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The phylogenetic affinities of Lobocharacium coloradoense were investigated by analysis of combined 18S and 26S rDNA data. Results from both parsimony and likelihood methods supported a close alliance among Lobocharacium, Characiosiphon, and Characiochloris. These three taxa formed a clade near the base of the “Dunaliella” group within the chlamydomonad lineage. Protosiphon, which exhibits a siphonous habit similar to Characiosiphon and Lobocharacium, was not resolved as a close ally of the latter two taxa. The Lobocharacium alliance was characterized by the presence of an attachment pad associated with the nonmotile vegetative stage and pyrenoids that possess cytoplasmic invaginations. The pyrenoid feature is an ultrastructural trait that has now been observed in five different chlorophycean lineages. The Lobocharacium–Characiosiphon–Characiochloris clade is not predicted by any classifications of green algae. Additional taxon and data sampling need to be completed to resolve inconsistencies between the molecular phylogenetic evidence and at least some of the current family‐level taxa.  相似文献   

Conflicting classifications for the Corallinales were tested by analyzing partial sequences for the nuclear small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU) gene of 35 species of coralline algae. Parsimony and likelihood analyses of these data yielded congruent hypotheses that are inconsistent with classifications for the group that include as many as eight subfamilies. Four major clades are resolved within the order, including the early-diverging Sporolithaceae as well as the Melobesioideae and Corallinoideae. The fourth clade, which is supported robustly, includes both nongeniculate and geniculate species classified in the subfamilies Mastophoroideae, Metagoniolithoideae, Lithophylloideae, and Amphiroideae. Molecular and morphological data support the proposal that the latter two subfamilies are sister taxa. Although relationships among some genera are not resolved clearly, the order of branching of taxa among and within the four principal lineages is concordant with paleontological evidence for the group. Relationships inferred among genera within each of the clades is discussed. Seven morphological characters delimiting higher taxonomic groups within the order were combined with the sequence data, analyzed, and optimized onto the resulting tree(s). Except for the presence or absence of genicula, all other characters were found to be phylogenetically informative. Genicula are nonhomologous structures that evolved independently in the Amphiroideae, Corallinoideae, and Metagoniolithoideae. The phenetic practice of separating coralline algae into two categories solely on the basis of the presence or absence of genicula does not accurately reflect the evolutionary history of the group.  相似文献   

The sequence data from the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase ( rbc L) gene and 18S ribosomal DNA (small subunit) of taxa in the freshwater rhodophyte order Batrachospermales were used to construct phylogenetic hypotheses. Taxa examined in this study represent four families, eight genera, and six sections of the genus Batrachospermum . In addition, Rhododraparnaldia oregonica Sheath, Whittick et Cole, was included in the analysis because it shares particular ultrastructural, reproductive, and morphological characteristics with members of the Batrachospermales and Acrochaetiales. The trees generated from each gene, as well as a combined data set, were largely congruent. Rhododraparnaldia consistently occurs on an early branch within the Acrochaetiales – Palmariales clade and does not appear to be a member of the Batrachospermales. In addition, Thorea violacea Bory de St. Vincent was not closely related to the other taxa of the Batrachospermales in all trees and hence the family Thoreaceae does not appear to be a natural grouping within this order. All other taxa analyzed, which are presently classified within this order, formed a monophyletic clade in most analyses. Psilosiphon scoparium Entwisle was not closely allied with the taxa of the Lemaneaceae, lending support to the newly proposed family Psilosiphonaceae. Sequence data from the remaining taxa of the Lemaneaceae support the concept of a derived monophyletic clade. The genus Batrachospermum appears to comprise many morphologically similar but distantly related taxa, which will need further investigation to resolve their taxonomic status. Tuomeya, Sirodotia and Nothocladus are retained at the generic level until further data are obtained.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural analyses of the flagellar apparatus suggested that Sphaeroplea , Atractomorpha , the Hydrodictyaceae, and the Neochloridaceae, all of which produce biflagellate motile cells with directly opposed (DO) basal bodies, are allied in an order Sphaeropleales. Recent studies of 18S rDNA sequence data supported an alliance of the DO group, but no data from Sphaeroplea and its allies were included. This investigation presented a test of the phylogenetic hypothesis suggested by the flagellar apparatus evidence using sequence data from the nuclear-encoded small-subunit rDNA (18S) and large subunit rDNA (26S) genes, combined with additional taxon sampling. Results from phylogenetic analyses weakly supported monophyly of biflagellate DO taxa and indicated that pyrenoids with cytoplasmic invaginations are present in numerous distinct lineages. Analysis of both molecular data sets supported a class Chlorophyceae comprised of at least six major groups that generally correspond to currently recognized orders or families: Chaetophorales, Chae- topeltidales, Chlamydomonadales, Sphaeropleales, Sphaeropleaceae, and Oedogoniales. In addition, Cylindrocapsa , Elakatothrix , Treubaria , and Trochiscia formed a seventh chlorophycean clade that is new to science. This investigation demonstrated that the 26S rDNA gene provides more phylogenetic signal, per unit sequence, than the 18S rDNA gene and that combined analysis yields topologies with more robust support than independent analysis of either data set.  相似文献   

