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St Maurice M  Bearne SL 《Biochemistry》2004,43(9):2524-2532
Mandelate racemase (EC from Pseudomonas putida catalyzes the interconversion of the two enantiomers of mandelic acid with remarkable proficiency, stabilizing the altered substrate in the transition state by approximately 26 kcal/mol. We have used a series of substrate analogues (glycolates) and intermediate analogues (hydroxamates) to evaluate the contribution of the hydrophobic cavity within the enzyme's active site to ligand binding. Free energy changes accompanying binding of glycolate derivatives correlated well with the hydrophobic substituent constant pi and the van der Waals surface areas of the ligands. The observed dependence of the apparent binding free energy on surface area of the ligand was -30 +/- 5 cal mol(-1) A(-2) at 25 degrees C. Free energy changes accompanying binding of hydroxamate derivatives also correlated well with pi values and the van der Waals surface areas of the ligands, giving a slightly greater free energy dependence equal to -41 +/- 3 cal mol(-1) A(-2) at 25 degrees C. Surprisingly, mandelate racemase exhibited a binding affinity for the intermediate analogue benzohydroxamate that was 2 orders of magnitude greater than that predicted solely on the basis of hydrophobic interactions. This suggests that there are additional specific interactions that stabilize the altered substrate in the transition state. Mandelate racemase was competitively inhibited by (R,S)-1-naphthylglycolate (apparent K(i) = 1.9 +/- 0.1 mM) and (R,S)-2-naphthylglycolate (apparent K(i) = 0.52 +/- 0.03 mM), demonstrating the plasticity of the hydrophobic pocket. Both (R)- (K(m) = 0.46 +/- 0.06 mM, k(cat) = 33 +/- 1 s(-1)) and (S)-2-naphthylglycolate (K(m) = 0.41 +/- 0.03 mM, k(cat) = 25 +/- 1 s(-1)) were shown to be alternative substrates for mandelate racemase. These kinetic results demonstrate that no major steric restrictions are imposed on the binding of this bulkier substrate in the ground state but that steric factors appear to impair transition state/intermediate stabilization. 2-Naphthohydroxamate was identified as a competitive inhibitor of mandelate racemase, binding with an affinity (K(i) = 57 +/- 18 microM) that was reduced relative to that observed for benzohydroxamate and that was in accord with the approximately 10-fold reduction in the value of k(cat)/K(m) for the racemization of 2-naphthylglycolate. These findings indicate that, for mandelate racemase, steric constraints within the hydrophobic cavity of the enzyme-intermediate complex are more stringent than those in the enzyme-substrate complex.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of mandelate racemase (MR) has been solved at 3.0-A resolution by multiple isomorphous replacement and subsequently refined against X-ray diffraction data to 2.5-A resolution by use of both molecular dynamics refinement (XPLOR) and restrained least-squares refinement (PROLSQ). The current crystallographic R-factor for this structure is 18.3%. MR is composed of two major structural domains and a third, smaller, C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain has an alpha + beta topology consisting of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet followed by an antiparallel four alpha-helix bundle. The central domain is a singly wound parallel alpha/beta-barrel composed of eight central strands of beta-sheet and seven alpha-helices. The C-terminal domain consists of an irregular L-shaped loop with several short sections of antiparallel beta-sheet and two short alpha-helices. This C-terminal domain partially covers the junction between the major domains and occupies a region of the central domain that is filled by an eight alpha-helix in all other known parallel alpha/beta-barrels except for the barrel domain in muconate lactonizing enzyme (MLE) [Goldman, A., Ollis, D. L., & Steitz, T. A. (1987) J. Mol. Biol. 194, 143] whose overall polypeptide fold and amino acid sequence are strikingly similar to those of MR [Neidhart, D. J., Kenyon, G. L., Gerlt, J. A., & Petsko, G. A. (1990) Nature 347, 692]. In addition, the crystal structure reveals that, like MLE, MR is tightly packed as an octamer of identical subunits. The active site of MR is located between the two major domains, at the C-terminal ends of the beta-strands in the alpha/beta-barrel domain. The catalytically essential divalent metal ion is ligated by three side-chain carboxyl groups contributed by residues of the central beta-sheet. A model of a productive substrate complex of MR has been constructed on the basis of difference Fourier analysis at 3.5-A resolution of a complex between MR and (R,S)-p-iodomandelate, permitting identification of residues that may participate in substrate binding and catalysis. The ionizable groups of both Lys 166 and His 297 are positioned to interact with the chiral center of substrate, suggesting that both of these residues may function as acid/base catalysts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A phytase from Escherichia coli, AppA, has been the target of protein engineering to reduce the amount of undigested phosphates from livestock manure by making phosphorous from phytic acid available as a nutrient. To understand the contribution of each amino acid in the active site loop to the AppA activity, alanine and glycine scanning mutagenesis was undertaken. The results of phytase activity assay demonstrated loss of activity by mutations at charged residues within the conserved motif, supporting their importance in catalytic activity. In contrast, both conserved, non-polar residues and non-conserved residues tended to be tolerant to Ala and/or Gly mutations. Correlation analyses of chemical/structural characteristics of each mutation site against mutant activity revealed that the loop residues located closer to the substrate have greater contribution to the activity of AppA. These results may be useful in efficiently engineering AppA to improve its catalytic activity.

