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The fast fluorescence decay kinetics of two photosynthetic mutants of corn (Zea mays) have been compared with those of normal corn. The fluorescence of normal corn can be resolved into three exponential decay components of lifetime 900–1500 ps (slow), 300–500 ps (middle) and 50–120 ps (fast), the yields of which are affected by light intensity and Mg2+ levels. The Photosystem II-(PS II)-defective mutant hcf-3 has similar decay lifetimes (approx. 1200, 450 and 100 ps) but is not affected by light intensity, reflecting the absence of PS II charge recombination. However, yields do respond to Mg2+ in a fashion typical of normal corn, which may be correlated with the presence of normal levels of light-harvesting chlorophyll a + b complex (LHCP). The PS I mutant hcf-50 also shows three-component decay kinetics. In conjunction with the results on the LHCP-deficient mutant of barley presented in a recent paper (Karukstis, K.K. and Sauer, K. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 766, 148–155), these data suggest that the slow component of normal chloroplasts is kinetically controlled by the decay processes of the LHCP and that the energy comes from one of two sources: (a) charge recombination in the reaction centre or (b) energy transferred within or between LHCP units only. The fast component appears to originate from both PS I and PS II. The complex response of the middle component to cations and light intensity, and its presence in all of the mutants, suggests that it also may have multiple origins.  相似文献   

We analysed the changes of the chlorophyll (Chl)a fluorescence rise kinetic (from 50 s to 1 s) that occur when leaves or chloroplasts of pea ( Pisum sativum L.) are incubated under anaerobic conditions in the dark. In control leaves, Chl a fluorescence followed a typical O-J-I-P polyphasic rise [Strasser et al. (1995) Photochem Photobiol 61: 32–42]. Anaerobiosis modified the shape of the transient with the main effect being a time-dependent increase in the fluorescence yield at the J-step (2 ms). Upon prolongation of the anaerobic treatment (> 60 min), the O-J-I-P fluorescence rise was eventually transformed to an O-J (J = P) rise. A similar transformation was observed when pea leaves were treated with DCMU or sodium dithionite. Anaerobiosis resulted in a 10–20% reduction in the maximum quantum yield of the primary photochemistry of Photosystem II, as measured by the ratio of the maximal values of variable and total fluorescence (FV/FM). When the leaves were returned to the air in the dark, the shape of the fluorescence transient showed a time-dependent recovery from the anaerobiosis-induced change. The original O-J-I-P shape could also be restored by illuminating the anaerobically treated samples with far-red light but not with blue or white light. Osmotically broken chloroplasts displayed under anaerobic conditions fluorescence transients similar to those observed in anaerobically treated leaves, but only when they were incubated in a medium comprising reduced pyridine nucleotides (NADPH or NADH). As in intact leaves, illumination of the anaerobically treated chloroplasts by far-red light restored the original O-J-I-P transient, although only in the presence of methyl viologen. The results provide additional evidence for the existence of a chlororespiratory pathway in higher plant cells. Furthermore, they suggest that the J-level of the fluorescence transient is strongly determined by the redox state of the electron carriers at the PS II acceptor side.  相似文献   

The features of the two types of short-term light-adaptations of photosynthetic apparatus, State 1/State 2 transitions, and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching of phycobilisomes (PBS) by orange carotene-protein (OCP) were compared in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wild type, CK pigment mutant lacking phycocyanin, and PAL mutant totally devoid of phycobiliproteins. The permanent presence of PBS-specific peaks in the in situ action spectra of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII), as well as in the 77 K fluorescence excitation spectra for chlorophyll emission at 690 nm (PSII) and 725 nm (PSI) showed that PBS are constitutive antenna complexes of both photosystems. The mutant strains compensated the lack of phycobiliproteins by higher PSII content and by intensification of photosynthetic linear electron transfer. The detectable changes of energy migration from PBS to the PSI and PSII in the Synechocystis wild type and the CK mutant in State 1 and State 2 according to the fluorescence excitation spectra measurements were not registered. The constant level of fluorescence emission of PSI during State 1/State 2 transitions and simultaneous increase of chlorophyll fluorescence emission of PSII in State 1 in Synechocystis PAL mutant allowed to propose that spillover is an unlikely mechanism of state transitions. Blue–green light absorbed by OCP diminished the rout of energy from PBS to PSI while energy migration from PBS to PSII was less influenced. Therefore, the main role of OCP-induced quenching of PBS is the limitation of PSI activity and cyclic electron transport under relatively high light conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the CN-induced apoptosis of guard cells in epidermal peels isolated from pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. This process was considerably stimulated by illumination and suppressed by the herbicides DCMU (an inhibitor of the electron transfer between quinones QA and QB in PS II) and methyl viologen (an electron acceptor from PS I). These data favor the conclusion drawn by us earlier that chloroplasts are involved in the apoptosis of guard cells. Pea mutants with impaired PS I (Chl-5), PS II (Chl-I), and PS II + PS I (Xa-17) were tested. Their lesions were confirmed by the ESR spectra of Signal I (oxidized PS I reaction centers) and Signal II (oxidized tyrosine residue YD in PS II). Destruction of nuclei (a symptom of apoptosis) and their consecutive disappearance in guard cells were brought about by CN in all the three mutants and in the normal pea plants. These results indicate that the light-induced enhancement of apoptosis of guard cells and its removal by DCMU are associated with PS II function. The effect of methyl viologen preventing CN-induced apoptosis in wild-type plants was removed or considerably decreased upon the impairment of the PS II and/or PS I activity.  相似文献   

