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Questions: Is post‐dispersal seed predation a factor contributing to a positive feedback mechanism for dominance of tall‐tussock grasslands? Do seeds dispersed into neighbouring microhabitats of contrasting dominance differ in their probabilities of being predated? Does predation rate vary among predator groups? Do seed eaters selectively forage among the available seeds? Location: The southern and flooding sub‐regions of the Argentinian Pampas. Methods: We examined seed predation by vertebrate and invertebrate predators within two microhabitats of grassland mosaics (highly dominated tall‐grass patches vs. scarcely dominated short‐grass matrix) for different seed species in semi‐natural grasslands. Proportion of seeds eaten by different predator groups was estimated through exclusion experiments and analysed using ANOVA for split‐split‐plot designs. Experiments were performed during the autumn of two consecutive years in both Pampa sub‐regions. Results: Removal of seeds after a five day trial was two to four times higher in the tall‐grass patches than in the short‐grass matrix. During the same period, vertebrate predation was six times higher than invertebrate predation in the tall‐grass phase of the Southern Pampa, but it did not differ in the short‐grass matrix. Relative predation among phases showed the same pattern in the Hooding Pampa, where preferences by seed species also varied according to phase. Conclusions: The highest predation intensity shown by vertebrates in the tall‐grass patches indicates that they are the main seed predators in these systems, possibly because this microhabitat grants them refuge against carnivorous predators. This could significantly reduce the available seeds for recruitment of subordinate species after different disturbance events (fires, trampling by large herbivores, burrowing), representing an active filter to the floristic composition of the patch and contributing with other mechanisms to the dominance of tall‐grass species.  相似文献   

Proteins represent extremely susceptible targets for oxidants. Oxidative modifications of proteins may bring about violation of their structure and functionality. It implies that the structures of proteins are not infallible in terms of their antioxidant defence. The protection mechanisms in preventing oxidative damages for proteins within cells are mainly related to a large variety of antioxidant enzymatic systems. In contrast, plasma proteins are scarcely protected by these systems, so the mechanism that provides their functioning in the conditions of generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) seems to be much more complicated. Oxidation of many proteins was long considered as a random process. However, the highly site-specific oxidation processes was convincingly demonstrated for some proteins, indicating that protein structure could be adapted to oxidation. According to our hypothesis, some of the structural elements present in proteins are capable of scavenging ROS to protect other protein structures against ROS toxicity. Various antioxidant elements (distinct subdomains, domains, regions, and polypeptide chains) may act as ROS interceptors, thus mitigating the ROS action on functionally crucial amino acid residues of proteins. In the review, the oxidative modifications of certain plasma proteins, such as α2-macroglobulin, serum human albumin, fibrinogen, and fibrin-stabilising factor, which differ drastically in their spatial structures and functions, are analysed. The arguments that demonstrate the possibility of existing hypothetical antioxidant structures are presented. For the first time, the emphasis is being placed on the programmed mechanism of protein oxidation.  相似文献   

Human‐induced changes to fire regimes result in smaller, more patchy fires in many peri‐urban areas, with a concomitant increase in potential edge effects. In sclerophyll vegetation, many structurally dominant serotinous plants rely on the immediate post‐fire environment for recruitment. However, there is little information about how fire attributes affect seed predation or recruitment for these species. We examined the influence of distance to unburnt vegetation on post‐dispersal seed predation for five serotinous species from sclerophyll vegetation in the Sydney region, south‐eastern Australia; Banksia serrata L.f., Banksia spinulosa Sm. var. spinulosa, Hakea gibbosa (Sm.) Cav., Hakea teretifolia (Salisb.) Britten (all Proteaceae) and Allocasuarina distyla (Vent.) L. Johnson (Casuarinaceae). We used cafeteria trials and differential exclusion of vertebrates and invertebrates to test whether rates of seed removal for these five species differed among (i) unburnt, (ii) burnt‐edge (approx. 10 m from unburnt vegetation) and (iii) burnt‐interior (approx. 100 m from unburnt vegetation) locations. When all animals had access to seeds, seeds were removed at lower rates from burnt‐interior areas than from other locations. Vertebrates (small mammals) showed this pattern markedly the first time the experiment was run, but in a repeat trial this effect disappeared. Rate of seed removal by invertebrates differed among plant species but we did not detect any such differences for removal by vertebrates. Overall rates of seed removal also differed significantly between the two fires studied. Our results indicate that small mammal seed predation can be substantial for large‐seeded serotinous shrubs, and that differences in the perimeter: area ratio, severity or size of a fire are likely to affect seed predation.  相似文献   

