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The number of spores per basidium in the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus can be readily determined using the light microscope.  相似文献   

A formerly developed method of obtaining spread preparations of mushroom basidial nuclei was applied to study of meiotic prophase I in bisporic white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains. Meiotic recombination and assemblage of axial structures (axial elements and synaptonemal complexes) of chromosomes in meiotic prophase I are interrelated. It is known that the frequency of meiotic recombination is reduced in the bisporic A. bisporus variety. We showed that formation of axial structures of meiotic chromosomes in bisporic strains of this mushroom was disrupted. The phenotypes of disruptions in spread prophase nuclei are diverse. In leptotene and early zygotene, many nuclei contain abnormal, often short, and, as a rule, few chromosomal axial elements. The abnormalities in the formation of synaptonemal complexes at the zygotene-diplotene stage are of the same kind and even more pronounced. We discovered an important feature of meiosis in A. bisporus associated with fruit-body morphogenesis. Meiosis starting in basidia (meiocytes) of young closed fruit bodies is accompanied by disruption of chromatin condensation in prophase I and, probably, is arrested. After indusium breakage, the course of meiosis normalizes. Preparations with clearly observable chromosomal axial structures can be obtained only at this stage of fruit-body development.  相似文献   

Sporophores of cultivated Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach,were shown to contain a gibberellin-like substance active inthe dwarf maize (d-5), -amylase and other bioassays. Ethyl-acetateextraction followed by paper, column, and thin-layer chromatographyrevealed the presence of one major active substance. Ficin hydrolysisof dried sporophore powder, after the complete removal of freesubstances, released more gibberellin-like substances, one ofwhich appeared identical to the free compound. The free substance was predominantly in the lamellae and residualpileus tissue. The major active substance released by ficinoccurred mostly in the lamellae but also in substantial equalamounts in both stipes and pilei. No activity was found in extractsof dikaryotic vegetative mycelium on malt agar. The level ofactivity in extracts from sporophores stored at – 20 °Cfell sharply after 7 d, and then remained constant over a periodof 6 weeks. The content of gibberellin-like substances in youngand old whole sporophores showed wide variation between experiments.In most cases young 2-d tissue had higher levels than old, 11-dtissue on a fresh-weight basis. Purified sporophore extractsand authentic gibberellins had no stimulating effect on growthof sporophores or of cultured vegetative mycelium. The inhibitorsof diterpene biosynthesis, CCC, and AMO-1618 induced a smallincrease in mycelial growth rate. Ethyl-acetate extraction ofhorse-straw compost prior to inoculation with Agaricus bisporusshowed the presence of gibberellin-like activity in significantamounts.  相似文献   

A 300-bp repetitive element was found in the genome of the white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, and designated Abr1. It is present in approximately 15 copies per haploid genome in the commercial strain Horst U1. Analysis of seven copies showed 89 to 97% sequence identity. The repeat has features typical of class II transposons (i.e., terminal inverted repeats, subterminal repeats, and a target site duplication of 7 bp). The latter shows a consensus sequence. When used as probe on Southern blots, Abr1 identifies relatively little variation within traditional and present-day commercial strains, indicating that most strains are identical or have a common origin. In contrast to these cultivars, high variation is found among field-collected strains. Furthermore, a remarkable difference in copy numbers of Abr1 was found between A. bisporus isolates with a secondarily homothallic life cycle and those with a heterothallic life cycle. Abr1 is a type II transposon not previously reported in basidiomycetes and appears to be useful for the identification of strains within the species A. bisporus.  相似文献   

Strains A-15, S11, S-140, and U3 of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach, were used as parent strains for raising single spore homokaryotic isolates. Out of total 1,642 single spore isolates, only 36 single spore isolates were homokaryons and exhibited slow mycelial growth rate (≤2.0 mm/day) and appressed colony morphology. All these SSIs failed to produce pinheads in Petri plates even after 65 days of incubation, whereas the strandy slow growing SSIs along with parent strains were able to form the fructification in petriplates after 30 days. Out of 24, six ISSR primers, exhibited scorable bands. In the ISSR fingerprints, single spore isolates, homokaryons, lacked amplification products at multiple loci; they grow slowly and all of them had appressed types of colony morphology. The study revealed losses of ISSR polymorphic patterns in non-fertile homokaryotic single spore isolates compared to the parental control or fertile heterokaryotic single spore isolates.  相似文献   

