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大苞兰属全世界共有23种,主要分布于东南亚各国。我国分布有12种,可以说是该属的分布中心。在2011-2013年期间,对普洱地区兰科植物的野外考察中,发现了该属一个新记录种Sunipia nigricans Averyanov,根据该种拉丁名种加词之意将其定为"淡黑大苞兰"。淡黑大苞兰主要特点是花淡黑色、粘盘柄不分叉、顶部连接着4个球形的花粉团,与该属其它所有种类有明显区别。  相似文献   

粉苞苣属(Chondrilla L.)植物是菊科多年生草本,约25种,主要分布中亚、北亚和欧洲。我国有10种,主要分布在新疆北部。通过对粉苞菊的生境、分布调查,得知粉苞苣属植物在新疆分布非常广泛,主要生长于砾石地和沙地,在公路两旁有大量的自然分布。粉苞苣属植物花期长,花色鲜艳,姿态优雅,是一种难得的野生观赏植物;同时,粉苞苣属植物具有耐盐碱、抗旱及耐贫瘠的特性,以其强盛的适应性和繁殖能力生长于荒漠、戈壁地带,是园林绿地、公路铁路和荒山荒坡绿化的理想植物。  相似文献   

NGUYEN Khang Sinh  温放 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1422-1427
漏斗苣苔属(Raphiocarpus Chun)是分布于中国至中南半岛一带的小属,主要产于中国华南西南抵越南北部至中部,但之前中越两国共有分布的该属物种仅有3个种。大苞漏斗苣苔[Raphiocarpus begoniifolius(Lévl.)Burtt]一度被认为是中国的特有种,仅分布在中国的广西西北部、贵州西南部、云南东南部和湖北西北部,尚未见有在越南的相关研究报道。该文首次报道了越南植物区系中大苞漏斗苣苔的国家级分布新记录,使得中越两国共有分布的该属物种上升到了4个种,并着重讨论了大苞漏斗苣苔与其近缘种长筒漏斗苣苔[Raphiocarpus macrosiphon(Hance)Burtt]的区别特征,进一步完善了越南所分布的漏斗苣苔属植物检索表。根据中越两国的各自与联合野外考察工作对该种的濒危现状进行了讨论,为中越两国开展该种乃至该属植物的保育提供了直接证据。凭证标本保存于越南生物资源与生态研究所标本馆(HN)中。  相似文献   

漏斗苣苔属(Raphiocarpus Chun)是分布于中国至中南半岛一带的小属,主要产于中国华南西南抵越南北部至中部,但之前中越两国共有分布的该属物种仅有3个种。大苞漏斗苣苔[Raphiocarpus begoniifolius (Lévl.) Burtt]一度被认为是中国的特有种,仅分布在中国的广西西北部、贵州西南部、云南东南部和湖北西北部,尚未见有在越南的相关研究报道。该文首次报道了越南植物区系中大苞漏斗苣苔的国家级分布新记录,使得中越两国共有分布的该属物种上升到了4个种,并着重讨论了大苞漏斗苣苔与其近缘种长筒漏斗苣苔[Raphiocarpus macrosiphon (Hance) Burtt]的区别特征,进一步完善了越南所分布的漏斗苣苔属植物检索表。根据中越两国的各自与联合野外考察工作对该种的濒危现状进行了讨论,为中越两国开展该种乃至该属植物的保育提供了直接证据。凭证标本保存于越南生物资源与生态研究所标本馆(HN)中。  相似文献   

基于已有标本的详细研究和文献的追踪,证实黑苞毛鳞菊(或黑苞乳苣)在中国没有分布,国内相关文献上的该物种实际应为后期发表的青海乳苣,现已处理为青海毛鳞菊,并首次报道不丹有分布。青海毛鳞菊的瘦果形态和花药管长度明显异于黑苞毛鳞菊。作为标本稀有的云南特有种,单头乳苣近期被暂时处理为黑苞毛鳞菊的异名,但本研究支持其作为一个独立种且与大花毛鳞菊复合群关系较近。对于巴基斯坦北部和克什米尔地区近期发表的与黑苞毛鳞菊形态相近的两个新种,Cicerbita alii被证实为独立种且新组合到毛鳞菊属,而C.astorensis被处理为黑苞毛鳞菊的异名。  相似文献   