The quantity of seeds dispersed is considered one of several means to determine the dispersal effectiveness of an animal. However, there is little consistency in the manner in which quantities are measured or presented. Here, we quantify seed dispersal by white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica by measuring: degree of frugivory, number of plant species consumed, the number of seeds consumed per unit time, the number of seeds dispersed intact per unit time, and the number of seeds dispersed intact per unit space. Forty-nine percent of C. capucinus diet is composed of the fruit of 39 species, 4 of which constitute 82% of the frugivory. Seventy-four percent of consumed fruits contain seeds that pass intact through the capuchin digestive system. Capuchins pass a mean of 15.7 seeds of a mean of 1.3 species per defecation, and defecate 25.4 times per 12-h day. These numbers are compared with extant data for C. capucinus, and possible reasons for discrepancies among results between studies are discussed. We propose a standardization of quantitative measures of seed dispersal so that quantifications of seed dispersal can be compared within species, and eventually across species.  相似文献   

Rapid developments in free radical biology and molecular technology have permitted exploration of the free radical theory of aging. Oxidative stress has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases. Studies have found evidence of oxidative damage to macromolecules (DNA, lipids, protein), and data in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster support the hypothesis that oxidative injury might directly cause the aging process. Additional links between oxidative stress and aging focus on mitochondria, leading to development of the mitochondrial theory of aging. However, despite the number of studies describing the association of markers of oxidative damage with advancing age, few, if any definitively link oxidative injury to altered energy production or cellular function. Although a causal role for oxidative stress in the aging process has not been clearly established, this does not preclude attempts to reduce oxidative injury as a means to reduce morbidity and perhaps increase the healthy, useful life span of an individual. This review highlights studies demonstrating enhanced oxidative stress with advancing age and stresses the importance of the balance between oxidants as mediators of disease and important components of signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Long‐distance seed dispersal is generally assumed to be important for the regional survival of plant species. In this study, we quantified the importance of long‐distance seed dispersal for regional survival of plant species using wind dispersal as an example. We did this using a new approach, by first relating plant species’ dispersal traits to seed dispersal kernels and then relating the kernels to regional survival of the species. We used a recently developed and tested mechanistic seed dispersal model to calculate dispersal kernels from dispersal traits. We used data on 190 plant species and calculated their regional survival in two ways, using species distribution data from 36,800 1 km2‐grid cells and 10,754 small plots covering the Netherlands during the largest part of the 20th century. We carried out correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses to quantify the importance of long‐distance dispersal, expressed as the 99‐percentile dispersal distance of the dispersal kernels, relative to the importance of median‐distance dispersal and other plant traits that are likely to contribute to the explanation of regional survival: plant longevity (annual, biennial, perennial), seed longevity, and plant nutrient requirement. Results show that long‐distance dispersal plays a role in determining regional survival, and is more important than median‐distance dispersal and plant longevity. However, long‐distance dispersal by wind explains only 1–3% of the variation in regional survival between species and is equally important as seed longevity and much less important than nutrient requirement. In changing landscapes such as in the Netherlands, where large‐scale eutrophication and habitat destruction took place in the 20th century, plant traits indicating ability to grow under the changed, increasingly nutrient‐rich conditions turn out to be much more important for regional survival than seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Sib–sib or, more generally, family resemblance for dispersal seems a widespread characteristic of vertebrates, and the birthplace has the potential to shape the dynamics and features of animal populations. Dispersal studies have often stressed the fundamental link between the fate of dispersers and population dynamics, but few have focused on the dispersal directions of individuals, despite the profound implications that this may have on population distribution, structure, dynamics and viability. We investigated the directions followed by 72 radio‐tagged dispersers (43 males and 29 females from 14 nest sites) in an eagle owl Bubo bubo population, and assessed their a) inter‐individual distances during dispersal and b) age at dispersal departure. For siblings, as well as potential‐siblings (i.e. individuals born in the same nest in different years), the birthplace influenced inter‐individual distances and dispersal directions, i.e. dispersers from the same nest moved to similar locations during the study; moreover, in each year, individuals from the same birthplace moved across the same areas in a short time period. Finally, siblings and potential‐siblings born in the same nest in different years started dispersal at similar ages. Based on the movement patterns of dispersers we discuss: a) the potential implications of the birthplace‐dependent dispersal on the ideal free distribution theory, as well as in terms of kin competition, inbreeding avoidance and population dynamics; and, more generally, b) the effect of the temporal features of the natal dispersal on the concept of habitat suitability vs density of individuals developed by the ideal free distribution theory.  相似文献   

Bacterial genomes can evolve either by gene gain, gene loss, mutating existing genes, and/or by duplication of existing genes. Recent studies have clearly demonstrated that the acquisition of new genes by lateral gene transfer (LGT) is a predominant force in bacterial evolution. To better understand the significance of LGT, we employed a comparative genomics approach to model species-specific and intraspecies gene insertions/deletions (ins/del among 12 sequenced streptococcal genomes using a maximum likelihood method. This study indicates that the rate of gene ins/del is higher on the external branches and varies dramatically for each species. We have analyzed here some of the experimentally characterized species-specific genes that have been acquired by LGT and conclude that at least a portion of these genes have a role in adaptation.  相似文献   

