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表达PKCα反义RNA对人肺癌细胞增殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 运用基因重组和基因转染技术 ,将 PKCα c DNA反向插入的重组质粒 p XJ41 - CKPα导入人肺癌 LTEPa- 2细胞 .经 Northern印迹 ,Western印迹等检验 ,表明成功地建立了稳定表达 PKCα反义 RNA的人肺癌细胞 (LT· AS4) .进一步研究了表达 PKCα反义 RNA对人肺癌细胞 LTEPa-2增殖的影响 .结果表明 ,表达 PKCα反义 RNA可抑制人肺癌细胞增殖速率 ,流式细胞光度术检测 ,G1 期细胞百分数增加 ,S期细胞百分数降低 ,并进一步探讨了其作用机理 ,观察到与增殖相关基因 c- myc、Ca M和 Cyclin B1的表达水平均下降 .这可能是 PKCα表达被阻抑、负调细胞增殖的分子机理之一  相似文献   

哮喘大鼠肺泡巨噬细胞蛋白激酶C-α表达及丹参对其影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨蛋白激酶 C (Protein Kinase-α,PKCα)在大鼠哮喘模型肺泡巨噬细胞中的表达及丹参的治疗作用。哮喘模型大鼠分为四组。 A组正常对照 ;B组即刻激发组 ;C组哮喘发作一周组 ;D组丹参治疗组。每组分别测定肺功能 ,支气管肺泡灌洗液 (BAL F) ,分离巨噬细胞作免疫细胞化学染色 ,观察 PKCα在大鼠哮喘模型肺泡巨噬细胞中的表达及丹参对其影响。结果发现 A组中肺泡巨噬细胞见 PKCα少量表达 ,而 B、 C、 D组则见大量巨噬细胞 PKCα表达 ,但 D组巨噬细胞 PKCα表达比例显著低于 B、 C组 (P<0 .0 1 )。四组肺泡巨噬细胞 PKCα表达百分比分别为 A组 3.49± 2 .40 % ,B组 85 .0 6± 5 .46 % ,C组 90 .2 3± 2 .87% ,D组 37.89± 7.2 1 %。且 A、 B、 C组肺泡巨噬细胞 PKCα表达比例与气道阻力呈正相关 (n=2 1、 r=0 .74  P<0 .0 1 ) ,结果说明丹参对哮喘大鼠 BAL F中巨噬细胞 PKCα表达有抑制作用 ,提示肺泡巨噬细胞 PKCα表达参与哮喘发病过程 ,而丹参则对这一过程有抑制作用。  相似文献   

以往报道了通过基因转染技术观察新的红细胞分化相关因子(EDRF1)反义RNA表达和EDRF1过表达对细胞增殖和分化的影响,结果表明,反义EDRF1表达载体转染后的K562细胞α-globin,γ-globin mRNA表达水平下降.本文利用基因芯片和真核基因转染技术观察了EDRF1对60种细胞因子及其受体表达水平的影响,发现EDRF1明显调节IL-6受体,GM-CSF受体,c-Jun/c-Fos,c-myc及c-kit(SCF受体)等基因的表达水平,并通过RNA点杂交进行验证,EDRF1对几个重要的细胞因子受体表达的调节可能是其执行功能的一个重要途径.Northern blot实验结果表明,GATA-1 mRNA在转染EDRF1反义表达载体后表达水平有所下调,随后的凝胶阻滞电泳实验(gel shift assay,EMSA)证明,与对照相比,EDRF1反义表达载体转染的K562细胞中,红系特异的转录因子GATA-1的活性受到明显的抑制,而另一个红系特异的转录因子NF-E2则没有明显的活性改变,对照NF-κB的转录活性也基本保持恒定.因此推测,K562细胞增殖和分化的调节很可能是通过直接影响红系特异的转录因子GATA-1与顺式序列相互作用的转录活性来实现的.  相似文献   