Analyses of chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics from DCMU-poisoned thylakoids were used to examine the contribution of the light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex (LHCP) to Photosystem II (PS II) heterogeneity. Thylakoids excited with 450 nm radiation exhibited fluorescence induction kinetics characteristic of major contributions from both PS IIα and PS IIβ centres. On excitation at 550 nm the major contribution was from PS IIβ centres, that from PS IIα centres was only minimal. Mg2+ depletion had negligible effect on the induction kinetics of thylakoids excited with 550 nm radiation, however, as expected, with 450 nm excitation a loss of the PS IIα component was observed. Thylakoids from a chlorophyll-b-less barley mutant exhibited similar induction kinetics with 450 and 550 nm excitation, which were characteristic of PS IIβ centres being the major contributors; the PS IIα contribution was minimal. The fluorescence induction kinetics of wheat thylakoids at two different developmental stages, which exhibited different amounts of thylakoid appression but similar chlorophyll ratios and thus similar PS II:LHCP ratios, showed no appreciable differences in the relative contributions of PS IIα and PS IIβ centres. Mg2+ depletion had similar effects on the two thylakoid preparations. These data lead to the conclusion that it is the PS II:LHCP ratio, and probably not thylakoid appression, that is the major determinant of the relative contributions of PS IIα and PS IIβ to the fluorescence induction kinetics. PS IIα characteristics are produced by LHCP association with PS II, whereas PS IIβ characteristic can be generated by either disconnecting LHCP from PS II or by preferentially exciting PS II relative to LHCP.  相似文献   

Angiosperms are divided into two distinct classes—the dicotyledons (dicots) and monocotyledons (monocots)—based in part on the number of cotyledons in mature embryos. In this paper, we describe single‐cotyledon pea mutants, termed sic (single cotyledon), all of which show a degree of fusion between the cotyledons. The fusion in sic1 is along the margin of one cotyledon and is less complete than in sic2 embryos, but the effects of the mutations are additive in the double mutant. Occasionally sic2 mutants will show fusion of the two cotyledons into one cylindrical embryo in which the shoot apex becomes surrounded by the cotyledons. Both sic1 and sic2 mutants produce fertile plants. In the sic3 embryo, a single cotyledon is generated under the shoot apex that breaks the vascular connection between root and shoot, causing embryo lethality. The pattern of cotyledon development in all these mutants is identified by in situ mRNA hybridization and antibody labeling, using the storage protein vicilin as a cotyledon‐specific marker. These patterns indicate that the joining of the cotyledons was due to zonal growth. The results indicate that there are genes in pea that influence the positioning and the morphology of the cotyledon. A model for cotyledon development in pea is proposed that is based on the regulation of the positioning of cell clusters by the sic genes. Dev. Genet. 25:11–22, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In conventional photosystem II preparation high amounts of Cu are found. After fractionation by centrifugation, Cu can be completely removed from photosystem II without affecting either its photosynthetic activity or the composition of its specific proteins. We could demonstrate that the Cu was associated with nuclear contaminants in the starch fraction. Among the contaminants, several histones were identified by specific antisera and by N-terminal sequencing. In order to obtain homogeneous BBY preparations of PSII a procedure is employed that involves a 10000 g centrifugation step and which eliminates non-specifically bound metals, nucleic acids and histones with the starch pellet. The resulting starch-free BBY (BBYs-), which is free of these nuclear contaminants, is an appropriate preparation for biophysical studies or for those of metal interactions with PSII.  相似文献   

