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A conceptual framework for the spatial analysis of landscape genetic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding how landscape heterogeneity constrains gene flow and the spread of adaptive genetic variation is important for biological conservation given current global change. However, the integration of population genetics, landscape ecology and spatial statistics remains an interdisciplinary challenge at the levels of concepts and methods. We present a conceptual framework to relate the spatial distribution of genetic variation to the processes of gene flow and adaptation as regulated by spatial heterogeneity of the environment, while explicitly considering the spatial and temporal dynamics of landscapes, organisms and their genes. When selecting the appropriate analytical methods, it is necessary to consider the effects of multiple processes and the nature of population genetic data. Our framework relates key landscape genetics questions to four levels of analysis: (i) node-based methods, which model the spatial distribution of alleles at sampling locations (nodes) from local site characteristics; these methods are suitable for modeling adaptive genetic variation while accounting for the presence of spatial autocorrelation. (ii) Link-based methods, which model the probability of gene flow between two patches (link) and relate neutral molecular marker data to landscape heterogeneity; these methods are suitable for modeling neutral genetic variation but are subject to inferential problems, which may be alleviated by reducing links based on a network model of the population. (iii) Neighborhood-based methods, which model the connectivity of a focal patch with all other patches in its local neighborhood; these methods provide a link to metapopulation theory and landscape connectivity modeling and may allow the integration of node- and link-based information, but applications in landscape genetics are still limited. (iv) Boundary-based methods, which delineate genetically homogeneous populations and infer the location of genetic boundaries; these methods are suitable for testing for barrier effects of landscape features in a hypothesis-testing framework. We conclude that the power to detect the effect of landscape heterogeneity on the spatial distribution of genetic variation can be increased by explicit consideration of underlying assumptions and choice of an appropriate analytical approach depending on the research question.  相似文献   

Li H  Huang Z  Gai J  Wu S  Zeng Y  Li Q  Wu R 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1245
Although ontogenetic changes in body shape and its associated allometry has been studied for over a century, essentially nothing is known about their underlying genetic and developmental mechanisms. One of the reasons for this ignorance is the unavailability of a conceptual framework to formulate the experimental design for data collection and statistical models for data analyses. We developed a framework model for unraveling the genetic machinery for ontogenetic changes of allometry. The model incorporates the mathematical aspects of ontogenetic growth and allometry into a maximum likelihood framework for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. As a quantitative platform, the model allows for the testing of a number of biologically meaningful hypotheses to explore the pleiotropic basis of the QTL that regulate ontogeny and allometry. Simulation studies and real data analysis of a live example in soybean have been performed to investigate the statistical behavior of the model and validate its practical utilization. The statistical model proposed will help to study the genetic architecture of complex phenotypes and, therefore, gain better insights into the mechanistic regulation for developmental patterns and processes in organisms.  相似文献   

Aim Adaptive trait continua are axes of covariation observed in multivariate trait data for a given taxonomic group. These continua quantify and summarize life‐history variation at the inter‐specific level in multi‐specific assemblages. Here we examine whether trait continua can provide a useful framework to link life‐history variation with demographic and evolutionary processes in species richness gradients. Taking an altitudinal species richness gradient for Mediterranean butterflies as a study case, we examined a suite of traits (larval diet breadth, adult phenology, dispersal capacity and wing length) and species‐specific habitat measures (temperature and aridity breadth). We tested whether traits and species‐specific habitat measures tend to co‐vary, whether they are phylogenetically conserved, and whether they are able to explain species distributions and spatial genetic variation in a large number of butterfly assemblages. Location Catalonia, Spain. Methods We formulated predictions associated with species richness gradients and adaptive trait continua. We applied principal components analyses (PCAs), structural equation modelling and phylogenetic generalized least squares models. Results We found that traits and species‐specific habitat measures covaried along a main PCA axis, ranging from multivoltine trophic generalists with high dispersal capacity to univoltine (i.e. one generation per year), trophic specialist species with low dispersal capacity. This trait continuum was closely associated with the observed distributions along the altitudinal gradient and predicted inter‐specific differences in patterns of spatial genetic variability (FST and genetic distances), population responses to the impacts of global change and local turnover dynamics. Main conclusions The adaptive trait continuum of Mediterranean butterflies provides an integrative and mechanistic framework to: (1) analyse geographical gradients in species richness, (2) explain inter‐specific differences in population abundances, spatial distributions and demographic trends, (3) explain inter‐specific differences in patterns of genetic variation (FST and genetic distances), and (4) study specialist–generalist life‐history transitions frequently involved in butterfly diversification processes.  相似文献   