Abbreviations: AppA: pH 2.5 acid phosphatase; CSU: contacts of structural units; HAPs: histidine acid phosphatases; SASA: solvent accessible surface area; SDS-PAGE: sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; SSM: site-saturation mutagenesis; WT: wild type  相似文献   

Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (Amacr) catalyzes the racemization of alpha-methyl-branched CoA esters. Sequence comparisons have shown that this enzyme is a member of the family III CoA transferases. The mammalian Amacr is involved in bile acid synthesis and branched-chain fatty acid degradation. In human, mutated variants of Amacr have been shown to be associated with disease states. Amino acid sequence alignment of Amacrs and its homologues from various species revealed 26 conserved protic residues, assumed to be potential candidates as catalytic residues. Amacr from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MCR) was taken as a representative of the racemases. To determine their importance for efficient catalysis, each of these 26 protic residues of MCR was mutated into an alanine, respectively, and the mutated variants were overexpressed in Escherichia coli. It was found that four variants (R91A, H126A, D156A, and E241A) were properly folded but had much decreased catalytic efficiency. Apparently, Arg91, His126, Asp156, and Glu241 are important catalytic residues of MCR. The importance of these residues for catalysis can be rationalized by the 1.8 A resolution crystal structure of MCR, which shows that the catalytic site is at the interface between the large and small domain of two different subunits of the dimeric enzyme. This crystal structure is the first structure of a complete enzyme of the bile acid synthesis pathway. It shows that MCR has unique structural features, not seen in the structures of the sequence related formyl-CoA transferases, suggesting that the family III CoA transferases can be subdivided in at least two classes, being racemases and CoA transferases.  相似文献   

Mammalian purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) can be divided into two groups, which exhibit distinct spectroscopic and kinetics properties: PAPs that consist of a single 36 kDa polypeptide, and PAPs that have undergone limited proteolysis to give two fragments with masses of 16 and 20 kDa, respectively. Proteolysis results in an increase in enzymatic activity, an increase in the optimal pH for activity, and a change in the g(z)() value of the characteristic EPR spectrum of the mixed-valence binuclear iron center. It has been proposed that these changes are due to the loss of interactions between Asp146 in an exposed loop region and active site residues upon proteolysis. In the present study, site-directed mutagenesis of Asp146 in recombinant rat bone PAP (recRPAP) has confirmed this hypothesis. Conversion of Asp146 into Ala, which eliminates the interaction of the side chain with the active site, resulted in an enzyme with properties typical of PAPs isolated in proteolytically cleaved forms. The Asp146Asn and Asp146Glu mutants were also prepared and examined to assess the effects of altered electrostatic interactions and side-chain length. Limited proteolysis of all three mutant enzymes with cathepsin L resulted in a significant increase in catalytic activity. Thus, although the interaction between Asp146 and (an) active site residue(s) is the major factor responsible for the low catalytic activity of uncleaved PAPs, other interactions are also important. Since both p-nitrophenyl phosphate and osteopontin, a potential in vivo substrate, show the same level of activation, the observed increase in catalytic activity upon proteolysis is likely to be due to electrostatic rather than steric effects. EPR spectra of FeZn-recRPAP before and after cleavage by cathepsin L suggest that cleavage primarily affects the divalent metal site. The observation that pK(es,1) is also sensitive to changes at the divalent site is consistent with the proposal that the nucleophilic hydroxide is that bridging the divalent and trivalent metals.  相似文献   