Recipient of the Society Award for Young Scientists 1991.  相似文献   

The functional organizations of thylakoid membranes from wild type pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Kapital) and two viable mutants with low chlorophyll (Chl) contents were compared. Nuclear mutations in mutants 7 and 42 led to two- and three-fold decrease in total chlorophyll content, respectively. In spite of low Chl content mutants showed 80% photosynthetic activity, biological productivity, and seed production. It has been shown that mutant membranes differed from that of wild type by Chl distribution between the pigment-protein complexes and by stoichiometry of the main electrontransport complexes. The ratio photosystem I (PSI): photosystem II (PSII): cytochrome (Cyt) bjf complex: Chl was 1:1.1:1.2:650 in wild type chloroplasts, 1:1.8:1.7:600 in mutant 7 , and 1:1.5:1.9:350 in mutant 42 . PSI- and PSII-dependent electron-transport activities were enhanced in the mutants per mg Chl in proportion to number of reaction centers. The activity of the non-cyclic electron-transport chain increased in proportion to PSII and Cyt bjf complexes. The amount of ATP synthetase per unit of Chl as estimated by HATPase activity was much greater in mutant thylakoids, which is favorable for photosynthetic energy transduction. The low content of the light-harvesting complexes (LHC) in mutants is compensated by an increase of the number of PSII and Cyt bjf complexes, which eliminates the bottleneck at the site of plastoquinone oxidation.  相似文献   

The minor light-harvesting complexes CP24, CP26, and CP29 have been proposed to play a key role in the zeaxanthin (Zx)-dependent high light-induced regulation (NPQ) of excitation energy in higher plants. To characterize the detailed roles of these minor complexes in NPQ and to determine their specific quenching effects we have studied the ultrafast fluorescence kinetics in knockout (ko) mutants koCP26, koCP29, and the double mutant koCP24/CP26. The data provide detailed insight into the quenching processes and the reorganization of the Photosystem (PS) II supercomplex under quenching conditions. All genotypes showed two NPQ quenching sites. Quenching site Q1 is formed by a light-induced functional detachment of parts of the PSII supercomplex and a pronounced quenching of the detached antenna parts. The antenna remaining bound to the PSII core was also quenched substantially in all genotypes under NPQ conditions (quenching site Q2) as compared with the dark-adapted state. The latter quenching was about equally strong in koCP26 and the koCP24/CP26 mutants as in the WT. Q2 quenching was substantially reduced, however, in koCP29 mutants suggesting a key role for CP29 in the total NPQ. The observed quenching effects in the knockout mutants are complicated by the fact that other minor antenna complexes do compensate in part for the lack of the CP24 and/or CP29 complexes. Their lack also causes some LHCII dissociation already in the dark.  相似文献   

Analyses of chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics from DCMU-poisoned thylakoids were used to examine the contribution of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex (LHCP) to Photosystem II (PS II) heterogeneity. Thylakoids excited with 450 nm radiation exhibited fluorescence induction kinetics characteristic of major contributions from both PS II and PS IIβ centres. On excitation at 550 nm the major contribution was from PS IIβ centres, that from PS II centres was only minimal. Mg2+ depletion had negligible effect on the induction kinetics of thylakoids excited with 550 nm radiation, however, as expected, with 450 nm excitation a loss of the PS II component was observed. Thylakoids from a chlorophyll-b-less barley mutant exhibited similar induction kinetics with 450 and 550 nm excitation, which were characteristic of PS IIβ centres being the major contributors; the PS II contribution was minimal. The fluorescence induction kinetics of wheat thylakoids at two different developmental stages, which exhibited different amounts of thylakoid appression but similar chlorophyll a/b ratios and thus similar PS II:LHCP ratios, showed no appreciable differences in the relative contributions of PS II and PS IIβ centres. Mg2+ depletion had similar effects on the two thylakoid preparations. These data lead to the conclusion that it is the PS II:LHCP ratio, and probably not thylakoid appression, that is the major determinant of the relative contributions of PS II and PS IIβ to the fluorescence induction kinetics. PS II characteristics are produced by LHCP association with PS II, whereas PS IIβ characteristic can be generated by either disconnecting LHCP from PS II or by preferentially exciting PS II relative to LHCP.  相似文献   