基于18S rDNA序列的蝽次目(半翅目:异翅亚目)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用18SrDNA分子约1 912 bp的序列对蝽次目21个科53个种进行系统发育分析。运用MP法、ML法和NJ法分析后的结果表明:蝽次目的单系性得到很高的支持;扁蝽总科成为毛点类的姐妹群;毛点类基本确定为两大分支:一支包含蝽总科和红蝽总科;另一支主要由长蝽总科、缘蝽总科和南蝽总科组成;长蝽总科和缘蝽总科都是多系;长蝽总科中,跷蝽科和皮蝽科的关系最近,构成姐妹群,位于整个毛点类的基部;与长蝽总科中另外两个科长蝽科和地长蝽科的关系很远。说明利用18SrDNA分子对研究蝽次目的系统发育关系是适合的,能够重建蝽次目;扁蝽总科和蝽总科单系性的结果与形态学的研究以及Li et al (2005)的研究一致;但较Li et al(2005)的研究更进一步把红蝽总科从广义的缘蝽总科中分出来;并建议皮蝽科作为一个独立的总科更合适。  相似文献   

The major diagnostic features for erecting the red algal subfamily Choreonematoideae (Corallinales) were a combination of 1) absence of both cell fusions and secondary pit connections, 2) conceptacle roof and wall comprised of a single cell layer, and 3) presence of tetrasporangial pore plugs within a uniporate conceptacle in the monotypic taxon Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) Schmitz. Because this alga is a parasite, the absence of secondary cell connections is most likely an adaptation to a reduced thallus. This study shows that all conceptacles are not composed of a file of cells but rather a single layer of epithallial cells that are underlain by a thick layer of calcified acellular material; both epithallial cells and the calcified layer are produced by peripheral sterile cells. Although the outermost tetrasporangial pore canal is uniporate, there is a calcified acellular multiporate plate recessed just below the rim. The plate is produced by interspersed sterile cells and is continuous with the calcified layer supporting the conceptacle. These unique structures are likely due to parasitism rather than to the ancestral state. Based on these results and a reexamination of published micrographs depicting lenticular cells in Austrolithon intumescens Harvey et Woelkerling, we propose that both subfamily Choreonematoideae and Austrolithoideae are closely allied with subfamily Melobesioideae. This distant relationship to its host (Corallinoideae) plus a combination of unique conceptacle and unusual type of parasitism indicates that C. thuretii is an alloparasite and that it is likely the most ancient red algal parasite studied to date.  相似文献   

棉铃虫18S核糖体RNA基因的序列分析及其分子系统学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王瑛  陈晓峰  刘伟  周红章  赵珩 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):241-247
克隆并分析了鳞翅目棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)18S核糖体RNA基因(18S rDNA)的全序列,将该序列与鞘翅目、膜翅目、同翅目、双翅目、捻翅目和弹尾目各一种昆虫的同源保守区进行了比较。序列分析结果显示:鳞翅目和双翅目昆虫在18S rDNA结构上彼此较为相似,捻翅目昆虫的18S rDNA分子结构表现出与其它目昆虫有较大的差异,但相对与弹尾目昆虫的18S rDNA较为接近。该结果支持了有关捻翅目属于一个独立的目级分类阶元的论点。  相似文献   

The hydrodictyacean green algal lineage has been the focus of much research due to the fossil record of at least some members, their ornamented cell walls, and their distinctive reproductive strategies. The phylogeny of the family was, until recently, exclusively morphology based. This investigation examines hydrodictyacean isolates from several culture collections, focusing on sequences from ribosomal data: 18S rDNA, 26S rDNA (partial), and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)‐2 data. Results from phylogenetic analyses of independent and combined data matrices support the Hydrodictyaceae as a monophyletic lineage that includes isolates of Chlorotetraedron, Hydrodictyon, Pediastrum, Sorastrum, and Tetraedron. Phylogenetic analyses of rDNA data indicate that the three‐dimensional coenobium of Hydrodictyon is evolutionarily distinct from the three‐dimensional coenobium of Sorastrum. The more robust aspects of the ITS‐2 data corroborate the 18S+26S rDNA topology and provide a structural autapomorphy for the Hydrodictyaceae and Neochloridaceae, that is, an abridgment of helix IV in the secondary structure. The rDNA data do not support monophyly of Pediastrum but rather suggest the existence of four additional hydrodictyacean genera: Monactinus, Parapediastrum, Pseudopediastrum, and Stauridium.  相似文献   

