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Naiveté in prey arises from novel ecological mismatches in cue recognition systems and antipredator responses following the arrival of alien predators. The multilevel naiveté framework suggests that animals can progress through levels of naiveté toward predator awareness. Alternatively, native prey may be preadapted to recognize novel predators via common constituents in predator odors or familiar predator archetypes. We tested predictions of these competing hypotheses on the mechanisms driving behavioral responses of native species to alien predators by measuring responses of native free‐living northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) to alien red fox (Vulpes vulpes) odor. We compared multiple bandicoot populations either sympatric or allopatric with foxes. Bandicoots sympatric with foxes showed recognition and appropriate antipredator behavior toward fox odor via avoidance. On the few occasions bandicoots did visit, their vigilance significantly increased, and their foraging decreased. In contrast, bandicoots allopatric with foxes showed no recognition of this predator cue. Our results suggest that vulnerable Australian mammals were likely naïve to foxes when they first arrived, which explains why so many native mammals declined soon after fox arrival. Our results also suggest such naiveté can be overcome within a relatively short time frame, driven by experience with predators, thus supporting the multilevel naiveté framework.  相似文献   

The introduction of invasive alien predators often has catastrophic effects on populations of naïve native prey, but in situations where prey survive the initial impact a predator may act as a strong selective agent for prey that can discriminate and avoid it. Using two common species of Australian small mammals that have persisted in the presence of an alien predator, the European red fox Vulpes vulpes, for over a century, we hypothesised that populations of both would perform better where the activity of the predator was low than where it was high and that prey individuals would avoid signs of the predator’s presence. We found no difference in prey abundance in sites with high and low fox activity, but survival of one species—the bush rat Rattus fuscipes—was almost twofold higher where fox activity was low. Juvenile, but not adult rats, avoided fox odour on traps, as did individuals of the second prey species, the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii. Both species also showed reduced activity at foraging trays bearing fox odour in giving-up density (GUD) experiments, although GUDs and avoidance of fox odour declined over time. Young rats avoided fox odour more strongly where fox activity was high than where it was low, but neither adult R. fuscipes nor A. stuartii responded differently to different levels of fox activity. Conservation managers often attempt to eliminate alien predators or to protect predator-naïve prey in protected reserves. Our results suggest that, if predator pressure can be reduced, otherwise susceptible prey may survive the initial impact of an alien predator, and experience selection to discriminate cues to its presence and avoid it over the longer term. Although predator reduction is often feasible, identifying the level of reduction that will conserve prey and allow selection for avoidance remains an important challenge.  相似文献   

  1. To manage biological invasions effectively, the impacts of alien species on the demography and traits of native species must be known, but determining those impacts can be challenging. We used a comparative approach to gain insight into the impacts that an alien toad (Bufo japonicus formosus) might have on native Japanese predatory amphibians. We compared the susceptibility of native predator species to alien toad toxins in the alien-invaded range and the susceptibility of closely related native predator species to the toxins in the alien toad's native range to investigate the impacts of an alien on a native species.
  2. Bufo japonicus formosus is native to Honshu, but was recently introduced to Hokkaido and Sado. In laboratory experiments, we compared individual mortality of predators exposed to a toad hatchling between novel predators on the toad-invaded islands and ecologically similar congeneric or conspecific species on Honshu, where the toad is native. We also compared (1) the percentage of individuals that consumed a toad hatchling and (2) toxin resistance (i.e. survival and growth of individuals after toad consumption) between these two groups of predators, as mechanistic components behind the susceptibility of the predators to the toxic prey.
  3. The mortality of Rana pirica from all populations after consumption of a toad hatchling was almost 100%, and that of Hynobius retardatus ranged from 14 to 90%, depending on the population. In contrast, the mortality of Rana ornativentris and Hynobius nigrescens was near 0% regardless of population. These differences between congeneric predators were mostly due to differences in their toxin resistance.
  4. These results suggest that the alien toad is a potential threat to the novel amphibian predators on Hokkaido, although they also imply that the novel predators on Hokkaido have the potential to develop toxin resistance through adaptive evolution. However, this counteradaptation may have a higher chance of evolving in H. retardatus than in R. pirica because of differences in their genetic backgrounds.