The comparative study of shoot and root growth was carried out, and the level of ABA therein determined in the mutant af and tl and wild-type isogenic lines of pea. The recessive af mutation transformed the leaflets into tendrils, and the tl mutation transformed the tendrils into leaflets. These mutations did not affect the length and number of internodes. In all plants, the level of ABA in the leaves was 3–10 times greater than in the roots, and in the course of vegetative growth it rose in both organs. An increase in the shoot area of tl mutant did not change the dry weight of underground and above-ground parts; therefore, the ratio shoot/root in the mutant was identical to that in the wild-type plants. The maintenance of shoot dry weight in the tl mutant at the level of wild-type plant while its area considerably increased was accounted for by a decrease in the thickness of the leaflet and stipule blades. The level of ABA in the stipules of mutant plants was greater than in the wild-type plants. A decrease in the shoot area in the af mutant brought about a decline in its dry weight; however, the ratio root/shoot was maintained at the wild-type level due to a reduced accumulation of dry weight by the root. The level of ABA in the roots of the af mutant was twice greater than in the leafy forms. ABA was assumed to participate in the control over the root growth exerted by the shoot. The absence of leaflets in the af plants was partially compensated for by expanding stipules. The level of ABA therein was three times higher than in the plants of wild type and comparable with the level in the leaflets of the tl mutant and in the wild-type plants. The role of ABA in the growth and final size of leaf blades is discussed.  相似文献   

G. Duc  A. Messager   《Plant science》1989,60(2):207-213
Pea mutants for nodulation have been obtained by treating seeds with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) followed by 2 screening procedures. In one, mutants resistant to nodulation (nod), or with ineffective nodules (nod+, fix) were obtained, whilst in the other 4 hypernodulated mutants (nod++) with 5–10 times more nodules than cv. Frisson and expressing a character of nitrate tolerant symbiosis (nts) were discovered. All mutations are under the control of single recessive genes. (nod), (nod+, fix) and (nod++, nts) mutations result from mutation events at 6, 7 and 1 different loci respectively.

Grafting experiments showed the (nod) and (nod+, fix) phenotypes are associated with the root genotypes and that (nod++, nts) phenotype is associated with the shoot genotype.  相似文献   

Photoinduced changes in the redox state of photosystem I (PSI) primary donor, chlorophyll P700 were studied by measuring differential absorbance changes of pea leaves at 810 nm minus 870 nm (ΔA 810). The kinetics of ΔA 810 induced by 5-s pulses of white light were strongly affected by preillumination. In dark-adapted leaves, the light pulse caused a transient oxidation of P700 and its subsequent reduction. An identical pulse, applied after 30-s preillumination with white light, induced sequential appearance of two peaks of P700 oxidation. These kinetic differences of ΔA 810 reflect regulatory changes of electron flow on the donor and acceptor sides of PSI induced by illumination of leaf for 20–40 s. The amplitude of ΔA 810 second peak depended nonmonotonically on the dark interval preceding illumination: it increased with the length of dark period in the range 3–10 s and decreased upon longer dark intervals. The second wave of ΔA 810 disappeared after the treatment with combination of ionophores preventing ΔpH and electric potential formation at the thylakoid membrane. In leaves treated with monensin eliminating ΔpH only, the ΔA 810 signals become incompletely reversible and were characterized by slow relaxation in darkness. The results indicate an important role of electrochemical proton gradient in generation of the second wave of light-induced P700 oxidation.  相似文献   

The picture presently emerging from studies on the mechanism of photosystem II electron transport is discussed. The reactions involved in excitation trapping, charge separation and stabilization of the charge pair in the reaction center, followed by the reactions with the substrates, plastoquinone reduction and water oxidation, are described successively. Finally, a brief discussion on photosystem II heterogeneity is presented.  相似文献   

Sites of photoinhibition and photo-oxidative damage to the photosynthetic electrontransport system of the unicellular cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa were identified by studies of the kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence induction by whole cells at room temperature and from partial photosynthetic electron-transport reactions in vitro in thylakoid preparations. Chlorophyll fluorescence intensity decreased following photoinhibitory light treatment. This was attributed to decreases both in the activity of photosystem II and in electron flow through the primary electron acceptor, Q. This inhibition was only partially reversed over a 50-min dark recovery period. Partial photosynthetic electron-transport experiments in vitro demonstrated that photosystem I was not affected by the photoinhibitory treatment. Light damage was associated exclusively with the light reactions, of photosystem II, at a site close to the reaction centre, between the site where diphenylcarbazide can donate electrons and the site where silicomolybdate can accept electrons. This damage presumably reduced production of ATP by noncyclic photophosphorylation and production of NADPH by photosystem I, decreasing the availability of these co-factors for reducing CO2 in the dark reactions of photosynthesis. The importance of these findings is discussed.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DPC diphenylcarbazide - PSI photosystem I - PSH photosystem II  相似文献   

