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The purple coneflower, Echinacea angustifolia, was the most widely used medicinal plant of the Plains Indians. It was used for a variety of ailments, including toothache, coughs, colds, sore throats, snakebite, and as a painkiller. H. C. F. Meyer used it as a patent medicine in the 1870s and introduced it to the medical profession. Recent scientific research (mostly German) onEchinacea species has shown that they possess immunostimulatory activity. Increased cultivation ofE. purpurea andE. angustifolia may be needed to meet the increased demand for its roots and to alleviate the effects of overharvesting of wild stands.  相似文献   

Methyl p-coumarate has been isolated from the roots and stems of Comptonia peregrina, a plant used by North American Indians, settlers and herbalists to treat a variety of skin conditions. Pharmacological testing has proven this compound to be cytotoxic.  相似文献   

The establishment of riparian protection forests in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) is an ideal measure to cope with the eco-environmental problems of the water-level fluctuation zone (WLFZ). Thus, the information for screening winter-flood-tolerant woody plant species is useful for the recovery and re-establishment of the riparian protection forests in the TGR WLFZ. Therefore, we discussed the possibilities of constructing and popularizing riparian protection forests in the TGR WLFZ from several aspects, including the woody plant species distribution in the WLFZ, the survival rate analyses of suitable candidate woody species under controlled flooding conditions, the survival rate investigation of some woody plant species planted in the TGR WLFZ, and the physiological responses of some woody plant species during the recovery stage after winter floods. The results of woody species investigation showed that most woody plant species that existed as annual seedlings in the TGR WLFZ are not suitable candidates for the riparian protection forests. However, arbor species (e.g., Salix matsudana, Populus×canadensis, Morus alba, Pterocarya stenoptera, Taxodium ascendens, and Metasequoia glyptostroboides) and shrub species (e.g., Salix variegata, Distylium chinensis, Lycium chinense, Myricaria laxiflora, and Rosa multiflora) might be considered suitable candidates for the riparian protection forests in the TGR WLFZ by survival rate analyses under controlled winter flooding conditions, and survival rate investigations of woody plant species planted in the TGR WLFZ, respectively. Physiological analyses showed that P.×canadensis, M. alba, L. chinense, and S. variegata could develop specific self-repairing mechanisms to stimulate biomass accumulation and carbohydrate synthesis via the increases in chlorophyll pigments and photosynthesis during recovery after winter floods. Our results suggested these woody plant species could endure the winter flooding stress and recover well, and be used as candidate for the construction of riparian protection forests in the TGR WLFZ.  相似文献   

The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana is a key pest of wine grapes in Australia. Two parasitoids, Dolichogenidea tasmanica and Therophilus unimaculatus, attack the larval stage of this pest. D. tasmanica is dominant in vineyards, whereas T. unimaculatus is mainly active in native vegetation. We sought to understand why they differ in their use of habitats. Plants are a major component of habitats of parasitoids, and herbivore-infested plants influence parasitoid foraging efficiency by their architecture and emission of volatile chemicals. We investigated how different plant species infested by E. postvittana could affect the foraging success of the two parasitoid species in both laboratory and field experiments. Four common host-plant species were selected for this study. In paired-choice experiments to determine the innate foraging preferences for plants, both parasitoid species showed differences in innate search preferences among plant species. The plant preference of D. tasmanica was altered by oviposition experience with hosts that were feeding on other plant species. In a behavioral assay, the two parasitoid species allocated their times engaged in various types of behavior differently when foraging on different plant species. For both parasitoids, parasitism on Hardenbergia violacea was the highest of the four plant species. Significantly more larvae dropped from Myoporum insulare when attacked than from the other three host-plant species, which indicates that parasitism is also affected by interactions between plants and host insects. In vineyards, parasitism by D. tasmanica was significantly lower on M. insulare than on the other three host-plant species, but the parasitism rates were similar among the other three plant species. Our results indicate that plants play a role in the habitat preferences of these two parasitoid species by influencing their foraging behavior, and are likely to contribute to their distributions among habitats.  相似文献   