One important impact of invasive species may be to modify the behaviour of native taxa. For example, the invasion of highly toxic cane toads (Bufo marinus) kills many anurophagous native predators, but other predators learn to recognize and avoid the toxic invader. We exposed native fish (northern trout gudgeons, Mogurnda mogurnda) and Dahl's aquatic frogs (Litoria dahlii) to cane toad tadpoles, then monitored the predator's responses during subsequent trials. Both the frogs and fish initially attacked toad tadpoles, but rapidly learned not to do so. Fish and adult frogs retained their aversion for at least a week, whereas recently metamorphosed frogs did not. Clearly, the spread of cane toads through tropical Australia can modify feeding responses of native aquatic predators. For predators capable of rapid avoidance learning, the primary impact of cane toads may be on foraging behaviour rather than mortality.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis is an invasive Ponto-Caspian fish that enters habitats of the native gudgeon Gobio gobio in European freshwaters, likely belonging to the same...  相似文献   



Sigmodontinae, known as "New World rats and mice," is a large subfamily of Cricetidae for which we herein provide the first comprehensive investigation of the placenta.  相似文献   

Aim Understanding the processes that drive invasion success of alien species has received considerable attention in current ecological research. From an evolutionary point of view, many studies have shown that the phylogenetic similarity between the invader species and the members of the native community may be an important aspect of invasiveness. In this study, using a coarse‐scale systematic sampling grid of 1 km2, we explore whether the occupancy frequency of two groups of alien species, archaeophytes and neophytes, in the urban angiosperm flora of Brussels is influenced by their phylogenetic relatedness to native species. Location The city of Brussels (Belgium). Methods We used ordinary least‐squares regressions and quantile regressions for analysing the relationship between the occupancy frequency of alien species in the sampled grid and their phylogenetic distance to the native species pool. Results Alien species with high occupancy frequency in the sampled grid are, on average, more phylogenetically related to native species than are less frequent aliens, although this relationship is significant only for archaeophytes. In addition, as shown by the quantile regressions, the relationship between phylogenetic relatedness to the native flora and occupancy frequency is much stronger for the most frequent aliens than for rare aliens. Main conclusions Our data suggest that it is unlikely that species with very low phylogenetic relatedness to natives will become successful invaders with very high distribution in the area studied. To the contrary, under future climate warming scenarios, present‐day urban aliens of high occupancy frequency are likely to become successful invaders even outside urban areas.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) between invasive and native species can lead to species exclusions or co-existence, dependent on the direction and strength of the interaction. Recently, derivation of ??functional responses?? has been identified as a means of comparing the community impacts of invasive and native species. Here, we employ a novel use of this functional response methodology to evaluate any IGP asymmetries between the invasive Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the North American native Gammarus fasciatus. The direction and magnitude of intraguild predation of adult males on hetero-specific adult females has previously been shown to reverse across a water conductivity gradient. This partially explains field patterns, but does not predict the co-existence of the two species observed in many habitats and locations. Here, we compared intraguild predation by both species on each other??s juveniles in high- and low- conductivity water. G. fasciatus has a higher type II functional response towards E. ischnus juveniles compared to the reciprocal interaction. Conductivity did not influence the predation rate on juveniles of either E. ischnus or G. fasciatus. Thus, the male/female IGP advantage to the native G. fasciatus in low conductivity water is compounded by a juvenile IGP asymmetry, which also counteracts the male/female IGP advantage to E. ischnus in high conductivity waters, helping to explain field patterns of exclusion and co-existence. Thus, complex asymmetries in mutual IGP associated with inherent species differences, environmental modulation, and life-history effects can help us understand and predict the population and community level outcomes of species invasions.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1981,5(2):189-192
Rhizopus stolonifer sporangiospores were harvested with and without contact with water. The wet-harvested spores differed from the dry-harvested spores in that they: (i) incorporated14CO2 into both tricar☐ylic acid-soluble and -insoluble material; (ii) possessed polyribosomes; (iii) did not maintain viability during storage at room temperature; and (iv) gradually exhibited altered nutritional requirements for germination. Consequently, wet-harvested spores cannot be considered to be either native or dormant. Even brief (30 min) exposures to water during harvesting caused the spores to commence metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Land managers frequently apply vegetation removal and seeding treatments to restore ecosystem function following woody plant encroachment, invasive species spread, and wildfire. However, the long‐term outcome of these treatments is unclear due to a lack of widespread monitoring. We quantified how vegetation removal (via wildfire or management) with or without seeding and environmental conditions related to plant community composition change over time in 491 sites across the intermountain western United States. Most community metrics took over 10 years to reach baseline conditions posttreatment, with the slowest recovery observed for native perennial cover. Total cover was initially higher in sites with seeding after vegetation removal than sites with vegetation removal alone, but increased faster in sites with vegetation removal only. Seeding after vegetation removal was associated with rapidly increasing non‐native perennial cover and decreasing non‐native annual cover. Native perennial cover increased in vegetation removal sites irrespective of seeding and was suppressed by increasing non‐native perennial cover. Seeding was associated with higher non‐native richness across the monitoring period as well as initially higher, then declining, total and native species richness. Several cover and richness recovery metrics were positively associated with mean annual precipitation and negatively associated with mean annual temperature, whereas relationships with weather extremes depended on the lag time and season. Our results suggest that key plant groups, such as native perennials and non‐native annuals, respond to restoration treatments at divergent timescales and with different sensitivities to climate and weather variation.  相似文献   

