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Life table parameters of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, were estimated on five cotton cultivars (‘ Sealand' ,‘Siokra' ,' Vararnin' ,‘ Bakhtegan' and ‘ Sahel' ). Demographic parameters of the cotton aphid were assessed at 27.5 ± 1 ℃, 65% + 10% RH and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L: D)h. The shortest developmental time for the nymphal stages was 5.5 days on ‘Siokra' and the longest was 6.1 days on‘ Sealand'. The highest offspring per female was 29.6 on ‘Sahel' and the lowest was 15.3 on ‘Sealand'. The rm values varied from 0.272 on ‘Sealand' to 0.382 (day^-1) on ‘Varamin'. Jackknife estimates of the A. gossypii parameters on these cultivars indicated the greatest developmental rate and fecundity on ‘ Varamin' and the poorest on ‘ Sealand' cultivar.  相似文献   

Energy budgets of larval stages of the Chinese green lacewing, Chrysopa sinica (Tjeder) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) were determined under laboratory conditions at photo‐period of 14:10 L:D, 27 ± 1°C and 75%± 2% RH. The energy used as ingestion, assimilation, respiration, productivity and feces was constructed for each developmental stage. In addition, under these experimental conditions, the potential of C. sinica as a biological control agent was evaluated according to the ingestion by this predator and the energy content of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae). The larval stage of C. sinica was able to consume 1281.4 1‐day‐old aphids, 1018.7 2‐day‐old aphids, 626.9 3‐day‐old aphids, 393.5 4‐day‐old aphids, 312.1 5‐day‐old aphids or 203.5 9‐day‐old aphids, respectively. No significant difference was detected between the estimated number of aphids consumed by the lacewings using energetic methods and the actual number of aphids consumed by the lacewings in this experiment. Our results showed that C. sinica is an important natural enemy of the cotton aphid, and energetic methods are very useful to quantify biological control efficacy of natural enemies.  相似文献   

Biology of the aphid Therioaphis maculata was studied on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), including four resistant (Mesa-Sirsa, CUF101, Baker and Lahontan) and two susceptible (ARC and Caliverde) alfalfa cultivars, and one of the most cropped Brazilian cultivars, Crioula. Under controlled conditions, antibiosis (i.e., reduced longevity, fecundity and increased mortality of the aphid) was observed mainly on the resistant alfalfa cultivars, except on Lahontan. Crioula seemed to be tolerant to aphids. Present data support geographic limitation usage of cultivars, and we suggest Baker and Mesa-Sirsa as sources of antibiosis, and provide biological information of a tropical T. maculata biotype on alfalfa.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) can be an important factor influencing the effective- ness of aphid natural enemies in biological control. In particular, aphid parasitoid foraging could be influenced by the presence of predators. This study investigated the effect of larvae of the predatory hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae) and the multicolored Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the foraging behavior of the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) in choice experiments using a leaf disc bioassay. Wasp response to chemical tracks left by those predator larvae was also tested. Parasitoid behavior was recorded using the Observer (Noldus Information Technology, version 5.0, Wageningen, the Netherlands). The experiments were conducted under controlled environmental conditions using leaves of the broad bean plant, Viciafaba L. (Fabaceae) with Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae) as the host complex. A. ervi females avoided aphid patches when larvae of either predator were present. A similar avoidance response was shown by A. ervi to aphid patches with E. balteatus larval tracks, whereas no significant response was observed to tracks left by H. axyridis larvae. It was concluded that IG predator avoidance shown by the aphid parasitoid A. ervi may be a factor affecting their distribution among host patches.  相似文献   

AMIN NIKPAY 《Insect Science》2007,14(2):145-150
The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica is a major insect pests of stored grain in the tropics. Vegetable oils (chamomile, sweet almond and coconut) at 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0 and 10.0 mL/kg were tested against Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in wheat grain. All bioassays were conductr, d at 30℃ and 65% + 2% RH. Treatments with vegetable oils at high dose (10.0 mL/kg) achieved over 95% control within 24 h of exposure to freshly treated grain, There was little difference between the three oils in their effect. Persistence of oils in grains was tested at short-term storage intervals (48, 72 and 96 h) and intermediate-term intervals (10, 20 and 30 days) after treatments. The activity of all products decreased with storage period. Seed viability was reduced by the high dose rate (10.0 mL/kg) of oil treatments. The potential use of vegetable oils as supplementary or alternative grain protectants against insect damage in traditional grain storage in developing countries is discussed.  相似文献   

