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During encystment of Oxytricha fallax, a wall composed of 4 distinct layers, each derived from a different kind of endoplasmic vesicle, is formed between the 2 unit membranes that cover the vegetative cell. Numerous autophagic vacuoles arise in the endoplasm and later (during excystment undergo internal changes comparable to those characteristic of food vacuoles. Mitochondria aggregate into a band. The 2 macronuclei fuse and their nucleoli become homogeneous. Except for the 2 cell membranes, all visible cortical structures, including cilia, kinetosomes, and microtubules, disappear. Despite the absence of visible ciliature in the mature cyst, the various primordia of the normal vegetative ciliature arise during excystment in the same positional relations to one another as is characteristic of developments during cell division.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The cortical infraciliature of Kuklikophrya dragescoi gen. n., sp. n. is composed of double kinetosomes. Each kinetosome has transverse fibers. The anterior transverse fibers are associated with a sheet of dense material and the posterior transverse fibers are directed toward the posterior part of the body. The posterior kinetosome of a pair has only a short protuberance in the position of the kinetosomal fiber. The cortex has a well developed alveolar layer and a thick ecto-endoplasmic boundary. A distinctive characteristic of the buccal ciliature is the circumoral ciliature whose infraciliature is made up of pairs of cilia-bearing kinetosomes. The antero-posterior polarity of the paroral segment is in inverse relationship to that of the remaining ciliature of the organism. The adoral and preoral ciliary organelles consist of 2 rows of kinetosomes, each of which bears postciliary fibers. A frame of nematodesmata surrounds the cytopharynx which is supported by microtubular bands which impart to it a very specific laminated appearance. The “phagoplasm” is formed by “vermicelli”-like vesicles. The micronucleus is found in the perinuclear area of the macronucleus.  相似文献   

