophoresis in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. This technique gives good resolution of labeled single strands derived from 392-bp bovine DRB exon-2 PCR products, without interference from double-stranded products, and enables assignment of SSCP bands to the individual strands of the template DNA. The allelic groupings defined by this method in a panel of test animals were confirmed by independent typing by restriction fragment-length polymorphism.  相似文献   

Using the method PCR amplification with random primers, DNA samples from human embryonic organs and tissues were examined. Among 27 oligonucleotide primers tested, 10 primers, producing stable, well-reproducible profiles of amplification products, were chosen for further analysis. With the help of two primers (447 and R45), the differences in RAPD PCR profiles obtained from the tissues of one embryo, were revealed. These differences were associated with the change of mobility, or with the fragment gain/loss in the RAPD profile, and could be caused either by genomic rearrangements, or mutations involving the regions of the DNA-primer pairing. Different epigenetic factors, like methylation, can also play the role in this process.  相似文献   

The simultaneous analysis of multiple loci could substantially increase the efficiency of mapping studies. Toward this goal, we used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify multiple DNA fragments originating from dispersed genomic segments that are flanked by Alu repeats. Analysis of different human DNA samples revealed numerous amplification products distinguishable by size, some of which vary between individuals. A family study demonstrated that these polymorphic fragments are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Because of the ubiquitous distribution of Alu repeats, these markers, called "alumorphs," could be useful for linkage mapping of the human genome. A major advantage of alumorphs is that no prior knowledge of DNA sequence of marker loci is required. This approach may find general application for any genome where interspersed repetitive sequences are found.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a set of previously described polymerase chain reaction primers used for detection of hemogregarines in reptiles will also amplify the same region of the 18S rRNA gene of reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and insects and thus should not be used for molecular diagnosis. These same primers have also been used to differentiate 2 species of Plasmodium that infect lizards. We provide evidence that the observed variance may have been dependent on parasitemia and not representative of actual molecular differences between the 2 parasite species.  相似文献   

A new sensitive and specific method for the detection of Erwinia amylovora was developed. The method is based on the detection of a chromosomal DNA sequence specific for this bacterial species and enables the detection of E. amylovora pathogenic strains, including the recent isolates that lack plasmid pEA29 and thus cannot be detected by the previously popular PCR methods based on the detection of this plasmid. Species-specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker was identified, cloned, and sequenced, and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primers for specific PCR were developed. The E. amylovora specific sequence, 1269 bp long, was amplified in polymerase chain reaction and detected with electrophoresis in agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. Amplification with other bacterial species did not produce any PCR product detectable by electrophoresis. Belonging of the E. amylovora specific sequence to chromosomal DNA was confirmed by computer analysis of the E. amylovora genome. A consistent sensitivity limit of the method was 3 CFU/reaction, and in some cases it was possible to detect 0.6 CFU/reaction. Due to its high sensitivity and specificity, our method of E. amylovora detection is currently the most reliable, taking into account that the reliability of PCR methods based on plasmid pEA29 has been compromised by the isolation of pathogenic E. amylovora strains that lack this plasmid.  相似文献   

A method for apolipoprotein (apo) E genotyping was developed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with allele-specific oligonucleotide primers (ASP). Synthetic oligonucleotides with base-pair mismatches at the 3' terminus were used as primers to amplify the apoE gene in subjects previously phenotyped using isoelectric focusing (IEF). Complementary primer-allele combinations were specifically amplified by PCR, together with a control pair of primers specific to the human prothrombin gene. Identification of genotype by PCR using ASP was consistent with the phenotypes that were determined by IEF for 14 healthy normolipidemic subjects. These results were achieved using DNA isolated from buccal epithelial cells obtained from a mouthwash or DNA extracted from leukocytes. Genotype identification required analysis of the PCR products on an ethidium-stained agarose gel, yielding results 3 h after DNA extraction. In comparison with other current methods, PCR using ASP is suggested as a rapid and simple noninvasive technique for determining population apoE allelic distribution.  相似文献   

H H Li  X F Cui    N Arnheim 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(11):3139-3141
Single-stranded oligonucleotide primers can be efficiently removed after PCR using E.coli exonuclease VII. Even only a few molecules of double stranded PCR product are unaffected by a treatment which eliminates 20 picomoles of primer in the presence of 500 ng of denatured genomic DNA. Exonuclease VII treatment is rapid and could simplify complicated multistep PCR protocols.  相似文献   

To clone novel type 1 Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO) genes, we isolated or collected 25 bacterial strains able to grow on alicyclic compounds. Twelve of the bacterial strains yielded polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments with highly degenerate primers based on the sequences of known and putative BVMOs. All these fragments were found to encode peptides homologous to published BVMO sequences. The complete BVMO genes and flanking DNA were cloned from a Comamonas, a Xanthobacter and a Rhodococcus strain using the PCR fragments as probes. BVMO genes cloned from the first two strains could be expressed to high levels in Escherichia coli using standard expression vectors, and the recombinants converted cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone to the corresponding lactones. The Rhodococcus BVMO, a putative steroid monooxygenase, could be expressed after modification of the N-terminal sequence. However, recombinants expressing this protein did not show activity towards progesterone. An esterase homologue located directly upstream of the Xanthobacter BVMO gene and a dehydrogenase homologue encoded directly downstream of the Comamonas sp. NCIMB 9872 BVMO gene were also expressed in E. coli and shown to specify lactone hydrolase and cyclohexanol dehydrogenase activity respectively.  相似文献   

Stabilizing modified bases incorporated in primers allows the reduction of housekeeping gene primer concentration not possible with regular primers without sacrificing amplification efficiency. Low primer concentration allows coamplification of the most abundant housekeeping genes with very rare templates without mutual inhibition. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coamplification of 18S ribosomal RNA with several genes of interest was used in this study with MGB Eclipse (Nanogen, San Diego, CA) hybridization probes. The results may be useful for high throughput gene expression studies as they simplify validation experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract An internal fragment representing approximately 85% of sod genes from seven Gram-positive bacteria was amplified by using degenerate primers in a polymerase chain reaction assay. The DNA sequences of sod polymerase chain reaction products from Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Lactococcus lactis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pneumoniae , and Streptococcus pyogenes were determined. Comparisons of their deduced amino acid sequences with those of the corresponding regions of the SOD proteins from Bacillus stearothermophilus, Listeria monocytogenes , and Streptococcus mutans revealed strong relatedness. Phylogenetic analysis of SOD peptides showed that members of the genera Streptococcus and those of the genera Enterococcus constitute two well-supported monophyletic groups. The method described in this study provides a means for easy recovery of sod genes and the construction of sod mutants of various Gram-positive pathogens.  相似文献   

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