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By priming female C57BL/6 mice with syngeneic male spleen cells and enriching inguinal and paraaortic lymph node cells in long-term culture (LTC) by repeated restimulations, H-Y-specific T helper cells can be produced. In response to male spleen cells carrying I-Ab antigens these cells activate antigenexpressing B cells to secrete polyclonal antibody. Before the end of the second week in LTC it was impossible to detect any helper activity. Induction of plaque-forming cells (PFC) also requires simultaneous recognition of antigen and I-A-encoded determinants in the stimulator-responder spleen-cell population. The testing of spleen cells fromH-2 recombinant strains as stimulator-responders to anti-H-Y helper T cells of C57BL/6 origin also revealed that other genes, telomeric toI-A, control the magnitude of both specific T-cell proliferation and helper-dependent B-cell activation.  相似文献   

Early and late primary IgM antibody responses of mice to Thy-1.1 antigens showed different antigenic and cellular requirements. We studied genetic controls of the early primary responses, which could be induced by subcellular thymocyte antigens independently of host T-cell activity. All Thy-1.2 mouse strains of Igh a(BALB/c and BC8), Igh-V aCb(BAB14), Igh d(AKR/Cum), Igh j(CBA/J, C3H/HeN, C3H.SW, and C3H.JK), and Igh n(NZB) definitely responded early to Thy-1.1 antigens from AKR/J (Igh d), A.Thy-1.1 (Igh e), or B10.Thy-1.1 (Igh b) mice or SD rats, whereas all strains of Igh b(C57BL/6, C57BL/10, B10.D2, B10.BR, B10.A, CB20 and CWB), Igh c(DBA/2), Igh e(A/J), and Igh o(C.AL20) responded poorly to the same antigens. This contrasts with the observation that both strains of Igh j(C3H/HeN) and Igh b(B10.BR) responded well at later times. As was the case for late responses, the matching of H-2 between donor and recipient resulted in early responses of exceptional quality in high-responder strains. It was concluded that under the influence of H-2, whose incompatibility between donor and recipient partially interferes with responses, early but not late primary Thy-1.1-specific antibody responses are selectively controlled by Igh-V or closely linked Ir gene(s) as a new V Hmarker.Abbreviations used in this paper Tl T cell-independent - TD T cell-dependent - PFC plaque-forming cell(s) - Igh immunoglobulin heavy chain - V H variable region of heavy chain - C H constant region of heavy chain  相似文献   

Regulatory NK cells suppress antigen-specific T cell responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The immune system has a variety of regulatory/suppressive processes, which are decisive for the development of a healthy or an allergic immune response to allergens. NK1 and NK2 subsets have been demonstrated to display counterregulatory and provocative roles in immune responses, similar to Th1 and Th2 cells. T regulatory cells suppressing both Th1 and Th2 responses have been the focus of intensive research during the last decade. In this study, we aimed to investigate regulatory NK cells in humans, by characterization of NK cell subsets according to their IL-10 secretion property. Freshly purified IL-10-secreting NK cells expressed up to 40-fold increase in IL-10, but not in the FoxP3 and TGF-beta mRNAs. PHA and IL-2 stimulation as well as vitamin D3/dexamethasone and anti-CD2/CD16 mAbs are demonstrated to induce IL-10 expression in NK cells. The effect of IL-10+ NK cells on Ag-specific T cell proliferation has been examined in bee venom major allergen, phospholipase A2- and purified protein derivative of Mycobecterium bovis-induced T cell proliferation. IL-10+ NK cells significantly suppressed both allergen/Ag-induced T cell proliferation and secretion of IL-13 and IFN-gamma, particularly due to secreted IL-10 as demonstrated by blocking of the IL-10 receptor. These results demonstrate that a distinct small fraction of NK cells display regulatory functions in humans.  相似文献   

Survival of newborn mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells in dissociated monolayer cultures was substantially enhanced when the dissociated cells were plated on a substrate containing antibody to the Purkinje cell surface antigen Thy-1. Cells were identified by size, asymmetric arbors, uptake of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and failure to express glial fibrillary acidic protein. This selective enhancement was specific for antibody to the Thy-1.2 allele.  相似文献   