To infer the monophyletic origin and phylogenetic relationships of the order Desmoscolecida, a unique and puzzling group of mainly free-living marine nematodes, we newly determined nearly complete 18S rDNA sequences for six marine desmoscolecid nematodes belonging to four genera (Desmoscolex, Greeffiella, Tricoma and Paratricoma). Based on the present data and those of 72 nematode species previously reported, the first molecular phylogenetic analysis focusing on Desmoscolecida was done by using neighbor joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods. All four resultant trees consistently and strongly supported that the family Desmoscolecidae forms a monophyletic group with very high node confidence values. The monophyletic clade of desmocolecid nematodes was placed as a sister group of the clade including some members of Monhysterida and Araeolaimida, Cyartonema elegans (Cyartonematidae) and Terschellingia longicaudata (Linhomoeidae) in all the analyses. However, the present phylogenetic trees do not show any direct attraction between the families Desmoscolecidae and Cyartonematidae. Within the monophyletic clade of the family Desmoscolecidae in all of the present phylogenetic trees, there were consistently observed two distinct sub-groups which correspond to the subfamilies Desmoscolecinae [Greeffiella sp. + Desmoscolex sp.] and Tricominae [Paratricoma sp. + Tricoma sp].  相似文献   

The series Staphyliniformia is one of the mega‐diverse groups of Coleoptera, but the relationships among the main families are still poorly understood. In this paper we address the interrelationships of staphyliniform groups, with special emphasis on Hydrophiloidea and Hydraenidae, based on partial sequences of the ribosomal genes 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA. Sequence data were analysed with parsimony and Bayesian posterior probabilities, in an attempt to overcome the likely effect of some branches longer than the 95% cumulative probability of the estimated normal distribution of the path lengths of the species. The inter‐family relationships in the trees obtained with both methods were in general poorly supported, although most of the results based on the sequence data are in good agreement with morphological studies. In none of our analyses a close relationship between Hydraenidae and Hydrophiloidea was supported, contrary to the traditional view but in agreement with recent morphological investigations. Hydraenidae form a clade with Ptiliidae and Scydmaenidae in the tree obtained with Bayesian probabilities, but are placed as basal group of Staphyliniformia (with Silphidae as subordinate group) in the parsimony tree. Based on the analysed data with a limited set of outgroups Scarabaeoidea are nested within Staphyliniformia. However, this needs further support. Hydrophiloidea s.str., Sphaeridiinae, Histeroidea (Histeridae + Sphaeritidae), and all staphylinoid families included are confirmed as monophyletic, with the exception of Hydraenidae in the parsimony tree. Spercheidae are not a basal group within Hydrophiloidea, as has been previously suggested, but included in a polytomy with other Hydrophilidae in the Bayesian analyses, or its sistergroup (with the inclusion of Epimetopidae) in the parsimony tree. Helophorus is placed at the base of Hydrophiloidea in the parsimony tree. The monophyly of Hydrophiloidea s.l. (including the histeroid families) and Staphylinoidea could not be confirmed by the analysed data. Some results, such as a placement of Silphidae as subordinate group of Hydraenidae (parsimony tree), or a sistergroup relationship between Ptiliidae and Scydmaenidae, appear unlikely from a morphological point of view.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships of autosporic and zoosporic taxa in the Chlorococcales by analyzing available complete nuclear-encoded small-subunit (18S) rRNA gene sequences along with two new sequences from Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) Lagerh. and Neochloris vigenis Archibald. Some autosporic taxa grouped with the coenobial hydrodictyacean algae and related unicellular organisms having directly opposed basal bodies. These include Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kütz. and Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata Shihira et Krauss. Other autosporic organisms, including Chlorella kessleri Fott et Novakova, C. minutissima Fott et Novakova, C. pro-tothecoides Krug., C. vulgaris Beij., Nanochlorum eucaryotum Wilhelm, Eisenbeis, Wild, et Zahn, and Prototheca wickerhamii Soneda et Tubaki, form a separate group. Of the zoosporic taxa examined, this group would appear to have the greatest affinity to organisms having a counterclockwise displacement of basal bodies, the Pleurastrophyceae. Beyond the fact that Ankistrodesmus stipitatus (=A. falcatus var. stipitatus (Chodat) Lemm.) does not group with the latter organisms, its position remains in doubt. None of the autosporic taxa appear to be closely related to chlorophycean organisms possessing a clockwise basal body displacement.  相似文献   