Three dimensions (natural, social and economic factors) in tradeoff analysis have not been focused in ecology. It is necessary to consider the multi-dimensions through a tradeoff analysis of disturbances to find their positive and negative effects (referred to as two-sidedness). We proposed an 11-step approach to integrate the concepts, methods and examples to understand ecological two-sidedness. We recommend that: (1) ecological complexity and large-scale systematic perspectives need to be integrated; (2) disparate disciplines should be integrated to classify the two-sidedness indicators; (3) models should be adopted to define the characteristic metrics of disturbed ecosystems; (4) researchers need to reconsider evaluation standards and for each indicator with marginal changes; and (5) initial decision-making should refer to the two-sidedness value and that final decision-making should be subject to debate. This approach has great significance for ecosystem management because decision-makers can obtain the superiority and inferiority of disturbance strategies and select optimal strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article we propose a new framework for studying adaptive radiations in the context of diversity-dependent diversification. Diversity dependence causes diversification to decelerate at the end of an adaptive radiation but also plays a key role in the initial pulse of diversification. In particular, key innovations (which in our definition include novel traits as well as new environments) may cause decoupling of the diversity-dependent dynamics of the innovative clade from the diversity-dependent dynamics of its ancestral clade. We present a likelihood-based inference method to test for decoupling of diversity dependence using molecular phylogenies. The method, which can handle incomplete phylogenies, identifies when the decoupling took place and which diversification parameters are affected. We illustrate our approach by applying it to the molecular phylogeny of the North American clade of the legume tribe Psoraleeae (47 extant species, of which 4 are missing). Two diversification rate shifts were previously identified for this clade; our analysis shows that the first, positive shift can be associated with decoupling of two Pediomelum subgenera from the other Psoraleeae lineages, while we argue that the second, negative shift can be attributed to speciation being protracted. The latter explanation yields nonzero extinction rates, in contrast to previous findings. Our framework offers a new perspective on macroevolution: new environments and novel traits (ecological opportunity) and diversity dependence (ecological limits) cannot be considered separately.  相似文献   

Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 841-851 ABSTRACT: Ecological specialisation concerns all species and underlies many major ecological and evolutionary patterns. Yet its status as a unifying concept is not always appreciated because of its similarity to concepts of the niche, the many levels of biological phenomena to which it applies, and the complexity of the mechanisms influencing it. The evolution of specialisation requires the coupling of constraints on adaptive evolution with covariation of genotype and environmental performance. This covariation itself depends upon organismal properties such as dispersal behaviour and life history and complexity in the environment stemming from factors such as species interactions and spatio-temporal heterogeneity in resources. Here, we develop a view on specialisation that integrates across the range of biological phenomena with the goal of developing a more predictive conceptual framework that specifically accounts for the importance of biotic complexity and coevolutionary events.  相似文献   

Developing approaches to simultaneously maximize short-rotation woody crop (SRWC) productivity while minimizing footprints associated with intensive management is imperative to profitable and sustainable bioenergy production systems. Intercropping nitrogen (N)-fixing cover crops in SRWC systems is an overlooked approach to sustainably intensify SRWC production by increasing N availability using less environmentally costly inputs. Here, we discuss how functional traits (e.g., seasonal activity, lifespan, leaf habit, soil exploration) of cover crops and SRWCs may interact through space and time influencing access to light, water, and nutrients to provide a framework for successful integration of cover crops into SRWCs. Next, we summarize the literature on intercropping forest plantations with N-fixing cover crops to identity research gaps and outline future research needs and opportunities. And then, using empirical N demand and productivity data from SRWCs and cover crop N inputs from the literature, we illustrate how SRWC leaf habit (conifer evergreens and deciduous hardwoods) would influence successful integration of cover crops and potential N fixation. We estimate that integrating cover crops into SRWCs could supply 27% and 72% of the N demand across a 10-year rotation for an evergreen and a deciduous hardwood, respectively. These figures suggest these integrated SRWC systems may approach a virtual minimal external N input when other biogeochemical cycles are considered. The guiding principles presented here are grounded in ecological theory and provide a framework for sustainable intensification of forest production.  相似文献   

There is an increasing concern over the loss of germplasm diversity in areas of crop domestication. Nevertheless in these areas many farmers continue to maintain a pool of varieties, many of them landraces, despite the fact that they have also incorporated improved varieties, and that some landraces have been eliminated. This paper provides a framework for analyzing the decision of a farmer to maintain, incorporate or discard a variety from his/her repertoire of varieties of one crop. It is based on an analysis of the roles that crop infraspecific diversity can play in a farmer’s well-being, how these roles change, the limits to these changes, and some predictions and suggestions derived from this framework.  相似文献   