RESUME. Deux espèces d'Enteromonas sont observées, provenant, l'une de l'intestin de Triton, l'autre des crottes du Lapin domestique. La cellule piriforme porte un noyau antérieur et 4 flagelles insérts près du pôle ventral du noyau. Le flagelle récurrent (R) est logé dans une dépression ventrale ou cytostome. Les cinétosomes, disposés en une paire antérieure (#1, #2) et une paire postérieure (#3, R), sont liés entre eux par des microfibrilles. Une fibre microtubulaire située au-dessus du noyau est reliée au cinétosome #1. Une autre fibre microtubulaire sous-nucléaire est homologue de la fibre microtubulaire croisée qui existe chez les cellules de Diplozoaires. Le cytostome est bordé par 2 lèvres: la gauche proéminente et armée par plusieurs rangées de microtubules, la droite contenant seulement une mince fibre microtubulaire associée à des microfibrilles. Le cytostome occupe les 2/3 de la face ventrale. Le flagelle récurrent pénètre dans le cytostome puis dépasse l'extrémite de la cellule. Les Bactéries sont phagocytées au fond du cytostome, entre les 2 lèvres distendues. Elles sont digérées dans les nombreuses vacuoles et les corps résiduels sont évacués par rupture de la membrane cellulaire. L'ergastoplasme est concentré près de la périphérie de la cellule. Il n'y a pas de mitochondrie ni d'appareil de Golgi. Dans les kystes observés la cellule plurinucléée est enfermée dans une enveloppe kystique microfibrillaire, les axonèmes sont libres dans le cytoplasme. Les formes diplomonades sont nombreuses et ressemblent aux cellules d'Hexamita, excepté par le cytostome qui est différent. Dans ces formes, les 2 monades sont souvent disposées selon une symétrie axiale binaire mais quelquefois elles sont associées de façon plus anarchique. La cinétide d'Enteromonas est organisée comme celle d'un zoïde de Diplozoaire. Il est possible que le genre Enteromonas soit à l'origine des Diplomonadida et que l'état diplomonadien transitoire chez Enteromonas se soit stabilisé ensuite chez les Diplomonadida. Enteromonas apparaît plus primitif que les autres genres de Diplomonadida aussi nous proposons de créer 2 sous-ordres: celui des Enteromonadina avec le genre Enteromonas et celui des Diplomonadina avec les genres Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Octomitus, Giardia. La disposition des cinétosomes et l'existence du cytostome sont les principaux caractères communs entre Enteromonas et les Retortamonadida, cependant les fibres annexes ne sont pas homologues. Une étude plus complète de la division nucléaire et cellulaire de ces 2 ordres de Zooflagellés est nécessaire pour donner un meilleur schéma évolutif. SYNOPSIS. Fine structure of 2 species of Enteromonas, one from the intestine of the salamander, Triturus vulgaris, and another from the feces of domestic rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculi, is described. The pyriform cell has an anteriorly located nucleus. The 4 flagella originate from an area near the anterior end of the nucleus. The recurrent flagellum (R) is lodged in a ventral depression or cytostome. The kinetosomes, arranged into 2 pairs, anterior (#1, #2) and posterior (#3, R), are interconnected by microfibrils. One microtubular fiber, connected to kinetosome #1, is situated near the anterior surface of the nucleus. Another, subnuclear, microtubular fiber is homologous to the “crossed'’fiber found in Diplozoa. The cytostome is bordered by 2 lips: the preeminent left lip is equipped with several rows of microtubules, while the right lip contains only a thin microtubular fiber associated with microfibrils. The cytostome occupies 2/3 of the ventral surface. The recurrent flagellum passes over the anterior surface of the cell and then comes to lie in the cytostome. The bacteria are phagocytosed in the bottom part of the cytostome between the 2 distended lips. They are digested in numerous vacuoles. The undigested residual bodies are evacuated by a rupture of the cell membrane. The ergastoplasm is concentrated near the cell periphery. Mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus are absent. In the cyst stage, the multinucleate cell is enclosed in a microfibrillar membrane; the axonemes lie free in the cytoplasm. Diplomonad forms of Enteromonas resembling Hexamita are numerous, except that the cytostome is different in these 2 genera. In such forms, the arrangement of the 2 individuals often has binary axial symmetry, but on occasion they are associated in a more anarchic fashion. The mastigont of Enteromonas is organized like that of a single zooid of a diplozoon. It is possible that the genus Enteromonas is ancestral to Diplomonadida and that the diplomonad state, transitory in Enteromonas, became permanently established in Diplomonadida. Enteromonas appears to be more primitive than the other genera of Diplomonadida. Thus we propose 2 suborders: Enteromonadina, subord. nov. with the genus Enteromonas, and Diplomonadina Wenyon, emend., with the genera Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Octomitus, Giardia. The arrangement of the kinetosomes and the existence of a cytostome are the principal characters common to Enteromonas and Retortamonadida, while their “accessory'’fibers are not homologous. A more complete study of division of the 2 zooflagellate orders is necessary for the presentation of a more detailed evolutionary scheme of these groups.  相似文献   

