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作为生态系统工程师的植物通过对非生物条件和生物区系的影响而显著地改变环境,从而促进了原本在这些环境下无法存活的伴生物种的生长。然而,很多研究缺乏对互惠效应的了解,因为对植物-植物相互作用的研究通常只估计了对伴生物种的益处,而很少考虑一个营养水平如何直接和间接调节植物的反馈作用。我们对两个植物物种(Arenaria tetraquetra 和 Hormathophylla spinosa,他们或单独开花,或与伴生植物一起开花)进行了一项田间试验用以分解净效应并验证以下假设:授粉者介导的相互作用提供益处用来平衡植物产生促进作用的成本。我们发现,促进作用的净成本伴随授粉介导的益处而存在。尽管两种植物单株植物上的产花更少,但与单独开花相比,他们在与伴生植物一起开花时,每朵花上的授粉者多样性增强。尽管这两种植物单独开花时,单株种子产量较高,但坐果和结实的产量存在种间差异。四叶蕨属的植物(Arenaria tetraquetra),伴生植物对其坐果和结实有负面效应,而刺山蕨属的植物(Hormathophylla spinose),当其与伴生植物一起开花时,坐果更高,结实则不受影响。我们的研究表明,除了承受直接成本外,植物还可以从伴生物种的促进作用中受益,通过提高其对传粉者的可见性。因此,我们强调授粉的相互作用可以补偿物种促进作用的成本,这些促进作用依赖于作为生态系统工程师的植物。本研究阐明了植物-植物间直接相互作用的结果如何被包括第三方在内的间接相互作用来调节的  相似文献   

Edaphic factors can lead to differences in plant morphology and tissue chemistry. However, whether these differences result in altered plant–insect interactions for soil-generalist plants is less understood. We present evidence that soil chemistry can alter plant–insect interactions both directly, through chemical composition of plant tissue, and indirectly, through plant morphology, for serpentine-tolerant Mimulus guttatus (Phrymaceae). First, we scored floral display (corolla width, number of open flowers per inflorescence, and inflorescence height), flower chemistry, pollinator visitation and florivory of M. guttatus growing on natural serpentine and non-serpentine soil over 2 years. Second, we conducted a common garden reciprocal soil transplant experiment to isolate the effect of serpentine soil on floral display traits and flower chemistry. And last, we observed arrays of field-collected inflorescences and potted plants to determine the effect of soil environment in the field on pollinator visitation and florivore damage, respectively. For both natural and experimental plants, serpentine soil caused reductions in floral display and directly altered flower tissue chemistry. Plants in natural serpentine populations received fewer pollinator visits and less damage by florivores relative to non-serpentine plants. In experimental arrays, soil environment did not influence pollinator visitation (though larger flowers were visited more frequently), but did alter florivore damage, with serpentine-grown plants receiving less damage. Our results demonstrate that the soil environment can directly and indirectly affect plant–mutualist and plant–antagonist interactions of serpentine-tolerant plants by altering flower chemistry and floral display.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Key functional root traits, including mycorrhizal association and root diameter, can help project ecosystem processes like root turnover and soil carbon sequestration. It is less...  相似文献   

