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Mikheyev AS  Vo T  Mueller UG 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(20):4480-4488
Although historical biogeographical forces, such as climate-driven range shifts, greatly influence the present-day population genetic structure of animals and plants, the extent to which they affect microbial communities remains largely unknown. We examined the effect of postglacial expansion on the population structure of the northern fungus-gardening ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis and compared it with that of its two microbial mutualists: a community of lepiotaceous fungal cultivars and associated antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria. The ant population genetic structure showed signs of population expansion and subdivision into eastern and western phylogroups that likely originated in the Pleistocene - a pattern shared by many other North American taxa found in the same region. Although dispersal limitation was present in all three symbionts, as suggested by genetic isolation increasing with distance, the host's east-west subdivision of population genetic structure was absent from the microbial mutualist populations. While neither the cultivar nor the Pseudonocardia genetic structure was correlated with that of the ants, they were significantly correlated with each other. These results show that biogeographical forces may act differently on macro- and microscopic organisms, even in the extreme case where microbial mutualists are vertically transmitted from generation to generation and share the same joint ecological niche. It may be that historical climate change played a larger role in determining the population structure of the ant hosts, whereas present-day environmental forces, such as pathogen pressure, determine the structure of associated microbial populations.  相似文献   

To investigate whether changes in land use and associated forest patch turnover affected genetic diversity and structure of the forest herb Primula elatior, historical data on landscape changes were combined with a population genetic analysis using dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Based on nine topographic maps, landscape history was reconstructed and forest patches were assigned to two age classes: young (less than 35 years) and old (more than 35 years). The level of differentiation among Primula populations in recently established patches was compared with the level of differentiation among populations in older patches. Genetic diversity was independent of population size (P > 0.05). Most genetic variation was present within populations. Within-population diversity levels tended to be higher for populations located in older forests compared with those for populations located in young forests (Hj = 0.297 and 0.285, respectively). Total gene diversity was also higher for old than for young populations (Ht = 0.2987 and 0.2828, respectively). The global fixation index FST averaged over loci was low, but significant. Populations in older patches were significantly more differentiated from each other than were populations in recently established patches and they showed significant isolation by distance. In contrast, no significant correlations between pairwise geographical distance and FST were found for populations in recently established patches. The location of young and old populations in the studied system and altered gene flow because of increased population density and decreased inter-patch distances between extant populations may explain the observed lower genetic differentiation in the younger populations. This study exemplifies the importance of incorporating data on historical landscape changes in population genetic research at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to test hypotheses regarding some of the main phylogeographical patterns proposed for European plants, in particular the locations of glacial refugia, the post‐glacial colonization routes, and genetic affinities between southern (alpine) and northern (boreal) populations. Location The mountains of Europe (Alps, Balkans, Carpathians, Central Massif, Pyrenees, Scandinavian chain, Sudetes), and central European/southern Scandinavian lowlands. Methods As our model system we used Pulsatilla vernalis, a widely distributed European herbaceous plant occurring both in the high‐mountain environments of the Alps and other European ranges and in lowlands north of these ranges up to Scandinavia. Based on a distribution‐wide sampling of 61 populations, we estimated chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation along six regions using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment‐length polymorphisms (PCR–RFLPs) (trnH–trnK, trnK–trnK, trnC–trnD, psbC–trnS, psaA–trnS, trnL–trnF) and further sequencing of trnL–trnF and trnH–psbA. In addition, 11 samples of other European species of Pulsatilla were sequenced to survey the genus‐scale cpDNA variation. Results Eleven PCR–RFLP polymorphisms were detected in P. vernalis, revealing seven haplotypes. They formed two distinct genetic groups. Three haplotypes representing both groups dominated and were widely distributed across Europe, whereas the others were restricted to localized regions (central Alps, Tatras/Sudetes mountains) or single populations. Sequencing analysis confirmed the reliability of PCR–RFLPs and homology of haplotypes across their distribution. The chloroplast DNA variation across the section Pulsatilla was low, but P. vernalis did not share haplotypes with other species. Main conclusions The genetic distinctiveness of P. vernalis populations from the south‐western Alps with respect to other Alpine populations, as well as the affinities between the former populations and those from the eastern Pyrenees, is demonstrated, thus providing support for the conclusions of previous studies. Glacial refugia in the Dolomites are also suggested. Isolation is inferred for the high‐mountain populations from the Tatras and Sudetes; this is in contrast to the case for the Balkans, which harboured the common haplotype. Specific microsatellite variation indicates the occurrence of periglacial lowland refugia north of the Alps, acting as a source for the post‐glacial colonization of Scandinavia. The presence of different fixed haplotypes in eastern and western Scandinavia, however, suggests independent post‐glacial colonization of these two areas, with possible founder effects.  相似文献   