A statistical framework for quantitative trait mapping   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Sen S  Churchill GA 《Genetics》2001,159(1):371-387
We describe a general statistical framework for the genetic analysis of quantitative trait data in inbred line crosses. Our main result is based on the observation that, by conditioning on the unobserved QTL genotypes, the problem can be split into two statistically independent and manageable parts. The first part involves only the relationship between the QTL and the phenotype. The second part involves only the location of the QTL in the genome. We developed a simple Monte Carlo algorithm to implement Bayesian QTL analysis. This algorithm simulates multiple versions of complete genotype information on a genomewide grid of locations using information in the marker genotype data. Weights are assigned to the simulated genotypes to capture information in the phenotype data. The weighted complete genotypes are used to approximate quantities needed for statistical inference of QTL locations and effect sizes. One advantage of this approach is that only the weights are recomputed as the analyst considers different candidate models. This device allows the analyst to focus on modeling and model comparisons. The proposed framework can accommodate multiple interacting QTL, nonnormal and multivariate phenotypes, covariates, missing genotype data, and genotyping errors in any type of inbred line cross. A software tool implementing this procedure is available. We demonstrate our approach to QTL analysis using data from a mouse backcross population that is segregating multiple interacting QTL associated with salt-induced hypertension.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some key conceptual questions in the study of cross-cultural aspects of bereavement. Six questions are reviewed in cross-cultural perspective: whether individuals in all societies share the same private experience and public expression of grief; whether the stages of grief occur in the same sequence and at the same rate in all cultures; the nature of the relationship between the individual's private grief and his public mourning; the reactions of children to death, and the reactions of adults to the death of children; the role of religious belief; and the possibility that an ethnic group can experience collective grief in response to uprooting.  相似文献   



This paper aims at spelling out the area of protection (AoP), namely the general concept of human well-being and the impact categories in social life cycle assessment (SLCA). The applicability of the so-called capabilities approach—a concept frequently used for evaluating human lives—is explored. It is shown how the principles of the capabilities approach can be transferred to the impact assessment within SLCA.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for maize leaf development.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
What is and is not known about the maize leaf is reviewed. Analysis of genetic mosaics and direct observation with the SEM have broken leaf development into three distinct phases: recruitment of cells within the meristem, cell division into the 0.6-mm tall primordium, and postprimordial division and differentiation into the mature leaf. New data are presented that imply that cell division rates in the leaf are coordinated by inductive signals from the internal cells. Leaf cells that tend to divide more are held in check by slower growing neighbors; this complicates the search for developmental compartments. Experiments with recessive mutants that remove the ligule and auricle have been important in identifying an inducer signal with the specific meaning "make ligule-auricle." We have studied many dominant mutant alleles at seven different genes. Each mutant alters the position of the ligule boundary. We conclude the following. First, the mutants act in particular domains of the primordium. Second, the dominant mutants all move the ligule boundary in the same direction. Third, the mutants all retard developmental stage transitions. Fourth, three and probably four of the seven genes for which dominant mutants have been studied specify homeodomain proteins in the wrong place. The concept of "maturation schedule" is used to explain these data. All of the dominant mutant phenotypes are seen as consequences of immature cells being in the wrong place when inductive signals pass through the leaf. Several specific questions of leaf development and especially questions as to source of inductive signals or homologies among juvenile and adult organ parts are recast in light of this "maturation schedule" hypothesis.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework for selecting environmental indicator sets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, environmental indicators have become a vital component of environmental impact assessments and “state of the environment” reporting. This has increased the influence of environmental indicators on environmental management and policy making at all scales of decision making. However, the scientific basis of the selection process of the indicators used in environmental reporting can be significantly improved. In many studies no formal selection criteria are mentioned and when selection criteria are used they are typically applied to indicators individually. Often, no formal criteria are applied regarding an indicator's analytical utility within the total constellation of a selected set of indicators. As a result, the indicator selection process is subject to more or less arbitrary decisions, and reports dealing with a similar subject matter or similar geographical entities may use widely different indicators and consequently paint different pictures of the environment. In this paper, a conceptual framework for environmental indicator selection is proposed that puts the indicator set at the heart of the selection process and not the individual indicators. To achieve this objective, the framework applies the concept of the causal network that focuses on the inter-relation of indicators. The concept of causal networks can facilitate the identification of the most relevant indicators for a specific domain, problem and location, leading to an indicator set that is at once transparent, efficient and powerful in its ability to assess the state of the environment.  相似文献   