Interactions between species of different trophic levels have long been recognized as fundamental processes in ecology. Although mounting evidence indicates that plant species diversity (PSD) or plant genetic diversity (PGD) can influence the plant-associated arthropod community, these two fundamental levels of biodiversity are not often manipulated simultaneously to assess their effects on species interactions. We used a large tree diversity experiment (BEF-China), which manipulates PSD and PGD in a crossed design to test individual and combined effects of PSD and PGD on multitrophic interaction networks and interaction partner species richness and occurrence. We focused on two tree species, on which sap-sucking Hemiptera and interacting ant species commonly occur. This tri-trophic interaction can be divided into the antagonistic plant–Hemiptera interaction and the mutualistic Hemiptera–ant interaction, known as trophobioses. Qualitative evaluation of tri-trophic interaction networks at different PSD and PGD combinations showed increased interaction partner redundancy at high PSD and PGD. This was supported by increased Hemiptera species richness at high PSD and PGD. Furthermore, the data indicate higher occurrence of Hemiptera and trophobioses and higher trophobiotic ant species richness with increasing PSD and PGD. As no plant diversity component alone caused an effect we conclude that the combined effect of high PGD and high PSD might be additive. In summary, as plant genetic diversity, especially at low species richness, seems to increase the interaction partner redundancy in interaction networks and the diversity of interacting communities, we suggest that genetic diversity should be considered in forest conservation and restoration programs.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that species with faster life history strategies should be willing to risk their survival more to acquire resources than those with slower life history strategies. Foraging can be a risky behavior and animals generally face a tradeoff between food consumption and predation risk. We predicted that the degree to which animals invest in current versus future reproduction (i.e. life history strategy) would determine how they approach this tradeoff. We manipulated food abundance in wetlands to assess whether life history theory could explain risk taking among females of five duck species with respect to foraging. We found evidence consistent with our prediction based on life history theory; species with a faster life history strategy were willing to engage in riskier behavior, by feeding more intensively, for a greater food reward. Females from species with faster life history strategies devoted 25% more time to feeding when in high food density treatment plots versus control plots. The percentage of time that females from species with slower life history strategies devoted to feeding was not affected by food density. These findings contribute to our understanding of life history theory and represent a possible mechanism to explain differences in life history strategies among species.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Soil acidification is known to be one of the constraints of tree growth; however, it is unclear how it affects tree growth at photosynthesis level (i.e., through affecting stomatal conductance vs. carboxylation rate) during the growth of trees. This paper studied the effects of soil acidification on Pinus densiflora foliar chemistry and tree ring C isotope ratio (13C/12C, expressed as δ13C) and their relationship with tree growth.


Tree growth (diameter, annual growth ring area, and root biomass), soil chemistry (pH, mineral N, and exchangeable Ca and Al), foliage chemistry (N, Ca/Al, and δ13C), and tree ring δ13C in P. densiflora stands along a soil pH gradient (from 4.38 to 4.83, n?=?9) in southern Korea were investigated.


Overall, trees with relatively poor growth under more acidic soil conditions (low pH and Ca/Al) had lower values of foliar N concentration and δ13C and tree ring δ13C, suggesting that restricted N uptake under more acidic soil conditions caused N limitation for photosynthesis, leading to poor tree growth. In addition, relationships between mean annual area increment and carbon isotope discrimination of tree rings at five-yr intervals from 1968 to 2007 revealed that the impact of soil acidification on tree growth became severer during the last 15 yrs as negative correlations between them became significant after 1993.


Reduced N uptake under acidic soil conditions resulted in lower radial growth of P. densiflora via non-stomatal limitation of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The impacts of climatic change on organisms depend on the interaction of multiple stressors and how these may affect the interactions among species. Consumer–prey relationships may be altered by changes to the abundance of either species, or by changes to the per capita interaction strength among species. To examine the effects of multiple stressors on a species interaction, we test the direct, interactive effects of ocean warming and lowered pH on an abundant marine herbivore (the amphipod Peramphithoe parmerong), and whether this herbivore is affected indirectly by these stressors altering the palatability of its algal food (Sargassum linearifolium). Both increased temperature and lowered pH independently reduced amphipod survival and growth, with the impacts of temperature outweighing those associated with reduced pH. Amphipods were further affected indirectly by changes to the palatability of their food source. The temperature and pH conditions in which algae were grown interacted to affect algal palatability, with acidified conditions only affecting feeding rates when algae were also grown at elevated temperatures. Feeding rates were largely unaffected by the conditions faced by the herbivore while feeding. These results indicate that, in addition to the direct effects on herbivore abundance, climatic stressors will affect the strength of plant–herbivore interactions by changes to the susceptibility of plant tissues to herbivory.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Fluid-feeding herbivores directly affect host plants through sap consumption. Moreover, they establish mutualistic relationships with ants, which might generate additional...  相似文献   

