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越冬地东方白鹳的繁殖干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年和2005年两个繁殖季节,在安庆市望江县漳湖镇,采用全事件采样法和瞬间扫描采样法,对东方白鹳留居种群繁殖特征和繁殖生境内的干扰因素进行了初步研究。东方白鹳在高压电线塔上营巢繁殖,营巢地点距离最近的村庄仅500 m远,取食地点主要是水稻田,影响繁殖活动的主要自然因素:强风和高温。巢区和取食生境内的人为干扰强度较大,主要有燃烧秸秆、在巢塔上安装鸟刺、农耕活动和飞机噪音等。农业活动等人为干扰,对东方白鹳的取食、取材等行为造成很大影响,导致产生警戒、逃逸等行为。东方白鹳留居繁殖种群繁殖干扰因素的识别对进一步开展保护工作具有积极意义。  相似文献   

越冬地东方白鹳繁殖生物学的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,陆续在长江中下游越冬地发现东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)繁殖个体。为了了解该种在当地的繁殖对策和种群现状,2004-2006年在安庆市望江县武昌湖地区(116°51.15′-116°49.47′E,30°19.53′-30°19.79′N)对东方白鹳的繁殖生物学进行了研究。东方白鹳在当地开始营巢时间不一致,最早为2月5日,而受干扰的繁殖个体则延至5月6日。观察到的巢全在高压线塔上,巢高34.6±0.8m(n=11),巢间距908.8±1039.4m(n=6)。产卵期最早开始于2月11日,最晚6月21日,窝卵数4.2±0.4(4-5)枚(n=6)。育雏期71.0±16.1d(n=3),日育雏5.1±2.6(n=38),雏鸟离巢时间最早6月14日,最晚9月20日。2004和2005年东方白鹳在该地区共营巢8窝,产卵25枚,孵出雏鸟9只,出飞7只。繁殖失败5巢,其中,人工干扰造成4巢失败,高压电击毁1巢。繁殖不同时期,亲鸟的觅食、休息、警戒、取材、翻卵、育雏、交配、在巢、视野外行为时间分配差异显著,而飞翔、行走、理羽、击喙、整巢和其它行为差异不显著。雏鸟在发育的不同时期,觅食、飞翔、休息、整巢、在巢、行走、视野外行为时间分配差异显著,理羽、警戒、击喙和其它行为差异不显著  相似文献   

齐齐哈尔东郊东方白鹳繁殖情况的调查与观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
费殿金 《动物学研究》1989,10(3):263-270
1969~1986年期间,曾在1969~1970,1978~1979,1980~1984,和1986共10个年分里每年有一对东方白鹳(Ciconia ciconia boyciana Swinhoe)先后在7个地点营巢繁殖,本文总结了10次营巢与繁殖情况,并对其繁殖过程机率作了时间空间分析。  相似文献   

通采用人工调查, 测量的方法, 记录了董寨自然保护区内2016—2019年共计49个朱鹮巢穴各项数据, 通过分析获得朱鹮巢穴所在位置的气象因子、海拔、郁闭度、巢-觅距、干扰因素等因素与朱鹮窝卵数和繁殖成功率相互关系。结果表明: 董寨自然保护区自2016年野化放飞朱鹮到2019年止, 野外巢穴数量逐渐增加, 营巢区域不断扩大, 但营巢地点相对集中; 朱鹮选择筑巢树种多为马尾松, 选择频次显著高于黄山松(P < 0.05)。气象因子(温度和降水量)、朱鹮营巢地海拔、筑巢树种、营巢地林间郁闭度、巢—觅距及人为干扰因素并不影响朱鹮的窝卵数, 但营巢地海拔(P < 0.001)、巢—觅距(P = 0.001)显著影响朱鹮的繁殖成功率, 营巢地海拔越高, 巢—觅距越短, 朱鹮的繁殖成功率越高; 干扰因素中人为干扰对朱鹮繁殖成功率的影响比种间竞争和天敌大, 人为干扰强度越大, 朱鹮的繁殖成功率越低。朱鹮繁殖影响因子的研究为提高董寨自然保护区朱鹮野外繁殖成功率, 当地保护部门更好的保护野外朱鹮提供科学依据。  相似文献   