Paricà seeds were reportedly used as a snuff and enema ingredient by the Brazilian Mauù Indians. We analyzed, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, paricà seeds from the first half of the 19th century. Despite their considerable age, the seeds yielded as much as 15 mg/g of theAnadenanthera alkaloid bufotenin, as identified by retention time on a capillary column and the mass spectrum. This analytical finding supports the view that the seeds originated from anAnadenanthera species.  相似文献   

Two semi-cultivated Solanum species (S. Sessilifloram Dunal and S. stramonifolium Jacq.) are utilized by the Amazonian Indians of the Upper Orinoco Basin in Venezuela. The manner in which they have become partially domesticated by the Piaroas and other native tribes of this rain forest region is elucidated in the following text. Both species have two varieties, with and without prickles, the latter being the result of human selection. Patterns of indigenous utilization of these species brought to the selection of morphologic forms and to the differentiation of karyotypes of varieties, and exploitation of the species also reflects in the perception of them among users. S. sessiliflorum is cultivated in swiddens and has an economic role, whereas S. stramonifolium is grown in dooryards. This difference is detectable to the Piaroas, as they recognize in their folk taxonomy three different varieties ofS. Sessiliflorum and one ofS. Stramonifolium, according to the stage of domestication of the species and the way in which they are utilized.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry (FCM) techniques have enabled characterization of the genome size for various plant species. In order to measure the nuclear genome size of a species, reference standards with well-established DNA content are necessary. However, different 2C-values have been described for the same species used as reference standard. This fact has brought about inaccurate genome measurements, making relevant the establishment of optimal DNA reference standards for plant cytometric analyses. Our work revisited the genome size of Arabidopsis thaliana and other seven plant standards, which were denominated ??Dole?el??s standard set?? and have been widely used in plant DNA measurements. These eight plant standards were reassessed for a comparative measurement of their DNA content values, using each plant species as primary standard in a cascade-like manner, from A. thaliana to Allium cepa. The genome size values obtained here were compared to those reported in the literature by statistical analyses. As a result, Raphanus sativus and Drosophila melanogaster were considered the most inadequate primary standards, whereas A. thaliana, Solanum lycopersicum and Pisum sativum were found to be the most suitable.  相似文献   

The overall effect of a live soil inoculum collected from nature on plant biomass is often negative. One hypothesis to explain this phenomenon is that the overall net pathogenic effect of soil microbial communities reduces plant performance. Induced plant defenses triggered by the application of the plant hormones jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) may help to mitigate this pathogenic effect of live soil. However, little is known about how such hormonal application to the plant affects the soil and how this, in turn, impacts plant growth. We grew four plant species in sterilized and inoculated live soil and exposed their leaves to two hormonal treatments (JA and SA). Two species (Jacobaea vulgaris and Cirsium vulgare) were negatively affected by soil inoculation. In these two species foliar application of SA increased biomass in live soil but not in sterilized soil. Two other species (Trifolium repens and Daucus carota) were not affected by soil inoculum and for these two species foliar application of SA reduced plant biomass in both the sterilized and live soil. Application of JA reduced plant biomass in both soils for all species. We subsequently carried out a multiple generation experiment for one of the plant species, J. vulgaris. In each generation, the live soil was a mixture of 10% soil from the previous generation and 90% sterilized soil and the same hormonal treatments were applied. The negative effects of live soil on plant biomass were similar in all four generations, and this negative effect was mitigated by the application of SA. Our research suggests that the application of SA can mitigate the negative effects of live soil on plant growth. Although the inoculum of soil containing a natural live soil microbial community had a strong negative effect on the growth of J. vulgaris, we found no evidence for an increase or decrease in negative plant-soil feedback in either the control or the SA treated plants. Also plant performance did not decrease consistently with succeeding generations.  相似文献   