Foliar fungal species are diverse and colonize all plants, though whether forest tree species composition influences the distribution of these fungal communities remains unclear. Fungal communities include quiescent taxa and the functionally important and metabolically active taxa that respond to changes in the environment. To determine fungal community shifts along a tree species diversity gradient, needles of Norway spruce were sampled from trees from four mature European forests. We hypothesized that the fungal communities and specific fungal taxa would correlate with tree species diversity. Furthermore, the active fungal community, and not the total community, would shift along the tree diversity gradient. High-throughput sequencing showed significant differences in the fungal communities in the different forests, and in one forest, tree diversity effects were observed, though this was not a general phenomenon. Our study also suggests that studying the metabolically active community may not provide additional information about community composition or diversity.  相似文献   

We use observed patterns of species richness and composition of ant communities along a 1000 mm rainfall gradient in northern Australian savanna to assess the accuracy of species richness and turnover predictions derived from stacked species distribution models (S‐SDMs) and constrained by macroecological models (MEMs). We systematically sampled ants at 15 sites at 50 km intervals along the rainfall gradient in 2012 and 2013. Using the observed data, we created MEMs of species richness, composition and turnover. We built distribution models for 135 of the observed species using data from museum collections and online databases. We compared two approaches of stacking SDMs and three modelling algorithms to identify the most accurate way of predicting richness and composition. We then applied the same beta diversity metrics to compare the observed versus predicted patterns. Stacked SDMs consistently over‐predicted local species richness, and there was a mismatch between the observed pattern of richness estimated from the MEM, and the pattern predicted by S‐SDMs. The most accurate richness and turnover predictions occurred when the stacked models were rank‐ordered by their habitat suitability and constrained by the observed MEM richness predictions. In contrast with species richness, the predictions obtained by the MEM of community similarity, composition and turnover matched those predicted by the S‐SDMs. S‐SDMs regulated by MEMs may therefore be a useful tool in predicting compositional patterns despite being unreliable estimators of species richness. Our results highlight that the choice of species distribution model, the stacking method used, and underlying macroecological patterns all influence the accuracy of community assembly predictions derived from S‐SDMS.  相似文献   

Mosleh Arany  A.  de Jong  T. J.  Kim  H. K.  van Dam  N. M.  Choi  Y. H.  van Mil  H. G. J.  Verpoorte  R.  van der Meijden  E. 《Ecological Research》2009,24(5):1161-1171
Large differences exist in flower and fruit herbivory between dune and inland populations of plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae). Two specialist weevils Ceutorhynchus atomus and C. contractus (Curculionidae) and their larvae are responsible for this pattern in herbivory. We test, by means of a reciprocal transplant experiment, whether these differences reflect environmental influences or genetic variation in plant defense level. All plants suffered more damage after being transplanted to the dune site than after being transplanted to the inland site. Plants of inland origin suffered more flower and fruit herbivory than plants of dune origin when grown at the dune transplant site, but differences were much smaller at the inland site. Both flower damage by adult weevils and fruit damage by their larvae were subject to significant genotype × environment interactions. The observed pattern in herbivory is a strong indication for local adaption of plant defense to the level of herbivory by Ceutorhynchus. In order to identify the mechanism of defense, a quantitative analysis of glucosinolates was performed on the seeds with HPLC. Highly significant differences were found in glucosinolate types and total concentration. These patterns were mainly determined by the origin of the plants (dune or inland) and by a genotype × environment interaction. Herbivory was not significantly correlated to the concentration of glucosinolates in seeds. We therefore analyzed the total metabolic composition of seeds, using NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. Major differences in chemical composition were found in the water–methanol fractions: more glucosinolate and sucrose in the dune and more fatty acids, lipids and sinapoylmalate in the inland populations. We discuss which of these chemical factors could explain the marked differences in damage between populations.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems on Earth both in terms of productivity and biodiversity, but also as a source of the greenhouse gas CH4. Microbial processes catalyzing nutrient recycling and CH4 production are controlled by sediment physico-chemistry, which is in turn affected by plant activity and the foraging behaviour of herbivores. We performed field and laboratory experiments to evaluate the direct effect of herbivores on soil microbial activity and their indirect effects as the consequence of reduced macrophyte density, using migratory Bewick’s swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii Yarrell) feeding on fennel pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.) tubers as a model system. A controlled foraging experiment using field enclosures indicated that swan bioturbation decreases CH4 production, through a decrease in the activity of methanogenic Archaea and an increased rate of CH4 oxidation in the bioturbated sediment. We also found a positive correlation between tuber density (a surrogate of plant density during the previous growth season) and CH4 production activity. A laboratory experiment showed that sediment sterilization enhances pondweed growth, probably due to elimination of the negative effects of microbial activity on plant growth. In summary, the bioturbation caused by swan grazing modulates CH4 cycling by means of both direct and indirect (i.e. plant-mediated) effects with potential consequences for CH4 emission from wetland systems.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Cattaneo  Antonella  Kerimian  Takie  Roberge  Micheline  Marty  Jéôme 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):101-110
In stream, substrata of different size present different degree ofstability, current, erosion, and deposition to colonizingorganisms. In this study, we tested the importance of substratumsize ranging from sand to small boulders for periphytondistribution and abundance. Because trophy strongly affect streamorganisms, we sampled at nine sites chosen to represent the rangeof nutrients typical of Eastern Ontario and Western Québec. Alarge part of the variability in algal biomass (as chlorophyll)among sites was explained by trophy (as seston or totalphosphorus). However, there was also an effect of substratum size.Cobbles had the highest biomass, and gravel the lowest; sand andboulders were intermediate. Assemblages on different substrata weredifferent in taxonomy and life forms. Cyanobacterial colonies andmotile diatoms dominated the finer substrata while adnate andfilamentous algae were more developed on the larger ones.Consequently periphyton on fine sediments was more loosely attachedthan on rocks. Average algal size was not related to substratumsize but increased significantly with trophy confirmingobservations in benthic and planktonic assemblages inlakes.  相似文献   