采用自行构建的过表达PKCα亚类的正常人胚肺细胞模型,观察到细胞生长加速,血清依赖性明显下降,细胞形态发生变化,单层培养丧失接触抑制性,出现岛状生长,与对照组细胞相比,贴壁依赖性下降,在软琼脂中能形成小集落,细胞中微丝发生部分解聚,进一步检测观察到细胞中与转化密切相关的ras癌基因表达明显增强,抑癌基因p53表达下降。首次表明在正常人胚肺细胞中PKCα的过表达直接导致细胞增殖加速,并可诱导出现部分  相似文献   

目的:分析大鼠黄体生成素(LH)表达的受体后信号转导机制。方法:促性腺激素(GTH)细胞内蛋白激酶C(PKC)兴奋或抑制后,用促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)脉冲刺激,然后用实时荧光定量PCR方法测定细胞LH的β亚基(LHβ)mRNA的表达量,并与空白组比较。结果:LHβmRNA随着PKC活性的升高而显著升高,随着PKC活性的降低而显著降低。结论:GnRH脉冲刺激引起LHβmRNA表达,其受体后的信号转导是PKC-Ca2+途径。  相似文献   

新的红细胞分化相关基因EDRF1功能的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曾报道过通过功能筛选得到一个新的红细胞分化相关基因, 并命名为EDRF1(erythroid differentiation related factor 1, GenBank登录号为AF040247). 鉴于功能线索明确, 选择K562细胞作为模型细胞, 通过基因转染技术观察了EDRF1反义RNA表达和EDRF1过表达对细胞增殖和分化的影响, [3H]TdR掺入和半固体集落培养实验的结果显示EDRF1过表达时, 细胞增殖代谢能力有所下降. Northern印迹和RT-PCR的结果表明, 反义EDRF1表达载体转染后的K562细胞α-globin, γ-globin mRNA表达水平下降, STAT3, c-myc, GATA-1表达下调, 红细胞生成素受体(EpoR)在反义表达载体转染后表达有一定程度的上调. 说明EpoR和珠蛋白的表达调节没有内在的正协同关系, EDRF1对K562细胞增殖和分化的调节有可能是通过影响GATA-1等诸多红系特异的转录因子与顺式序列相互作用的转录活性实现的.  相似文献   

采用免疫细胞化学方法探讨了磷酸脂酶C-γ1(PLC-γ1)在人早期胚胎组织细胞中的表达,发现在胚胎龄为52-76天的多种细胞中均有表达,以软骨、软骨膜及肌组织反应最强。结果提示,PLC-γ1相关的细胞内信号传递途径对于人早期胚胎细胞的发育、增殖具有重要的生物学意义。  相似文献   

Erythroid differentiation depends on the establishment of specific patterns of gene expression. Hypersensitive site 2 (HS2, serving as a major enhancer of globin genes)-binding proteins may be involved in its natural open chromosomal environment formation. Previously we prepared monoclonal antibodies against HS2-binding nuclear proteins of terminal differentiated erythroid cells. By utilizing the monoclonal antibodies, we screened λ-gt11 human fetal liver cDNA expression library and obtained one cDNA clone, which was named erythroid differentiation related gene (EDRF1, Genbank accession number AF040247) , encompassing an entire open reading frame. We investigated the expression pattern of EDRF1 by RT-PCR technique. And a clue to the function of EDRF1 has been found from confirmation of high levels of EDRF1 mRNA in differentiated K562 and human fetal liver tissue. To illuminate the function of EDRF1 in K562 cells, sense and antisense EDRF1 constructs were prepared and transfected into K562 cells, α-glob  相似文献   