Invasive species and anthropogenic habitat alteration are major drivers of biodiversity loss. When multiple invasive species occupy different trophic levels, removing an invasive predator might cause unexpected outcomes owing to complex interactions among native and non-native prey. Moreover, external factors such as habitat alteration and resource availability can affect such dynamics. We hypothesized that native and non-native prey respond differently to an invasive predator, habitat alteration and bottom-up effects. To test the hypothesis, we used Bayesian state-space modelling to analyse 8-year data on the spatio-temporal patterns of two endemic rat species and the non-native black rat in response to the continual removal of the invasive small Indian mongoose on Amami Island, Japan. Despite low reproductive potentials, the endemic rats recovered better after mongoose removal than did the black rat. The endemic species appeared to be vulnerable to predation by mongooses, whose eradication increased the abundances of the endemic rats, but not of the black rat. Habitat alteration increased the black rat''s carrying capacity, but decreased those of the endemic species. We propose that spatio-temporal monitoring data from eradication programmes will clarify the underlying ecological impacts of land-use change and invasive species, and will be useful for future habitat management.  相似文献   

Aim  The enemy release hypothesis is often invoked to explain why some alien plant species become invasive. Here, we investigated relationships between invasiveness, taxonomic isolation and leaf herbivory for tropical alien plant species introduced to a botanical garden in East Africa.
Location  Amani Botanical Garden, East Usambara mountains, northeast Tanzania.
Methods  We measured the proportion of leaves damaged, and the percentage leaf area damaged on individuals of 28 alien plant species. We extracted data on the presence/absence of native congeners and the number of native confamilial species from an inventory of the East Usambara flora. We also obtained data on planting effort for 26 species, from historical records. Linear and generalized linear models were used to analyse the relationships between invasiveness, herbivory and taxonomic isolation.
Results  Mean proportion of leaves damaged per species was significantly explained by taxonomic isolation; proportion of leaves damaged increased with the number of native confamilial species and was greater, on average, for species with native congeners than those without native congeners. The mean percentage of leaf area damaged per species could not be explained by any variables considered in this study. There was no relationship between the degree of herbivory or taxonomic isolation and alien plant species invasiveness, but more-invasive species did have a significantly greater planting effort than less-invasive species.
Conclusions  The role herbivores play in controlling alien plant invasions has been investigated relatively little in the tropics. In this study, although the amount of herbivory suffered by alien plants was related to taxonomic isolation, we found no evidence for leaf-feeding invertebrates having a significant role in invasion, suggesting that other factors may be responsible for differences in species success.  相似文献   

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