RESUME. Les schizontes de 2 ème génération d'Eimeria necatrix ont étéétudiés au microscope électronique. La différenciation des mérozoïtes est associée à la dernière mitose, qui ne semble pas différer essentiellement des précédentes. Les mérozoïtes se développent à la périphérie du schizonte. Le conoide et 22 microtubules sous pelliculaires, probablement induits par les centrioles, et le complexe membranaire interne ainsi que les précurseurs des rhoptries, qui semblent issus de l'appareil de Golgi, apparaissent auprès de chaque pôle nucléaire, sous la membrane du schizonte. Ces organites sont les premiers inclus dans les ébauches de mérozoïtes. Puis, le noyau, le dictyosome et les vésicules multimembranaires pénètrent dans les futurs mérozoïtes. Les micronèmes, probablement formés par l'appareil de Golgi, et les grains d'amylopectine sont produits plus tard, quand les mérozoïtes se séparent du reliquat cytoplasmique. Le mode de genèse de ces divers organites et les relations entre le dernière mitose et la différenciation sont discutés. SYNOPSIS. Second generation schizonts of Eimeria necatrix were studied with the aid of the electron microscope. Differentiation of daughter merozoites is associated with the last mitosis, which is not significantly different from the earlier ones. The merozoites develop at the periphery of the schizont. The conoid and 22 subpellicular microtubules, probably induced by centrioles, and the inner membranes complex and the rhoptry anlagen which seem to be produced by the Golgi apparatus, appear close to each nuclear pole, just near the schizont membrane. These organelles are the first to appear in the merozoite anlagen. Then, nucleus, dictyosome and multimembranous vesicles enter the budding merozoites. Micronemes, probably originating from Golgi apparatus, and amylopectin granules are produced later, when daughter merozoites separate from the residuum. The genesis of these various organelles and the relation between the last mitosis and differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Cortical events occurring in the course of regeneration in Condylostoma magnum (Spiegel) were studied by electron microscopy. The zone of regeneration is very rich in vacuoles and small vesicles formed from the plasma membrane. Multiplication of kinetosomes starts on the left side of kineties in the V-shaped left ventral area, normally implicated in stomatogenesis, at the level of the anterior kinetosomes of the somatic pairs. The proliferation proceeds by the appearance of young kinetosomes most often orthogonal to the old ones. This process of multiplication is very rapid and terminates in the formation of an “anarchic field” in which one observes that: (a) the newly formed kinetosomes do not possess all the associated postciliary fibers; and (b) when these fibers are detected, the kinetosomes are not in the same orientation. Differentiation of the adoral organelles takes place in the left part of the field (left primordium) by an alignment of the kinetosomes into 2 rows for each organelle (oriented perpendicularly to the antero-posterior axis of the ciliate), of which only one has the postciliary fibers. Ciliatogenesis occurs in numerous kinetosomes of the anarchic field; in certain kinetosomes it is achieved at the onset of their arrangement into organelles and is concomitant with growth of the nematodesmata. The 3rd (anterior) row of the organelles, the interkinetosomal desmata, and connections among neighboring organelles appear only secondarily. Differentiation of the paroral cilia occurs later. It takes place in the interior of the primordium, whose organization is primarily anarchic, and is accompanied by a progressive resorption of the major part of the newly formed kineties. Numerous kinetosomes of the right field have the associated postciliary fibers, which are not found at the level of the regenerated “polystichomonad” (paroral organization characteristic of C. magnum). Finally, the formation of new kinetosomes within a somatic kinety at the time of its elongation is described.  相似文献   

Résumé Le tube digestif des cochenilles se caractérise par la présence d'un dispositif intestinal appelé chambre filtrante. Celle-ci, formée par l'accolement des deux extrêmités de l'intestin moyen, est supposée intervenir dans le transit alimentaire en éliminant par «voie raccourcie» l'eau ingérée en excès, mais ce rôle est resté jusque là hypothétique.Chez Planococcus citri, l'étude cytologique et histochimique révèle des caractères propres aux parties de l'intestin moyen participant à la réalisation de ce dispositif. Ces caractères suggèrent une fonction particulière qui peut être liée à un mouvement de l'eau. Les cellules sont de taille très réduite. Par endroits, des différences ultrastructurales s'observent entre les deux anses accolées (présence de vacuoles et d'espaces extracellulaires développés). Les cellules non modifiées de l'anse de départ présentent un caractère morphologique particulier, le système d'espaces intercellulaires et un caractère histochimique dominant, l'importante quantité de glycogène. Les cellules non modifiées de l'anse de retour présentent une structure inhabituelle, les «expansions tubulaires» associées aux microvillosités. En absence du «plasmalemma mitochondrial complex» le passage de l'eau se ferait par osmose dans deux directions: d'une part à travers les épithéliums amincis, d'autre part par le réseau d'espaces intercellulaires.
Studies on the filter-chamber of Planococcus citri risso (Insecta, Homoptera)Histochemistry and ultrastructure
Summary The digestive tract of the coccids is characterized by the presence of a filter chamber formed by the apposition of the two extremities of the midgut. It is supposed that the filter chamber plays a role in the elimination of excess water by a short circuit but this assumption is still hypothetical.In Planococcus citri, cytological and histochemical studies have revealed structural peculiarities in those parts of the midgut which participate in the organization of the filter chamber, which suggest a particular function. The cells are highly reduced in size. In certain regions ultrastructural differences exist between the two apposed extremities of the midgut such as the presence of a vacuole and of highly developed extra-cellular spaces. These features may be related to water transport. The conventional cells of the proximal end of the midgut show the presence of a system of intercellular spaces and are very rich in glycogen. The conventional cells of the distal end of the midgut possess extracellular microtubules associated with the microvilli. In absence of a plasmalemma mitochondrial complex the transport of water could occur by osmosis across the thinned epithelium and the network of intercellular spaces.
Cet article recouvre en partie le travail d'une thèse de Docteur-Ingénieur soutenue à l'Université Paris VI en 1972.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ultrastructural changes occurring during encystment of Acanthamoeba palestinensis have been investigated. The cyst wall consists of endocyst and exocyst, both having the same fine structure. At irregular intervals in the cyst wall ostioles occupied by opercula are present. The nuclear membrane forms bulb-shaped projections and releases vesicles bounded by double membranes into the cytoplasm. Dense nucleolus-like bodies of different sizes and variable numbers are found in the nucleus of every cyst. The importance of the cyst structure as a taxonomic criterion is discussed.  相似文献   