In spite of evidence for positive diversity-productivity relationships increasing plant diversity has highly variable effects on the performance of individual plant species, but the mechanisms behind these differential responses are far from being understood. To gain deeper insights into the physiological responses of individual plant species to increasing plant diversity we performed systematic untargeted metabolite profiling on a number of herbs derived from a grassland biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment). The Jena Experiment comprises plots of varying species number (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60) and number and composition of functional groups (1 to 4; grasses, legumes, tall herbs, small herbs). In this study the metabolomes of two tall-growing herbs (legume: Medicago x varia; non-legume: Knautia arvensis) and three small-growing herbs (legume: Lotus corniculatus; non-legumes: Bellis perennis, Leontodon autumnalis) in plant communities of increasing diversity were analyzed. For metabolite profiling we combined gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) and UPLC coupled to FT-ICR-MS (LC-FT-MS) analyses from the same sample. This resulted in several thousands of detected m/z-features. ANOVA and multivariate statistical analysis revealed 139 significantly changed metabolites (30 by GC-TOF-MS and 109 by LC-FT-MS). The small-statured plants L. autumnalis, B. perennis and L. corniculatus showed metabolic response signatures to increasing plant diversity and species richness in contrast to tall-statured plants. Key-metabolites indicated C- and N-limitation for the non-leguminous small-statured species B. perennis and L. autumnalis, while the metabolic signature of the small-statured legume L. corniculatus indicated facilitation by other legumes. Thus, metabolomic analysis provided evidence for negative effects of resource competition on the investigated small-statured herbs that might mechanistically explain their decreasing performance with increasing plant diversity. In contrast, taller species often becoming dominant in mixed plant communities did not show modified metabolite profiles in response to altered resource availability with increasing plant diversity. Taken together, our study demonstrates that metabolite profiling is a strong diagnostic tool to assess individual metabolic phenotypes in response to plant diversity and ecophysiological adjustment.  相似文献   

Facilitation is a global phenomenon that occurs when one species promotes the growth, survival, or reproduction of another species, mostly in stressful environments. However, the importance of facilitation by shrubs in maintaining plant community diversity is not well evaluated in the Himalayas, especially for the richness and conservation of medicinal and human-valued species. Therefore, we aimed to explore the facilitative role of a dwarf shrub species, Berberis angulosa, in maintaining plant composition and richness of human-valued species in the Langtang valley of Nepal's Himalayas. We censused plant species in open patches and beneath Berberis during monsoon and post-monsoon (dry) seasons at three elevations.Total species richness and richness of human-valued species were significantly higher inside the Berberis canopy than in gaps; the former being 39% and the latter 46% greater under shrubs than in open sites. Facilitation by Berberis shrubs promoted plant community diversity irrespective of season and elevation; however, higher differences in mean species richness for both total plant species and human-valued species during the dry season and at high elevation indicated increased facilitation intensity under more stressful conditions. The facilitative effect of Berberis shrubs increased, combining both seasons, overall plant diversity by 19% (total=105), and human-valued species by 16% (total=56). Our results show the importance of facilitation by nurse shrubs in structuring plant communities and protecting medicinal and socio-ecologically important plants, thus enriching ecosystem services in the Himalayas. These results suggest nurse plant species should be incorporated into conservation policies and management strategies for effective biodiversity conservation and sustainability, especially in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

Plants respond to herbivore attack by emitting a blend of volatiles called herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), which attract arthropod natural enemies. Under natural conditions and multiple cropping agriculture systems, natural enemies are thought to encounter a mixture of HIPVs emanating from multiple plant species. The effect of such a mixture of HIPVs on the responses of natural enemies under field conditions has not been explored. Our study assessed whether a mixture of HIPVs from multiple host plant species influenced predator responses in field-cage conditions. We investigated (1) foraging behaviors of a predatory bug, Orius strigicollis, on cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) larvae-infested multiple host plant species, and (2) the attractiveness of a mixture of reconstituted HIPVs from multiple plant species to O. strigicollis in outdoor cages. Significantly, greater numbers of predators were attracted to H. armigera-infested multiple plant species. The predators exterminated significantly greater numbers of H. armigera larvae with the multiple versus single plant species treatments. Significantly, greater numbers of O. strigicollis were captured on traps baited with the mixture of reconstituted HIPVs from multiple versus single plant species. The enhanced attractiveness of a mixture of HIPVs from multiple plant species to O. strigicollis might be the result of an additive effect of HIPVs from the three plant species when combined in a mixture.  相似文献   