挠力河流域东方白鹳生境质量变化景观模拟   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
刘红玉  李兆富  白云芳 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4007-4013
挠力河流域是濒危水禽东方白鹳主要繁殖区域。基于东方白鹳主要生境因子与景观植被类型之间的关系,利用GIS技术,以其生境类型图为基础,通过建立HSI模型,模拟评价了近40年来东方白鹳生境质量变化过程。结果显示(1)该流域湿地面积丧失了87%;(2)两种重要生境类型完全丧失,湖泊数量丧失93%左右,岛状林湿地数量丧失66%;(3)湿地景观的这些变化以及地理隔离导致了东方白鹳最佳适宜生境面积减少了95%,最小繁殖生境面积减少了97%;(4)东方白鹳种群数量迅速下降,20世纪80年代后其繁殖种群逐渐消失;(5)研究也显示,东方白鹳潜在的生境质量使该区依然具有恢复一定种群数量的能力。  相似文献   

分析了鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区1984—2011年东方白鹳越冬种群动态,探讨了其种群动态与气候和水位变化的相关性。结果表明,1984—2011年,保护区东方白鹳越冬种群数量平均为(1296±177)只,种群年间波动较大,但总体呈显著的线性增长趋势。保护区东方白鹳种群数量动态与鄱阳湖年最低水位、10月份平均水位、12月份平均水位存在显著负相关,这可能与冬季水位增加导致东方白鹳栖息地面积减小和人类干扰强度增大有关;保护区东方白鹳种群数量与越冬期11月份平均最低气温呈显著正相关,东方白鹳主要在11月份到达鄱阳湖,此时适宜的温度可能有利于提高东方白鹳食物资源的可获得性,迅速补充能量,并降低体温调节所需的能量消耗。逐步线性回归分析表明,鄱阳湖区11月份平均最低气温、前一年1月份高水位持续时间、前二年7月份高水位持续时间是保护区东方白鹳种群数量的显著预测因子,共同解释了保护区东方白鹳最大种群数量变化的78.3%。  相似文献   

人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的时间分配   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对哈尔滨动物园一对东方白鹳(Ciconiaboyciana)繁殖期行为的时间分配做了观测分析,统计在某个时间单位(如孵化期)及整个繁殖期各行为所占的比例,比较得出东方白鹳因性别、繁殖期阶段等不同因子在行为上产生的差异。结果表明,繁殖期笼养东方白鹳的行为及其时间分配主要为站立(4 9 4% )、繁殖(1 9 7% )、理羽(8 9% )、取食(6 4% )、修巢(5 7% )、打嘴(5 7% )、游走(4 3 % )等几种,各种行为时间分配存在着一定的日节律。繁殖期的不同阶段、不同性别之间行为时间分配存在着一定的差异。  相似文献   

巢址选择对野生鸟类的生存和繁殖具有重要意义。东方白鹳Ciconia boyciana为一种大型濒危涉禽,通过对其巢址选择机制的研究,能够为其种群的保护提供理论支持。2019年3—6月选择黄河三角洲的东方白鹳为研究对象,结合土地利用数据,通过二项Logistic回归和反距离权重法对其巢址选择进行空间分布预测和生境适宜性等级划分。结果表明:东方白鹳巢址选择倾向于距水田、内陆滩涂、坑塘水面、高压塔较近,距广场和商业服务用地较远的区域;巢址选择以最佳适宜区为核心区向外扩散,75.44%的巢址分布于最佳适宜区,占研究区总面积的18.36%。建议对最佳适宜区和比较适宜区进行针对性的湿地恢复与栖息地保护。  相似文献   