Efficient enzymatic racemization of 2-hydroxy-2-heteroaryl-acetic acid derivatives by mandelate racemase under mild conditions is reported for the first time. (i) Steric limitations for aryl-substituted mandelate derivatives were elucidated to be particularly striking for o-substituents, whereas m- and p-analogues were freely accepted, as well as heteroaryl- and naphthyl-analogs. (ii) The electronic character of substituents was found to play an important role: whereas electron-withdrawing substituents dramatically enhanced the racemization rates, electron-donating analogs caused a depletion. This effect could be ascribed to an α-carbanion-stabilization in accordance with the known enzyme mechanism. The latter was modeled by comparison of gas phase deprotonation energies as a useful parameter to describe resonance stabilization. The calculated data nicely correlate with the experimentally observed activities for a specific substrate as long as other parameters, such as steric restrictions, are absent or play a minor role.  相似文献   

Insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP) is a type II integral membrane protein belonging to the gluzincin family of metallopeptidases identified by the characteristic Zn(2+)-coordination sequence element, HEXXH-(18-64X)-E. A second conserved sequence element, the GXMEN motif, positioned 22-32 amino acids N-terminal to the Zn(2+)-coordination sequence element distinguishes the gluzincin aminopeptidases from other gluzincins. To investigate the importance of the G428AMEN and H464ELAH-(18X)-E487 motifs for the activity of IRAP, mutational analysis was carried out. cDNA encoding the full-length transmembrane form of human IRAP was expressed in HEK293 cells and recombinant wild-type IRAP was shown to have biochemical and enzymatic properties similar to those reported for native IRAP and the soluble serum form of IRAP. Mutational analysis using single amino-acid substitutions in the GAMEN motif (G428A, A429G, M430K, M430E, M430I, E431D and E431A) and in the Zn(2+)-binding motif (H464Y, E465D, E465Q, H468Y, E487D and E487Q) resulted in decreased or abolished aminopeptidase activity towards the leucine-para-nitroanilide substrate. The results show that conservation of residues within the GAMEN and Zn(2+)-binding motifs is important for IRAP enzyme activity.  相似文献   

In Staphylococcus aureus, virulence and colonization-associated surface proteins are covalently anchored to the cell wall by the transpeptidase Sortase A (SrtA). In order to better understand the contribution of specific active site residues to substrate recognition and catalysis, we performed mutational analysis of several key residues in the SrtA active site. Analysis of protein stability, kinetic parameters, solvent isotope effects, and pH-rate profiles for key SrtA variants are consistent with a reverse protonated Cys184-His120 catalytic dyad, and implicate a role for Arg197 in formation of an oxyanion hole to stabilize the transition state. In contrast, mutation of Asp185 and Asp186 produced negligible effects on catalysis, and no evidence was found to support the existence of a functional catalytic triad. Mutation of Thr180, Leu181, and Ile182 to alanine produced modest decreases in SrtA activity and led to substrate inhibition. Thermodynamic stability measurements by SUPREX (stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H/D exchange) revealed decreases in conformational stability that correlate with the observed substrate inhibition for each variant, signifying a potential role for the conserved 180TLITC184 motif in defining the active-site architecture of SrtA. In contrast, mutation of Thr183 to alanine led to a significant 1200-fold decrease in kcat, which appears to be unrelated to conformational stability. Potential explanations for these results are discussed, and a revised model for SrtA catalysis is presented.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding mature porcine heart aconitase was over-expressed in Escherichia coli under the control of a phage T7 promoter. Recombinant aconitase purified from E. coli was identical to the enzyme from pig and beef heart in size, [3Fe-4S] and [4Fe-4S] cluster structure and enzymatic activity. Nine amino acid residues in close proximity to the Fe-S cluster and bound substrate (Lauble, H., Kennedy, M.C., Beinert, H., and Stout, C.D. (1992) Biochemistry, in press) were replaced by site-directed mutagenesis. Fe-S cluster environment as indicated by the EPR spectrum, tight binding of substrate, and enzymatic activity were compared for the mutant and wild type enzymes. Significant perturbations were detected for all of the mutant enzymes. Replacements for Asp100, His101, Asp165, Arg580, and Ser642 result in a 10(3)-10(5)-fold drop in activity, which suggests that these residues are involved in critical aspects of the reaction. Arg580 appears to be a key residue for substrate binding, as shown by a 30-fold increased Km and loss of tight substrate binding. Results of mutagenesis support the interpretation of the x-ray model, namely that Asp100 and His101 form an ion pair for elimination of the substrate hydroxyl and Ser642 may function as a general base for proton abstraction from citrate or isocitrate in the dehydration step and protonation of cis-aconitate in the hydration step. Asp165 appears to play a critical role in the interaction of Fea with substrate.  相似文献   