大苞赤(ThladianthacordifoliaCogn.)为葫芦科赤属植物,民间用于治疗肠胃炎,上呼吸道感染等多种常见疾病,为了寻找该属植物的有效成分,开发利用该属药用植物资源,我们进行了大苞赤的化学成分研究。从云南峨山县采集的大苞赤块根...  相似文献   

国产大苞姜属和苞叶姜属种子解剖学特征及其系统学意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
廖景平  吴七根   《广西植物》1996,16(3):209-215
黄花大苞姜和苞叶姜分别是大苞姜属和苞叶姜属在中国分布的唯一代表。黄花大苞姜种子椭圆形,具表皮毛,无假种皮;苞叶姜种子卵圆形,无毛,假种皮盘状。二者的种子均包含种皮、外胚乳、内胚乳与胚四部分。种皮均可分为外种皮、中种皮与内种皮,且中种皮包括下皮层、半透明细胞层与色素层。合点区内种皮均出现缺口,缺口间充满合点区色素细胞群。苞叶姜种皮有7~9层细胞,其中色素层3~5层细胞,而黄花大苞姜仅有5层,各部分均只有1层细胞,是迄今研究过的姜科植物中种皮细胞层数最少的。在珠孔区,苞叶姜具明显的柄状结构,并有珠孔领和孔盖的分化;而黄花大苞姜柄状结构短,且不明显,无珠孔领。因此,种子解剖学支持将苞叶姜从大苞姜属分出并提升为属。同时,根据姜目较原始类群的种子没有珠孔领分化,推测黄花大苞姜可能保留了姜科某些较原始的特征.  相似文献   

正苞舌兰(Spathoglottis pubescens Lindl.)为兰科(Orchidaceae)苞舌兰属植物。地生草本。假鳞茎扁球形,被革质鳞片状鞘,顶生1~3枚叶。叶带状或狭披针形,长达43 cm,宽1~1.7(~4.5)cm,先端渐尖,基部收窄为细柄,两面无毛。花葶长达50 cm,密布柔毛,下部被数枚紧抱于花序柄的筒状鞘;总状花序长2~9 cm,  相似文献   

<正>苞叶雪莲(Saussurea obvallata),菊科风毛菊属雪莲亚属。为多年生草本,高16~60 cm。通常于夏秋季节开花,开花时由6~15个头状花序组成密集的总花序,在总花序的外部,包有由上部的茎生叶变化而来的苞叶。这些特化的茎生叶失去叶绿素,呈现一种半透明的黄色,既能吸引传粉昆虫的造访,又能在高海拔地区为植物最脆弱的部分——花提供一个舒适的温室。正是由于有了这样的结构,使得苞叶雪莲可以分布在海拔4 700 m的高度,在靠  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物长苞铁杉群落植物区系分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对天宝岩国家级自然保护区3600m^2的长苞铁杉群落植被进行调查。结果表明,该群落有维管束植物49科86属140种,其中蕨类植物7科7属9种,裸子植物2科4属4种,被子植物40科75属127种。植物区系地理成分中,科属组成以泛热带分布为主,温带成分占有一定比例;种组成以中国特有分布和东亚分布为主,而温带成分占较大比例,并伴有一定的热带成分;区系起源古老,保留有大量原始植物,且群落具有濒危性。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):161-164

The genus Lobatiriccardia Furuki is reported as new to China, from the Dulong River valley, Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province and this material is described as a new species endemic to China, Lobatiriccardia yunnanensis Furuki & D.G. Long, the fifth known species in the genus. The differences between the new species and the other members of the genus are enumerated, along with a key to all known species of Lobatiriccardia.  相似文献   

 A rare deep-sea ophidiid genus Mastigopterus known to contain two species, M. imperator Smith and Radcliffe, 1913 and M. praetor Smith and Radcliffe, 1913, was reviewed on the basis of six specimens including the holotypes of both species. Dorsal and anal fin ray counts and the size of cephalic sensory pores previously thought to be diagnostic characteristics to discriminate the two species did not suggest the presence of two forms, the large (M. imperator) and the small species (M. praetor), in the genus. Apparently the genus is represented by a single species, M. imperator, known from off Madagascar, the East and South China Seas and Papua New Guinea. Received: September 7, 1999 / Revised: July 9, 2001 / Accepted: November 13, 2001  相似文献   