雷倩  李金亚  王强  马克明 《生态学报》2020,40(9):2944-2952
鸟类的生境选择与气候、栖息地及人为干扰有关,而在不同生活史阶段因其自身需求及环境资源的变化也将出现差异。为明晰该一过程和规律,基于东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)在三江平原的卫星跟踪数据,按照时间序列通过核密度分析法(95%水平)得到繁殖季节(7—10月)跟踪个体的活动范围变化,据此将该时期细分为在巢期与离巢游荡期两个阶段,在巢期活动范围窄且高度聚集于单一区域,而离巢游荡期活动范围分散于三江平原东部和北部的多个地点。后采用Maxent模型对两个阶段的适宜生境空间分布及其主要因子进行评估发现,在巢期和离巢期主要影响因子分别为(在巢期贡献率/离巢期贡献率):土地覆被类型(11.8%/30.6%)、水体(23.8%/31.2%)、相对湿度(8.1%/15.5%)、草本沼泽(28.6%/3.2%)及相对风速(13.2%/2.1%);离巢期的较适宜生境(0.4—1)比在巢期扩大近两倍,且对人为活动表现出更强的耐受性。本研究结果可用于东方白鹳及其他迁徙鸟类繁殖相关的动态保护与有效综合管理。  相似文献   

魏颐凊  崔国发 《生态学杂志》2014,25(12):3451-3457
人工巢能提高鸟类繁殖成功率,在濒危鸟类保护中已取得显著成效.本文对黑龙江洪河自然保护区东方白鹳天然巢结构特征和人工巢利用情况进行了调查,应用单因素方差分析比较未利用的人工巢、已利用的人工巢和天然巢的结构差异.结果表明: 3种巢穴的支架直径、支架夹角、支架交点高及巢位高等结构因子均存在显著差异.结合天然巢结构特征,东方白鹳人工巢架立柱直径应在15.0~25.0 cm,高度5.0~12.0 m,使用水泥等抗酸性腐蚀材料建造.支架数量应为3~4个,直径9.0~12.0 cm,夹角45°~60°,长度90.0~140.0 cm.  相似文献   

2008和2009年3—6月,在黄河三角洲自然保护区采用定点观察、GPS定位、样方调查和逐步判别分析等方法对东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)繁殖期觅食地的利用进行了研究。共测定了75个觅食利用样方和74个对照样方的14个生态因子。结果表明,东方白鹳繁殖期倾向于在明水面、芦苇沼泽和滩地中觅食,对草地和农田利用极少。偏向于食物丰富度较高的觅食点;对隐蔽级高低没有明显的偏好。对利用样方和对照样方进行比较,发现利用样方具有植被高度和植被盖度较低,觅食地水深相对较浅,距明水面、芦苇沼泽、树林等距离较近,距重度干扰源较远等特征。逐步判别分析表明,距芦苇沼泽距离、样方内水深、距重度干扰源距离、食物丰富度和明水面距离具有重要作用,由这5个变量构成的方程在对繁殖季节东方白鹳觅食地利用样方和对照样方进行区分时,正确判别率可以达到95.5%。东方白鹳繁殖期觅食地的利用主要与水源、人为干扰和食物条件有关。  相似文献   

Mating calls of animals are often detected by unintended receivers which use sexual signals to obtain information about the signaller. We investigated whether white storks Ciconia ciconia can eavesdrop mating calls of moor frogs Rana arvalis . White storks are dependent on moor frog abundance in early breeding season. Interspecific eavesdropping by predators is common and well documented in tropical anurans, whereas it is less known in temperate zone. We compared the frequency of approaches of white storks to loudspeakers when frog calls and the song thrush Turdus philomelos songs were simultaneously played back using the later as controls. The loudspeaker broadcasting the calls of male moor frogs clearly attracted white storks at 22 out of 84 nests. The bird songs attracted white storks in only one case. In 19 cases birds left the nest for unknown reasons which were considered as potential foraging movements. The results of this field experiment report a new case of eavesdropping on acoustic signals showing that advertisement calls of temperate moor frogs are an important stimulus for white storks.  相似文献   