L'infraciliature ventrale est presque entièrement détruite lors de la conjugaison: la totalité des structures buccales, tous les cirres fronto-ventraux et transversaux, certains cirres caudaux. Le retour à l'état végétatif s'effectue en 2 étapes. Première Etape.–Différenciation d'un nouvel ensemble de cirres, dépourvu du cirre 1/I (selon la nomenclature de Wallengren); néoformation, à partir d'une ébauche située sur le territoire présomptif du cirre manquant, d'une partie des structures buccales (la moitié antérieure de la frange adorale de membranelles). Deuxième Etape.–Remplacement de tous les cirres par un nouvel ensemble comportant le cirre 1/I; différenciation des structures buccales manquantes (moitié postérieure de la frange adorale, ciliature parorale) Les rapports morphogénétiques entre le cirre 1/I et la ciliature parorale suggèrent que le territoire de ce “cirre paroral” est homologue des territoires stomatogènes d'autres Hypotriches tels que Kahliella et Stylonychia. SYNOPSIS. During conjugation of Euplotes, the ventral ciliature, including the entire oral apparatus, all the fronto-ventral and transverse cirri, and some of the caudal cirri, is nearly completely lost. As followed in silver-stained preparations, the redifferentiation of the ciliature proceeds in 2 steps. The first step entails differentiation of a new complement of cirri, except for cirrus 1/I (according to the nomenclature of Wallengren), and neoformation of the anterior part of the adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) from a primordium located in an area that would be expected to give rise to the missing 1/I cirrus. The 2nd step involves replacement of all the cirri, including 1/I, and completion of the oral apparatus by redifferentiation of the posterior half of the AZM and of the paroral ciliature. The spatial morphogenetic relationships between cirrus 1/I and the paroral ciliature suggest that the area of this “paroral cirrus” is homologous with the stomatogenic areas of other Hypotrichida, such as Kahliella and Stylonychia.  相似文献   

Dixon K.E. and Colton M. 1978. The formation of the cyst wall of the metacercaria of Cloacitrema narrabeenensis (Howell &; Bearup, 1967) (Digenea: Philophthalmidae). International Journal for Parasitology8: 491–499. The cercaria of Cloacitrema narrabeenensis contains six different types of cystogenic cells which were distinguished on the basis of their position, ultrastructure and chemical composition. Four of the different types secrete carbohydrate-protein complexes and the other two protein granules. Early in development, the cercaria is bounded by a flattened, cellular envelope which contains a few mitochondria but lacks cytoplasmic ground substance and a nucleus. Later in development, this envelope is lost, shortly after a new cellular covering forms at the surface. The nuclei are later lost from this layer and it is suggested that they sink inwards, thus forming a cercarial tegument. The products of the cystogenic cells are gradually discharged through pseudopodial-like connections with the surface layer of the cercarial tegument to form the metacercarial cyst wall. The sequence of secretion is controlled so that the separate layers of the cyst wall are formed in their correct order.  相似文献   