IgE Abs, passively administered together with their specific Ag, can enhance the production of Abs recognizing this Ag by >100-fold. IgE-mediated feedback enhancement requires the low affinity receptor for IgE, CD23. One possible mechanism is that B cells take up IgE-Ag via CD23 and efficiently present Ag to Th cells, resulting in better Ab responses. To test whether IgE Abs have an effect on Th cells in vivo, mice were adoptively transferred with CD4+ T cells expressing a transgenic OVA-specific TCR, before immunization with IgE anti-TNP (2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) plus OVA-TNP or with OVA-TNP alone. IgE induced a 6- to 21-fold increase in the number of OVA-specific T cells. These cells acquired an activated phenotype and were visible in splenic T cell zones. The T cell response peaked 3 days after immunization and preceded the OVA-specific Ab response by a few days. Transfer of CD23+ B cells to CD23-deficient mice rescued their ability to respond to IgE-Ag. Interestingly, in this situation also CD23-negative B cells produce enhanced levels of OVA-specific Abs. The data are compatible with the Ag presentation model and suggest that B cells can take up Ag via "unspecific" receptors and activate naive T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The host immune response toward autologous human cancer is subject to regulation by the immunoregulatory network. We show that certain CD4+ T cell clones, derived from melanoma involved lymph node lymphocytes and from PBL stimulated by autologous melanoma cells, selectively down-regulated the induction of cytotoxic immune response of PBL against the respective autologous melanoma cells in two autologous systems. In both systems, only the generation of cytotoxic response against the autologous melanoma cells were suppressed. Cytotoxic response against EBV-infected autologous lymphoblastoid cell line in one case and cytotoxic responses against allogeneic targets in the other were not affected. In addition to suppressor activity selectively expressed against the autologous melanoma cells, the T cell clones up-regulated their Tac receptors when cocultured with the autologous melanoma cells and APC. These results support the existence of a putative tumor Ag-driven activation of regulatory T cells that affect cytotoxic immune response, in vitro, against autologous human melanoma.  相似文献   

To study the potential immunologic functions of murine Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Tdec), we used long term, IL-2-dependent, Tdec lines derived from the skin of C3H mice. Cells of the Tdec lines AU16 or AU4 were conjugated in vitro with the hapten FITC and injected s.c. into the footpad (ifp.) or i.v. into syngeneic recipient mice to assess their ability to induce or inhibit contact hypersensitivity (CHS). FITC-conjugated Tdec were unable to induce CHS after ifp. or i.v. injection. Furthermore, when mice were sensitized epicutaneously with FITC after the injection of FITC-conjugated Tdec, they were unable to mount a CHS response. These results indicated that hapten-conjugated Tdec are capable of inducing tolerance upon ifp. or i.v. injection. In contrast, ifp. injection of normal lymphocytes conjugated with FITC in vitro produced no impairment of the CHS response to FITC, although i.v. injection of these cells, as with that of FITC-conjugated Tdec, induced down-regulation of CHS. The immunologic tolerance induced by FITC-conjugated Tdec was Ag specific, but not H-2 restricted. Immunization with unconjugated Tdec either ifp. or i.v. did not induce tolerance, indicating that unconjugated Tdec by themselves are not suppressive. In addition, Tdec were unable to mediate a local graft-vs-host reaction in an F1 host. These results demonstrate that Tdec can induce immunologic tolerance and suggest that these cells may play a role in the down-regulation of cutaneous immune responses.  相似文献   