Several processes are hypothesised to mediate the relationship between local (microsite) plant species richness and the topographical heterogeneity of the surrounding landscape. In a topographically heterogeneous landscape with various habitats occurring close to each other, local species richness may be enriched by species from surrounding habitats due to the spatial mass effect (sink‐source dynamics). In contrast, increased habitat fragmentation due to spatial heterogeneity may have a negative effect on local species richness. The spatial mass effect is thought to be more pronounced in communities with a higher ratio of generalists, as generalists are more likely to establish viable populations in sink habitats. To reveal the pattern of local species richness along a gradient of landscape topographical heterogeneity at middle altitudes of the Bohemian Massif, we used 2551 forest vegetation plots stored in the Czech National Phytosociological Database. We developed an analytical approach relating the pattern of local species richness of vegetation types to the gradient of landscape topographical heterogeneity. An increase or decrease in species richness with increasing landscape heterogeneity was related to changes in the generalist/specialist ratio, and also to changes in soil reaction and productivity estimated through Ellenberg indicator values. Local species richness along a gradient of increasing landscape heterogeneity increased in nutrient‐poor vegetation and decreased in nutrient‐rich vegetation. Nutrient‐poor vegetation types, such as thermophilous and acidophilous oak forests, also had a high proportion of habitat generalists, supporting the hypothesis that increased richness in heterogeneous landscapes may result from the spatial mass effect. However, the same pattern may be explained by a shift in environmental conditions along the landscape heterogeneity gradient, such as increasing productivity of nutrient‐rich vegetation types or increasing soil reaction of most vegetation types in more heterogeneous landscapes. We discuss available evidence and conclude that these two explanations need not be mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

The autophagosome is the central organelle in macroautophagy, a vacuolar lysosomal catabolic pathway that degrades cytoplasmic material to fuel starving cells and eliminates intracellular pathogens. Macroautophagy has important physiological roles during development, ageing and the immune response, and its cytoprotective function is compromised in various diseases. A set of autophagy-related (ATG) proteins is hierarchically recruited to the phagophore, the initial membrane template in the construction of the autophagosome. However, recent findings suggest that macroautophagy can also occur in the absence of some of these key autophagy proteins, through the unconventional biogenesis of canonical autophagosomes. Such alternatives to the evolutionarily conserved scheme might provide additional therapeutic opportunities.  相似文献   

In almost all finite element (FE) studies in dentistry, virtual forces are applied directly to dentures. The purpose of this study was to develop a FE model with non-linear contact simulation using an antagonist as force transmitter and to compare this with a similar model that uses direct force transmission. Furthermore, five contact situations were created in order to examine their influence on the peri-implant bone stresses, which are relevant to the survival rate of implants. It was found that the peri-implant bone stresses were strongly influenced by the kind of force transmission and contact number.  相似文献   