叶肢介(Conchostraca)的系统发育问题一直是甲壳动物研究中颇具争议的一个课题.本研究测定了我国2种叶肢介(Eocyzicus mongolianus,Eoc yzicus orientalis)的28S rDNA D1-D2区基因序列和16S rDNA E-G区序列,并与GenBank中的20种叶肢介序列一起...  相似文献   

研究测定了寄生于草鱼肠道的鲩肠袋虫的18S rDNA序列。鲩肠袋虫的18S rDNA基因序列包括1638个碱基。分别用3种分析方法(邻接法、最大简约法、贝叶斯法)构建了毛口亚纲的系统发育树,得到结果如下:均支持毛口亚纲为单系发生且内分前庭目、内毛目和澳大利亚枝3个类群(100%Bay、100%MP、100%NJ);均支持内毛目(100%Bay、98%MP、93%NJ)、澳大利亚枝(100%Bay、97%MP、99%NJ)的单系性和前庭目的并系性。3种构树方法都支持鲩肠袋虫与澳大利亚枝聚类(100%Bay、100%MP、100%NJ),而后与"内毛目+前庭目(部分)"构成姊妹群(100%Bay、85%MP、72%NJ);而结肠小袋纤毛虫与"澳大利亚枝+鲩肠袋虫"以及"内毛目+前庭目(部分)"分枝并列,共同构成毛口亚纲(100%Bay、100%MP、100%NJ)。这暗示了肠袋虫类群在系统发育上的并系性和其分类阶元的提升。  相似文献   

Maximum parsimony analyses of the genera of Podocarpaceae were conducted using sequence data from 18S ribosomal DNA. Trees from sequence, morphological, and combined data differ in taxon arrangement, but are similar in that Podocarpus sensu lato and Dacrydium s.l. are unnatural, while Podocarpaceae (including Phyllocladus) are monophyletic. The clade Microcachrys + Microstrobos is recognized in all analyses, but its placement differs, i.e., nested among other scale-leaved taxa in the morphological analysis, but associated with Nageia and other tropical genera in the sequence analyses. Trees from combined data reflect this ambiguity. Podocarpus sensu stricto is paraphyletic according to most trees. Inferences of plesiomorphic character states within the family are largely consistent between analyses and support the view that prototypical podocarps had bifacial leaves, cones with several fertile cone scales, and large epimatia (cone scales) that covered the inverted ovules.  相似文献   