The single-stranded RNA genome of a bacilliform virus from the common cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, was translated in an in vitro rabbit reticulocyte system. Optimal conditions for translation of mushroom bacilliform virus (MBV) RNA were 2.5 mM Mg2+, 70 mM K+, pH 7.2, and 60μg/ml RNA. Gel electrophoretic analysis showed that MBV RNA directs the synthesis of two major polypeptides of MW 77,000 and 37,000 and possibly several minor polypeptides (MW 21,000—28,000). An RNA polymerase activity could not be detected in purified virus preparations. The findings support the notion that the MBV genome functions directly as messenger for protein synthesis and further establishes the closer similarity between MBV and viruses of higher plants than mycoviruses.  相似文献   

For the first time, preparations of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) were made from meiotic chromosomes of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) basidia. It is the first experience of obtaining SC preparations of filamentous fungi from isolated meiosporangium protoplasts. Previously, only yeast SC preparations were obtained following this approach. The method includes four major stages: isolation of basidium protoplasts by treatment of basidia with lytic enzymes, spreading of protoplast nuclei on a filmy support by osmotic shock, staining the preparations with silver nitrate, and examination under light and electron microscopes. The structures of spread premeiotic nuclei, axial elements of chromosomes, SCs, chromatin, and nucleoli were studied at the leptotene–diplotene stage of meiotic prophase I.  相似文献   

A formerly developed method of microspreading of mushroom basidial nuclei was applied to study meiotic prophase I in bisporic white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains. Meiotic recombination and assemblage of axial structures (axial elements and synaptonemal complexes) of chromosomes in meiotic prophase I are interrelated. It is known that the frequency of meiotic recombination is reduced in the bisporic A. bisporus variety. We showed that formation of axial structures of meiotic chromosomes in bisporic strains of this mushroom was disrupted. The anomalous phenotypes in spread prophase nuclei are diverse. In leptotene and early zygotene, many nuclei contain abnormal, often short, and, as a rule, few chromosomal axial elements. The abnormalities in the formation of synaptonemal complexes at the zygotene-diplotene stage are of the same kind and even more pronounced. We discovered an important feature of meiosis in A. bisporus associated with fruit-body morphogenesis. Meiosis starting in basidia (meiocytes) of young closed fruit bodies is accompanied by disruption of chromatin condensation in prophase I and, probably, is arrested. After partial veil breakage, the course of meiosis normalizes. Preparations with clearly observable chromosomal axial structures can be obtained only at this stage of fruit-body development.  相似文献   

The genetic relationship between twenty-six strains of Agaricus bisporus were analysed by the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method. DNA amplification was performed with the use of twelve arbitrary 10-mer primers. Four primers, which gave polymorphic band patterns were chosen for RAPD analysis. In total, they gave 24 distinguishable bands, of which nine were polymorphic. The conducted research showed that there is a great genetic similarity among the examined strains. Low polymorphism of the strains may be a proof of a limited genetic pool used in the cultivation of those strains.  相似文献   

The pattern of volatiles from the mycelium of two commercial strains of Agaricus bisporus, grown in axenic culture on a semi-synthetic medium, was found to be broadly similar to that of the volatiles identified from sporophores. Tetrachloro-1,4-dimethoxybenzene, a known secondary metabolite of several Basidiomycetes, was found in the mycelium though not in the sporophores. [36Cl]Tetrachloro-1,4-dimethoxybenzene was obtained when sodium [13Cl]chloride was added to the medium.  相似文献   

Four lectins were purified from a mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) by ammonium sulfate fractionation, anion-exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography on bovine submaxillary mucin-Sepharose 4B and preparative isoelectric focusing. They were designated as ABA-I (pI 6.70), II (pI 5.98), III (pI 5.69) and IV (pI 5.53). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of each lectin in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate gave a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 16 000 Da. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis suggested that each lectin is a tetramer of subunits. The four lectins were found to have quite similar carbohydrate-binding specificities. The hemagglutination activities of the lectins were effectively inhibited by bovine and porcine submaxillary mucins (BSM and PSM), and NH2-terminal glyco-octapeptides obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage of human erythrocyte glycophorin A. In addition, desialylated PSM-glycopeptides were more potent inhibitors than untreated PSM-glycopeptides. Among monosaccharides and their glycosides, only methyl N-acetyl-alpha-galactosaminide inhibited lectin binding at a high concentration, but a synthetic oligosaccharide, O-beta-galactopyranosyl-(1----3)-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D- galactopyranosyl)-N-tosyl-L-serine, was a strong inhibitor.  相似文献   