The richness of Taiwanese reef fish species is inversely correlated to latitude as a direct consequence of the abiotic environment and its effects on benthic habitats. However, to date, no studies have investigated the variations in the diversity of traits (FD) linked with the role of these fishes in the ecosystem. FD is usually considered more sensitive than species richness in detecting early changes in response to disturbances, and therefore could serve as an indicator of ecological resilience to environmental changes. Here, we aim to characterize FD in the Taiwanese reef fish fauna and to document its regional variations. Six traits were used to categorize the 1,484 reef fish species occurring in four environmentally contrasted regions around Taiwan. The number of unique trait combinations (FEs), their richness (FRic), their redundancy (FR), their over‐redundancy (FOR), and their vulnerability (FV) were compared among these regions. Overall, 416 FEs were identified. Their number decreased from south to north in step with regional species richness but FRic remained similar among regions. FR and FOR were higher to the south. At the local scale, variations in FEs and FRic are in concordance with the worldwide pattern of FD. High‐latitude, impoverished fish assemblages, offer a range of trait combinations similar to diversified tropical assemblages. Increasing diversity in the latter mainly contributes to raising FR and supports already over‐redundant entities. High vulnerability makes many combinations highly sensitive to species loss, and was higher at intermediate latitudes when using a fine resolution in trait categories. It suggests that the loss of FEs may first be characterized by an increase in their vulnerability, a pattern that could have been overlooked in previous global scale analyses. Overall, this study provides new insights into reef fish trait biogeography with potential ramifications for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Swenson NG 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21264
The beta diversity of communities along gradients has fascinated ecologists for decades. Traditionally such studies have focused on the species composition of communities, but researchers are becoming increasingly interested in analyzing the phylogenetic composition in the hope of achieving mechanistic insights into community structure. To date many metrics of phylogenetic beta diversity have been published, but few empirical studies have been published. Further inferences made from such phylogenetic studies critically rely on the pattern of trait evolution. The present work provides a study of the phylogenetic dissimilarity of 96 tree communities in India. The work compares and contrasts eight metrics of phylogenetic dissimilarity, considers the role of phylogenetic signal in trait data and shows that environmental distance rather than spatial distance is the best correlate of phylogenetic dissimilarity in the study system.  相似文献   

Urban greenspace has gained considerable attention during the last decades because of its relevance to wildlife conservation, human welfare, and climate change adaptation. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation worldwide require the formation of new concepts of ecological restoration and rehabilitation aimed at improving ecosystem functions, services, and biodiversity conservation in cities. Although relict sites of natural and semi-natural ecosystems can be found in urban areas, environmental conditions and species composition of most urban ecosystems are highly modified, inducing the development of novel and hybrid ecosystems. A consequence of this ecological novelty is the lack of (semi-) natural reference systems available for defining restoration targets and assessing restoration success in urban areas. This hampers the implementation of ecological restoration in cities. In consideration of these challenges, we present a new conceptual framework that provides guidance and support for urban ecological restoration and rehabilitation by formulating restoration targets for different levels of ecological novelty (i.e., historic, hybrid, and novel ecosystems). To facilitate the restoration and rehabilitation of novel urban ecosystems, we recommend using established species-rich and well-functioning urban ecosystems as reference. Such urban reference systems are likely to be present in many cities. Highlighting their value in comparison to degraded ecosystems can stimulate and guide restoration initiatives. As urban restoration approaches must consider local history and site conditions, as well as citizens’ needs, it may also be advisable to focus the restoration of strongly altered urban ecosystems on selected ecosystem functions, services and/or biodiversity values. Ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation in cities can be either relatively inexpensive or costly, but even expensive measures can pay off when they effectively improve ecosystem services such as climate change mitigation or recreation. Successful re‐shaping and re-thinking of urban greenspace by involving citizens and other stakeholders will help to make our cities more sustainable in the future.  相似文献   

In the conservation literature on land‐use change, it is often assumed that land‐use intensification drives species loss, driving a loss of functional trait diversity and ecosystem function. Modern research, however, does not support this cascade of loss for all natural systems. In this paper we explore the errors in this assumption and present a conceptual model taking a more mechanistic approach to the species–functional trait association in a context of land‐use change. We provide empirical support for our model's predictions demonstrating that the association of species and functional trait diversity follows various trajectories in response to land‐use change. The central premise of our model is that land‐use change impacts upon processes of community assembly, not species per se. From the model, it is clear that community context (i.e. type of disturbance, species pool size) will affect the response trajectory of the relationship between species and functional trait diversity in communities undergoing land‐use change. The maintenance of ecosystem function and of species diversity in the face of increasing land‐use change are complementary goals. The use of a more ecologically realistic model of responses of species and functional traits will improve our ability to make wise management decisions to achieve both aims in specific at‐risk systems.  相似文献   

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