Association of aphid life stages based on a portion of COI sequence was applied in Eriosomatini. Three aphid specimens, nos. 17496, 19265a, and 19265b collected on Gramineae roots all clustered with Tetraneura chinensis Mordvilko with strong support. The average pairwise p-distance among the four taxa was 0.001 (range, 0.000-0.002), and that among all the ingroup taxa was 0.065 (range, 0.000-0.141). This indicated that nos. 17496 and 19265 b were the secondary-host morphs of T. chinensis. In this paper the secondary host morph of T. chinensis is described for the first time. With the identification of more species' secondary-host morphs, aphids identification based on this morph will be made easily.  相似文献   

Aphis glycines Matsumura is an important pest of soybean in Asia and North America. Hymenoptera parasitoids play a key role in the control of the soybean aphid. Thecorrect identification of parasitoids is a critical step that precedes the assessment of their potential biological control agents. Accurate identification of the majority of the speciesattacking the soybean aphid often requires elaborate specimen preparation and expert taxonomic knowledge. In this study, we facilitated the identification of soybean aphidparasitoids by applying a DNA barcoding approach following a preliminary morphological identification. We generated DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial COI gene andthe D2 region of 28S rDNA to assess the genetic variation within and between parasitoid species emerging from the soybean aphid in China. Fifteen Hymenoptera parasitoid speciesbelonging to 10 genera of five families were identified with little intra-specific variation (0.09% ± 0.06% for 28S and 0.36% ± 0. 18% for COI) and large inter-specific divergence(30.46% ± 3.42% for 28S and 20.4% ± 1.20% for COI).  相似文献   

The chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) signature emitted from vegetation provides an abundance of information regarding photosynthetics activity and has been used as a powerful tool to obtain physiological information of plant leaves in a non-invasive manner. CF is difficult to quantify because the CF signal is obscured by reflected light. In the present study, the apparent reflectance spectra of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves were measured under illuminations with and without filtering by three specially designed long-wave pass edge filters; the cut-off wavelengths of the three filters were 653.8, 678.2, and 694. l nm at 50% of maximum transmittance. The CF spectra could be derived as the reflectance difference spectra of the leaves under illuminations with and without the long wave pass edge filters. The ratio of the reflectance difference at 685 and 740 nm (Dif685/Dif740) was linear correlated with the CF parameters (maximal photochemical efficiency Fv/Fm, and the yield of quantum efficiency) measured by the modulated fluorometer. In addition, the ratio reflected the water stress status of the wheat leaf, which was very high when water deficiency was serious. This method provides a new approach for detecting CF and the physiological state of crops.  相似文献   

Cheng AX  Xia GM  Zhi DY  Chen HM 《Cell research》2004,14(1):86-91
We report the production and characterization of somatic hybrids between Triticum aestivum L. and Agropyron elongatum (Host) Nevishi (the synonym is Thinopyrum ponticum). Asymmetric protoplast fusion was performed between Agropyron elongatum protoplasts irradiated with a low UV dose and protoplasts of wheat taken from nonregenerable suspension cultures. More than 40 green plantlets were obtained from 15 regenerated clones and one of them produced seeds. The phenotypes of the hybrid plants and seeds were intermediate between wheat and Agropyron elongatum. All of the regenerated calli and plants were verified as intergeneric hybrids on the basis of morphological observation and analysis of isozyme, cytological, 5SrDNA spacer sequences and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial genome revealed evidence of random segregation and recombination of mtDNA.  相似文献   

Life tables of brown and green color morphs of the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) reared on barley under laboratory conditions at 20 + 1℃,65% ± 5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16 : 8 h (L : D) were compared. The plants were either: (i) infected with the Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV); (ii) not infectedwith virus but previously infested with aphids; or (iii) healthy barley plants, which were not previously infested with aphids. Generally, both color morphs of S. avenae performedsignificantly better when fed on BYDV-infected plants than on plants that were virus free but had either not been or had been previously infested with aphids. Furthermore,when fed on BYDV-infected plants, green S. avenae developed significantly faster and had a significantly shorter reproductive period than the brown color morph. There wereno significant differences in this respect between the two color morphs ofS. avenae when they were reared on virus-free plants that either had been or not been previously infestedwith aphids. These results indicate that barley infected with BYDV is a more favorable host plant than uninfected barley for both the color morphs ofS. avenae tested, particularly the green color morph.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko),exists with holocyclic life cycle in Tacheng, Xinjiang in Northwest China. It produces males and oviparae to mate and oviposit for overwintering by eggs. Under laboratory conditions with 14 h/d photophase and temperature not lower than 15℃, RWA occurred in parthenogenesis and produced no males. The laboratory popu-lations of Russian wheat aphid, which were kept under natural conditions in fall by 15th, 49th and 81st generation while wild populations produced males and oviparae for mating, produced males and oviparae with their number decreased gradually, but viviparae and nymphs increased sequen-tially. As a result, it produced a small amount of oviparae and no males emerged in fields by 49 generations' reproduction in laboratory. After development of 81 generations, oviparae happened occasionally and no eggs occurred for overwintering instead of viviparae and nymphs. A hypothesis of RWA disastrous process was proposed. The life cycle of RWA can be changed from holocycly to anholocycly in its long-term spread and evolution. Anholocycly is more dangerous than holocycly to small grains for its strong adaptability and dispersal ability.  相似文献   

