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Acetate kinase from Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The amino acid compositions of both proteins were similar, and the apparent molecular weights were the same, about 40,000 for the putative monomers. The native proteins gave higher molecular weights, suggesting that the enzymes may be oligomers, perhaps with two polypeptide subunits. Steady-state kinetic studies were performed with the enzymes isolated from both organisms and the kinetic constants were determined. The Km values were 0.07 and 7 mM for ATP and acetate, respectively. In contrast to earlier studies using less pure preparations, the homogeneous enzymes from both strains were active only with acetate but not with propionate or butyrate. The enzyme activity was cold-labile, and the length of reactivation time in the presence of Mg X ATP and acetate was dependent on protein concentration, suggesting that the monomer may not be catalytically active. The enzyme was phosphorylated with [gamma-32P]ATP and the phosphoprotein was isolated. Phosphoacetate kinase was capable of transferring the phosphate group to either ADP or acetate. The accompanying paper (Fox, D. K., Meadow, N. D., and Roseman, S. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 13498-13503) shows that the phosphoryl group of phosphoacetate kinase can also be reversibly transferred to Enzyme I of the phosphoenolpyruvate:glycose phosphotransferase system.  相似文献   

Glutamate-inserting ochre suppressors have been identified among late-arising, spontaneous revertants of a hisG428 mutant of Salmonella typhimurium and an argE3 mutant of Escherichia coli. The S. typhimurium suppressors mapped in the tRNA2(Glu) gene gltU at 82 min; those in E. coli were found to be in tRNA2(Glu) genes gltW at 56 min, gltU at 85 min, and gltT at 90 min.  相似文献   

Abstract We report a new pathway for galactose metabolism in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium . Growth of gal mutants on galactose is restored by the addition of pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ) to the medium. In such strains galactose is oxidized to galactonate by a PQQ-dependent, membrane-bound dehydrogenase. A pathway for galactonate metabolism in these organisms has already been described.  相似文献   

The degradation rates of several mutationally generated fragments of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase were determined in wild-type strains of Salmonella typhimurium and in mutant Salmonella strains lacking several proteases and peptidases. Three termination fragments (produced by lacZ545, lacZ521, and lacZX90) and one internal reinitiation (restart) fragment [lacZpi(1)] are degraded in wild-type Salmonella strains at the same rates observed in wild-type Escherichia coli strains. Mutations that lead to loss of peptidases N, A, B, P, and Q or to loss of protease I or II do not affect the decay rates of any of these fragments. In addition, all of these peptidases and proteases are present in E coli mutants carrying deg mutations (deg mutations are known to stabilize beta-galactosidase fragments). Apparently, none of the proteases and peptidases that are currently accessible to direct genetic analysis plays a role in the early steps of the degradation of protein fragments.  相似文献   

Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase gene from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and the overexpressed enzymes were purified to homogeneity. The k(cat) values, determined for the recombinant enzymes with DL-DAP, D-serine, and L-serine as substrates, showed that the enzyme from S. typhimurium was more active than that from E. coli and the K(m) values were found to be similar. The purified enzymes had an absorption maximum (lambda(max)) at 412 nm, typical of PLP dependent enzymes. A red shift in lambda(max) was observed immediately after the addition of 10mM DL-DAP, which returned to the original lambda(max) of 412 nm in about 4 min. This red shift might reflect the formation of an external aldimine and/or other transient intermediates of the reaction. The apoenzyme of E. coli and S. typhimurium prepared by treatment with L-cysteine could be partially (60%) reconstituted by the addition of PLP. The holo, apo, and the reconstituted enzymes were shown to be present as homo dimers by size exclusion chromatography.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the isolation and characterization of lon mutants in Salmonella typhimurium. The mutants were isolated by using positive selection by chlorpromazine resistance. The physiological and biochemical properties of the lon mutants in S. typhimurium are very similar to those of Escherichia coli lon mutants. Mutants altered at this locus contain little or no activity of the ATP-dependent protease La and show a number of pleiotropic phenotypes, including increased production of capsular polysaccharides, increased sensitivity to UV light and other DNA-damaging agents, and a decreased ability to degrade abnormal proteins.  相似文献   