Primary cilium—is it an osteocyte's strain‐sensing flowmeter?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With few exceptions, the non-cycling cells in a vast range of animals including humans have a non-motile primary cilium that extends from the mother centriole of the pair of centrioles in their centrosomes located between their Golgi apparatuses and nuclei. It has very recently been shown that the primary cilium of a dog or a mouse embryonic kidney cell is a fluid flowmeter studded with heterodimeric complexes of mechanoreceptors linked to Ca(2+)-permeable cation channels that when the cilium is bent can send Ca(2+) signals into the cell and beyond to neighboring cells through gap junctions. More than 30 years ago, osteocytes were reported also to have primary cilia, but this was promptly ignored or forgotten. Osteocytes are the bones' strain sensors, which measure skeletal activity from the effects of currents of extracellular fluid caused by their bones being bent and squeezed during various activities such as walking and running. Since bending a kidney cell's primary cilium can send a Ca(2+) wave surging through itself and its neighbors, the bending of an osteocyte's primary cilium by sloshing extracellular fluid is likely to do the same thing and thus be involved in measuring and responding to bone strain.  相似文献   

Stevenson PR 《Oecologia》2011,166(3):693-701
Seed dispersal is a mutualistic interaction in which frugivores gain nutrients and plants gain when seeds are transported to adequate places for establishment. However, this relationship is prone to deceit, for example, when frugivores spit-out seeds in the proximity of parental trees. Still, few hypotheses have offered explanations on why deceiving strategies are not widespread. In this study, I explore the importance of how difficult it is to mechanically separate the nutritious pulp from the seeds, as a factor that can explain the chance a seed has of being dispersed by woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha). I completed 1,440 h of focal animal follows during 2 years in order to quantify the chances plant species have of being dispersed. To do so, I evaluated the residuals from the relationship between the number of seeds manipulated and seeds dispersed by a population of woolly monkeys in Tinigua Park (Colombia). For 74 fruit species, I estimated how difficult it is to separate pulp from seeds as the time needed to separate the parts. An exponential model showed that this variable was able to predict 38% of the variation on dispersal probability, demonstrating that, when it is difficult to separate the pulp from the seeds, the probability of legitimate dispersal increases. However, when fruit parts were easy to separate, there was more variation in the outcome. My results suggest that many plants have evolved mechanisms (e.g., small seeds embedded in pulp, strong attachment, irregular seed surface, and thin pulp layer) that preclude deceit by frugivores.  相似文献   

The first genome sequence of an intracellular bacterial symbiont of a eukaryotic cell has been determined. The Buchnera genome shares features with the genomes of both intracellular pathogenic bacteria and eukaryotic organelles, and it may represent an intermediate between the two.  相似文献   

Gene flow at a fine scale is still poorly understood despite its recognized importance for plant population demographic and genetic processes. We tested the hypothesis that intensity of gene flow will be lower and strength of spatial genetic structure (SGS) will be higher in more peripheral populations because of lower population density. The study was performed on the predominantly selfing Avena sterilis and included: (1) direct measurement of dispersal in a controlled environment; and (2) analyses of SGS in three natural populations, sampled in linear transects at fixed increasing inter plant distances. We found that in A.sterilis major seed dispersal is by gravity in close (less than 2m) vicinity of the mother plant, with a minor additional effect of wind. Analysis of SGS with six nuclear SSRs revealed a significant autocorrelation for the distance class of 1m only in the most peripheral desert population, while in the two core populations with Mediterranean conditions, no genetic structure was found. Our results support the hypothesis that intensity of SGS increases from the species core to periphery as a result of decreased within population gene flow related to low plant density. Our findings also show that predominant self pollination and highly localized seed dispersal lead to SGS at a very fine scale, but only if plant density is not too high.  相似文献   

Gene flow at a fine scale is still poorly understood despite its recognized importance for plant population demographic and genetic processes.We tested the hypothesis that intensity of gene flow will be lower and strength of spatial genetic structure(SGS) will be higher in more peripheral populations because of lower population density.The study was performed on the predominantly selfing Avena sterilis and included:(1) direct measurement of dispersal in a controlled environment;and(2) analyses of SGS in three natural populations,sampled in linear transects at fixed increasing inter-plant distances.We found that in A.sterilis major seed dispersal is by gravity in close(less than 2 m) vicinity of the mother plant,with a minor additional effect of wind.Analysis of SGS with six nuclear SSRs revealed a significant autocorrelation for the distance class of 1 m only in the most peripheral desert population,while in the two core populations with Mediterranean conditions,no genetic structure was found.Our results support the hypothesis that intensity of SGS increases from the species core to periphery as a result of decreased within-population gene flow related to low plant density.Our findings also show that predominant self-pollination and highly localized seed dispersal lead to SGS at a very fine scale,but only if plant density is not too high.  相似文献   

Is it a DC, is it an NK? No, it's an IKDC   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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