RESUME. L'individualisation de 2 spores bicellulaires à partir d'un měme pansporoblaste caractérise la sporulation du parasite de l'Amphipode Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas) précédemment décrit sous le nom de Marteilia sp. Cette sporulation le distingue des espèces du měme genre parasite d'Hutres qui sont toutes caractérisées par la production de spores tricellulaires. Les conditions semblables dans lesquelles les pansporoblastes paraissent se differencier à partir d'une cellule souche dans laquelle ils poursuivent leur évolution vers la sporogenèse ainsi que divers caractères cytologiques communs, nous incitent à maintenir tous ces parasites dans une měme famille mais à placer celui de l'Amphipode dans un genre différent. Nous proposons de le nommer Paramarteilia orchestiae gen. n., sp. n.
Ces parasites ne peuvent ětre maintenus dans les Protozoaires en raison de leur évolution vers la pluricellularité et de l'individualisation de ces éléments somatiques que représentent la cellule souche primaire, les pansporoblastes et cellules sporales (à l'exception des sporoplasmes). Il semble logique de les inclure dans l'embranchement des Myxozoaires créé par Grassé pour les Myxosporidies et Actinomyxidies qui différencient également des spores pluricellulaires et des éléments somatiques. Les centrioles à 9 singlets de P. orchestiae ainsi que les cellules primaires uninucléées, quel que soit le nombre de pansporoblastes qu'elles contiennent, peuvent ětre considérés comme des caractères résiduels d'Unicellulaires.  相似文献   

Close to 100% encystment efficiency and a yield above 105 cysts·mL ? 1 were routinely achieved in full strength f/2 medium‐based batch cultures (883 μM NO3 ? and 36 μM PO4 ? 3) of the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella cf. lachrymosa Lewis. Increases in cell density led to nutrient depletion in this enriched medium, which was the most likely cause for initiation of cyst formation. Lowering the concentration of either nutrient to 1/10 the initial levels decreased the encystment efficiency, whereas use of ammonium as the N source resulted in both low cell yield and low encystment efficiency. The mandatory dormancy period was ca. 60 days and was not affected by cold dark storage of the cysts. Cysts produced in the initial phase of sexual reproduction were relatively large (length 47 μm, width 31 μm) with a heavy calcareous cover. Cysts produced thereafter lacked apparent calcareous cover and were smaller (length 29 μm, width 19 μm). The decrease of cyst volume (by a factor of 0.24–0.4) suggested strong resource limitation during the course of encystment. However, after the mandatory dormancy period, germination success of the smaller cysts was higher (80%), compared with the larger cysts that had been produced initially (50%). Germling survival (74%) was independent of cyst type but was enhanced by higher nutrient concentration during incubation. The ratio of initial nutrient concentration in the medium to the cyst yield was used as a proxy to estimate the cellular nutrient quota. The conservative estimates of 9 pmol N·cyst ? 1 and 0.4 pmol P·cyst ? 1 obtained in this manner are at the low end of the range of previous published estimates for other dinoflagellate cysts. Given the high encystment observed in laboratory experiments, we have no reason to assume an inherently lower encystment success in dinoflagellate field populations. Our results do not challenge the low nutrient paradigm for dinoflagellate sexuality. We believe that the high encystment success and cyst yield of this particular species is at least partly due to its ability to achieve very high cell densities in cultures, which evidently leads to nutrient depletion even in f/2 medium.  相似文献   

Discriminating Approach of Various Microplanktonic-stage Contributions to Whole ETS Measurements in Sea-water Samples. a. Phytoplankton Data obtained from algal cell cultures were applied to various sea water samples in order to estimate the specific contribution of phytoplanktonic organisms to whole ETS (electron transport system) measurements of these samples which have been collected at eleven stations in the northwest Mediterranean Sea. When the phytoplankton ETS contributions were quantified by cell enumerations or by other indirect-biomass-indicator measurements, the results are in good accordance to the recorded ETS measurement values of the sample. More specific of the phytoplankton stage is the index used for such an estimation (as chlorophyll a), and better is the relationship between both estimated and measured ETS values.  相似文献   


The integument of the leech Hirudo medicinalis is mainly composed of a single layer of cuticle-secreting epidermal cells. The cuticle is made up of collagen fibers which support a layer of membrane-bound epicuticular projections.