A phylogeographical analysis of Ranunculus platanifolius, a typical European subalpine tall‐herb species, indicates the existence of two main genetic lineages based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. One group comprises populations from the Balkan Peninsula and the south‐eastern Carpathians and the other includes the remaining part of the range of the species, encompassing the western Carpathians, Sudetes, Alps, Pyrenees and Scandinavia. The main phylogeographical break observed in this species runs across the Carpathians and separates the main parts of this range (western and south‐eastern Carpathians), supporting a distinct glacial history of populations in these areas. The high genetic similarity of the Balkan Peninsula and south‐eastern Carpathian populations could indicate a common glacial refugium for these contemporarily isolated areas of species distribution. The western and northern part of the species range displays an additional weak differentiation into regional phylogeographical groups, which could have been shaped by isolation in glacial refugia or even by a postglacial isolation. The observed weak phylogeographical structure could also be linked with ecological requirements, allowing survival along streams in relatively low, forested mountain ranges. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Abstract In plants with a wide distribution, phenological characters can be expected to vary clinally along climatic gradients, whereas other characters important for adaptation to local biotic and abiotic factors may vary in a more mosaic fashion. We used common‐garden experiments and controlled crosses to examine population differentiation in phenology, life history and morphology in the perennial herb Lythrum salicaria along a latitudinal transect through Sweden (57°N to 66°N). Northern populations initiated growth and flowering earlier, flowered for a shorter period, were shorter, produced more and larger winter buds, and were older at first reproduction than southern populations. Flower morphology varied significantly among populations, but was, with the exception of calyx length, not significantly related to latitude of origin. Survival in the common garden (at 63°49′N) was positively correlated with latitude of origin and the size and number of winter buds produced in the preceding year. The results suggest that the among‐population differences in phenology and life history have evolved in response to latitudinal variation in length of the growing season. Further studies are required to determine whether population differentiation in flower morphology is maintained by selection.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of the fungal wheat pathogen Tapesia yallundae in Washington State was determined using genetically characterized amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers and mating-type (MAT1-1 or MAT1-2). Segregation and linkage relationships among 164 AFLP markers and MAT were analysed using 59 progeny derived from an in vitro cross. Alleles at 158 AFLP loci and the mating-type locus segregated in a 1:1 ratio. Ten unlinked markers were chosen to determine genetic and genotypic diversity and to test the hypothesis of random mating and population differentiation among five subpopulations of T. yallundae representative of the geographical distribution of wheat production in eastern Washington. Among 228 isolates collected, overall gene diversity was high (h = 0.425) and a total of 91 unique multilocus genotypes (MLG) were identified, with 32 MLG occurring at least twice. The overall population genetic structure was consistent with random mating based on the segregation of mating-type, index of association (IA), parsimony tree length permutation test (PTLPT) and genotypic diversity analyses. However, clonal genotypes were found within each subpopulation and were also distributed among the five subpopulations. No significant differences in allele frequencies were found among the five subpopulations for all 10 loci based on contingency table analysis (G2) and Wier & Cockerham's population differentiation statistic theta (theta = -0.008, P = 0.722). T. yallundae appears to consist of a large homogeneous population throughout eastern Washington with both sexual and asexual reproduction contributing to the observed population genetic structure despite no report of sexual fruiting bodies of T. yallundae occurring under natural field conditions.  相似文献   