从2006年到2008年间对黄嘴鹮鹳的饲养环境进行人工调节,采用焦点动物法和扫描取样法对黄嘴鹮鹳的繁殖行为、雏鸟的生长发育进行观察.结果表明,人工措施可使黄嘴鹮鹳在北京地区全年繁殖;亲鸟在育雏期共同养育雏鸟;雏鸟属晚成鸟,但与鹮类相比,在生长发育上有特异性,更接近于鹳.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of foraging grey herons during the breeding season seemed to be determined by a trade-off between costs and benefits of area sampling versus site fidelity. Breeding birds with little experience of the area spent more time exploring than birds with more experience in the early stages of reproduction. Non-breeding herons and first-year breeders showed little site fidelity. Time budgets appeared to be affected mainly by daily changes in food availability and, for breeding birds, by demands of the brood.  相似文献   

Studying a species under a range of conditions is essential for fully understanding its ecology and for predicting its response to human impacts on the environment. We investigated the spatial behaviour and the habitat characteristics of foraging areas of Eurasian Stone‐curlews breeding in an important but poorly investigated habitat, gravel riverbed, throughout the full 24‐h cycle. The data collected for 17 radiotagged birds nesting in the Taro River Regional Park (Parma, Italy) showed a clear split between diurnal and nocturnal spatial behaviour. Almost all diurnal fixes and about two‐thirds of nocturnal ones were located in the gravel riverbed, which not only provided suitable breeding territories but probably part of the food resources needed for reproduction. Nocturnal excursions from breeding sites to feeding areas (mostly farmland), sometimes of a few kilometres, indicated that these resources do not cover all of the birds’ needs. Night spotlight counts of foraging birds in the agricultural area indicated that Stone‐curlews preferred recently harvested crops (mainly forage and wheat) and piles of farmyard manure. These habitat preferences are closely linked to the predominant agricultural activity of the study area, which is characterized by a high density of dairy farms for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. It seems likely that the proximity of gravel riverbed and farmland habitats is one of the main causes of the high breeding density recorded in the study area. We propose that the conservation of Stone‐curlews at this site could potentially be achieved only by a synergistic management of both natural and agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata is one of the rarest birds of prey in Europe, where it has suffered a significant decline in recent decades. We present information on the home-ranges and spatial parameters of 18 Bonelli's Eagles radiotracked in 2002–2006 in Catalonia (northeast Spain) and describe the home-range probability kernel, distances moved, breeding area eccentricity, territorial overlap, nearest neighbour distance and breeding site fidelity, and assess the influence of sex, breeding status, season and geographical area on these parameters. Median home-range according to the minimum convex polygon (MCP) and 95% kernel were 50.3 and 36.1 km2, respectively. The median breeding area eccentricity was 1477 m. There was considerable overlap in the home-range of both sexes within pairs (MCP: 71.4% and 95% kernel: 98.5%), indicating close pair bonding and similar foraging patterns. Overlap in home-ranges of up to 15% between neighbouring individuals also occurred and was positively related to breeding pair density. There was no difference in spatial parameters between sexes or with breeding status, but during the non-breeding season Eagles had larger home-ranges and stayed further from nests. The high consistency across birds suggests a pattern of spatial use that is characteristic of this species. The high level of use of breeding areas and their surroundings (50% kernel) throughout the year makes it important that these areas be protected from human disturbance. Additionally, it is necessary that heavily used areas away from nesting sites, which are used for foraging and roosting, are identified, protected and managed in a sustainable fashion.  相似文献   

During the chick-rearing period, little auks Alle alle adopt a bimodal foraging strategy, alternating long trips with several short ones. It has been postulated that they reach more remote areas during long feeding trips than during short ones. However, the range of their foraging flights has never actually been measured. The aims of this study were to find the exact location of the little auk feeding grounds and to investigate whether they reach remote areas during long foraging trips using miniature GPS and temperature loggers. The study was conducted in 2009 in Magdalenefjorden (79°34′N, 11°04′E), one of the main breeding grounds of little auks on Spitsbergen. The temperature logger records indicated that during short trips, little auks visit warmer waters (situated close to the colony) than during long ones. The tracks of two GPS-equipped birds indicated that during long trips little auks foraged in the distant, food-abundant marginal sea ice zone, at least 100 km away from the colony. During long trips, birds make several stops at sea, perhaps sampling the foraging area with respect to prey distribution. Since food conditions near the studied colony are usually suboptimal, little auks may be exploiting distant feeding areas to compensate for the poorer-quality food available at nearby foraging grounds. The extended duration of long foraging trips may enable birds to collect food for chicks on food-abundant, remote foraging grounds as well as acquire, process and excrete food needed for self-maintenance, reducing the costs of flight to the colony.  相似文献   

