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Receptors constitute the interface of cells to their external environment. These molecules bind specific ligands involved in multiple processes, such as signal transduction and nutrient transport. Although a variety of cell surface receptors undergo endocytosis, the systems-level design principles that govern the evolution of receptor trafficking dynamics are far from fully understood. We have constructed a generalized mathematical model of receptor–ligand binding and internalization to understand how receptor internalization dynamics encodes receptor function and regulation. A given signaling or transport receptor system represents a particular implementation of this module with a specific set of kinetic parameters. Parametric analysis of the response of receptor systems to ligand inputs reveals that receptor systems can be characterized as being: i) avidity-controlled where the response control depends primarily on the extracellular ligand capture efficiency, ii) consumption-controlled where the ability to internalize surface-bound ligand is the primary control parameter, and iii) dual-sensitivity where both the avidity and consumption parameters are important. We show that the transferrin and low-density lipoprotein receptors are avidity-controlled, the vitellogenin receptor is consumption-controlled, and the epidermal growth factor receptor is a dual-sensitivity receptor. Significantly, we show that ligand-induced endocytosis is a mechanism to enhance the accuracy of signaling receptors rather than merely serving to attenuate signaling. Our analysis reveals that the location of a receptor system in the avidity-consumption parameter space can be used to understand both its function and its regulation.  相似文献   

Oxidants are produced as a by-product of aerobic metabolism, and organisms ranging from prokaryotes to mammals have evolved with an elaborate and redundant complement of antioxidant defenses to confer protection against oxidative insults. Compelling data now exist demonstrating that oxidants are used in physiological settings as signaling molecules with important regulatory functions controlling cell division, migration, contraction, and mediator production. These physiological functions are carried out in an exquisitely regulated and compartmentalized manner by mild oxidants, through subtle oxidative events that involve targeted amino acids in proteins. The precise understanding of the physiological relevance of redox signal transduction has been hampered by the lack of specificity of reagents and the need for chemical derivatization to visualize reversible oxidations. In addition, it is difficult to measure these subtle oxidation events in vivo. This article reviews some of the recent findings that illuminate the significance of redox signaling and exciting future perspectives. We also attempt to highlight some of the current pitfalls and the approaches needed to advance this important area of biochemical and biomedical research.  相似文献   

Volume-activated organic osmolyte channels are found in a variety of vertebrates and cell types and show both common and disparate features. Upon exposure to hypotonic conditions, organic compounds such as taurine are released through these channels, reducing the intracellular solute concentration and thereby restoring cell volume. Various structurally diverse membrane proteins have been proposed as the channel. Accumulating evidence suggests that some of these proteins may play a more significant role as regulators than as the channel itself. Intracellular ionic strength may also modulate the release of organic osmolytes through these channels.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules, signal transduction and cell growth   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Signals from dynamic cellular interactions between the extracellular matrix and neighboring cells ultimately input into the cellular decision-making process. These interactions form the basis of anchorage-dependent growth. Recent advances have provided the mechanistic details behind the ability of integrins, and other cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), to regulate both early signal transduction events initiated by soluble factors and downstream events more proximally involved in cell cycle progression. These actions appear to depend on the ability of CAMs to initiate the formation of organized structures that permit the efficient flow of information.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion and signal transduction: the Armadillo connection   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The products of the Drosophila segment polarity gene armadillo and its vertebrate homologue beta-catenin are components of the signal transduction pathway for Wingless/Wnt-1; this signal regulates cell-fate choices in embryos of the fruit fly Drosophila and vertebrates. Armadillo/beta-catenin is also a component of cell-cell adherens junctions in epithelia. How can these two seemingly distinct roles be reconciled? Evidence suggests that Armadillo has distinct functions: one in the adherens junction and one or more in the cytoplasm. The biochemical role of Armadillo may be to serve as a scaffold upon which different multiprotein complexes are assembled.  相似文献   

Intracellular organic osmolytes: function and regulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cells of almost all organisms accumulate organic osmolytes when exposed to hyperosmolality, most often in the form of high salt or urea. In this review, we discuss 1) how the organic osmolytes protect; 2) the identity of osmolytes in Archaea, bacteria, yeast, plants, marine animals, and mammals; 3) the mechanisms by which they are accumulated; 4) sensors of osmolality; 5) the signaling pathways involved; and 6) mutual counteraction by urea and methylamines.  相似文献   

A report of the meeting 'Gene Expression and Signaling in the Immune System', Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 22-26 April 2008.  相似文献   

Of the many important signaling events that take place on the surface of a mammalian cell, activation of signal transduction pathways via interactions of cell surface receptors is one of the most important. Evidence suggests that cell surface proteins are not as freely diffusible as implied by the classic fluid mosaic model and that their confinement to membrane domains is regulated. It is unknown whether these dynamic localization mechanisms function to enhance signal transduction activation rate or to minimize cross talk among pathways that share common intermediates. To determine which of these two possibilities is more likely, we derive an explicit equation for the rate at which cell surface membrane proteins interact based on a Brownian motion model in the presence of endocytosis and exocytosis. We find that in the absence of any diffusion constraints, cell surface protein interaction rate is extremely high relative to cytoplasmic protein interaction rate even in a large mammalian cell with a receptor abundance of a mere two hundred molecules. Since a larger number of downstream signaling events needs to take place, each occurring at a much slower rate than the initial activation via association of cell surface proteins, we conclude that the role of co-localization is most likely that of cross-talk reduction rather than coupling efficiency enhancement.  相似文献   