Examples of clinal variation in phenotypes and genotypes across latitudinal transects have served as important models for understanding how spatially varying selection and demographic forces shape variation within species. Here, we examine the selective and demographic contributions to latitudinal variation through the largest comparative genomic study to date of Drosophila simulans and Drosophila melanogaster, with genomic sequence data from 382 individual fruit flies, collected across a spatial transect of 19 degrees latitude and at multiple time points over 2 years. Consistent with phenotypic studies, we find less clinal variation in D. simulans than D. melanogaster, particularly for the autosomes. Moreover, we find that clinally varying loci in D. simulans are less stable over multiple years than comparable clines in D. melanogaster. D. simulans shows a significantly weaker pattern of isolation by distance than D. melanogaster and we find evidence for a stronger contribution of migration to D. simulans population genetic structure. While population bottlenecks and migration can plausibly explain the differences in stability of clinal variation between the two species, we also observe a significant enrichment of shared clinal genes, suggesting that the selective forces associated with climate are acting on the same genes and phenotypes in D. simulans and D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

In the early 1800s, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was probably extirpated from Switzerland, due to overhunting and deforestation. After a federal law was enacted in 1875 to protect lactating females and young, and limiting the hunting season, the roe deer successfully recovered and recolonized Switzerland. In this study, we use mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA markers to investigate the recolonization and assess contemporary genetic structure in relation to broad topographic features, in order to understand underlying ecological processes, inform future roe deer management strategies, and explore the opportunity for development of forensic traceability tools. The results concerning the recolonization origin support natural, multidirectional immigration from neighboring countries. We further demonstrate that there is evidence of weak genetic differentiation within Switzerland among topographic regions. Finally, we conclude that the genetic data support the recognition of a single roe deer management unit within Switzerland, within which there is a potential for broad‐scale geographic origin assignment using nuclear markers to support law enforcement.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic population structure and phylogeography of the montane caddisfly Drusus discolor across its entire range in central and southern Europe. The species is restricted to mountain regions and exhibits an insular distribution across the major mountain ranges. Mitochondrial sequence data (COI) of 254 individuals from the entire species range is analysed to reveal population genetic structure. The data show little molecular variation within populations and regions, but distinct genetic differentiation between mountain ranges. Most populations are significantly differentiated based on F(ST) and exact tests of population differentiation and most haplotypes are unique to a single mountain range. Phylogenetic analyses reveal deep divergence between geographically isolated lineages. Combined, these results suggest that past fragmentation is the prominent process structuring the populations across Europe. We use tests of selective neutrality and mismatch distributions, to study the demographic population history of regions with haplotype overlap. The high level of genetic differentiation between mountain ranges and estimates of demographic history provide evidence for the existence of multiple glacial refugia, including several in central Europe. The study shows that these aquatic organisms reacted differently to Pleistocene cooling than many terrestrial species. They persisted in numerous refugia over multiple glacial cycles, allowing many local endemic clades to form.  相似文献   

1. The genetic differentiation in a migratory butterfly, the red admiral (Vanessa atalanta), was investigated to discern patterns of migratory routes used across Europe. AFLP profiles showed significant differences between almost all sampled locations, but there was no clear pattern of isolation‐by‐distance. 2. Using the software STRUCTURE 2.2, we found two distinct genotype clusters present in different frequencies at all study sites. The frequencies of these genotypic clusters varied significantly between years within the same site. Remarkably few individuals were of mixed ancestry, indicating that some isolating mechanisms are present. Twenty‐seven mtDNA haplotypes were identified but they showed no geographic structure, nor were they related to either of the two genotype clusters identified in the AFLP data. 3. Most field observations of migrating red admirals suggest a regular north–south migration pattern in Europe. Our data indicate both long‐distance migration and a more variable pattern in orientation, since the composition of the two genotypic clusters shows dramatic variation between sites and years in the northern part of the distribution range.  相似文献   