The activation of an immune response is beneficial for organisms but may also have costs that affect fitness. Documented immune costs include those associated with acquisition of special nutrients, as well as immunopathology or autoimmunity. Here, we test whether an experimental induction of the immune system with a non-pathological stimulant can elevate energy turnover in passerine birds. We injected phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), a commonly used mitogen that activates the cell-mediated immune response, into the wing web of house sparrows, Passer domesticus. We then examined energetic costs resulting from this immune activity and related those costs to other physiological activities. We found that PHA injection significantly elevated resting metabolic rate (RMR) of challenged sparrows relative to saline controls. We calculated the total cost of this immune activity to be ca. 4.20 kJ per day (29% RMR), which is equivalent to the cost of production of half of an egg (8.23 kJ egg(-1)) in this species. We suggest that immune activity in wild passerines increases energy expenditure, which in turn may influence important life-history characteristics such as clutch size, timing of breeding or the scheduling of moult.  相似文献   

The term green island was first used to describe an area of living, green tissue surrounding a site of infection by an obligately biotrophic fungal pathogen, differentiated from neighbouring yellowing, senescent tissue. However, it has now been used to describe symptoms formed in response to necrotrophic fungal pathogens, virus infection and infestation by certain insects. In leaves infected by obligate biotrophs such as rust and powdery mildew pathogens, green islands are areas where senescence is retarded, photosynthetic activity is maintained and polyamines accumulate. We propose such areas, in which both host and pathogen cells are alive, be termed green bionissia. By contrast, we propose that green areas associated with leaf damage caused by toxins produced by necrotrophic fungal pathogens be termed green necronissia. A range of biotrophic/hemibiotrophic fungi and leaf-mining insects produce cytokinins and it has been suggested that this cytokinin secretion may be responsible for the green island formation. Indeed, localised cytokinin accumulation may be a common mechanism responsible for green island formation in interactions of plants with biotrophic fungi, viruses and insects. Models have been developed to study if green island formation is pathogen-mediated or host-mediated. They suggest that green bionissia on leaves infected by biotrophic fungal pathogens represent zones of host tissue, altered physiologically to allow the pathogen maximum access to nutrients early in the interaction, thus supporting early sporulation and increasing pathogen fitness. They lead to the suggestion that green islands are 'red herrings', representing no more than the consequence of the infection process and discrete changes in leaf senescence.  相似文献   

Estimates of the percentage of species “committed to extinction” by climate change range from 15% to 37%. The question is whether factors other than climate need to be included in models predicting species’ range change. We created demographic range models that include climate vs. climate-plus-competition, evaluating their influence on the geographic distribution of Pinus edulis, a pine endemic to the semiarid southwestern U.S. Analyses of data on 23,426 trees in 1941 forest inventory plots support the inclusion of competition in range models. However, climate and competition together only partially explain this species’ distribution. Instead, the evidence suggests that climate affects other range-limiting processes, including landscape-scale, spatial processes such as disturbances and antagonistic biotic interactions. Complex effects of climate on species distributions—through indirect effects, interactions, and feedbacks—are likely to cause sudden changes in abundance and distribution that are not predictable from a climate-only perspective.  相似文献   

In bromeliads, nothing is known about the associations fungi form with seeds and seedling roots. We investigated whether fungal associations occur in the seeds and seedling roots of two epiphytic Aechmea species, and we explored whether substrate and fungal associations contribute to seed germination, and seedling survival and performance after the first month of growth. We found a total of 21 genera and 77 species of endophytic fungi in the seeds and seedlings for both Aechmea species by Illumina MiSeq sequencing. The fungal associations in seeds were found in the majority of corresponding seedlings, suggesting that fungi are transmitted vertically. Substrate quality modulated the germination and growth of seedlings, and beneficial endophytic fungi were not particularly crucial for germination but contributed positively to survival and growth. Overall, this study provides the first evidence of an endophytic fungal community in both the seeds and seedlings of two epiphytic bromeliads species that subsequently benefit plant growth.  相似文献   

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