RGS与G蛋白信号转导的调节   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RGSs(regulators of G-protein signaling)是最近发现的G-蛋白信号转导的负调节子,大部分RGSs通过GAPs(GTPase activating proteins)方式发挥作用,RGS的作用具有高度特异性,在体内受到严密的调节。对RGS的深入研究有利于对信号转导调节的了解。  相似文献   

Cell volume regulation in lymphocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article reviews what is known about the volume regulatory responses of lymphocytes. We present a discussion of recent data and hypotheses pertaining to the underlying mechanisms in regulatory volume increase (RVI) and regulatory volume decrease (RVD). New results from our laboratory are included to demonstrate that RVD is modulated by both temperature and pH, and that RVD occurs in proliferating as well as quiescent lymphocytes. This information is considered in the context of a model that includes the dynamics of membrane potential, K+ conductance. Cl- conductance, a proposed stretch-activated conductance, gating mechanisms, and equilibrium potentials, as RVD progresses. The physiological relevance of volume homeostasis in lymphocyte function, in particular, and in cell growth and proliferation, in general, is discussed.  相似文献   

Chaperones/heat shock proteins (HSPs) of the HSP90 and HSP70 families show elevated levels in proliferating mammalian cells and a cell cycle-dependent expression. They transiently associate with key molecules of the cell cycle control system such as Cdk4, Wee-1, pRb, p53, p27/Kip1 and are involved in the nuclear localization of regulatory proteins. They also associate with viral oncoproteins such as SV40 super T, large T and small t antigen, polyoma large and middle S antigen and EpsteinBarr virus nuclear antigen. This association is based on a J-domain in the viral proteins and may assist their targeting to the pRb/E2F complex. Small HSPs and their state of phosphorylation and oligomerization also seem to be involved in proliferation and differentiation. Chaperones/HSPs thus play important roles within cell cycle processes. Their exact functioning, however, is still a matter of discussion. HSP90 in particular, but also HSP70 and other chaperones associate with proteins of the mitogen-activated signal cascade, particularly with the Src kinase, with tyrosine receptor kinases, with Raf and the MAP-kinase activating kinase (MEK). This apparently serves the folding and translocation of these proteins, but possibly also the formation of large immobilized complexes of signal transducing molecules (scaffolding function).  相似文献   

M A Schembri  P Klemm 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(12):3074-3081
Fimbriae are thread-like polymers displayed in large amounts on the bacterial surface and used by many pathogens to attach to receptors on host tissue surfaces. Fimbriae contain disulfide bridges, contrary to many Escherichia coli surface proteins produced in bulk amounts. Here we investigate whether fimbriae expression can affect expression of other genes. Analysis of gene expression in two E.coli strains, differing in the fim locus, indicated the flu gene to be affected. The flu gene encodes the antigen 43 (Ag43) surface protein, specifically involved in bacterial aggregation, and microcolony and biofilm formation. Ag43 production is repressed by the global regulator OxyR, which monitors the cell's thiol-disulfide status. Only the thiol form of OxyR represses Ag43 production. We demonstrate that production of several different disulfide-containing fimbriae results in the abolition of Ag43 production. No effect was observed in an oxyR mutant. We conclude that fimbriae expression per se constitutes a signal transduction mechanism that affects a number of unrelated genes via the thiol-disulfide status of OxyR. Thus, phase variation in fimbrial expression is coordinated with the expression of other disease- and colonization-related genes.  相似文献   

Cell volume regulation in liver   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The maintenance of liver cell volume in isotonic extracellular fluid requires the continuous supply of energy: sodium is extruded in exchange for potassium by the sodium/potassium ATPase, conductive potassium efflux creates a cell-negative membrane potential, which expelles chloride through conductive pathways. Thus, the various organic substances accumulated within the cell are osmotically counterbalanced in large part by the large difference of chloride concentration across the cell membrane. Impairment of energy supply leads to dissipation of ion gradients, depolarization and cell swelling. However, even in the presence of ouabain the liver cell can extrude ions by furosemide-sensitive transport in intracellular vesicles and subsequent exocytosis. In isotonic extracellular fluid cell swelling may follow an increase in extracellular potassium concentration, which impairs potassium efflux and depolarizes the cell membrane leading to chloride accumulation. Replacement of extracellular chloride with impermeable anions leads to cell shrinkage. During excessive sodium-coupled entry of amino acids and subsequent stimulation of sodium/potassium-ATPase by increase in intracellular sodium activity, an increase in cell volume is blunted by activation of potassium channels, which maintain cell membrane potential and allow for loss of cellular potassium. Cell swelling induced by exposure of liver cells to hypotonic extracellular fluid is followed by regulatory volume decrease (RVD), cell shrinkage induced by reexposure to isotonic perfusate is followed by regulatory volume increase (RVI). Available evidence suggests that RVD is accomplished by activation of potassium channels, hyperpolarization and subsequent extrusion of chloride along with potassium, and that RVI depends on the activation of sodium hydrogen ion exchange with subsequent activation of sodium/potassium-ATPase leading to the respective accumulation of potassium and bicarbonate. In addition, exposure of liver to anisotonic perfusates alters glycogen degradation, glycolysis and probably urea formation, which are enhanced by exposure to hypertonic perfusates and depressed by hypotonic perfusates.  相似文献   

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