A crucial function of antioxidative enzymes is to remove excess reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can be toxic to plant cells. The effect of Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), infestation on the activities of antioxidative enzymes was investigated in the resistant (cv. Tugela DN) and the near-isogenic susceptible (cv. Tugela) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RWA infestation significantly induced the activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase to higher levels in the resistant than in susceptible plants. These findings suggest the involvement of antioxidative enzymes in the RWA-wheat resistance response, which was accompanied by an early oxidative burst. The results are consistent with the role of ROS in the resistance response and the control of their levels to minimise toxic effects.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), exists with holocyclic life cycle in Tacheng, Xinjiang in Northwest China. It produces males and oviparae to mate and oviposit for overwintering by eggs. Under laboratory conditions with 14 h/d photophase and temperature not lower than 15℃, RWA occurred in parthenogenesis and produced no males. The laboratory populations of Russian wheat aphid, which were kept under natural conditions in fall by 15th, 49th and 81st generation while wild populations produced males and oviparae for mating, produced males and oviparae with their number decreased gradually, but viviparae and nymphs increased sequentially. As a result, it produced a small amount of oviparae and no males emerged in fields by 49 generations' reproduction in laboratory. After development of 81 generations, oviparae happened occasionally and no eggs occurred for overwintering instead of viviparae and nymphs. A hypothesis of RWA disastrous process was proposed. The life cycle of RWA can  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is considered the most important pest of wheat produced under dryland field conditions in South Africa. As part of an integrated pest management strategy, the entomopathogenic hyphomycete Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin was evaluated in combination with antibiotic host plant resistance under dryland field conditions during 1998 and 1999. A commercial formulation, Mycotrol® ES, was applied at a rate of 2.4 L (5×1013 conidia) per hectare +0.1% organosilicone surfactant. During both years, two applications were administered, i.e., on growth stages 31 (first node detectable) and 39 (early flag leaf). An additional treatment, application at growth stage 39 only, was included during 1999. Over the duration of the 1998 trial, ca. 65% fewer aphids were observed on treated plots compared with controls. A similar level of population reduction was observed during the 1999 trial; however, treatment effects were only briefly evident due to a rapid field-wide decline in aphid populations caused by adverse (cool, wet) weather conditions. The early application (GS 31) resulted in some level of control only during 1998. It was hypothesized that this phenomenon was the result of greater exposure to the spray applications and/or greater secondary pick-up of fungal inoculum by the aphids due to the higher level of aphid activity observed on the cultivar employed during that year. In this regard, migration of D. noxia onto the flag leaves should be further investigated as a behavioural trait for possible exploitation when considering the use of a mycoinsecticide.  相似文献   

The intercellular peroxidase and chitinase activities of three wheat cultivars [Triticum aestivum L. cvs `Tugela DN', `Molopo DN' (Gariep) and `Betta DN'] containing the Dn-1 gene for resistance to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and the corresponding near-isogenic susceptible cultivars (`Tugela', `Molopo' and `Betta') were studied under conditions of infestation and non-infestation. The aim was to gain information on the mechanism of resistance. The resistance response was induced by RWA infestation. Infestation rapidly induced the activities of both enzymes selectively in resistant wheat to levels of magnitudes higher than those in susceptible wheat. The genetic background in which the Dn-1 resistance gene is bred played a role and the level of activity corresponded to the level of resistance. Immunologic studies confirmed that the induction of enzyme activities was due to the induction of higher protein levels. These results indicate that peroxidase and chitinase may have a role in insect resistance. Received: 20 June 1997 / Revision received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

Changes in fitness parameters as a function of colony size (one versus 10 aphids) were measured in two biotypes (RWA1 and RWA2) of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Homoptera: Aphididae), feeding on three cultivars of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., at two temperatures. 'Trego' is a cultivar with no specific resistance to D. noxia, whereas, 'Stanton' and 'Halt' express Dny and Dn4 resistance sources, respectively. Feeding in a group accelerated the development of RWA1 on Trego and Stanton at 20 degrees C, but not at 24 degrees C, whereas grouped RWA2 developed faster than solitary RWA2 on all three cultivars at 24 degrees C, but not at 20 degrees C. Survival (first instar-adult) of RWA2 also was improved by grouping on Stanton and Halt at 24 degrees C, but solitary RWA2 survived better at 20 degrees C on all three cultivars. The reproductive rate of RWA1 was improved by grouping on Trego and Stanton at both temperatures, but only on Halt at 24 degrees C. Lifetime fecundity of RWA1 also was increased by grouping in all cases except for Trego at 20 degrees C. Grouped development increased the reproductive rate of RWA2 on all three cultivars at 24 degrees C, but had no effect at 20 degrees C. Grouped RWA2 developed and reproduced faster than grouped RWA1 on all three cultivars at 24 degrees C. Thus, the fitness of D. noxia was positively correlated with group size during colony establishment, but the effects were sensitive to temperature, being more pronounced at 20 degrees C for RWA1 and at 24 degrees C for RWA2.  相似文献   