The aim of our research work was to quantify total flavonoid contents in the leaves of 13 plant species family Asteraceae, 8 representatives of family Lamiaceae and 9 plant species belonging to family Rosaceae, using the multiplex fluorimetric sensor. Fluorescence was measured using optical fluorescence apparatus Multiplex(R) 3 (Force-A, France) for non-destructive flavonoids estimation. The content of total flavonoids was estimated by FLAV index (expressed in relative units), that is deduced from flavonoids UV absorbing properties.


Among observed plant species, the highest amount of total flavonoids has been found in leaves of Helianthus multiflorus (1.65 RU) and Echinops ritro (1.27 RU), Rudbeckia fulgida (1.13 RU) belonging to the family Asteraceae. Lowest flavonoid content has been observed in the leaves of marigold (Calendula officinalis) (0.14 RU) also belonging to family Asteraceae. The highest content of flavonoids among experimental plants of family Rosaceae has been estimated in the leaves of Rosa canina (1.18 RU) and among plant species of family Lamiaceae in the leaves of Coleus blumei (0.90 RU).


This research work was done as pre-screening of flavonoids content in the leaves of plant species belonging to family Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae. Results indicated that statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) in flavonoids content were observed not only between families, but also among individual plant species within one family.  相似文献   

The prediction of pest-control functioning by multi-predator communities is hindered by the non-additive nature of species functioning. Such non-additivity, commonly termed an emergent multi-predator effect, is known to be affected by elements of the ecological context, such as the structure and composition of vegetation, in addition to the traits of the predators themselves. Here we report mesocosm experiments designed to test the influence of plant density and species composition (wheat monoculture or wheat and faba bean polyculture) on the emergence of multi-predator effects between Adalia bipunctata and Chrysoperla carnea, in their suppression of populations of the aphid Metopolophium dirhodum. The mesocosm experiments were followed by a series of behavioural observations designed to identify how interactions among predators are modified by plant species composition and whether these effects are consistent with the observed influence of plant species composition on aphid population suppression. Although plant density was shown to have no influence on the multi-predator effect on aphid population growth, plant composition had a marked effect. In wheat monoculture, Adalia and Chrysoperla mixed treatments caused greater suppression of M. dirhodum populations than expected. However this positive emergent effect was reversed to a negative multi-predator effect in wheat and faba bean polyculture. The behavioural observations revealed that although dominant individuals did not respond to the presence of faba bean plants, the behaviour of sub-dominants was affected markedly, consistent with their foraging for extra-floral nectar produced by the faba bean. This interaction between plant composition and predator community composition on the foraging behaviour of sub-dominants is thought to underlie the observed effect of plant composition on the multi-predator effect. Thus, the emergence of multi-predator effects is shown to be strongly influenced by plant species composition, mediated, in this case, by the provision of extra-floral nectar by one of the plant species.  相似文献   