envM genes of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Conjugation and bacteriophage P1 transduction experiments in Escherichia coli showed that resistance to the antibacterial compound diazaborine is caused by an allelic form of the envM gene. The envM gene from Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and sequenced. It codes for a 27,765-dalton protein. The plasmids carrying this DNA complemented a conditionally lethal envM mutant of E. coli. Recombinant plasmids containing gene envM from a diazaborine-resistant S. typhimurium strain conferred the drug resistance phenotype to susceptible E. coli cells. A guanine-to-adenine exchange in the envM gene changing a Gly codon to a Ser codon was shown to be responsible for the resistance character. Upstream of envM a small gene coding for a 10,445-dalton protein was identified. Incubating a temperature-sensitive E. coli envM mutant at the nonpermissive temperature caused effects on the cells similar to those caused by treatment with diazaborine, i.e., inhibition of fatty acid, phospholipid, and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, induction of a 28,000-dalton inner membrane protein, and change in the ratio of the porins OmpC and OmpF.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive pantothenate kinase mutants of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 were selected by using the excretion of pantothenate at the nonpermissive temperature as a screening method. Thermolability of the pathothenate kinase activity in extracts of the mutants was demonstrated. The mutations were mapped at min 89 of the Salmonella chromosome, near rpoB, by transduction. As pantothenate kinase catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A from pantothenate, the new genetic locus has been designated coaA.  相似文献   

Periplasmic space in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli.   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
The volume of the periplasmic space in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium cells was measured. This space, in cells grown and collected under conditions routinely used in work with these bacteria, was shown to comprise from 20 to 40% of the total cell volume. Further studies were conducted to determine the osmotic relationships between the periplasm, the external milieu, and the cytoplasm. Results showed that there is a Donnan equilibrium between the periplasm and the extracellular fluid, and that the periplasm and cytoplasm are isoosmotic. In minimal salts medium, the osmotic strength of the cell interior was estimated to be approximately 300 mosM, with a net pressure of approximately 3.5 atm being applied to the cell wall. A corollary of these findings was that an electrical potential exists across the outer membrane. This potential was measured by determining the distributions of Na+ and Cl- between the periplasm and the cell exterior. The potential varied with the ionic strength of the medium; for cells in minimal salts medium it was approximately 30 mV, negative inside.  相似文献   

Summary Catalase deficient mutants (kat) ofSalmonella typhimurium have been isolated. The mutationskatA1, katC6 andkatD9 appear to map at about minute 10 on theSalmonella chromosome. ThekatC6 andkatD9 lesions are complemented by theE. coli F128 (lac+ pro+) episome but thekatA1 lesion is not.KatB2 maps at about minute 100. None of the mutants are oxygen sensitive; they grow as well as wild type bacteria, even when aerated.  相似文献   

A flagellum of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli consists of three structural parts, a basal body, a hook, and a filament. Because the fliK mutants produce elongated hooks, called polyhooks, lacking filament portions, the fliK gene product has been believed to be involved in both the determination of hook length and the initiation of the filament assembly. In the present study, we isolated two mutants from S. typhimurium which can form flagella even in the absence of the fliK gene product. Flagellar structures were fractionated from these suppressor mutants and inspected by electron microscopy. The suppressor mutants produced polyhook-filament complexes in the fliK mutant background, while they formed flagellar structures apparently indistinguishable from those of the wild-type strain in the fliK+ background. Genetic and sequence analyses of the suppressor mutations revealed that they are located near the 3'-end of the flhB gene, which has been believed to be involved in the early process of the basal body assembly. On the basis of these results, we discuss the mechanism of suppression of the fliK defects by the flhB mutations and propose a hypothesis on the export switching machinery of the flagellar proteins.  相似文献   

S D Gupta  H C Wu    P D Rick 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(16):4977-4984
Three distinct clones from a Salmonella typhimurium genomic library were identified which suppressed the copper-sensitive (Cu(s)) phenotype of cutF mutants of Escherichia coli. One of these clones, pCUTFS2, also increased the copper tolerance of cutA, -C, and -E mutants, as well as that of a lipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (lgt) mutant of E. coli. Characterization of pCUTFS2 revealed that the genes responsible for suppression of copper sensitivity (scs) reside on a 4.36-kb DNA fragment located near 25.4 min on the S. typhimurium genome. Sequence analysis of this fragment revealed four open reading frames (ORF120, ORF627, ORF207, and ORF168) that were organized into two operons. One operon consisted of a single gene, scsA (ORF120), whereas the other operon contained the genes scsB (ORF627), scsC (ORF207), and scsD (ORF168). Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the predicted gene products showed that ScsB, ScsC, and ScsD have significant homology to thiol-disulfide interchange proteins (CutA2, DipZ, CycZ, and DsbD) from E. coli and Haemophilus influenzae, to an outer membrane protein (Com1) from Coxiella burnetii, and to thioredoxin and thioredoxin-like proteins, respectively. The two operons were subcloned on compatible plasmids, and complementation analyses indicated that all four proteins are required for the increased copper tolerance of E. coli mutants. In addition, the scs locus also restored lipoprotein modification in lgt mutants of E. coli. Sequence analyses of the S. typhimurium scs genes and adjacent DNAs revealed that the scs locus is flanked by genes with high homology to the cbpA (predicted curved DNA-binding protein) and agp (acid glucose phosphatase) genes of E. coli located at 22.90 min (1,062.07 kb) and 22.95 min (1,064.8 kb) of the E. coli chromosome, respectively. However, examination of the E. coli chromosome revealed that these genes are absent at this locus and no evidence has thus been obtained for the occurrence of the scs locus elsewhere on the genome.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium proline mutants.   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Oxidative stress is strongly implicated in a number of diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disorders, and atherosclerosis, and its emerging as one of the most important causative agents of mutagenesis, tumorigenesis, and aging. Recent progress on the genetics and molecular biology of the cellular responses to oxidative stress, primarily in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, is summarized. Bacteria respond to oxidative stress by invoking two distinct stress responses, the peroxide stimulon and the superoxide stimulon, depending on whether the stress is mediated by peroxides or the superoxide anion. The two stimulons each contain a set of more than 30 genes. The expression of a subset of genes in each stimulon is under the control of a positive regulatory element; these genes constitute the OxyR and SoxRS regulons. The schemes of regulation of the two regulons by their respective regulators are reviewed in detail, and the overlaps of these regulons with other stress responses such as the heat shock and SOS responses are discussed. The products of Oxy-R- and SoxRS-regulated genes, such as catalases and superoxide dismutases, are involved in the prevention of oxidative damage, whereas others, such as endonuclease IV, play a role in the repair of oxidative damage. The potential roles of these and other gene products in the defense against oxidative damage in DNA, proteins, and membranes are discussed in detail. A brief discussion of the similarities and differences between oxidative stress responses in bacteria and eukaryotic organisms concludes this review.  相似文献   