Erythroid differentiation depends on the establishment of specific patterns of gene expression. Hypersensitive site 2 (HS2, serving as a major enhancer of globin genes)-binding proteins may be involved in its natural open chromosomal environment formation. Previously we prepared monoclonal antibodies against HS2-binding nuclear proteins of terminal differentiated erythroid cells. By utilizing the monoclonal antibodies, we screened λ-gt11 human fetal liver cDNA expression library and obtained one cDNA clone, which was named erythroid differentiation related gene (EDRF1, Genbank accession number AF040247), encompassing an entire open reading frame. We investigated the expression pattern ofEDRF1 by RT-PCR technique. And a clue to the function ofEDRF1 has been found from confirmation of high levels ofEDRF1 mRNA in differentiated K562 and human fetal liver tissue. To illuminate the function ofEDRF1 in K562 cells, sense and antisenseEDRF1 constructs were prepared and transfected into K562 cells. α-globin mRNA was down-regulated and EpoR (erythropoietin receptor) mRNA expression was increased in antisense transfected cells. Cells transfected with sense construct grew more slowly than control cells suggested by [3H] thimidine incorporation experiments. Suppression of K562 proliferation was accompanied by increased spontaneous hemoglobin synthesis demonstrated by spectrometry. K562 cells transfected with sense construct exhibited reduced clongenicity compared with control cells in methycellulose culture. These data provided the evidence thatEDRF1 can influence globin expression and hemoglobin synthesis in K562 cells and modulated self-renewal in K562 cells.  相似文献   

Our previous studies showed that EDRF1 influenced expression of a-globin mRNA and synthesis of hemoglobin in K562 cells and modulated self-renewal of K562 cells. To illuminate the function of EDRF1 in K562 cells, sense and antisense EDRF1 constructs were prepared and transfected into K562 cells. By using microarray and dot blot assay, 60 cytokine receptors and some oncogenes sharing important functions in cell proliferation and differentiation were investigated. The results of this study demonstrated that IL-6 receptor, GM-CSF receptor, c-Jun/c-Fos, c-Myc and c-kit genes were regulated by antisense EDRF1 expression. The regulation was confirmed by RNA blot assay. GATA-1 mRNA expression was modulated by EDRF1 gene transfection. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay suggested that the DNA-binding activity of GATA-1 was remarkably inhibited in K562 cells expressing EDRF1 antisense gene. DNA binding activity of NF-E2 was at the same level as control experiment. Therefore EDRF1 may play a role in erythroid pro  相似文献   

Erythroid differentiation depends on the establishment of specific patterns of gene expression. Hypersensitive site 2 (HS2, serving as a major enhancer of globin genes)-binding proteins may be involved in its natural open chromosomal environment formation. Previously we prepared monoclonal antibodies against HS2-binding nuclear proteins of terminal differentiated erythroid cells. By utilizing the monoclonal antibodies, we screened λ-gt11 human fetal liver cDNA expression library and obtained one cDNA clone, which was named erythroid differentiation related gene (EDRF1, Genbank accession number AF040247), encompassing an entire open reading frame. We investigated the expression pattern ofEDRF1 by RT-PCR technique. And a clue to the function ofEDRF1 has been found from confirmation of high levels ofEDRF1 mRNA in differentiated K562 and human fetal liver tissue. To illuminate the function ofEDRF1 in K562 cells, sense and antisenseEDRF1 constructs were prepared and transfected into K562 cells. α-globin mRNA was down-regulated and EpoR (erythropoietin receptor) mRNA expression was increased in antisense transfected cells. Cells transfected with sense construct grew more slowly than control cells suggested by [3H] thimidine incorporation experiments. Suppression of K562 proliferation was accompanied by increased spontaneous hemoglobin synthesis demonstrated by spectrometry. K562 cells transfected with sense construct exhibited reduced clongenicity compared with control cells in methycellulose culture. These data provided the evidence thatEDRF1 can influence globin expression and hemoglobin synthesis in K562 cells and modulated self-renewal in K562 cells.  相似文献   