Absorption and low temperature fluorescence emission spectra were measured on chloroplast thylakoids and on purified reaction center chlorophyll a-protein complexes of photosystem I, CP-a1. A clear association between the presence of ß-carotene and the occurrence of far red absorbing and emitting chlorophyll a components of the reaction center antennae of photosystem I was demonstrated. For this study chloroplasts and CP-a1 were obtained from normal and carotenoid deficient plant material of various sources. The experimental material included 1) lyophilized pea chloroplasts extracted with petroleum ether, 2) the carotenoid deficient mutant C-6E of Scenedesmus obliquus and 3) wheat chloroplasts derived from normal and SAN-9789 treated plants. Removal of carotenoids, most likely principally ß-carotene, caused a loss of long wavelength absorbing chlorophylls in chloroplasts and purified CP-a1, and the loss or diminution of the long wavelength peak seen in the low temperature fluorescence emission spectrum. This association between ß-carotene and special chlorophyll a forms may explain both the photoprotective and antenna functions ascribed to ß-carotene. In the absence of carotenoids in wheat and in the Scenedesmus mutant, the chlorophyll a antenna of photosystem I was extremely photosensitive. A triplet-triplet resonance energy transfer from chlorophyll a to ß-carotene and a singlet-singlet energy transfer from excited ß-carotene to chlorophyll would explain the photoprotective and antenna functions, respectively. The role of this association in determining some of the fluorescence properties of photosystem I is also discussed.  相似文献   

The abundance of photosystem II in chloroplast thylakoid membranes has been a contentious issue because different techniques give quite different estimates of photosystem II titer. This discrepancy led in turn to disagreements regarding the stoichiometry of photosystem II to photosystem I in these membranes. We believe that the discrepancy in photosystem II quantitation is resolved by evidence which shows that a large population of photosystem II centers with negligible turnover rates are present in isolated thylakoid membranes as well as in normally developed leaves of healthy plants.  相似文献   

Accumulation of reduced pheophytin a (Pheo-D1) in photosystem II reaction center (PSII RC) under illumination at low redox potential is accompanied by changes in absorbance and circular dichroism spectra. The temperature dependences of these spectral changes have the potential to distinguish between changes caused by the excitonic interaction and temperature-dependent processes. We observed a conformational change in the PSII RC protein part and changes in the spatial positions of the PSII RC pigments of the active D1 branch upon reduction of Pheo-D1 only in the case of high temperature (298 K) dynamics. The resulting absorption difference spectra of PSII RC models equilibrated at temperatures of 77 K and 298 K were highly consistent with our previous experiments in which light-induced bleaching of the PSII RC absorbance spectrum was observable only at 298 K. These results support our previous hypothesis that Pheo-D1 does not interact excitonically with the other chlorins of the PSII RC, since the reduced form of Pheo-D1 causes absorption spectra bleaching only due to temperature-dependent processes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Michal KutyEmail:

Lyophilized chloroplasts of Pisum sativum (pea) have been extracted with petroleum ether of different polarity (obtained by adding varying amounts of ethanol to the petroleum ether). Extracted thylakoids have then been solubilized by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and chlorophyll-protein complexes have been isolated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Absorption- and low temperature fluorescence emission spectro-scopy have been used to characterize thylakoids and purified chlorophyll-protein complexes. Weakly polar solvents extracted mainly chlorophyll a. SDS-PAGE scan profiles of similarly extracted thylakoids contained no photosystem II chlorophyll a reaction center antennae (CP-an) and the amount of photosystem I chlorophyll a reaction center antennae (CP-a1) was reduced as compared with an unextracted control. This was due partly to the extraction of chlorophyll a prior to SDS-PAGE, and partly to the increased solubilization of chlorophyll a by SDS as a result of β-carotene extraction. By increasing the polarity of the solvent CP-a1 also disappeared in the scan profile, leaving only the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complex (CP-a/b) and SDS complexed chlorophyll. From these results we conclude that the chlorophyll molecules in the reaction center antennae are relatively more hydrophobically associated than the molecules in the light-harvesting CP-a/b complex. The chlorophyll a of CP-au and the far red absorbing chlorophyll a fraction of CP-a1 appear to be the most hydrophobically associated chlorophyll molecules.  相似文献   

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