The Clarke and Carbon bank of Col El - Escherichia coli DNa hybrid plasmids was screened for complementation of d-xylose negative mutants of E. coli. Of several obtained, the smallest, pRM10, was chosen for detailed study. Its size was 16 kilobases (kb) and that of the insert was 9.7 kg. By transformation or F'-mediated conjugation this plasmid complemented mutants of E. coli defective in either D-xylose isomerase or D-xylulose kinase activity, or both. The activity of D-xylulose kinase in E. coli transformants which bear an intact chromosomal gene for this enzyme was greater than that for the host, due to a gene dosage effect. The plasmid also complemented D-xylose negative mutants of Salmonella typhimurium by F'-mediated conjugation between E. coli and S. typhimurium. Salmonella typhimurium mutants complemented were those for D-xylose isomerase and for D-xylulose kinase in addition to pleiotropic D-xylose mutants which were defective in a regulatory gene of the D-xylose operon. In addition, the plasmid complemented the glyS mutation in E. coli and S. typhimurium. The glyS mutant of E. coli was temperature sensitive, indicating that the plasmid carried the structural gene for glycine synthetase. The glyS mutation in E. coli maps at 79 min, as do the xyl genes. The behaviour of the plasmid is consistent with the existence of a d-xylose operon in E. coli. The data also suggest that the plasmid carries three of the genes of this operon, specifically those for D-xylose isomerase, D-xylulose kinase, and a regulatory gene.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K12 and Salmonella typhimurium LT2 cells were stabilized during carbon starvation in the presence of peptidase-deficient mutant strains. The rate of loss of viability of the wild-type S. typhimurium strain was decreased an average of 2-fold, and the rate for the wild-type E. coli strain was decreased about 2.3-fold, when either was starved in the presence of the multiply peptidase-deficient S. typhimurium strain TN852; other peptidase-deficient strains exhibited similar stabilizing effects. Starving wild-type S. typhimurium LT2 cells utilized peptides excreted by the starving peptidase-deficient cells for protein synthesis, and, to a lesser extent, as respiratory substrates. Provision of free amino acids in steady-state levels to starving E. coli K12 cells in a cell recycle apparatus had a stabilizing effect similar to that of mixing with peptidase-deficient cells.  相似文献   

The proline requirement of Salmonella typhimurium strain proB25 can be satisfied by either of the peptides Leu-Pro or Gly-Pro-Ala. A mutant derivative of strain proB25 isolated by penicillin selection in medium containing Leu-Pro as proline source fails to use either Leu-Pro or Gly-Pro-Ala as a source of proline. This strain is a double mutant that lacks two aminoacyl-proline-specific peptidases. One of these enzymes (peptidase Q) catalyzes the rapid hydrolysis of Leu-Pro but does not hydrolyze Gly-Pro-Ala or poly-l-proline. Mutations at a site (pepQ) near metE lead to loss of this activity. The other peptidase (peptidase P) catalyzes the hydrolysis of Gly-Pro-Ala and poly-l-proline but is only weakly active with Leu-Pro as substrate. This enzyme is similar to aminopeptidase P previously described in Escherichia coli (16). Mutations at a locus (pepP) near serA lead to loss of this enzyme.  相似文献   

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