Mandelate racemase from Pseudomonas putida is a promising candidate for the dynamic kinetic resolution of α-hydroxy carboxylic acids. In the present study, the thermal stability of mandelate racemase was investigated through molecular dynamics simulations in the temperature range of 303–363 K, which can guide the design of mandelate racemase with higher stability. The basic features such as radius of gyration, surface accessibility, and secondary structure content suggested the instability of mandelate racemase at high temperatures. With increase in temperature, α-helix content reduced significantly, especially the α-helices exposed to the environment. At the simulation time scale considered, intra-protein hydrogen bonds, hydrogen bonds between protein and water decreased at 363 K, while the number of salt-bridges increased. The long-distance networks remarkably changed at 363 K. A considerable number of long-lived (percentage existence time higher than 90%) hydrogen bonds and Cα contacts were lost. Root mean square fluctuation analysis revealed regions with high fluctuation, which should be helpful in the reengineering of mandelate racemase for enhanced thermal stability.  相似文献   

Indoleglycerol phosphate synthase catalyzes the ring closure of 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxyribulose 5''-phosphate to indoleglycerol phosphate, the fifth step in the pathway of tryptophan biosynthesis from chorismate. Because chemical synthesis of indole derivatives from arylamino ketones requires drastic solvent conditions, it is interesting by what mechanism the enzyme catalyzes the same condensation reaction. Seven invariant polar residues in the active site of the enzyme from Escherichia coli have been mutated directly or randomly, to identify the catalytically essential ones. A strain of E. coli suitable for selecting and classifying active mutants by functional complementation was constructed by precise deletion of the trpC gene from the genome. Judged by growth rates of transformants on selective media, mutants with either S58 or S60 replaced by alanine were indistinguishable from the wild-type, but R186 replaced by alanine was still partially active. Saturation random mutagenesis of individual codons showed that E53 was partially replaceable by aspartate and cysteine, whereas K114, E163, and N184 could not be replaced by any other residue. Partially active mutant proteins were purified and their steady-state kinetic and inhibitor binding constants determined. Their relative catalytic efficiencies paralleled their relative complementation efficiencies. These results are compatible with the location of the essential residues in the active site of the enzyme and support a chemically plausible catalytic mechanism. It involves two enzyme-bound intermediates and general acid-base catalysis by K114 and E163 with the support of E53 and N184.  相似文献   