Edmands S 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(7):1743-1750
Previous studies of the intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus revealed one of the highest levels of mitochondrial DNA differentiation ever reported among conspecific populations. The present study extends the geographical sampling northward, adding populations from northern California to south-east Alaska. The mitochondrial phylogeny for the entire species range, based on cytochrome oxidase I sequences for a total of 49 individuals from 27 populations, again shows extreme differentiation among populations (up to 23%). However, populations from Oregon northwards appear to be derived and have interpopulation divergences five times lower than those between southern populations. Furthermore, although few individuals were sequenced from each locality, populations from Puget Sound northward had significantly reduced levels of within-population variation. These patterns are hypothesized to result from the contraction and expansion of populations driven by recent ice ages.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Relationships between species richness in higher taxa and large‐scale environmental variables have been widely studied over the past 15 years. Much less is known about how different functional groups (FGs) of species with similar biological and life‐history traits contribute to the overall trends, or how they differ in species‐richness patterns. 2. Multivariate analysis clustered 641 species of Syrphidae into eight FGs on the basis of 10 life‐history features, revealing feeding strategy as the main factor separating the groups. 3. Geographical trends in species richness and determinants of species richness within the FGs were compared across Europe. 4. Total species richness showed no latitudinal trend. However, the richness of individual FGs revealed variable relationships with latitude, including positive, negative, and hump‐shaped ones. This appeared to be related to how different environmental factors affected species richness within FGs. 5. Functional groups differed in their responses to the environmental variables. Annual temperature, evapotranspiration, and elevation span were the most important variables separating the FGs in ordination analysis. The multiple regression models showed further differences between FGs and their responses to the environment. 6. The FG approach revealed important inconsistencies in latitudinal diversity gradients and diversity‐climate relationships.  相似文献   

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) has been described as a species with low levels of genetic variation. This has been suggested to be the consequence of a demographic bottleneck 10 000–12 000 years ago (ya) and also led to the assumption that only small genetic differences exist between the described subspecies. However, analysing mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites in cheetah samples from most of the historic range of the species we found relatively deep phylogeographic breaks between some of the investigated populations, and most of the methods assessed divergence time estimates predating the postulated bottleneck. Mitochondrial DNA monophyly and overall levels of genetic differentiation support the distinctiveness of Northern‐East African cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii). Moreover, combining archaeozoological and contemporary samples, we show that Asiatic cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) are unambiguously separated from African subspecies. Divergence time estimates from mitochondrial and nuclear data place the split between Asiatic and Southern African cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus jubatus) at 32 000–67 000 ya using an average mammalian microsatellite mutation rate and at 4700–44 000 ya employing human microsatellite mutation rates. Cheetahs are vulnerable to extinction globally and critically endangered in their Asiatic range, where the last 70–110 individuals survive only in Iran. We demonstrate that these extant Iranian cheetahs are an autochthonous monophyletic population and the last representatives of the Asiatic subspecies A. j. venaticus. We advocate that conservation strategies should consider the uncovered independent evolutionary histories of Asiatic and African cheetahs, as well as among some African subspecies. This would facilitate the dual conservation priorities of maintaining locally adapted ecotypes and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

In order to preserve endangered plant populations and recover their evolutionary potential and ecological behavior, some restoration measures generally involve the reinforcement of the population size in existing natural populations or the reintroduction of new populations. Genetic monitoring of both natural and restored populations can provide an assessment of restoration protocol success in establishing populations that maintain levels of genetic diversity similar to those in natural populations. The highly threatened Spanish species Silene hifacensis (Caryophyllaceae) has only three natural reduced mainland populations in the Iberian Peninsula, following decline and extinction that occurred during the late 20th century. Preterit restoration strategies were essentially based on the implantation of new populations and reinforcement of certain existing populations using transplants mostly cultivated in greenhouses. In the present contribution, levels and patterns of genetic variability within natural and restored populations of Silene hifacensis were assessed using the molecular technique AFLP. Our results pointed out significant genetic diversity differences across the three existing natural populations though their population fragmentation and progressive loss of individuals have not had an impact on the global genetic diversity of this species. For restored populations, their levels of genetic diversity were similar and even higher than in natural populations. As a result, the past restoration protocols were successful in capturing similar and even higher levels of genetic diversity than those observed within natural pools. However, inbreeding processes have been detected for two restored populations. Finally, the main source of plant material for the long-time restored transplants appears to be the natural population of Cova de les Cendres. This study demonstrates, once again, how genetic markers are useful tools to be taken in consideration for endangered plant species conservation plans.  相似文献   