Antisense Tiam1 down-regulates the invasiveness of 95D cells in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As a specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor of Rac 1, Tiam 1 (T-lymphoma invasion and metastasis inducing protein 1) is involved in a number of cellular events, such as cytoskeleton reorganization, cell adhesion, and cell migration. Since Tiaml was implicated in the invasion and metastasis of T-lymphoma cells and breast tumor cells, we compared the expression level of Tiaml in two human giant-cell lung carcinoma cell strains with high or low metastasis potential, and found that Tiaml expression level in high-metastatic 95D cells was higher than that in low-metastatic 95C cells. To further confirm the role of Tiam I in invasion and metastasis, we constructed the antisense Tiaml expression plasmid (pcDNA3-anti-Tiaml), which was transfected into 95D cells. A stable transfected clone with decreased Tiaml expression was screened and selected for further research. Transwell assay showed that down-regulation of endogenous Tiam1 by anti-Tiam1 can reduce the in vitro invasiveness of 95D cells. Our results suggested that Tiam1 signaling contributed to the invasion and metastasis of the human giant-cell lung carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨反义RNA技术介导的大肠杆菌非必需基因rpsF基因沉默导致菌体生长受抑制的原因。【方法】将rpsF基因5'端41-230 bp的片段反向插入带有末端配对结构的反义表达载体pHN678,获得重组质粒,导入大肠杆菌宿主获得反义RNA菌株Escherichia.coli/pHNF,并用诱导剂IPTG诱导反义RNA表达,通过与对照菌E.coli/pHN678的液体生长状态差异判断菌体生长表型;采用Real time RT-PCR方法跟踪分析转录水平。【结果】构建了针对rpsF的反义RNA菌株,且其生长受抑制程度与IPTG浓度呈正相关。IPTG浓度为100μmol/L时,菌体生长未受抑制,但靶基因rpsF的mRNA量降低了36%,而rpsR是位于同一操纵子下游的必需基因,其转录水平却未受影响;IPTG浓度为200μmol/L时,菌体生长明显受抑制,经分析发现rpsR转录水平降低了12%。【结论】反义RNA菌株E.coli/pHNF生长受抑制的原因是由于此反义RNA引起了同一操纵子下另一必需基因rpsR的转录水平降低。  相似文献   

Present work reported the cloning and characterization of a human novel RNA binding gene Partner of NOB1 (PNO1), with a length of 1637bp and a putative open reading frame of 759 bp, isolated from human kidney. It is composed of seven exons and is localized on chromosome 2p14. Western blot showed that the molecular weight of PNO1 is about 35kDa. RT-PCR results in 16 human tissues indicated that PNO1 is expressed mainly in liver, lung, spleen and kidney, slightly in thymus, testis, ovary, respectively, but not in heart, brain, skeletal muscle, placenta, pancreas, prostate, small intestine, colon and peripheral blood leukocytes. GFP fusion expression in mammalian cells exhibited its localization in the nucleus, especially in nucleoli. Subcellular localization of thirteen GFP fusion PNO1 deletion proteins showed that the region of 92-230 aa is solely responsible for its nucleolar retention, and KH domain alone is not sufficient for nucleolar retention. The PNO1 family shows significant conservation in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.  相似文献   

We have isolated, in guinea-pig endometrial cells, an estrogen-induced 1.8 kb RNA called gec1. Screening of a guinea-pig genomic library led to identification of gec1 gene consisting of 4 exons and 3 introns. Exon 1 contains the 5'UTR and the ATG initiation codon. A guinea-pig gec1 cDNA was obtained by 5'-RACE. The 351 bp coding sequence shares 76.8% identity with that of the human GABARAP 924 bp cDNA while UTRs of the two cDNAs differ. A gec1 probe from the 3'UTR revealed a 1.9 kb mRNA in human tissues and a human GEC1 cDNA was isolated from placenta. Its coding sequence shares 93 and 79% identity with that of guinea-pig gec1 and human GABARAP, respectively. The human and guinea-pig GEC1 proteins have 100% identity. GEC1 and GABARAP proteins have 87% identity and N terminus featuring a tubulin binding motif. Thus, estrogen-regulated gec1 is a new gene which could encode a microtubule-associated protein.  相似文献   

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