The immune responses of mice to various lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and hapten-LPS conjugates were compared. We found that some strains of mice (AJ and BALB/c) produced equivalent amounts of anti-LPS antibody after the injection of either LPS or hapten-LPS conjugates. In contrast, however, other strains of mice (C57BL/6J, C3H/St, DBA/1J, DBA/2J, and Swiss) produced fewer anti-LPS-antibody-secreting cells after stimulation with hapten-LPS conjugates than did mice injected with unsubstituted LPS. The covalent coupling of hapten to LPS changed neither the mitogenic capacity nor the antigenicity of the LPS. The differences in the magnitude of antibody responses to hapten-LPS and LPS in these latter strains of mice occurred in the absence of mature T lymphocytes and was restricted to the primary immune response. Furthermore, these differential responder mice (C57BL/6J) did produce anti-LPS antibody when primed with LPS before challenge with the hapten-LPS conjugate. These data are discussed with respect to both the modulatory capacity of the hapten-LPS in the regulation of the primary immune response to LPS and the biochemical and structural requirements of the hapten-LPS conjugate for immunogenicity.  相似文献   

A portal venous injection of allogeneic donor cells is known to prolong the survival of subsequently transplanted allografts. In this study, we investigated the role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) in immunosuppressive effects induced by a portal injection of allogeneic cells on T cells with indirect allospecificity. To eliminate the direct CD4+ T cell response, C57BL/6 (B6) MHC class II-deficient C2tatm1Ccum (C2D) mice were used as donors. After portal injection of irradiated B6 C2D splenocytes into BALB/c mice, the host LSECs that endocytosed the irradiated allogeneic splenocytes showed enhanced expression of MHC class II molecules, CD80, and Fas ligand (FasL). Due to transmigration across the LSECs from BALB/c mice treated with a portal injection of B6 C2D splenocytes, the naive BALB/c CD4+ T cells lost their responsiveness to stimulus of BALB/c splenic APCs that endocytose donor-type B6 C2D alloantigens, while maintaining a normal response to stimulus of BALB/c splenic APCs that endocytose third-party C3H alloantigens. Similar results were not observed for naive BALB/c CD4+ T cells that transmigrated across the LSECs from BALB/c FasL-deficient mice treated with a portal injection of B6 C2D splenocytes. Adaptive transfer of BALB/c LSECs that had endocytosed B6 C2D splenocytes into BALB/c mice via the portal vein prolonged the survival of subsequently transplanted B6 C2D hearts; however, a similar effect was not observed for BALB/c FasL-deficient LSECs. These findings indicate that LSECs that had endocytosed allogeneic splenocytes have immunosuppressive effects on T cells with indirect allospecificity, at least partially via the Fas/FasL pathway.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of long-term cultured T helper (Th) cell lines to help an in vivo cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to non-H-2 alloantigens (minor antigens). Th cell lines specific for various single or undefined minor antigens were selected by regular restimulation with antigen in vitro. They were antigen specific and H-2 restricted in proliferation assays and were found to be able to help primary CTL responses to multiple minor antigens and secondary CTL responses to single minor antigens. Although the Th were antigen specific they did not determine the specificity of the CTL. Th cells were both necessary and limiting for an effective CTL response indicating that "helper-independent" CTL are not in themselves sufficient to generate a strong in vivo response. Under conditions where a CTL response was clearly H-2 restricted, Th cells were not. Thus, the Th cells appeared to be activated by reprocessed antigen rather than antigen on the surface of the injected antigenic cells even though the CTL themselves reacted directly to the injected antigen.  相似文献   