We sequenced the small subunit rDNA and internal transcribed spacer region of Gracilariaceae from the tropical Atlantic and Pacific, with emphasis on flattened or compressed species. Sequence comparisons confirmed three main lineages of Gracilariaceae: Curdiea/Melanthalia, Gracilariopsis/Gracilariophila, and Gracilaria. The Curdiea/Melanthalia diverged early in the family. Gracilariopsis was paraphyletic, because at least one Gracilariophila species evolved from it. The Atlantic Gracilariopsis were monophyletic and separated from the Pacific lineages. The Gracilaria included all species referable to its own species and to Hydropuntia, which was paraphyletic, formed by distantly related lineages. The new combination Gracilaria pauciramosa (N. Rodríguez Ríos) Bellorin, M. C. Oliveira et E. C. Oliveira is proposed for Polycavernosa pauciramosa N. Rodríguez Ríos. Recognition of subgenera within Gracilaria, based on spermatangial arrangement, was not supported. Instead, infrageneric groups were delineated by geographic origins and combinations of reproductive characters. Most Pacific species with either “textorii” or “verrucosa” type spermatangia were deeply separated from Atlantic species. Within the Atlantic Gracilaria, a lineage encompassing mostly tropical cylindrical species with “henriquesiana” type spermatangia and distinctive cystocarp anatomy was recognized. A lineage was also retrieved for cold water stringy species with verrucosa type spermatangia. Several species from the western Atlantic are closely related to Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan with nearly identical morphology. On the other hand, most flattened species from the tropical Atlantic were closely related despite their diverse morphologies. The interpretation of our data in addition to the literature indicates that more populations from the Indo‐Pacific must be studied before a general picture of Gracilariaceae evolution can be framed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Amur sturgeon A. schrenckii Brandt, 1869 with related species have been analyzed based on sequencing of the 18S rDNA small subunit. The complete sequence (1746 bp) of 18S rDNA has been estimated in seven individual A. schrenckii clones. The results show that the rDNA mutation profile of A. schrenckii 18S is very similar to that of A. fulvescens (Genbank data). Structural-functional and phylogenetic analyses allowed us to identify a presumably expressed variant, as well as taxon-specific mutation (adenine insertion after position 658 bp), for A. schrenckii 18S rDNA. Phylogenetic reconstructions performed with various approaches (NJ, MP, ML and Bayesian) support the monophyly of the genus Acipenser and point (1), based on which, in accordance with the classification based on ecological and morphological data (Artyukhin, 2006), the Amur sturgeon is closer to the sterlet than the Baltic sturgeon and (2) to substantial differentiation between North American (A. fulvescens) and Eurasian (A. schrenckii, A. ruthenus, and A. sturio) species of Acipenseridae.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Tubificidae, and of most of its subfamilies and some of its genera, is revisited, on the basis of sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA in a selection of species. Forty-six new 18S sequences of Naididae (6), Tubificidae (37), Phreodrilidae (1), Lumbriculidae (1), and Enchytraeidae (1) are reported and aligned together with corresponding sequences of 21 previously studied taxa. The 18S gene of Insulodrilus bifidus provides the first molecular evidence that phreodrilids are closely related to tubificids, corroborating previous conclusions based on morphology. The data further support the monophyletic status of Tubificidae, provided that the "Naididae" is regarded a part of this family; "naidids" may not even constitute a monophyletic group. It is thus suggested that the family name Naididae is formally suppressed as a junior synonym of the Tubificidae. The 18S gene also resolves a number of relationships within the tubificids. Among the subfamilies, Tubificinae is supported, Rhyacodrilinae and Phallodrilinae are revealed as nonmonophyletic, and Limnodriloidinae remains unresolved. Most tubificid genera tested for monophyly are corroborated by the data, only one (Tubifex) is refuted, and two (Tubificoides and Limnodriloides) are unresolved from other taxa. It is concluded that it will be valuable to expand the taxonomic sampling for 18S rDNA in clitellates, and in annelids in general, as this is likely to improve the resolution at many levels. However, it will be equally important to combine the annelid 18S data with other gene sequences and nonmolecular characters, to estimate the phylogeny of these common and diverse worms with greater precision.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the little‐studied filamentous brown alga Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck using rbcL and partial 18S rDNA sequences revealed that the species forms a monophyletic clade with Choristocarpus tenellus (Kütz.) Zanardini that is sister to all other brown algae. Although D. mesarthrocarpum has unique disk‐shaped plurilocular reproductive organs, D. mesarthrocarpum and C. tenellus share the following basic morphological features, which are considered to be plesiomorphic characters in the brown algae: (1) apical (and diffuse) growth; (2) uniseriate, subdichotomously branched filaments; (3) multiple chloroplasts per cell without pyrenoids; and (4) lack of heterotrichy and of phaeophycean hairs. The rbcL DNA sequence of an Australian D. mesarthrocarpum specimen showed considerable deviation from Mediterranean and Macaronesian specimens. Therefore, the presence of a second species in the genus is suggested; however, the taxonomic treatment of this putative species is not pursued in the present report. Regarding the higher‐ranking systematic position of D. mesarthrocarpum, reinstatement of Discosporangiaceae and Discosporangiales is proposed, and the inclusion of Choristocarpaceae in the order is also suggested. Under short‐day and long‐day culture conditions at 15°C–25°C, Mediterranean D. mesarthrocarpum exhibited a direct type of life history, with a succession of uniseriate filamentous thalli bearing characteristic disk‐shaped plurilocular zoidangia, but thalli did not survive at 10°C and below.  相似文献   

Southern Africa has economically exploited populations of terete gracilarioids on the cool temperate west coast and numerous species of endemic and Indo‐Pacific tropical Gracilariaceae on the south and east coasts. Gross morphological characters have been the main means of identification, and incorrect applications have led to a number of misidentifications. In this study, small subunit rDNA and RUBISCO spacer sequences were used to determine phylogenetic relationships. Whereas rDNA sequences successfully differentiate major groups within the family as well as species belonging to the Gracilariopsis and the Curdiea/Melanthalia clade, RUBISCO spacer sequencing was required to distinguish between species of Gracilaria. The southern African gracilarioid complex (stringy, terete, elongate members of the Gracilariaceae) was resolved into three species: Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilariopsis longissima, and Gracilariopsis funicularis. South African Gracilaria protea was shown to be conspecific with tropical Indian Ocean G. corticata. Apart from G. gracilis and G. corticata, South African Gracilaria species were differentiated into a temperate‐tropical terete grouping and a temperate‐tropical flattened grouping.  相似文献   

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