The present study involves the tracking of marching bands of more than 300,000 gregarious nymphs of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, to examine shelter plant preference and how species and size of shelter plants and nymphal group sizes jointly influence the escaping behavior of 4th- and 5th-instar gregarious nymphs. Field observations are conducted during daytime and night-time in the Sahara Desert in Mauritania. Three dominant plant species have been identified at the survey site: Hyoscyamus muticus, Panicum turgidum, and Nucularia perrini. The smallest mean plant size among the three plant species is H. muticus. Gregarious nymphs perch on all the three plant species irrespective of time, and form various sizes of groups ranging from <10 to >10,000 nymphs. Groups of gregarious locusts perching on the plants show either escaping or sheltering behavior in response to an approaching observer. Percentages of nymphal groups showing escaping behavior for H. muticus, P. turgidum and N. perrini are 96.4, 47.6 and 19.5 %, respectively. Defensive behavior is not affected by nymphal group size but by species and size of shelter plants. Nymphal groups tend to show escaping behavior when their perching plants are relatively small. No groups escape from their perching plants during night. These results might indicate that gregarious nymphs do not have a strong shelter plant preference and change their defensive behavior depending on species and size of sheltering plants and light conditions.  相似文献   

The use of underground plant organs and habitat selection by the Pumé Indians of southwestern Venezuela is described. Detailed information is presented on 18 species in 10 families. The three most significant uses identified are food, medicine and/or ritual, and fish poison; the dry forest habitat contains the largest number of exploited species. The taxonomic and conservation relevance of ethnobotanical investigation in dryland macrohabitats in South America is addressed.  相似文献   

Capsicum annuum var. aviculare to Tarahumara and Papago Indians and farmers of Sonora desert is a promising biological and commercial value as a natural resource from arid and semiarid coastal zones. Traditionally, apply synthetic fertilizers to compensate for soil nitrogen deficiency. However, indiscriminate use of these fertilizers might increase salinity. The inoculation by plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) represents an alternative as potential bio fertilizer resources for salty areas. Seeds ecotypes from four areas of Sonora desert (Mazocahui, Baviacora, Arizpe, La Tortuga), in order to inoculate them with one species of PGPB and AMF. Two germination tests were carried out to study the effect of salinity, temperature regime (night/day) and inoculation with PGPB and AMF growth factors measured on germination (percentage and rate), plant height, root length, and produced biomass (fresh and dry matter). The results indicated that from four studied ecotypes, Mazocahui was the most outstanding of all, showing the highest germination under saline and non-saline conditions. However, the PGPB and AMF influenced the others variables evaluated. This study is the first step to obtain an ideal ecotype of C. a. var. aviculare, which grows in the northwest of México and promoting this type of microorganisms as an efficient and reliable biological product. Studies of the association of PGPB and AMF with the C. a. var. aviculare-Mazocahui ecotype are recommended to determine the extent to which these observations can be reproduced under field conditions.  相似文献   

Revealing the relationship between plants and root-associated fungi is very important in understanding diversity maintenance and community assembly in ecosystems. However, the community assembly of root-associated fungi of focal plant species along a subtropical plant species diversity gradient is less documented. Here, we examined root-associated fungal communities associated with five ectomycorrhizal (EM) plant species (Betula luminifera, Castanea henryi, Castanopsis fargesii, C. sclerophylla, and Quercus serrate) in a Chinese subtropical woody plant species diversity (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 species) experiment, using paired-end Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS2 region. In total, we detected 1933 root-associated fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at a 97% sequence similarity level. Plant identity had a significant effect on total and saprotrophic fungal OTU richness, but plant species diversity level had a significant effect on saprotrophic and pathogenic fungal OTU richness. The community composition of total, saprotrophic and EM fungi was structured by plant identity and plant species diversity level. However, the community composition of pathogenic fungi was only shaped by plant identity. This study highlights that plant identity has a stronger effect on the root-associated fungal community than plant species diversity level in a diverse subtropical forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Floral nectar of insect-pollinated plants often contains dense yeast populations, yet little quantitative information exists on patterns and magnitude of species richness of nectar-dwelling yeasts in natural plant communities. This study evaluates yeast species richness at both the plant community and plant species levels in a montane forest area in southern Spain, and also explores possible correlations between the incidence of different yeast species in nectar and their reported tolerance to high sugar concentrations, and between yeast diversity and pollinator composition. Yeast species occurring in a total of 128 field-collected nectar samples from 24 plant species were identified by sequencing the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit rDNA, and rarefaction-based analyses were used to estimate yeast species richness at the plant community and plant species levels, using nectar drops as elemental sampling units. Individual nectar samples were generally characterized by very low species richness (1.2 yeast species/sample, on average), with the ascomycetous Metschnikowia reukaufii and Metschnikowia gruessii accounting altogether for 84.7% of the 216 isolates identified. Other yeasts recorded included species in the genera Aureobasidium, Rhodotorula, Cryptococcus, Sporobolomyces, and Lecythophora. The shapes and slopes of observed richness accumulation curves were quite similar for the nectar drop and plant species approaches, but the two approaches yielded different expected richness estimates. Expected richness was higher for plant species-based than for nectar drop-based analyses, showing that the coverage of nectar yeast species occurring in the region would be improved by sampling additional host plant species. A significant correlation was found between incidence of yeast species in nectar and their reported ability to grow in a medium containing 50% glucose. Neither diversity nor incidence of yeasts was correlated with pollinator composition across plant species.  相似文献   