The trend for increasing biodiversity from the poles to the tropics is one of the best-known patterns in nature. This latitudinal biodiversity gradient has primarily been documented so far with extant species as the measure of biodiversity. Here, we evaluate the global pattern in biodiversity across latitudes based on the magnitude of genetic population divergence within plant species, using a robust spatial design to compare published allozyme datasets. Like the pattern of plant species richness across latitudes, we expected the divergence among populations of current plant species would have a similar pattern and direction. We found that lower latitudinal populations showed greater genetic differentiation within species after controlling for geographical distance. Our analyses are consistent with previous population-level studies in animals, suggesting a high possibility of tropical peaks in speciation rates associated with observed levels of species richness.  相似文献   

The southwestern Iberian Peninsula is an important biogeographic region, showing high biodiversity levels and hosting several putative glacial refugia for European flora. Here, we study the genetic diversity and structure of the Mediterranean, thermophilous plant Cheirolophus sempervirens (Asteraceae) across its whole distribution range in SW Iberia, as a tool to disentangle some of the general biogeographic patterns shaping this southern refugia hotspot. Null genetic diversity was observed in the cpDNA sequencing screening. Nonetheless, AFLP data revealed high levels of among-population genetic differentiation correlated to their geographic location. Our results suggest longer species persistence in southern Iberian refugia during glacial periods and subsequent founder effects northwards due to colonizations in warmer stages (i.e., the southern richness to northern purity pattern). Additionally, our phylogeographic analyses indicate the presence of two separate genetic lineages within Ch. sempervirens, supporting the hypothesis of multiple minor refugia for SW Iberia in agreement with the refugia within refugia model.  相似文献   

青藏高原及其周边地区高山植物谱系地理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原及其周边地区是世界上高山植物最丰富的地区,通过谱系地理学研究可以探讨高山植物演化历史与高原隆升和第四纪冰期的关系。根据对已经报道的36种高山植物的谱系地理分析,其谱系地理模式主要表现为:一、冰期退却到高原边缘的避难所,冰后期回迁到高原面;二、地理隔离造成冰期存在多处避难所(含微型避难所),冰后期发生局域性扩张。青藏高原在晚第三纪的快速隆升促进了物种的分化和成种,而第四纪冰期更是加剧了物种的快速分化,高原隆升和第四纪周期性气候波动是形成青藏高原高山植物现代谱系地理格局的主要原因。横断山脉地区作为第四纪冰期高山植物的主要避难所,在进化生物学和保护生物学方面具有重要启示。最后在物种选择、采样策略、基因片段选择和研究方法等4个方面提出青藏高原地区谱系地理学的研究方向。  相似文献   

Aim We investigated the Quaternary history of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, an oligophagous insect currently expanding its range. We tested the potential role played by mountain ranges during the post‐glacial recolonization of western Europe. Location Western Europe, with a focus on the Pyrenees, Massif Central and western Alps. Methods Maternal genetic structure was investigated using a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. We analysed 412 individuals from 61 locations and performed maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses and hierarchical analysis of molecular variance, and we investigated signs of past expansion. Results A strong phylogeographic pattern was found, with two deeply divergent clades. Surprisingly, these clades were not separated by the Pyrenees but rather were distributed from western to central Iberia and from eastern Iberia to the Italian Peninsula, respectively. This latter group consisted of three shallowly divergent lineages that exhibited strong geographic structure and independent population expansions. The three identified lineages occurred: (1) on both sides of the Pyrenean range, with more genetically diverse populations in the east, (2) from eastern Iberia to western France, with a higher genetic diversity in the south, and (3) from the western Massif Central to Italy. Admixture areas were found at the foot of the Pyrenees and Massif Central. Main conclusions The identified genetic lineages were geographically structured, but surprisingly the unsuitable high‐elevation areas of the main mountainous ranges were not responsible for the spatial separation of genetic groups. Rather than acting as barriers to dispersal, mountains appear to have served as refugia during the Pleistocene glaciations, and current distributions largely reflect expansion from these bottlenecked refugial populations. The western and central Iberian clade did not contribute to the northward post‐glacial recolonization of Europe, yet its northern limit does not correspond to the Pyrenees. The different contributions of the identified refugia to post‐glacial expansion might be explained by differences in host plant species richness. For example, the Pyrenean lineage could have been trapped elevationally by tracking montane pines, while the eastern Iberian lineage could have expanded latitudinally by tracking thermophilic lowland pine species.  相似文献   

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