IL-4 induces Thy-1 expression and IgE secretion by LPS--and T cell-stimulated murine B cells in vitro. IFN-gamma inhibits both of these IL-4-mediated effects. IL-4 and IFN-gamma are often exclusively produced by different CD4+ T cell subsets. Injection of mice with a polyclonal goat anti-mouse IgD antibody (GaM delta) stimulates large increases in the serum concentration of IgE through the production of IL-4. Neutralization of endogenous IFN-gamma production in GaM delta-injected mice leads to further increases in serum IgE levels. We show that IL-4 and IFN-gamma, produced after GaM delta injection, respectively, stimulate and inhibit the number of splenic B cells expressing Thy-1 in vivo. Increased numbers of Thy-1-expressing B cells are observed concomitantly with the onset of enhanced IgE secretion. These Thy-1-expressing B cells are highly and selectively enriched for IgE-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody W3/25, which recognizes rat T helper cells, was injected i.p. or i.v. into Lewis rats with clinical signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). This treatment, which was given 12 or 13 days after inducing EAE by the injection of purified myelin basic protein, significantly affected the course of the disease in that treated animals recovered, on the average, in 2 days, whereas control animals exhibited signs of EAE for a minimum of 4 days. Two pan-T cell monoclonal antibodies given in similar dosage failed to affect the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Murine bone marrow (BM) NK T cells can suppress graft-vs-host disease, transplant rejection, and MLRs. Human BM contains T cells with similar potential. Human BM was enriched for NK T cells, approximately 50% of which recognized the nonpolymorphic CD1d molecule. In contrast to the well-characterized blood-derived CD1d-reactive invariant NK T cells, the majority of human BM CD1d-reactive T cells used diverse TCR. Healthy donor invariant NK T cells rapidly produce large amounts of IL-4 and IFN-gamma and can influence Th1/Th2 decision-making. Healthy donor BM CD1d-reactive T cells were Th2-biased and suppressed MLR and, unlike the former, responded preferentially to CD1d(+) lymphoid cells. These results identify a novel population of human T cells which may contribute to B cell development and/or maintain Th2 bias against autoimmune T cell responses against new B cell Ag receptors. Distinct CD1d-reactive T cell populations have the potential to suppress graft-vs-host disease and stimulate antitumor responses.  相似文献   

IL 2 production by T cell variants, which lack the Thy-1 or Ly-1 surface glycoproteins, was studied. Cross-linking of the Thy-1 molecule resulted in IL 2 production by the EL4 thymoma and by a T cell hybridoma, suggesting that Thy-1 may play a role in T lymphocyte triggering. To further study the functional role of this molecule, Thy-1-negative variants were selected and analyzed for IL 2 production in response to phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) or to Con A. It was demonstrated that in spite of their failure to express Thy-1, the Thy-1-negative clones were capable of IL 2 production. These results indicated that although Thy-1 cross-linking triggers cell activation, a signal provided by Thy-1 is not indispensable for cell activation by mitogens. The T cell tumor line LBRM331A5 responds synergistically to IL 1 and PHA by releasing IL 2. It was demonstrated that anti Ly-1 monoclonal antibodies and PHA co-stimulated LBRM331A5 cells, as did IL 1 plus PHA. Thus, anti Ly-1 antibodies mimic the effect of IL 1, suggesting a role for Ly-1 antigen in T cell activation, perhaps by serving as an IL 1 receptor or as an associated molecule. To further study the functional role of Ly-1 and its relation to IL 1 receptor, Ly-1-negative variants of the LBRM331A5 cell line were selected and analyzed for IL 2 production in response to PHA plus IL 1. It was demonstrated that the Ly-1-negative clones were capable of IL 2 production as efficiently as Ly-1-positive clones. These results indicate that the Ly-1 and IL 1 receptor are distinct molecules, which are involved in different activation pathways.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro, murine peripheral T cells can suppress or "veto" the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against antigens presented by those T cells. This suppression is antigen-specific and H-2-restricted. The recognition event initiating this suppression appears to be unidirectional; precursors of cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize the antigen-bearing veto cell and are thereby inactivated--the veto cell need not recognize the CTL precursor. We show here that 3/3 cytolytic T cell clones can exert veto activity in vitro on normal spleen cells which do not bear antigens the T cell clones can recognize. This suppression results in greatly diminished cytotoxic activity generated during a primary 5-day mixed lymphocyte culture against antigens which the veto cell expresses, but not against third-party antigens present in the same culture. In this same system, a noncytolytic T cell clone will not serve as a source of veto cells. Secondary cytotoxic responses are relatively resistant to the veto cell activity of cloned cytolytic T cells. The cloned veto cells do not suppress the generation of cytotoxic activity directed against antigens they recognize (and presumably carry over via antigen-specific receptors). Cold target competition during the cytotoxic assay has been eliminated as a possible mechanism for T cell clone-induced suppression, and suppression cannot be reversed by the addition to the mixed lymphocyte cultures of supernatants from concanavalin A-activated spleen cells. It is suggested that this mechanism of inactivating primary cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses could play an important role in the maintenance of self-tolerance and in the induction and maintenance of tolerance to allografts.  相似文献   