A 14 kDa ribonuclease with a novel N-terminal sequence was isolated from fresh fruiting bodies of the portabella mushroom. It was adsorbed on DEAE-cellulose and carboxymethyl-cellulose, and demonstrated the highest ribonucleolytic potency toward poly (A), 60% as much activity toward poly (C), 40% as much activity toward poly (U), and the least activity (7% as much) toward poly (G). It exhibited a pH optimum at pH 4.5 and a temperature optimum at 60 degrees C. Its activity at 100 degrees C was higher than that at 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

The mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) has a requirement for a "casing layer" that has specific physical, chemical and microbiological properties which stimulate and promote the initiation of primordia. Some of these primordia then may develop further into sporophores, involving differentiation of tissue. Wild and commercial strains of A. bisporus were cultured in axenic and nonaxenic microcosms, using a rye grain substrate covered by a range of organic and inorganic casing materials. In axenic culture, A. bisporus (commercial strain A15) was capable of producing primordia and mature sporophores on charcoal (wood and activated), anthracite coal, lignite and zeolite, but not on bark, coir, peat, rockwool, silica or vermiculite. Of six strains tested, only the developmental variant mutant, B430, produced rudimentary primordia on axenic peat-based casing material. However, none of these rudimentary primordia developed differentiated tissues or beyond 4 mm diameter, either on axenic casing material in the microcosms or in larger-scale culture. In larger-scale, nonaxenic culture, strain B430 produced severely malformed but mature sporophores in similar numbers to those of other strains. Typically, 3-6% of primordia developed into mature sporophores, but significant differences in this proportion, as well as in the numbers of primordia produced, were recorded between 12 A. bisporus strains.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus glutamine synthetase, a key enzyme in nitrogen metabolism, was purified to apparent homogeneity. The native enzyme appeared to be a GS-II type enzyme. It has a molecular weight of 325 kDa and consists of eight 46-kDa subunits. Its pI was found at 4.9. Optimal activity was found at 30°C. The enzyme had low thermostability. Stability declined rapidly at temperatures above 20°C. The enzyme exhibits a K m for glutamate, ammonium, and ATP of 22mm, 0.16mm and 1.25mm respectively in the biosynthetic reaction, with optimal activity at pH 7. The enzyme is slightly inhibited by 10mm concentrations of l-alanine, l-histidine, l-tryptophan, anthranilic acid, and 5-AMP and was strongly inhibited by methionine sulfoximine and phosphinothricine. For the transferase reaction K i-values were 890 m and 240 m for methionine sulfoximine and phosphinothricine respectively. For the biosynthetic reaction K i was 17 m for both methionine sulfoximine and phosphinothricine.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described in which pure cultures of Agaricus bisporus were maintained on composted media in filtered atmospheres free from (a) noxious concentrations of carbon dioxide, and (b) contaminating microorganisms. When grown on compost alone, cultures of A. bisporus did not produce sporophores. Their formation was however stimulated by a covering layer of an unsterilized mixture of peat and chalk (=‘casing’ soil). Autoclaving or fumigating ‘casing’ with propylene oxide decreased populations of contaminating bacteria and prevented sporophore formation. Populations of micro-organisms isolated from unsterile ‘casing’ contained bacteria which when added to pure cultures of A. bisporus stimulated fruit-body formation. Numbers of these stimulators increased when cultured on a carbon-free liquid medium exposed to atmospheres with ethanol, ethyl acetate and acetone or containing the volatile metabolites of A. bisporus. The ability to utilize these volatile chemicals was exploited in a selective technique for isolating sporophore stimulators where aqueous suspensions of mixed bacterial populations were exposed to atmospheres of these materials for 5 days, before aliquots were added to agar media subsequently gelled. The stimulatory bacteria were identified as, or closely related to, Pseudomonas putida.  相似文献   

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