Down feathers and regurgitant were collected from nestling wood storks (Mycteria americana) from two inland and two coastal breeding colonies in Georgia. The stable isotopic ratios of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) in these materials were analyzed to gain insights into the natal origins of juvenile storks and the foraging activities of adults. Down feathers differed in '13C between inland and coastal colonies, having average isotopic values that reflected the sources of carbon fixed in biomass at the base of the food web. Feathers from the inland colonies differed between colonies in '15N, while those from the coastal colonies did not. These patterns primarily reflected the foraging activities of parent storks, with individuals capturing differing percentages of prey of distinct trophic status at each colony. Collectively, the carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of feather keratin were used to distinguish nestlings from each colony, except for instances where storks from different colonies foraged in common wetlands. The stable isotopic composition of food items in regurgitant was used to reconstruct the trophic structure of the ecosystems in which wood storks foraged. Predicted foraging activities based on the isotopic composition of keratin were generally consistent with the percentage of prey types (freshwater vs. saltwater and lower trophic level vs. upper trophic level consumer) observed in regurgitant, except for the coastal colony at St. Simons Island, where the '13C of feathers strongly suggested that freshwater prey were a significant component of the diet. This inconsistency was resolved by aerial tracking of adults during foraging excursions using a fixed-wing aircraft. Observed foraging activities supported interpretations based on the stable isotope content of feathers, suggesting that the latter provided a better record of overall foraging activity than regurgitant analysis alone. Observed foraging patterns were compared to the predictions of a statistical model that determined habitat utilization based on habitat availability using a geographic information system (GIS) database. Observed foraging activities and those predicted from feathers both suggested that some adult storks preferred to feed their young freshwater prey, even when saltwater resources were more accessible in the local environment. This conclusion supports the contention that wood stork populations are sensitive to changes in the distribution of freshwater habitats along the southeastern coastal plain of the United States.  相似文献   

Early arrival at breeding grounds have important fitness consequences for migratory birds, both at individual and population level. The aim of this study was to investigate how the timing of arrival at the breeding territories affects the spatial patterns of reproductive success within a population of white storks (Ciconia ciconia). Data were gathered annually for ca. 200 pairs of storks breeding in central Poland between 1994 and 2011. Geostatistical analysis of data indicated that in years of delayed arrival of the population (measured by the first quartile arrival date), the reproductive output of storks was negatively autocorrelated, which indicated that there was a tendency for pairs of high breeding success to neighbour with pairs of low success. By contrast, in years when first storks returned in early dates to the breeding grounds, their reproductive success did not show any kind of spatial autocorrelation. These results suggest that delayed return of the first-arriving storks of the population may increase intensity of intra-specific competition to the level at which high-quality breeding pairs monopolize most of available resources at the expense of neighbouring low-quality pairs, which have lower reproductive success as a consequence. Such hypothesis was further supported with the analysis of nesting densities, showing that the late-arriving breeding pairs incurred greater fitness costs (or derived lower fitness benefits) while breeding in high densities comparatively to the early-arriving conspecifics.  相似文献   

Numbers of breeding pairs of African Black Oystercatchers showed a highly significant increase at Cape Agulhas over a 24year study period. Mean numbers of fledglings per pair did not increase correspondingly but showed a cyclic tendency, peaking twice, with a slight overall decline. The increase in the frequency of repeat clutches was close to significant. Nest failures were ascribed largely to human disturbance. Indications of increasing public awareness about the sensitivity of breeding oystercatchers were noted as well as increasing adaptability to human presence among some birds, whereas other birds moved their nests further away from this disturbance. In view of the closure of the Overberg coast to recreational vehicles from 20 February 2002 and the relative importance of the area for the conservation of oystercatchers, this long-term study represents an important baseline against which to measure change.  相似文献   

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