Herbivore adaptation to plant genetic variation can lead to reproductive isolation and the formation of host-associated lineages (host-associated differentiation, or HAD). Plant genetic variation exists along a scale, ranging from variation among individual plant genotypes to variation among plant species. Along this scale, herbivores may adapt and diverge at any level, yet few studies have examined whether herbivore differentiation exhibits scaling with respect to host variation (e.g., from genotypes to species). Determining at which level(s) herbivore differentiation occurs can provide insight into the importance of plant genetic variation on herbivore evolution. Previous studies have found strong genetic differentiation in the eriophyid mite, Aceria parapopuli, between hybrid Populus hosts and parental Populus species, but minimal neutral-locus differentiation among individual trees of the same species. We tested whether genetic differentiation in A. parapopuli scales with genetic variation in its Populus hosts. Using mite ITS1 sequence data collected among host species and among host populations, two key patterns emerged. (1) We found strong differentiation of A. parapopuli among Populus species, supporting the hypothesis that plant species differences drive reproductive isolation and HAD. (2) We did not find evidence of host-driven genetic differentiation in mites at the level of plant populations, suggesting that this level of plant variation is insufficiently strong to drive differentiation at a neutral locus. In combination with previous studies, we found that HAD occurs at the higher levels of plant genetic variation, but not at lower levels, and conclude that HAD depends on the scale of plant genetic variation examined.  相似文献   

Insect root herbivores can alter plant community structure by affecting the competitive ability of single plants. Our study aims at increasing knowledge on the impact of click beetle larvae (Elateridae, genus Agriotes) on grassland plant communities, by determining biomass responses as well as responses of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) symbiosis to this widespread generalist root herbivore for eight common grassland plant species (Festuca rubra, Holcus lanatus, Poa pratensis, Achillea millefolium, Plantago lanceolata, Veronica arvensis, Medicago lupulina, Trifolium repens), belonging to three functional groups (grasses, herbs, legumes).The presence of larvae in the rhizosphere of individual plants had an overall negative effect on root biomass, which varied in degree between plant species, with more root biomass being removed from larger root systems. The effect of larvae on shoot biomass, total plant biomass and shoot/root ratio also differed in strength between plant species. Relative changes in root and total plant biomass ranged from a 71% and 55% loss, respectively, in V. arvensis to an 11% and 1% increase in T. repens, but were not related to root- or plant size. Root colonization by AMF and the length of extraradical AMF hyphae were not affected by larvae. The plant's functional group did not determine the response of the plant to feeding by larvae. Growth of larvae was positively correlated with root biomass, but did not depend on plant species or group identity.The results confirm the generalist nature of Agriotes spp. larvae, which depend on sufficient root quantity and are likely to feed most on those plant species whose roots are most abundant in their habitat. Their effect on the plant community may be generated through the ability of the respective plant species to cope with the herbivore damage, with tolerances being plant species rather than plant group specific.  相似文献   

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