G Rudnick  R H Abeles 《Biochemistry》1975,14(20):4515-4522
Proline racemase catalyzes the interconversion of D- and L-proline. Previous studies in this laboratory have established that the reaction proceeds by means of a two-base mechanism in which one base on the enzyme removes the substrate alpha-hydrogen as a proton and the conjugate acid of another base donates a proton to the opposite side of the alpha-carbon (Cardinale, G.J., and Abeles, R.H., (1968), Biochemistry 7, 3970. An assumption of the proposed mechanism was that no proton exchange occurs from the enzyme-substrate complex. In the present study, we have shown that the rate of 3H release from DL-[alpha-3H]proline, in the presence of proline racemase, decreases with increasing proline concentrations. These results establish that release of the substrate derived proton from the enzyme occurs largely, possibly exclusively, after release of the product. Under initial velocity conditions, the rate of 3H release from L-[alpha-3H]proline is not reduced with increasing L-proline concentrations. Thus, the enzyme-bound proton derived from one isomer can only be "captured" by the other isomer. We conclude that there are two forms of the enzyme; one binds L-proline and the other D-proline. Release of the substrate derived proton from enzyme is more rapid than the interconversion of these two forms. These results are consistent with the previously proposed mechanism. Proline racemase is composed of similar subunits of mol wt 38,000 as determined by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Equilibrium dialysis experiments detect only one substrate binding site for every two subunits. When the oxidized form of the enzyme, which is inactive and cannot bind substrate, is reduced by thiol to yield active enzyme, two cysteine sulfhydryl groups per dimer become available to react with iodoacetate. Inactivation of the enzyme occurs upon modification of one of these cysteines. All iodoacetate incorporation occurs at the same point in the primary sequence of the enzyme, and can be prevented by the presence of proline or pyrrole-2-carboxylate, a substrate analog. A model is proposed in which a single active site is formed by elements of two identical subunits. Although the data are consistent with this model, another interpretation, in which half of the subunits are nonfunctional, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Nagar M  Narmandakh A  Khalak Y  Bearne SL 《Biochemistry》2011,50(41):8846-8852
Mandelate racemase (EC from Pseudomonas putida catalyzes the interconversion of the enantiomers of mandelic acid and a variety of aryl- and heteroaryl-substituted mandelate derivatives, suggesting that β,γ-unsaturation is a requisite feature of substrates for the enzyme. We show that β,γ-unsaturation is not an absolute requirement for catalysis and that mandelate racemase can bind and catalyze the racemization of (S)-trifluorolactate (k(cat) = 2.5 ± 0.3 s(-1), K(m) = 1.74 ± 0.08 mM) and (R)-trifluorolactate (k(cat) = 2.0 ± 0.2 s(-1), K(m) = 1.2 ± 0.2 mM). The enzyme was shown to catalyze hydrogen-deuterium exchange at the α-postion of trifluorolactate using (1)H NMR spectrocsopy. β-Elimination of fluoride was not detected using (19)F NMR spectroscopy. Although mandelate racemase bound trifluorolactate with an affinity similar to that exhibited for mandelate, the turnover numbers (k(cat)) were markedly reduced by ~318-fold, resulting in catalytic efficiencies (k(cat)/K(m)) that were ~400-fold lower than those observed for mandelate. These observations suggested that chemical steps on the enzyme were likely rate-determining, which was confirmed by demonstrating that the rates of mandelate racemase-catalyzed racemization of (S)-trifluorolactate were not dependent upon the solvent microviscosity. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to measure the rates of nonenzymatic racemization of (S)-trifluorolactate at elevated temperatures. The values of ΔH(?) and ΔS(?) for the nonenzymatic racemization reaction were determined to be 28.0 (±0.7) kcal/mol and -15.7 (±1.7) cal K(-1) mol(-1), respectively, corresponding to a free energy of activation equal to 33 (±4) kcal/mol at 25 °C. Hence, mandelate racemase stabilizes the altered trifluorolactate in the transition state (ΔG(tx)) by at least 20 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

Existence of alternative entrances in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) could explain the contrast between the very high AChE catalytic efficiency and the narrow and long access path to the active site revealed by X-ray crystallography. Alternative entrances could facilitate diffusion of the reaction products or at least water and ions from the active site. Previous molecular dynamics simulations identified side door and back door as the most probable alternative entrances. The simulations of non-inhibited AChE suggested that the back door opening events occur only rarely (0.8% of the time in the 10ns trajectory). Here we present a molecular dynamics simulation of non-inhibited AChE, where the back door opening appears much more often (14% of the time in the 12ns trajectory) and where the side door opening was observed quite frequently (78% of trajectory time). We also present molecular dynamics, where the back door does not open at all, or where large conformational changes of the AChE omega loop occur together with alternative passage opening events. All these differences in AChE dynamical behavior are caused by different protonation states of two glutamate residues located on bottom of the active site gorge (Glu202 and G450 in Mus musculus AChE). Our results confirm the results of previous molecular dynamics simulations, expand the view and suggest the probable reasons for the overall conformational behavior of AChE omega loop.  相似文献   