Shedding of the old cuticle is preceded by the formation of a new cuticle. The epicuticular projections are the first to develop: they originate from the tips of numerous microvilli of the epidermal cells. As soon as it appears, the newly-formed collagen layer is firmly attached to the epidermal cells by numerous hemidesmo-somes, whereas the old cuticle is no longer connected with the epidermal surface. The epidermal cells exhibit marked characteristics of secretory activity during the laying down of the new cuticle.

The observations are discussed in connexion with recent findings of high ecdysteroid levels in leeches at the beginning of the molting cycle.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes associated with the encystment of Schizopyrenus russelli have been studied by electron microscopy. Before encystment small “black bodies” appear in the cytoplasm and later migrate toward the periphery. The outer cyst wall is secreted at this stage as a thin discontinuous layer which thickens and subsequently becomes continuous. Concomitant with this, the endoplasmic reticulum surrounds the mitochondria. The inner cyst wall later appears as a multilayered structure which presumably is cast off from the plasma membrane. Between the inner and outer layers of the cyst wall, there is a middle, less electron-dense layer wherein extruded cytoplasmic material is found embedded at certain places.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Experimentally induced precystic stages and mature cysts from 3 clones of Tetrahymena rostrata were examined by light and electron microscopy. It was demonstrated by cytochemical staining and fine-structural observations that precystic stages release mucocyst material that provides for the production of a cyst wall. Early and late cysts also contain numerous autophagous vacuoles. In late cysts there is a replacement of depleted mucocyst organelles. The developmental evidence obtained from sampling of sequential developmental stages suggests an ~24-h timetable of cytoplasmic events associated with encystment in this organism.  相似文献   

RÉSUMÉ. Une nouvelle microsporidie, Ormieresia carcini gen. n., sp. n., est trouvée dans Carcinus mediterraneus Czerniavsky, 1884. Son évolution et ses ultrastructures sont étudiees.
Le cycle débute par un méronte limité par une membrane unitaire et possédant un diplocaryon. Toute la sporogonie se déroule dans la musculature de l'höte. Les stades sporogoniaux sont enveloppés dans une membrane pansporoblastique persistante. Dans chaque pansporoblaste, la sporoblastogenése (donnant naissance à 8 sporoblastes) est particulière; un plasmode sporogonial octonucléé manque. Au cours des divisions schizogoniques et sporogoniques, chaque centre cinétique est formé de 2 plaques, une incluse dans l'enveloppe nucléaire, l'autre occupant une position extranucléaire. Les sporontes en division et les sporoblastes sécrètent des substances métaboliques (granules, tubes) qui sont déposées dans l'espace pansporoblastique.
La spore uninucléée est longue et cylindrique (19,1 × 2,4 μm). Un manubrium rectiligne traverse la spore. Son extrémité postérieure se rétrécit brusquement en un filament polaire décrlvant 4 ou 5 tours de spire. L'extrémité antérieure du manubrium est attachée au capuchon polaire lui-même comprimé par un double anneau. La partie antérieure du manubrium est entourée par un polaroplaste formé d'une zone spongieuse et d'une zone lamellaire.  相似文献   

Résumé Les corpora cardiaca de l'adulte de Locusta migratoria sont formés de deux régions bien individualisées ce qui nous a permis de reconnaître la sécrétion propre des différents types de neurosécrétion. Dans la région nerveuse, nous distinguons par la taille des grains trois types de neurosécrétion dense classique et un quatrième type d'aspect clair. Dans la région »propre« non nerveuse, les cellules ont des caractères nettement endocriniens et sont mélangées à un seul type d'axones neurosécréteurs.
Ultrastructural study of the corpora cardiaca and affiliated structures in Locusta migratoria L.
Summary The corpora cardiaca of adult Locusta migratoria consist of two well separated areas, a fact which permits the differentiation between intrinsic and extrinsic neurosecretory material. In the neural area three types of electron dense classical neurosecretory granules, and a fourth more lucent type can be distinguished according to size. In the non-neural glandular area typical endocrine cells mingle with only one type of neurosecretory axons.

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