As one of the most important natural enemies of aphids, lady beetles have been widely used for the control of pest aphids. Important to the efficiency of natural enemies is their functional response to varying prey densities. In this study, the functional response of Hippodamia variegata Goeze (Col.: Coccienllidae) to different densities of Diuraphis noxia Mordvilko was examined on two wheat cultivars with different resistance levels under laboratory conditions (25 ± 1°C, 65 ± 5% RH and 16:8 L:D photoperiod). Our results revealed that all stages of H. variegata exhibited a type II functional response, in that predation decreased with increasing prey density. Searching efficiency (a) and handling time (Th) of third instar larvae on the Sardari cultivar were 0.0285/h and 0.0079 h, while for fourth instar larvae these values were 0.0561/h and 1 × 10?8 h, for males these values were 0.0412/h and 0.0173 h and for females were 0.059/h and 0.0168 h. The corresponding values for the back cross cultivar for third instar larvae were 0.0475/h and 0.0782 h, for fourth instar larvae were 0.0753/h and 0.0529 h, for males were 0.045/h and 0.0060 h and for females were 0.0516/h and 0.0077 h. This study demonstrated that these wheat cultivars do not have a significant effect on the functional response parameters of H. variegata life stages, except for the searching efficiency of third instar larvae and the handling time of male adults. The possible application of this species against Russian wheat aphids in an integrated pest management programme is also discussed.  相似文献   

Biotype 2 of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), was identified in the United States in 2003 and is virulent to all commercially available cultivars of winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., that are resistant to biotype 1. We compared the development and reproduction of biotype 2 D. noxia at 21.7 +/- 0.12 degrees C on 'Trego' (PI 612576), a susceptible commercial cultivar, and on lines CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 that represent putative resistance sources. CI 2401 is a pure wheat line originating in the former USSR (Tajikistan), whereas 03GD1378027 is a USDA-ARS breeding line originally developed from crosses with a South African line that carried a large rye translocation conferring D. noxia resistance. Both lines previously showed resistance to biotype 1 and are currently being used in the development of D. noxia-resistant wheat cultivars. Both solitary apterous virginoparae of biotype 2 and their progeny experienced a reduction in survival and prolonged developmental times on CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 compared with Trego, but the former lines did not differ significantly from each other with respect to either measure of aphid performance. Progeny developed faster than did their foundress mothers on CI 2401 and Trego, but not on 03GD1378027. Mean foundress fecundity did not differ between CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 but was reduced on these lines relative to Trego. Foundresses also were more often found off plants of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 than Trego. Estimates of intrinsic rate of increase were higher on Trego than on either CI 2401 or 03GD1378027, the latter two lines yielding similar values. The negative impacts of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 on development and reproduction of biotype 2 indicate that these lines represent sources of resistance effective against this biotype.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) is one of the most destructive insect pests of cereals world-wide. Although resistant cultivars have been bred, the biochemical mechanism of resistance is unknown. The aim of this work was to gain information on the mechanism of resistance which could contribute to more directed breeding of resistant cultivars in the future. The effect of RWA infestation on the inter- and intracellular β-1,3-glucanase activities was studied in different resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars containing the Dn-1 gene for RWA resistance and corresponding near-isogenic susceptible cultivars. The activity was determined spectrophotometrically by measuring the release of glucose from laminarin. Infestation differentially induced the intra- and intercellular activities to much higher levels in resistant than susceptible cultivars within 48 h. According to immunological studies induced enzyme activities were due to increased protein levels. The intracellular β-1,3-glucanase contained about 8% exo-activity. The exo-activity made an insignificant contribution to the intercellular activity. The genetic background into which the resistance gene was bred did affect the level of activity that corresponded to the resistance performance. Seven apoplastic isoforms of β-1,3-glucanase, varying from acidic to basic, were resolved by isoelectric focusing. All isoenzymes were equally induced and no specific one could be linked to resistance or susceptibility. The RWA induced β-1,3-glucanase activity in resistant cultivars closely resembles defence responses during pathogenesis and seems to be part of a general defence response like the hypersensitive reaction (HR), which confers resistance to the RWA. This knowledge might be helpful in future to identify genes for RWA resistance. The increased β-1,3-glucanase activity after RWA infestation might serve as an additional measure to biochemically trace resistance in crosses during breeding.  相似文献   

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