We combined in a previously derived three-dimensional model of the histamine H(1) receptor (Ter Laak, A. M., Timmerman, H., Leurs, H., Nederkoorn, P. H. J., Smit, M. J., and Donne-Op den Kelder, G. M. (1995) J. Comp. Aid. Mol. Design. 9, 319-330) a pharmacophore for the H(1) antagonist binding site (Ter Laak, A. M., Venhorst, J., Timmerman, H., and Donné-Op de Kelder, G. M. (1994) J. Med. Chem. 38, 3351-3360) with the known interacting amino acid residue Asp(116) (in transmembrane domain III) of the H(1) receptor and verified the predicted receptor-ligand interactions by site-directed mutagenesis. This resulted in the identification of the aromatic amino acids Trp(167), Phe(433), and Phe(436) in transmembrane domains IV and VI of the H(1) receptor as probable interaction points for the trans-aromatic ring of the H(1) antagonists. Subsequently, a specific interaction of carboxylate moieties of two therapeutically important, zwitterionic H(1) antagonists with Lys(200) in transmembrane domain V was predicted. A Lys(200) --> Ala mutation results in a 50- (acrivastine) to 8-fold (d-cetirizine) loss of affinity of these zwitterionic antagonists. In contrast, the affinities of structural analogs of acrivastine and cetirizine lacking the carboxylate group, triprolidine and meclozine, respectively, are unaffected by the Lys(200) --> Ala mutation. These data strongly suggest that Lys(200), unique for the H(1) receptor, acts as a specific anchor point for these "second generation" H(1) antagonists.  相似文献   

Mandelate racemase has been studied as a paradigm for enzyme-catalyzed abstraction of a proton from carbon acids with relatively high pKa values. 1,1-Diphenyl-1-hydroxymethylphosphonate is a substrate-intermediate-product analogue and is a modest competitive inhibitor of the enzyme (Ki=1.41+/-0.09 mM), suggesting that simultaneous binding of the two phenyl groups obviates mimicry of the aci-carboxylate function of the intermediate by the phosphonate group.  相似文献   

The molybdenum cofactor is ubiquitous in nature, and the pathway for Moco biosynthesis is conserved in all three domains of life. Recent work has helped to illuminate one of the most enigmatic steps in Moco biosynthesis, ligation of metal to molybdopterin (the organic component of the cofactor) to form the active cofactor. In Escherichia coli, the MoeA protein mediates ligation of Mo to molybdopterin while the MogA protein enhances this process in an ATP-dependent manner. The X-ray crystal structures for both proteins have been previously described as well as two essential MogA residues, Asp49 and Asp82. Here we describe a detailed mutational analysis of the MoeA protein. Variants of conserved residues at the putative active site of MoeA were analyzed for a loss of function in two different, previously described assays, one employing moeA- crude extracts and the other utilizing a defined system. Oddly, no correlation was observed between the activity in the two assays. In fact, our results showed a general trend toward an inverse relationship between the activity in each assay. Moco binding studies indicated a strong correlation between a variant's ability to bind Moco and its activity in the purified component assay. Crystal structures of the functionally characterized MoeA variants revealed no major structural changes, indicating that the functional differences observed are not due to disruption of the protein structure. On the basis of these results, two different functional areas were assigned to regions at or near the MoeA active site cleft.  相似文献   