The new genus, Acryptolechia (Lepidoptera, Cryptolechiidae), with the type species Cryptolechia malacobyrsa Meyrick, 1921 is described. The differences between this species and the type species of the genus Cryptolechia, Zeller 1852 (C. straminella Zeller, 1852) are shown. The genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 is the closest to the new one. In addition to the type species, the new genus includes Acryptolechia facunda (Meyrick, 1910) comb. n. from India and A. torophanes (Meyrick, 1935) comb. n. from China.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):165-168

The genus Gottschelia Grolle is reported as new to mainland China, from Yunnan Province. Previously G. schizopleura (Spruce) Grolle was the only known Chinese species, reported from Taiwan. However, two further species have recently been found in the Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province, G. patoniae Grolle, Schill & D.G. Long, previously known from the East Himalaya of Nepal and India (Sikkim) and G. grollei D.G. Long & Váňa, described here as a new species endemic to China, the fourth known species in the genus. The differences between the three Chinese species are enumerated with notes on distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

A brief taxonomic synopsis of the genus Caroperla Kohno, 1946 is presented and its further generic delimitation is defined along with a new species, C. siveci sp. n. from the Wuyishan Mountain of Fujian, China. It represents the first report of the genus from China and the third species of the genus. The morphological comparison of the new species with the two other known species is given.  相似文献   

方宗杰 《古生物学报》2022,61(4):662-663
1993年, 于菁珊和董国义为辽宁上三叠统的非海相双壳类化石建立了一个新属辽宁蚌Liaoningia Yu and Dong, 1993, 以Liaoningia opima Yu and Dong, 1993作为模式种。然而, 早在1979年, 邢裕盛和刘桂芝就已为辽宁晚前寒武纪南关岭组所产的化石标本创建了新属名辽宁水母属Liaoningia Xing and Liu, 1979, 模式种是Liaoningia fuxianensis Xing and Liu, 1979。然而, 多数学者反对将它视为水母类化石, 有人怀疑辽宁水母属是假化石, 迄今学术界并无统一意见, 故本文暂将它归为疑问化石(Problematica)。根据“国际动物命名法规”, 我们提出一个新的属名Liaoningoconcha nom. nov., 用以替代Liaoningia Xing and Liu, 1979的次同义名Liaoningia Yu and Dong, 1993, 仍使用于菁珊和董国义在1993年指定的模式种, 中文译名不变。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with the genus Mindam Koch from China. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed. M. keteleerifoliae is regarded as the most advanced species, M. obliquus and M. piceasuc-tus are more advanced than M. abietinus, M. japonicus and M. victoria. The origin centre of the genus may be in Europe and the differentiation centre of the genus may be in Hengduan Mountains Region of China. Geological distribution of the genus shows island-shaped pattern. Five species from China was described in this paper, including one new species, M. piceasuctus Zhang and Qiao, one new subspecies, M. abietinus triprimesensori Zhang and Qiao and one newly recorded species, M. abietinus abietinus Koch 1856. A key to the Chinese species of Mindarus is given. The specimens of five species from China are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Ying Tian  Guo-Dong Ren  Qiang Li 《ZooKeys》2014,(426):111-118
This paper deals with a species-group carniolica of the genus Nacerdes from China. This species-group has seven known species/subspecies in the world and two of them are known from China. Nacerdes (Xanthochroa) arcuata sp. n. is a new species belonging to carniolica group. The species were collected from Anhui (Eastern China, 30°02''17.37"N, 118°50''1.72"E). A key to the species of the species-group from China is given along with a distribution map.  相似文献   

The achilid genus Rhotala is taxonomically revised based on specimens from China. Four species are recognized in this paper as valid: R. vittata Matsumura, 1914; R. dimidiata Jacobi, 1944; R. fanjingshana Chen et Yang, 2008; and one new species: R. jiangxiensis sp. nov. (southern China: Jiangxi). Male genitalia of these species are described and illustrated. In addition, hind tibia, forewings and hindwings are illustrated for the male of R. jiangxiensis sp. nov. A diagnosis of the genus is redefined. A key to the species of Rhotala in China is presented.  相似文献   

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