T-cell help for B cells is essential for high-affinity antibody responses and B-cell memory. Recently, the identity of a discrete follicular population of T cells that has a crucial role in this process has become clearer. Similar to primed CD4(+) T cells in the tonsils and memory CD4(+) T cells in the peripheral blood, this follicular population of T cells expresses CXC-chemokine receptor 5 (CXCR5). Owing to their distinct homing preferences and helper function, these T cells differ from T helper 1 and T helper 2 cells and have been denoted follicular B helper T cells. Here, we outline the central role of this subset in normal and pathological immune responses.  相似文献   

To assess the molecular mechanisms involved in cell-cell interactions of T cells, we produced a mAb that could block PMA-induced homotypic T cell aggregation. The established mAb (TN14 mAb) showed an inhibitory effect on T cell aggregation as large as that of mAb against lymphocyte function-associated Ag-1. TN14 mAb showed a strong reactivity with cell surface molecules on T cells, whereas it did not react with any cell surface Ag on macrophages, B cells, bone marrow cells, or WEHI 164 cells, which were used for immunization. However, all cell lysates could react with TN14 mAb in Western blotting analysis, indicating that TN14 mAb recognized some cytoplasmic protein. From biochemical analysis, TN14 mAb was demonstrated to react with the 43-kDa cytoskeletal protein actin. Moreover, from an immunoprecipitation study, TN14 mAb was demonstrated to cross-react with the Thy-1 molecule on T cells. The binding activity of TN14 mAb with the Thy-1 molecule on T cells was strongly blocked by the addition of purified actin, indicating that TN14 mAb recognized an actin-related epitope of the Thy-1 molecule. TN14 mAb blocked not only T cell aggregation but also cell-mediated cytotoxicity by CTL. These results strongly support the hypothesis that the Thy-1 molecule, a member of the Ig superfamily, may play an important role in cell-cell interactions of T cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are professional APC that control the balance between T cell immunity and tolerance. Genetic engineering of DC to regulate the outcome of the immune response is an area of intense research. Galectin (gal)-1 is an endogenous lectin that binds to glycoproteins and exerts potent regulatory effects on T cells. Consequently, gal-1 participates in central deletion of thymocytes and exerts therapeutic effects on experimental models of T cell-mediated autoimmune disorders and graft-vs-host disease. Together, these observations strongly indicate that engineering DC to express transgenic (tg) gal-1 may be beneficial to treat T cell-mediated disorders. In this study, we have investigated the impact of the expression of high levels of tg gal-1 on maturation/activation of DC and on their T cell stimulatory function. Murine DC were transduced with a recombinant adenovirus encoding hu gal-1 (gal-1-DC). Tg gal-1 was exported by a nonclassical pathway through exosomes and was retained on the DC surface inducing segregation of its ligand CD43. Expression of tg gal-1 triggered activation of DC determined by induction of a more mature phenotype, increased levels of mRNA for proinflammatory cytokines, and enhanced ability to stimulate naive T cells. Conversely, gal-1-DC induced rapid apoptosis of activated T cells. In vivo, gal-1-DC increased significantly the sensitization phase of contact hypersensitivity assays while inducing a drastic inhibition of the elicitation phase by triggering apoptosis of activated T cells in the dermis. Gal-1-DC represent a novel tool to control differentially the afferent and efferent arms of the T cell response.  相似文献   

In earlier studies we showed that hapten-specific inducer T cell clones specifically induce B cells from immunized donors to secrete IgM antibodies. However, IgG responses were not observed, suggesting that an additional signal(s) was required. In this report, we show that an autoreactive T cell clone produces a factor(s) that collaborates with antigen-specific inducer T cells to promote specific IgG responses. This factor is not restricted by antigen or MHC determinants and promotes IgG production both in vivo and in vitro. These findings suggest that autoreactive cells may play an important role in the regulation of isotype expression.  相似文献   

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