Mandelate racemase (MR, EC from Pseudomonas putida catalyzes the Mg(2+)-dependent 1,1-proton transfer that interconverts the enantiomers of mandelate. Crystal structures of MR reveal that the phenyl group of all ground-state ligands is located within a hydrophobic cavity, remote from the site of proton abstraction. MR forms numerous electrostatic and H-bonding interactions with the alpha-OH and carboxyl groups of the substrate, suggesting that these polar groups may remain relatively fixed in position during catalysis while the phenyl group is free to move between two binding sites [i.e., the R-pocket and the S-pocket for binding the phenyl group of (R)-mandelate and (S)-mandelate, respectively]. We show that MR binds benzilate (K(i) = 0.67 +/- 0.12 mM) and (S)-cyclohexylphenylglycolate (K(i) = 0.50 +/- 0.03 mM) as competitive inhibitors with affinities similar to that which the enzyme exhibits for the substrate. Therefore, the active site can simultaneously accommodate two phenyl groups, consistent with the existence of an R-pocket and an S-pocket. Wild-type MR exhibits a slightly higher affinity for (S)-mandelate [i.e., K(m)(S)(-)(man) < K(m)(R)(-)(man)] but catalyzes the turnover of (R)-mandelate slightly more rapidly (i.e., k(cat)(R)(-->)(S) > k(cat)(S)(-->)(R)). Upon introduction of steric bulk into the S-pocket using site-directed mutagenesis (i.e., the F52W, Y54W, and F52W/Y54W mutants), this catalytic preference is reversed. Although the catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of all the mutants was reduced (11-280-fold), all mutants exhibited a higher affinity for (R)-mandelate than for (S)-mandelate, and higher turnover numbers with (S)-mandelate as the substrate, relative to those with (R)-mandelate. (R)- and (S)-2-hydroxybutyrate are expected to be less sensitive to the additional steric bulk in the S-pocket. Unlike those for mandelate, the relative binding affinities for these substrate analogues are not reversed. These results are consistent with steric obstruction in the S-pocket and support the hypothesis that the phenyl group of the substrate may move between an R-pocket and an S-pocket during racemization. These conclusions were also supported by modeling of the binary complexes of the wild-type and F52W/Y54W enzymes with the substrate analogues (R)- and (S)-atrolactate, and of wild-type MR with bound benzilate using molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Zheng S  Shuman S 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2008,14(11):2297-2304
RNA guanine-N7 methyltransferase catalyzes the third step of eukaryal mRNA capping, the transfer of a methyl group from AdoMet to GpppRNA to form m7GpppRNA. Mutational and crystallographic analyses of cellular and poxvirus cap methyltransferases have yielded a coherent picture of a conserved active site and determinants of substrate specificity. Models of the Michaelis complex suggest a direct in-line mechanism of methyl transfer. Because no protein contacts to the guanine-N7 nucleophile, the AdoMet methyl carbon (Cε) or the AdoHcy sulfur (Sδ) leaving group were observed in ligand-bound structures of cellular cap methyltransferase, it was initially thought that the enzyme facilitates catalysis by optimizing proximity and geometry of the donor and acceptor. However, the structure of AdoHcy-bound vaccinia virus cap methyltransferase revealed the presence of an N-terminal “lid peptide” that closes over the active site and makes multiple contacts with the substrates, including the AdoMet sulfonium. This segment is disordered in the vaccinia apoenzyme and is not visible in the available structures of cellular cap methyltransferase. Here, we conducted a mutational analysis of the vaccinia virus lid peptide (545DKFRLNPEVSYFTNKRTRG563) entailing in vivo and in vitro readouts of the effects of alanine and conservative substitutions. We thereby identified essential functional groups that interact with the AdoMet sulfonium (Tyr555, Phe556), the AdoMet adenine (Asn550), and the cap triphosphate bridge (Arg560, Arg562). The results suggest that van der Waals contacts of Tyr555 and Phe556 to the AdoMet Sδ and Cε atoms, and the electron-rich environment around the sulfonium, serve to stabilize the transition state of the transmethylation reaction.  相似文献   

Comparison of x-ray crystal structures of several legume lectins, co-crystallized with sugar molecules, showed a strong conservation of amino acid residues directly involved in ligand binding. For pea (Pisum sativum) lectin (PSL), these conserved amino acids can be classified into three groups: (I) D81 and N125, present in all legume lectins studied so far; (II) G99 and G216, conserved in almost all legume lectins; and (III) A217 and E218, which are only found in Vicieae lectins and are possibly determinants of sugar-binding specificity. Each of these amino acids in PSL was changed by site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in PSL molecules with single substitutions: for group I D81A, D81N, N125A; for group II G99R, G216L; and for group III A217L, E218Q, respectively. PSL double mutant Y124R; A126S was included as a control. The modified PSL molecules appeared not to be affected in their ability to form dimeric proteins, whereas the sugar-binding activity of each of the PSL mutants, with the exception of the control mutant (as shown by haemagglutination assays), was completely eliminated. These results confirm the model of the sugar-binding site of Vicieae lectins as deduced from X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

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